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Where Do We Go from Here? (Unspoiled Speculation)

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Definitely agree with the age of the doctors causing the shift away from the medical aspect, which is why i have never been opposed to a new set of interns coming in.  They are definitely needed to bring a balance back to the show.  BUT, they do not all need to be added as regulars!!  I could do without that for sure.

Also, I think one of the reason GA was so successful in the beginning was because it had this great hybrid feel where it wasn't quite a medical show but at the same time it was more than just a typical soapy drama.


I agree with what Greysaddict said --except that, in the beginning, I did consider Grey's a "medical show" (with a touch of soap opera added for that little 'zing' of romantic flavor). 

Whatever you call it, it was a nice balance of medicine and romance. And I completely agree that new interns introduced regularly are needed to re-establish that balance as the original cast matures and (in some cases) they leave the show. Sadly, when new interns become 'main characters' with romantic drama of their own, Grey's swings back into overdone 'soap opera' mode.


Perhaps the solution is a new Chief who believes in rules and in consequences for breaking them. (Nazi Bailey would be good for Chief, but I don't see any believable way that Bailey could suddenly become her old self again.)

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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Henderson is already listed on IMDb to appear in 1201, I must admit I am a little intrigued about what his character will be like. 


I just don´t want his character to be some kind of Rambo or Maverick or a know-it-all braggy man, just one decent man and skilful surgeon.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Perhaps the solution is a new Chief who believes in rules and in consequences for breaking them. (Nazi Bailey would be good for Chief, but I don't see any believable way that Bailey could suddenly become her old self again.)

Agreed, I am down for a new Chief 100%.  old Bailey was awesome and would have been a great Chief, but I would rather not see her current persona as COS.  I can only hope if she does become COS she goes back to her authoritative ways.  Off topic a bit, but i turned on Lifetime yesterday and 6x11 (where Addison comes back to operate on Sloan's baby) and saw glimpses of the old Bailey.  The show definitely needs that back, COS or not.


1) An off-screen death for Amelia before the season begins.

2) A happier, more playful show. I want to experience the every day lives of these doctors again, not just huge, ridiculous, forced stories. 

3) Bailey as Chief. Let's just get to it. 

4) Some independent, fleshed-out stories for Alex. I love him as Meredith's friend, but he's so much more than that. 

5) More connection between characters. The show used to feel like it focused on a unique group of connected doctors; it was the story of Meredith and people she is connected to - now it just feels like we're jumping all over the hospital. 

6) Teaching! Let's see Callie mentor Jo, and Alex mentor someone. 

7) Trim the fat. The cast is too damn big, and we're just adding more. Richard and Catharine should have been written off at the end of S11 and had recurring guest spots going forward. Owen should have left when Cristina did. Stef and Amelia should never have been made regulars. 

8) I hope the new male surgeon is unlike any character we've seen before. I don't want McDreamy 2.0 or Owen 2.0... let's shake things up. 

9) Parenting! We have so many kids on the show, and I don't necessarily need them to be a main focus, but lets seem some struggle. Arizona and Callie are co-parenting and Meredith is a single mother of 3. Lets see the conflict there. 

10) Sexytime. This goes with making the show a bit more fun again. Lets see some fun, sexy couplings. We've been watching the same pairings for years, aside from Owen / Amelia who are the exact opposite of sexy together. 

I would love this!!!! We can only dream .... Scorsone is shooting which means Amelia is still on the show.  Would Rhimes ever off another Shepherd? Like a serial killer in the Shepherd family? 


Nothing will ever persuade me otherwise but they did off the wrong neuro surgeon Shepherd. 


I really hope the new male surgeon will be different. This is the little creative thing the writers can set themselves as a goal for the season. Though writers and creativity have not been friendly on this show for a very long time. I fear they will take the character Henderson played on Off the map and they will just give him a different name on Greys.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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Seeing the lovely and funny banter that has been going on for Camilla and Jessie on twitter since they started shooting S12, I kind of wish they would give the characters they play Jo and Jackson some sort of chance on the show. Maybe a friendship would be nice. Considering both are in a relationship/marriage, some sort of romatinc undertone  would be considered as cheating.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Kellie Martin - I know she played a patient once and she's known as "Lucy Knight" from ER.  But it would be great to see her back in scrubs.  She could always be a character similar to the one she played in Army Wives.  But then again, that would cause drama with Arizona and Eliza.

Colleen Flynn - because she's awesome

Patty Duke -- well, crap...that dream is gone.

Holly Hunter - because she's badass

Rachael Leigh Cook - because Perception was awesome and this is your brain on drugs, any questions?

Mark Ruffalo -- because I always imagine he is what one of my older brothers would look like, if they had survived their infancy.

Tom Hanks - because he IS Tom Hanks.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

Kellie Martin - I know she played a patient once and she's known as "Lucy Knight" from ER.  But it would be great to see her back in scrubs.  She could always be a character similar to the one she played in Army Wives.  But then again, that would cause drama with Arizona and Eliza.

Colleen Flynn - because she's awesome

Patty Duke -- well, crap...that dream is gone.

Holly Hunter - because she's badass

Rachael Leigh Cook - because Perception was awesome and this is your brain on drugs, any questions?

Mark Ruffalo -- because I always imagine he is what one of my older brothers would look like, if they had survived their infancy.

Tom Hanks - because he IS Tom Hanks.

Kellie Martin is an excellent choice, she is such a sweetheart


What would I like to see? Some real character exploration and a actual story arc for both Alex and Jo, independently and eventually as a couple. There were many times that Alex's character could have been more focused on, like after he was shot (put under the rug to because the writers preferred concentrating on Derek and Cristina and only used it as a way to bring Mark and Lexie back together) or at the beginning of last season.

Same for Jo, nothing came out of last year's SL, they completely have stopped exploring her professional growth and we still don't know more about her, except her name that popped out of nowhere.

Less Maggie, or, if we have to have her shoven down our throats, make her mature and tone down the neurotic tendencies. And no more stupic teen attitudes from her and Meredith regarding Riggs.

Enough with Owen and Amelia and the need to create annoying drama for them, it is redundant and frankly grating.

Give something meaty to April and Jackson.

And, more generally: stop stalling and create storylines that actually go somewhere, because this season was boring as shit.

Edited by Coxfires
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My wishlist?

Izzy to return for a guest arc or in a fellowship with either a child she conceived from the eggs or pregnant from them.  It's a loose thread that is a ready made story arc.  

A new cardio chief.   Maggie is blah and annoying.   

Some new residents/interns-   including the girl who George was hit by the bus for.  Remember Izzy told her to get a life, maybe go to medical school?   Another Sloan unknown child that is actually decent.

Addison to return in some form.

More male characters that have a pov

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I would like to see (or would have liked to see since we're past that point now I suppose) Alex showing hurt/resentment/disappointment/whatever about Jo's secret. Ultimately Jo's pain should be more important and the story should be about her, but Alex has a right to be hurt that his girlfriend of almost 4 years hid such a huge part of her life from him, especially because her secrets affected him too.

But ever since the writers dropped the husband/different name bombshell they had Alex do one stupid thing after another (beating up DeLuca, telling Meredith about Jo being married, going after Jo's husband) so Alex's mistakes kind of ended up being way bigger than Jo's and they probably won't bother addressing Alex's feelings about this. Not to mention that he was pretty chill when he found out anyways. But that might have been, because he was facing imminent jail time. Also Jo was scared and needed reassurence, so it was probably the right reaction.

In the meantime so much time has passed, I doubt the writers are still gonna do anything w/ that angle. And for all we know Alex actually did struggle w/ what Jo told him. It's not like the writers are ever interested in showing us what's going on in Alex's mind or what he feels. It's a real pity though. I really would have liked seeing that explored much more than him getting angry at Jo, because he jumped to the wrong conclusion she had slept with another man. As it stands Alex did everything wrong. He beat up an innocent man, he wrongfully lashed out at Jo and deeply hurt her feelings, he told Meredith Jo's deepest secret and he tracked down her husband even though it was one of the things Jo feared most. I wouldn't be surprised if they also make it that Alex is responsible for Stadler showing up at the hospital, because he got suspicious of his staring or whatever.

But hey, Alex wanted to go to jail (partly) for the girl. And he did not beat up Stadler. The guy has learned his lesson. Isn't that awesome? Yay. /sarcasm/

  • Love 1

If they're going to have a new intern class this season, then I'd like to see Sloan Riley (Sloan) as one of the interns. With the time jump, she'd be 27, so it's within the realm of possibilities. The daughter of Mark Sloan would most likely cause ripples if not waves for Meredith, Arizona, Webber, Bailey and Jackson. 

I'd also like a small arc with the return of Callie and Sofia. (No Penny, please.) Addison is welcome at any time, as far as I am concerned. 

Well, ideally, I would like ABC or Shonda to pull the plug at the last minute. But it's doubtful that will happen and they're probably brainstorming at the table right now. I should probably check that one site soon, but this first so it doesn't impact speculation judgement. :)

How much time has passed? I'm assuming we're still in a discrepancy with time, so I would place the season 14 in-universe time as being the Spring of 2019. Zola looked to be about nine, which would match up to it being Spring 2019. However, Sofia was supposedly still seven, so I don't know. Unless Zola is older? I forget whose older. Getting back to the question, I am hoping that a year or at least six months have gone by for various reasons to be mentioned.

Jo and Alex: I kind of want them to go to Boston! But with the time jump in place (being 6-12 months) I would like to see them return to Seattle for reasons. Maybe they miss being on the West Coast, Boston wasn't for them, they couldn't stand the triple-blizzard that struck within ten days of one another. Who knows! But I want to see them back and I want to see Camilla wearing a baby bump. She is the cutest, and Daddy Alex could be interesting.

Jackson and Maggie: Well, I mean. I've had my speculations regarding their kinship for a long time now. Close to a year. So, seeing Jaggie family (literally) drama would be kind of fun to watch. And I could throw back a couple shots and laugh at the expense of those who said we were crazy for calling it incest when it wasn't. *shrugs* But Richard/Catherine definitely seem like they go way back, though. I wouldn't be surprised, though. And Richard cheating on Ellis and Adele? Hoooo boy gets around! I mean, really, the thought of Grandfatherly Webber being a player back in the day would be a fun thing to watch!

I mean, really, all I care about is Player!Webber and Daddy!Alex and Jo with an adorable baby bump. x

But since there are a million other characters, I don't want to be inclusive to my favorite three. /sigh

Arizona Update: We'll probably somehow get a blip about Arizona being in New York and rekindling her romance with Callie, and attempting to be a functional family raising Sofia. Something like "Oh, yeah, Arizona's doing great. Sofia's really happy to have her mommies back together." or something like that.

Andrew gets his shit together: Because he pretty much has become a grade A douche bag the last season and half.

But.... I would like to also hear that Andrew and Carina have returned to Italy, New York, or wherever. So bye!

Also, another idea: Andrew joins Sam and begins working with Cristina in Switzerland, where he also gets his shit together. /happyendings

Millennial Interns: Here's what I think is going to happen.
Taryn: Goes to counseling and admit that she had been downing vodka whilst on an acid trip. She enters rehab and Amelia is her sponsor. With the six months to year time lapse, she would have been sober for that long and back to GSMH.

Qadhri: I think she will be something like Cristina, but not as thirsty for blood ambitious like that other dude who was in Jo's class. She will be focused and motivated to get her shit together, do the best she can, and is well on her way to being Chief Resident. I just really like her (and Taryn) so I'm treating them the best. :)

Glasses: /crackwarning He is looking down at something he dropped, his glasses falls off, he trips over the curb, and gets run over by a bus and his broken body is dragged for fifteen blocks. The only thing that they can identify him with is his prescription glass.

Alex Blue Davis: He leaves the hospital to become a model or something like that. He has talent and skills, but I don't think he would make a good surgeon.  /mytwocents

I can't remember if there were any more of those Millennial Interns. But whatever. Those four stuck out to me. And Sam.

Meredith "The Sun" Grey: I don't know. I kind of want Nathan to come back, or ghost Derek to make a recurring appearance without the sex. Something, whatever. Just get her off my screen, she's become such a bitch lately.

Bailey: /crackish But not as bad as Glasses. So, I see her ditching the scrubs and nice, professional business outfit. Instead, she puts on high heeled boots, leather pants, a silk top, and a leather jacket. Does her hair short, and walks around town doing... well, ,that. Because something about Booty Call Bailey is intriguing. /mytwocents.

Ben: Struggles not to extinguish fires in homes and restaurants, but extinguish his wife's burning you know whats. But he's on that other show now, and maybe Booty Call Bailey will transition from being a Grey's member to S19 member.

Oh, yeah, now we got the meh-ies. I don't even want to think about this sad, pathetic excuses of human beings.

Well, maybe Amelia. I like Amelia. Before they did a 180 on her character post tumor. Bring back PP Amelia stat!

But Owen and what's her face Army Ho.... I don't know. I don't care. I just want their toxicity gone.

Also, I want to see Betsy become a candy striper at the hospital.

I also like Amelia, at least the Amelia that takes charge when someone else has a crisis. With the impending Teddy drama, I’d love for Betty to decide that she wants Amelia to adopt Leo and raise him in an open adoption so that she can get her life together and maybe go to college and such. Amelia can still continue to live with Meredith (Leo can have Maggie’s room when she inevitably moves in with Jackson). 

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Hey Everyone

Huge GREYS fan. Have watched from the very beginning ( I think that makes me old ).

I'm glad I found this forum, so i can share my obsession with others haha.

So i had this theory I wanted to share with people... I feel like the seeds are currently being planted to bring Izzie back into the fold. ( Maybe a couple episode ARC ). In last nights episode, Alex randomly brought up Izzie's name. Which is at least the 3rd time i REMEMBER that has happened over the last couple seasons. But they really brought this story into play with the marriage certificate. Why else would they make this a big deal. Why would they bring this into a story line of a mid-season finale? Correct my ANYONE if I'm wrong. But I don't ever remember Alex and Izzie getting officially divorced at any time in any episode. I also remember before this season started, reading an article about this upcoming season noting that Alex would have to face a large part of his past in this season. Katherine has been doing a very good job on Suits and now that Krista is back in the fold and running things instead of Shonda. I could see her wanting to bring Izzie back into play. She certainly hasn't shied away from attaching us back to the past.

So basically my theory is that Alex mails out the certificate and receives a letter back stating that he is still married to Izzie. And then he will have to go on a search to find her. Maybe shes working at another hospital somewhere in the world, and when he shows up she may even need his help with a case. They perform a last surgery together, hash it out over a few things, make up, get divorced and it closes a chapter.

Let me know what you guys think, and if this did happen, how you would like it to play out?


1 hour ago, djlittlehorse said:

Hey Everyone

Huge GREYS fan. Have watched from the very beginning ( I think that makes me old ).

I'm glad I found this forum, so i can share my obsession with others haha.

So i had this theory I wanted to share with people... I feel like the seeds are currently being planted to bring Izzie back into the fold. ( Maybe a couple episode ARC ). In last nights episode, Alex randomly brought up Izzie's name. Which is at least the 3rd time i REMEMBER that has happened over the last couple seasons. But they really brought this story into play with the marriage certificate. Why else would they make this a big deal. Why would they bring this into a story line of a mid-season finale? Correct my ANYONE if I'm wrong. But I don't ever remember Alex and Izzie getting officially divorced at any time in any episode. I also remember before this season started, reading an article about this upcoming season noting that Alex would have to face a large part of his past in this season. Katherine has been doing a very good job on Suits and now that Krista is back in the fold and running things instead of Shonda. I could see her wanting to bring Izzie back into play. She certainly hasn't shied away from attaching us back to the past.

So basically my theory is that Alex mails out the certificate and receives a letter back stating that he is still married to Izzie. And then he will have to go on a search to find her. Maybe shes working at another hospital somewhere in the world, and when he shows up she may even need his help with a case. They perform a last surgery together, hash it out over a few things, make up, get divorced and it closes a chapter.

Let me know what you guys think, and if this did happen, how you would like it to play out?

You know I used to think that there was absolutely no way that KH would ever show up on Greys again while Shonda was breathing.  And I still mostly believe that, but since she is mostly out of the picture, it seems more likely now than it ever has.  But I still don't think its going to happen and I still don't think that all of the Izzie mentions really mean anything.  I think that Krista is more into the Greys nostalgia than Shonda was and so we get references to Izzie, George, Derek, etc.  We definitely saw Alex sign the divorce papers from Izzie and since he was at the nurse's station when he did it I always assumed that there was some sort of mail in/out box and he signed them and put them there to be mailed.

I still kind of think that its too late to bring Izzie back and that only Alex and Meredith will care (maybe Richard and Bailey) but no one else on the show really knew her and so much has happened since then.  Then again, they brought Teddy back and the only person who cares about her is Owen, so who knows?

If she ever was brought back I have to think it would be for one episode because she's dying and she did something with the eggs and never told Alex or we find out that she died and had a kid or something.  I can't imagine it causing any real problems for Jo and Alex.  One of Alex's biggest moments of growth throughout the entire series was him telling Izzie that he deserved better than how she treated him and I would absolutely hate for him to regress on that front in any way.  

So basically, I believe there is 95% chance of her never coming back down from a 100% chance, but I still think that the ship has sailed as far as her character goes.

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

You know I used to think that there was absolutely no way that KH would ever show up on Greys again while Shonda was breathing.  And I still mostly believe that, but since she is mostly out of the picture, it seems more likely now than it ever has.  But I still don't think its going to happen and I still don't think that all of the Izzie mentions really mean anything.  I think that Krista is more into the Greys nostalgia than Shonda was and so we get references to Izzie, George, Derek, etc.  We definitely saw Alex sign the divorce papers from Izzie and since he was at the nurse's station when he did it I always assumed that there was some sort of mail in/out box and he signed them and put them there to be mailed.

I still kind of think that its too late to bring Izzie back and that only Alex and Meredith will care (maybe Richard and Bailey) but no one else on the show really knew her and so much has happened since then.  Then again, they brought Teddy back and the only person who cares about her is Owen, so who knows?

If she ever was brought back I have to think it would be for one episode because she's dying and she did something with the eggs and never told Alex or we find out that she died and had a kid or something.  I can't imagine it causing any real problems for Jo and Alex.  One of Alex's biggest moments of growth throughout the entire series was him telling Izzie that he deserved better than how she treated him and I would absolutely hate for him to regress on that front in any way.  

So basically, I believe there is 95% chance of her never coming back down from a 100% chance, but I still think that the ship has sailed as far as her character goes.

I honestly love the relationship that Alex and Jo have and I wouldn't really want anything throwing a wrench in that. I'm just a little confused as to why they would make this certificate thing a big deal in a mid season finale with no follow up. There has to be something that's going to come out of it, and this is really the only route I can see that taking.

I have always wondered about the EGGS and them throwing a random child story at Alex, but i have also thought they might be too far fetched of a story.

I do think this would be a big deal for at least Alex and Meredith. As i don't think he could use JO to help him through this, and only Meredith who would be able to guide him through having to confront Izzie about this.

I have always felt that Alex has never 100% completely closed that chapter of his life. I think there has always been some sort of resentment towards Izzie and will be until he does confront her . We all know Alex has always needed to get things off his chest when dealing with his past. I don't see this being any different.

They did bring Burke back in to the fold in an arc, and could possibly do this with Alex. Especially if he is leaving the show ( Rumors of a Original Character leaving ).


32 minutes ago, Joana said:

I really don't think GA is in need of a ratings stunt like that at the moment.

I don't see it as a ratings stunt at all. I actually think that if they did do this it would be a surprise and come out of nowhere in an episode without any advertisements. Do they need to do it, absolutely not. I'm just racking my brain to come up with a reason of why they would make this marriage certificate thing a big deal unless something big was going to come out of it.

But that would make for both halves of the couple having been secretly or unknowingly married to someone else. Of course, now the newlyweds themselves turn out to be unknowingly not married to each other, so...

I think the eggs. Evil spawn, meet stranger spawn. Can we count the number of surprise pregnancies or offspring over the fourteen seasons? (Where are the Sloane Sloans of yesteryear?) In this show, every ovary's a Chekhov's gun. 

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53 minutes ago, djlittlehorse said:

I'm just a little confused as to why they would make this certificate thing a big deal in a mid season finale with no follow up. There has to be something that's going to come out of it, and this is really the only route I can see that taking.

Honestly? I think it's just the writers attempting comic relief. I saw it as a joke and not really anything I would consider a big deal.

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3 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

Honestly? I think it's just the writers attempting comic relief. I saw it as a joke and not really anything I would consider a big deal.

I will admit that the show has made me laugh A LOT more in the last couple years than it had previously. However, I didn't really find this funny. I was more confused by it. Maybe the fact the he brought up Izzie in the same episode has me looking into it more? There have been a few things that just made me piece this together in my head. And maybe i'm WAY OFF. Maybe i'm not. Guess we will have to wait to find out :)

On 11/16/2018 at 2:46 PM, djlittlehorse said:

I honestly love the relationship that Alex and Jo have and I wouldn't really want anything throwing a wrench in that. I'm just a little confused as to why they would make this certificate thing a big deal in a mid season finale with no follow up. There has to be something that's going to come out of it, and this is really the only route I can see that taking.

I have always wondered about the EGGS and them throwing a random child story at Alex, but i have also thought they might be too far fetched of a story.

I do think this would be a big deal for at least Alex and Meredith. As i don't think he could use JO to help him through this, and only Meredith who would be able to guide him through having to confront Izzie about this.

I have always felt that Alex has never 100% completely closed that chapter of his life. I think there has always been some sort of resentment towards Izzie and will be until he does confront her . We all know Alex has always needed to get things off his chest when dealing with his past. I don't see this being any different.

They did bring Burke back in to the fold in an arc, and could possibly do this with Alex. Especially if he is leaving the show ( Rumors of a Original Character leaving ).


I don't see it as a ratings stunt at all. I actually think that if they did do this it would be a surprise and come out of nowhere in an episode without any advertisements. Do they need to do it, absolutely not. I'm just racking my brain to come up with a reason of why they would make this marriage certificate thing a big deal unless something big was going to come out of it.

Welp i guess them using the eggs and throwing random children at Alex was NOT too far fetched of a story for Grey's. The writers probably read out posts for material at this point lol.

  • LOL 3
On 3/11/2020 at 7:09 PM, anna0852 said:

On a different topic, who thinks we're going to see Corona virus storylines before the end of the season? Seattle seems to be a US epicenter. 

I had that same thought.  But then I was thinking maybe not, as, AFAIK, surgery isn't a treatment for COVID19.  But they could probably do something with it, like having one of the residents/interns come down with it, and everyone else freaking out appropriately. 🤐

Two of the things coming out of Italy is that it's all hands on deck for treating people with pneumonia from the virus whatever the specialty, and setting up makeshift hospitals anywhere they can, and that there is a severe shortage of respirators so that doctors are having to triage who gets treated and who doesn't. And of course the front line workers catching the virus.  Any of those is possible for the show.

They just won't be able to solve it all with a cool surgery.

  • Useful 1
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3 hours ago, Avabelle said:

I think it will end with zola starting Med school. With how they’ve dragged it out I can’t imagine how any of the characters will get a satisfying ending. All characters and ships have been destroyed.

I could see this. Or the last scene or episode be Zola's intern class.

Hm, or if they don't opt to jump way ahead, Richard's funeral? Would be a reason for some past characters to come back.

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On 3/19/2022 at 4:59 AM, DEL901 said:

It was all a dream. 

Intense turbulence wakes Meredith from her nap on the flight from Boise back to Seattle. We hear the pilot say something about being in the clear and will be landing at SeaTac shortly. The camera pans out to Derek, Cristina, Mark, Lexie, and Arizona occupying the other seats. The conjoined twins surgery in Boise was a success, there was no plane crash, everyone is alive and happy. 

Edited by funnygirl
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  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Intense turbulence wakes Meredith from her nap on the flight from Boise back to Seattle. We hear the pilot say something about being in the clear and will be landing at SeaTac shortly. The camera pans out to Derek, Cristina, Mark, Lexie, and Arizona occupying the other seats. The conjoined twins surgery in Boise was a success, there was no plane crash, everyone is alive and happy. 

The best ending. The show died for me alongside Lexie and Mark.

  • Love 3

Someone mentioned in last night's episode thread about how it would be interesting if Schmitt had been the one to file the complaint about the residency plan. I thought that could lead to a good plot, plus it would allow them to bring back former residents to testify, either in favor of or against the program. A plot device to bring former cast members back.

I doubt they'd actually do this, but it could be interesting. Could also get some "where are they now" updates on those who wouldn't come back, like "so and so sent this letter."

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:

Someone mentioned in last night's episode thread about how it would be interesting if Schmitt had been the one to file the complaint about the residency plan. I thought that could lead to a good plot, plus it would allow them to bring back former residents to testify, either in favor of or against the program. A plot device to bring former cast members back.

I doubt they'd actually do this, but it could be interesting. Could also get some "where are they now" updates on those who wouldn't come back, like "so and so sent this letter."

As long as I get to see my dude Parker again, I'm so ready for that storyline. 

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Avabelle said:

Are we season 18? I can’t imagine they’re not going to try and get to season 20 to round it out.

I wouldn't be surprised if they do.  From what I've read, Ellen is about done with it (Lord knows she's made enough money from it) but they keep talking her into another season.  At this rate, if they do go to 20, she'll probably appear in one episode.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, madmax said:

I wouldn't be surprised if they do.  From what I've read, Ellen is about done with it (Lord knows she's made enough money from it) but they keep talking her into another season.  At this rate, if they do go to 20, she'll probably appear in one episode.

They keep throwing money at her and letting her appear in less and less screen time. Little work with a lot of pay, who's saying no to that? I just wish Ellen would have the decency to call time of death, even she has to know that the show has become stale. As if Disney/ABC really needs the money with all the Marvel content. They're just doing it because they can, not because anyone thinks they should. Shonda's washed her hands of the show long ago, essentially just collecting the check because her name is on it.

Edited by funnygirl
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