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Regarding the "mistress" (was she really?) or David's little side action:



"Befriending" is Shannon's term.  Is it possible they all ran in the same circles and the woman shared a pleasant greeting or two?  Shannon exaggerates everything, so I'd like a little more info.   The fact that the woman slept with Shannon's husband--even once--makes her (and David) despicable as far as I'm concerned.  Shannon doesn't need to write an entire soap opera about it.   She'd have plenty of women on her side.

If she is fucking some one's husband that's a mistress. People can call it what ever they want

trick ho side piece mistress

Its all the same imo.


We don't know that Shannon is writing a soap opera, so i'll side with Shannon rather than David.

  • Love 15


So I don't know if she misses Donn but she probably misses being in a relationship that didn't alienate her family and friends.  Sure, they seem to be coming around now but that took years and a cancer diagnosis.  <-----which I'm still not convinced isn't just another Brooks con job.

It also seems to me that Vicki's longing to have Donn back along with whatever she seems to think they had together is another way to cast herself as a victim. If only Donn had tried harder, filled her love tank, pursued her and on and on...poor her. The vow renewal was a bust, despite the ugly new ring ("Are the diamonds princess cut???" as she counted the endless, tiny stones)--which seemed to bet the only thing which made an impression on her--screw the ceremony, it was about the outward display she could show her friends--much like Brooks' rented fur coat. He forced her into affairs, she had no choice, he didn't understand her needs and blahblahblah.


It was all his fault and poor Vicki was just a victim. Pity her, stroke her, tell her how badly she was treated. Status quo.

  • Love 12

Did I hear Vicki talk about her and Donn, and how they both went off the reservation, so to speak, and had affairs?  Anyone know who she had the affair with?

Vicki and Donn both had multiple affairs. I don't know if they had a truly "open" marriage, but they seemed to have an understanding that a few side dalliances were to be expected. At one point when Vicki and Tamra were on the outs during a reunion Tamra started to out Vicki's multiple affairs and Vicki shut her down hard and fast. I remember being annoyed with Vicki at the time because Donn was honest about it and Vicki acted all holier than thou and lied about it. To each their own, but quit being a lying liar who lies.

I did give Vicki props this episode hearing from Shannon that she told Vicki some things in confidence and they stayed in confidence. Good for Vicki! I didn't know she had it in her. Hopefully when things hit the Brooks fake cancer rough patch Vicki doesn't get so nasty she uses that info for evil.

  • Love 5

Anyone catch Vicks on WWHL? Vicks, what the fuck with the hair? My 12 year old niece has the hang of using a flat iron. Why can't you, hun?

This hair?


It looks like nice, heat-styled waves to me -- I thought it looked cute. But then I'm sick of the all-straight-all-the-time trend.

I agree that next week's Brooks storyline should be interesting. Although I was bummed to see Megan's "The psychic said" tacked onto to the front of her "Brooks doesn't have cancer" revelation. Damn editing monkeys, previously making it seem like she was somehow privy to insider info!

  • Love 7

"Mistress"   I guess I give this term a bit more power.  A mistress doesn't just meet the married guy here and there for lunch and a quick trip to a motel.  My mistress (my definition) gets more special treatment: nice gifts, great restaurants, maybe vacations.  Some have homes or apartments paid for by their paramours.  Wardrobes, credit cards.   Others are side pieces, flings, etc.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 5

I cannot stand Meghan and hope she goes back to St. Louis for the season. She may think Tamra is her friend, but that woman will throw her over and under the bus in favor any of the other women. In addition, she's stupid as fuck, which is why she didn't get Vicki's point. AT ALL. And she so cannot compare Vicki buying her daughter a car to her handling of Haley because a) Brianna actually went to college and has a serious career and is the mother of two very young people and not living in a fun place with a mortgage and may need some help. Her mama's rich, so why not? She is definitely not a spoiled brat like Haley.


Andy Cohen: Do us a favor and ditch the bitch.

I also love Vacation Heather and have more sympathy for Betrayed Shannon now that we know more details about David's affair.

  • Love 10

RHOC and WWHL promote excessive drinking the way the Kardashians promote interracial relationships.  Doesn't Andy realize the "lovable lush" went out with Dean Martin and Foster Brooks about fifty years ago?  There is nothing cute or amusing about people getting falling-down-drunk and screaming at the top of their lungs. Teenagers do it because they're teenagers, but middle aged women "whooping it up" at lovely restaurants and expensive resorts are just pathetic. 

  • Love 11
It lasted 8 months. I understand that people don't like Shannon, but...



A word has nothing to do with whether l "like" Shannon or not (I don't know her).  My definition of "mistress" came long before Shannon Beador was born.  Eight months isn't much--I know it's important to the three people involved.   I've personally known some "girlfriends" whose relationships lasted ten years and more. Never a vacation.  Maybe a small gift.  Only stolen moments...and sometimes hope for a future. I don't know that the wives ever found out, but I didn't know what was going on WHILE it was going on (in most cases).  The girlfriends certainly never ended up with their paramours.  I can't be convinced that David's fling was a mistress.  She probably wasn't the first.  

Edited by Former Nun

Of what we were SHOWN, Vicki was EXTREMELY disrespectful and, sometimes, belittling to Donn. We were not shown Donn perpetuating the same type of careless disregard(well, wait. It WAS pointed disregard, at times, also) toward Vicki.

Really, what occurred was that young, "pretty", and a bit "glamorous", at least for this group, Gretchen swayed onto the scene with sugar daddy in tow. Both Tamra and Vicki became jealous--Tamra was actually quite obsessively and heatedly jealous. Vicki was jealous and begrudging over Gretchen's youth and Gretchen not having to "work", yet having access to oodles of money. Insanely jealous, Tamra's feelings were based on Gretchen's access to wealth and the fear that her self proclaimed status as The Hottest Housewife was threatened.

The above^^is the back story and the impetus for Vicki's and Tamra's later manipulative and dirty actions. Tamra wanted a RICH HOT man who could appreciate her self perceived hotness while enjoying the lifestyle of a partial "high flyer". Thus, she directed events by performing the role of woebegone wittle wife whose harassment by Simon verged on abuse. This role was played FOR Vicki in order to gain Vicki's sympathy, chide Simon, and set the stage for Tamra to divorce him. Of course, dunderheaded Vicki was not aware that Tamra had also lured Satan to her as he thought her decrepit soul to be comely.This easily identifiable deception continued as Vicki berated Simon while urging Tamra to leave his vile clutches.

Meanwhile, Vicki is bemoaning her empty unleaded-only love tank. She sighs and moans her days away though always ensuring that Donn realizes HIS shotcomings of which span the universe. Eventually, after Tamra, unbeknownst to him, firmly insults and embarrasses Simon on national tv, Tamra causes the initiation of divorce proceedings, thereby completing her role while awaiting a standing ovation from her fellow demon imps. With Vicki hypnotized by Satan's fast-tracking assistant, Tamra, she struts across the stage delivering a stellar rendition of the play, "The Middle-aged and the Restless".

At the awards ceremony, she won a divorce.

Meanwhile, Vicki's new lead man is not the dashing man about town that she envisioned. Instead, he is a bit of a ne'er do well with A dash of grifter and a sprinkle of conman.

Tamra's promotions have been devilishly astronomical. She, now, as an executive of the Putrid Pit, has an apprentice herself.

☆☆Excuse the grammar,...

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 6

To quote "The Countess," from another Real Housewives franchise, Vicki and Tamra, "Money can't buy you class."  In Vicki's case, she may make more and more money and that will just bring more attention to the class she lacks.  I'm embarrassed that BRAVO not only pays for these trashy women to visit other countries...but encourages their bad behavior.  America doesn't need this type of attention.

  • Love 8

From the linked article, how interesting that Jeff Lewis from flipping out is personal friends with both Mr. and Mrs. Beador, and loves them. I hardly know what to make of that!


On topic, my sympathy for Shannon's obsession over the affair definitely increased with hearing more of the details this episode.


For some reason, I find her very candid and likable, and an over-sharer which is a great trait in a Housewife. If she'd just get out of her own damn way, her life could be so much easier. But that's easy to say from the outside looking in.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 16
The ONLY reason Meghan is in Orange County, the only reason she and Jim are apart now, is so she can famewhore it up on this show.



I think Jimmy is a famewhore too.  He probably supported this idea until he got involved--now he wants nothing to do with it.  I wouldn't be surprised if Meghan can't accept a new contract (if offered).  Jimmy is a big deal in St. Louis, Andy's home town.

  • Love 3

There's nothing in the definition of "mistress" that requires that there be a relationship lasting years; it's just a more polite term for a woman engaging in an extramarital sexual relationship. We could call her a lot of things.

ETA: There's a Teresa Giudice joke to be made here ("Is bitch better?!")


Love her or hate her, gotta admit, that was a great line! She had a few...Thanks for the laugh!

  • Love 5

Did anyone notice that Tamra said, "I have to talk to the pasture" instead of "pastor?" when she was talking to Heather about the Bible. I thought that was funny, but also weird that she is so into church and everything and she doesn't even know the word pastor. These people. 

Yes, and on WWHL, Vicki said her speech about stepparents was edited and "taken out of content."  She and Tamra give Gretchen a run for her money when it comes to butchering the English language.

  • Love 8


I think Jimmy is a famewhore too.  He probably supported this idea until he got involved--now he wants nothing to do with it.  I

Okay, I'm not sympathetic to anyone choosing to be a dick but it seems to me that someone (anyone) who has substantial early in life success--like a professional  athlete--is being set up to have some serious issues when the multi-million contracts and adulation ends when, say, they hit their late 30's or 40 or sustain some kind of career ending injury. They're yesterday's news (literally) and easily replaced by some kid in the minors.


That's a hard pill to swallow. Yes, of course, some manage it with grace and maturity but--I'm generalizing here--if you hit it big at maybe 22, you're likely not all that highly educated due to having constant practice and games while growing up and, while certainly not necessarily stupid, may well not have the resources to know what to do with the next 50 years.


Of course, that also doesn't excuse being a dick.

  • Love 7

"Girl code" is an excuse for poor behavior. I had never heard of this until Bravo. Lol, a poster here snapped at me when I asked if it were generational thing, since only these women seem to use it extensively.


Just catching up.  I remember responding to you, so if this refers to my response, I apologize.  I thought I was being all swoony and winsome (because you mentioned being in your 20s) in any case, that wasn't meant to be condescending, sorry if it sounded that way. 

  • Love 4

You guys, I'm seeing a theme in this thread that's upsetting to me.  People are ragging on Meghan's headband at the final dinner - which, okay, I totally get.  But meanwhile Lizzie's beaded monstrosity has managed to escape comment.  And that's just not okay.


Vicki is a severely flawed human being, but I honestly believe that when a friend tells her something in confidence, she doesn't blab it.  At least, I can't think of any instances on this show in which she's done that.  And I actually thought her scene on the beach with Shannon was one of her more likable moments in ten seasons.  


Finally, the conspiracy theorist in me sort of wants to believe that Shannon has only convinced David she's willing to work it out with him in order to lure him onto the show for a second season and slowly unroll the tapestry of shittiness that is David as a human being in front of a national audience.  Then, when she's done fully humiliating him, and the season ends, she'll dump his ass.  That would be all kinds of awesome (well, *would* be, if they didn't have kids who will see this play out on TV.)

Edited by ladle
  • Love 5
Finally, the conspiracy theorist in me sort of wants to believe that Shannon has only convinced David she's willing to work it out with him in order to lure him onto the show for a second season and slowly unroll the tapestry of shittiness that is David as a human being in front of a national audience.  Then, when she's done fully humiliating him, and the season ends, she'll dump his ass.



I can fully support this theory although I don't think Shannon has analytical capabilities.  Of course, if she dumps HIS ass, I want BRAVO to dump HERS.

I am beginning to think that Heather was defensive over Shannon's Girl Code comments because she is acquainted or friend's with David's "affair".  I wonder if perhaps the "affair's" kids attend the same school as Heather and Shannon's?  I could totally see Heather claiming to want to be friends with both of them and Shannon finding it unacceptable.    However, Heather totally misquoted what Shannon said and at least Shannon put herself in Allison Edmond's place. 


It leads me to believe that Meghan is going out of her way to make Shannon unhappy.  Meghan has already said Allison is not a happy person. . .funny how having your marriage bust up makes one unhappy.

  • Love 5

I can fully support this theory although I don't think Shannon has analytical capabilities.  Of course, if she dumps HIS ass, I want BRAVO to dump HERS.


No big surprise there. But seriously, if you eliminate all the housewives with 2-digit IQs who populate this franchise (Vicki, Tamra, and Lizzie), that leaves only three who enter 3-digit territory. I'll be generous and give Meghan a 105 for graduating from 'Ol Miss and allegedly selling pharmaceutical software between reality show gigs, but her inability to even see that Tamra is a master shit stirrer seriously caps her in the low 3 digits at best. Heather, despite all her pretense and putting on airs, is probably the smartest of this motley group.That leaves Shannon, with her excellent verbal skills, somewhere between Meghan and Heather IQ wise, and probably closer to Heather.


Now if only Shannon could borrow the pair she saw on Meghan, she could dump her husband pronto and get on with her life in an intelligent and productive manner.

  • Love 3

No big surprise there. But seriously, if you eliminate all the housewives with 2-digit IQs who populate this franchise (Vicki, Tamra, and Lizzie), that leaves only three who enter 3-digit territory. I'll be generous and give Meghan a 105 for graduating from 'Ol Miss and allegedly selling pharmaceutical software between reality show gigs, but her inability to even see that Tamra is a master shit stirrer seriously caps her in the low 3 digits at best. Heather, despite all her pretense and putting on airs, is probably the smartest of this motley group.That leaves Shannon, with her excellent verbal skills, somewhere between Meghan and Heather IQ wise, and probably closer to Heather.


Now if only Shannon could borrow the pair she saw on Meghan, she could dump her husband pronto and get on with her life in an intelligent and productive manner.

But Lizzie was a valedictorian. . . .  :)

Hi! Longtime lurker but I had to come out to talk about our girl Megs. Don't get me wrong, she very much rubs me the wrong way in a lot of ways...but I think I might have an idea why she speaks about the kids like she does.

I am a youngish stepmom to two boys (3 years married, 6 years in their lives and they are 12 now). I was 25 when I started dating my husband and none of my friends were in the same situation as me, so it was difficult to navigate and understand a lot of the ebb and flow of divorce and co parenting. I have matured a great deal since and really grown into being a stepmom and wife, and when I see Meghan, I see a person very inexperienced in the situation who is saying what she *thinks* she should say and others want to hear. I wonder how many of her friends are in the same situation and I think that's maybe why she is so awkward trying to hang in the parenting conversations with the HW's. If I'm being honest, I used to feel like I wanted to be the only mom in the boys' life sometimes because it was hard for my young self to "compete" with the bio mom. (Um, only difference is thank the good Lord I wasn't on camera and I kept those thoughts to myself). Years/experience/growing on my part have allowed me to understand the value of their mom, and also that there are boundaries that should be and are respected. Also, it took me a lot longer to comfortably call my step kids "my children" as I felt that was a right to be earned that took longer than a hot minute (4 months). I understand every situation is different, but I guess that's just why she rubs me the wrongway. If it makes sense at all, I think she says she wishes they were her kids because she thinks that's what she's supposed to say as the "selfless stepparent who willingly took on her husband's kids and loved them like her own." Anyway, glad to join y'all in the convo and don't be too harsh on me on my first post!! :)

  • Love 12

Regarding the "mistress" (was she really?) or David's little side action:



"Befriending" is Shannon's term.  Is it possible they all ran in the same circles and the woman shared a pleasant greeting or two?  Shannon exaggerates everything, so I'd like a little more info.   The fact that the woman slept with Shannon's husband--even once--makes her (and David) despicable as far as I'm concerned.  Shannon doesn't need to write an entire soap opera about it.   She'd have plenty of women on her side.


Shannon said the woman would ask her questions about the state of her marriage.  I don't think you would share that information with someone you've only shared a pleasant greeting or two with.  She must have gotten in Shannon's good graces enough to make her trust her with that information.

  • Love 8

From the linked article, how interesting that Jeff Lewis from flipping out is personal friends with both Mr. and Mrs. Beador, and loves them. I hardly know what to make of that!


On topic, my sympathy for Shannon's obsession over the affair definitely increased with hearing more of the details this episode.


For some reason, I find her very candid and likable, and an over-sharer which is a great trait in a Housewife. If she'd just get out of her own damn way, her life could be so much easier. But that's easy to say from the outside looking in.


Shannon's sister is some comedienne named Heather McDonald. She is friends with Jeff since college as she was on Flipping Out and he explained that. I think that is where his Beador relationship comes from before the show.

  • Love 2

This hair?


It looks like nice, heat-styled waves to me -- I thought it looked cute. But then I'm sick of the all-straight-all-the-time trend.

I agree that next week's Brooks storyline should be interesting. Although I was bummed to see Megan's "The psychic said" tacked onto to the front of her "Brooks doesn't have cancer" revelation. Damn editing monkeys, previously making it seem like she was somehow privy to insider info!

That hairstyle is "on trend". It's everywhere. It was the style worn by Eileen as we usually saw her on the RHBH, Brandi had the style on the RHBH reunion, it's sported by Natalie Morales on "The Today Show",...

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 4

Shannon's sister is some comedienne named Heather McDonald. She is friends with Jeff since college as she was on Flipping Out and he explained that. I think that is where his Beador relationship comes from before the show.

Really? That makes sense because didn't Heather McD. turn up at somebody's limo bus for a party? Side note, my daughter was in LA (visiting her then boyfriend, very talented musician but I digress) and went with him to a dental appointment, overheard a women talking to the front desk person about Heather McD, it was Heather's mother so in that she met Shannon's mother too! Six degrees people, six degrees!

  • Love 2

Bella Roche, on 12 Aug 2015 - 11:34 AM, said:

RHOC and WWHL promote excessive drinking the way the Kardashians promote interracial relationships.

I do not understand what the Kardashians and some of their interracial relationships have to do with this conversation. Am I missing something?

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 2

I was a little shocked at how Heather seemed terrified of Tamara.  When Heather (probably truthfully) brought up her conversation with Tamara to Shannon, how the hell is Tamara the one that gets offended?  Tamara was absolutely trash talking the conversation and pot stirring (Tamara's only marketable skill).  What irked me is how Heather made a bee line to go the restroom to apologize to Tamara.  Woman, you are building a house the size of a La Quinta Inn and married to a man who practically throws money at you (and seems to honestly love you).  Why the hell is Tamara's friendship so damn important to you?  I think lil Tammy Sue is the chosen one in this group and probably the one who has Andy's ear.  This is why Megs is so keen to kiss her ass.  Vicki is exempt, because of the OG of the OC crap.


What Megs does not realize is the viewers hate Tamra and are keen to her manipulative bullshit.  We all like Shannon, because she is authentic and kind ( I do not think I have ever seen her do anything malicious to any of the other howives) in her own kooky oversharing way.  So when Megs bullies Shannon, it is like a giant man kicking a sad puppy.


I also hate that these women are paid to be taken to some of the most beautiful places in the world and Tamara can only comment about dicks and balls.  Remember the comment last season where she called the elephant's penis a "lipstick"?  This year she had to comment about the male Tahitian dancers showing their balls.


If Tamara was a man and not a petite blonde woman who was probably considered "hot" most of her life, people would think she was a giant perv and avoid her like the plague.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 2

Shannon said the woman would ask her questions about the state of her marriage.  I don't think you would share that information with someone you've only shared a pleasant greeting or two with.  She must have gotten in Shannon's good graces enough to make her trust her with that information.

Shannon shared that information with Tamra shortly after meeting her and was shocked when Tamra shared it with Heather. I think Shannon is just way too candid when it comes to things most people would consider personal information. 

  • Love 3

Okay, it's late and maybe I'm reading this comment incorrectly but it makes my eye twitchy and seriously rubs me the wrong way.

I don't understand the comparison here between excessive drinking and the Kardashians' choice of men...Excessive drinking is definitely a vice and not to be celebrated. However, I don't see how dating and/or marrying black men is a problem (assuming that is what you are referring to?). I think the Kardashians are Armenian, right? And Armenians are an ethnic group, as far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong). So dating a white guy would not be considered an interracial relationship, as far as I know.

The future is some shade of brown, anyways.



Bella Roche, on 12 Aug 2015 - 11:34 AM, said:

RHOC and WWHL promote excessive drinking the way the Kardashians promote interracial relationships.

I do not understand what the Kardashians and some of their interracial relationships have to do with this conversation. Am I missing something?

OK, I'm no Joan Rivers.  But it was intended as a snarky reference, nothing more.   

I also hate that these women are paid to be taken to some of the most beautiful places in the world and Tamara can only comment about dicks and balls.  Remember the comment last season where she called the elephant's penis a "lipstick"?  This year she had to comment about the male Tahitian dancers showing their balls.


If Tamara was a man and not a petite blonde woman who was probably considered "hot" most of her life, people would think she was a giant perv and avoid her like the plague.

Tamra is on the same level of maturity as a fourth grade boy.  Her children must cringe when they hear what comes out of her mouth (and they do hear, even if they aren't allowed to watch the show on television).

  • Love 6

Shannon's sister is some comedienne named Heather McDonald. She is friends with Jeff since college as she was on Flipping Out and he explained that. I think that is where his Beador relationship comes from before the show.

I thought that sister rumor was proven wrong. Before Shannon's first season there where group pixs with Heather M but they are not related.

  • Love 7

No, they're completely scripted and controlled by the producers. Before the start of each episode's shooting, each of the housewives is given a detailed description of every scene and the exact words (down to the frequent vulgarities) they will speak, the emotions they will "feel" and display for the cameras, how exactly they will use their eyes and body language. 


In real life, in case you don't know, Tamra is actually a graduate of UCLA's drama program (with a minor in religious studies), a weekend member of Habitat for Humanity, an accomplished world traveler with a real respect and appreciation for the languages, beliefs, and foods of foreign cultures. She is a very warm-hearted and generous person, extremely popular in her community. Her oldest son Ryan is a tech genius, made wealthy by the sale of several of his most successful startups.


Meghan King is actually a very well-regarded gynecological oncologist with a thriving surgical practice and a leading proponent in her specialty for cancer patient empowerment and the compassionate treatment of patients by their doctors. She lectures frequently on the importance of always treating cancer patients with with the utmost dignity and respect. She too is very well regarded in her community.

Edited by Should Be Working
  • Love 7

The saddest thing about this episode was Shannon saying to Vicki that this affair will be the best thing that happened to her marriage.  No honey.  Not only is he a cheater, but he and his mistress disrespected you so much that they made a mockery of you.  Run, run away.  Don't set this example as a good thing in a marriage to your children.  Just because he's groveling now to you does not a healthy marriage make and he will not change his stripes.  He's just waiting for her to get comfortable again before he finds a new girlfriend.

The saddest thing about this episode was Shannon saying to Vicki that this affair will be the best thing that happened to her marriage.  No honey.  Not only is he a cheater, but he and his mistress disrespected you so much that they made a mockery of you.  Run, run away.  Don't set this example as a good thing in a marriage to your children.  Just because he's groveling now to you does not a healthy marriage make and he will not change his stripes.  He's just waiting for her to get comfortable again before he finds a new girlfriend.

  • Like 1
  • Love 6
The saddest thing about this episode was Shannon saying to Vicki that this affair will be the best thing that happened to her marriage.  No honey.  Not only is he a cheater, but he and his mistress disrespected you so much that they made a mockery of you.



And...to be "relevant" on a reality show, you aired your dirty laundry (and then some) on national television.  Everyone your children ever went to school with--or WILL go to school with can watch this and continue the gossip (and possible taunting) for years.  Get a grip and get off this show!

  • Like 1
  • Love 8

I was cringing at Shannon acting all giddy and gleeful over David adding a few "Xs and Os" to the end of his text messages to her.  Girl, how many of those do you think he sent to his mistress over the course of their affair?  My guess is: lots. Shannon, you do annoy me from time to time but you deserve better than his cheating, lying ass.  Get thee a good divorce attorney and enjoy the rest of your life not constantly worrying 50 (or 100?) times a day if he's still in contact with his side piece (which, yes, he probably is)


As for Vicki, did anybody find her talking head when she was saying something to the effect of "I wish Don and I had worked on our marriage instead of getting divorced" when she's supposedly sooooo in love with Brooks strange?  I certainly did!


I was cringing too.  I think Shannon is trying to convince herself that this affair will end up making their marriage stronger than ever because now he's groveling.  I think by telling herself that, it's the only way she can proceed in the marriage.  But she's constantly trying to supress herself and her emotions so he will stay in the marriage.  It won't last.  He'll be on to the next affair as soon as she gets comfortable.  

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 4

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