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"The View": Week of 07/06/15


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Whoopi is a maroon.  Her rants about how Cosby hasn't been "proven" a rapist in the courts demonstrates her ignorance.  For someone who is an actress, and has been in a LOT of movies, some of which dealt with law and order, she's clearly never paid attention to the phrase "statute of limitations."


She's going to thump her righteousness because none of these charges will ever happen, as the statute of limitations has passed.  The only way for a charge to be levied against him, and land him in criminal court is if he did this to someone within the range where the statute has not expired. So SHUT THE FUCK UP, Whoopi.


Exposing this man is the closest thing thing to justice these women will get.


So no, Whoopi, I'm NOT going to get off your fucking back, when you're clearly speaking from a place of willful blindness and IGNORANCE.


And this is coming from someone who LOVED The Cosby Show, grew up watching Fat Albert and listening to this man as he taught me how to treat people.  A HUGE chunk of my childhood was taken from me last fall. And I still mourn it.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 21

How is she defending him?  WTF is wrong with her?  Especially after, one-by-one, so many female comedians had the same story that he was notorious and everyone in the comedy club world knew exactly what he was doing.  Whoopi knew, 100%.  Who gives a shit about being a friend or being black or whatever her reason for the raging defence.  He is a monster and I shudder at what further details will emerge.  That clip above really disturbed me.

  • Love 13

Whoopi is a maroon.  Her rants about how Cosby hasn't been "proven" a rapist in the courts demonstrates her ignorance.  For someone who is an actress, and has been in a LOT of movies, some of which dealt with law and order, she's clearly never paid attention to the phrase "statute of limitations."


She's going to thump her righteousness because none of these charges will ever happen, as the statute of limitations has passed.  The only way for a charge to be levied against him, and land him in criminal court is if he did this to someone within the range where the statute has not expired. So SHUT THE FUCK UP, Whoopi.


Exposing this man is the closest thing thing to justice these women will get.


So no, Whoopi, I'm NOT going to get off your fucking back, when you're clearly speaking from a place of willful blindness and IGNORANCE.


And this is coming from someone who LOVED The Cosby Show, grew up watching Fat Albert and listening to this man as he taught me how to treat people.  A HUGE chunk of my childhood was taken from me last fall. And I still mourn it.  [Emphasis Added]

Even more galling when she yelled, "Guess what?  The American courts agree with me..."   

  • Love 16

I almost hate to post this - but I am disliking Whoopie so much, I don't care. My theory? A big part of Whoopie's "problem" is that she is just not a classic beauty. We are so used to her face, I think we "forget" she is not a very attractive woman (strictly MHO). Yes, she screwed a lot of guys - I'm not saying she's not sexy, or wasn't sexy enough to have many men want her, especially as she became more famous. I have fallen for many people's personalities, and didn't care about their looks so much - I'm also not saying men haven't fallen in love with her (they clearly have). It's that she's not a "beauty" and most men would not think "I'd like to see her naked" for example. It's like Crosby wouldn't even want to drug her and have sex with her - and she knows it. Pisses her off on some level, me thinks.

  • Love 12

I think the young/skinny Whoopi was actually attractive.  Maybe not by conventional Hollywood standards, but she was pretty cute and had a look and no doubt a sexy I Don't Give a Fuck attitude when she was young.  And even in Sister Act I'd call her pretty.  But now she is heavier and dresses like an obese Marlon Brando.  I guess her reasoning is the women could have WANTED to be drugged?  Because if you don't mix date rape drugs with alcohol it can give a fun high (read it on buzzfeed!  I promise)?  

  • Love 6

Nichole was trying to make the Rebel Flag a partisan issue.... by her snide comment ...... A Democrat put that flag up there


Yes Nichole that may be true..... shame you didnt have actual information for it though..... but even if that is true.... it is not a partisan issue


It is not a heritage issue either.... The Rebel Flag was put up as a protest move against the Civil Rights Laws... which Whoopi mentioned.

Popping in to say that annoyed me, too. She, of course, failed to mention that following the Civil Rights Act being passed, the Democratic South promptly turned Republican because of the new Law. Along with the Confederate Flag being put up.


Also, I predict Raven will punch Candace one day.

Edited by SunFun
  • Love 11

Nicole is just ridiculous.  Always snide, always a shot, always blame.  In real life, has anyone ever actually met a person who announces their political party during every conversation, every single day?  I find that so bizarre.   Her actions and behaviour, or lifestyle choices are all defined by how she votes.  Really?

Sure -  "as a republican, I'd like to order a pizza" 

"Do you have these shoes in the right size for my republican feet?" 

" I need my highlights redone, because, you know, I'm a republican" 

"I need a drivers license renewed.  And I want it to say I'm a republican."  

"Decaf latte, two sugars.  No artificial sweeteners, please, I'm a republican"

To her son, "No, you can't play with dolls, we're republicans!" 

  • Love 22

Sure -  "as a republican, I'd like to order a pizza" 

"Do you have these shoes in the right size for my republican feet?" 

" I need my highlights redone, because, you know, I'm a republican" 

"I need a drivers license renewed.  And I want it to say I'm a republican."  

"Decaf latte, two sugars.  No artificial sweeteners, please, I'm a republican"

To her son, "No, you can't play with dolls, we're republicans!" 

Hey Nicole, can I offer you a frothy cup of STFU? It's fat-free and Republican. 

  • Love 12

A few years ago, The Whoopster "shared" with us her "dental journey".  IIRC, her dental regimen was nonexistent &, as a result, she had all kinds of "mouth" problems.  She admitted to never brushing her teeth which impacted her health.  She was finally told that she had to have heavy duty dental work done & she over-came whatever "issues" she had (with brushing her teeth).  My point is:  I'm wondering how strong a stomach a man would have to have to "get with" that???  Just sayin'.


ETA:  And, furthermore, I think that's the reason she always seems to cover her mouth when speaking.

Edited by Medicine Crow
  • Love 9

A few years ago, The Whoopster "shared" with us her "dental journey".  IIRC, her dental regimen was nonexistent &, as a result, she had all kinds of "mouth" problems.  She admitted to never brushing her teeth which impacted her health.  She was finally told that she had to have heavy duty dental work done & she over-came whatever "issues" she had (with brushing her teeth).  My point is:  I'm wondering how strong a stomach a man would have to have to "get with" that???  Just sayin'.


ETA:  And, furthermore, I think that's the reason she always seems to cover her mouth when speaking.

Yup, I remember this. She babbled about her total disinterest in basic oral hygiene and described the tremendous plaque build up and sundry smelly bacteria teeming in her mouth. She is a pig. Totally revolting.

  • Love 8

Regarding the Cosby defense by Whoopi and the extended tirades. Does anyone else remember the girl, Autumn Jackson who tried to blackmail Cosby for 40 million dollars or she would go to the press and tell the world that she was his illegitimate daughter? This happened in the 1990s. IIRC, he refused to do a DNA test and she ended up going to jail for blackmail. I wonder whatever happened to her and if she will come forward as well.

  • Love 1

Regarding the Cosby defense by Whoopi and the extended tirades. Does anyone else remember the girl, Autumn Jackson who tried to blackmail Cosby for 40 million dollars or she would go to the press and tell the world that she was his illegitimate daughter? This happened in the 1990s. IIRC, he refused to do a DNA test and she ended up going to jail for blackmail. I wonder whatever happened to her and if she will come forward as well.

Well, I do remember that he admitted to having sex with her mother and that over the years he sent her a lot of money to her (the mother) because he didn't want anyone to know he'd had sex outside of his marriage.    He also personally paid (through his attorney) for (or offered to anyway) all her kids college educations. But then the girl got greedy and tried to extort millions which is when Cosby cut it off and called in the FBI.  I doubt the mother (don't know her name) was one of Cosby's victims - more like a willing tryst to lock down a steady stream of checks. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 1

I saw a piece last week about Autumn Jackson. They reported that there was a paternity test and Bill was not the father. However, I don't believe that Bill waas paying the mother to keep her quiet about their affair. He was slinging peen everywhere. During that time entertainers had "tour wives" and "wives" in Vegas(usually show girls). One of the Vegas ladies said she had consensual sex with Bill regularly and yet he still drugged and raped her. Bill also had girls at Playboy Mansion with his friend Hef, who called quaaludes "thigh openers" . So I think. Amber's mom may have something much bigger on Bill than cheating.

  • Love 5

Can this show survive?  I mean, the articles have been written for years and years but has this tired show run its course, with or without new hosts?  The format has been taken and improved.  With an entirely new panel and producers, could they survive on "The View" name?  I was watching the show a few weeks back in the lobby of the doctor's office and one man in the waiting area left because he couldn't stand the conversation.  Pauline Kael said that "The Women" confirmed men's worst suspicions about what women were alike when they were alone.  "The View" seems further evidence.

  • Love 3

I reached a point a month or two ago - no more View. I could not stand to listen to Whoppi's voice another second (I don't even care to correct the spelling of her name). I also sensed my blood pressure could not handle Raven-Symone. Forget Nicole (and I lean right on some issues) - she devolves daily. Bangs? Barely registers. Rosie? I'm just mad I missed out on the funeral potatoes.


Stick a fork in it. Do the world a favor. Except replace it with something for this fine group of snarkers to sink their teeth into!!

  • Love 8

Lots of stuff out there calling for Whoopi to be fired (and Raven, too) for defending Cosby and blaming the victims. This is from Amy Zimmerman's piece at The Daily Beast:



While every woman is entitled to her own opinion, ABC shouldn’t provide Symoné and Goldberg with a public forum in which to silence and invalidate other women. It’s time for some new ladies to grab the mics.

  • Love 12

Nicole is just ridiculous.  Always snide, always a shot, always blame.  In real life, has anyone ever actually met a person who announces their political party during every conversation, every single day?  I find that so bizarre.   Her actions and behaviour, or lifestyle choices are all defined by how she votes.  Really?

 I think it is a republican thing..My apologies to the republicans on here. I mean no offense. My cousin who is a republican does that all the time. Plus, he is a Black republican, so he feels very defensive about justifying his political affiliation to others..lol Elizabeth used to do that all the time..It is infuriating, it is almost like they are brainwashed into looking at the world as Democrats Vs. Republicans, it is truly bizarre..I remember when the late Edward Kennedy, may he rest in peace, was diagnosed with Brain cancer, I  remember her saying, although he and I share different political views, my heart goes out to him and his family in this difficult time. I was appalled by that statement, why could she not expressed her sympathy without involving politics into it....It really pissed me off....


Nicole makes everything about her politics....I wish Joy or Rosie O was on to counter her when she makes any political statement..The ladies give her carte blanche to spew her nonsense because she was one of George Bush's  many minions....Sherrie used to do that about being a Black woman, or a Christian..Before she got that Huzzband that she is now obligated to take care of via their kid...Be careful what you wish for, Sherrie..lol..She used to talk about being a single woman all the time..There is more to a person than their race, religion, sexuality or political affiliation...They are so one dimensional when it comes to life and it makes them boring and I have never cared about their simplistic opinions about life...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 8

I think, from on...simply to appease ME-ME-ME, that every host must preface most comments (not all) by announcing his or her political affiliation.


I'm a Democrat, so...

I'm a registered independent, and although I can't vote my way in primaries, I still...

I'm a Libertarian!

I'm a proud member of the Green party, but...

I'm not a registered voter, but....


We already have The Republican.

There is some talk about one "American Court" going after Cosby for perjury, that's an actual crime.  That could get interesting in the Whoopster's world.



She'd probably pontificate that it's not CRIME-crime!

  • Love 7

What really gets my goat is when someone thinks they are speaking for the collective whole of whoever they are saying they are.  Nicole is a Republican so she speaks for all Republicans.  Sherri was a single mother and a Christian and a comedienne so she spoke for all the those people.  But then you have the reverse in effect as well.    Even though Jenny McCarthy was the celebrity face of the anti-vaccine movement she didn't want to be known for that. 


Stick a fork in it. Do the world a favor. Except replace it with something for this fine group of snarkers to sink their teeth into!!




I wouldn't miss the View or shed a tear about it's demise but I simply cannot live without all of us here at this site.  Hell, they could just do a show with all of us commenting on the real Hot Topics of the day and it would be a sure fire hit.

  • Love 9

Just gonna put it out there.  (Obviously TPTB don't listen to me, or we'd have Brooke Shields providing insight.)


Get rid of Whoopi and bring back Joy.  It wouldn't solve all the problems, but it would sure get rid of a the worst: a moderator who can't read the teleprompter or stand to listen to anyone else's opinions, who actively tells the audience she doesn't care about them, who dresses like a bag lady, and who loves to talk about floppy boobies and farting. Not to mention a moderator who gets snarly when facts interfere with her worldview.

  • Love 11

I like Joy very much but I'd only want her back if she was fully engaged, unlike her last few years on the show. That said, I honestly can't imagine Joy, who seems to be very much enjoying her semi retirement, would even want to come back to this sh*tfest full-time particularly if they are indeed going to try to go even fluffier and dumber during an election year. I would think the money would have to be stupid good to even begin to entice her back, and we all know The View is not exactly known for being a big spender on it's talent or its production by typical television standards, WG or RO being the possible exceptions.

  • Love 6

Joy is at least 70. I doubt she'd want to back full time.

I dont remember Joy being moderator very much when she was on the panel.... but I also dont remember her being very good at it... I dont think she would do well being in charge

I like Joy very much but I'd only want her back if she was fully engaged, unlike her last few years on the show. That said, I honestly can't imagine Joy, who seems to be very much enjoying her semi retirement, would even want to come back to this sh*tfest full-time particularly if they are indeed going to try to go even fluffier and dumber during an election year. I would think the money would have to be stupid good to even begin to entice her back, and we all know The View is not exactly known for being a big spender on it's talent or its production by typical television standards, WG or RO being the possible exceptions.

Id have to disagree with you on this point..... It is true their production budget is quite low.... but I am pretty sure they pay their "talent" quite well..... It was said Sherri was worth 10 million.... I dont know about Elisabeth.. but the property she purchased was very high end...... I dont know the wages of past hosts.... but none of them seemed to be hurting financially.

  • Love 1

What really gets my goat is when someone thinks they are speaking for the collective whole of whoever they are saying they are.  Nicole is a Republican so she speaks for all Republicans.  Sherri was a single mother and a Christian and a comedienne so she spoke for all the those people.  But then you have the reverse in effect as well.    Even though Jenny McCarthy was the celebrity face of the anti-vaccine movement she didn't want to be known for that. 




I wouldn't miss the View or shed a tear about it's demise but I simply cannot live without all of us here at this site.  Hell, they could just do a show with all of us commenting on the real Hot Topics of the day and it would be a sure fire hit.

A show about nothing!!!

  • Love 2

Ariana Grande is a Disney "star" so she will be defended as often as possible..... I doubt Whoopi made that statement up herself.... it was on the teleprompter for her to read.... So it can easily be said that the statement came from Disney instead of her manager.

This sparked my interest because I wondered why Disney would allow this bunch to trash one of their own or at least spotlight and repeat the story.    My 14 year old niece was here last night and the subject of Ariana Grande licking donuts came up.  I asked her if she was a former Disney star and my niece told me, "No, she was on a show on Nickelodeon called Victorious"     So Disney probably wouldn't care what the morons on The View said about Grande. 

  • Love 2

Of course Cosby hasn't been convicted in a court of law...that's why he's not in jail.  That doesn't mean we can't assume he's guilty, discuss his guilt, and criticize him for actions he admits to undertaking.  Whoopi seems to be confusing the burden of proof the state has in order to incarcerate someone and the burden of proof I as an individual have to know in my mind that he's a rapist POS.  Giving a woman drugs and having sex with her is pretty conclusively rape.

  • Love 7

I dont remember Joy being moderator very much when she was on the panel.... but I also dont remember her being very good at it... I dont think she would do well being in charge

Id have to disagree with you on this point..... It is true their production budget is quite low.... but I am pretty sure they pay their "talent" quite well..... It was said Sherri was worth 10 million.... I dont know about Elisabeth.. but the property she purchased was very high end...... I dont know the wages of past hosts.... but none of them seemed to be hurting financially.

Oh I agree! None of them are hurting. I was speaking relatively. Network talk shows like this don't pay very well comparatively. The big money is in syndication. When Sherri left she was reportedly getting about $1.5 million a year from The View after seven years there. Allegedly she tried to negotiate a huge pay bump and the network laughed at her and showed her the door. $1.5M is nothing to sneeze at, but pretty far from say Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan who are reportedly currently earning around $20 and $10 million a year, respectively, or Wendy Williams who reportedly gets about $15 million a year. At The View, Whoopi and Rosie are/were the big dogs salary wise at $5 million a year and the others get much less. Re Elisabeth, allegedly they sold their New York place for something like $3.5 million and bought the Connecticut place for $4 million, and Tim has done pretty well for an NFL benchwarmer and ESPN analyst, so they're not hurting either. If the reports are correct she took a pay cut when she was canned and went to F&F and is back down to a flat $1 million a year, which is probably a hardship given how much more she has to spend on Foxbot blonde hair dye now. ;)

Edited by TribbleTrouble
  • Love 4
Between her defense of powerful men, as well as her boobs and bodily functions I can't stand her.



I actually don't mind a reference to "long" boobs...but that's ONE reference.  No "comedian" needs to resort to using the same tired line over and over and over.

I heard enough bodily function references when my boys were growing up...and that seemed to take a REALLY long time.  I don't need the SOS from Ms. Whoops.

  • Love 5

This sparked my interest because I wondered why Disney would allow this bunch to trash one of their own or at least spotlight and repeat the story.    My 14 year old niece was here last night and the subject of Ariana Grande licking donuts came up.  I asked her if she was a former Disney star and my niece told me, "No, she was on a show on Nickelodeon called Victorious"     So Disney probably wouldn't care what the morons on The View said about Grande. 

Honestly I didnt know there was a difference between Nickelodeon and Disney.... thanks for the clarification

  • Love 2

A few years ago, The Whoopster "shared" with us her "dental journey".  IIRC, her dental regimen was nonexistent &, as a result, she had all kinds of "mouth" problems.  She admitted to never brushing her teeth which impacted her health.  She was finally told that she had to have heavy duty dental work done & she over-came whatever "issues" she had (with brushing her teeth).  My point is:  I'm wondering how strong a stomach a man would have to have to "get with" that???  Just sayin'.


ETA:  And, furthermore, I think that's the reason she always seems to cover her mouth when speaking.

I had forgotten about that revolting piece of information.  As I've previously posted somewhere on this board, it's amazing to watch Whoopi preach about her sexuality and the fact that men fall out of trees to be with her blah, blah, blah.  And then shares information about her disgusting washroom activities, the really nasty feet, sagging, shapeless breast and last but not least, the bio-hazard in her mouth.  Although not as off-putting as all the body stuff, the fact that her wardrobe is off-the-rack from Acme Tent & Awning.  Did I forget anything?  


When will people learn that discussing your bodily functions is not an act of bonding.  It doesn't render you open, honest or "real."  


Yeah, it is very difficult to imagine men looking at her as a sensual being.


And thanks for searing that oral hygiene visual into my brain MedicineCrow.

  • Love 5

Cosby defenders, table for two!


Bill Cosby’s wife says accusers ‘consented’ to drugs and sex


If this is Camille Cosby's view of what's going on (it's a "close friends say" type of article), I can understand her support, although it makes me sad. I will never understand or respect Whoopi's support of someone who says he drugged women to have sex with them. Such disrespect to women, and to a healthy view of sex.

  • Love 3

She is a nut like her brother Kirk Cameron..I told you guys that  we will see more of  her crazy as times goes on...I think that she is worst than Elizabeth, because she is more stealth and articulate..Bitsy did not believe the idiocy  that used to come out of her mouth..She was playing a role mandated by Bill Geddie...However, Candace does...

I agree. Candace is attractive and articulate and stealthy. I quit watching the show when Bitsy was on because I didn't want to have an infarction; but by comparison Candace is more scary to me because she actually chooses her own words rather than spitting out script.


Whoopster never ceases to amaze.... and not in the great way, but at times I see her points.... at times...


However other times there's the cray, (Cosby, Polanski views) and there's the, "IDK! I wasn't there!" and "Don't write! Don't call! Don't tweet! I don't care!" Alrighty then.

Edited by ari333
  • Love 3

Whoopi is a maroon.  Her rants about how Cosby hasn't been "proven" a rapist in the courts demonstrates her ignorance.  For someone who is an actress, and has been in a LOT of movies, some of which dealt with law and order, she's clearly never paid attention to the phrase "statute of limitations."


She's going to thump her righteousness because none of these charges will ever happen, as the statute of limitations has passed.  The only way for a charge to be levied against him, and land him in criminal court is if he did this to someone within the range where the statute has not expired. So SHUT THE FUCK UP, Whoopi.


Exposing this man is the closest thing thing to justice these women will get.


So no, Whoopi, I'm NOT going to get off your fucking back, when you're clearly speaking from a place of willful blindness and IGNORANCE.


And this is coming from someone who LOVED The Cosby Show, grew up watching Fat Albert and listening to this man as he taught me how to treat people.  A HUGE chunk of my childhood was taken from me last fall. And I still mourn it.




And on a weird random personal note, I'll say this. I was a Cosby Show fan in the early years of the sitcom, but I will tell you Bill Cosby gave me the willies in watching his standup. IDK why; and I was so young I probably couldn't  even articulate it; but I recall for sure getting the willies. Maybe it was some of his content? IDK. Not that that means anything -- because it doesn't. It is just  my two cents... and easy for me to say ...after the fact. But  I totally believe these women.

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