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I'm sure I'm a party of one on this, but I'm really starting to like All Purpose Park.  I like the BENCH, I like the trees and all the architectural details on the railings.  Maybe because it's so hot and dry here, but I'd love to stroll through that park of an evening.  It looks so cool and lush.

Hahaha!!!  I think my issue with the PARK and the BENCH has to do with how frequently it is used for all number of storylines.  I feel like people should have to book the BENCH, because with all of its popularity, people would be tripping over each other.  No sooner have Lauren and Michael kissed there, than there is a shooting.  And by tomorrow, we will probably have Marisa and Gabe meeting there.  


The LAB is the same.  Everyone hangs out at the LAB till all hours.  But no one is in the place where people should hang out, like the GCAC or CL or the UG.  No customers.


Remember when Newman had hallways and elevators and people used to be zipping past each other with files in their hands and deliveries and and and.....


Today they mentioned the

major FOUNTAIN on the CDN ep, That will likely become a big meeting place or maybe it will just be in our imagination.  I am picturing the Trevi Fountain.

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Since when has "classy" and "GC" been used in the same sentence? :)

2009? Whenever Maura West showed up as Diane, that's when I started watching. I was so impressed with the sets and the hair/makeup. I couldn't believe how lavish everything was. Women dressed for the appropriate weather. I remember there was some kind of autumn festival and people were actually wearing coats, hats, scarves. And the outdoor sets looked great.

Not so much anymore...

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My UO is that I am not seeing anything interesting or special about Marissa.  I can't stand the way she trills "Marco".  Sounds like she has a mouthful of marbles.  Or who knows what.  She's a gorgeous lady but bland as heck.

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My UO is that I am not seeing anything interesting or special about Marissa.  I can't stand the way she trills "Marco".  Sounds like she has a mouthful of marbles.  Or who knows what.  She's a gorgeous lady but bland as heck.

I'm with you, Subes.  I don't get all the love for Marissa, I don't even think she's all that pretty. 

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Oh well peaches I suppose it's just you and me.  Marissa is supposed to be the token stereotypical fiery Latina and it's just old.  I predict she'll be dumbed down in no time and contract babies rabies.


I guess I am just over this show, nothing is piquing my interest.

Edited by Suby
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I don't have any strong feelings about Marisa either way. I like that she's helping Jack but she's only been here a month so I think it's too soon to declare her the new breakout star or anything like that.

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I miss Kelly -- not the whacked out loon who held Jack prisoner, doped him and tried to make him think he was married to her.  I miss the Kelly who loved Jack and was tender of his feelings for Phyllis.  As for Phyllis, every time she opens her mouth I have this urge to plant my fist in it.

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I think Marisa is very pretty and like how she can be gritty without gritting her teeth like Phyllis.  Ok, where is Mariah?!?  Missing her snark!  Nikki's lip is still stuck at an angle on her left side so I guess it is not dental work!  EB's face is so weathered, every time he comes on I think wow to the sun damage.      

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I don't like Detective Harding and I don't think the actor is sexy and I wish they would bring back Detective Garcia instead. There, I said it.


Also, I still enjoy looking at Noah even though his shirtless scenes are being wasted on Marisa.

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I haven't seen today's episode, but I am hoping Phyllis has miraculously grown a couple of little gray cells to rub together and realizes that she cannot take care of the Marco problem by herself or without a major plan.  I am more and more dissatisfied with Phyllis and with Nikki.  In fact, most of the women on the show are shown as jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle.  Maybe the show needs a new direction, one without the Newman-Abbott feud and of course without Victor and Jack chewing up the scenery. 


Really tired of characters who are constantly being written into a corner.  When said corner if finally vacated the logic and credibility has been almost nonexistent. Very disappointing.

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I have a very unpopular opinion about Summer-Kyle...and it's not that I like them together :)

I honestly don't see the incest thing between them. They didn't grow up thinking they were related, and they did stay apart when it was "confirmed" that Jack was Summer's father. I don't think the time that it took to find out Jack wasn't her father would be enough for them to have a sibling vibe. IRL if I were in her place, no doubt about it I wouldn't go back to him, especially if I lived in GC where paternity has been known to change back, but as a soap goes I don't think it's so bad. Or maybe I've gotten used to The Bold and the Beautiful :)

Edited by ByTor
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ByTor, I get where you're coming from. I've lost track of who Summer's dad is really really really supposed to be, mainly because I don't care about her and think she is a wart on Y&R's backside, but the whole incest thing seemed to be quite a technicality, and pretty tame compared to the antics other citizens of GC get up to. And anyway, the way these people mess with paternity tests who can say if Kyle belongs to Jack? For all we know, next month he will be Cricket's long lost son that she totally forgot about.

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Cricket and Victor creating Kyle IS Project Paragon. How did I not see this sooner?

Step One: Desire underpants, create gnome to steal them

Step Two: ????

Step Three: Profit!

Plan B? If only it had been available over the counter at the time.

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Faith annoys me - I second the vote for boarding school!

I have never been a fan of the kids on soaps but Faith takes it to the next level. Her parents have allowed her to become such a spoiled rotten brat, that I just want her gone.. kill her off.. send her packing. I don't care I just want her gone.

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Is it a UO to want every single character with the last name of Winters, plus Cane and Colin, to be written off the show forevermore? I know Devon and Lily are universally unpopular but I can't stand ANY of them, nor do I care what happens, or what they're wearing (grab a tablecloth, Lily, and cover up for god's sake), or what they're saying, and even though I FF through almost all their scenes it still means I have to see their dumb mugs flying past. I will always appreciate Neil for running over Cricket, but it was an accident so it doesn't redeem his character for me. If he runs her over again on purpose, and then refuses to apologize and shows up drunk to her funeral and heckles the minister... I may reconsider.


Every time the Winters come on now (which is every other scene goddamn you Pratt) I recite Eddie Murphy's "Kill My Landlord" poem from SNL, but I change it to "Kill The Winters". K-I-L-L THE WINTERS.

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I will always appreciate Neil for running over Cricket, but it was an accident so it doesn't redeem his character for me. If he runs her over again on purpose, and then refuses to apologize and shows up drunk to her funeral and heckles the minister... I may reconsider.

I absolutely love this - I read it earlier and laughed my ass off:  just read it again, and it's still just as funny - every word!  Believe me, today I can use the laugh, and will probably read it again several times, with more vodka, before I go to bed.  Priceless!

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I will always appreciate Neil for running over Cricket, but it was an accident so it doesn't redeem his character for me. If he runs her over again on purpose, and then refuses to apologize and shows up drunk to her funeral and heckles the minister... I may reconsider.


Why is Cockroach still here? Why isn't she dead? She's alive for NO REASON. Die. JUST DIE. 

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Since I've only recently taken up this show .... what is so terrible about Victor?   Everyone seems to hate him on this forum - which completely cracks me up.   But what horrible deeds has he committed?


I've fled from General Hospital, where way too many characters are unrepentant murderers and other assorted criminals, and the person running the hospital is a known international terrorist (GH has taken a giant dump on itself in recent years, for reasons known only to ABC).    So whatever Victor has done may seem like small potatoes to me.   If he's just an arrogant, selfish asshole, I'm likely to be underwhelmed.

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what is so terrible about Victor?   Everyone seems to hate him on this forum - which completely cracks me up.   But what horrible deeds has he committed?

There is not enough room on this entire forum to list Victor's evil deeds, beginning when the show started, feeding rats to an imprisoned man in his basement, and running the entire million years since.  Somebody with more patience and a bit more sober than me will need to help me out here.  I honestly start to babble when I think about him, and can't complete a proper sentence.  I hate Sonny with a passion, but he is at least human - and I actually LIKE Franco.  You should probably ask Crosby, since she kinda likes Victor - she will speak with a kinder heart about him, but don't ask her about Sharon!!! lol


Welcome to this madness, by the way - I've been hiding out for a while.

Edited by movinon
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There is not enough room on this entire forum to list Victor's evil deeds, beginning when the show started, feeding rats to an imprisoned man in his basement, and running the entire million years since. 



Holy shitballs.   Ok, maybe he'd be right at home on GH ...

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I'll start, and I know others will join in.  Most recently....


  • Kidnapped, tortured and raped Jack Abbott
  • Through an impostor, raped Phyllis Abbott
  • Gaslighted his former daughter in law, who has mental health issues, by hiring a "twin" to play her dead daughter to make her go crazy
  • Had his son in law raped, and then imprisoned in Myanmar, indefinitely
  • Set up his beloved daughter for his own SEC violation, having her arrested on her wedding day, and she then miscarried
  • Mentally and emotionally abusing his wife, including telling her that he wished she were dead, and not his youngish dead wife


Wow, and so much more.  I remember him keeping Julia's lover imprisoned in a cage in his basement, that was way back.

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  • Shot Jack at the All Purpose Park

Had Jack replaced with a drug lord doppelganger, Marco, which led to the deaths of multiple people 

Another woman was inadvertently raped when she had sex with Marco but believed it was Jack

Responsible for Victoria losing custody of her son

Had merger documents forged and manipulate his wife Nikki and Neil into going along with it

Repeatedly causes alcoholic Nikki extreme stress which causes her to fall of the wagon

Gave a mentally unstable woman, Patty (Paul's sister) plastic surgery and brought her to GC which led to her shooting Jack and becoming paralyzed.

Patty ended up murdering a young woman, Colleen Carlton (Abbott). He ended up getting shot and received Colleen's heart

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Victor, Jack, and Jill all had money stashed in a tax-shelter bank in the Caymans. Victor spitefully pulled out all his money and caused the bank to go under. Jack lost a bunch of money but Jill lost pretty much every spare dime she had. Meanwhile, all the bank employees lost their jobs and the financial loss likely reverberated throughout the island's businesses and innocent private citizens. Victor's reaction was basically, "Oh well. You pays your money, you takes your chances." The guy is truly a sociopath despite his protestations of doing everything for his family.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Victor produced Nick Newman, a crime against humanity that will taint mankind forever.

When Delia Abbott was battling cancer, Victor prevented her father, Billy, from going anywhere near her. I believe the old bastard threatened him with a return to Myanmar, but I'm not quite sure.

If I remember correctly, Victor discovered that Adam accidentally struck and killed Delia, but instead of going to the police or persuading Adam to confess, the old bastard tried to leverage his discovery into access to Connor.

Victor indirectly produced Summer, an event historians will look upon as the beginning of the end of civilization.

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Depends on what you consider "elderly".  There's Jack and there used to be John Abbott and Murphy who was married to Mrs. C.  Ian is not a contract player and I wouldn't really consider Neil elderly.  It's mostly just Victor.  It's always Victor.


I was really just thinking of Victor and Ian (both of whom are apparently whack-a-doodles).   Jack doesn't seem that old to me -- maybe because he's still got the blonde hair?     

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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The thing is, most of the evil deeds being mentioned about Victor are things that have happened fairly recently.  He was always considered a villain, but within the past few years he has just become cartoonish.  I have been a Victor fan from the get-go, and unfortunately I'm one of those saps still waiting for for the writing for him to improve.  To be clear, bad writing would be an improvement!

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The thing is, most of the evil deeds being mentioned about Victor are things that have happened fairly recently.  He was always considered a villain, but within the past few years he has just become cartoonish.  I have been a Victor fan from the get-go, and unfortunately I'm one of those saps still waiting for for the writing for him to improve.  To be clear, bad writing would be an improvement!

Get out of my head!  Seriously, this has gone so over the top that I would rather be shot than tell anyone but my fellow Preverts that I watch this tripe.

Edited by peacheslatour
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This seems to be a serious problem infecting all of the daytime soaps.  Nobody has real fun anymore or has calm moments, it's just anger and lunacy and violence and conflict ... and everybody has to do worse and worse things to "top" the last insane story.   Soaps always had wacky plots, but it's gone completely overboard.


The show has been interesting for me to get into so far, because I don't know the backstory on the characters, and I don't have a history with the show that makes me bitter because all the characters have been wrecked.  Like, I sense that Neil probably wasn't always this nuts, so his fans must be pissed right now.    


Without the context, it's an easier show to watch - I just see a bunch of people trying to screw each other out of business deals, I don't have the history of Victor going off the deep end in the last few years because the writers have lost it.  

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This makes sense to me because I have the same situation at GH.  I can watch Franco and enjoy the crazy because I didn't see him as the serial killer.  Y&R is easier to watch, never having known the show under Bill Bell, when the characters were well written.  The sets were incredible, the stories well thought out, hair and clothing were really good, and that isn't going to happen again.  Even with good writers (are there any?), the budgets have all been slashed, and today, the shows just can't compete with what they once were.


Edited to repeat that I hate Victor, even more with lots of vodka.

Edited by movinon
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Jack doesn't seem that old to me -- maybe because he's still got the blonde hair?


The hair colour and thickness and the absence of body "thickness." The years have been very good to Peter Bergman so he looks younger than he is but the evil Eric Braeden, er Victor Newman, has a good 11 or 12 years on PB. Ray Wise is closer to EB's age as well.

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Peaches - to say I am appalled would be an understatement.  At least you are in the right thread - I am afraid for you, since I can see you being transported to Fairview, to wander around with Sharon and Patty - lol.  Seriously, I understand your frustration with the entire cast, but I would prefer to see Ian stick it to everyone in GC.  While show lies, bleeding out in a puddle of stupid, I think the entire thing could be fixed with the removal of EB, JFP, and Chuck Pratt.  I think removing Chuckles and JFP alone would not fix it, because no matter who the EP or the head writer may be, it seems that they all answer to EB, at the end of the day. His character must always win, always be right, and always be in charge - the old fart just looks stupid to me.  I love you, anyhow.

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UO here but I still like JH as Adam and RA as Noah. IMO both are holding their own in an ocean of dreck. PB must want to throttle everyone on the writing team. I don't know how he says his lines without pitching a fit. EB 's stranglehold on the show needs to end now.

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Well, it's come to this. I hate, despise and abominate everyone on this show so much that..yes..I'm gonna say it I'm rooting for Victor.

I hope he wipes the floor with all of them.

/Sorry movinon.

I don't think you have to hope. He is wiping the floor with everyone. Always has, always will. The Marco story has proven once and for all that Victor Newman can do *anything* - multiple murder, torture and rape - and come out as hero/victim.
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