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Say What?: Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads


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3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

/The word scoop starts to look weirder the more you type it.

That's pretty much true for any word. For example, type "word" a bunch of times and it starts looking strange.

I just searched to see if there's a term for this. It's called Jamais vu for written words, and Semantic Satiation (and a bunch of other terms) for spoken words.

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5 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

When Kellogg's says "there's two scoops of raisins in every box" - does that mean there are, say, 500 raisins in the small box as well as 500 raisins in the GIANT box? Or do they use proportionally sized scoops?

I am not certain of this, so don't hold me to it, but I think the origin of the "two scoops" marketing ploy was in comparison to some other brand of the same cereal. So "scoop" was a stand in for "however much those other raisin brans put in", implying "we're double raisins over here". That said, I would think they would need to have proportionally sized scoops, rather than identical amounts of raisins regardless of box size because they presumably want a consistent product, which means they need a certain raisin to flake ratio. 

Edited by theatremouse
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52 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

And I thought it was Post that sugar-coats the raisins, not Kellogg's.

They currently are within 1g of sugar per serving (which is 59g/serving for both), so if one sugar coats the raisins and the other doesn't, the other makes it up in the flakes. But Kellog's definitely sugars the raisins as that's the only one I've eaten and they came presugared.

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I just saw an ad with pseudo-carolers doing the whole "blow in a bottle and make different tones" thing (instead of singing), doing a complex arrangement of Christmas music on 7-up and ginger ale bottles, and for the life of me I can't tell if it's real or not. I mean, I am open to the possibility it was recorded separately and not live when they filmed the ad. I don't mean "real"="live". But what I'm not sure about is if the recording were actually done with as many bottles as presented, just in a recording studio, and possibly layered together later, vs recorded as presented but with pros or if the whole thing is fake and maybe not even really done with bottles but just manipulated audio.

I don't know why I am consumed by wondering about this. Pretty much two seconds into it I immediately went to: I MUST KNOW.

Edited by theatremouse
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Is that the one where they have a little girl with them, and she looks kind of pained because the music isn't that great, and then it suddenly sounds awesome? Because I think that was a poke at autotuning, although I can't even recall what the ad is supposed to be selling. So...fail, I guess.

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5 hours ago, theatremouse said:

I don't specifically recall a pained little girl, but the ad in question was for 7-up and Canada Dry, hence why they used those bottles exclusively.

Is it the Salvation Army commercial? Proceeds from 7-Up and Canada Dry will be donated?

The Bottle Boys are the group, and I think the music is real. They have a web site.  http://thebottleboys.com/

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On 12/14/2016 at 9:13 AM, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Is that the one where they have a little girl with them, and she looks kind of pained because the music isn't that great, and then it suddenly sounds awesome? Because I think that was a poke at autotuning, although I can't even recall what the ad is supposed to be selling. So...fail, I guess.

I think the caroler commercial with the pain little girl is for a department store (Kohl's, maybe?). They all sound awful, then they are standing on the doorstep in coordinating outfits and sound delightful. 

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The one for Walt Disney Resort in which this family gives the concierge an enormous laundry list of activities for them to do in a single day at the resort and it turns out she's a wand-carrying fairy kind of gets me scratching my head. It's in no way offensive nor is anyone unlikable but HOW this family would be able to do ALL these things without feeling as though they've spun out of control on the Teacup Ride is a bit puzzling. Also, the daughter's idea to 'have dinner with the princess' (Cinderella) seems a bit of a groaner for the rest of them in that what would everyone talk about to this costumed performer (who would have to stick to some kind of script re responses to what likely are the same questions every dinner partner asks).

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2 hours ago, Brattinella said:

Okay, is it just me, or is the Gucci Bamboo perfume commercial REALLY creepy?

I saw that one earlier, and I would concur with you. The girl in the ad looks like she can't be much more than fourteen, and so I'm really hoping she's not supposed to be alluring or whatever, because that's just messed up.

  • Love 4

Okay, is it just me, or is the Gucci Bamboo perfume commercial REALLY creepy?

she kind of is, but I really want to get a good look at her dress. I guess I'll have to look it up to see it. I have a doll it might be a good look for.

And I think it's been discussed, but I see an ad before a couple of FB games, I think it's for toilet paper, not sure, I have the sound off and the game lets me skip about half way through the ad. There's a woman in a public bathroom, the stall door swings open and she's sitting on the toilet. But she's just sitting there, her dress is tucked under her bum or her butt, whichever you prefer and I really hope that dress and petticoat are not dragging in toilet water.

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5 minutes ago, friendperidot said:

she kind of is, but I really want to get a good look at her dress. I guess I'll have to look it up to see it. I have a doll it might be a good look for.

And I think it's been discussed, but I see an ad before a couple of FB games, I think it's for toilet paper, not sure, I have the sound off and the game lets me skip about half way through the ad. There's a woman in a public bathroom, the stall door swings open and she's sitting on the toilet. But she's just sitting there, her dress is tucked under her bum or her butt, whichever you prefer and I really hope that dress and petticoat are not dragging in toilet water.

Is that the one for the Perfume-Poop-Spray?  I have thought the same thing about her dress.

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1 hour ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Just before he hits, you hear someone say "door". It doesn't sound like him or Lily. My best guess is that it's a cue to the actor that got left in. Am I missing something?

My read on it is dude is inner-monologuing as he walks his way to the door. Then Lily watching him not paying attention inner-monologues "Door!" right before he walks into it. They cut to her cringing before it happens. So you don't see her mouth move because she's thinking it, not saying it, just as he was thinking his last few sentences, not saying them. I think "door!" was definitely scripted.

  • Love 8

Has anyone seen the holiday American Girl doll commercial? A guy drops the doll in the snow. A reindeer with a squirrel sitting on his head is watching from the woods. I thought at first that the guy dropped a box of food and the animals were eyeing it and thinking of stealing it. They come charging out of the woods just as a woman picks up the doll and chases the man in the car who dropped it. She hands him the doll and he hugs her through the window.  Reindeer and squirrel watch wide-eyed like they were too late to grab the box of food. I am baffled. What is the point of the reindeer and squirrel?

Edited by kat165
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1 hour ago, kat165 said:

Has anyone seen the holiday American Girl doll commercial? A guy drops the doll in the snow. A reindeer with a squirrel sitting on his head is watching from the woods. I thought at first that the guy dropped a box of food and the animals were eyeing it and thinking of stealing it. They come charging out of the woods just as a woman picks up the doll and chases the man in the car who dropped it. She hands him the doll and he hugs her through the window.  Reindeer and squirrel watch wide-eyed like they were too late to grab the box of food. I am baffled. What is the point of the reindeer and squirrel?

I took it as in fantasy land imaginary characters would do the right thing, but IRL people do it too. before another force needs to intervene. As in, the right thing or best thing is in all of us. Or I've had one too many glasses of wine. ;-)

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

There's an AT&T ad where a guy bumps into the door as he's leaving because he keeps looking back at Lily. Just before he hits, you hear someone say "door". It doesn't sound like him or Lily. My best guess is that it's a cue to the actor that got left in. Am I missing something?

I thought Lily was saying, "door."



I took it as in fantasy land imaginary characters would do the right thing, but IRL people do it too. before another force needs to intervene. As in, the right thing or best thing is in all of us. 

That's what I thought the commercial was about too.  

Edited by Neurochick
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18 hours ago, ennui said:

I was thinking about these poop spray products. Apparently, they work by putting a layer of oil on the water, so smells are trapped underneath. Wouldn't any oil work for that? 

I don't understand how these can be effective.  What about the smells that are released before the poop is submerged?  What if the person farts?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, janie jones said:

I don't understand how these can be effective.  What about the smells that are released before the poop is submerged?  What if the person farts?

And what about the sicko dude who enters the bathroom just as she is leaving?  Sniffing the air with gusto.  Ewww.

  • Love 7
18 hours ago, kat165 said:

Has anyone seen the holiday American Girl doll commercial? A guy drops the doll in the snow. A reindeer with a squirrel sitting on his head is watching from the woods. I thought at first that the guy dropped a box of food and the animals were eyeing it and thinking of stealing it. They come charging out of the woods just as a woman picks up the doll and chases the man in the car who dropped it. She hands him the doll and he hugs her through the window.  Reindeer and squirrel watch wide-eyed like they were too late to grab the box of food. I am baffled. What is the point of the reindeer and squirrel?

My take on this one was that the animals are trying to get the human woman's attention so she'll realize dude dropped it; they succeed; she grabs the thing and runs down the dude. The animals continue observing dude's happy reunion with his almost forgotten thing.

That said, I forget if someone I was actually watching TV with said this or if it was someone here several pages ago, but somebody (I think it happened in real life...oh geeze what has become of me that I said that sentence) that this ad would've been better if it were just the woman noticing it herself and being kind and catching up to the dude on her own, without any fake implied "Christmas magic" of the animals intervening because it's more meaningful when people are just nice to each other. Although on the other hand it looked to me like she worked at the store he was leaving so, while yay, yes nice and helpful, it's also sort of her job.

Edited by theatremouse
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It's not her job if she's not on the clock, though.  (And that was someone in here who said that.)

I don't think she did see the animals.  The only other commercial I've seen in the series is the one where the mom is cooking (or baking) all this food, and these little creatures get all ready to help her when the son comes in and offers her some help instead.  The point of the series is that magical woodland creatures are there to save us during the holidays, but we don't need them, because the people around us are kind enough to help on their own.

The other reason I think it would be better without the animals is that it's just plain cheesy.

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Dropped was the wrong phrase to use. Really "left behind" than "dropped". He had a big ole cart o'stuff. Put the stuff from the cart in the car. The doll was in the shelfy-thing-at-bottom-of-cart. So he left the cart behind with the doll still under it on the shelfy thing. Snow adjacent, but still on under-cart.

Edited by theatremouse
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Yeah, those under cart shelves can be tricky if you're distracted or in a hurry. I was putting my grocery cart away in the parking lot corral and noticed a cart with a bag of groceries in the lower shelf.. I tracked down a woman I thought had left it, but she said no, so I took it to the Customer Service desk.

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On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 3:40 PM, Automne said:

This is the time of year where commercials that were made 20 years ago make their annual return.

I still miss Peter from the original Folger's holiday commercial. The replacement Peter they came out with a few years ago was just too smug and smarmy.

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"Yankee Candles - live life sinfully." Umm, what? Candles are sinful? Maybe they meant decadent. Looked up in time to see it written on the screen: "Live life scentfully." OK, that's just lame. And deliberately meant to be misunderstood, IMO. Which makes it even lamer. They would have been better off stressing the decadent pleasure of their delightful scents, or some such.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ennui said:

H&R Block commercial ... something about the IRS and doughnuts, with Jon Hamm. The end is the doughnut lady saying he touched them all.

I actually kind of loved that ad. Not necessarily for John Hamm's donut analogy or its intended messaging about doing taxes, but that the PA character did call him out on touching all the donuts but only eating the one. (If he planned to eat all the ones he touched, I don't mind his doing it, but boy put them back down on the table.) Also I want that plain cake donut he was dissing at the beginning. I don't need no bullshit icing or sprinkles. I like me some plain. But I know  I must be in a dwindling minority since it's getting damn difficult to find any (not that I get donuts frequently or anything, but when I was kid I could always find a plain and now never.)

Edited by theatremouse
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