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S10.E01: Under Construction

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Wasn't it Heather who chastised Alexis for talking about posessions and now she Heather is doing the same. Money screams, wealth whispers. Tsk, tsk Heather.

Heather only has an issue with people talking about their possessions when they're broke. If you actually have money, Heather has no issues with you. Though Heather did have issues with Shannon, she never seemed to have issues with Shannon's money.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 13
New wife is great TV! Totally delusional. Teenager was having a ball laughing at her. He's got a slave that he keeps busy moving while he runs the street. She's stupid enough to fit in with these folks, that's clear.


Yeah, I got the same impression.  Maybe she's the new Alexis -- and Tamra is gonna chew her up & spit her out?  


Was there anything with Lizzie?  Musta missed it.


Btw, this Edmonds character totally reminded me of a sleazebag like Steve Garvey.  What do ya bet he's banging chicks all over the country?

I still can't get over that 14 bathrooms shit.  You running the Bates Motel now, Heather?  Is Terry gonna turn into Tony Perkins' mom?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 8

What happened to Heather's eyebrows? Were they always asymmetrical? Did Terry do that?


Smoking "hooch"? Wtf is Heather talking about?

Ugh, I hate to defend Heather, but we called it hooch in my hometown/area where I grew up.

Jim Edmonds used to be fucking hot. I never realized what an asshole he truly is. Professional athletes are the absolute worst when it comes to fidelity.

  • Love 7

So, I really liked Shannon last season, but after watching this episode I have to think that was primarily a product of circumstances: her primary conflict was with Tamra and Heather and she and David gave them the business so well. I strive to keep an open mind about cosmology and beliefs (who's to say Shannon's crystals don't redirect energy or that she didn't save a nation in a past life?) but those retreat exercises were difficult to watch. Do professionals really exhort clients to blame everything on their parents like that? So Shannon and David were totally lying when they talked about how everything was great at the reunion? Also, I want to know: how did their daughters discover the affair and, even if they did, what would compel their parents to put that dirty laundry on television in order for their classmates and friends to see? . . . Meghan is physically quite beautiful - at once elegant and athletic. She and Jim make a very attractive couple. But she became less attractive as her air time increased and, evidently, she will be leading the Brooks trutherism (and, even worse, she attributed her expertise on the subject in a pre-season interview to Allison Edmonds' struggles). Messy and icky. Even if Brooks were lying, why would you want to launch this campaign on the off-chance that he was telling the truth? Why would Vicki lie about caring for him? And it seems like Meghan may have pissed off someone in production something serious; I've never seen a cast member provoke the nasty-nice montage contradiction footage splice in their first episode.

  • Love 14

Cannot locate any info on Brooks' cancer on the web. My first instinct is to suspect he's concocted the illness to garner sympathy from Vicki and the rest. But how do you fake stage 3 lymphoma and chemotherapy? All we know from the season previews is the whispering campaign about him not being sick.

Still, with Brooks, you never know. Perhaps he's found himself a pretend oncologist who provides saline-filled chemo bags when Vicki wants to accompany her gravely ill boyfriend to his treatments.

  • Love 7

Heather's new house - yawn.  Honey, it's just a lot easier to just drive your car into the garage.


I'm so disappointed that Shanon's story so far is marriage therapy.  I had high hopes.


Vicki does look much better with shorter hair and the dry ends cut off.   She's still with Brooks.  Too bad.


Tamra and her new found love for her future daughter in law - yeah, ok.  New implants - yawn.  Hey, it's Lynn with a grandchild....  How bizarre. 


But I do admit I mostly enjoyed the episode.

  • Love 7

Great. Another season of twitchy, boring, whiny, mopey, crying Shannon. I don't understand why they asked her back because she's just so damn boring.

I also don't understand why, knowing he had an affair would she sign on for another season?

When did he have the affair? I only half watch Shannon because I'm sick of the whining.

  • Love 10

I loved Shannon's tagline.  Idiotic, delivered brilliantly. 


I don't enjoy watching surgery or counseling sessions, so those were...awkward.  Are Shannon's parents alive to hear/rebut her depiction of her childhood?  Did Tamara get her breasts redone again because she had a hard year and that's something she can control?  Why did they wait until filming to do those things- were they subsidized by production?  These are the things I think about when all that stuff is on display.


Did Tamara and Heather break up, too?  Why wasn't Heather at the surgery reception room or the party?  I don't mind Heather talking about her giant house.  She has the money...whatever.


There's a really moving (imho) cancer storyline (that's a shitty word to use, I can't think of a different one though) on another Bravo show, so I guess I'm ok with this being a more twisted does he/doesn't he kind of deal.  It's exactly my kind of low-rent soap opera, and I can't wait for someone on here to uncover the truth.


New girl- she's gorgeous, the editing around the awkward dinner scene was brilliant.  I'm curious to find out what her deal is, and why she'd put up with things like a missing wedding ring.  I'm also curious- if she and the kid are that close in age, is it really possible for her husband to act like a husband and not a parent?  


So, I suppose it was a decent start to the season.  

Edited by phoenix780
  • Love 3

Shannon needs to get a grip and walk. Guys don't walk; they're lazy and want you to throw them out, so they leave the clues.

What is she clinging to? She's miserable and she's right that she's not doing her kids any favor by staying.

He's just not that into you!


Nail, meet head.


He had all of those hotel receipts in his briefcase?


Yeah, dude definitely wanted to get busted.  No other explanation for him hanging onto those receipts like goddamned paper notches on a headboard.


Shannon, girl, you are wasting the best years of your life trying to save what appears to be your Titanic-esque marriage.


Rearranging deck chairs probably won't help at this point.


And whoa, that new chick...Damn, at first I thought Heather was meeting up with one of Lynne Curtin's wayward daughters.


Heather, pick one of your 14 bathrooms in Le Mansion Grotesque and give yourself a good old fashioned swirly.


And when you're done, give Terry one, too.


Pompous twits.  


Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 19

OK Tamra said that her and Ryan's dad have always gotten along but, in her very first ep she talked about how after the divorce she had no one and it was just her and Ryan against the world. Or something to that effect.

Anyone else remember that?

I don't know about getting along. . . there was this- http://starcasm.net/archives/232895

Great. Another season of twitchy, boring, whiny, mopey, crying Shannon. I don't understand why they asked her back because she's just so damn boring.

I also don't understand why, knowing he had an affair would she sign on for another season?

When did he have the affair? I only half watch Shannon because I'm sick of the whining.

I gather she found out about it April 2014, so the high drama we saw in the early part of 2014 (after her happy Christmas party) with the e-mail fro aid and what not was probably during the affair.  I guess I am not understaning when they separated for a couple of weeks?  Before or after the taping of last year's Reunion.?  I am sure Shannon will give an interview about it.  I hope the can pull it together. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1

I guess the big C means no one can say anything negative about Brooks this year.  At least that is what Vicki is thinking.  Her hair in her talking head looked better than I've ever seen it.


That new girl is in for a world of hurt.  I had the exact same attitude about my husband and his 11 year old son when I met them.  Fifteen years later and we joke now about how nothing can break us up because we made it through that.  We have a very solid relationship and are compatible in almost every way, yet we still almost split several times.  I just don't think those two have a strong enough relationship to endure the drama of blended family.  Maybe I'm wrong.


That pic of Tamra's first wedding looked like she was marrying her son.  Wow does that guy look like his dad.


I don't think Shannon's marriage has a good chance of surviving infidelity played out on reality tv.


Heather and her house.....maybe she saw The Queen of Versailles and wants to top her house?  If the producers don't throw her to the editing wolves I may have to bow out.  I really cannot stand her.

I was thinking Queen of Versailles too while watching this. A tragedy was reported today. Their oldest daughter was found dead.

  • Love 6

Was there another housewife that's supposed to be on the show who's husband had a drug problem or is it the new chick? Or did I imagine it?

No, you didn't imagine it. Josh Hamilton's wife joined the show, but I guess quit after Josh relapsed, and they filed for divorce. (He, too, was with the Angels, but was traded to Texas after the relapse). I'm guessing from the preview that she's been cut out entirely.

  • Love 3

You know the show's been on too long, or Tamra's been on the show too long, when we've seen her 2nd or 3rd breast implant surgery. In, out, in, out. Really show?

I usually love the house porn, but Heather's house, or construction site, really turned me off. I hate big houses like that. Such a waste.

Shannon and David exposing their marriage woes on TV for all the world to see - again.. I'll never understand it.

Jim Edmonds - really dude? The cameras are rolling, and you talk to your wife that way? Does he think he's funny? Sadly, I think he's just an arrogant prick, and doesn't know it. Shades of Alexis and Jim there.

That poor wife. She's saying how understanding he is in the talking heads followed immediately with his rude behaviors. Great editing, Bravo! Edited by GussieK
  • Love 4

I love how even with Brooks's cancer (or "cancer"), Vicki still manages to make it about her.  When they were in the kitchen eating dinner, Vicki said to Brooks, "Aren't you glad you're not alone and single going through this?"  He didn't say, "Of course I am," fast enough because Vicki said to him, "You have to affirm me."  Yeah, they both deserve the hell out of each other.


What is up with Shannon's opening line: "When life gives you lemons, put mine in a bowl!"  What?  What does that even mean?


I truly believe Shannon is going to, in some way, emotionally screw up her girls just like she claims her parents screwed her up simply because she's staying in a marriage that's been long over and done.  Why can't she show them that you can be a strong, independent woman who is smart enough to walk away from something that is so unhealthy for you and your family?  She can still say that she gave it her all because she clearly has.  I just think that when her daughters are adults, they'll respect her more for that decision rather than beating this dead horse to a pulp.  Don't get me wrong, I do wish she and David could make it work, but it really and truly doesn't look like it will, sadly.  She and David obviously love those girls, so I don't have any doubt that they would be able to make a divorced family work just fine for all of them.


So, basically, one of Heather's 14 bathrooms probably costs about as much as her paycheck from Bravo for one season of work.  Jesus.


I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives?  Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa?  Adrienne?) housewives be richer?

Edited by LIGirl
  • Love 7

Shannon needs to get a grip and walk. Guys don't walk; they're lazy and want you to throw them out, so they leave the clues.

What is she clinging to? She's miserable and she's right that she's not doing her kids any favor by staying.

He's just not that into you!


To us that couldn't be more obvious.  But is it obvious to her too & she just refuses to see it?  The odd thing is in her stubbornness to stay in the marriage, all while making him thoroughly miserable, isn't she just giving him an open door to cheat, as well as driving him to it?  Sheesh, it's no-win for both of 'em.  And it's really depressing & icky to watch.  And yeah, isn't this embarrassing as hell for their children, to put this intensely private & personal stuff out on national TV?  Have either of them not thought of this at all?  OMG, I'd be completely mortified if my parents did this.


I think a lot of guys aren't just lazy -- they're cowards & maybe afraid to leave, if stuck in a horrible relationship.  Maybe that's David's deal.  I used to think maybe he stayed cuz he needed Shannon's dough.  But I don't believe that.  Sounds like he's got plenty of his own.  Is he staying cuz of the kids?  Nah, he can divorce her & still see his daughters.  Why stay with her & be thoroughly miserable?  I can't wrap my head around this.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 6

I guess I dont mind Shannon putting her relationship out there. To me it makes her authentic and shes not creating pretend storylines (see: Tamra and her baby conquest last season). This is reality tv and isnt one of biggest complaints about reality tv alot of it is staged, calculated or fake drama. Sometimes life is a struggle, an obstacle or dark. I whether Shannon tell her story then someone else in the cast exposing (example: what Brandi did to Adrienne on BH).

  • Love 20
I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives?  Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa?  Adrienne?) housewives be richer?


This is just my hunch, but I think this is way, way, way overblown.  This shit with building the giganto house & the bragging about 14 bathrooms -- it seems very, very suspicious to me.  Terry is a plastic surgeon.  He's far from a billionaire.  Keep in mind the place they're building in OC is worth way less (even at the stupid size it is) than what we've seen in BH.  I bet the places in Malibu (Camille's, Yo's & Eileen's) are worth more.  This seems like a lot of posturing & posing & preening from both Heather & Terry.  I take it with a grain of salt.  It is extremely fucking obnoxious tho.


Would seem to me Mauricio, as one of the top selling realtors in the nation, is worth far more than Terry.  Sheesh, Kyle & Mo are low-key & down-to-earth compared to the snotty assholes Terry & Heather are acting like.  She's seems to have gotten even snottier than ever before.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 19

I love how even with Brooks's cancer (or "cancer"), Vicki still manages to make it about her. When they were in the kitchen eating dinner, Vicki said to Brooks, "Aren't you glad you're not alone and single going through this?" He didn't say, "Of course I am," fast enough because Vicki said to him, "You have to affirm me." Yeah, they both deserve the hell out of each other.

What is up with Shannon's opening line: "When life gives you lemons, put mine in a bowl!" What? What does that even mean?

I truly believe Shannon is going to, in some way, emotionally screw up her girls just like she claims her parents screwed her up simply because she's staying in a marriage that's been long over and done. Why can't she show them that you can be a strong, independent woman who is smart enough to walk away from something that is so unhealthy for you and your family? She can still say that she gave it her all because she clearly has. I just think that when her daughters are adults, they'll respect her more for that decision rather than beating this dead horse to a pulp. Don't get me wrong, I do wish she and David could make it work, but it really and truly doesn't look like it will, sadly. She and David obviously love those girls, so I don't have any doubt that they would be able to make a divorced family work just fine for all of them.

So, basically, one of Heather's 14 bathrooms probably costs about as much as her paycheck from Bravo for one season of work. Jesus.

I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives? Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa? Adrienne?) housewives be richer?

So true about Vicki. Her daughter's cancer was all about her, as well. Never understood why people thought Vicki was being "used." If Brooks is being kept, he's earning every penny.

  • Love 6

I love how even with Brooks's cancer (or "cancer"), Vicki still manages to make it about her. When they were in the kitchen eating dinner, Vicki said to Brooks, "Aren't you glad you're not alone and single going through this?" He didn't say, "Of course I am," fast enough because Vicki said to him, "You have to affirm me." Yeah, they both deserve the hell out of each other.

What is up with Shannon's opening line: "When life gives you lemons, put mine in a bowl!" What? What does that even mean?

I truly believe Shannon is going to, in some way, emotionally screw up her girls just like she claims her parents screwed her up simply because she's staying in a marriage that's been long over and done. Why can't she show them that you can be a strong, independent woman who is smart enough to walk away from something that is so unhealthy for you and your family? She can still say that she gave it her all because she clearly has. I just think that when her daughters are adults, they'll respect her more for that decision rather than beating this dead horse to a pulp. Don't get me wrong, I do wish she and David could make it work, but it really and truly doesn't look like it will, sadly. She and David obviously love those girls, so I don't have any doubt that they would be able to make a divorced family work just fine for all of them.

So, basically, one of Heather's 14 bathrooms probably costs about as much as her paycheck from Bravo for one season of work. Jesus.

I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives? Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa? Adrienne?) housewives be richer?

So true about Vicki. Her daughter's cancer was all about her, as well. Never understood why people thought Vicki was being "used." If Brooks is being kept, he's earning every penny.

  • Love 3

I love how even with Brooks's cancer (or "cancer"), Vicki still manages to make it about her. When they were in the kitchen eating dinner, Vicki said to Brooks, "Aren't you glad you're not alone and single going through this?" He didn't say, "Of course I am," fast enough because Vicki said to him, "You have to affirm me." Yeah, they both deserve the hell out of each other.

What is up with Shannon's opening line: "When life gives you lemons, put mine in a bowl!" What? What does that even mean?

I truly believe Shannon is going to, in some way, emotionally screw up her girls just like she claims her parents screwed her up simply because she's staying in a marriage that's been long over and done. Why can't she show them that you can be a strong, independent woman who is smart enough to walk away from something that is so unhealthy for you and your family? She can still say that she gave it her all because she clearly has. I just think that when her daughters are adults, they'll respect her more for that decision rather than beating this dead horse to a pulp. Don't get me wrong, I do wish she and David could make it work, but it really and truly doesn't look like it will, sadly. She and David obviously love those girls, so I don't have any doubt that they would be able to make a divorced family work just fine for all of them.

So, basically, one of Heather's 14 bathrooms probably costs about as much as her paycheck from Bravo for one season of work. Jesus.

I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives? Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa? Adrienne?) housewives be richer?

So true about Vicki. Her daughter's cancer was all about her, as well. Never understood why people thought Vicki was being "used." If Brooks is being kept, he's earning every penny.

I love how even with Brooks's cancer (or "cancer"), Vicki still manages to make it about her. When they were in the kitchen eating dinner, Vicki said to Brooks, "Aren't you glad you're not alone and single going through this?" He didn't say, "Of course I am," fast enough because Vicki said to him, "You have to affirm me." Yeah, they both deserve the hell out of each other.

What is up with Shannon's opening line: "When life gives you lemons, put mine in a bowl!" What? What does that even mean?

I truly believe Shannon is going to, in some way, emotionally screw up her girls just like she claims her parents screwed her up simply because she's staying in a marriage that's been long over and done. Why can't she show them that you can be a strong, independent woman who is smart enough to walk away from something that is so unhealthy for you and your family? She can still say that she gave it her all because she clearly has. I just think that when her daughters are adults, they'll respect her more for that decision rather than beating this dead horse to a pulp. Don't get me wrong, I do wish she and David could make it work, but it really and truly doesn't look like it will, sadly. She and David obviously love those girls, so I don't have any doubt that they would be able to make a divorced family work just fine for all of them.

So, basically, one of Heather's 14 bathrooms probably costs about as much as her paycheck from Bravo for one season of work. Jesus.

I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives? Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa? Adrienne?) housewives be richer?

So true about Vicki. Her daughter's cancer was all about her, as well. Never understood why people thought Vicki was being "used." If Brooks is being kept, he's earning every penny.

Cannot locate any info on Brooks' cancer on the web. My first instinct is to suspect he's concocted the illness to garner sympathy from Vicki and the rest. But how do you fake stage 3 lymphoma and chemotherapy? All we know from the season previews is the whispering campaign about him not being sick.


Still, with Brooks, you never know. Perhaps he's found himself a pretend oncologist who provides saline-filled chemo bags when Vicki wants to accompany her gravely ill boyfriend to his treatments.


Seriously, I'm really hoping Andy isn't gonna take this to such a low level, as to show someone faking cancer.  Is Brooks capable of it?  I have no doubt.  Would Andy stoop so low to concoct such a storyline?  Of that, I have no doubt either.  Still, I'm hoping this is real because to think otherwise would make me truly shudder & wince.

  • Love 4

Isn't California running out of water anyway? I love to entertain and I believe a good bathroom can be your sanctuary. I still don't know the need for 14 of them. During the scene of the Dubrows looking at their new house, I couldn't help but think how strange it must be to their children. I mean, yes, it's all they know, but what happens when they grow up? What if they never want to leave the house -- and who could blame them? Maybe they'll never move out and they'll all still live there and raise their families on the same compound. And 14 would STILL be too many bathrooms.



I wonder if Heather is the wealthiest of all of the Bravo housewives?  Or would one of the NYC (e.g., Bethenny?) or Beverly Hills (e.g., Lisa?  Adrienne?) housewives be richer?


I know Terry's got hustle both as a surgeon and as a famewhore, but I can't imagine his reality TV endeavors pay THAT handsomely. Does he have endorsements somewhere? That's where the big bucks might come in. Bethenny is also very wealthy but I don't quite understand how that Jim Beam deal worked. Adrienne Maloof comes from family money but they've lost a substantial amount due to bad business deals.



I think a lot of guys aren't just lazy -- they're cowards & maybe afraid to leave, if stuck in a horrible relationship.  Maybe that's David's deal.  I used to think maybe he stayed cuz he needed Shannon's dough.  But I don't believe that.  Sounds like he's got plenty of his own.  Is he staying cuz of the kids?  Nah, he can divorce her & still see his daughters.  Why stay with her & be thoroughly miserable?  I can't wrap my head around this.

Have they said if they have a pre-nup? Maybe they have one that has a punitive infidelity clause. Sadly, I think people in unhappy marriages stay for the kids a lot, however misguided that may be.

  • Love 4

I know Terry's got hustle both as a surgeon and as a famewhore, but I can't imagine his reality TV endeavors pay THAT handsomely. Does he have endorsements somewhere?

I've always suspected that they have family money, or big bucks from some other source. Does anyone know? Plastic surgeons can make a lot of money, sure, but those houses - the old and the new - that's one percenter money, right?

  • Love 3

I can't make out who that is in the black dress falling to the ground with the phone, in the season preview bit. Anyone know?


It's Vicki.  I believe that is when

she gets a call from her family and finds out her mother passed away.  :(  A thought just occurred to me... for those people who don't follow them in the media and know about her death before this airs, this could totally mislead these people to believe something horrendous happened to Brooks because of his cancer/"cancer."  Blech.


Once Heather's house is complete and she has Shannon over to throw her out again, I hope either Shannon has Google Maps fired up on her phone beforehand or Heather has a hired doorman to present each houseguest a printed map of their Monstrosity McMansion upon entry so that she can find her way out.  Of course, Shannon can always escape by jumping from Nicky's pot-smoking balcony.

Edited by LIGirl
  • Love 5

I really think Meghan was being sarcastic when she was talking about how great Jim was to her--> she was totally deadpanning. She is well aware he is a dick, but she likes it, or so it seems. That is sort of their thing, she gets his attention by frustrating him. But how sweet of her to be so close to her stepdaughter, I could tell they were really attached to one another, I thought that was very healthy and fun and Jim's dickness seems to be something that is just a running constant thing, just like how normal people, oh, talk to one another. Meghan says something childish, Jim makes biting remark, Meghan gasps, stepdaughter giggles. In all fairness, it was really annoying how she would ask Jim questions and then cut him off once he started talking. Focus girl! Otherwise, they will be together until someone rats out Jim for his cheating (I'm sure he fucks everyone anytime, anywhere). His wife is really just there for someone to hang out with his daughter. 


Vicky and (holy crap, I forgot his name already). Faking cancer is weak. Me thinks that if it IS a story, which it sort of seems like it is (Vicky's question "Will your hair fall out?" seemed sort of staged, as did what's his names answer, "Chemo affects everyone differently.") BTW, people can live normal healthy lives with AIDS now thanks to medicine, where people with cancer do not always fare that well. I will say that Brooks (just thought of it) does not seem to have cancer-- or that is, does not seem to have gone through any chemo, because that takes people down. Vicky may be lying about his cancer as a way to get people to feel sorry for him and not hate on him, to make life easier for herself, and also maybe as an explanation for him living with her, because then she can tell her family she is "taking care of him." I think the cancer thing is maybe fake so people will lay off Vicki about Brooks. We will find out as the season progresses if we ever see a doctor or anything other than Vicky asking him questions, "Is your son worried about you? What did he say?"  blah blah


Tamra and Eddie don't really interest me. Very surprised to see Lynn (I was also surprised to see her daughter Alexa in a very graphic porn and all over the internet with her lady parts stretched out up close. Yuckkk. Same with Heather and her boring vapid family, there is not a house big enough to make this family interesting to me.


Shannon, poor thing! I'm not surprised the husband was cheating on her (that was pretty obvious from last season) but I am surprised they made it part of the show. What's up with the husband shaming? Obviously Heather has watched to much True Tori. Terrible idea to broadcast your husband's cheating and marital problems to the world. 


In terms of Heather and Terri's wealth, methinks they are extremely financially savvy, plus grew up in families that valued investing and wealth, and as such had a lot of it. They seem to be really really good with money. Heather could be my financial adviser. Aside from their house, you don't really see a lot of crazy wealth from them. They don't seem to vacation or own homes anywhere or live luxuriously (like Sonja Morgan DID and even LuAnn  now). 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 5
What is up with Shannon's opening line: "When life gives you lemons, put mine in a bowl!"  What?  What does that even mean?


She says "...put nine in a bowl".  Last season, she went on and on about how her feng shui practitioner told her to always keep 9 lemons in a bowl for prosperity or health or some dumbass new agey reason, and wouldn't let David use the lemons. 


I was underwhelmed with the opener episode, but maybe it's just a slow wind up to some good, crazy fun.  I really wanted Vicki to just get to Mexico, because something insane always happens when she goes to Mexico.  Though, I do feel bad for the citizens of Mexico who have to hear her whoohoo without the benefit of a mute button.

  • Love 11

She says "...put nine in a bowl".  Last season, she went on and on about how her feng shui practitioner told her to always keep 9 lemons in a bowl for prosperity or health or some dumbass new agey reason, and wouldn't let David use the lemons. 


Oh, oops!  Haha, thanks for clearing that up. Now, I don't remember if I thought she said "mine" or my closed captioning said "mine" and that's why I thought that.  Regardless, I do remember the lemon thing now from last season.  Still a weak tagline, though.

  • Love 2

So I have watched conservatively eleven billion reality shows and I know how editing can shape a narrative but I still have to say what the WTF and I mean what the fucking fuck was the Edmonds storyline!?! He seems to be the absolute worst, has four kids yet they only talk about one (her sister is similar in age and he has two kids by his second wife) Heather is telling us it's weird that she is friends with two wives because in 2015 no one has grasped that idea that divorce happens (though she said second and third wives but the children other children are not part of the narrative) and Meghan is also insufferable!

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 2

Within the first 10 seconds I was irritated. No, not the first 10 seconds of the actual show-just the opening credits.

Heather? Heather! She is the opener?

All my hate came flooding back before the damn show even started. And THEN the Dr shows up and it's downhill from there.

I've got a soft spot for Shannon but I need more from her than tears.

Vicki looks good but this cancer thing is worrisome. Is Brooks really fibbing??

Tamra. Don't care.

New girl. Whatever. Husband seems like a dick and if one more person (Heather and Terry!) call him Jimmy I will cheese grate my forehead. It's just the way they say his name. It's creepy.

Edited by Jack Terrier
  • Love 6

Tamra is so full of herself. She complains she's had it rough with the other ladies?!! Perhaps she can now understand what it must, sort of feel like, after years of being a calculating, nasty, mean girl to the other women for years! I say sort of because the heat she was feeling was minute compared to what she has dished out. She thinks the problem is that she was just being honest?? Please. Why is she still on this show? She's the devil incarnate.

How many boob jobs can you get? It's one thing to change your mind once, but 4 procedures?? That's nuts. She's young enough that she will probably have one more in her lifetime just for maintenance. Isn't this the same type of thing she would crucify Alexis over? She's a bizarre creature.

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What happened to Heather's eyebrows? Were they always asymmetrical? Did Terry do that?


Smoking "hooch"? Wtf is Heather talking about?


I know....I thought hooch was an old-fashioned term for moonshine or alcohol???  Again, maybe Heather needs to read that thesaurus before she passes it on to others.....

I haven't followed the past or present OC ladies very closely in the media, so I was completely shocked that Lynne is a grandmother thanks to Raquel.  (I know about Alexa's foray into porn, though, ick.)  As fucked up as Raquel has been, I don't have a good feeling that she's all cleaned up and on the straight and narrow; instead, I have a feeling Lynne is doing most of the heavy work in raising that child already.  Sad.


What the hell do you need with 14 bathrooms, Heather?!  That's more than two bathrooms per human in your household!  For someone who prides herself on carrying herself with such class and great taste, the chick needs a lesson in knowing when/how to display your wealth with understated elegance and what's unnecessarily over-the-top ostentatious.


I would imagine that Heather will have separate bathrooms for her nannies, housekeepers and anyone else who's butt doesn't have a "Dubrow" name stamped on it..... (Kind of like in the book/movie "The Help")

Edited by njbchlover
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I thought Shannon's lemon intro was freaking hilarious. Too bad the rest of her scenes weren't light and quipy. In fact, they were downright morose. Look, I'm sorry for all the crap she's going through, but I don't think I can deal with another season of Shannon and her marriage troubles. It's just depressing. Every single one of her scenes made me want to slit my wrists. 


Speaking of which, so last year was the worst year of Tamra's life? Seriously? Wasn't that broad suicidal at one point? Three divorces (including her parents, since it apparently devastated her) and all the stuff from when she was younger, but LAST YEAR was the worst of her life? Because she finally stuck her foot in her mouth so many times that her little frenemies on a reality show had enough? Um okay, yea....not getting MY sympathy, Tampron.


I do find it hilarious that she's getting boobs again. I'm surprised that skin hasn't given up completely with all the in-and-out going on under there. It's clearly a move of desperation. Eddie has turned lukewarm, won't have a baby with her, and suddenly she's becoming a grandmother - she needs to step it up! 


Wow, Lynn Curtain looks rough, no? And why was she carting around her grandbaby? Is she raising it instead of Rachelle? 


I have no words for Vicki and Brooks. She's a grown woman, do your thing. But he just skeeves me out. I do have to wonder, was the cancer "diagnosis" before or after he moved in? 


I could care less about Heather and her porta whatever and 14 bathrooms. She's trying too hard this season. But I was a bit taken aback to find out Terry smokes the grass. He didn't strike me as the type. 


I am not a sports person, so I had zero knowledge of Jim Edmonds before this show. But I'll tell you this, given Meghan's tendency to say the entire thing over and over, I'll never forget his name. Hey honey, you're married, you can just call him Jim. 


Anyhow, just from what we've seen on the show, he seems like a real asshole. I loved the editing of their scenes, though! One minute Meghan is waxing poetic in her THs about her "soulmate" and how "supportive" and "respectful" he is.....yet his every interaction with her is condescending and dismissive. Yea, that 3rd marriage is going to go the distance. *snort*

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Great. Another season of twitchy, boring, whiny, mopey, crying Shannon. I don't understand why they asked her back because she's just so damn boring.

I also don't understand why, knowing he had an affair would she sign on for another season?

When did he have the affair? I only half watch Shannon because I'm sick of the whining.


Y'see, I have a different take on Shannon. Okay, yes, she is a whining pile of new age need but it looks to me like it's simply because of extreme insecurity, possibly caused (or upped) by her dick husband's obvious and likely long term screwing around and belittling of her. Sure, she'd be a dab difficult to live --that was sarcastic--with but someone as needy and with as low a case of self esteem as she has that would be part of the package. She seems to me to be desperate to save the marriage (she says as much, states that divorce isn't an option) and, well, desperation is never pretty.


Why is she so desperately insecure? you got me but it's plain to see. Why stay with a man who clearly wants to run out the nearest door? The same reason a lot of women stay; she either doesn't believe she can make it alone (emotionally or financially) or she believes that no one else would have her and a woman alone--to a lot of women--is incomplete and a failure. No one wants to be 60 and alone...wasn't that one of Vicki's phrases of wisdom? She seems to be one of those women who has invested all her self worth into being a perfect wife and mother and the script isn't playing out as planned. It's not happily ever after and she's scared shitless.

I actually feel sorry for her and find her desperation a bit painful to watch. I know too many women like her.


Tamra is so full of herself. She complains she's had it rough with the other ladies?!! Perhaps she can now understand what it must, sort of feel like, after years of being a calculating, nasty, mean girl to the other women for years! I say sort of because the heat she was feeling was minute compared to what she has dished out. She thinks the problem is that she was just being honest?? Please. Why is she still on this show? She's the devil incarnate.

Oh dear God--don't tell me that Tamra is getting the reformed sympathy edit this year??? Seriously??????

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