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S01.E04: eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4

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Glad to know I wasn't the only viewer completely confused. I gave up trying to understand when the fish started talking. I may re-watch this ep, but I'm fast losing interest in the show. The pilot was great, but it's been downhill from there. Also, I find shows about druggies really boring, and it is clear that Elliot is more than a recreational user. I know just how Elliot's therapist feels about being lied to. I thought I was getting a show about a hacker with a social disability--instead I'm getting a mash-up of Fight Club and Breaking Bad.

Edited by Athena5217
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Last episode was so good and this episode was so bad.  I hate it when good shows decide to put in filler episodes and get all gimmicky.   The show is too much in the early stages for Requiem for a Dream knock-offs.  Anyone tuning in for the first time is surely tuning out after this.

That was definitely a filler episode, it hardly advanced the plot at all.

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Random thoughts I had. Almost all the scenes involved drug use of some kind, even the scene with the two girls whose names I don't know had one asking the other for some Advil.

In regards to last week with CS being in the office, this week Angela (that's her name right?) needed a key card to get in, people can't just walk in.

She was eating Flipper in the restaurant scene, right?

Elliot said something again about making everything up.


ETA: Sorry! didn't mean to mislead anyone, apparently she was eating a fish.

Edited by dgpolo
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I knew I was too tired to watch when it started and so no surprise I kept falling asleep, which actually made it not too bad. For example, I did not see anyone eating Flipper. Or a fish talking. I don't know whose drug dream it was, but I guess they made it clear that Angela isn't going to marry douche guy because he's not Elliot.

...The pilot was great, but it's been downhill from there....I know just how Elliot's therapist feels about being lied to [vis a vis the PIlot, right Athena5217?]. I thought I was getting a show about a hacker with a social disability--instead I'm getting a mash-up of Fight Club and Breaking Bad.

So much this.
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We were told twice Elliott created us. 


My experience with people in narcotics withdrawal never included a cough as a symptom. Vomiting and convulsions and ...did he say paranoia?...are more typical so far as I know of other types of withdrawal, possibly barbiturates and/or benzodiazepenes. I don't know New York State's laws on compulsory treatment for mental illness, but somehow I'm convinced that social anxiety disorder doesn't keep you in the hospital until you get an okay from your shrink.


fsociety is incompetent without Elliott. 


Angela is going to trash Allsafe herself.


The extended trip seems to have been caused by injecting morphine instead of snorting it. This is not a typical reaction. Also, shockingly enough, female drug addicts are not usually overcome with lust at the sight of a dude getting stoned. Also, depressingly enough, drug addiction usually lowers sexual desire.


As for the negative reactions to the episode, this is what most people mean by a character-driven episode. The manifest content was pretty straightforwardly about Elliott's psyche. 

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...My experience with people in narcotics withdrawal never included a cough as a symptom. Vomiting and convulsions and ...did he say paranoia?...are more typical...

I fanwanked that the cough was him trying not to vomit and/or coughing to cover his retching.


...Also, shockingly enough, female drug addicts are not usually overcome with lust at the sight of a dude getting stoned. Also, depressingly enough, drug addiction usually lowers sexual desire....

I figured she had to be on E and that Elliot was the cleanest junkie she'd seen in a long time--so attractive.
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This show frequently makes me feel a bit stupid and this episode I was feeling super stupid because I kept thinking that there was something I should be getting that I wasn't.  It was just too wtf for me.  


For a moment I was surprised to see someone speaking to Mr. Robot, but now I'm guessing it turns out that all of it was a drug-induced or withdrawal dream?  


Four episodes in and I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I'm not really sure I understand any that's going on.  

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I figured every [scene] with Elliot after they arrived at the hotel  was a dream.


I agree. He started to dream when he was writhing in the bed and woke up alone in that bed, with, of course, HCS vowing never to desert him. So shooting up with morphine didn't cause the head trip, because he never left the motel to shoot up. When the fsociety guy was giving him the withdrawal alleviation concoction, that seemed not to be a dream scene, yet the guy spoke to Mr. Robot.

  • Love 4
When the fsociety guy was giving him the withdrawal alleviation concoction, that seemed not to be a dream scene, yet the guy spoke to Mr. Robot.


I think that responding to Mr. Robot is the same as talking to Elliot.  I was watching how Mr. Robot would always try to stand in a similar pose as Elliot was whenever Elliot was speaking to the fsociety crew.  In the scene you mentioned I think Mr. Robot was sitting down as was Elliot.  I'm still thinking he's a figment of Elliot's imagination.

Edited by cardigirl
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I agree. He started to dream when he was writhing in the bed and woke up alone in that bed, with, of course, HCS vowing never to desert him. So shooting up with morphine didn't cause the head trip, because he never left the motel to shoot up. When the fsociety guy was giving him the withdrawal alleviation concoction, that seemed not to be a dream scene, yet the guy spoke to Mr. Robot.

Yes, he never shot up morphine. He didn't get shot. He never went to the drug house. He was having fevered dreams in his withdrawal state in the hotel room the whole time which is why he woke up there with no gunshot wound.


Elliot IS Mr. Robot. He's the head of this crew. They look to him for plans and answers. And, like in fight club, sometimes he's speaking - sometimes CS is speaking for him, but they're both him.


For a moment, I started worrying that Angela and Darlene were two sides of the same person - when Angela took the Ecstacy and then we cut to Darlene acting high... I was like "whoah". But no.


Gotta wonder, though, if Elliot told Darlene to get her China-connected hip hop boyfriend to hack into AllSafe?

  • Love 5

Christian Slater are you real?


Romero spoke to him when administering Aunt Ester's remedy to Elliot.  He said "I'm going to go pull the van around.  Make sure he keeps chugging those."  Referring to Elliot in the third person, and nobody else present but Christian Slater.


Of course, the entire episode was so weird the entire scene could be a part of Elliot's addlepated hallucinations.  That was heroin he shot up, right?

Yes, he never shot up morphine...

Your analysis is pretty strong.


But if Elliot never shot up, he's still in withdrawal, and he's still not going to be able to infiltrate Steel Mountain. Which means Tyrell's multiple backups will be up and running, and fsociety/Mr. Robot/Elliot are back to square one. In other words, The entire main plot just terminated due to Our Hero being a junkie who decided to go cold turkey at a critical moment? 


Not even Elliot believes in cyberterrorism! So, why do we have a series named Mr. Robot?


Romero spoke to him when administering Aunt Ester's remedy to Elliot.  He said "I'm going to go pull the van around.  Make sure he keeps chugging those."  Referring to Elliot in the third person, and nobody else present but Christian Slater.


Of course, the entire episode was so weird the entire scene could be a part of Elliot's addlepated hallucinations.  That was heroin he shot up, right?

He spoke to the room... the was another guy in the room with them. I don't have the episode here at work so I can't go back and double check, but I think he was looking in Elliot's general direction when he said "Make sure he keeps chugging those," but he was actually talking to bearded?guy - who, I think, was leaning against the wall by the door, maybe?



But if Elliot never shot up, he's still in withdrawal, and he's still not going to be able to infiltrate Steel Mountain.

That's why he's chugging those withdrawal drinks... "After seven of them, he should be good as new." or somesuch. Handwave.

Edited by marcee
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I'm disappointed in the junky aspect of this show, but still like the premise anyway. Now that Elliott has made it through withdrawal, will he stay sober? And will Mr. Robot disappear if he was a figment of Elliott's drug addled mind? This episode in particular was surreal. I agree though, that Elliott was in the bed at the motel the entire time, and almost the entire episode was a fever dream. 

Edited by Julie23
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Not interested in talking QWERTY. They picked the wrong voice for that little fish. I am SO glad that I thought Angela was eating a giant fish. The scene read to me- Elliot talks to QWERTY, Elliot sees Angela in a restaurant eating what is obviously a giant fish (version of QWERTY). Elliot says something to the effect of "[Are] you eating my friend[?]. And I am SO happy that I misinterpreted that scene. As a vegetarian, it made perfect sense to me. If I had knowingly watched a woman eating a dog I probably would've have had a damn panic attack! Thank God for small favors. I'm going to choose to keep misremembering this scene because I just cant even...


I think that after this episode Elliot will be sober. I think this was his "getting sober" episode. All of the demons leaving his system. But what the hell do I know? I don't even understand how Elliot fell off the wall in the past episode. Whatever. The junkie plot is kind of interesting to me, in that it sets the gritty scene/tone of the series. And I usually HATE druggie main characters/plots. They always seem like they're trying too hard to be cool. In this case however, I'm not bothered. Perhaps its because I'm strangely drawn to the drug dealer (I totally ship her and Elliot) and her "going corporate" by becoming a waitress. Interesting that her and Elliot are going straight at the same time, no? Oh wait a minute, is that because the only supplier of Suboxone in the entire city was killed? I've heard that Suboxone had some hinky patent issues, but come on! What a ludicrous statement.


Always suspected (along with everyone else) that Elliot was Mr. Robot. Suspicion confirmed when Robot made his "I will never leave you" speech. Right?


Couldn't they have taken Elliot to a hospital? Or is there an obvious issue with hospitals that I'm overlooking? Even simple treatment for dehydration, an IV of fluids and Valium would've helped ease his symptoms. (I'm not kidding.)


I really dislike manic pixie dream girl hacker. What is she supposed to represent? I'm missing something. And why are we being subjected to her dating life? And what was she doing with her hacker friend? Who was she looking for? Yes, I really don't understand this show. The first episodes were easy enough and then it became crazyland. Although, missing the first half of the episode probably didn't help.


TBH, I felt like I was watching the writer and director jerk themselves off on camera. But I also kind of enjoyed it. What does that make me?


I kind of wish that there was a thread where people could explain this all to me as if I were a 5 year old. I have so many questions that I'm not sure belong in this episode thread. For example, why are Elliot and MR cool after MR pushed him off of a damn wall? And for that matter why is Elliot okay after being pushed off of a damn wall? UGH. Someone smart, creative, or artsy PM me STAT.


So if Elliot isn't himself then who is he? And who are "we" supposed to be? Double URGH.

Edited by Granimal
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Yeah, I rarely get into trippy episodes, so I wasn't a huge fan of this one, especially since it's so early on and I'm still trying to learn more about these characters and their personalities, so I really am not quite in the mood to watch a lot of twist and wackiness.  In general though, the sooner they get past Elliot and his drug issues, the better.  I'm more interesting in FSociety vs. Evil Corp, Mr. Robot, and Elliot's relationships with everyone else.


I guess after having male gay sex last week, they tried to counter it a bit this time with Angela and Shayla randomly making out.  Since they were on drugs and everything, I have no idea if it really means anything or not.  In the end, it leads to not only Angela putting Rapper Hacker's CD in the drive, but it looks like she used Ollie's key-card to do so.  Talk about taking the long con approach to getting revenge on the cheating!


I'm starting to come to the conclusion that I really don't care one way or another about Darlene.


At this point, I will be stunned if Christian Slater is actually real.  But I'm pretty sure that Angela in Elliot's hallucinations was getting ready to say robot before he woke-up, so I really do think Elliot's actually Mr. Robot now.


Who was it that voiced the fish?  Because it certainly sounded like Keith David, but he wasn't anywhere in the credits.

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...not only Angela putting Rapper Hacker's CD in the drive, but it looks like she used Ollie's key-card to do so.  Talk about taking the long con approach to getting revenge on the cheating!...

Who was it that voiced the fish?  Because it certainly sounded like Keith David, but he wasn't anywhere in the credits

Often on shows and in real life what is called "cheating" I just see as someone deciding they prefer someone else, but this case was very clear cut. I mean a fiancé is not just a boyfriend. And this is the best way to break up, ever.

I slept through the fish talking. I don't want to re-watch the whole thing. Does anyone know at about what minute mark or what percentage of the episode it was in?

I thought this was an interesting episode.  My problem is that I much prefer seeing Elliott interact with the people at work than the society.  I find the society dull and flat for the most part no matter how quirky they make them. 


It also doesn't help to follow what I thought was an incredibly strong episode last week with one that I felt dipped too strongly into self-indulgent style over substance.  I'm hoping this was a rare approach.  I had enough with Don Draper flash backs at Ye Olde Whore House and Matt Weiner smugly trying to play who's smarter games with the visions and dreams that tried too hard to blur what was real and what was delusion.


Still it is pretty much the best thing on right now so it has to get worse before it gets ignored.

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The fish is Keith David. The creator confirmed it on twitter.  I couldn't quite remember the actor's name. My yell was more like "hey, it's the black guy who's addicted to encouraging white people on Community!"


I liked seeing girls' night out on Mr. Robot. This definitely passes the Bechdel test now, yeah?


The two female hackers? Or Shayla and Angela? I actually think that most of the female characters on this show are written fairly well (in comparison with the male non-lead characters) and seem like actual people instead of just ideas (or fantasies) of people. That being said, for the first couple episodes I did think that Shayla and Darlene were just manifestations of Eliot's psyche. But that was purely due to Eliot being an unreliable narrator. Unfortunately, I'm sort of bummed to find out that Darlene is a real person. She gets points for teaming up with the other female hacker and taking action to move the plot along without any help from Eliot. Other than that, I haven't liked her from the minute she broke into Eliot's apartment, got naked, and yelled to him about her dress being covered in "semen". And then she furthered my dislike by  bouncing around manically through the train station dropping the impressive tidbit that she broke up with her boyfriend because he proposed to her. I liked the character when I thought she was an expression of Eliot's ideal woman (because Eliot is stunted), but as an actual human being she makes little sense to me, and there's an unnecessary focus on her that I find strange.


In contrast, I liked Shayla and Angela teaming up. A lesser show would have had an awkward jealousy or tension between the two. And they didn't even wallow about Angela's cheating boyfriend! Instead we got a scene involving Shayla's ambition and desire to change her life. It made up for the obligatory "two girls on molly making out" scene.

Edited by Granimal
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Strangest episode of the season so far in a Requiem for a Dream kind of way.  I wonder if Elliot will be a more reliable narrator now that he's clean? 


The opening and closing shots had an interesting symmetry.  First scene begins with a long line of morphine that almost looks like a road.  The last shot is a long two-lane road where a car is driving toward a mountain on the horizon.  It seems like Elliot has a choice in paths, the junkie route or taking out Steel Mountain.  Both are destructive. 


Also, hallucination or not, screw Angela for eating Qwerty!

  • Love 3

Something I forgot and yet notice in almost episode.  This last episode it was when Elliott was wearing black tie.  The actor is such a  chameleon while managing to be the same guy if that makes sense,  He goes from looking startling handsome to looking almost a bit gollum-ish (in normal scenes not the strung out ones).  Yes I am shallow but in that scene wearing the black tie and jacket he looked both hot and vulnerable in that way that makes you make cocoa and pull out a blanket for the couch.   I'm in a mood what can I say?.

Edited by heebiejeebie
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The two female hackers? Or Shayla and Angela?

Both groups of girls. Although Darlene and Trenton didn't interact very much, I liked the smaller moments where Trenton is trying on Darlene's scarf while keeping on her hijab and Darlene letting her wear that scarf and Trenton doing her morning prayers while Darlene quietly watches. I'm also not a fan of Darlene mostly because I feel like she's trying too hard to be some Hollywood version of a cool, rebellious hackergurl. Just look at her clothes and hair! I hope she starts to be more of an actual person over time. At least for now, her ex(?)-boyfriend connects fsociety with the other blackmailing plot involving Angela and Ollie.


Shayla and Angela-- Granimal has already covered what made their scenes great. I assumed the girl-on-girl make-out session was to balance out that explicit guy-on-guy action with Tyrell in corporate spy mode on a previous episode.

  • Love 3

Something I forgot and yet notice in almost episode.  This last episode it was when Elliott was wearing black tie.  The actor is such a  chameleon while managing to be the same guy if that makes sense,  He goes from looking startling handsome to looking almost a bit gollum-ish (in normal scenes not the strung out ones).  Yes I am shallow but in that scene wearing the black tie and jacket he looked both hot and vulnerable in that way that makes you make cocoa and pull out a blanket for the couch.   I'm in a mood what can I say?.

I was watching Night at the Museum recently and he was playing the part of the Pharaoh. He looked entirely different.


I finally rewatched. I was sure he really did go to the shooting (in more ways than one) gallery/house, until they showed him back in the motel room with his shirt off and no gunshot wound--which is kind of sad, because this means that he might still go from a morphine habit to heroin. I don't see "gateway drugs" as necessarily leading to stronger drugs, but morphine to heroin is a natural progression. ETA: Especially when the morphine is being obtained illegally.

Edited by shapeshifter

I don't mind a trippy episode for the most part. It's that it's filler that bothered me. I wanted them to get on with the crime hacking already. 


I won't say it's obvious, but I think we're supposed to know HSC isn't real by now. I get that they don't want to hit us over the head with it, but I wish they'd have a little more fun with it. CS can really ham it up when he wants to. I feel like he's holding back too much. 

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Although I still think this show is miles better than 90% of the crap on the tube, I am a little disappointed by the downhill slide it's taken.

I re-watched the pilot after this last lazy let's blow their minds episode, wanted to remember why I raved about it and demanded friends to watch.

It was so good. Quite sentimental, with Elliot's secret love of Angela, his fondness for his therapist, taking down the pedophile, rescuing Flipper, and his tears of loneliness.

What saved it from being too sad was his genius and hatred of Evil Corp, and knowing he was just brave/crazy enough to make a difference.

The added suspense of how much happening was real or a delusion made it all perfection.

That said-I won't stop watching, no way, I'm in til the end.

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