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Grant Ward: Hates the Patriots

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I'm glad the writers have decided to go even darker with him after this not-redemption arc, and I hope that May is the one to finally put him out of his misery.

If Ward is going to be the Big Bad next season, then, if season 1 and 2 are followed, Ward will be killed in the finale. I think it will be by one of three - May since she's the best agent. Bobbie because, even after being tortured, she still did major damage to Ward. Skye, because she's the most powerful, and, you know, being Skye. My rooting interest go with either of the first two.

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He was so eager to kill that he shot without even thinking and killed Kara. Then he will still never take the responsibility for it. Like Bobbi told him, it's always someone else's fault.


This.  So much this.  I loved Bobbi calling him out on being a cowardly hypocrite.  Even more hypocritical was him criticizing Bobbi's apology after the shitty one he gave the gang a few weeks ago.  And the fact that what happened to Kara was exactly the same thing he was planning to do to Bobbi and Hunter, he ought to consider Kara's death a bitchslap from karma.

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Right, and he just added Bobbi and Hunter to list of people that want to kill him when they didn't know him before. They should all take turns putting a bullet in him, legs first saving the head shot for last. 

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I like what the writers have done with Ward. First we all thought he'd be a love interest for Skye, and she ended up shooting him and not feeling at all bad about it. Then we worried that he'd be redeemed, and they made him one of the craziest assholes on the whole show. I'm enjoying watching him so much more now.

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I vote for Ward's taking down to be a team effort. I mean, he betrayed all of them, in different ways.

True, but maybe Jemma comes back in some powered form and totally takes him out.  I could get behind that.

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I need May to start the fight to bring Ward down, Skye to pack in a few tremors, maybe make his atoms boil a little bit, then have Fitz and Simmons both work together to deliver the final blows. Ultimately, whether it's Fitz or Simmons who kills him, I don't care. But it should be one of them for sure. 

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I need May to start the fight to bring Ward down, Skye to pack in a few tremors, maybe make his atoms boil a little bit, then have Fitz and Simmons both work together to deliver the final blows. Ultimately, whether it's Fitz or Simmons who kills him, I don't care. But it should be one of them, for sure. 

As long as Coulson gets to do something to him, too, I'm game for that!  And while they're not among the originals, I think Bobbi and Hunter deserve their chance to do something, as well.

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Honestly, I'm kind of fine that underneath the simply crazy, Ward has an ego and he totally hates the fact that he basically got beat.  Even before his turn to the dark side, I remember he was talked up as the ultimate badass; I could have sworn he was even mentioned in the same breath as Natasha/Black Widow.  So, I can totally by that it eats him up, that Melinda thrashed him like she did, and that he totally wants to even the score.

From SOS thread. I think the quote was best scores since Romanoff. after his Bond like opening sequence I can see some similarities before joining SHIELD she had the Red Room and an unknown amount of field experience. While Ward had Garrett's pre SHIELD Hydra assessment and indoctrination course.

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I don't necessarily think of Ward "taking over" Hydra so much as Ward taking over Hydra's assets.  Hydra had a specific purpose and philosophy, which Ward does not share.


From the looks of it, he has the dregs of Hydra's assets.  It's a looooooooooooooooong way from Bakshi to those three thugs.

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Maybe Coulson can be like the old woman from the end of UHF, just randomly showing up to whack Ward in the nuts as he's being taken down. You know it would be great.

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You know it's funny but I think Ward is a lot like Fitzgerald Grant on Scandal: they're both pretentious assholes that act holier than everyone else, and always blame everyone EXCEPT themselves for the terrible things they've done.

The only difference is that Ward is at least openly evil.

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I keep thinking that I hope that Coulson gets a chance to fire at Ward (not nessary for a kill) and he says something along the lines of  "that's for shooting Lola."


I'm hoping either Fitz or Simmons gets to do the actual kill. And it should be at the end of this season.

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I'm hoping either Fitz or Simmons gets to do the actual kill. And it should be at the end of this season.

In terms of who'd have the right to kill Ward (if he does get killed), that is, which he should, then I think all killing rights are ranked as follows:


1. Fitz: He's mainly responsible for his brain damage and unquestionably felt the most betrayed by him.

2. Simmons: She's already promised him that she will do it, and after their drop in the ocean and resulting near-death experience, combined with her protectiveness over Fitz and Daisy, she's got a right to want to do it.

3. May: Seems to be the one he's most obsessed with beating, and she's just as much chomping at the bit to kill him.  She also kicked his ass once and was the main one responsible for Kara dying.  They're each other's main rivals in terms of combat and strength, too, so I imagine she has pretty high priority to take him out.

4. Bobbi: Kidnapped and tortured her, beat her up when she attempted to escape, broke her leg, and used her as bait to get Hunter killed.  I think she shot up the list with that one incident alone.

5. Daisy: Might possibly return to being his main object of obsession with Kara dead, and she might suspect that.  A lot of the damage he did was in her name, and I don't think she's too thrilled with that.  Plus, she's already shot him four times, so what's a few more?

6. Hunter: See everything I said about Bobbi, but he has a lesser degree since those acts weren't actually done to him.

7. Coulson: The only one willing to see any good in him, but also knows that he can't be allowed to live without going through T.A.H.I.T.I.  He probably won't mind taking him out if there are no other options.

8. Mack: Barely mentions him, but I think he'd be pissed on Bobbi's behalf, too.

9. Lincoln: Doesn't know him, though he could possibly take him out if he does something to Daisy.  Other than that, he's probably got the least right of all of the main characters to take him out, unless Ward does something to him personally this season.


My rankings, at least.  Anyone else can offer up one, too, if he or she wants.


Either way, it's gonna be interesting to see, if he finally goes down, who shuffles him off the mortal coil.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I like your list actually the only thing I would change is the reason why Skye/Daisy would kill him. He betrayed her by flirting with her which turned out to be using her to get her trust. He attempted to kill two of her friends into the ocean resulting in Fitz being brain damaged. She has already shot him several times and didn't kill him because she was in a hurry. And mainly he feels no guilt about what he did, which makes her feel sick. 

Edited by blueray
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I like your list actually the only thing I would change is the reason why Skye/Daisy would kill him. He betrayed her by flirting with her which turned out to be using her to get her trust. He attempted to kill two of her friends into the ocean resulting in Fitz being brain damaged. She has already shot him several times and didn't kill him because she was in a hurry. And mainly he feels no guilt about what he did, which makes her feel sick. 

I'll give you the shooting and will add that in.  But I didn't add the flirting because his feelings for her were genuine.

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  But I didn't add the flirting because his feelings for her were genuine.


Flirting expressed via kidnappings and threatening rape. PotAYto PoTAto


The Quake thing seems to be working out OK for her now, but imagine being hauled off against your will to be handed over to a fascist vivisectionist and a crazy man who wants to transform you into who knows what. Oh and it more or less makes you the enemy of all your friends. This seems a legitimate horrific beef.


However I wouldn't put her further up the list because it's not heroic to kill the baddie and she's so powered now that it would be hard to justify not finding a way to contain him with a convenient rock slide or something. Were it to happen, someone with a bit more conventional abilities should do it, and do it to protect others.

Edited by BPOX
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Much binge-watching has led me to this moment. Of all the twisted, delusional and craptastic things Ward has done, and there have been many, the look of sheer glee on his face when he shot "May" - glee plus 3 gut shots -- will.never.forgive.

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Much binge-watching has led me to this moment. Of all the twisted, delusional and craptastic things Ward has done, and there have been many, the look of sheer glee on his face when he shot "May" - glee plus 3 gut shots -- will.never.forgive.

And that's why I laughed my ass off at how horrified he was when he realized he shot Kara instead.

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On a certain level I think it would be kind of funny to have Lincoln come across Ward while he's on the run from SHIELD and the spiky guy, and ends up frying him without ever knowing who he was. Then Coulson and Daisy are sitting around wondering if/when Ward is going to try something when he's really smoldering in a back alley somewhere.

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With Daisy being the focus on the main show and Hunter talking revenge with the spin off seemingly back on I am thinking the Hydra hunt and Ward remains a B story until the Mockingbird Hunter show

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With Daisy being the focus on the main show and Hunter talking revenge with the spin off seemingly back on I am thinking the Hydra hunt and Ward remains a B story until the Mockingbird Hunter show

Brett has already said in interviews that Ward's the main villain this season, so I think it'll be an A story, not a B one.

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I don't mind Ward himself being around a lot, because now that he actually gets to emote Dalton is more fun to watch, but I wish he was doing something other than keeping Hydra going. It's kind of been done to death at this point.

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Any plan involving remodeling young Strucker is obviously nuts. The only thing crazier would be a plan that involved being captured on purpose. 


SHIELD is HYDRA, HYDRA is SHIELD, none of these people have the moral authority to play sheriff, jury, judge and executioner. Romanoff and Barton weren't redeemed by working for the good guys, and they didn't have the excuse of being deranged. (Romanoff's so-called training, like Ender's, should have produced an emotional cripple, not an uebermensch, but plainly the movies have decreed otherwise.) Ward is acting out some sort of psychodrama and there is no rational connection between his actions and his goals, insofar as he can even realize what they are.  What people usually call psychopaths or sociopaths may not have any conscience about what they do, but they do things for comprehensible reasons, like fun and profit. 

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I don't mind Ward, I just wish he'd stop talking so much. And it's all annoying expositionary dialogue right now about his grand plans to rebuild Hydra, which is even worse. I wish he'd just be silently hot and evil. 

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I was very disappointed that-what her name who could look like May- died before finding out what a complete psychopath Ward is.  I wanted a moment of realization in her eyes before he (in an alternate turn of events) deliberately betrayed her and she got caught or killed because of him.  It bugs me that instead she died loving him and that he has now twisted things AGAIN to--poor me I shot my girlfriend and it's all SHIELD's fault.   He is such an evil  Man-baby.  And he even got what's her name on his side about "having" to kill his dog.  He didn't HAVE to kill his dog.  And IF he HAD needed to kill him (if for example Bill Paxton had literally put a gun to his head and said it is the dog or you)  then any even remotely redeemable person would have bided his time and turned on Bill Paxton at the first opportunity.  Ward did the things he did because he CHOSE to and it was his choice to murder May that backfired on him.  Now it is his BIG justification for revenge.  Ugh.


I want May to rip out his spleen hand it to Simmons and have Simmons feed it to him.  I'm not normally rooting for merciless violence on the part of the good guys but he's made so many suffer that I don't want him to just be shot in the head or jailed.  Truth is this guy literally can not suffer enough to satisfy me.  If I could think of a way May Simmons Fitz Daisy AND Bobbi could all kill him slowly I'd root for that.

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Ward is acting out some sort of psychodrama and there is no rational connection between his actions and his goals, insofar as he can even realize what they are.  What people usually call psychopaths or sociopaths may not have any conscience about what they do, but they do things for comprehensible reasons, like fun and profit. 


Is he really that incomprehensible? It seems like he is empire building to me. The only job he knows how to do is being an agent. It's not that uncommon a real world problem for the folks who grew up fighting a war to travel to new places and find new wars to fight. That's what they know how to do. He's arrogant enough to think he should be in charge, and his world view is the only way to be safe is to be tougher than everyone. Last season he was more a mercenary. This season he's grabbing power, and I assume cash, from the Hydra leadership vacuum by representing himself as rebuilding Hydra.  Yes, he wants to take revenge for his grievances too. That's where the fun comes in.




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Is he really that incomprehensible? It seems like he is empire building to me.

Kidnapping a young guy and messing with his head doesn't seem like empire building to me. Threatening an underling by hanging off the hood of a speeding car so that he'll start doing bad guy stuff because, instead of for money, seems like empire destroying to me. I think serious empire builders recruit middle management with carrots, and use the sticks on the peons. 


But I do have to concede you're probably correct in saying that's what the producers mean. And it's just that I'm finding the writing to be grossly incompetent. I'd given up on this show once before and it's rapidly heading back to intolerable. 

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Although I've been hoping For Ward's redemption it seems he will most likely be killed this season. I hope he goes out in a blaze of glory and does real damage to the team. I want his death to be truly earned as he takes out several of the main cast. If he's not redeemed then allow him to be truly evil.

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After what he did to Andrew, I want Ward dead by MID-season finale!

He can't suffer enough to satisfy me, but I personally would love for his Hydra cronies to take him out a la Jon Snow in Game of Thrones. It would be extremely fitting.

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I don't think he works as a big bad, he's a sociopath but not particularly idealistic or ambitious. What the hell would he want to be a big bad for? I guess unless they retcon the character. They should've made him a lesser bad a la Penguin in Gotham. I wouldn't mind him being alive if they knew what to do with him, because moments like when he casually, even pleasantly, asked Fitz how he was (cue Fitz snapping to attack) were pretty awesome.


The show loses me with how easily and quickly they dispose of their villains. That ageless Nazi was legit terrifying, and he died in the most boring way ever. If/when they kill off Ward, I hope he causes some damage. I thought they had a good shot of it with Simmons last seasons, where she'd be going down a dark path herself, but eh, wasted potential.


He's so cartoony and boring now, but I'd imagine if they give him an interesting power (not a destructive one) they could salvage the character somewhat and make him useful.  Now if they went the Sesshomaru route and they mess with him by giving him a power he absolutely doesn't want, like healing others, that could be a lot of fun.

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We're going to need a new title for this thread, now that Ward isn't Ward anymore.

Ward isn't Ward

Ward Grant: 3.0 Alien Deluxe version

Someone made a great comment of "The Walking Ward" in the episode thread too.

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I didn't care for his speechifying on the blue planet, but I am glad that the story of Grant Ward is over.  Time will tell on the upcoming adventures of Zombie Ward.


The creature as Will seemed fond of speechifying as well. Ward was an evil psycho this creature is an evil psycho. I don't think we'll get much of a difference which is upsetting. Keeping a villain around past their expiration date always turns out badly. I've never once seen it be a good thing for a show.

Edited by Sakura12
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I'm pretty sure Zombie Ward will be gone at the end of the season. So best case scenario we get to watch Ward die twice.


Zombie Ward will die, leaving memory-wiped Ward alive and well so he can join SHIELD. You watch - it'll happen (unfortunately).

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Zombie Ward will die, leaving memory-wiped Ward alive and well so he can join SHIELD. You watch - it'll happen (unfortunately).

But the human being Grant Ward is dead, just like the human being Will Daniels was dead. I don't see how they could bring back the "real" Ward.

I'm pretty sure that's part of the reason Hydra kept sending people through the portal: people for the being to kill and then take control of the body.

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