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S06.E05: Can't Trust Them

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So true... and not only that, but even when they get in front of alleged professional Dr. Drew, he won't call them out or make them answer for anything! He used to be so good on LoveLine. I don't know what happened.

I used to think this was because Dr. Drew didn't watch the show, so he just bought into whatever these girls were saying as excuses. But now I think maybe he does watch the show or has interacted with them enough & is legit scared of calling some of them on their bullshit.

We've seen Kail shake Javi and she allegedly hit Jo, who is bigger than Javi. She's liable to go full Hulk Kail at any point. Jenelle is no stranger to violence - you can easily YouTube Jenelle beating a friend's (I think Tori's) ass while Kieffer cheers her on. As for Leah, I'm sure Dr. Drew has seen "Jerry Springer" & doesn't want the whole Messer family storming the stage screaming "Dr. Drew, that don't make no sense! Git 'em!" So he just reads his prepared questions, gives canned responses that won't elicit too much of a response from the girls, and collects his check. He probably figures if MTV wants to pay him a large chunk of change for "a check up" with this trash, he'll do it and get paid. It's been years since he had any form of integrity as a medical professional. He's just there to get his check without getting shaken by Kail, beat by Jenelle, or rushed by the Messers.

  • Love 9

It doesn't help that they all have legions of mouth breathing fans who think they walk on water. If you ever need proof of the Dumbing Down of America, read the comments on Jenelle's Instagram. People actually praise her and call her a devoted mother.

I know! There's a bonus scene from this episode on MTV.com where Barb calls a friend to discuss the court papers she got from Janelle and underneath the scene there is a commenter who says that Barb should give Janelle her child back and just be a Grandmother and do the right thing. And I sat there and read this whole comment and was like shaking my head. It's like.. are we watching the same show?

  • Love 4

Jenelle: Was very surprised to not see her yell through the phone when talking to his teacher. It seemed like they didn't want to let the teacher be heard (she didnt want to be on tv?) so it was edited like she was talking to herself or her mom. But I felt like she is more eloquent then I would think.

Totally acting on Jenelle's part. She wasted some of her mother's and the teacher's time just to put on a show of "Hey minions, look what a conscientious mother I am!" I wonder how many substances she took before the call to keep from blowing up per usual.

  • Love 3

I used to think this was because Dr. Drew didn't watch the show, so he just bought into whatever these girls were saying as excuses. But now I think maybe he does watch the show or has interacted with them enough & is legit scared of calling some of them on their bullshit.

We've seen Kail shake Javi and she allegedly hit Jo, who is bigger than Javi. She's liable to go full Hulk Kail at any point. Jenelle is no stranger to violence - you can easily YouTube Jenelle beating a friend's (I think Tori's) ass while Kieffer cheers her on. As for Leah, I'm sure Dr. Drew has seen "Jerry Springer" & doesn't want the whole Messer family storming the stage screaming "Dr. Drew, that don't make no sense! Git 'em!" So he just reads his prepared questions, gives canned responses that won't elicit too much of a response from the girls, and collects his check. He probably figures if MTV wants to pay him a large chunk of change for "a check up" with this trash, he'll do it and get paid. It's been years since he had any form of integrity as a medical professional. He's just there to get his check without getting shaken by Kail, beat by Jenelle, or rushed by the Messers.

I remember Dr Drew from back when Loveline was a radio show. He has always been this way. My friends were really into that show and I never got it. Adam Corolla isn't that funny and Dr. Drew has always been a sexist quack. He really does seem to believe that women only have sex to make babies or act out a traumatic event. On loveliness, any girl that called in that wasn't trying to marry her boyfriend (in which case she needed to be very understanding of all the wild oats he had to go sow) was the victim of repressed sexual abuse. He's just a nut job that hates women. But he likes famous people so there you go. Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 3

Totally acting on Jenelle's part. She wasted some of her mother's and the teacher's time just to put on a show of "Hey minions, look what a conscientious mother I am!" I wonder how many substances she took before the call to keep from blowing up per usual.

For me though it was worth it to hear Janelle say "Well my boyfriend thinks he has ADD" in an imperious tone like Nathan went to medical school between seasons. Really Janelle? Your BOYFRIEND thinks so? Well if your BOYFRIEND thinks it's ADD we'd better look into that! I live for the moments when Janelle confuses stupid with good point.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 14

I used to think this was because Dr. Drew didn't watch the show, so he just bought into whatever these girls were saying as excuses. But now I think maybe he does watch the show or has interacted with them enough & is legit scared of calling some of them on their bullshit.

We've seen Kail shake Javi and she allegedly hit Jo, who is bigger than Javi. She's liable to go full Hulk Kail at any point. Jenelle is no stranger to violence - you can easily YouTube Jenelle beating a friend's (I think Tori's) ass while Kieffer cheers her on. As for Leah, I'm sure Dr. Drew has seen "Jerry Springer" & doesn't want the whole Messer family storming the stage screaming "Dr. Drew, that don't make no sense! Git 'em!" So he just reads his prepared questions, gives canned responses that won't elicit too much of a response from the girls, and collects his check. He probably figures if MTV wants to pay him a large chunk of change for "a check up" with this trash, he'll do it and get paid. It's been years since he had any form of integrity as a medical professional. He's just there to get his check without getting shaken by Kail, beat by Jenelle, or rushed by the Messers.


Naw.  I think the more likely scenario is he's lobbing softballs at them at the direction of Mtv so that none of these princesses refuse to come back because they got their feelings hurt by the big bad doctor.  This is why I don't trust any "doctor" that goes by "Dr. (first name)"

  • Love 4

I agree. I don't think Sad Panda is literally afraid of them (well, maybe Kail), but more like afraid they'll walk if he pushes them too hard. I've noticed the one on this installment he actually seems to go after more is freaking Chelsea! And then I thought, maybe that's because she's the least "dramatic" out of all the girls and losing her wouldn't be as bad.

For me though it was worth it to hear Janelle say "Well my boyfriend thinks he has ADD" in an imperious tone like Nathan went to medical school between seasons. Really Janelle? Your BOYFRIEND thinks so? Well if your BOYFRIEND thinks it's ADD we'd better look into that! I live for the moments when Janelle confuses stupid with good point.

Right, and this diagnosis comes from the one weekend a month he is actually around the child. Screw the degreed professional who spends five days a week with the kid, if Dr. Nathan says it's ADD, then who are they to argue?

  • Love 6

Right, and this diagnosis comes from the one weekend a month he is actually around the child. Screw the degreed professional who spends five days a week with the kid, if Dr. Nathan says it's ADD, then who are they to argue?

God, that cracked me up. And Janelle sounded so proud of herself, like she really expected everyone to stop and defer to the latest boyfriend of the barley involved ex-con, drug addict mom. I swear, it's people like Janelle that always stop me from getting my teaching credential. I like kids, I like schools, I like books and ideas and education, and I like most parents. However, there is no way I could suffer through self important idiots like Janelle. That teacher deserves a bonus for getting through that call without calling Janelle an moron.

  • Love 9

I remember Dr Drew from back when Loveline was a radio show. He has always been this way. My friends were really into that show and I never got it. Adam Corolla isn't that funny and Dr. Drew has always been a sexist quack. He really does seem to believe that women only have sex to make babies or act out a traumatic event. On loveliness, any girl that called in that wasn't trying to marry her boyfriend (in which case she needed to be very understanding of all the wild oats he had to go sow) was the victim of repressed sexual abuse. He's just a nut job that hates women. But he likes famous people so there you go.

Oh my god, I had never considered this. I had friends who were ADDICTED to Loveline in the day.  And despite the fact that I love talk radio of all sorts, I never got into it. I loved Dr. Ruth, too.

Wow. Mind. Blown. 

I am a pre-kindergarten teacher. We are told that we must never tell a parent that their child has or might have ADHD (or any psychological condition). If we, or a parent, are concerned about behavioral issues, we must advise the parent to mention the concern to their child's pediatrician. The pediatrician then sends the teacher a questionnaire.

And by no means are we to say that child will be better off at a charter school!

I think Jace is at a charter school and that's how that was mentioned. To be fair to the teacher, I think Barbara was the one who said that (I think, I'm not really sure). Barbara isn't exactly the most even keeled person on earth either so who knows what the teacher actually said. Although if the school is a charter school, I can see it. They aren't subject to all the same guidelines as teachers at other schools. But yeah, the ADD thing. I can't imagine any reputable teacher at any reputable school, private, public, or charter, diagnosing a child with a medical issue. At most I'd think they would recommend some testing or that the parents consult a doctor. Now Nathan on the other hand, I'm sure he could diagnose a brain tumor from glancing at someone's haircut.

  • Love 5

I am a pre-kindergarten teacher. We are told that we must never tell a parent that their child has or might have ADHD (or any psychological condition). If we, or a parent, are concerned about behavioral issues, we must advise the parent to mention the concern to their child's pediatrician. The pediatrician then sends the teacher a questionnaire.


And by no means are we to say that child will  be better off at a charter school!


I went back and listened to it again and this was what Barb relayed to Jenelle - 

"She also says that she doesn't think that he would do well at public school.  He would do better here in charter school"


I think that the teacher was trying to say that Jace was better off staying at his current school where he can get the support that he needs.  We heard a 30 second summary of what would have been a much longer conversation which may have provided more context.  IMO, the teacher was talking about the need for stability in Jace's life and told Barb that moving him to a different, public, school would make things worse.  I thought that the teacher wasn't talking about charter schools in general but rather his school, hence the "here in charter school".  

  • Love 2

I don't think the teacher went beyond the scope of her job during the conference. The phone conversation was highly edited and Barb is not the most educated woman. I could see her unintentionally mixing up the teacher's phrasing as she tried to condense an hour long meeting into a five minute synopsis for her daughter.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 1

Here's my two cents.....


While I can't stand any of these girls other than Chelsea, the thing we have to remember with Kail and Leah (Janelle is a whole nother story) is that they are young and aren't capable of always making "grown up" decisions.  Just because they are parents doesn't mean they are adults.


Kail is simply insufferable and I can't imagine being friends with her let alone being married to her!  But in her defense of her lack of empathy, she learned that from her mother.  I recall when she was preggo with Isaac her asking her mom to spend time with her and her mom couldn't be bothered bc she wanted to see her boyfriend instead.  And her rush to divorce, I think is probably bc she never had a "father figure" in her life and probably saw her mom hop from boyfriend to boyfriend.  I don't think she recognizes what great baby daddies she has because she has never had that in her own life. Sadly I think Kail lives what she has learned.


While Leah is a mess right now, I am gonna cut her a little slack.  In the past few years she has done a lot and while most of it was her own doing, I think she has bit off way more than she could chew.  I have no doubt she is severely depressed and started doing drugs to make herself feel better.  If I had two divorces and two different baby daddies by the time I was her age I would feel pretty stupid as I'm sure she does.  She most likely doesn't wanna admit she has a problem bc that would be admitting yet another failure.   I am a 43 year old only parent of three kids.  Two of them have special needs.  It's a lot to deal with.  I do have some support but not to the extent Leah does.  And though I am twice her age I had many days when my kids were younger that I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel and was very overwhelmed.  I made bad decisions simply because I was tired and stressed.  I think Leah's depression spiraled after the birth of Adderall and Ali's diagnosis.  While she is dumber than a box of rocks, I do feel bad for her.  Hopefully others in her life are doing what they can to get her some help.

  • Love 9


Retweeted by Kail, Sterling is married with a toddler.

I think this little girl might have been the flower girl in Kailyn's aquatic wedding? Not sure, but if that's so, then Sterling has been around for 2+ years, because the nuptials from the deep took place in Sept 2013, I think.

I know! There's a bonus scene from this episode on MTV.com where Barb calls a friend to discuss the court papers she got from Janelle and underneath the scene there is a commenter who says that Barb should give Janelle her child back and just be a Grandmother and do the right thing. And I sat there and read this whole comment and was like shaking my head. It's like.. are we watching the same show?

Sorry if this comes out mean, but whenever I read people say Jenelle is a good mom, I wonder how many of them have lost custody of their own kids, hop from man to man, etc. I find it hard to believe that many women who work hard and take good care of their children would fawn over what a devoted mother she is for buying Jace a captain costume or something.

  • Love 9

For me though it was worth it to hear Janelle say "Well my boyfriend thinks he has ADD" in an imperious tone like Nathan went to medical school between seasons. Really Janelle? Your BOYFRIEND thinks so? Well if your BOYFRIEND thinks it's ADD we'd better look into that! I live for the moments when Janelle confuses stupid with good point.

Well, Jenelle, your boooooyfriend thinks a lot of things, like...

...asking people to buy the most expensive cribs and carseats for your baby is about having fucking class.

...that "genuality" is a word.

...that Jace would be better off with you (Jenelle) as opposed to Barbara.

...that wearing cut up Flash tshirts makes him look like a respectable gentleman.

...that he doesn't have a drinking or rage problem.

...that having a baby with Jenelle was a good idea.

...that Barbara is evil. (Seriously, wtf?)

...that Jenelle is crazy.

Well, I suppose even a broken clock is right twice per day ;)

  • Love 11

Kail is simply insufferable and I can't imagine being friends with her let alone being married to her!  But in her defense of her lack of empathy, she learned that from her mother.  I recall when she was preggo with Isaac her asking her mom to spend time with her and her mom couldn't be bothered bc she wanted to see her boyfriend instead.  And her rush to divorce, I think is probably bc she never had a "father figure" in her life and probably saw her mom hop from boyfriend to boyfriend.  I don't think she recognizes what great baby daddies she has because she has never had that in her own life. Sadly I think Kail lives what she has learned..

I think you're right about Kailyn.


She also has this thing where she can't see when things are good. That's a lack of maturity, also, the ability to sit back and say "ok, this one particular thing is bugging the crap out of me right now, but overall things are good."

It's her Eeyore-ness. Yes, things could always be better, but there's truth in the old "count your blessings" cliché.


She doesn't see the day to day value of a father figure/husband because she didn't have one or see it modeled. Her mother probably did much the same, hopped from man to man for what they would offer her (and her child). And she probably put Kailyn second to whatever those dudes wanted. And Kailyn saw only that her mom was putting her second and vowed not to do that. So as long as she considers her children in her decisions, she is able to pat herself on the back for not being like her own mom. 


Meanwhile, since she didn't see couples slogging though issues and problems and boredom, she thinks those things are a sign she needs to move on rather than something to overcome. She makes noises about going to counseling because that sounds grown up, but won't put any effort into it because she doesn't see how she is the problem.

  • Love 10
they are young and aren't capable of always making "grown up" decisions.  Just because they are parents doesn't mean they are adults.



If they can't make a grown up decision, they shouldn't be parents.  Since it's too late for that, I guess then I should say this is why they are terrible parents and terrible people.  How old are these girls now, 23?  If they aren't adults now, when do they become adults?

  • Love 9

Leah's lawyer is a repulsive wench. I suppose, according to her, Adam should get full custody of Aubree because Chelsea works and he's a perpetually unemployed deadbeat?

On a separate note, I could understand Leah not waking up to an alarm, maybe. But what about the three little living, breathing alarms that you have in that home? I have a two year old and the first thing he does when he wakes up is crawl up in Mommy and Daddy's bed and start climbing all over us, giving us kisses and asking about breakfast. I guess the girlses have given up entirely and accepted the fact that they're going to be going it alone in the mornings. Poor little things.

  • Love 9
Wealthy people with two nannies don't have as much childcare help as Leah.


And they're (ostensibly) helping her out for free!


On a separate note, I could understand Leah not waking up to an alarm, maybe. But what about the three little living, breathing alarms that you have in that home? I have a two year old and the first thing he does when he wakes up is crawl up in Mommy and Daddy's bed and start climbing all over us, giving us kisses and asking about breakfast. I guess the girlses have given up entirely and accepted the fact that they're going to be going it alone in the mornings. Poor little things.


That's what I was trying to hit on earlier. Having kids generally changes your sleeping behavior. Or it should. If one of my kids gets up to use the bathroom in the night, I wake up - even if they don't come in my room. My youngest will come into my room, she's newly potty trained and still needs some help. I wake up as soon as her little feet cross the threshold. I don't know, there's just something about being a mom. You sense what's going on around you. What this tells me is that Leah is completely zonked out, and I definitely think drugs could be to blame. 

  • Love 5

It's really scary to think that Leah is knocked out to the point where five year olds are running the house in morning. Who takes care of the baby? What if a slice of bread gets caught in the toaster, starts to burn and Gracie sticks a knife in there to get it out? If Leah missing the alarm was a once in a blue moon thing, I don't think Cory would have been freaking out like that. Obviously Gracie told him a lot of details and Leah was just trying to save her ass with all the denials and justifications.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 5

It's really scary to think that Leah is knocked out to the point where five year olds are running the house in morning. Who takes care of the baby? What if a slice of bread gets caught in the toaster, starts to burn and Gracie sticks a knife in there to get it out? If Leah missing the alarm was a once in a blue moon thing, I don't think Cory would have been freaking out like that. Obviously Gracie told him a lot of details and Leah was just trying to save her ass with all the denials and justifications.

I feel sorry for poor Gracie after Corey Tyler told Leah about the toast thing. Poor thing probably got a whoopin for that. :(

  • Love 5

I used to sleep through the alarm, earthquakes you name it.  If I had to get up for something and there was not another adult there I would set multiple alarms.  As a parent  I am in complete agreement that it is very unlikely the kids don't come to her when they wake up.  I suspect they are sleeping in because she is not putting them to bed at a sane hour, and are perhaps not always waking before her.  Since Gracie has told her father Leah is sleeping we know it has happened a few times, and either she got in huge trouble for waking Leah, or she is so out a kid can't wake her.  I can hear a kid vomit or cough in my sleep and bolt out of bed as can most parents.  I don't buy her lies for a minute.  I have sympathy for her addiction, but she is lying.

  • Love 4

Sorry if this comes out mean, but whenever I read people say Jenelle is a good mom, I wonder how many of them have lost custody of their own kids, hop from man to man, etc. I find it hard to believe that many women who work hard and take good care of their children would fawn over what a devoted mother she is for buying Jace a captain costume or something.

They probably see themselves in Jenelle

  • Love 5

How did the editor's and/or Leah's hair (which seems to have a life of its own), accomplish the following? Leah has long hair while she's driving the sick one to the doctor. When she's talking about that to Corey as the reason why the other one* didn't get to physical therapy that day, she has the bob. How is this possible?


*No, I can't get the names straight.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 2

How did the editor's and/or Leah's hair (which seems to have a life of its own), accomplish the following? Leah has long hair while she's driving the sick one to the doctor. When she's talking about that to Corey as the reason why the other one* didn't get to physical therapy that day, she has the bob. How is this possible?


*No, I can't get the names straight.

Leah is the WV Growin' Pretty Hair Barbie:


  • Love 2

How did the editor's and/or Leah's hair (which seems to have a life of its own), accomplish the following? Leah has long hair while she's driving the sick one to the doctor. When she's talking about that to Corey as the reason why the other one* didn't get to physical therapy that day, she has the bob. How is this possible?


*No, I can't get the names straight.


ha, good catch. I didn't notice it, and I usually keep an eye on her hair because it changed so dramatically a couple of times (kind of like watching the size of Maci's dog on TMOG - you can see the editing shenanigans when it flip flops between looking like a puppy and looking like a dog all in one segment). Now I'm going to have to re-watch just for Leah's magical hair. I'm sure they'll rerun it on Thursday.

  • Love 2

And they're (ostensibly) helping her out for free!

That's what I was trying to hit on earlier. Having kids generally changes your sleeping behavior. Or it should. If one of my kids gets up to use the bathroom in the night, I wake up - even if they don't come in my room. My youngest will come into my room, she's newly potty trained and still needs some help. I wake up as soon as her little feet cross the threshold. I don't know, there's just something about being a mom. You sense what's going on around you. What this tells me is that Leah is completely zonked out, and I definitely think drugs could be to blame.

I agree. When I was with my kids father he said he tried for half an hour to wake me up one morning. He said he called my name and shook the bed and I didn't move. He said my baby made a small noise in the next room andi woke right up and was in her room in 3 seconds.

Leah is a shitty mom.

I feel sorry for poor Gracie after Corey Tyler told Leah about the toast thing. Poor thing probably got a whoopin for that. :(

I thought the same thing.

  • Love 1

I always assume Leah's ever changing hair is a nod to the spliced editing this show does. I guess it's possible she can put in and take out the extensions herself, but I don't know if you'd be doing that like, every hour. Supposedly, the conversation with Corey took place only a few hours after the car ride.


Remember in an earlier season, when it was supposedly Christmas of 2011, and they cut to Chelsea flipping through a Cosmo dated summer 2012? Editing has always been really lazy.

  • Love 1

I always assume Leah's ever changing hair is a nod to the spliced editing this show does. I guess it's possible she can put in and take out the extensions herself, but I don't know if you'd be doing that like, every hour. Supposedly, the conversation with Corey took place only a few hours after the car ride.

Remember in an earlier season, when it was supposedly Christmas of 2011, and they cut to Chelsea flipping through a Cosmo dated summer 2012? Editing has always been really lazy.

I think Leah's ever changing hair is due to a couple of factors. Cheap clip on extentions, really thin fried hair that looks totally different when it's "done"(my sister has the healthy version of Leah's hair and there is a noticeable difference in length between when it blow dries v. air dries) and some editing. I don't think the editing is huge though. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that TM and TM2 have some of the shortest filming schedules of reality shows, somewhere between 4 to 6 weeks due to having to film multiple stories in multiple cities. It's not that I think MTV is above creative editing or isn't doing it here, but I don't think they have months of footage to work with.

  • Love 2
I always assume Leah's ever changing hair is a nod to the spliced editing this show does. I guess it's possible she can put in and take out the extensions herself, but I don't know if you'd be doing that like, every hour. Supposedly, the conversation with Corey took place only a few hours after the car ride.



That's the thing! By the topic of conversation ("Miranda went to school to pick her up and she wasn't even there," etc.) we know the conversation happened the same day. On the drive to the doctor, Leah is un-made up and looks like deep-fried ass. Her hair is straight and long past her shoulders. When she is "done up" later in the day (by her standards), she's wearing the above-the-shoulder bob again. One of life's great mysteries ...

  • Love 3

As for the hair, is it not possible Leah has extensions and took them out later in the day? I have zero experience with extensions, so I'm seriously asking. I really don't know how easy/hard they are to remove. But if she can remove her own IUD.....


It depends on what kind of extensions she has. If she has the fancy ones they have to be done by a salon and as I understand it there's really no taking them out yourself. When my old hairdresser was working on getting licensed to do extensions she was looking for volunteers at one point and asked me, but I said no because they sounded like a pain in the butt to take care of.  The human hair, professionally applied extensions look the best by far though. The clip in ones I've seen everything from fairly quick and easy DIY extensions to fancier clip ins that still recommend a professional to put them in.


Can you tell I have super thin hair that breaks off easily?  Never have had extensions except a clip in for a Halloween costume, but I've researched them some while contemplating getting "real" ones. Even the DIY clip ins seem to take a lot of time to get them right. Heck the one I had was a single piece and wasn't even meant to look all that realistic and it still took me over an hour to get the thing clipped in and  looking halfway decent.  Most of the time it'll be a set of multiple extensions that clip in all around the head to blend in with your natural hair. I really can't see Leah spending hours to do all this, especially in the midst of her oh-so-stressful days.

  • Love 1

No mystery behind Leah's changing hair lengths; it is definitely editing. As someone else noted several days ago, that was Goggles in the car and not the allegedly sick Evil Twin, who despite feeling nauseous was able to paint her nails. And wasn't there just one girl in the car? If they were coming from school there should have been two girlses.

  • Love 1

I suspect the arguments and parenting failures are so repetitive that the footage from day to day is pretty interchangeable anyway. That the footage isn't matched up doesn't change my understanding of what's going on in any appreciable way - she failed to get her daughter to her appointment despite having somebody else there at her house who could have taken care of the other kids, and despite having other people she could have called but didn't, etc., etc.

  • Love 3

No mystery behind Leah's changing hair lengths; it is definitely editing. As someone else noted several days ago, that was Goggles in the car and not the allegedly sick Evil Twin, who despite feeling nauseous was able to paint her nails. And wasn't there just one girl in the car? If they were coming from school there should have been two girlses.


I think one was with relatives or whoever and the other one was buried by crap falling from the back every time they braked, but I could be wrong. Maybe there was only one child in the car.


I agree with you on the hair lengths and editing. I just don't think she's spending that much time doing her hair over-and-over-and-over that she'd have to do with extensions.

I have nothing to really add as a new poster (very long time lurker though, hi!) that hasn't already been covered ... however, that wasn't "Goggles" in the car on the way to the doctor if that's the scene being discussed? I've rewatched multiple times and it was definitely "Evil Twin". Her face is visible a couple of times & her hair is not the curls of Ali, but the longer, straighter hair of Gracie.



Edited by lucky.b
  • Love 4

It's quite possible she did pick both girlses up from school, but left Ali with her random friend who has been hijacked into being the babysitter. And this scene was from her taking Aleeah to the doc by herself. 


Can you tell we've run out of important things to discuss about the episode when we're investigating to this degree? LOL, thank goodness there's a new episode tonight!

  • Love 1

I really don't have a problem with going on a girl's trip for a long weekend and even up to a week. The problem is Kail has a young child and a BABY. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting a break from your spouse and even kids every now and then, but with small children a week is excessive. I can't imagine leaving kids that age for a week, and I think when it comes to parenting that Kail does a pretty good job, but I don't agree with her going on that trip. I personally think a couple (meaning TWO) days away is acceptable. As your kids get older, yeah take a week for a special trip with friends if your spouse is fine with that. In addition to family trips and the occasional couple's getaway, my husband and I infrequently go on separate trips, sometimes with or without our 10 year old.

I'm speculating, but I think a lot of it comes down to Javi's Hispanic upbringing and traditionally they are much more family oriented. Whereas Kail was brought up with spotty parental and familial connections where she wasn't put first, which makes her extremely independent and able to sever relationships easily without caring too much about the consequences. She goes to the extreme and becomes volatile quickly. Lying is easy for her if it gets her what she wants. She is always the victim and sort of sees herself against the world like a wounded, rabid animal out for survival. She selfishly puts herself first because no one ever did when she was a child, not that I'm making excuses for her. She's an adult now, but mentally she thinks and operates like a child. And no offense to anyone, but most of us are pretty self-centered in our early 20's. But as a parent and a spouse, that doesn't fly. I'd be surprised if she's still with Javi in two years

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 13

I have nothing to really add as a new poster (very long time lurker though, hi!) that hasn't already been covered ... however, that wasn't "Goggles" in the car on the way to the doctor if that's the scene being discussed? I've rewatched multiple times and it was definitely "Evil Twin". Her face is visible a couple of times & her hair is not the curls of Ali, but the longer, straighter hair of Gracie.


She looks like she's had a hard day and is driving Leah home to make her some ravioli.
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