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"The View": Week of 07/06/15


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Why Whoopi's blind faith in Cosby? Did he have anything to do with starting her career? Did he buy her a house? With this new evidence, she STILL defends him. It is beyond weird. What more proof does she need? Who the hell has to drug women to have sex with them? A disgusting, slimy pervert that's who and his name is Bill Cosby.


I detest Raven. Her appearance is ridiculous - that hair! - and she acted like a five year-old with all that pouting and turning around in her chair. Why can't Baba Wawa find people for this show that aren't so bloody annoying? Between Rosie's nasally "tawk" and Nicole's whine, the voices alone are torture. And what was she thinking to put Rosie O back on? That worked out well I see.

  • Love 4

She did get blackballed for a while, just like the Dixie Chicks, for daring to question Bush and his evil policies..I remember Bitsy agreed with the boycott against Whoopie Goldberg..I think that may have affected her ability to get work, until the view came calling....





Comedienne Whoopi Goldberg has denied slamming U.S. President GEORGE W. Bush at a Democratic fundraising event in 2004 - insisting rumours are a conspiracy to tarnish her name.


The Sister Act star was vilified after comparing the American leader's name to a crude term for a vagina. In the aftermath, she was dropped as a spokesperson for diet aid company Slim-Fast. But Goldberg insists the comments - which damaged her professionally - were falsified.


She tells U.S. chat show host Larry King, "It hurt me professionally hugely. "And actually the truth of the matter was I didn't criticise President Bush. I came out and I made some remarks to the crowd about John Edwards, the then-vice presidential candidate, and made a comment about John Kerry, who was then the presidential candidate.


And I then said that I loved Bush and that someone was giving Bush a bad name, and it was time to put Bush in his proper place. That's all I said. "And before I got off the stage, it was on the (American news agency) A.P. that I had been vulgar and nasty and horrible. "And what we subsequently discovered, was that there are groups out there when they target you, they send out emails and... they are charged to go out and target folks. They did it with Sean Penn. They did it with a lot of people. And it cost me four years of work."

  • Love 2

So let me get this straight...and for fun, eliminate capital letters in Whoopi's quote to make "Bush" a word...rather than a surname.  Is this what Whoopi said that was so misunderstood?


"And I then said that I loved bush and that someone was giving bush a bad name, and it was time to put bush in his proper place."


Not that original, funny, or clever.  Not that vulgar...but it still is insulting--and was meant to be.

  • Love 5


She tells U.S. chat show host Larry King, "It hurt me professionally hugely. "And actually the truth of the matter was I didn't criticise President Bush. I came out and I made some remarks to the crowd about John Edwards, the then-vice presidential candidate, and made a comment about John Kerry, who was then the presidential candidate.

And I then said that I loved Bush and that someone was giving Bush a bad name, and it was time to put Bush in his proper place. That's all I said. "And before I got off the stage, it was on the (American news agency) A.P. that I had been vulgar and nasty and horrible. "And what we subsequently discovered, was that there are groups out there when they target you, they send out emails and... they are charged to go out and target folks. They did it with Sean Penn. They did it with a lot of people. And it cost me four years of work."


Apologies in ADVANCE, but my mind went straight to Cliff Huxtable and in his voice, I am asking y'all: Are youuuuu tryiiiiing to tell meeeeeeee that back in 2004, there was no way to corroborate this, since the internets (™Dubya) was not in its infancy back then, and would have been able to disprove this, so that she wouldn't be vilified?

  • Love 1

Don't forget that the country was veering towards the extreme right at the time that Whoopie made her comments, the party really went after her...That was part of the reason that Bush got a second term...The country was very pro-Bush at the time, any negative comments were perceived as Anti-American, plus, the country was still reeling from 9/11....Fox News became very prominent and started to take shots at Rosie who used to question and ridicule Bush,which led  to the relevancy of Elizabeth Hasselback....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5

At least Raven did have the correct info on the Oregon bakery case. Of course she was drowned out by Candace yelling about the constitution.

Something tells me that Whoopi and Candace argued the abortion issue at some point. I saw Candace's eyes light up and she said let's go. So Whoopi went and shut her down.


That's why I was just fine with Whoopi bringing up abortion the way she did.  Xtians often want to hide behind the Constitution when it's convenient, but the state law is relevant here, in Oregon, sexual orientation is a protected class just like religion.  Nobody is attacking Xtian's religious freedom, but Xtians want to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies, and it's not just abortion.  As Nicolle pointed out, now your boss can deny you birth control in your insurance thanks to the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision.


$135k is an outrageous fine though.

  • Love 4

I also think that Hollywood that is very liberal did not appreciate some of Whoopie's antics like letting her boyfriend Ted Danson decked out in Black face..I remember there was alot of backlash from the Black community over that..Plus, Whoopie relished the controversy and her arrogance about not having no remorse over the situation pissed me off..I would not be surprised if that is Why Oprah never really interacted with her after that debacle..Another factor impeding Whoopie in Hollywood at the time, was the fact that she was a dark-skinned Black woman over the age of 40. We all know that Hollywood likes their young ingenues...She did not fit that mold...I wish she would say that, when lamenting about being boycotted over her comments over Bush and not getting any work..She just likes to simplify things and make everything all about her...This is the Whooster's  world and we all have the privilege of living in it...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 7

Medicine Crow  quote

This morning, The Whoopster attacked the Bure woman for her opinion & blamed her (religion) for trying to control whether or not women had access to abortion.  That was not what she was talking about & The Whoopster was just throwing her weight around, AGAIN!!!


That wasnt really how it went down.....
Candice Cameron Bure was sharing her opinion that religious beliefs should trump the law.......and people are being intolerant of their beliefs....  Whoopi disagreed... which is not an attack..... and in her explanation she said we could have this discussion about abortion.... and Candice shrieked BRING IT ON!!.... and Whoopi said... you can hold on to your religious beliefs and not have an abortion..... but your religious beliefs can not dictate what I do if I believe differently.


  • Love 3

She is a nut like her brother Kirk Cameron..I told you guys that  we will see more of  her crazy as times goes on...I think that she is worst than Elizabeth, because she is more stealth and articulate..Bitsy did not believe the idiocy  that used to come out of her mouth..She was playing a role mandated by Bill Geddie...However, Candace does...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 6

Medicine Crow  quote

That wasnt really how it went down.....

Candice Cameron Bure was sharing her opinion that religious beliefs should trump the law.......and people are being intolerant of their beliefs....  Whoopi disagreed... which is not an attack..... and in her explanation she said we could have this discussion about abortion.... and Candice shrieked BRING IT ON!!.... and Whoopi said... you can hold on to your religious beliefs and not have an abortion..... but your religious beliefs can not dictate what I do if I believe differently.


I saw it differently, so .....

  • Love 3

I remember Rosie talking about cognitive dissonance in relation to Bill Cosby. I loved the way that she explained why it is hard for most of us, to reconcile that lovable Dr Huxtable to the monster that was hidden in Bill Cosby with his air of respectability....I miss Rosie O'Donnell, she elevated that show  with her class, humor and intelligence...Monsters of all kind can blend into society and that is what makes them so insidious and dangerous...

Rosie was a more sophisticated, deep-thinker than anyone presently at the table.  I agree that the role of Dr. Huxtable was great, but could never, ever get why he was revered in any other situation.  Seeing him on any talk show would drive me insane.  The delivery.  The 10 minutes to form one sentence, the pregnant pauses and gazing around.  He was one the last guests when The Colbert Report ended, and it was the most ridiculous freak show.  I think Colbert felt the same way and didn't know what the hell to do.  Sorry Whoopi, but as it turns out, Mr. Bill Cosby is a disturbed predator going back decades.  Oh, and one last thing, his character on The Cosby Show was a gynecologist.  Just saying….

  • Love 18

I'll admit I did kind of enjoy watching Whoopi blow her top comparing the consequences of her free speech to Cosby allegedly drugging and raping women for 40 years.  Apples and oranges.  It tickles me that she still is carrying such a giant chip on her shoulder over it.  Every accusation of every big celebrity is all about her.  


But my favorite part was Whoopi yelling at Bure and Raven to stop pointing fingers, her favorite way to communicate.  In fact, not two minutes later she was shaking her fingers at them and at us.   Blow me Whoop. 

  • Love 23


Seeing him on any talk show would drive me insane.  The delivery.  The 10 minutes to form one sentence, the pregnant pauses and gazing around.


I always think of this as "Charlton Heston disease" after watching the late star do this on Politically Incorrect.  Barbara Walters does it too.  It's that attitude of, "I'm older than you and therefore I know more and much as it pains me, I am going to tell you what to think."

Edited by Qoass
  • Love 4

Well, they've been wanting "sparks" forever so today they got their wish.  I was listening today for the first time in a long time (often I doze off with my finger on the FF).

  Years ago I saw a clip or actually heard Whoopi's "bush" monologue.  There was absolutely no question that she knew what she was saying and that it was inappropriate, but as I agreed with her about Bush I did laugh.  But as she says now "I don't care."  She meant every word she said and surely she knew the consequences.  He was the President after all...  I'm not really sure she lost all that many chances for work - don't recall any long period when her face was absent from our screens...

I NEVER liked Bitsy but I don't recall her going "ptooe" in someone's face and turning her whole body to the side in disgust as Raven did today.  (Only a half turn with her bony arm on the back of the couch when Kathy Griffin was on).  I can't stand her entitled ass and I find her monumentally immature for a 30 year old woman.  She doesn't have the self-control of the teenagers I used to teach.

However, whenever Bitsy was put on the spot and asked a  direct question about her core beliefs by one of the other co-host, she would become a petulant child and it was obvious that she was painfully lost without the talking points that were espoused by Hannerty on his show the previous night. I remember when she was clamoring that Sarah Palin was the second coming and Barbara Walters asked her a direct question, on why she thought that Sarah Palin was qualified to be Vice-President and possibly  the President of the USA, if God forbid, anything bad were to happen to him..She sneered at Barbara, who was her boss, was this a pop quiz, I was taken aback by her disrespectful and disdain tone of voice..That was not the way that one addresses one's boss..She derailed the conversation with a non sequitur, so she would not have to answer the question..She was really good at that..I have hated her ever since...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 9

Whoopi's getting hammered for her Cosby defense and deservedly so IMO (although she did slightly redeem herself with the abortion discussion).




Whoopi lost a pretty cushy endorsement deal and in that way I guess she and Cosby are a lot alike.  It's a lazy celebrity's dream gig - you show up, shoot a commercial and for a minimal amount of effort you rake in big bucks for a long time. 

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 6

To change the subject for a moment.....


Was anyone else annoyed by the defense of the football player that punched that blond??  Bangs called her a bitch and said she deserved it.... but she kinda walked it back... I found another video of the incident.




It looked like he groped her.... on purpose or accidental...... and that was why she got hot..... and even though she did swing at him.... he sucker punched her and ran like the wimp he is.

He needs to be removed from the team and disallowed from NCAA football for at least another year

  • Love 5

I always think of this as "Charlton Heston disease" after watching the late star do this on Politically Incorrect.  Barbara Walters does it too.  It's that attitude of, "I'm older than you and therefore I know more and much as it pains me, I am going to tell you what to think."

Except he was in some sort of haze thinking he was creating some comedic moment for the ages and not just dispensing "infinite wisdom."  Who encouraged him to be anywhere public in the last twenty years?  Stop talking Mr. Cosby, you're not funny.  

  • Love 3

Whoopi has been bitching about this for far too long .  Bottom line, she made a joke about president Bush, and indicated the "bush"  on her crotch.  And this was at an event featuring comedians making anti-Bush jokes.  She can talk all she wants about "free speech",  but SlimFast company ALSO has some freedoms  - the freedom to decide that if you want to be politically aligned with one party or another, you don't get to be a spokesperson for their product.   

Whoopi is like one of those idiots that say that networks "violated someone's free speech"  when they take a show off the air.  Free speech is just that -  speech.  there's no "right"  to get paid for endorsing products or representing a company. 


Whoopi's stance on Cosby has always been that it was blown up on social media, that people were "ganging up"  on him, and that the women should have gone to the hospital and been examined to prove they were raped.  She has no understanding of how these complaints would have been ignored at the time.  

Jezebel has an article about Whoopi on the Cosby accusations:  


In a panel of made up of Goldberg, Raven-Symoné, Nicole Wallace, and guest hosts Michelle Collins and Candace Cameron Bure, only Collins came down hard on Cosby, saying that since she’s always thought he was guilty, nothing’s changed. Raven, who became famous on The Cosby Show, sort of admitted that now she’s willing to say that he’s done something wrong...............

But Whoopi Goldberg, who is still mad about that one time people besmirched her name at a party or something, has not changed her mind, nope, not at all.



Jezebel's original article about The View's discussion from last year has THE BEST TITLE; The View's Take on the Bill Cosby Rape Allegations Was Fucking Inane


Edited by backformore
  • Love 14

To change the subject for a moment.....


Was anyone else annoyed by the defense of the football player that punched that blond??  Bangs called her a bitch and said she deserved it.... but she kinda walked it back... I found another video of the incident.


Annoyed, yes.  Surprised? Not even a little which equals boring.  As soon as I saw that story on the morning news I knew what Whoopi's response would be.  Today, Raven said it before Whoopi could but Whoopi agreed.     We already know that those two don't have a problem with men, even football players (or maybe especially football players) hitting a woman.   I can't even feign outrage anymore at Whoopi's opinions.  I'm over it.  

  • Love 11
She meant every word she said and surely she knew the consequences.



Consequences? Consequences?  Whoopi don't accept no steenkin' consequences!  Also, don't email or tweet her.  She claims she doesn't care...until she brings up the same decades-old problem again and again and...


(Only a half turn with her bony arm on the back of the couch when Kathy Griffin was on)



Maybe I don't remember this correctly.  I thought both arms were stretched high while she let out a big yawn.

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Whoopi's stance on Cosby has always been that it was blown up on social media, that people were "ganging up"  on him, and that the women should have gone to the hospital and been examined to prove they were raped.  She has no understanding of how these complaints would have been ignored at the time.


She should understand that.  According to Wikipedia, she was born in 1955 -- so she was 20 years old in 1975, the decade during which many of Cosby'salleged acts occurred.  I'm less than 10 years older than she is & I understand how things were for women in the '70s because I lived through it, as did she.  Add to that the fact that Cosby was a hugely popular celebrity & it's fairly certain that a woman accusing him would not be taken seriously unless the assault was on film.

  • Love 5

Whoopi is like one of those idiots that say that networks "violated someone's free speech" when they take a show off the air. Free speech is just that - speech. there's no "right" to get paid for endorsing products or representing a company.

And beyond that, the First Amendment addresses the role of government with regard to the suppression of expression. It says nothing about private enterprises sacking a contracted employee for misbehavior. (See today: Fogel, Jared.) if you embarrass your employer, you are going to get fired.
  • Love 9
She should understand that.


yes, she SHOULD.  She pretends not to, when she asks why these women didn't go to the police, hospital, etc.   I'm her age. and I know that a woman saying she went to a man's hotel room to discuss her career, and then the man drugged and raped her, would be laughed at.  "date rape" was unheard of, and women who went to a man's hotel room, were assumed to be be consenting to whatever he has in mind.  


I was propositioned and sexually harassed in the late 70's by someone at work, who was in a position of authority.  I notified my supervisor, who told me that the man was a "nice guy" and I should just go ahead and date him.  THAT is how any of these accusers would have been responded to -  that they should be so lucky as to be hooking up with a famous comedian/actor. 

Whoopi would know this is she could take her head out of her ass long enough to actually THINK about how women were treated at that time, rather than being so concerned with kissing up to other actors. 

  • Love 14

He needs to be removed from the team and disallowed from NCAA football for at least another year


He's been kicked off team. After FSU's mishandling of the last quarterback's scandal (and revelations that the university has always protected players), they had no choice. Good.


Looks like I missed an eventful View today. Probably good for my mental health.

  • Love 5


She should understand that.  According to Wikipedia, she was born in 1955 -- so she was 20 years old in 1975, the decade during which many of Cosby'salleged acts occurred.  I'm less than 10 years older than she is & I understand how things were for women in the '70s because I lived through it, as did she.  Add to that the fact that Cosby was a hugely popular celebrity & it's fairly certain that a woman accusing him would not be taken seriously unless the assault was on film.


I agree, plus, I'm surprised that Whoopi has no knowledge of the rumors.  Many comics who were on the circuit during that period have said there were always rumors in the comedy clubs of Cosby drugging women and raping them.  


eta:  Is it just me, or does Raven never make a complete sentence.  I rarely know what her point is.

Edited by Morgalisa
  • Love 6
I agree, plus, I'm surprised that Whoopi has no knowledge of the rumors.  Many comics who were on the circuit during that period have said there were always rumors in the comedy clubs of Cosby drugging women and raping them.



If Whoopi wasn't/isn't in the "in" crowd (or the "in IN" crowd), she yearns to be.  Sadly, she has been backing the wrong players a little too often.  Someone needs to put her on the right path.  Don't tell her...she doesn't effing care.

  • Love 7

Whoopi has, I believe, seriously damaged her "brand" with her defense of Cosby.  When a man confesses to something in court, under oath, that's reasonable proof of guilt.


Adding to that, the public's general squeamishness about sexual crimes, particular those involving a powerful man and many non-powerful women.  Defending a predator like that won't win her many fans.


Beyond her defense of Cosby, she followed up with an admonition to the public --  "don't tweet me or email me your nasty comments" -- making it clear what View-ers have known for years: that she is totally incapable of accepting that she can be wrong. Ever. In WhoopiLand, anyone who criticizes her or disagrees with her is not only wrong, but they are nasty.


The public likes accessible, grateful, humble celebrities who are relate-able.  They don't like high-handed snobs calling them "nasty."  If you're gonna have a big fan base and you're not accessible, grateful or humble, you better start pretending you are and putting on a really good show of it.


I love all the press and attention that this is getting.  Whoopi's obstinacy, lack of critical reasoning skills, and just plain meanness has finally been played out on a larger stage.  She has no one to blame but herself.  Not that she will ever, ever accept any part of the blame.

Edited by ChicagoCita
  • Love 18

Even without the Bush jokes, I'm sure Whoopi's career was just on a natural downward turn.  If you look at her IMDB, she was making a lot of crap in the late 90's.  I mean 5 years before Bush was in office she made a movie about a dinosaur cop.  She's just nuts for defending Cosby.

Yes, it was SLIMFAST that fired her from being their spokesperson after the Bush comment.   

By the time you are doing diet commercials, your "movie star"  career has already peaked.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 8

This talk show used to be my favorite to see when I was home sick - Now, not so much.  I couldn't stand Rosie O'Donnel.  She was so rude and loud!! She gave me the impression that no one's opinion mattered but her own, unless you agreed with her.  Then she left. And it was okay for a bit.  Jenny McCartney (?) - terrible also.

I liked Whoopi but not anymore. To me she has morphed into Rosie O. but not as  screeching.  

The whole panel is just so rude and disrespectful to each other.  Talking over one another, yelling to make a point.  I know that "The Talk" is mostly light news but they at least seem to listen to each other, Julie Chen makes sure everyone has a chance to chime in.  

As for Raven - today she actually turned her back to someone who was speaking to her.  And then said "I didn't shhh you, I pffft you." She also seems to turn everything as a focus about her.  Ego much?  

  • Love 3

I agree, plus, I'm surprised that Whoopi has no knowledge of the rumors.  Many comics who were on the circuit during that period have said there were always rumors in the comedy clubs of Cosby drugging women and raping them.  


eta:  Is it just me, or does Raven never make a complete sentence.  I rarely know what her point is.

Whoopi knows.... she is just a liar


She was surprised there was a backlash on her Bush comments because.... not only is she a comic and should get a pass.... but she doesnt care what others think.

Honestly I have never seen a celebrity who was so clueless and is still celebrated by others.... maybe Im missing something


Raven is just an entitled girl who didnt have an honest childhood...... she has been surrounded by Yes people her whole life... she believes the hype

  • Love 9

Oh good grief....just watched.

Note to Michele Collins - Hillary Clinton is not a Rhodes Scholar, really.

So now anyone who does not agree with Whoopi is nasty?

Chris Cristie is Nicole's "main man?"

Curious how Nicole can be a huge WG fan after what Whoopi said about Bush. I'm a dem and found it seriously distasteful. But then she is incredibly gross, imo.

I am not a Perez fan but do admire her quitting this show.

  • Love 6

Oh good grief....just watched.

Note to Michele Collins - Hillary Clinton is not a Rhodes Scholar, really.

So now anyone who does not agree with Whoopi is nasty?

Chris Cristie is Nicole's "main man?"

Curious how Nicole can be a huge WG fan after what Whoopi said about Bush. I'm a dem and found it seriously distasteful. But then she is incredibly gross, imo.

I am not a Perez fan but do admire her quitting this show.

LOL I forgot about Bangs attributing a Rhodes Scholarship  to Hilary Clinton.  She probably confused her with Bill Clinton, who was a Rhodes Scholar.  


I don't think Nicolle is a huge Whoopi fan really.  I think she's smart enough to know that's the best way to keep her job or at least keep the peace while on that job.  


Yes, anyone that disagrees with Whoopi is nasty and must shut up.  Haven't you been watching this year maggiemae? :)

At the end of the show today there was some sort of blurb about "the hot topics never end" and the announcer invited the viewers to "keep the conversation going" on the show's Facebook/Twitter/Instagram pages.   I wonder how that works with the Biggest Mouth on the Stage telling the same audience, "don't email me - I don't care."  


I am hoping Rosie P quietly quit this show and if she hasn't she should.  No one on the show has bothered to notice she's gone for two days now.  


Yes, it was SLIMFAST that fired her from being their spokesperson after the Bush comment.   

By the time you are doing diet commercials, your "movie star"  career has already peaked.

Hahahahaa!  Great point backformore!  

  • Love 7

There's a certain generation of women - more of my late mother's age than mine and Whoopi's, who simply believe that men are better than women, that women who claim to have been assaulted or attacked have brought it on themselves. It's true in the Cosby case, and in any case where the woman throws a punch first - that seems to give men - especially athletes who are trained to be aggressive - license to slug them back.

I suppose, as a feminist, I should be for the equal opportunity to punch and be punched. But it's not equal, because a man is generally stronger than a woman - and he can do some serious damage. As we saw with Ray Rice, there was a huge controversy over whether his girlfriend hit him first. Of course, "we don't know, we weren't there" but why does Whoopi assume that the man is always in the right?

  • Love 13

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