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Why is this so produced... did Andy tell these women to have conflict on their last night on the trip...

Now they arguing about using the F word and if it makes you a bad mother!

I can't.

But I will say Heather leave the kids out of it. Even if you have a point don't bring up Dorinda's kids.

Dorinda when.she's drunk she gets aggressive and it's random anger.

  • Love 8

Man, Carole was so butt-hurt over Ramona bogarting the club owner.  Bethenny and Carole can flirt with him but no one else?  Such possessiveness over a man that all three of them had just met.  Creepy.  It was a conversation in a noisy beach club on an island.  They acted like a couple of snarling dogs over the last piece of meat.  Get a grip, it's not that serious. 


Then of course Carole starts making age digs about Ramona, which is funny because... I mean, when both are on that side of 50, making jokes about the other woman being older is pointless.  You're both old hags, deal with it and shut it.


Dorinda came completely unhinged at that last dinner.  Holy shit. You can't take these people anywhere nice.  Sonja's "how did we get here?" was amazing.


These women are petty, humorless bitches, every last one of them.  What a way to ruin a great vacation. I need to figure out why I continue to watch this.   


(So is Ramona the one who has the man sleeping over in the next show?)

  • Love 19

Well, that was fun. This may be one I watch again. Haven't done that since Scary Island I. Ramona is a mess. She's making up for lost time and wants ole Mario to know it. Heather and Bethenny are cute together. A force to be reckoned with. I liked Bethenny's THs tonight too. Her saying, "I don't want to sedate someone and put them on restraints." was spot on KKB. LuAnn is a happy, but sloppy drunk, usually. But she had no idea what she was saying at the dinner table. And didn't she fall down, like, three times the night before? I loved Sonja's comment, "I do believe the countless is fucked up...." How do you solve a problem like Dorinda? (sung to The Sound of Music) I don't think you can! Let her sleep it off. Next week looks even better!

  • Love 17

I'm not understanding Moaner crying about her husband and divorce and then she goes and throws herself at any man she crosses paths with. IDK, maybe if I was her age and looked as good as her I'd do the same.

Dorinda is a mean drunk! I know people like her who act that way when they drink too much, it's uncomfortable. I loved, in the middle of the F fighting, Sonya says ' how did we get here?' For some reason that struck me as funny.

  • Love 20

The stupid fucking outrage about the stupid fucking "f-bomb" was seriously fucking annoying. Ramona, LuAnn and Dorinda can shut the fuck up!!

Holy Shit! I'm with heather - they crossed over into insulting very quickly. I have liked doeinda and maybe can chalk it up to the day of endless alcohol but LuAnn you bitch! Heather's TH about the smoking and partying must be what she's pissed off about at Heather?


  • Love 13

Don't you DARE suggest that someone's a bad mother for cursing in front of their child, but definitely explicitly say that someone's an embarrassing/shameful child when they have the temerity to disagree with you. I guess Heather's parents were bursting with pride, though, when she drunkenly told off her husband on national television for being nervy enough to try to prevent her from howling like an intoxicated lunatic at her co-workers? "I don't know why Dorinda is mad at me!" Well, gee, maybe it's because you're making snide remarks like "hashtag your mom must be proud." Just a guess, there. And why is LuAnn's hypocrisy suddenly a point of contention? It hasn't bothered Heather sufficiently to mention in the three years that they've been friends. And the preview of next week is crazy - is Heather even rooming with Ramona and LuAnn? The shot of her hissing "get up" through clenched teeth while tearing back the curtain was like something out of Mommie, Dearest. I've never enjoyed Heather but it seems like there's something seriously wrong with her now to the point of legitimate personality disorder . . . As for Carole's insistence of making Ramona's "rudeness" a matter of dispute, I had no idea a coterie of friends had to hang together or introduce each other to their prospective hit-it-and-quit-its. Whenever I go out with a group, sometimes people drift off with their respective targets for the night. I never knew it was that big of a deal.

  • Love 12

Holy crap!!  Dorinda was hammmmerred!!!!  


But....not so much to realize that she was hammered and wanted her mic pac off.  




Did she have food in her mouth? Or are her teeth just crooked on the bottom?She had a piece of something on her lip. I kept thinking she had her lip pierced at first. All my focus was on waiting for that food to fall off.   

Dorinda does have to have anyone make her look bad, she does it all by herself.

Is it shark week on Bravo too? ha

  • Love 16

Holy Shit! I'm with heather - they crossed over into insulting very quickly. I have liked doeinda and maybe can chalk it up to the day of endless alcohol but LuAnn you bitch! Heather's TH about the smoking and partying must be what she's pissed off about at Heather?


Heather said that in her TH, so LuAnn would have only found out about that in the last week or 2. I think she is mad at Heather because Heather calls her out on having a strange guy sleeping in the suite with all of them. That would tick me off as well, LuAnn was wrong to jeopardize their safety IMO.

  • Love 13

Also: while I do agree production has it out for Heather - the commercials for this ep really vilified her - (and for that reason, I don't think Kristen is in as much jeopardy as most appear to believe) I think Heather and her cohort looked like they had orchestrated their own narrative vis-a-vis their talking heads. Kristen calls Dorinda "scary" (funny how someone might respond aggressively when you retcon your consensual participation in grinding with their boyfriend) and Heather puts on the wide-eyed "who, me? What did I do to make her so angry (other than imply that her mother is ashamed of her)" act.

  • Love 2

Can Carole sit up straight? It seems like every time she is on screen her head is lolling back, or she is slouched down low in her chair, it makes her look listless. And she reminds me of Jacqueline from NJ--they eat in all of their scenes!


Who was Luann referring to about finally receiving texts from Bethenny? Heather? "Good for youuuu." 

  • Love 9

Also: while I do agree production has it out for Heather - the commercials for this ep really vilified her - (and for that reason, I don't think Kristen is in as much jeopardy as most appear to believe) I think Heather and her cohort looked like they had orchestrated their own narrative vis-a-vis their talking heads. Kristen calls Dorinda "scary" (funny how someone might respond aggressively when you retcon your consensual participation in grinding with their boyfriend) and Heather puts on the wide-eyed "who, me? What did I do to make her so angry (other than imply that her mother is ashamed of her)" act.

Why was she angry before that. Heather said that near the end. Seemed like a normal response to someone who just said "my mother would be ashamed of me if I talked like that" and then proceeded with a string of fuckety fuck fucks.

  • Love 12

Carole's dating a young chef. Bethenny's dating the alledged college rapist. Heather and Kristin are married. Why the hell do these women care if Ramona is flirting with bar owner dude? He seemed fully capable of walking away from her if he felt assaulted.

Carole might also want to rethink mocking Ramona's age and flirtation technique. Glass houses bitch, glass houses.

Memo to Heather, if you engage in an argument with drunks you've lost.

  • Love 15

Also: while I do agree production has it out for Heather - the commercials for this ep really vilified her - (and for that reason, I don't think Kristen is in as much jeopardy as most appear to believe) I think Heather and her cohort looked like they had orchestrated their own narrative vis-a-vis their talking heads. Kristen calls Dorinda "scary" (funny how someone might respond aggressively when you retcon your consensual participation in grinding with their boyfriend) and Heather puts on the wide-eyed "who, me? What did I do to make her so angry (other than imply that her mother is ashamed of her)" act.

Heather said that only AFTER Dorinda and Luann called Heather a bad mother and Dorinda brought up Heathers mother! Funny, Dorinda just loves to dish it but she can not take it in any way shape or form herself IMO.

Can Carole sit up straight? It seems like every time she is on screen her head is lolling back, or she is slouched down low in her chair, it makes her look listless. And she reminds me of Jacqueline from NJ--they eat in all of their scenes!


Who was Luann referring to about finally receiving texts from Bethenny? Heather? "Good for youuuu." 

That TH was also filmed recently IMO. LuAnns hair is much shorter in that like it is now, unlike her earlier THs or her appearance on WWHL a few weeks ago. JMO

  • Love 18

Man, Carole was so butt-hurt over Ramona bogarting the club owner.  Bethenny and Carole can flirt with him but no one else?  Such possessiveness over a man that all three of them had just met.  Creepy.  It was a conversation in a noisy beach club on an island.  They acted like a couple of snarling dogs over the last piece of meat.  Get a grip, it's not that serious. 


I guess I saw that differently. I don't think Carole (or Bethenny) was upset that Ramona was flirting with the club owner and ruined their opportunity to flirt with him; I think they were more annoyed by how Ramona interjected and acted like Carole and Bethenny weren't just right there having their own conversation with the guy.  Whether I'm talking to someone I may have a romantic interest or not (and I don't think Carole and Bethenny had one with the owner), I think it'd be completely rude if someone, especially a friend of mine, literally walked in between me and my conversation partner, have him physically turn his back to me, and completely monopolize his time and attention with their own conversation as if I didn't even exist.  That's what I think really bothered Carole.


.I will have to go back and re watch but at least she was willing to pet the dog without hand sanitizer...those other bitches were acting as if the dogs carried the bubonic plague.

I'm a huge dog lover and would have loved to cuddle with those island dogs, but honestly, having encountered similar dogs on a tropical vacation (in the Dominican Republic to be specific), these dogs aren't really ones you should get up close and personal with.  They may have a very friendly temperament (probably because they are always around people, i.e., tourists), but because they are "wild" and roam around freely, they are far from the cleanest dogs around.  There was one adorable dog that would come up and hang out at my villa in the DR and I wanted to pet and hug her all day long, but I could tell from looking at her that I would be risking some nasty stuff if I did.  (Which broke my heart because I wanted to take her home so badly.)  So, I can't exactly fault whomever for making the hand sanitizer remark.


I wonder if Dorinda's sloppy drunk episode had anything to do with the fact that she had been talking about her late husband with Carole.  Dorinda says that his passing still affects her greatly to this day, so I wonder if drinking a bit more than she may normally drink is her way of coping, especially if he's been front and center of her mind that day.


Speaking of her drunk sloppiness, forget the "embarrassment" of dropping f-bombs; I was kind of horrified just watching Dorinda with all of that extra saliva or whatever it was at the front of her mouth when she was drunkenly rambling on and on.  That was pretty gross.  And I was eating at the time.  Ew.

  • Love 18

Carole's dating a young chef. Bethenny's dating the alledged college rapist. Heather and Kristin are married. Why the hell do these women care if Ramona is flirting with bar owner dude? He seemed fully capable of walking away from her if he felt assaulted.

Carole might also want to rethink mocking Ramona's age and flirtation technique. Glass houses bitch, glass houses.

Memo to Heather, if you engage in an argument with drunks you've lost.

I think they were mad because she was a rude bitch. She walked right over to where they were having a conversation and turned her back towards them blocking them out of the conversation they had been having. Then she ignored the group for 2 hours. Everyone seemed to think she was rude, not just Carole and Beth.

Speaking of manners, if Dorinda thought Heather was rude for not walking in a door with her, what did she think of Ramona leaving the folks she had arrived with for the entire night? I'm somehow sure she won't care.

  • Love 18
Who was Luann referring to about finally receiving texts from Bethenny? Heather? "Good for youuuu."


Now that made me giggle.  The way that woman can spit venom is a hoot.  


Can't believe they stayed where I stayed.  It truly is gorg.  But sheesh, it is soooo elegant & reserved.  I can't imagine where they'd put them to separate these bitches screaming at each other from the guests paying big bucks to stay there, who would definitely NOT wanna hear this bullshit.


Had to luv Moaner getting in one of her "I'm sorry if you were offended" non-apologies.  Lookin' good, Moaner, in spite of the gut.  You go get yourself some hot peen, hun.


The rest of the fighting seemed fake, forced & producer-driven.  I have to watch this ep again cuz honestly, I was totally lost.  I couldn't keep track of what everyone was fighting about.  I was just enjoying myself the setting.  Man it looked sooooo nice.  Btw, they were ALL incredibly over-dressed when they went out, but I liked what everyone was wearing.


Always thought something was off about Dorinda.  The mean drunk thing?  Me no likey.  Guess she'll be tweeting about it a gazillion times.  Yawn, I'll pass on looking at her Twitter, but maybe someone else can report back?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 7

Can Carole sit up straight? It seems like every time she is on screen her head is lolling back, or she is slouched down low in her chair, it makes her look listless. And she reminds me of Jacqueline from NJ--they eat in all of their scenes!


Who was Luann referring to about finally receiving texts from Bethenny? Heather? "Good for youuuu." 

Because she's stoned all the time?


Luann was talking to Heather.  That made me laugh.

  • Love 3

Carole's dating a young chef. Bethenny's dating the alledged college rapist. Heather and Kristin are married. Why the hell do these women care if Ramona is flirting with bar owner dude? He seemed fully capable of walking away from her if he felt assaulted.

They didn't care that Ramona was flirting with him. They cared that they were having a conversation with him because he's a friend of Bethenny's friend and Ramona just interrupted their conversation, didn't say hello to them, turned back on her friends, and began flirting with the guy. It's not about the flirting; it's about how she went about it. Ramona is a selfish child. Because neither Bethenny and Carole were in long term relationships at the time, Ramona viewed them as competition. She decided it would be better to ice Bethenny and Carole out rather than flirt AND being courteous.

  • Love 24

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