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"The View": Week of 06/15/15


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ETA:  HEY - We need a Raven-Symone thread now.  Hmmm...I'm thinking it might be something related to Poe, such as Raven-Symone:  Poe's Nightmare!



You're welcome to start one.


CuriousParker:  Can we reopen "Let's Name Some Threads" to ask for some title suggestions, and then run a poll?  I'd hate to overstep and take it upon myself to speak for all!  TIA


Fisher King had a cute idea (Raving.Sigh.Moan), but maybe some others would like to offer ideas too.

Edited by Tunia
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hehe -   Jezebel has this headline:  Dum Dum Raven-Symoné Thinks Rachel Dolezal Is Just Like Caitlyn Jenner




To me, what is most telling are the reports she had made about hate mail, vandalism, that could not be substantiated, and may have been fabricated by her.  

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Im watching the interview with Carly Fiorina..... and Rosie was freaking out because the debates are going to be limited to the top 10 candidates..... she said if these were the standards in the past... Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan would have been left out..... Now correct me if Im wrong... but Clinton and Reagan did not run against 15 people.... so they both would have been in the top 10

  • Love 8

She can identify as black and feel passionate about black culture, racial issues, etc. - no problem with that. What she did however is for several years blatantly and easily LIE repeatedly in public about herself. This to me, outweighs much of the good she has done for race issues. The NAACP position may have been volunteer, but many of the meetings, dinners and events she went to were paid for or free to her because of her NAACP position so she absolutely received personal gain and advanced herself in the social justice community. And, sadly, she will probably get a book deal or other work deals from this recent exposure do the message is " have no integrity, lie about yourself and family, make up stories of how you np have been a victim of hate crimes, etc. and it will pay off". Odd how her situation becomes public and she glibly talks about being " transracial" right after Caitlyn Jenner and being " transgender" garners such huge publicity. She pushed the story of being " outed" by her parents making her look like a victim - they did not out her, just honestly answered questions put to them by reporters who sought them out. I wonder who got the reporters interested in her to begin with?

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Raised in northwestern Montana by Pentecostal homesteaders whose twenty-year experiment in subsistence living was closely tied to their faith, Joshua Doležal experienced a childhood marked equally by his parents’ quest for spiritual transcendence and the surrounding Rocky Mountain landscape. Unable to fully embrace the fundamentalism of his parents, he began to search for religious experience elsewhere: in baseball, books, and weightlifting, then later in migrations to Tennessee, Nebraska, and Uruguay. Yet even as he sought to understand his place in the world, he continued to yearn for his mountain home.


This is an excerpt  from her brother's memoir. She seems to have had an interesting upbringing.  When I see the words "Pentecostal homesteaders", "subsistence living' and "fundamentalism" in the same sentence, it gives me pause.  But, that's just me.

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Fisher King had a cute idea (Raving.Sigh.Moan),


Well done!


As for Black Woman Wannabegate. I'm all for anyone embracing/identifying with another culture/race. But this gal crossed the line for me w/ all the calculated lying. An old colleague of hers called her a con artist. May be. Of course, the media has over-reacted with the story, no surprise. We can only be glad it wasn't White Woman Wannabegate, because I suspect some extreme-right idiots' heads would have exploded. On second thought...


Whoopie's bloviating remains intolerable. However, thank you Republican Shill Nic for knowing to be embarrassed by The Donald.

Im watching the interview with Carly Fiorina..... and Rosie was freaking out because the debates are going to be limited to the top 10 candidates..... she said if these were the standards in the past... Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan would have been left out..... Now correct me if Im wrong... but Clinton and Reagan did not run against 15 people.... so they both would have been in the top 10



Dear dear Rodger, Reminder: View discussions and logical thought don't mix.

Edited by SunFun
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I dont think anyone is putting her on a pedestal.... just the opposite actually......... Sure she told lies... that is what people do when they feel differently than their outer appearance..... How many times have we heard of a gay person who is married to hide who they feel they really are.

Honestly... I dont understand why this is such a national story..... what did she do that was so horrible that she needs to be demonized publicly..... I saw a video from a NAACP member.... calling this a reality TV moment..... just more distraction in the media


RogerFromOhio, I tend to agree with most of what you've written.  I think this may shed some light on her behavior:


Rachel Dolezal Was Raised by Christian Fundamentalists. No Wonder She Wanted a New Identity.


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I don't blame anyone for wanting to escape their nightmarish past, and I can totally relate to identifying closely with a particular group or culture. That shouldn't mean one has to resort to blatant fabrications. I don't know. She should do well with her new-found 15 minutes.


Too bad this person didn't have a Dick Whitman/Don Draper as a guide in her early years.

Edited by Fisher King
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Let's not forget this woman lied.  She wasn't "just living her life".  She was lying about who she was and going so far as to lie about who her own father was.  Let's not put this woman up on a pedestal.  I'm sure there is a lot more to this story.

I totally agree.

This whole thing is a CREDIBILITY issue, not racial. People are conflating the two but the bottom line is this woman has told a lot of tall tales in her time. As a leader, no one could really trust what she says after what we now know to be untruthful claims and accusations she's made. She was right to step down from her position at the NAACP and is no victim.

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Speaking of color ..... what the HELL is with Raven's blue lipstick? 


I know, I guess it's a "thing" now.  But .... just .... yuck!  Maybe I am revealing myself to be old, out of date, and woefully unfashionable ... but painting your lips the color of a corpse that was just fished out of the bay just isn't working for me.  

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The View will be on break from taping soon. The last live show is June 25th, they are back July 6th, I think. I'm wondering if they will show taped new shows, or reruns. If reruns,  which shows will they deem so wonderful to show again? I'm betting they will all have Raven. I wish, each time  they have a break they would go back to the beginning and air "old" shows.

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Today was a solid show through at least the first few Hot Topics. I think it's because Whoopi didn't dominate. Rosie was actually fired up and despite her blue cards of Wikipedia facts she was somewhat coherent. Nicolle tried to bring up an Obama dig toward the end of one of the segments and the other panelists were not liking that. 


Hasn't Elizabeth been on before with Nicolle? Why did they bring up that Bush connection again? Just so they could gush about him?


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Okay-I thought about this as I watched Whoopi, yet again, say, "Take a little time to enjoy WHATEVER VIEW you happen upon". The original tagline was , "Take a little time to enjoy THE VIEW" Perfect, right? It has

the name of the show RIGHT THERE IN IT! There is only one solution now that the tagline has been changed-the show's name must change. I think it should now be called, "Whatever, View".

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I haven't watched the entire week, just a few days I've checked in with the Hot Topics portion.   So i have a question -  With all the hoopla The View ladies have done about the NBA finals, some days spending nearly ten minutes on basketball, have they even MENTIONED the Stanley Cup finals?   Or do they only celebrate sports teams that they have some personal investment in?  

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I think the reason they didn't mention the Stanley Cup is because it was broadcast on NBC whereas the NBA was on ABC.


I know I'm in the minority, but I like Raven. I think it's just because they actually have someone that really can be the young one (because 43 year old Jenny really?) Sure she says stupid things sometimes but so do they all. I like a four person format but if they are going to have five hosts I like Bangs too. Rosie is the one who usually makes my eyes roll.

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Whoopi's white sheet, uh..shirt was tucked into her britches so the puffy wraparound, dangley, ruffley, whatever outer thing around her hips could be accentuated. She HAD to wear some support to keep gravity from making things worse. She looked uncomfortable and more awkward than usual.


And I LOVED the Red Hat Ladies club sitting behind Whoopi. I would really like to hear a whole show with just THEM being interviewed, but Whoopi's ego couldn't take it cuz they could really school Whoopi on race relations in the real world today. Sure, things are better today than they were back before the civil rights movement, but Whoopi's entitled view and theirs differ drastically.

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And I LOVED the Red Hat Ladies club sitting behind Whoopi. I would really like to hear a whole show with just THEM being interviewed, but Whoopi's ego couldn't take it cuz they could really school Whoopi on race relations in the real world today. Sure, things are better today than they were back before the civil rights movement, but Whoopi's entitled view and theirs differ drastically.

As evidenced by the tragedy today. (And no, Lindsey Graham, it was not an incidence of persecution of Christians.)

And speaking of delusional, thanks, Gretchen Carlson, for letting us know her book is "inspirational."

Edited by Haleth
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I also wanted to see how Lindsey Graham would be on the show today. Not impressed. It's hard for him to look directly at the cameras or at anyone else - and I don't think it was due to the tragedy in Charleston or stagefright. The man is hiding something, afraid to say the wrong thing or is just very disingenuous. I can't believe he's actually running for president. No thanks.

Edited by Fisher King
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Lindsey truly outdid himself today. A white guy whose vanity license plate is "Confederate States of America" and said (allegedly), "You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go" before shooting nine people at a Bible study, killed because he doesn't like Christians? You idiot. Open your eyes and quit defending your racist supporters.

Edited by merriebreeze
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I broke down and watched as well. I cannot believe what Graham said.....except it was the same as Fox and Friends this morning. I am stunned they immediately said it was an attack against Christianity......even though we had not yet heard the "reasons" we later heard. They went on to say that pastors and men  should be armed and there should be security at all churches as a method of determent. 


Our Elisabeth said that was a "great point" and kept muttering "absolutely" about how it was an attack on Christianity. And went on to ask if we weren't safe in church then where would we be safe. I'm thinking the mall, movie theater,  schools, ......oh wait......


I'll just say watching F&F and The View in one day is not a good thing - for me, anyway.

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......it was not an incidence of persecution of Christians........


Most may not agree, but that is exactly how it is being portrayed/presented by the religious conservative crowd.   It fits right in with their recent agenda, from the Indiana "religious freedom" law, to the upcoming announcement by the Supreme Court regarding marriage equality, to any isolated incident involving a religious person being harmed.   A concerted effort is being made to claim that they are the New Victims and that they will not stand for it.







Edited by SanDiegoInExile
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Wait, it wasn't an attack on Christianity?   Because I heard from Elizabeth Hasselbeck that it WAS.  And we all know she's an authority on ,  um,   wait a minute. 

Oh yeah  something to do with gluten, right?  or gym shoes?  wait, what exactly are her qualifications ?  Anyway - A white racist kills 9 Black people, and it's all part of the "war on Christianity".  Bitsy and her friends say so.




Oh, Larry Wilmore just used the clip of Bitsy and the two guys on FOX to illustrate the sad idiocy of a guy saying " I want to kill black people" and then killing 9 black people - being interpreted in terms of religious freedom.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 15

How odd - I seem to remember being taught the Constitution (Bill of Rights) 1st Amendment to be something about 


Congress should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press, or the right of the people to peacefully assemble, and to petition to the Government for a redress of grievances.


So how can there be a War on Christianity Elisabeth....or any form of religion, or even not being religious? 


Would love to hear F&F tomorrow but fortunately I am on the west coast and sleep well tonight. If I can forget about Graham spouting the same thing hours later on this show. 

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Why havent we heard the Religious beliefs of this terrorist?  Probably because of his skin color


I guess Christian Terrorist would be too difficult for our media to wrap their heads around

A tweet I saw and retweeted....

Black shooter = Gangsters!
Muslim shooter = Terrorists!
Professional shooter = Hero!
White shooter = troubled loner.

I would have added.... White Shooter = mentally ill

  • Love 15

Okay-I thought about this as I watched Whoopi, yet again, say, "Take a little time to enjoy WHATEVER VIEW you happen upon". The original tagline was , "Take a little time to enjoy THE VIEW" Perfect, right? It has

the name of the show RIGHT THERE IN IT! There is only one solution now that the tagline has been changed-the show's name must change. I think it should now be called, "Whatever, View".


Rosie O used to the end the shows in a similar fashion and that bothered me too.


Also speaking of things that consistently happen that bother: Whoopi's "Welcome to the View y'all! **BEAT** Welcome to the View!" as the crowd goes wild.

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Wait, it wasn't an attack on Christianity?   Because I heard from Elizabeth Hasselbeck that it WAS.  And we all know she's an authority on ,  um,   wait a minute. 

Oh yeah  something to do with gluten, right?  or gym shoes?  wait, what exactly are her qualifications ?  Anyway - A white racist kills 9 Black people, and it's all part of the "war on Christianity".  Bitsy and her friends say so.




Oh, Larry Wilmore just used the clip of Bitsy and the two guys on FOX to illustrate the sad idiocy of a guy saying " I want to kill black people" and then killing 9 black people - being interpreted in terms of religious freedom.

I truly don't understand Fox recoiling at this racist attack.  It was exactly that, and they're squirming and rambling and need to change it to attack of Christians.  Why?

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truly don't understand Fox recoiling at this racist attack.  It was exactly that, and they're squirming and rambling and need to change it to attack of Christians.  Why?




As I see it for Fox News anything that strays from their narrative "White people good, others not good" shakes up their agenda.  To put it simply they don't know how to cover this story without making this white man anything but a horrible person.  So they fall back on the "war on Christians" shit.  That way they don't have to say anything about race.  It was simply one man who hated Christians.  The fact that it was a white man who clearly murdered these particular Christians because they were black is unimportant to Fox News.

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I truly don't understand Fox recoiling at this racist attack.  It was exactly that, and they're squirming and rambling and need to change it to attack of Christians.  Why?

It's because Fox News has been criticized recently for their views on race relations.  They have said that Blacks need more policing, they bring in experts who defend white police who shoot Blacks, have said that in America today, Blacks are a privileged class.   Fox news people kept the "Obama isn't a citizen"  crap for YEARS,  their coverage of all the stories of police brutality against Black citizens has been slanted in favor of the police "keeping the peace". And when Blacks commit crimes, they call on Obama to be the "black president"  and take responsibility.   They have used language which riles up bigotry.   People who watch Fox News all the time will come away with the same attitudes prevalent decades ago -  the Blacks are taking over, killing people, we should all be afraid. 


So when a white man shoots a bunch of Black people in a church, because he thinks "blacks are taking over the world",   they want to say "we don't know if it was racially motivated"   because people just might think that the Fox News rhetoric may have influenced hatred toward Blacks. 


ETA:  today, fox News is talking about the south Carolina shooter in terms of drugs, violent video games and mental illness  -  NOT racism. They're using words like "deranged",  and "monster".

Edited by backformore
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 because people just might think that the Fox News rhetoric may have influenced hatred toward Blacks. 


That's about all they do is "hate."  I saw a clip on Fox yesterday, they were speaking with a man (I think a Pastor)  who was African American, and they did that tricky verbal u-turn from racially motivated violence and landed on "perhaps we should arm all priests, pastors etc. in order to protect their congregations."  What?!  

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I also wanted to see how Lindsey Graham would be on the show today. Not impressed. It's hard for him to look directly at the cameras or at anyone else - and I don't think it was due to the tragedy in Charleston or stagefright. The man is hiding something, afraid to say the wrong thing or is just very disingenuous. I can't believe he's actually running for president. No thanks.

I noticed this, too.  He was so uncomfortable just sitting around a table on lovely morning with a group of (mostly) D-list women.  How the hell is he going to handle a G7 summit, or addressing the U.N. or sensitive Middle East negotiations for oil or military.  Yeah, good luck with that Short Bus.

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ETA:  today, fox News is talking about the south Carolina shooter in terms of drugs, violent video games and mental illness  -  NOT racism. They're using words like "deranged",  and "monster".


I blame Fox News fear mongering and the Take Back America crap that's been circulating for years more than violent video games.  If they had any common sense they would distance themselves from blaming the media because the finger can be pointed right back at them.

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I enjoy Raven's wacky wardrobe and make-up. It brings a sense of fun and, boy, can she carry it off! I wonder if this is her own stuff or if she and the stylists are having a great time together.

I haven't watched this week but when I do watch the clothes, shoes, makeup etc. have always been part of what I watch.   Maybe I'll catch some of Raven with the sound off and check out her wardrobe.  In the past I've seen her wear things that make her look 300 lbs and then 150lbs lighter the next day.  I will say on the days I do tune in that Nicole almost wins the day in the shoe and dress department [and of course hair].  That woman has some seriously lovely shoes. 


And I'm pretty sure that despite having a 'stylist' on the show credits these women wear their own clothes [babs, Joy, and Whoopi have said as much]  and either have their own stylists or do it themselves - like Nicole.  I know Elisabeth used to wear her ONE PAIR of tan suede pumps every. single. day. often with cocktail attire, lol.  

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I enjoy lots of styles (rarely Stacey London's)...so I'm having fun.

Haha!  I know, right?  The former TV stylist generally failed at styling herself. 


I'm curious Former Nun, what would you call Whoopi's style?   I've always called it sloppy bag lady.     And her novelty shoes with pilled patterned socks were at least consistent with the look although the days she sports slippers probably go better, lol.   


I've thought Raven has almost always looked put together  and "fun" is a good description.  The one exception for me was the day she wore a silver/lavender wig that looked like something she found in the bottom of a bargain bin at a costume shop  although since then she seems to have had it styled and it doesn't even look like the same hair.  Maybe it isn't. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I also wanted to see how Lindsey Graham would be on the show today. Not impressed. It's hard for him to look directly at the cameras or at anyone else - and I don't think it was due to the tragedy in Charleston or stagefright. The man is hiding something, afraid to say the wrong thing or is just very disingenuous. I can't believe he's actually running for president. No thanks.


I'm pretty sure that he's hiding in the closet.


I caught a small clip of his performance on The View, but I have to say in other coverage, Graham is having a hard time toeing the line with the attack on Christianity nonsense that the right is selling.  He's pretty damn shell-shocked at this display of racial terrorism, he's even saying that it's time that the confederate rebel flag on the State House property issue be revisited.  I still can't stand his neocon belief system, but it's strange to see him so undone.


Okay, so someone give, what was Fiorina's response about reproductive rights?  Her whole campaign is a one-note of criticizing Hillary and touting her own leadership qualities, which is a joke given her failings at and ouster from HP.


eta: I found her position on the subject, detestable.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 5

"I'm curious Former Nun, what would you call Whoopi's style? I've always called it sloppy bag lady. And her novelty shoes with pilled patterned socks were at least consistent with the look although the days she sports slippers probably go better, lol."

CosmoCrush, right now my QUOTE and other features aren't working. The MODS are helping me. I'd call Whoopi's look Prevaricating Sloppy Bag Lady who Always Wears a White Shirt. I loved all of her shoes created by artists. I think her socks created by artists were great too,(not her own line)--but NEVER the combination of the two. Each did the other no favor. She shouldn't even wear the shoes. There could be some regular feature displaying/discussing/touching a few pair (pairs...I never know)--maybe even meet the people that create them. I doubt if it would be a popular feature for a lot of us--but surely SOME of us!

Some of Whoopi's outfits might look good on the runway with a rail-thin model and appropriate styling/make-up/accessories; maybe feature a Who Wore it Better segment. She'd NEVER go for it...unless the odds are stacked.

Edited by Former Nun
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