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S14.E03: Shut Up And Sew

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If Lindsay wanted to reference Hanfu, that's what she would have said.  Kimono and Hanfu are different and someone trying for that for Hong Kong would have known the difference.  Also, Kimono, Happi and Haori are also different.


Sorry for the sensitivity but as a Korean American, I get asked on a regular basis "what's the best Sushi?"  And this is in LA.

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If Lindsay wanted to reference Hanfu, that's what she would have said.  Kimono and Hanfu are different and someone trying for that for Hong Kong would have known the difference.  Also, Kimono, Happi and Haori are also different.


Sorry for the sensitivity but as a Korean American, I get asked on a regular basis "what's the best Sushi?"  And this is in LA.

Actually some of the best sushi I've ever had was at a Korean restaurant.


Although of course some of us are wise enough to realize that's just because there are some smart Korean businessmen out there capitalizing on a captive audience at their restaurants and milking some extra bucks out of people.

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I want someone to tell Merline she's not there to make friends.  Yes, she does need to be considerate, but not to the extreme that she doesn't represent herself at all in the work. Joseph is just a baby.  Lindsay should have just told him not to condescend to her with sweetie, dear, and the like.  I think Hanmiao(sp?) would be a hand full.  I did like what she said at the end though and it made me think differently of her.  The winning outfit was just fugly to me.  I didn't think they had a whole lot to work with though.  I want to see Swatch and Mood.  Mini-moods just don't get it.

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If Lindsay wanted to reference Hanfu, that's what she would have said.  Kimono and Hanfu are different and someone trying for that for Hong Kong would have known the difference.  Also, Kimono, Happi and Haori are also different.


Sorry for the sensitivity but as a Korean American, I get asked on a regular basis "what's the best Sushi?"  And this is in LA.

And as a whatever it is I am, I get asked lots of questions too.

And many do not even peripherally apply to me.

Is the world expanding or contracting?

It's really difficult to keep up.

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I find his lavender contacts distracting. If you google his name, you'll see lots of photos of him with his naturally brown eyes. He's handsome, particularly when he's shaved his face. Lots of personality, too.

he had me in episode one, when he said everyone was running like there was free food. He's witty and I enjoy his commentary.

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Edmund and Hammiao..a trainwreck in action. Neutral on Edmund, but she is a stubborn, unyielding bitch, unwilling to consider moving outside her design vision even slightly. And using non-stretch cotton to make a bathing suit screamed clueless right there. Agree or disagree on doing a bathing suit, but at least choose the right material. Also, I read her bathroom stunt with the model as disrespectful bordering on racist...why listen to the black guy, or even try to work with him? Glad she is gone.

Actually Hanmiao did not want to use that stretch fabric - she commented on it - but Edmond wanted to use it for the swimsuit.  Caught this on the rewatch.

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Hanmiao proved herself to be one of the biggest weirdos ever on this show. Between her refusal to even look at what Edmond was showing her about constructing a swimsuit and her taking the model into another room to sew her into the suit, thus quashing any possible discussion about using the other swimsuit, she came across as stubborn to the point of a personality disorder.

I thought the Greek outfit was ridiculous looking. Maybe it was fashion, but to me it looked like it would have made a wonderful costume for an Elvis impersonator.

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My heart goes out to Merline. I see her behavior as being on the autistic spectrum evidenced by her inappropriate behavior (i.e., when she was standing on the runway at the end with Hanmiao, the way she was giggling and rocking back and forth) and the way she seems almost in physical pain when she is required to be subdued (watch her ball her fists and shake them when she was trying to placate Joseph by being quiet). I can see her getting accepted for this show and expecting that she will fit in, and then, as probably has happened before, she is isolated for her unusual behaviors. She does not really seem to understand what is appropriate behavior. An average person would not have cowed under to Joseph quite so quickly, or at least taken a stand after Tim said their look was too mumsy, and Joseph's response was "We'll see." An average person might have at least tried to stand their ground. The fact that she tried so hard to please Joseph was painful to watch.

It was also painful to watch him be so mean to Merline on the runway & after. She completely bent over backwards to do everything he asked of her, trying to make friends & fit in. All for naught because Joe acted like he hated her. I didn't quite get how she ended up in the bottom two when the whole design was his concept & she just played seamstress---except that Merline didn't make that more clear to the judges. I hope next episode we see her strike more of a balance between her needs & the needs of others.

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It was also painful to watch him be so mean to Merline on the runway & after. She completely bent over backwards to do everything he asked of her, trying to make friends & fit in. All for naught because Joe acted like he hated her. I didn't quite get how she ended up in the bottom two when the whole design was his concept & she just played seamstress---except that Merline didn't make that more clear to the judges. I hope next episode we see her strike more of a balance between her needs & the needs of others.


Joseph is, I'm afraid, on the road to discovering that he's an aging unknown for a reason. Well, not so much afraid as experiencing a fair amount of schadenfreude about.


I am inclined to dislike Blake, but I didn't dislike the greek outfit. I could see Jean Harlow or Katherine Hepburn or Ginger Rogers wearing it back in the day.

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I actually went to Celebrity Cruises' website and paged through all their 5 pages of European cruises and found St. Petersburg as a port-of-call on the very last page.  Not so much with FL, even as a departure city!  Tim also announced that all the suitcases represented "exotic" destinations so, again, definitely not FL.

I personally find Faberge eggs fussy and frilly and (to me) ugly, and seeing the lavender/silver/brocade thing I thought fussy/frilly/ugly, so I didn't have that much of a problem with at least a tenuous link between Faberge eggs and that one fabric (yeah, I know they come in other colors too).  I watched as much of the show as I could stand on Lifetime's site and as far as I went, you only see a tiny glimpse of the third fabric Joseph and Merline had in the suitcase, and it was a sort of muted floral? print with lavender, white, and a sort of grayish blue???  Of the three, it was the most interesting, but still blah!  Maybe trying to get at shadows on snow?  

I was so distracted by the few wisps of hair hanging under Hanmiao's bangs.  I wanted to trim them off!

In my partial rewatch I caught Kelly's talking head about Edmond basically having to pull teeth to get anything out of Hanmiao, so I'm more on the side of her being the more difficult one of the two, not him badgering her and then not letting her talk.

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I actually went to Celebrity Cruises' website and paged through all their 5 pages of European cruises and found St. Petersburg as a port-of-call on the very last page.  Not so much with FL, even as a departure city!  Tim also announced that all the suitcases represented "exotic" destinations so, again, definitely not FL.

I personally find Faberge eggs fussy and frilly and (to me) ugly, and seeing the lavender/silver/brocade thing I thought fussy/frilly/ugly, so I didn't have that much of a problem with at least a tenuous link between Faberge eggs and that one fabric (yeah, I know they come in other colors too).  I watched as much of the show as I could stand on Lifetime's site and as far as I went, you only see a tiny glimpse of the third fabric Joseph and Merline had in the suitcase, and it was a sort of muted floral? print with lavender, white, and a sort of grayish blue???  Of the three, it was the most interesting, but still blah!  Maybe trying to get at shadows on snow?


If I couldn't have something militaryish with a big cape (much, much bigger than anything any of them had) with brass fittings that might make me think of Peter the Great (and don't ask why that makes me think of him -- it just does), I might have liked something in the greenish color and gold of the Winter Palace. Is it too much to hope that they've heard of either Peter the Great or the Winter Palace? If the show had allowed them more than eight hours, perhaps it could have provided them with a little research material about each destination.

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I get the whole "inspiration" thing and I know they wanted to plug the cruise line, but I still find it ridiculous that the premise suggested that a cruise ship passenger would dress the way people from a cruise ship port would stereotypically dress. If Heidi took a cruise to Mexico, would she put on a sombrero and a poncho to walk around Acapulco?


I personally did not like the top look, but, based on what the judges have selected as the top in other episodes, I am not surprised they pick it. I often disagree with what the judges think.  


I wonder if the lack of time for challenges has to do with Heidi's schedule - between Germany's Next Top Model and America's Got Talent, she may not have had time to let them have 2 days for a challenge.  If that is the case, then they should have Heidi miss some challenges, because I would love to see outfits sewn by designers who actually had enough time to make something good.  If they had more time, it would be easier to see which designers really have talent, but with the short turn around time, nothing ever seems to fit well.  


It could go two ways in my mind depending on the kind of person he is and I don't know him enough yet to tell. He either wants to do his best whether he's immune or not, and he might have been trying to join the two in a row club, or he is an ads who wanted to eliminate competition. I'm thinking the former because so far I've not seen evidence that he's that big an ass (though plenty of others showed potential this ep), and because I just can't see Hanmiao as that much competition for any of them.


The same thought crossed my mind.  I am inclined to think that Edmond was just trying to do his best and didn't want the "if you didn't have immunity, you'd be in trouble" smack down Ashley got the challenge before.  Plus, if his intent was to get Hanmiao aufed, then he is a really good actor, because he certainly acted like he wanted his team to do well.  


However, there are things that would raise suspicion that Edmond was trying to make sure Hanmiao would fail - 

-- Edmond didn't just say "I have immunity, so I will let you take the lead"

-- Edmond kept talking after tell her to talk, and, as some have said, he badgered her - was he trying to stress her out, or was he just stressed out?  

-- Edmond wanted the bathing suit, even though it really didn't fit a day-to-night, walk around a cruise port challenge.  

-- Edmond wanted the bathing suit even though it should have been very obvious to him that a form fitting bathing suit is not Hanmiao's aesthetic

-- Hanmaio said she never made a swimsuit before, Edmond tried to give her advice, implying that he has made swimsuits before (he may have even said he has), yet Hanmaio was in charge of the swimsuit and he was in charge of the skirt..  

-- Edmond made a back-up bathing suit and was perturbed that Hanmaio hid in the bathroom to put her suit on the model.  If the model would have been wearing his swim suit and his skirt, then everything they sent down the runway would have been made by Edmond, who has immunity.  Was he hoping he could play the "I had to do everything" card and Hanmaio would be sent home for not contributing?


Of course, most of these things can be explained by him wanted to have a top look and being stressed at having her for a partner.  


Edited because Edmond made a skirt not a cape

Edited by needschocolate
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Does anyone know if they are GOING to go to Mood this season?


I really miss Mood and Swatch, especially, of course.


This is reminding me of the Los Angeles season where they went to fake Mood in LA, and it never captured the spirit of original Mood.


Also, just wanted to add: please let Joseph go home this week. Because it can't be said enough.

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Hanmiao proved herself to be one of the biggest weirdos ever on this show. Between her refusal to even look at what Edmond was showing her about constructing a swimsuit and her taking the model into another room to sew her into the suit, thus quashing any possible discussion about using the other swimsuit, she came across as stubborn to the point of a personality disorder.

Nah,,, she doesn't even come CLOSE to Ping... or that guy who designed an EGG for Heidi's pregnancy challenge some years ago.


Did she even know about the other swimsuit when she went into the bathroom? I thought I heard her say something about privacy. If I was going to sew a model into something like a swimsuit (which would probably result in the model flashing everyone here and there) I'd go into a private room too for the MODEL'S sake. (that's why I found it really disturbing that the cameras followed them in)

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Actually Hanmiao did not want to use that stretch fabric - she commented on it - but Edmond wanted to use it for the swimsuit.  Caught this on the rewatch.

Do you mean she didn't want to use the NON-stretch fabric, or that there was some stretch fabric suggested by Edmond that she didn't want to use (the pink stuff maybe)?

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Do you mean she didn't want to use the NON-stretch fabric, or that there was some stretch fabric suggested by Edmond that she didn't want to use (the pink stuff maybe)?

I meant the non-stretch floral fabric.

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When Edmond tried to show Hanmiao how to make a swimsuit, he was manipulating that fabric but never said that it was all wrong for a swimsuit. To me, whether he picked it or not, at that point he should have told her that to make a swimsuit, she would need to choose something else.

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Just rewatched. Hanmiao walked into the design area and saw Edmond's second swimsuit. She set down her swimsuit on the table next to him, patted it, and said, "This is kind of weird." Then she left to go back to the sewing room. She commented (in a talking head) that Edmond was making a second swimsuit and that she felt disrespected. Then, with 10 minutes to go before runway, she takes the model in the bathroom to sew her into the swimsuit. When Edmond figures out what is going on and she answers the door of the bathroom, she asks him, "what are you going to do?" He commented in a talking head that he felt it was conniving that she sewed up the model so that there wasn't even an option to see if the other suit looked better. I have a hard time believing her stated goal of giving the model privacy given the sequence of events, but YMMV.

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If I couldn't have something militaryish with a big cape (much, much bigger than anything any of them had) with brass fittings that might make me think of Peter the Great (and don't ask why that makes me think of him -- it just does), I might have liked something in the greenish color and gold of the Winter Palace. Is it too much to hope that they've heard of either Peter the Great or the Winter Palace? If the show had allowed them more than eight hours, perhaps it could have provided them with a little research material about each destination.



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I have a hard time believing her stated goal of giving the model privacy


Especially since I've seen the models take off and put on clothes in the workroom all the time, I think the models know they are in a profession with little 'modesty'. And after all this one had her butt cheeks hanging out on the runway.

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We may have seen the models in almost nothing in the workroom, but Hanmiao may not have.  I actually have no problem believing she was concerned about the model's modesty, since she knew that bathing suit was barely there and would need to be manipulated to be sewn on her thus revealing even more in the process. 


I don't think she took her in the bathroom to hide her from Edmond.  It's not like he would have torn it off the model if she had done it in the workroom, just like he didn't do anything when he went to the bathroom.  I mean, a camera man followed them from the workroom, so I don't see how it was such a huge, hidden secret where Hanmiao went.


Edmond should have finished making that damned skirt, which wasn't actually a skirt, and let her worry about the bathing suit.

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Hanmiao, unfortunately, had a camera pointed at her when she refused to take any creative ownership of the project, and she had a camera pointed at her when when she told her partner to shut up because he was trying to get her engagement so they could collaborate, and she had a camera pointed at her when she refused the help she was being offered in making a garment she acknowledged that she didn't know how to make..


She also had a camera pointed at her when she said — despite everything that had happened in front of a camera up to that point — that the POV she was begged to contribute and refused was not being respected and hauled the model off to the bathroom in a snit.


I hope for the sake of her career that being a golden child serves Hanmiao. It didn't here. 

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We may have seen the models in almost nothing in the workroom, but Hanmiao may not have.  I actually have no problem believing she was concerned about the model's modesty, since she knew that bathing suit was barely there and would need to be manipulated to be sewn on her thus revealing even more in the process.

I don't think she took her in the bathroom to hide her from Edmond.


I think it was a little of both. I have no trouble believing that Hanmaio may prefer modesty (especially given her own style preferences which are quite modest / un-revealing) and didn't want to deal with a near-naked model in the big room. However, I do think she also knew very well that Edmond was not happy with her and would not be happy with her if she started sewing the model into that suit, and I think she did it anyway, by taking her into that bathroom. She's a smart gal -- I think she knew what she was doing.

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Just rewatched. Hanmiao walked into the design area and saw Edmond's second swimsuit. She set down her swimsuit on the table next to him, patted it, and said, "This is kind of weird." Then she left to go back to the sewing room. She commented (in a talking head) that Edmond was making a second swimsuit and that she felt disrespected. Then, with 10 minutes to go before runway, she takes the model in the bathroom to sew her into the swimsuit. When Edmond figures out what is going on and she answers the door of the bathroom, she asks him, "what are you going to do?" He commented in a talking head that he felt it was conniving that she sewed up the model so that there wasn't even an option to see if the other suit looked better. I have a hard time believing her stated goal of giving the model privacy given the sequence of events, but YMMV.

I think it was sneaky for Edmond to make a second swimsuit; however, I think Hanmiao took her model into the bathroom less for privacy and more to get her swimsuit onto the model before Edmond could get his on.

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If she is the type of person who needs quiet to concentrate, then the bathroom would be a good choice, especially since her partner is a man.  She had never made a swim suit before and she needed to literally sew it onto the model - I can see how she could be nervous and would not want to have Edmond around "offering suggestions" or "asking questions" or "badgering her" (pick one, or more, based on how you saw their interaction earlier.  


I think Hanmiao and Edmond were just a bad match - very different work styles and both of them started off concerned because they knew their aesthetic were very different

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Did she even know about the other swimsuit when she went into the bathroom? I thought I heard her say something about privacy. If I was going to sew a model into something like a swimsuit (which would probably result in the model flashing everyone here and there) I'd go into a private room too for the MODEL'S sake. (that's why I found it really disturbing that the cameras followed them in)

Unless the show is changing sequence again via editing (always possible--and over the years there have been countess times it allegedly has), she did. Because we heard her complain about it.

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My favorite look was India.

I loved an almost western business casual approach to sari. I love when such opposite things get thrown together and work.

Close 2nd was Greece. It didn't get enough love, and I hate to give credit to that tiny spectacled man, but I can't help it.

Winning look was ok. Too much fabric. The cape over that double cowl neck back over humongous bell pants... Each piece was great on it's own. And I'm a sucker for capes, and cowl necks and wide leg pants... But together as a look, especially as schizo in terms of patterns as it was... too much.

I agree that Hong Kong was supposed to be safe, but then we wouldn't have had all the drama.

Russia kinda puzzled me. Honestly though, I have no idea what I would have envisioned for Russia, and I'm familiar with culture and history, having grown up in a Russian speaking country. I guess since it's St. Petersburg, which is considered a cultural capital of Russia, and still has the air of imperial/nobility time about it, they "kinda sorta" were on the right track: simple modest clean elegant dress. I probably would have gone 40s dress silhouette in darker fabric and then "danced" from there.

Edited by vavera4ka
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I will say, not for the first nor last time, I hate the new Project Runway website.  I watch online and I couldn't see the show in one shot because it kept freezing (not to mention the endless commercials).  So frustrating.  I realize this could be my connection, but I had nothing like this kind of problem last season.  Sigh.  But I'm stuck because I refuse to pay for this show and Hulu isn't carrying it right now. Bah, humbug.


It's not just your connection.  I tried more than once a day to see the last episode on Lifetime's site and never made it all the way to the end.  I, too, refuse to pay anyone else to see the show.  I pay too damned much already to my cable company, and Lifetime owes it to me for free because I watch their rotten commercials.  The other sticking point for me with Lifetime is that it took them 7 days to post the episode on On Demand.  In fact, they didn't upload the 2nd episode until after the third had already been shown at prime time.

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Lifetime ... took them 7 days to post the episode on On Demand.  In fact, they didn't upload the 2nd episode until after the third had already been shown at prime time.

They aren't the only network that uses that schedule. I've found a number of shows that do that. I miss an episode and want to watch it on demand before seeing the current show at its usual timeslot. But I can't watch the one I missed on demand until AFTER the current one airs. So then I'm either watching out of sequence or still one behind.

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      Designers go to MOOD in tonight's show.


Now maybe the designers that have been scraping by without their sewing kits will be able to finally get scissors, pins, needles and thread.  I am expecting a vast improvement in their constructions skills this week (/end sarcasm).   


Seriously though - I am looking forward to seeing Swatch. 

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In the designers' defense,  the fabrics they were forced to use were hideous.   Blue and white for the Greek aisles; oriental fabric for Hong Kong, though perhaps too on the nose, at least felt connected to their destinations. But Venice????  As you can tell by  my screen name,  Venice is my second home, and I was personally offended by the winning look.  Venetian style is ultra-luxe. It is all about rich velvets and satins, ornate brocades and deep jewel tones--not primary colors and pastels. It is so NOT a backwards apron made of a flowered table cloth. And those denim-ish pants were the color of what my cat throws up after he's had too much salmon Fancy Feast. The blouse I liked, but gondoliers' stripes is a stretch.   I know matchy-matchy is a no-no, but to  me, none of the pieces worked together. But really--it wasn't the design so much as the fabric. Had they done that ensemble in a luxe fabric, with maybe a velvet cape or a brocaded pattern---I think it could have been gorge. 

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Joseph is the new Venn. Another arrogant bully who designs clothes only Barbara Bush would wear. But as I said in my other post, I  blame the fabrics they were given. It's pretty tough to do anything with that lavender burlap he had,  or whatever it was, and not scream matronly. And the fabric the side-bib was made of looked like lilac polyester. With the exception of Swapmil's sari (which I loved), all the fabric looked bargain basement. Even the Hong Kong fabric looked like it would start shredding the minute you put it on. 

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They aren't the only network that uses that schedule. I've found a number of shows that do that. I miss an episode and want to watch it on demand before seeing the current show at its usual timeslot. But I can't watch the one I missed on demand until AFTER the current one airs. So then I'm either watching out of sequence or still one behind.

If you've missed an ep, you can always catch up on the actual Lifetime channel at least the week after. They run a marathon of *all* the previous eps in the season--I think at least until they get to a certain point, then they drop the earlier eps from the beginning to that certain point--every Thursday until they get to the new ep for that week (then after the new ep airs, they just air the last week's ep & the new ep a time or 2 more, alternating the 2, until they get to when the Paid Programming [infomercials] come into the schedule, around 3AM Eastern). The only thing is, these eps air in hour timeslots, instead of the original hour & a half some of them ran for (but I've honestly never been able to tell anything got cut from the early-season 90 minute eps during these marathons).

Like, today they started with the Road to the Runway at 5PM Eastern; then Ep 1 was at 6PM Eastern & now they're discussing the designs after the Hallmark Signature Cards runway show--the Hallmark ep started at 7PM Eastern. Last week's ep (the cruise designs) should be on at 8PM Eastern, with this week's new ep at 9PM Eastern, as usual.

Next Thursday's marathon should start at 4PM Eastern, if they run Road to the Runway again, 5PM if they start with ep 1 (etc.).

Hope this helps!

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I hope tonight's episode shows the continued awesomeness of Swapnil, Ashley, Candice, and Laurie. (Both in design ability and in personality).  I think the India look was the best by far, but at least Ashley and Candice show some interesting ideas and execute them well.


When I watch the show, I form my immediate opinions, such as: Hanmaio was the difficult one in that group - and was very rude to Edmond when she told him to shut up. Or that while Lindsey was a bit snobby thinking she was the best, Jake shutting down on the work, and admitting he did so, was kind of a dick move. OR that Joseph was an incredibly horrendous piece of shit, and I felt bad for Merline the entire time she was there.  And after I watch it, I think back about how some things are edited to look a certain way, and I might be wrong on first impressions.  So yes, maybe they cut out some of Edmond's assy behavior, and and yes, I think he SHOULD have kind of let Hanmaio make the decisions on the challenge, and then just work hard to make it look amazing. And maybe Jake DID try to do more work than we saw, and was just shut down so much he finally had to quit.


But Joseph was a fucking asshole, and it was clear based on things he actually SAID and DID, and not some tricky editing.  I am totally fine with him asking Merline to curb her (incredibly) annoying singing, etc. But it could have been done in private, and as a request, instead of how he did it - demanding it in the van, in front of people, and in an incredibly patronizing way.  THEN, after she was going along with his demand, he repeatedly bragged about how he got it under control, just on and on in the worst possible way, proud about how he had control over things. Just gross.  And he continued to control her behavior in the worst way, and let that arrogance get the best of him when he wouldn't take the suggestion that his outfit was too matronly. FINALLY, he just fucked her over on the runway.  Even if they cut out a WHOLE bunch of stuff where Merline was just the worst pill in existence (which I don't think they did), the behavior they showed him exhibiting was awful. And I hope he is out tonight.


Speaking of tricky editing, there's no way that Laurie said TER and then she HAPPENED to be on the show.  I think this is the best explanation for that:


I figured it was even simpler than that - that after the runway show, when Laurie was filming her talking head one of the producers said, "You became very emotional when you saw Tracee Ellis Ross was a judge. Can you tell us more about why that meant so much to you?" Then they showed her response before the runway, so we'd understand why she was so excited when she saw her.

Edited by hks
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But Venice????  As you can tell by  my screen name,  Venice is my second home, and I was personally offended by the winning look.  Venetian style is ultra-luxe. It is all about rich velvets and satins, ornate brocades and deep jewel tones--not primary colors and pastels. It is so NOT a backwards apron made of a flowered table cloth. And those denim-ish pants were the color of what my cat throws up after he's had too much salmon Fancy Feast. The blouse I liked, but gondoliers' stripes is a stretch.   I know matchy-matchy is a no-no, but to  me, none of the pieces worked together. But really--it wasn't the design so much as the fabric. Had they done that ensemble in a luxe fabric, with maybe a velvet cape or a brocaded pattern---I think it could have been gorge. 


The color of the pants was the only thing that reminded me of Venice.  It looked like the color that much of the red brick has faded to, especially at twilight from the water.  The stripes for the gondolier was a real stretch.  They not only went the wrong direction, but were way too narrow.  The cape, which was not a cape, looked like anyone's oven mitt, but was so very definitely not Venetian in pattern or colors.



If you've missed an ep, you can always catch up on the actual Lifetime channel at least the week after. They run a marathon of *all* the previous eps in the season--I think at least until they get to a certain point, then they drop the earlier eps from the beginning to that certain point--every Thursday until they get to the new ep for that week (then after the new ep airs, they just air the last week's ep & the new ep a time or 2 more, alternating the 2, until they get to when the Paid Programming [infomercials] come into the schedule, around 3AM Eastern). The only thing is, these eps air in hour timeslots, instead of the original hour & a half some of them ran for (but I've honestly never been able to tell anything got cut from the early-season 90 minute eps during these marathons).

Like, today they started with the Road to the Runway at 5PM Eastern; then Ep 1 was at 6PM Eastern & now they're discussing the designs after the Hallmark Signature Cards runway show--the Hallmark ep started at 7PM Eastern. Last week's ep (the cruise designs) should be on at 8PM Eastern, with this week's new ep at 9PM Eastern, as usual.

Next Thursday's marathon should start at 4PM Eastern, if they run Road to the Runway again, 5PM if they start with ep 1 (etc.).

Hope this helps!


This does help.  Thanks so much.

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The color of the pants was the only thing that reminded me of Venice. It looked like the color that much of the red brick has faded to, especially at twilight from the water. The stripes for the gondolier was a real stretch. They not only went the wrong direction, but were way too narrow. The cape, which was not a cape, looked like anyone's oven mitt, but was so very definitely not Venetian in pattern or colors.

This does help. Thanks so much.

No problem. I just checked Lifetime's schedule for next Thursday (September 3rd) for you & 'cause I was curious about it.

Next week's PR marathon starts at 4PM Eastern (check your local listings for the correct time if you're not on Eastern Time) with the S14 Road to the Runway ep & runs all the following eps from there *in order* until they run the new ep for next week at 9PM Eastern (again check your local listings for the correct time if you're not on Eastern Time).

Hopefully, with that information you can catch whatever you've missed to this point either in person or by recording it while you're at work, or whatever, to watch later.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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No problem. I just checked Lifetime's schedule for next Thursday (September 3rd) for you & 'cause I was curious about it.

Next week's PR marathon starts at 4PM Eastern (check your local listings for the correct time if you're not on Eastern Time) with the S14 Road to the Runway ep & runs all the following eps from there *in order* until they run the new ep for next week at 9PM Eastern (again check your local listings for the correct time if you're not on Eastern Time).

Hopefully, with that information you can catch whatever you've missed to this point either in person or by recording it while you're at work, or whatever, to watch later.


What a nice person you are.  Can't thank you enough for all your help.  And I am on Eastern Time so I have no work left to do to catch up other than turn on my  TV.

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Any dude who needs to be told he is acting like a misogynistic piece of shit shouldn't be working with women. Or anyone else. It's really not a woman's job to tell him how to act like a professional.

Anyway, I should have skipped this episode. It wasn't even how bad the bottom looks were. It was that the top looks were atrocious, yet received incredible praise from the judges.

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AHHHH!!  Why is it that I've seen NO ONE address the fact that Hanmiao KNEW she was working with someone who had immunity!!  I don't care about who's design aesthetic might have been better, or which of them were justified their opinion of the other, EDMUND HAD IMMUNITY!  Hanmiao strangely seemed to think that if she could show the judges Edmund was at fault for the garment, she would be okay...?  No sympathy for Ms. Mode here.

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Anyway, I should have skipped this episode. It wasn't even how bad the bottom looks were. It was that the top looks were atrocious, yet received incredible praise from the judges.

This. Has a more randomly garish monstrosity ever won?

I thought Blake and Kelly's was the obvious standout but it didn't even make top three.

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Happy that little nut is gone and she can no longer drag Edmond down.

Well said. I agree with you 110%!!! I'm glad Edmond had immunity because it was such a hopeless situation for such a brilliant designer he clearly thus far seems to be to be in. Being paired up with this pistachio-goofball contestant. I just did not get her aesthetics.

AHHHH!! Why is it that I've seen NO ONE address the fact that Hanmiao KNEW she was working with someone who had immunity!! I don't care about who's design aesthetic might have been better, or which of them were justified their opinion of the other, EDMUND HAD IMMUNITY! Hanmiao strangely seemed to think that if she could show the judges Edmund was at fault for the garment, she would be okay...? No sympathy for Ms. Mode here.

I bristle thinking of Hanmaoi (sp) and her being so narrow minded. I was thrilled when she was eliminated. How did she make it onto this season? IMO ~ zero potential in her design aesthetic.

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