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LSSC: Season One All Episodes Talk

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The Nightly Show has fewer amounts of chanting as well. So looks like it's a goner.

After Stephen mentioning one man besides Kasich left standing to be the nominee is Cruz I thought now we have another Hungry for Power Games, but to no avail. What is Stephen waiting for?

The Sleepwalker's endorsement of Drumpf was cute, though.

On The Nightly Show, the chanting may have been a hold-over from TCR, which was in that time slot before TNS. For a long time now, I've fast-forwarded until the host starts speaking on every show I watch that has a live audience--I watch the late night shows in the morning before work; I don't have time for that or for the interviews unless it's someone I'm really interested in. 

I love William H Macy. I enjoyed the interview with him. I loved his "I just fake it" ending to his discussion of various acting method philosophies. Although I haven't liked everything I've seen him in - I've like HIM in everything I've seen him in. That is to say, his acting, not necessarily his character.

Anybody else anticipating tomorrow's Last Week Tonight to see if John caught Stephen's cold? I know, I'm weird.

Edited by clanstarling
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I don't know, I think the producer thing is something they are working out. The Hungry for Power Games has his "mute boy". The wheel has the guy with the pole (undoubtedly spurred by the first episode where he had to spin the wheel himself). Then Stephen has had the "staff meetings" with that blonde woman. I think the producer woman this week was the person controlling the various animals in his monologue a few weeks back. We've seen the guy in his wedding (cannot remember his name for the life of me) a few times.

I wouldn't be surprised if CBS has told Stephen to get a partner to bounce off of and they are trying to figure out who is that best person.

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I kind of love the mute guy. I'm not sure why. On the surface, he's pretty ridiculous. But his dead pan expression makes me laugh every time. There are mutes in the Hunger Games series, but I haven't watched the movies so I'm not sure if he's supposed to look like them and is an additional "tribute" to the show.

Edited by clanstarling
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I agree that there is an attempt to give Stephen more interaction, but I'm not sure that's the whole of it. I kind of like the way Stephen involves some backstage folks in the on-camera action. It almost feels like his version of sharing the spotlight - since it has been remarked upon that Stephen tends to make himself the centre of attention, and can't seem to help himself, that his way of attempting to address this, rather than to step back a little (which he just can't do), is to bring some of the usually-invisible crew into the spotlight with him, to demonstrate the team effort that goes into making the show. Like instead of saying, "No, don't chant my name," he's saying "Chant these names too!"


I'm noticing more of a trend in talk shows and comedy shows to give some slight credit and attention to the team that works behind the scenes. It's common wisdom, when you are hired as a writer or crew member for a show with a "star," that your job is to contribute your talents and efforts completely invisibly, in order to make the star look as good as possible. The illusion created is that the star is brilliant, witty, talented, etc, and is so naturally, on his own. If the audience can see you doing your job, or see your fingerprints on the material, then it pokes holes in the illusion of the "one man show" and you are considered to have done your job poorly. Remember when people would try and discredit Jon Stewart by pointing out that he had a team of writers behind him? As if deflating the image of the man or pulling back the curtain on the machinery would somehow invalidate the points that Jon AND his team of writers were making? Nowadays, I feel like the industry as a whole is getting a bit more comfortable talking about and giving credit to the team of people that work pretty thanklessly to make that one star look good. I think Stephen is fully embracing (maybe leading) this trend, and I enjoy the way he deflects a bit of the adoration/attention that he gets to those who wouldn't normally be noticed. Things like chatting with his producer, introducing the guy holding the lever, crediting his stylist when told he looks good... he's poking holes in his own illusion, which is really disorienting for a lot of viewers, because it's completely against the long-established expectations of this kind of show, but also kind of refreshing! Plus I find it interesting to get a little taste of the behind-the-scenes world. (I've been enjoying Nick Rheinwald-Jones' Making the Sausage podcast for this reason too!)


Besides, his producer makes a better conversational foil for him than Jon Batiste, and after those early attempts at "having a producer meeting on air" which was weird and a bit off-putting, they seem to be finding their footing with how they want to integrate the crew a little more naturally. I'm enjoying it!

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I'm noticing more of a trend in talk shows and comedy shows to give some slight credit and attention to the team that works behind the scenes.

Appearing regularly: Pat Farmer, Harold Larkin, Bill Wendell, Kathleen Ankers, Al Frish, Sue Humm, Tony Mendez, Bill Scheft, Biff Henderson, Al Maher, Barbara Gaines, Dave Dorsett, Jude Brennan, Hal Gurnee, Peter Fatovich, Todd Seda, Alan Kalter, Joe Grossman, Stephanie Birkitt, Kenny Sheehan, Gerry Mulligan, intern Dave Ellner (aka Pea Boy)... and the list goes on.


Colbert ain't doin' nothin' new

Edited by kib
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How high was Jon last night? He was a horrible addition to last night's show. I really hope they didn't decide that he needs to be a permanent fixture. It's bad enough when they leave his mic open.

I don't know, I kind of like Jon when he's in stoner mode.  Seems like the only time in the show they leave room for uncalculated humor. 

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I enjoyed Stephen's discussion with Jason Jones about their (not shared) time as correspondents on The Daily Show. I always feel sorry for the staffers when they do their field pieces with possibly hostile and/or clueless interviewees, and it was interesting to hear them confirm that they sometimes were shitting their pants as well. Lawsuits galore! "Check your soul at the door."

Edited by lordonia

Ooooo.  Oooo dear, that's what Matthew Perry looks like now!?  No wonder he didn't show up on that NBC special; he looks not well.


Is he going to be in a biopic of Beethoven, by any chance?  Yeah, I know I'm being a little mean and I'm not one to talk about another's weight or appearance, but good God!


On a more positive note, who else loves Nick Offerman?  King of Bears, he is!  Macho and rugged.

Edited by bmoore4026
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Ummm...were there no mirrors in Matthew Perry's dressing room? WTF was that hair-don't? And I think his years of addiction took its toll on his ability to speak clearly...or he's still using. He sounded slurry to me. Or like he was over-enunciating in some spots. I hope he's OK...I always had the biggest crush on Matthew Perry & thought "Chandler" was my soul mate.

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That Community Calendar with Nick Offerman was even more hilarious to me than it probably was to most, because I lived there for a year and actually worked at the Channahon and Minooka libraries, and in fact was the one of the first staff members at the Minooka branch. No lasers anywhere back then, though!!


Since I actually grew up in the next community over (Shorewood), I did notice that Nick pronounced "Minooka" like only the true natives of the town do. "Mi-NEW-kah" is for the natives, everyone else tends to pronounce it "Mi-NUH-kah". I got corrected on my pronounciation several times while I lived there.

Edited by Sharpie66
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Last night I just wanted to see Jon and the band and all the special guests sitting in. I mean, George Clinton (who I barely recognized without all the hair) and Parliament Funkadelic? Bootsie Collins? Who cares about interviews after that?


In case anyone missed it, there's a link to a full number they did here on their Youtube page:  https://youtu.be/VEPAzUKA8DA?list=PLiZxWe0ejyv_qt5825jVFBBAC52Vp1yAK


Amazing performance.


Loved Stephen's segments with Nick Offerman as well.

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I think Matthew Perry must have gotten some dentures or dental work done, cuz that shwishy sound was definitely audible. His eyes have gotten very squinty as well. His hairline is receding at light speed, and the gray is not flattering. Maybe he was in character for Oscar, cuz he sure looked like a slob. Or I'm superficial as hell. But hey, the media does it to women all the time. I guess Matt's being real.

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This is a little late, but Perry was on Graham Norton back in January and he suffered from the same speech impediment (not sure what else to call it). There was lots of speculation after the airing about dental work or a less savory source of the problem (drugs/alcohol, even a stroke was suggested). He was totally charming throughout, though the problem became much more pronounced as the hour wore on. 


Also, Perry's play in London is why he could not attend the James Burrows tribute in person. It's his own work, and I can understand him not wanting to blow it off as he tries to reinvent himself as a playwright. I doubt Burrows took the absence personally.


These Friday night reruns during a week of new shows are tiresome. This is the fifth or sixth time since February that Colbert has been off on a Friday. The first time, it made sense - he had done the live Sunday show post-Super Bowl. None of the rest since then are really excusable (not even tonight, because of the 11:35 Masters recap). Carson earned the privilege of four and then three day work weeks after several decades at The Tonight Show. The last thing Stephen's show needs is to become unreliable with new episodes given he hasn't even been on the air (in this format) for nine months yet.

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Ummm...were there no mirrors in Matthew Perry's dressing room? WTF was that hair-don't? And I think his years of addiction took its toll on his ability to speak clearly...or he's still using. He sounded slurry to me. Or like he was over-enunciating in some spots. I hope he's OK...I always had the biggest crush on Matthew Perry & thought "Chandler" was my soul mate.

Yeah, that was hard to watch. At first we thought he was doing a character of some sort, and then it hit me that he was really slurring his words but trying not to. Reminded me of being really, really drunk but trying to 'be' sober. I hope he's not fallen off the wagon, but sure seemed like it. :(

Yeah, that was hard to watch. At first we thought he was doing a character of some sort, and then it hit me that he was really slurring his words but trying not to. Reminded me of being really, really drunk but trying to 'be' sober. I hope he's not fallen off the wagon, but sure seemed like it. :(

Ugh, yes, I had to ffwd. He also had staring eyes, like a coke head. So sad for him :(

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Just to reiterate, Perry's appearance on Colbert is, unfortunately, how he appears to look and sound these days:




Some reviews for The End of Longing noted it was uncertain if Perry's speech pattern was part of the character he was playing or part of Perry himself. 

Someone mentioned in comments of that Sun story that he may have had a mini stroke or something that could tie back to when he had his drug and etc. issues. As most of us know hard living can make people look older before their time which may account for the way he looks somewhat. His mouth does kind of look like he could have had a small stroke as does the way he speaks. I would hate to think he's back to boozing and drug using. 

Wow. That was painful to watch Wayne Shorter sitting there with the 'WTF am I doing here?' look on his face. The band, however, could have giving him more opportunity to play. If you don't know what to do with musical guests, please don't invite them!

Oh yeah, and dissing Bernie Sanders while having Hillary Clinton as a pre-taped guest is so original. Yawn ...


Liked the apology to Australia bit, though. ;-)

Even though I watch LSSC more than I have any other talk show in years, I don't see it all the time. So I'll be very interested to read if anyone notices any differences in the episodes, now that a new show runner has taken over from Stephen.


Two immediately noticeable and overdue changes last night:


  • Starting the show with the opening credits, instead of the cold open monologue/introduction of Batiste/run down of the guests/"one more thing"/throw to credits for the guest run down repeated;
  • Killed the "Stephen! Stephen! Stephen!" chant.
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Two immediately noticeable and overdue changes last night:


  • Starting the show with the opening credits, instead of the cold open monologue/introduction of Batiste/run down of the guests/"one more thing"/throw to credits for the guest run down repeated;
  • Killed the "Stephen! Stephen! Stephen!" chant.



Those do sound like improvements. The first because, if you've got guests designed to attract viewers, why on earth wouldn't you want to lead with that information? The second because, duh. 


Two immediately noticeable and overdue changes last night:


  • Starting the show with the opening credits, instead of the cold open monologue/introduction of Batiste/run down of the guests/"one more thing"/throw to credits for the guest run down repeated;
  • Killed the "Stephen! Stephen! Stephen!" chant.



Wow, didn't even notice the Stephen Stephen thing last night.

Two immediately noticeable and overdue changes last night:

  • Starting the show with the opening credits, instead of the cold open monologue/introduction of Batiste/run down of the guests/"one more thing"/throw to credits for the guest run down repeated;
  • Killed the "Stephen! Stephen! Stephen!" chant.
IIRC the chant was deep-sixed prior to Licht's arrival. Regardless of the timeline, someone deserves a little something extra in their paycheck for making that decision. Edited by kib
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I hope they continue with not having as many guests on each night. I like it better when these shows have 2 sit down guests and a musical/other stage act or 3 sit down guests. There's been many times when I've wished his interviews with some people had been longer but they were cut off due to how much they've tried to cram into an hour.

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I hope they continue with not having as many guests on each night. I like it better when these shows have 2 sit down guests and a musical/other stage act or 3 sit down guests. There's been many times when I've wished his interviews with some people had been longer but they were cut off due to how much they've tried to cram into an hour.


I agree that some interviews should be able to go longer and I also think the other good thing about having fewer guests is that it will eventually give them more time for taped segments.  Starting the show with a taped cold open is a good development that plays to Stephen's strengths I think.

No cold open tonight, no "Stephen Stephen" chanting.


It does seem like he gets to the political behind-the-desk comedy bit quicker now, only because no opening titles now separate it from the monologue. (I'm sure it occurs the same number of minutes into the show, but it seems sooner.) I think that's a good change.

I would totally eat Lucky Charms with Bailey's for breakfast!  I could even leave out the Lucky Charms...


The puppies named Line were adorable.  And Leslie Odom Jr is quite charming.


I did think that Jon's anecdote about Prince was a little ... weird.  In that he talked about the aura and presence he had, and the example he picked was Prince telling some guy to stop filming him with his phone.  Ah well

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