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Captain America: Civil War (2016)

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I also think if all these people wanted to do was put Bucky on trial Steve wouldn't be objecting to that. Of all the MCU Steve has the solidest moral compass I trust his instincts a lot more than I do Tony's. Tony's more than narcissistic enough to let the fact that Bucky killed his parents blind him to anything else.   I can't quite see Steve doing the same even if it is Bucky on the line.

See I don't think Steve has the best instincts. I think has good intentions but this is a guy that kept trying to get into the Army despite legit health concerns that would make him a liability on the battlefield, not a asset. We saw that he couldn't keep up in basic. It's all well-and-good that he wants to do good things but he's not able to see or accept his own shortcomings. The solider that can't keep up and can't perform to basic standards will likely get someone killed. This is the same guy that also jumped on a grenade that presented no danger to anyone (aside from the fact it was a dummy, all the other soldiers had easily clear the blast area) while he was in basic training. That wasn't trying to protect someone, that was trying to prove how tough he was by throwing his own life away before he ever got near the battlefield. 


I think there is a big difference between good instincts and good intentions.

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 So Vision (who was worthy of lifting Thor's hammer), Rhodey, and Natasha are just blindly following Tony and T'Challa on a revenge quest, but the people on Steve's side must have a good reason and be thinking for themselves? I certainly hope the writing isn't that unbalanced and out of character.


Vision is part Jarvis so yes I do think he is loyal to Tony for that reason. I also think because he is such a pure hearted being he might be less inclined to realize when someone else has another agenda.  Especially since he was literally born a few weeks ago. Sometimes the best people you know are often the ones who end up being swindled because they tend to trust people too readily and easily. I can see Vision being like that especially at first. i think Bruins fan summed up Rhodey well enough.  I also never said Tony was strictly on a vendetta I think it will be more of a case of General Ross uses Tony's history with Bucky to keep Tony from thinking too hard about why Ross wants him so badly. Or what exactly Ross's game is


I never said anything about revenge in Natasha's case. I said TPTB might use it as way to introduce her comic history with the soldier and that she might consider him a lost cause. That doesn't really translate to revenge on her part conflicted maybe but not our for blood. It also occurred to me that Natasha may simply be afraid of the Winter Soldier and think he better off when he's under control. That was pretty much her reaction to Hulk in the first Avengers. I also suspect its not unlike what Shield did with her at least initially. Natasha always been more pragmatic than the rest.


I also see you haven't come up with anything to answer why any of the others are supporting Steve? You keep saying Steve is just acting emotionally but your not really giving anything as to why any of the other characters are supporting him with this if that' s the case. Your theory only kinda works for Steve but it doesn't explain anyone elses actions so far

Edited by Emily Thrace
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I also see you haven't come up with anything to answer why any of the others are supporting Steve? You keep saying Steve is just acting emotionally but your not really giving anything as to why any of the other characters are supporting him with this if that' s the case. Your theory only kinda works for Steve but it doesn't explain anyone elses actions so far


Well, Wanda definitely doesn't trust Tony and since Steve was the only one who seemed to immediately understand where the twins were coming from in the first place and also understood that Tony's desire to 'fix things' might override common sense in Ultron. Hawkeye set things up with Fury to keep his entire family off the grid and would not appreciate that suddenly becoming common knowledge so they could be targeted by enemies of SHIELD and anyone else who wanted to pick a fight. What's more, I think Steve would be the guy who gets that Clint has a place to go to 'after the war' and since Steve probably feels like he missed his chance to do that... he'd be the one trying to protect Clint's ability to do that. Sam is absolutely Steve's guy. I also think Sam understands the idea of leaving the battle and moving on with your life since that's what he was doing and helping others to do... to let go of the past and try to heal and rebuild. Ant-Man... well, Scott is another guy who had his family targeted by the villain of the movie and would very much appreciate that being protected. What's more, he went to jail for outting a company that was ripping off it's customers so  you can see he's a bit anti-establishment that way...especially in regards to something that big taking advantage of the people it's supposed to help. Plus, he came into the game through Hank Pym who was already having issues with SHIELD back when Howard and Peggy were still running it because he knew his technology was dangerous and he didn't trust the 'overseers' who were supposed to be doing good.


So... the only one I don't really get is Natasha. I think she's pragmatic but I'm not entirely convinced she'd be on Tony's side in this. But she's wily that way... she really could go either way.

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See I don't think Steve has the best instincts. I think has good intentions but this is a guy that kept trying to get into the Army despite legit health concerns that would make him a liability on the battlefield, not a asset. We saw that he couldn't keep up in basic. It's all well-and-good that he wants to do good things but he's not able to see or accept his own shortcomings. The solider that can't keep up and can't perform to basic standards will likely get someone killed. This is the same guy that also jumped on a grenade that presented no danger to anyone (aside from the fact it was a dummy, all the other soldiers had easily clear the blast area) while he was in basic training. That wasn't trying to protect someone, that was trying to prove how tough he was by throwing his own life away before he ever got near the battlefield. 


I think there is a big difference between good instincts and good intentions.


That was Steve before he actually went to war though. Not to mention before his transformation. He has matured a lot since then. Steve also sensed what was wrong with SHIELD very quickly and he knew he could trust Sam after a few conversations. There a big difference between knowing when to trust your self and what people to trust, Steve actually has pretty good instincts about people and their motives. Tony on the other hand is the smartest guy in the room and that sometimes makes him underestimate and over look people. (There is a reason several of his villains are people he personally dismissed) Tony also tends to overestimate his limits a lot actually with Ultron being only the worst example.


Yeah, if guys like Hawkeye and Ant-Man have to officially registered with the government, then I totally buy them being on Cap's side.  They have families they need to protect.


Yeah I definitely think the story is bigger than just the shoot to kill order on Bucky. I think its about someone trying to control the Avengers and Bucky's situation is just a symptom of that.

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Vision is part Jarvis so yes I do think he is loyal to Tony for that reason. I also think because he is such a pure hearted being he might be less inclined to realize when someone else has another agenda.  Especially since he was literally born a few weeks ago. Sometimes the best people you know are often the ones who end up being swindled because they tend to trust people too readily and easily. I can see Vision being like that especially at first. i think Bruins fan summed up Rhodey well enough.  I also never said Tony was strictly on a vendetta I think it will be more of a case of General Ross uses Tony's history with Bucky to keep Tony from thinking too hard about why Ross wants him so badly. Or what exactly Ross's game is I never said anything about revenge in Natasha's case. I said TPTB might use it as way to introduce her comic history with the soldier and that she might consider him a lost cause. That doesn't really translate to revenge on her part conflicted maybe but not our for blood. It also occurred to me that Natasha may simply be afraid of the Winter Soldier and think he better off when he's under control. That was pretty much her reaction to Hulk in the first Avengers. I also suspect its not unlike what Shield did with her at least initially. Natasha always been more pragmatic than the rest.


I thought they made it clear in Age of Ultron that Vision is not Jarvis?


Rhodes and Tony argue and butt heads all the time, he's also broken with the military at times in the Iron Man movies. I don't think he's the type to just blindly follow.


As to Natasha ... I don't understand? If she's not out for blood but just being pragmatic based on the information she has, then why isn't the rest of the team not out for blood but just being pragmatic? Why is everyone else naively following their friend or blinded by a desire for revenge? Unless you're saying that Natasha believes that her side is going to murder or use Bucky but is going along with them anyway?


I also see you haven't come up with anything to answer why any of the others are supporting Steve? You keep saying Steve is just acting emotionally but your not really giving anything as to why any of the other characters are supporting him with this if that' s the case. Your theory only kinda works for Steve but it doesn't explain anyone elses actions so far


I hope/feel like everyone involved will have a relatively good reason for their actions in this film and that neither Team Cap or Team Iron Man will be outright wrong, petty, or stupid in their actions, if that's not the case the writing will have failed the characters.


However, to play along, Team Cap is:


Bucky ... His reasons are obvious.


Sam: Steve's new best friend. "I do what he does, just slower."


Wanda: Hates Tony Stark because his company created the weapons that killed her parents when she was a child. She's also the one directly responsible for Hulk's most recent rampage and at least somewhat responsible for the creation of Ultron. So, "accountability" probably doesn't seem like such a good deal to her.


Scott: A thief. Was starstruck by meeting Falcon in Ant-Man and probably feels like he owes him after their encounter. Hank Pym, his mentor/benefactor hated Howard Stark and seemed to have issues with the government in general.


Clint: His being basically useless led to Quicksilver being killed saving his life, so maybe he's siding with Wanda out of a feeling of owing her and Pietro a debt.


So, based on the standards of assuming that Vision and War Machine are just going along with their friends Iron Man and Black Panther, who are blinded by desire for revenge ... it seems that all of Team Cap are either just blindly following him out of friendship, or are blinded by a desire for revenge. ;)

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Honestly, Natasha's the only one I can't really figure out. I can reasonably explain everyone else choosing sides but Natasha I just don't know.


And, really, I kind of like it that way. To my mind, she should be more enigmatic and harder to predict than the rest.


As for Steve's good intentions and what not... yes, he kept trying to enlist but he kept getting rejected and he would have continued to be rejected. The only thing that made a difference was Dr. Erskine. He overheard what Steve was saying to Bucky. "Men are laying down their lives! I've got no right to anything less!" That didn't automatically make him a soldier. It didn't automatically make him anything other than a risk to the unit as. he. was. But it showed Erskine what was driving him and that's what mattered. What's more, Erskine only offered him a chance.


And while Steve was in boot camp, lagging behind, getting constantly targeted by a bully who made things harder, he never lacked for earnestness and he never got bitter. He used his head (getting the flag) and he was still the only guy to jump on the grenade to save the unit. At the time when he was the weakest, he would have been the one to sacrifice himself to save the others. That is who Steve was and that's who he continues to be. He will be the guy who sacrifices himself for others... whether it's taking on a roomful of Chitauri's activating a bomb to save civilians, or disarming his best friend to take down the Project Insight helicarriers before confronting him again and dropping his shield because he will not actively try to kill his best friend when he can try to save him, or doing whatever it takes to save civilians from a city that's been shot into the air... Steve is always going to be the guy to lay down on the wire or throw himself on the grenade. I don't believe this is a man who will ever ask someone to do something that he isn't willing to do himself.


And he believes in redemption. It's probably why people are so willing to follow him.


I think Tony and Steve are both heroic in very very different ways. So, really, when it comes down to it, I'm probably #TeamHugItOut.

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So, really, when it comes down to it, I'm probably #TeamHugItOut.

If that were on an Avengers t-shirt, I'd wear it. :)


I don't know whose team I'm on--I hate seeing them fight (and being unfamiliar with the comics, I no nothing about what's to come or what may have been left out/changed/only touched on in the movies).  I hope the writing  (or the end of the story) is good enough for me to not walk out of the theater depressed.

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I thought they made it clear in Age of Ultron that Vision is not Jarvis?

He was created from Jarvis and has Jarvis's voice etc and odds are a great deal of the artificial personality and Tony's programming. Hence why Jarvis was fighting Ultron's attempts to take over the nuclear missile systems without Tony ordering him to do so and making it appear he was destroyed. Tony transferred Jarvis program into the synth  body thereby creating a new entity. 

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I thought they made it clear in Age of Ultron that Vision is not Jarvis?


Rhodes and Tony argue and butt heads all the time, he's also broken with the military at times in the Iron Man movies. I don't think he's the type to just blindly follow.


As to Natasha ... I don't understand? If she's not out for blood but just being pragmatic based on the information she has, then why isn't the rest of the team not out for blood but just being pragmatic? Why is everyone else naively following their friend or blinded by a desire for revenge? Unless you're saying that Natasha believes that her side is going to murder or use Bucky but is going along with them anyway?



I hope/feel like everyone involved will have a relatively good reason for their actions in this film and that neither Team Cap or Team Iron Man will be outright wrong, petty, or stupid in their actions, if that's not the case the writing will have failed the characters.


However, to play along, Team Cap is:


Bucky ... His reasons are obvious.


Sam: Steve's new best friend. "I do what he does, just slower."


Wanda: Hates Tony Stark because his company created the weapons that killed her parents when she was a child. She's also the one directly responsible for Hulk's most recent rampage and at least somewhat responsible for the creation of Ultron. So, "accountability" probably doesn't seem like such a good deal to her.


Scott: A thief. Was starstruck by meeting Falcon in Ant-Man and probably feels like he owes him after their encounter. Hank Pym, his mentor/benefactor hated Howard Stark and seemed to have issues with the government in general.


Clint: His being basically useless led to Quicksilver being killed saving his life, so maybe he's siding with Wanda out of a feeling of owing her and Pietro a debt.


So, based on the standards of assuming that Vision and War Machine are just going along with their friends Iron Man and Black Panther, who are blinded by desire for revenge ... it seems that all of Team Cap are either just blindly following him out of friendship, or are blinded by a desire for revenge. ;)


I'm not saying Team Tony is out to kill Bucky. I think the people Team Tony is working for be it the UN or even just General Ross has their own reasons for attacking Bucky. I also think Tony's personal issues with the Winter Soldier might make him not look as hard at why these people want Bucky or why they want to make an example of him. Its actually the flip side of ADHD with the right incentive its not hard to induce someone like Tony to focus on one fact or objective to exclusion and even detriment of all others.


Another explanation for Black Widow being on Team Tony that just occurred to me (I will probably keep posting these as I think of them until the movie comes out) is that the Winter Soldier might have some information she doesn't want to get out. Something  dark enough that might actually give her a real reason to want Bucky in UN hands and far away from her friends. Although other than her actually being 95 years old I'm not quite sure what that might be.

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I hope this from tidbit  Birth. Movies. Death. is true and if it is this movie can't come fast enough!


I've had the luck to speak to a couple of people who have seen recent screenings of Civil War and what they said about it has gotten me so excited for the film. I'm even more excited because these reactions are from different people but what they liked is very similar. When you're hearing early reports from screenings you have to take taste into account - I will never forget that a publicist told me that Zodiac was a stinker - but when you have multiple sources sharing the same opinion you can feel more secure in what they're saying.

What are they saying? That the movie is fully a sequel to The Winter Soldier. I've been telling you this for a while, but now that the film is finished it seems to be confirmed - this isn't Avengers 2.5, but rather Captain America 3, and it truly focuses on Cap and Bucky. I have been told that Spider-Man is great, and that the film doesn't waste time on retelling his origin. We all get it, and the movie just moves along. I've been told that Black Panther is phenomenal, and that Chadwick Boseman is a major addition to the MCU. This movie picks up the pieces of Avengers: Age of Ultron in surprising and human ways and makes us feel the true cost of Sokovia. And I've been told that the last half hour of the film is brutal, both physically and emotionally. One person told me that the last act plays out as an emotional horror movie because the film gives both Tony and Steve solid reasoning, and because it truly makes you feel the depths of this schism.




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Can I just start weeping now? #TeamHugItOut


Also, I just have to admit that I am not rational when it comes to Chris Evans as Cap. I need Evans to go somewhere wearing one of those douchey trucker hats way too high on his head to bring back into a zone where I can deal with myself. "I can do this all day..." Odin's Ravens, people... I am not made of stone!


Also, going down the list of things that General Ross is highlighting as problems... I don't know, New York and Washington DC don't seem fair. Loki brought the Chitauri in so that really wasn't anyone in the Avengers' fault. And DC... well, SHIELD, the oversight for the Avengers? They were corrupt and about to kill a ridiculous amount of people in one go. 


Sokovia? That one's kind of on Tony with a definite push from Wanda. But Tony had been working on Ultron before she got her red mist into him. Hulk damage? Well, that's on Bruce. He's the one who experimented on himself.


Also, very interesting to see Wanda able to take on Vision.


Oh, and hey Peter!


Seriously people... #TeamHugItOut.

Edited by Dandesun
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What good is a spider in a war?

But seriously, I didn't think they'd let Spidey be seen until the actual movie came out.


But just like there's a lot of Batman in that Man of Steel sequel, I'm concerned there's a lot of Avengers in this Captain America sequel.

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I just can't do it. I can't watch my heroes fight each other. I refuse. And poor Wanda still hurting about my Quicksilver.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Scarlet Witch the most powerful Avenger in this movie?

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I just can't do it. I can't watch my heroes fight each other. I refuse. 

That's how I feel too. This is the kind of movie that I'll need spoiled completely before I'll be able to watch it because the premise pains me too much.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Scarlet Witch the most powerful Avenger in this movie?

She has the power of vague red energy-casting.


I wonder if the VFX people were irritated at the Deadpool movie beating them to using CGI to make the white eyes in a superhero mask work onscreen like they do in the comic.

Edited by SeanC
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I wonder if the VFX people were irritated at the Deadpool movie beating them to using CGI to make the white eyes in a superhero mask work onscreen like they do in the comic.


Interesting. Because I've seen the opposite speculation; since Deadpool showed animated eyes can work, now Spidey's eyes are animated here.

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Fury is really missed in this movie. Yeah I know there are a lot of Avengers in here but it seems that Cap, Tony and the rest of the Avengers could use his much needed presence.

I wonder whose side he would take or would he see everyone's side in this.

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Blaming the Avengers for New York is ridiculous.  That was all Shield's fault for messing around with alien technology.  As pointed out, if they didn't take down those heilcarriers, Hydra/Shield would have killed millions of people.  I hope this is brought up as well as Ross's antics in The Incredible Hulk movie.  The fact alone they would hire someone like him undercuts the government's case about superpowers.


Trailer looks awesome.

Edited by benteen
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Great Trailer, but I am thrown by Spidey's suit. I really like the previous movie versions. Especially the Amazing version, no matter how unrealistic they were for a teenager to produce.


The theme seems more to me of being able to categorize and recognize the threats out there, and having a measured response with appropriate oversight. 

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The trailer looks great with big exception that I don't understand why these superheroes are fighting each other and not a common enemy. Have they lost their minds? This comes off as manufactured soap opera drama and I don't like it one bit.

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I just can't do it. I can't watch my heroes fight each other. I refuse.

    That's how I feel too. This is the kind of movie that I'll need spoiled completely before I'll be able to watch it because the premise pains me too much.


Same here.  I'm going to see it and the rest of them, but even the trailer was painful.  I don't want to be too spoiled, but can someone who knows tell me (in spoiler tags, of course) if there's at least a happy ending to this one?  No real details needed, just "yes, it's a happy ending" or "sorry, but no, it's not" will suffice.  I just want to be prepared.


On a happier note, I'd forgotten that Spiderman was going to make an appearance in this one!  I'm not a fan of the movies, really, but I always thought the interaction between him and Tony would be fun. 

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At this point I agree with whomever said they will need to be spoiled before they can watch.


Also, I think someone should remind them *all* that Thor can chose to settle this for them at any point and they might not like how he does it. Kind of how like when your mother tells you and your siblings to work it out between you or she will.

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I literally screamed "OH HELL!" when Spidey showed up at the end.

Awesome trailer...but I'm still miffed Sharon wasn't in it. Oh well. At least she's in the movie. And there'd better be at least one shirtless Steve scene.

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Also, I think someone should remind them *all* that Thor can chose to settle this for them at any point and they might not like how he does it. Kind of how like when your mother tells you and your siblings to work it out between you or she will.


Can you imagine whenever Thor gets back? "What the Hel, people?! I was gone for ten minutes!!"

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On the one hand the Winter Soldier did a lot of horrible things that needed to be accounted for. On the other, I hate when people who were brainwashed into doing evil things get punished. I hated that Lady Deathstrike was under mind control by Stryker in X-Men 2, because when Wolverine killed her in the end, I felt bad for her. I hated in the GI:JOE live action movie that *spoiler alert* they made the Baroness into Duke's ex-girlfriend who was drugged by her brother, the future Cobra Commander and nanites are put in her body that turn her evil. In the end even when she regains her memory they say it'll take time to remove the nanites so she'll have to be put into the brig, which is unfair. I even was pissed that in The Naked Gun, the doctor who is programmed to kill NOrdberg(ironically played by OJ Simpson) is killed after a long car chase.

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That was Steve before he actually went to war though. Not to mention before his transformation. He has matured a lot since then. Steve also sensed what was wrong with SHIELD very quickly and he knew he could trust Sam after a few conversations. There a big difference between knowing when to trust your self and what people to trust, Steve actually has pretty good instincts about people and their motives. Tony on the other hand is the smartest guy in the room and that sometimes makes him underestimate and over look people. (There is a reason several of his villains are people he personally dismissed) Tony also tends to overestimate his limits a lot actually with Ultron being only the worst example.



Yeah I definitely think the story is bigger than just the shoot to kill order on Bucky. I think its about someone trying to control the Avengers and Bucky's situation is just a symptom of that.


Can you blame the government trying to control the Avengers after the fuck up that was Sokovia?  They almost got the human species extinct and that's the kind of thing that only needs to happen once.  I have to say that I see Tony's side much clearer than Steve's.  Because Steve offers no solution other than "just trust people", which isn't a chance you want to take when you've got someone who can who can mass murder with a thought.  In the same way the government places restrictions on what type of guns are available for purchase, they should monitor which people are enhanced or have access to enhanced technology.

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I never ever ever EVER imagined that they would or could translate the comic book spidersuit to the big screen and now they HAVE and I am geeking the fuck O U T.


Okay, okay honestly it looks like the old 70s Spider-Man and like James Cameron's mockups but it also looks fucking incredible. The eyes are expressive, that is just wild. I always assumed that would be some silly comic book thing they'd never bother with but they are and it's really fucking neat.

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No, I don't blame any government for wanting oversight. I really don't. Suddenly, shit has gotten really real in the last few years. It's interesting because you had the Red Skull during WW2 creating insane weapons and the remnants of Hydra were absorbed into SHIELD (slowly taking over) but only really doing the reasonable human things to make people 'want security at any cost.' The thing is that New York is an example that's thrown at Cap and Co and it's really unfair to do that.  Cap was all about containment during the Chitauri attack and it worked. If he and the others hadn't been there, things would have been much worse... for all the loss of life that there was, there would have been way more than that. Either by Loki and the Chitauri or the World Security Council who sent nukes into the city.


Washington DC resulted in a lot of death... and would have resulted in a lot more with three helicarriers working this algorithm and assassination hundreds of thousands of people (including world leaders... the MCU President of the United States was one of those targeted.) Not to mention that the MCU Vice President of the United States colluded with a terrorist organization in Iron Man 3. In the MCU, you don't have to have super powers to have the capability of doing an incredible amount of damage. The fact that the Avengers are out in the sun (so to speak) makes them an easy target when you're dealing with organizations that work in the shadows... and they are doing that... everywhere.


The trailers are always so hard to really base stuff on because they really pick and choose a great deal to put together something that's going to want you to get your ass to a theater. They will clip parts of the conversation that have nothing to do with the scene they're showing... still... there's a quote from Tony 'we need to be put in check... whatever form that takes, I'm game' that's troubling and it's accompanied by the Raft and that's even more troubling. 


My speculation is that the Raft is what really sets things off. If I were to guess, based on the things I've seen... something does happen with Bucky because there is BTS footage of Bucky fighting Cap and he's in that same red shirt that he's in when he shoots Tony in the face... and I'm going to lay odds that whatever does happen with Bucky, it's lies solely on the shoulders of Crossbones and Zemo. The bit in the preview where Bucky looks to be in stasis? I'm thinking he gets caught and put in there and Steve, discovering the Zemo thing, busts him out... because, once again, those who watch the watchmen are infiltrated by Hydra and rotten to the core. The shot where Tony backhands Steve looks to be in the Raft. I think the Raft is going to be the final straw for Steve and it might very well be the tipping point for some of the others, too.


But I'm just spit-balling here.

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I was a bit underwhelmed by the first trailer honestly, but this second one really has gotten me hyped now.  I just dread that I might end up having to pick between Steve and Tony.  It just feels wrong!


Glad to see Ross is as big of an asshole as he was way back in The Incredible Hulk.


And we finally get a glimpse of the web-crawling hero known as Underoos.  Wait, that can't be right.  Tony would never steer me wrong...

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I'm liking everything I've seen of Black Panther so far. He is Not. Messing. Around. And he's apparently bulletproof?   (:-o

Edited by Trini
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No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

The first words we get from a Spidey are NOT "Hey, everyone". I refuse to believe that. I'm furious too.

The very POINT of casting a younger actor for Spidey was supposedly to point him towards the wisecracking version. Wisecracking Spidey arrives on the scene with a JOKE. Not a "Hey, everyone".

I know this sounds like a nitpick. To me it's not. Unless there's more to that sentence AFTER the "Hey, everyone" (and it's some kind of bad pun (which mind you would be a GOOD thing here, not bad), I'm... just focusing instead on how err.... bright that suit looks. Which mind you isn't necessarily bad if they're going less Grim-n-gritty. But there's no point in the day-glo version of the suit if Spidey is some lame lackwit who says "Hey, everyone" rather than something like grabbing Cap's shield and then saying "Hey, maybe now I can join S.H.I.E.L.D." or even the more generic "Sorry to grab and go!" or "Hey, Cap, can I borrow this? I've got a hill I need to sled down". A lame joke (it shouldn't bother you these jokes are so bad--that's kind of the point).

I don't like Spidey on the opposite from Cap.

That's how he started in the comic book version of this story.
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Can you imagine whenever Thor gets back? "What the Hel, people?! I was gone for ten minutes!!"

I am so looking forward to his reaction. He needs to come and put the hammer down on everyone.


I have to disagree with one of R2D2J2's buzzfeed responses. I don't think Banner would side with Tony on this at all, science bros or not. Unlike with Thor, who I adore and who would settle this in minutes, I am glad Hulk is not involved.  

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The first words we get from a Spidey are NOT "Hey, everyone". I refuse to believe that. I'm furious too.


I don't think it's the first time he shows up in the movie. I'm sure he gets recruited by Tony before that. Besides it's a 15 year old in front of legends. I'd be nervous too.


The suit looks better close up and at high res:


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I don't think it's the first time he shows up in the movie. I'm sure he gets recruited by Tony before that. Besides it's a 15 year old in front of legends. I'd be nervous too.


The suit looks better close up and at high res:


Just because we can justify it, with an explanation like "I'd be nervous too", doesn't mean we should have to. Sure Spidey is 15. But that's less relevant than the fact that he's SPIDER-MAN. Who's core characteristic, most especially in his earliest appearances, was dealing with those nerves WITH those wisecracks. The wisercracks aren't despite the nerves, they're BECAUSE of them.


I'm not saying this single-handedly ruins the character or anything. But if it IS the first time he shows up (we'll find out I guess), then it just rings my own Spidey-sense that maybe they don't get what makes the character the character--the version they've been claiming this is I mean. 


I'm not opposed to the outfit. As I said it very much fits with the 15 year old version. Dark N Gritty is not that kid.

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