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So much has happened that this didn't get mentioned. In the scene in which Carole and Kristen run toward the ocean, Carole turns around while Kristen dives in, then Kristen victoriously jumps up and down..... Kristen dove into the ocean in a black bikini, then stood up with a gold suite with black belt. It drives me crazy how they unnecessarily screw with the editing. It makes me distrust everything I see on these shows.

I saw that too! It looked, to me, like the bathing suit just bled from water being on it and I knew that couldn't be right. But I'm seeing hieroglyphics super imposed over what's really there due to a concussion from last fall, so I thought it was just my eyes. I'm so glad it's not me!

Edited by Rhetorica
  • Love 2

The hilarious thing about the food on Dorinda's lip is(well besides the fact she is slurring about klass) , when Ramona came down the morning after holding the owner of the beach bar captive, the first thing she says is "you have corn/food on your mouth" to Dorinda, lol. Dorinda must be a messy eater.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 11

Heather's blog is up.  She's taking the high road (ETA: in it she's pushing Yummie, that's about it) and not addressing last night's episode.  LuAnn's blog is mildly critical of Ramona, Bethenny and Heather, but mostly pushes her new single.  


I'm very curious to read how Dorinda tries to spin things if/when she posts a blog.

I had to laugh at LuAnn's comment about Behtenny and Heather being "harsh" to Sonja and her out of control drinking/blackouts/jumping strange men. Ummmm, LuAnn was 1 of the main ones repeating gossip about Sonja's behavior! LOL

So much has happened that this didn't get mentioned.  In the scene in which Carole and Kristen run toward the ocean, Carole turns around while Kristen dives in, then Kristen victoriously jumps up and down.....  Kristen dove into the ocean in a black bikini, then stood up with a gold suite with black belt.  It drives me crazy how they unnecessarily screw with the editing.  It makes me distrust everything I see on these shows.

Well, I think her swimsuit was designed for sunbathing and or floating around on a pool float/noodle more than actually swimming, especially swimming in the ocean, LOL

  • Love 4

So much has happened that this didn't get mentioned.  In the scene in which Carole and Kristen run toward the ocean, Carole turns around while Kristen dives in, then Kristen victoriously jumps up and down.....  Kristen dove into the ocean in a black bikini, then stood up with a gold suite with black belt.  It drives me crazy how they unnecessarily screw with the editing.  It makes me distrust everything I see on these shows.

Actually her bikini top slipped down to her waist & they blurred her fucking tits (I like to say fuck, too) 


here is a link to the screen cap 


Edited by Jezebel97
  • Love 5

The hilarious thing about the food on Dorinda's (well besides the fact she slurring about klass) lip is, when Ramona came down the morning after holding that owner of the beach bar captive, the first thing she says is you have corn/food on your mouth to Dorinda, lol. Dorinda must be a messy eater.

I've put way too much thought into this but, do lip injections make your lips numb? Does Dorinda have them? Maybe that's why she doesn't notice? Just wondering out loud here...

  • Love 6

Kristen needs to steer clear of the strapless bikini tops IMO. She already has low hangers and that style top does her no favors. She needs to hoist those suckers up like Bethenny.

LOL, I don't know that they are "low hangers" as much as she has a very long torso/upper body! They sit just above mid upper arm so I don't think they have fallen as of yet. LOL

  • Love 7

What I heard LuAnn and Dorinda say to Heather was...........A "good mother" does not use the F word, you use the F word therefore you are "not" a good mother. A "good daughter" does not swear in front of their mother, you swear in front of your mother, therefore you are "not"  a good daughter. They accused Heather of swearing in front of both her daughter and mother then both of the drunk idiots said that "good mothers/daughters" do not do that, IMO, that IS saying she, Heather was bad at both!



But it wasn't about the guy. It wasn't about what he did, didn't do, or should have done. They don't know him, don't care about him, and will never see him again. It's not about how this random guy could have included the others into the conversation, or could have come over to the table. He is meaningless here. It is about Ramona. It is about the way that she acted to her friends. If I go to a club with a girlfriend, and she ends up leaving me alone and hanging with a guy all night long, I don't blame the guy. I blame my friend. This situation is not exactly the same because no one was left alone, but the analogy sticks. Ramona was the one who did the rude thing. 


And they are all much better friends to Ramona than she has ever been to any one of them. I think this is their point. She always treats everyone like shit and at some point folks just get tired of it. 


The funny thing is that I completely expected this to be a redemption season for Ramona. She looked like such a giant jackass last year, and then had a horrible showing at the reunion. I expected that with her divorce she would make a much more sympathetic character.  Leave it to Ramona to screw up what should have been a slam dunk season by being herself. 

I have been saying all season Ramona is past her expiration date but this one wasn't the deal breaker.  It was just more of the same senseless bickering.  I feel like they are looking for the picayune and they don't need to be.  This whole set up with John and Ramona and then the F bomb fight.  I agree Ramona could have been on a redemption arc but she is so far removed from reality that she has lost its entertainment value.  Ramona jumped the shark when she said Kristen's mohair or angora dress might make her sick.  Kristen jumped the shark when during the same conversation she used the word "royaler".   Ramona relies on seniority to pull her through and Bethenny and her have such an unlikely friendship and terms that I can't buy it..  Ramona has been an ass since Day 1 this season.  These women are no longer believable as people who socialize and  Dorinda has proven the point with a couple of meltdowns on her own.  Most of these people despise each other and what makes NY less believable is that they do jump right back in the pool together and expect a different result.  I agree with the Post article, although fraught with errors- (the women never went to Dubai they went to Morocco)  Andy Cohen needs to go back to the tool shed and do a better job of tuning up his favorite franchise.


To me, it seems there is a small group of insiders Bethenny, Carole and Andy being three that want to sit around and have the inside joke on these "inane and sometimes insane" co-stars and it is just not working.  Bethenny and Carole are working way to hard to make little things big.  There was a reason Hollywood didn't want bethenny as an actress and Carole's sitcom hasn't been picked up and I am watching it.  The Ramona show and Bethenny infomercial should be cancelled. 


I always get in trouble for this but the ratings-first night- sucked once again comparing it to the other RH show RHOC.  NY scored a .6 OC .9.  http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/07/08/tuesday-cable-ratings-shark-week-wins-night-the-haves-and-the-have-nots-rizzoli-isles-chrisley-knows-best-proof-more/428275/     http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/07/08/monday-cable-ratings-love-hip-hop-atlanta-wins-night-shark-week-wwe-raw-teen-wolf-the-fosters-more/427920/

  • Love 2

Ramona is very rude. If I saw two girlfriends having a conversation with a man I found attractive, I'd enter the conversation like, "Bethenny, Carole, introduce me to your friend." It wasn't the flirting they cared about, it was being completely ignored. Had Ramona joined the conversation naturally, I'm pretty sure Bethenny and Carole would have picked up rather quickly that Ramona was getting her flirt on and politely excused themselves. Ramona just went about it the rudest possible way.

The entitlement also bugs and Bethenny was right about it. The way she talked to hotel staff was irritating. She just barks orders. Contrast that to Heather, who I noticed when she got to the hotel was saying hi to everybody in a very warm way.

Dorinda and hard alcohol clearly do not mix.

Kristin's dress at dinner was stunning. She may just be there making faces, but her wardrobe this trip has made me envious quite a few times.

  • Love 17

What's up with Carole claiming that Ramona's rude way of flirting is symptomatic of the 1980s and its "Age of Greed"? First of all, who even talks that way, or thinks that way? If your friend is "conch blocking" you, lol, and pointing her tits to get attention, it's cause she has no manners, not because of some Gatsyby-esque period of excess that allegedly happened 30 years ago. Occam's Razor, baby. Use it.

Are we seeing Class Warfare Carole again? The one who, in her first season, literally "Occup[ied] Wall Street" (the same season she went in on LuAnn for describing her own heritage in a way with which Carole took PC umbrage)? I hope not. Class Warfare Carole makes me sad. I can't stand her at all. Can't stand her more than "silly, clueless, gummi-bear dropping, can't fulfill the terms of a contract" Carole. Hate her even more than " grabbing Aviva's face in her own home because she dared to accuse you of having a ghost writer" Carole.

Don't know why I dislike Class Warfare Carole so much. Probably because of the hypocrisy. If Carole wants to see a one percenter, she can probably just look in the mirror. I'd like to ask her what causes her to characterize the 80s as an "Age of Greed," rather than an "Age of Prosperity." And if Carole has any problem with wealth inequality, she can start to remedy the problem right now by sending me 10% of her Bravo income. I can use it. Also, I take personal checks.

  • Love 10

OMG that just made that entire scene all that more hilarious!

I can't hate on Lu. I just like her. I may not have the same ummmm, "morals" as her, but I dig her. She was fucked up at that dinner and I'm betting didn't remember a thing about it the next morning. I thoroughly enjoy drunk, slurry, hypocrite Luann.

Dorinda can go any time now. I thought she was cool but now I think back, the fucked up remarks to the "coat check" guy, the fucked up remarks to the wheelchair guy, her fucked up ugly daughter stating how they had "ways" to make salespeople do what they want, her fucked up attack on her BF over his frustration with her kid dictating their relationship, her fucked up attack on her BF because he took a phone call at lunch, and now this. That woman is not nice in her core. She's a nasty elitist snob like Ramona. I am no longer neutral about Dorinda, I straight up don't like her ass. She can back that shit up right back to her apartment and braid her daughter's eyebrows for her.

Preach it. Now I know why Dorinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth. She's mean. I hope she doesn't return.

  • Love 4

What's up with Carole claiming that Ramona's rude way of flirting is symptomatic of the 1980s and its "Age of Greed"? First of all, who even talks that way, or thinks that way? If your friend is "conch blocking" you, lol, and pointing her tits to get attention, it's cause she has no manners, not because of some Gatsyby-esque period of excess that allegedly happened 30 years ago. Occam's Razor, baby. Use it.

Are we seeing Class Warfare Carole again? The one who, in her first season, literally "Occup[ied] Wall Street" (the same season she went in on LuAnn for describing her own heritage in a way with which Carole took PC umbrage)? I hope not. Class Warfare Carole makes me sad. I can't stand her at all. Can't stand her more than "silly, clueless, gummi-bear dropping, can't fulfill the terms of a contract" Carole. Hate her even more than " grabbing Aviva's face in her own home because she dared to accuse you of having a ghost writer" Carole.

Don't know why I dislike Class Warfare Carole so much. Probably because of the hypocrisy. If Carole wants to see a one percenter, she can probably just look in the mirror. I'd like to ask her what causes her to characterize the 80s as an "Age of Greed," rather than an "Age of Prosperity." And if Carole has any problem with wealth inequality, she can start to remedy the problem right now by sending me 10% of her Bravo income. I can use it. Also, I take personal checks.

I think she said it because that was when Ramona was still single and dating! LOL

  • Love 2

 and best of all, getting mad because someone is a bigger KNOW IT ALL than you are. 


 *Grins* 40 + years ago, my parents told me to look at the folks who call others a know it all.  People who use it are threatened by someone else's knowledge base and can't keep up. Just a way of trying to drag someone down. Once again the 'rents were right. 

How many books has H wrote vs B? Who has the most experience in this area? Really don't know the answer. Not defending B. 

  • Love 2

I'm trying to find a way to work it into as many conversations as I can today. My hubby is traveling and when he called me this morning I said "good fucking morning". 

ME TOO!  Maybe it will get me more sex from Mr. Lab.  Fucking good night fucker!  Just a little slight quiet hint ;)  In a nighty.  I'll have to send Heather a muffin basket.  


I have to watch again.  I missed the food on Dorinda's lip.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 3

Amen. I would have smothered them in fucks. Like fucking nobody's business. Those ladies would have been drowning in fucks and gasping for fucking air.

I think Heather should have shut down LuAnn pronto for bringing up Ella, for sure and no fucking doubt. Dorinda didn't bring up Heather's kid or Heather's mom, Dorinda spoke about her own mother. Talk about your own kids, your own mother and your own marriage all day...but this does show that Heather isn't afraid of offending Ramona or anyone else when she doesn't agree, she certainly wasn't nodding along to be polite.

I agree with you. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Dorinda said she Had met Heather's mother and that she was a lovely woman or something to that effect and then something else about her and Heather's language. I'd have to watch again and try to decipher it through all the screaming, but anyway I thought that is what started Heather talking about Dorinda's mother. 


As far as the fight goes, I have been known to say fuck this, fuck that, fuck me, and the new one my son brought home from the Army, fuck me twice on Sunday more than a few times in my life. In the 80's I do recall "fuckin-A" being really common in high school. lol 

  • Love 3

ME TOO! Maybe it will get me more sex from Mr. Lab. Fucking good night fucker! Just a little slight quiet hint ;) In a nighty. I'll have to send Heather a muffin basket.

I have to watch again. I missed the food on Dorinda's lip.

Ohmygod! It jumped from side to side of her mouth! That food particle needs a close up. Maybe Black Mamba will get on it.

  • Love 1

I think I'm going to run out of "likes" because I've been thumbs-upping all the fucking posts.

Obviously, I'm really fucking upset about this.

What? I'm 12. Technically 12 + 23, but who gives a fuck? #fuckfest

ETA: I don't know about numbness but I've noticed lisps of varying severities in a lot of the heavily injected wives. Ironically, none from Taylor Armstrong....but Brandi'th has gotten progressively worse, Dorinda has a slight but noticeable lisp, and I heard one sometimes from OC's Alexis and Gretchen (seriously, I always thought "suntheen" was because Gretchen lost the ability to make an 'm' sound due to lip filler).

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 13


As far as the fight goes, I have been known to say fuck this, fuck that, fuck me, and the new one my son brought home from the Army, fuck me twice on Sunday more than a few times in my life. In the 80's I do recall "fuckin-A" being really common in high school. lol

A poster up thread mentioned "lord fuck a duck". I'm familiar with "fuck a duck" but never heard "lord" in front of it. I read it as "lord fuck a dick" and thought, well if you want to raise some eyebrows and get people's attention? That'll probably do it! Lol

My husband is fond of saying "well fuck me running" when things get really messed up. It still makes me laugh.

  • Love 4
And I actually think makes for more interesting TV when the HWs forgive and move on.


Well, Bethenny is ruling the roost over this show, and she seems (mostly) to have little patience to rehash shit over & over & over.  I don't think she was always this way.  But she is now, and what she says goes.  As far as all of them moving on?  Er, don't think so.  The Daily News article says at the reunion Lu & Moaner are gonna rehash the same shit they've been fighting about for a billion years.  Yawn.




I agree with the Post article, although fraught with errors- (the women never went to Dubai they went to Morocco)  Andy Cohen needs to go back to the tool shed and do a better job of tuning up his favorite franchise.

To me, it seems there is a small group of insiders Bethenny, Carole and Andy being three that want to sit around and have the inside joke on these "inane and sometimes insane" co-stars and it is just not working.  Bethenny and Carole are working way to hard to make little things big.  There was a reason Hollywood didn't want bethenny as an actress and Carole's sitcom hasn't been picked up and I am watching it.  The Ramona show and Bethenny infomercial should be cancelled.


Well, you know, the thing about this city is that it's absolutely bursting with tons of fascinating, accomplished women, doing really interesting things,  And oy, we're stuck, year after year after year after year after year, with this bunch of noodnicks.  Andy could easily re-cast EVERYONE on the show, as far as I'm concerned.  


Other than Bethenny & maybe Heather, NONE of these women are interesting or accomplished.  Except, I for one, am way over both Bethenny & Heather.  But Satan Andy just luvs, luvs, luvs Bethenny & seems to think this show can't survive without her, so she ain't goin' anywhere.  Whatever the ratings are, I have no doubt Bethenny will be back.


Will Heather be asked back?  Signs don't look good.  She's been getting a seriously shitty edit this season.  We've seen pretty much nothing about Heather's life this season.  Same for Kristen.  Look, when Kristen shut down anything about her crap marriage to a dickhead, that sealed her fate.  


And Carole?  It's not so much that she's boring.  I don't think she is.  But being on a reality show has never been her style.  We see what she's done this season.  She was trying too hard to work some shtick or play a character on Sex and the City.  It never felt anything other than forced & wrong -- er, cuz it was.  It's not who she is.  How she is on this trip -- this is who she is.  Mellow, quiet, introspective & stoned.  But that doesn't make for an entertaining persona on a reality show.  She may be Satan Andy's "friend", but I wonder if he'll finally realize he needs to boot her to make room for someone more entertaining.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

A poster up thread mentioned "lord fuck a duck". I'm familiar with "fuck a duck" but never heard "lord" in front of it. I read it as "lord fuck a dick" and thought, well if you want to raise some eyebrows and get people's attention? That'll probably do it! Lol

My husband is fond of saying "well fuck me running" when things get really messed up. It still makes me laugh.

See! This was the point I was going to make and then didn't put in my post. I don't think using that word makes anyone a bad mother, daughter, human being. In 2015 I think it's become all about context and situations and I think Heather for the most part knows this and it seemed like Dorinda and Luann had a bone to pick with Heather about something and instead they chose that. I think Bethenny said once in an earlier season, it's never about what it's about. Just my opinion.

  • Love 6

My husband is fond of saying "well fuck me running" when things get really messed up. It still makes me laugh.

Your husband is clearly my soulmate and we were probably meant to be together. This is one if my favorite things to say, and I'm not sure I've heard anyone else say it for a million years. I say it when I am shocked or surprised.

  • Love 3

Well that's interesting.  Kristen didn't seem the type to flash her boobs - that's more Luann's style.


they're newly bought and paid for, so she probably feels like showing 'em off a little!  (And I say do it-- seems like a good boob job.)    

The hilarious thing about the food on Dorinda's lip is(well besides the fact she is slurring about klass) , when Ramona came down the morning after holding the owner of the beach bar captive, the first thing she says is "you have corn/food on your mouth" to Dorinda, lol. Dorinda must be a messy eater.


"The food on Dorinda's lip" needs its own fucking Twitter account.  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 4

Am I the only one who thought LuAnn fell, and went on all fours to crawl to the dog to cover up falling?

Ha!  I thought of Kelso on That 70s Show and wondered if Lu might have been stoned.


Ramona is The Apologizer.  Not that she does it well but she certainly stammers them out.  Did love her line about how she thinks of others only.


Dorinda is a mean sloppy drunk.  Way too emotional over nothing.


Kristen and her O face can go.  She's such an extra.


I think I'd need a vacation after that vacation.

Am I the only one who thought LuAnn fell, and went on all fours to crawl to the dog to cover up falling?

Ha!  I thought of Kelso on That 70s Show and wondered if Lu might have been stoned.


Ramona is The Apologizer.  Not that she does it well but she certainly stammers them out.  Did love her line about how she thinks of others only.


Dorinda is a mean sloppy drunk.  Way too emotional over nothing.


Kristen and her O face can go.  She's such an extra.


I think I'd need a vacation after that vacation.

  • Love 3

I say Heather started it. Ramona said fuck, then said, "I didn't mean to say that." Heather then demanded to know why Ramona didn't want to say fuck, knowing VERY well that it had something to do with her. Ramona said it was because she was around Heather swearing all the time. then Dorinda and LuAnn also tried to say they didn't like to swear either. LuAnn said something about how she didn't want her daughter to swear. Heather then brought up her own mother and put words in LuAnns mouth, "So, my mom has always let me swear. So you are saying she is a bad mother." That was way psycho, and shows some issues that Heather has with her mother. LuAnn asked Heather if she would care if Ella swore. Heather said no. Thad SHOULD have been the end of it, but then Dorinda starts going on about something and is clearly intoxicated. Heather then pounces on her, which IMO was mean because Dorinda was clearly out of it. After upsetting her, then Heather tries to console her and won't let anyone near them. Heather is pretty much Ramona, only socially aggressive (not sexually). Heather was the one that brought up her mother, and the only reason her daughter was brought up was to ask if Heather would want her daughter swearing. Obviously, LuAnn and Dorinda feel they are classier than Heather. Are they? Uh, no. But they think they are. Let's just admit that all these women are as batshit crazy as the next. Carole with her slouching because her neck can't support her overbite doing molly with 28 year old hipsters, Ramona being a hypersexual single working 80s woman, Bethenny being anorexic and manic, Sonja and her delusions of wealth living in the 20s, Kristen giving Josh blowjobs so he will give her smart things to say, Dorinda and her tiny tiny mind, Heather and her seemingly overwhelming stressful life that she makes more stressful by trying to hide how stressful her life is, and LuAnn, who although I love her, is also small minded. They are all batshit crazy. All of them. They would not be cast on a bravo realty show if they weren't! It's like what we used to do, watch people fight to the death. We called it entertainment. This is pretty much the same thing. I think in 1000 years, humanity will be horrified that anyone ever enjoyed watching people humiliate themselves for attention. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 3

Kristin's flaw is Brandi Glanville.

I will never like/admire anything about Kristin because I suspect there is some trailer trash skank simmering beneath the surface - how else could she be long time friends with Brandi??

Plus Kristin's pearl-clutching, horrified expressions drive me crazy.


Considering Brandi Glanville has appeared on RHONY a grand total of once, and her name has come up zero times on the show this season, can we just stop going out of our way to make her relevant to the conversation about Kristen?

  • Love 24

Am I the only one who is tired of 'Back that shit up'?   I guess it's ok to say 'shit' but it's not ok to say 'fuck'. 


So, Ro says fuck, and then blames it on Heather because she uses it every other word.  What?  Is she thirteen (ok, that's another discussion)?  Heather 'demanded' nothing.  Then Lu chimes in about Ella and don't you want your child to be elegant?  Practice what you preach Lu.  Then, Dorinda says her mother would be disgusted if she used that word.  I guess 'shit' is ok.  At that point, Heather says that her mother must have been a bad mother because her mother was ok with her cursing.  She also brought up Dorinda's daughter saying 'fuck'.  Which was a great come back since Dorinda declared that 'her' mother would think it disgusting if Dorinda said that.  Lots of hypocrisy going on here but Lu and Dorinda were too drunk to get it.  Heather didn't 'pound' on anyone.  If anyone was close to pounding, it was Lu and Dorinda.


What was the actual order of what was said.  I don't know for sure.  Unless someone wants to go back and use the 'crumb' on Dorinda's lip as reference point.  I don't think the crumb necessarily had anything to do with botox.  Sometimes crumbs just happen and we don't realize it or someone can be too drunk to realize it.  If it were me, I would be as mortified about the damn crumb as much as being obviously drunk on film.  It'll be interesting if Dorinda posts a blog.

  • Love 13

Wait, what?  What did Dorinda say to a guy in a wheelchair and how did I miss that? 


Dorinda was trying to explain how she wasn't racist, she was oblivious by telling a story.  She was walking on the street and sees a guy in a wheelchair.  She tries to give the guy money.  The guy tells her he's just waiting for the bus and he's an attorney, he doesn't need her money.  She laughed it off by saying how oblivious she was to not notice that the guy wasn't begging, he was just waiting for the bus.  She was being ableist, not oblivious.  She also used a disabled slur to describe her dog.  Of course, we can add classist into the mix of being racist and ableist as well.  "This room is good enough for the nanny but not for me!"  Hell, it even comes out in how she describes the dogs on the island.  "These aren't UES pooches, you know."

  • Love 6

The beach scene was fun. After a few snarks between Heather and Bethy  I think it was great

of Heather not to get angry or all riled up, all pissy and indignant  when Bethy,    in an effort to

perpetuate the conflict, leaped up, stampeded over to Heather, grabbed her legs obviously

invading her personal space, leading her away from the beach to the ocean, forcing her to go,

trying to take charge.  Had she dropped Heather who knows what horrific injury could have

occurred  .............   LOL  ;)


Nah, just two douchy HW's quickly getting the heck over a snarky interaction and turning it into silly fun.


I littered a lot of hyperbole in that description.


With most of Dorinda's blogs/twitter rants, where she exaggerates every Heather interaction in an effort to make her look worse, I tend to discount what she writes/says because her exaggerations are made to manipulate, not to actually describe the situation.

Edited by Crikey
  • Love 13

Nothing to add about Dorinda, although I'm disappointed at the way that weird conversation escalated. Europeans don't swear, LuAnn? When I worked in London I was shocked at the liberal use of the "c-word" - a word I find more offensive than anything Heather says.


I was pleasantly surprised to see these women go to the Da Conch Shack on their last night, considering that it's picnic tables on the beach. It's a fun place and the simple, homemade food is wonderful. I'm not sure why they went to the Gansevoort ("we've got a private villa with staff and a pool and beach access, but let's go to a hotel that has staff, a pool, and beach access"), but figured that might have been about Sonja's pretensions and thing for luxury more than anything. 


Those dogs are called "potcakes" and most shy away from people, but the ones I saw around the conch shack were friendly and likely more used to humans feeding them. Because I adore dogs, I need to give a plug for the island potcake rescue organization :) 

  • Love 6
Ramona is The Apologizer.  Not that she does it well but she certainly stammers them out.  Did love her line about how she thinks of others only.


Ramona has two apology modes. She will either try to kiss your ass and make light of the situation (Bethenny) or she will at once be rude AND try to make you feel sorry for her (Carole - "Mario betrayed me, wah"/"You're fucking a 28 year old"). 

  • Love 9

A friend of mine put money in what she thought was a homeless woman's cup of coffee -- said homeless woman was some kind of a protessional.   Friend was zoned out, had some change in her hand, and said woman for some reason at that moment shifted her arm so that the coffee cup was extended towards her for a split second, and it was a knee jerk reaction of generosity.  Then acute embarrassment, of course (for both).


Now they're actually friends because of it (she bought her a new cup of coffee and they bonded).   


Their safety most importantly, but also - they've got a lot of expensive stuff there!  Jewelry, wallets, SHOES.



Pictures of them sleeping nekkid, pictures of them passed out in the tub, pictures of them sneaking in at dawn...

  • Love 1



A fun recap.  The author/ghost writer went to great lengths to capture the dialogue from F-bomb dinner.  Warning there is an extremely unflattering picture of Carole (from her own Instagram account) so be forewarned. 


Ha - good one!  And the Amy Schumer Housewife Audition video is gold!



Her photo recaps are really funny/witty too!  Especially the Sonja/John-John ones.


“Siri, call John John on P. Diddy’s Yacht.”


Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 3

The funny thing is that I completely expected this to be a redemption season for Ramona. She looked like such a giant jackass last year, and then had a horrible showing at the reunion. I expected that with her divorce she would make a much more sympathetic character.  Leave it to Ramona to screw up what should have been a slam dunk season by being herself. 

Me too - and it seemed that the season started out that way.  The Moaner seemed low key and almost normal.  I knew it couldn't last. Lol. 


I'm just now watching the episode.

Lord have mercy, Ramona is such a sad, sad bitch. Going over to the owner and pushing Bethenny and Carole out of the way, was rude. And she looks horrible in that black bathing suit---preening on the beach. I can't stand her.

I adored Bethenny's white lace dress --- gorgeous!!

Yeah, that bathing suit did not do The Moaner any favors. 


Considering Brandi Glanville has appeared on RHONY a grand total of once, and her name has come up zero times on the show this season, can we just stop going out of our way to make her relevant to the conversation about Kristen?

Thank you!  

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