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S05.E10: Let's Face It

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And Farrah's use of words is still baffling to me all these years later. The sentences she puts together don't even make sense! I've never heard someone talk like she does. It's so bizarre. And every time she gets mad at someone, she says they're in denial. What? Maci, Simon, Debra, Sophia, Michael, Daniel.... If someone pisses her off, they're in denial. About what? Just in general they're in denial. That's not the right word, Farrah! It's like as long as she makes a sentence, it doesn't matter which words she uses in it. If she's mad, she uses random words like denial and negativity, no matter what she's trying to say. If she's happy, it's positivity, commitment, etc. never in the right context.

  • Love 13

Did she really say that?! I admit my brain waves go flat whenever Farrah starts talking about marriage/engagement/commitment and then, the next thing I know, someone else is on. Please let this be true. Sounds like she's found the next title for a book, "If He Likes Fingerbanging It, Make Him Put A Ring On It: Or How Not to Become One of the 'Ugly People.'"

Correction: She said ugly girls, not people (as in "only ugly girls wait to get engaged." Even worse. And she said it twice. Not sure if that was to drive home the fact that she considers herself pretty, or about pressuring what's-his-name.

  • Love 3
  On 5/26/2015 at 7:12 AM, LotusFlower said:

Correction: She said ugly girls, not people (as in "only ugly girls wait to get engaged." Even worse. And she said it twice. Not sure if that was to drive home the fact that she considers herself pretty, or about pressuring what's-his-name.

The way she pressured him about marriage was something else! Of course, by the end of the episode, when she was talking to Debra, she managed to make it sound like she didn't want him because he wasn't respnsible or ready for kids. I wonder if she believes the lies she makes up, or if she will watch the scene of her demanding marriage and be mortified.

That had to be the longest weekend of Simon's life. Just when he tasted freedom and was on the way to the airport, Farrah delays his escape by shufffling her vision of the happy family to the back seat. I'm not surprised he balked. The marriage pressure, forcing her kid on him, it's like she was following a manual for how to make a guy run for the hills.

I'd love to watch a show where bratty Sophia is left with Betty Draper for a week. At this point, that would be her only hope for learning to behave like a young lady.

  On 5/26/2015 at 7:00 AM, Maharincess said:

I said after the first episode of the season that Ryan's eyes look like my brother's eyes after he's been up tweaking for a few days and I still think so.

His eyes have the look of somebody on coke or meth to me. He's also looking like he's lost weight recently. I hope I'm wrong but he isn't looking or acting the same.

Is tweaking the same as getting high?

  • Love 8

Farrah and "Sophia's" dogs! I remember when Sophia was around 2 or 2-1/2, and Farrah started the shower going in the tub, then told Sophia to get in and wash herself. Farrah left her alone and closed the bathroom door.

Since the day she left infant Sophia alone on the dining room table, Farrah proves again and again that she has no freaking concept of how a child must be cared for.

I can imagine the screaming FIGHTS that are in Farrah and Sophia's futures. Farrah will accuse Sophia of flirting with F's bfs soon, I guarantee it.

I am genuinely worried for Sophia's personal safety moving forward with the type of guys F is attracted to. Jesus.

Farrah is the bitchiest of bitches, and she speaks a language unknown in this galaxy. Great job Michael and Debra! Glad to see the tradition continues too in Sophia.

  • Love 10
  On 5/26/2015 at 6:18 AM, meisje said:
I admit my brain waves go flat whenever Farrah starts talking about marriage/engagement/commitment and then, the next thing I know, someone else is on. Please let this be true. Sounds like she's found the next title for a book, "If He Likes Fingerbanging It, Make Him Put A Ring On It: Or How Not to Become One of the 'Ugly People.'"


He may not even like fingerbanging, but does it to pause her nagging questions.

  On 5/26/2015 at 6:52 AM, bren70 said:

And Farrah's use of words is still baffling to me all these years later. The sentences she puts together don't even make sense! I've never heard someone talk like she does. It's so bizarre. And every time she gets mad at someone, she says they're in denial. What? Maci, Simon, Debra, Sophia, Michael, Daniel.... If someone pisses her off, they're in denial. About what? Just in general they're in denial. That's not the right word, Farrah! It's like as long as she makes a sentence, it doesn't matter which words she uses in it. If she's mad, she uses random words like denial and negativity, no matter what she's trying to say. If she's happy, it's positivity, commitment, etc. never in the right context.

She  doesn't know words, only buzzwords.

  • Love 4
  On 5/26/2015 at 9:26 AM, woodscommaelle said:

From the show Mad Men. However, I don't watch it so I don't get the reference.


Sorry, I guess the reference doesn't really fit in this forum.  She's one of my favorite characters on TV.


The short version is that she had a traditional, strict mothering style and never would have put up with nonsense behavior.

  • Love 5

I'm not going to snark on a child's looks. Sometimes the most unfortunate looking children grow into attractive adults. But Sophia's hair is a nightmare. Everytime they show her her hair is all over the place and ratted. It's takes time, effort and patience to deal with long hair on a small child, none of which Farrah is willing to give. So just cut it already, it might lessen the wicked witch look she is sporting. Her behavior is another matter. Why wouldn't Sophia be a brat? Her mom is one. I loled at the scene where Farrah picked up Debra at the airport. Debra was totally agreeing with everything Farrah said, but you could just tell that Farrah so wanted to pick a fight, but couldn't. Just the look on her face was crazy. Is Sophia in school? My sympathies to her teachers. Can you imagine having to deal with Sophia and trying to have a conversation about Sophia's behavior with her mom? Ugh. Simon seems like a douche, but he needs to run far away. 


I think it's fine for Maci to buy a house, but don't try to convince us that you two bought the house together. You paid, he goes on the title. That way Maci figures he can't leave, between the house and the baby. 


Cate and Tyler - Cate is losing my sympathy about her weight when I saw her munching on something from a bag. Why the hell are those two still getting invited on talk shows? I seriously don't get it. April still looks methy to me. Tyler is gagging over baby poop? Seriously dude, grow up. Glad that B&T said no reunion for Carly. She not their grandchild, niece or anything else. I love how Tyler corrected the language of the talk show woman. They didn't give up Carly, they placed her. I was waiting for him to add "temporarily" or "until she turns 18" to the sentence. Kid is deluded. 


That sketchy hotel Fanatsuites looked like something you find out by the airport just next to the highway and the industrial park, adjacent to the strip club. That's a getaway for them? Who takes a child there? Where was Leah supposed to sleep? In the "love" bed with them? I was skeeved out by the thought. And who doesn't take their kid to the doctor when she has been sick? Amber is either cheap and doesn't want to pay for the visit or she is supremely lazy or both? My money is on both. Gary needs to take Amber to Court for child support before she and the creeper go through all her money. 

  • Love 7

Well, let me start with Farrah because she was a hot freaking mess last night. Okay, first of all, who dresses up in a tight, little red dress like that to pick someone up from the airport? Oh, that's right, someone who think she has to use her looks/sexuality to keep a guy. It's almost kind of sad. Also, I couldn't stand the way she was getting onto Sophia as they were getting ready to go. "Be helpful!" Um....it appeared she was trying to be helpful! But one of the dogs was giving her trouble. She's six. What's more important, rivaling JB Duggar for hair spray overuse, or making sure your dogs are safely put up before you leave? 


And then once Simon got there, wow. Farrah, you might want to stop dating and address some issues with your daughter....because as long as Sophia is acting like she is, she's going to ruin your game every time. Not only was she hitting and tugging on a man she had just met, but she was dropping the "M" bomb too! I almost kind of loved her for that. But, seriously...Sophia's behavior was appalling. That's not just "The kid is acting up for the cameras" kind of stuff. That was a kid acting up because she's not getting any attention from her mother. You could tell it was nothing new, because Farrah didn't act shocked at all. And then when Simon actually tried to correct her, Farrah got all butthurt. Well, sorry, if you're going to do is titter and fake-protest, "Soph!", I'm going to say something. Yea, run, Simon, run. 


I know there has been a lot of spec that Simon has ulterior motives for being with Farrah. And I suspect that's probably true, but I doubt she is going to keep any man around if he has to put up with that. She is overbearing and controlling and super needy....and then you have her daughter walking all over you. Nope. Not going to happen. 




Then we have Amber and Gary. The way they interact with each other just drives me nuts. It's like a constant power struggle, a battle of pride. I really do think Gary just throws rules out there to control and manipulate Amber and remind her that HE'S the one who calls the shots. He gets off on it. But Amber just wants to turn everything into a problem. I do appreciate that she tries not to get into it with him in front of Leah. At least they're keeping it to text. But Gary can lose me with saying Amber doesn't know how to be a mother and things would be easier without her around right in front of Leah! Man, I wanted to ring his neck.....if I could fit my hands around it. He is just so vile. I don't care how mad I was, I would never say things like that in front of my kid. And it's not even true, anyhow. Yes, Amber was fucked up a lot when Leah was younger and she has made some awful choices in life. But she's not a complete idiot. I'm sick of him acting like she can't figure out bedtime or how to give the kid her medication. 


But, on the flip side, I really don't want to hear Amber whine about how she's had this life full of "Hell". Most of that"Hell" has been of her own creation. Sure, bad things do happen to people that are outside of their control - abuse, death of a loved one, your house burning down. But having CPS called and going to jel - you did that, honey. I get how frustrating it is when people keep bringing up your past. But a year isn't that long, give it time and keep yourself on the straight and narrow. 


I really didn't understand why they insisted on keeping their reservation at the intimate hotel, after they knew Leah was sick. Not only that, why is she even filming? Hello, most people leave work if their kid is sick. Why not just hunker down at home and tell the crew to buzz off for a bit? Priorities, people. 


Did I hear correctly when Gary and the producer were talking? $1000/month child support he's supposed to get????


The best part of Amber's segment, when she was discussing the texts Gary sent - "I woke up from my nap". Bahahaha! That girl must be part sloth. 




So I'm confused as to why Maci is buying a house. I thought just a few episodes ago she was bemoaning how they just didn't have the money for that. What's changed? And Taylor saying he's going to have to get a second job? What's his first job? 


Ryan's eyes looked super weird last night. You know when you're really tired and you kind of force your eyes wider to try and stay awake? He looked like that. 




Not much to say about Tyler and Cate, except I thought Cate looked very cute with those big sunglasses on and I love seeing how much better the relationship between her and April is. A lot of shit has stayed stagnant in her life, but that relationship has come a long, damn way. 

  • Love 7
I loled at the scene where Farrah picked up Debra at the airport. Debra was totally agreeing with everything Farrah said, but you could just tell that Farrah so wanted to pick a fight, but couldn't. Just the look on her face was crazy.


HA! I thought the same thing. She had that look like she was about to say, "Actually, Mom.....", but then she realized she agreed with her mom. It was so funny!




And who doesn't take their kid to the doctor when she has been sick? Amber is either cheap and doesn't want to pay for the visit or she is supremely lazy or both? My money is on both. Gary needs to take Amber to Court for child support before she and the creeper go through all her money.


Eh, I had to withhold opinion on the doctor thing, because I felt we just didn't know enough. Personally, I hardly take my kids to the doctor. A lot of sicknesses don't need treatment, you just have to make them comfortable so they can ride it out. Now, if they're not getting better or have a super high fever, trouble breathing....then I'd take them in. But Leah had just gotten sick the day before. And Amber said she didn't have a fever. So I don't know. It's possible she had just had a bad cold/flu that would have to run its course. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 3
  On 5/26/2015 at 12:54 PM, ghoulina said:

Eh, I had to withhold opinion on the doctor thing, because I felt we just didn't know enough. Personally, I hardly take my kids to the doctor. A lot of sicknesses don't need treatment, you just have to make them comfortable so they can ride it out. Now, if they're not getting better or have a super high fever, trouble breathing....then I'd take them in. But Leah had just gotten sick the day before. And Amber said she didn't have a fever. So I don't know. It's possible she had just had a bad cold/flu that would have to run its course. 


Same here, but we are probably parents who know our kids well enough to determine whether a doctor visit is necessary. Amber isn't. Gary is the main caretaker, and if he felt that Leah needed to be at the appointment, Amber should've taken her. Unless she called the office and was told not to bring her in (which we KNOW she would've shouted from the rooftops to prove herself right), she really shouldn't have made the call to cancel. Gary is the primary custodian, he allowed Amber to see Leah overnight even while the little girl wasn't feel well, and I think Amber had a responsibility to follow Gary's instructions.

  • Love 6

Catelynn and Tyler don't get that Carly is not their child. Yes, Cate gave birth to her, but choosing adoption for her, means that they have no say in how she's raised. This season was all about them whining about her. Enough! Why would Brandon and Teresa bring Carly to the reunion, if they've said more than once, they don't want her on tv?


Where did Farrah meet Simon? They're relationship is so fake. Just like the rest of her.  I hope Sophia's behavior is an eye opener to Farrah.


Amber... I have no words. Matt is shady.


I hope Maci and Taylor are happy. I guess this means no Bentley on the reunion either.


Thanks for ruining the show, Farrah.

Catelynn and Tyler don't get that Carly is not their child. Yes, Cate gave birth to her, but choosing adoption for her, means that they have no say in how she's raised. This season was all about them whining about her. Enough! Why would Brandon and Teresa bring Carly to the reunion, if they've said more than once, they don't want her on tv?


Where did Farrah meet Simon? They're relationship is so fake. Just like the rest of her.  I hope Sophia's behavior is an eye opener to Farrah.


Amber... I have no words. Matt is shady.


I hope Maci and Taylor are happy. I guess this means no Bentley on the reunion either.


Thanks for ruining the show, Farrah.

Watching now. So far they're all annoying, in their own ways. Is it written somewhere all these girls need to nickname their daughters 'bew bew'? Farrah, Amber, and even Chelsea (from TM2) all call their kids that. Can no one come up with an original nickname anymore?


Doesn't Debra call Sophia Baby Goo? Time to sunset that one, for several reasons

  • Love 7
Where did Farrah meet Simon? They're relationship is so fake. Just like the rest of her.  I hope Sophia's behavior is an eye opener to Farrah.



I would like to know this as well. He did he see her porn and reach out to her (in more ways than one)? Was she trolling some dating app like Jenelle? That guy could not be less interested in her if he tried.

  • Love 2

Sophia is the embodiment of why I don't like kids and find most of them fucking annoying.

She spent more time slapping, pinching, and irritating Simon then anything else.  And please don't tell me that's just how kids are, because it's not.  She's a brat.  My cousin was a pincher.  My mother had warned my aunt several times about it and asked that she discuss it with my cousin.  My aunt dismissed it with a "That's just how kids are!" excuse and never said anything.  She pinched me so hard once she broke skin.  So my mom walked up to her and pinched her right back, just as hard.  My cousin screamed her ass off but guess what?  She never pinched me again.  

Had I been Simon, I would've pinched her back.  Keep your hands to yourself little girl.

  • Love 16

Let me start off with Matt. I knew he wasn't being true but I couldn't figure him out completely, since he knows how to play the game/doesn't want to blow up his cover on the show. When he said: "Do you know who you are?" to Amber, it was my "Aha!" moment! I think he is excellent in stroking her ego, always picking her side (therefore, always saying that she's right), because it is obvious he is mooching off her. Now, I don't know why he picked her out of all of them (or reality people in general), maybe to play on the addict card that they have in common, but so far he played it wisely. Maybe even not that wisely yet coming in the right time in her life, when she is obviously desperate for something happening in her life and finding someone since the Gary option went down the drain. She is the right type of person to be blindsided in that way, her conversation with her brother said it all. She wants to be with someone that's not Gary so bad, that she will immediately call it love, just to check that box. One thing is wanting happiness, the other thing is finding the right person for it. She just went with the whole thing very quickly and I think deep down, she knows her brother is right (her face told everything once he asked about Matt's income).


Sophia's behaviour is the consequence of Farrah not raising her properly/not being there enough to raise her these past years. A person would think Sophia would have boundaries, since Farrah used to punish her before, but I doubt that continued and led to the behaviour we saw in the last episode. That kind of behaviour to a total stranger can't pass for cute, it just can't.


As for Farrah, she seems like a fan of her bf and he looks like a music star that just can't be bothered, so he reacts minimal, just to not be criticized for not being involved. I think Farrah just wants to play dollhouse and newlyweds with someone, she doesn't care who will that be.

  • Love 2

Couple of random observations:

Farrah looks like a Bratz doll.....huge head, overly made-up eyes, tiny body.

Although Taylor is pretty unattractive, he is a great dog dad, which makes him a good person in my book. Bonnie is adorable. And I liked how his barber friend was trimming that other guys nasty beard with HUGE scissors while not even looking down, but looking at Taylor.

Sophia needs a new hairstyle; it's that weird ugly side half part (the same one Farrah sports, which is equally ugly) that is the main culprit, I think. She looks like a cross between The Jungle Book character, a Monchichi and some sort of demonic troll.

Who takes a sick child to a hotel weekend getaway? Exactly who has fun in that situation?? Certainly not the sick kid and therefore, not the adults, either. Ummmm...cancel.

Cait....honey.....lay off the leggings, 'k? And Tyler....you could also benefit from tossing some of those pimp dress shirts.

  • Love 9

I'm only about 1/2 of the way through, but I can't contain these feelings:

A) Amber is a shitty mom. I know a lot of people like her and had high hopes for her, but she wasn't a good mom when she was using, and she isn't a good mom now. I don't like Gary, but he's by far the better parent. I thought his reason for Amber not having Leah on school nights was legitimate. I was also disgusted to hear how far behind she is on child support, when she has her unemployed 43 year old boy toy living with her. Keeping it Klassy, Ambie.

B) who in their right mind leaves their baby with April?!?! I kept saying "LEAVE HER WITH KIM" to the tv. Also, April, I have a hard time imagining Theresa letting you anywhere near her daughter.

C) Whatever Maci.

D) watching Sophia, Farrah and Simon just makes me so sad. I know they're trying to spin this is a "happy new family" with the upbeat spunky music, but it's just bad. Farrah is so thirsty it's uncomfortable to watch.

  • Love 11
  On 5/26/2015 at 4:08 PM, vegankitty said:

Sophia needs a new hairstyle; it's that weird ugly side half part (the same one Farrah sports, which is equally ugly) that is the main culprit, I think. She looks like a cross between The Jungle Book character, a Monchichi and some sort of demonic troll.

Who takes a sick child to a hotel weekend getaway? Exactly who has fun in that situation?? Certainly not the sick kid and therefore, not the adults, either. Ummmm...cancel.

Cait....honey.....lay off the leggings, 'k? And Tyler....you could also benefit from tossing some of those pimp dress shirts.

Aside from the growling sounds she makes at times, I think the problem with Soph's look is how unkempt she looks. Farrah could spend hours and hours on her own appearance, but Sophia always looks like her hair hasn't been brushed or washed in a week. Leah's hair is probably about the same length, but always clean and neat looking. (Well done, Kristina!)

The same kind of parent that doesn't want to spend money on a doctor's co-pay.

As a girl who's problem area is my legs, I would like to take that to the next level and say loud, printed leggings are the biggest problem. Black leggings under a short dress or long shirt can be flattering. Those bright cheetah leggings called more attention to her butt and thighs.

  • Love 8
  On 5/26/2015 at 11:41 AM, poeticlicensed said:
I love how Tyler corrected the language of the talk show woman. They didn't give up Carly, they placed her. I was waiting for him to add "temporarily" or "until she turns 18" to the sentence. Kid is deluded. 


I think Dawn probably worked on that with them, because 'giving up' or 'putting up' sounds like they gave her away and she isn't theirs anymore. Oh, wait, that's right!

So, anyway, that was only so they wouldn't be psychologically triggered about adoption, I think.

  • Love 2
  On 5/26/2015 at 7:12 AM, LotusFlower said:

Correction: She said ugly girls, not people (as in "only ugly girls wait to get engaged." Even worse. And she said it twice. Not sure if that was to drive home the fact that she considers herself pretty, or about pressuring what's-his-name.

I hope Farrah waits for him to propose for 10 years.

It's just such a screwed up mentality. Like only ugly girls should get to know the man they're marrying, but pretty girls don't. Because their husbands should just be so grateful that they're pretty, that their personalities don't matter? Farrah Abraham is an enemy of feminism. Also, I find it kind of funny that Catelynn, Amber and probably Maci are all engaged, regardless of the quality of their fiances.

  • Love 8
Sophia is the embodiment of why I don't like kids and find most of them fucking annoying.

She spent more time slapping, pinching, and irritating Simon then anything else.  And please don't tell me that's just how kids are, because it's not.  She's a brat.


No, it's definitely not how most kids are. At least not most I know. I have a daughter on the spectrum and while I often get tired of the looks I get when she has a tantrum in public, like "you just don't understand", I could never hand wave that kind of behavior. My kids may wrestle with each other all day long, or hit each other when they're angry, but they have never hit, grabbed, etc. another person like Sophia was doing. I would be mortified! Farrah clearly DOES think it's just how kids are. Or that it's cute. I can see her being all, "It just means she likes you". No. Fuck that. Sophia is a brat, and she's just going to get worse as she gets older. But I guess that's fitting payback for Farrah and the antics she has pulled. 




She looks like a cross between The Jungle Book character, a Monchichi and some sort of demonic troll.


Oh my gosh, I try so hard not to snark on kids' looks, but damn....you just gave me life with this. 




A) Amber is a shitty mom. I know a lot of people like her and had high hopes for her, but she wasn't a good mom when she was using, and she isn't a good mom now. I don't like Gary, but he's by far the better parent. I thought his reason for Amber not having Leah on school nights was legitimate. I was also disgusted to hear how far behind she is on child support, when she has her unemployed 43 year old boy toy living with her. Keeping it Klassy, Ambie.


Gary may be a smidge better than Amber, but I don't think it's a lot. And that's not saying much. Any parent who basically hints that it would be best if the other parent died or went far, far away in front of the child is a vile POS, IMO. That is not a healthy way to talk in front of a kid. Also, I think Christina does most of the heavy lifting around there. And before that, Gary's mom. I'm curious to see how well he'd be holding it together if he was truly all on his own. As for his stipulations about Leah, they make sense and I agree with them. The trouble is, I think he would easily bend those sensible rules if it suited HIM. I think he just likes to fuck with Amber. 


Amber does have a horrible past and is still making some questionable choices. So I don't think she's mother of the year, by far. But Gary just disgusts me as a person and I think he's relishing in Amber being the "bad one" right now. 




B) who in their right mind leaves their baby with April?!?! I kept saying "LEAVE HER WITH KIM" to the tv. Also, April, I have a hard time imagining Theresa letting you anywhere near her daughter.


Haha, me too! I kept asking, "Where is Tyler's mom???" I mean, I think April has come a long way and is doing great, but old April is still in the back of my mind. Plus, who's this boyfriend of hers? Where did he come from? Maybe for a few hours, but several overnights? I'd take Kim. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 6
  On 5/26/2015 at 4:56 PM, truelovekiss said:

It's just such a screwed up mentality. Like only ugly girls should get to know the man they're marrying, but pretty girls don't. Because their husbands should just be so grateful that they're pretty, that their personalities don't matter? Farrah Abraham is an enemy of feminism. Also, I find it kind of funny that Catelynn, Amber and probably Maci are all engaged, regardless of the quality of their fiances.


  On 5/26/2015 at 3:45 PM, CaughtOnTape said:

 My cousin was a pincher.  My mother had warned my aunt several times about it and asked that she discuss it with my cousin.  My aunt dismissed it with a "That's just how kids are!" excuse and never said anything.  She pinched me so hard once she broke skin.  So my mom walked up to her and pinched her right back, just as hard.  My cousin screamed her ass off but guess what?  She never pinched me again.  

I kinda love this!

  On 5/26/2015 at 6:52 AM, bren70 said:

And Farrah's use of words is still baffling to me all these years later. The sentences she puts together don't even make sense! I've never heard someone talk like she does. It's so bizarre. And every time she gets mad at someone, she says they're in denial.

And "they need therapy." She always throws that one out, too.

I laughed when Maci said (of Farrah) that she has more intelligent conversations with her six year old. Sorry, but it's true! Farrah is incomprehensible and messed up.

  • Love 6
  On 5/26/2015 at 4:08 PM, vegankitty said:

Couple of random observations:

Farrah looks like a Bratz doll.....huge head, overly made-up eyes, tiny body.

Sophia needs a new hairstyle; it's that weird ugly side half part (the same one Farrah sports, which is equally ugly) that is the main culprit, I think. She looks like a cross between The Jungle Book character, a Monchichi and some sort of demonic troll.

Farrah and Simon would have made an attractive couple if Farrah still had her old face and dressed normally for the occasion. Do they sell cases of hairspray at Costco?

There is a specific poorly made, low budget film creature that Sophia reminds me of, those are all so close but not the one I have had in my head. I may have to do some Google image searching to finally figure it out.

  • Love 2
  On 5/26/2015 at 5:14 PM, ghoulina said:

Gary may be a smidge better than Amber, but I don't think it's a lot. And that's not saying much. Any parent who basically hints that it would be best if the other parent died or went far, far away in front of the child is a vile POS, IMO. That is not a healthy way to talk in front of a kid. Also, I think Christina does most of the heavy lifting around there. And before that, Gary's mom. I'm curious to see how well he'd be holding it together if he was truly all on his own. As for his stipulations about Leah, they make sense and I agree with them. The trouble is, I think he would easily bend those sensible rules if it suited HIM. I think he just likes to fuck with Amber.

Amber does have a horrible past and is still making some questionable choices. So I don't think she's mother of the year, by far. But Gary just disgusts me as a person and I think he's relishing in Amber being the "bad one" right now.

I was only halfway through the episode when I wrote that, and hadn't seen Gary saying he wished Amber wasn't around. That was horrible to say, and saying it in front of Leah was shitty parenting at it's shittiest. And then there's "Headdie" encouraging it.

I do agree that Kristina and Gary's mom probably did/do a majority of the parenting, and Leah is lucky to have them. I hope Gary marries Kristina, for Leah's sake, so that the poor child can have some stability in her life. I really hope Amber has gotten better about Leah's relationship with Kristina, and doesn't make her feel guilty about loving her stepmom that had the largest hand in raising her for the last couple of years.

It's easy to want to vilify one in favor of the other, and pick sides, but I think it's safe to say that poor Leah Leann has two crapbag parents.

  • Love 2

Maci, who asks their friends to help them move when you make good money and have the means to buy a house? Hire some movers!

I think Simon played it brilliantly: go to Austin because it's easier to just go than tell Farrah you can't come visit (plus he gets laid), act like a turd, and then wait for Farrah to decide on her own that you're not husband/ stepdad material.

Sophia is indeed a brat. She didn't deserve to be yelled at about those dogs. She is clearly a bright kid. But her behavior and language are really immature.

  • Love 6
  On 5/26/2015 at 7:00 AM, Maharincess said:

I said after the first episode of the season that Ryan's eyes look like my brother's eyes after he's been up tweaking for a few days and I still think so.

His eyes have the look of somebody on coke or meth to me. He's also looking like he's lost weight recently. I hope I'm wrong but he isn't looking or acting the same.

I was going to say, I think this was the most awake/alive we've seen Rhine in years. It would be sad if he was only that lively because he was high.

  • Love 4
  On 5/26/2015 at 4:56 PM, truelovekiss said:

I hope Farrah waits for him to propose for 10 years.

It's just such a screwed up mentality. Like only ugly girls should get to know the man they're marrying, but pretty girls don't. Because their husbands should just be so grateful that they're pretty, that their personalities don't matter? Farrah Abraham is an enemy of feminism. Also, I find it kind of funny that Catelynn, Amber and probably Maci are all engaged, regardless of the quality of their fiances.

I thought the EXACT same thing...everyone is engaged except Farrah; I'm sure that has a LOT to do with her obsession to lock some guy down. But, unfortunately, I think Sophia made that decision for him. If he wasn't into her before, he sure as hell isn't gonna put up with a bratty kid, too. I've never seen anyone run out of a car and into the airport as quickly as Simon did...I was laughing my ass off! 

  • Love 8
  On 5/26/2015 at 7:12 AM, LotusFlower said:

Correction: She said ugly girls, not people (as in "only ugly girls wait to get engaged." Even worse. And she said it twice. Not sure if that was to drive home the fact that she considers herself pretty, or about pressuring what's-his-name.

I wonder if Farrah was making a dig at the other girls?  In the past, Maci has practically had to force guys to talk about marriage. Then, there is Cate who was on Couples Therapy along with Farrah. Farrah knows what went down with that situation.  With the whole thing that happened this season with Farrah being told she was not going to be part of the show,. bringing her back on the show, and then finding out Maci was the one who held the biggest grudge about Farrah's return, it just makes me wonder if these are digs being made towards Maci.


  On 5/26/2015 at 6:17 PM, Pakalolo said:

There is a specific poorly made, low budget film creature that Sophia reminds me of, those are all so close but not the one I have had in my head. I may have to do some Google image searching to finally figure it out.

How funny! As I watched Sophia and the ugly faces she was making, I was thinking she reminded me of that monster baby from that old movie "It's Alive!" that came out in the early 70s. If I knew how to post a photo, I would.


ETA: here is a link to images:https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A86.J3ZRw2RVf1UAch4nnIlQ?p=It%27s+alive+monster+baby&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002





I hope Farrah isn't use those carriers as dog crates when they're not at home.

I can't be sure, but I think in the past when Farrah got the first dog, she was doing that so that they didn't make a mess.


Farrah has no business getting two dogs and expecting a five year old to be responsible for them. Farrah doesn't even have proper parenting skills much less being responsible for two dogs.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2
I really hope Amber has gotten better about Leah's relationship with Kristina, and doesn't make her feel guilty about loving her stepmom that had the largest hand in raising her for the last couple of years.


Ugh, yes! I think that is THE thing about Amber that has pissed me off the most this season. The more loving people in Leah's life, the better. Kristina is no threat to you, you've apparently moved on, right? So yea, she really shouldn't make Leah feel uncomfortable about having a relationship with her step-mother. It's just not cool. 

  • Love 3


I missed the scene with the dogs. Was that when they were on their way to the airport? Is it the same French Bulldog she had in Florida?


Nope, 2 new dogs again.  I believe these are dogs #4 and #5 that she has bought.  And poor Sophia still hasn't gotten her fish that she wanted instead.  


And yes, it was one of the first scenes.  When they were heading to the airport to pick up Simon.  Farrah was too busy primping in the bathroom to help Sophia get the dogs ready.  She yelled at her and swore a couple times.  And Sophia whispered to the dog that she hoped this wasn't going to get her in trouble.  :( 

Edited by bren70
  • Love 6

Also, not sure if this was brought up, but I was so annoyed on Kousin Krystal's behalf when she and her sons were just trying to enjoy a delightful free meal from MTV, but had to watch Amber feeding her 43 year old boyfriend. If the two of them were on a date and wanted to feed each other (I never understood the allure, but that's fine) then whatever. But it's just weird doing it at a family dinner. It's weird for all sorts of reasons, but Krystal was trying to talk to Amber, but Amber couldn't maintain eye contact because she and Matt were too busy funneling pasta down each other's throats. Poor manners.

  • Love 5
Nope, 2 new dogs again.  I believe these are dogs #4 and #5 that she has bought.  And poor Sophia still hasn't gotten her fish that she wanted instead.


Ugh. At some point you just have to accept that you're not a dog person and give up on having dogs. I just fly into a fit of rage whenever I see people neglecting helpless animals.


Also, not sure if this was brought up, but I was so annoyed on Kousin Krystal's behalf when she and her sons were just trying to enjoy a delightful free meal from MTV, but had to watch Amber feeding her 43 year old boyfriend. If the two of them were on a date and wanted to feed each other (I never understood the allure, but that's fine) then whatever. But it's just weird doing it at a family dinner.


But she's happy! She's in love!


I was super annoyed by watching Tyler giving Cate a hard time about the decision to formula feed Nova. I know that it's a mutual decision but is there ANYTHING he doesn't nag her about?

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 2
  On 5/26/2015 at 4:07 AM, Samwil said:

That one face that Sophia made was frightening.  That girl could star in horror movies.  Oh, and she's a brat.  


I don't blame Simon for bolting.

I think that one face was when I happen to pause my TV to get food.  Horrifying.  Her mother is doing her no favors by tolerating it.  She has got to be the most unlikable kid in kindergarten. 

  • Love 3
  On 5/26/2015 at 8:05 PM, ghoulina said:

Were those Krystal's sons? I thought she wasn't supposed to film with them, per her ex? Or am I confusing her with someone else?


I don't know anything about Krystal, but Kristina (Gary's girlfriend) reportedly cannot have her child filmed per her ex.




I wonder if Farrah was making a dig at the other girls?  In the past, Maci has practically had to force guys to talk about marriage. Then, there is Cate who was on Couples Therapy along with Farrah. Farrah knows what went down with that situation.  With the whole thing that happened this season with Farrah being told she was not going to be part of the show,. bringing her back on the show, and then finding out Maci was the one who held the biggest grudge about Farrah's return, it just makes me wonder if these are digs being made towards Maci.


If so, in grand Farrah tradition, she screwed up the dig. Maci has been engaged twice to Farrah's none (unless you count her imaginary engagement to Sophia's dad). Yeah, maybe Maci had to apply some pressure and god only knows what engagement she'll be on that actually results in a marriage, but all Farrah's boyfriends would roll out of a speeding car before they'd propose to that mess.

  • Love 5
  On 5/26/2015 at 8:00 PM, evilmindatwork said:

Ugh. At some point you just have to accept that you're not a dog person and give up on having dogs. I just fly into a fit of rage whenever I see people neglecting helpless animals.

But she's happy! She's in love!

I was super annoyed by watching Tyler giving Cate a hard time about the decision to formula feed Nova. I know that it's a mutual decision but is there ANYTHING he doesn't nag her about?

Tyler needs to berate Catelynn like Butch needs his drugs.

  • Love 3

Can't believe the season's already over - well almost, there's still that aftershow thing right?  Or was it on already and my DVR missed it?


Farrah/Simon - wow, she is just clueless. He is SO not interested. And I don't know too many people that enjoy being repeatedly slapped by a nasty little brat, or watching her slap other people. I was actually impressed with Simon for stopping her a few times. When he was going into the airport I could practically hear him thinking "run, run, RUN!"  The only thing I like about Sophia's horrible behavior is that Farrah probably deserves it.


Sophia being so clingy with Simon freaked me out some - I imagine it freaked him out too. She's her mom's child, that's for sure.


Maci's pretty boring to watch without Bentley, but I do like their dog.


Tyler managed to piss me off again this episode when he was going off on Catelynn about sticking by her "one parenting decision" etc.  Although I was glad there wasn't the focus on Catelynn's weight again, and that Tyler backed off on the breast feeding/formula thing.


I can't really blame Gary for getting upset with Amber, especially for skipping out on the doctor's visit, but please please please don't talk like that with Leah standing right there. Heather (the producer) actually made me a little mad in that scene - couldn't she have gently suggested that maybe Leah should go play upstairs?  Also on Gary, just a funny note, I noticed he did the ol' "come in!" that Amber is so famous for, but he 1. confirmed who it was as they came in, and 2. got his ass off the couch to greet them.


I oddly enjoyed the scene with Amber talking to her family about Matt. She was doing her usual thing of talking over them, copping an attitude, etc. and they called her on it - which usually doesn't work, but it seemed like she did finally listen this time.

  • Love 4
  On 5/26/2015 at 7:22 PM, bren70 said:

Nope, 2 new dogs again.  I believe these are dogs #4 and #5 that she has bought.  And poor Sophia still hasn't gotten her fish that she wanted instead.  


And yes, it was one of the first scenes.  When they were heading to the airport to pick up Simon.  Farrah was too busy primping in the bathroom to help Sophia get the dogs ready.  She yelled at her and swore a couple times.  And Sophia whispered to the dog that she hoped this wasn't going to get her in trouble.  :( 

I think she whispered "please don't get me in trouble" and I don't think she was that concerned about it. And she seems totally used to how Farrah speaks to her. They are more like equals as far as I can see. The real damage is in Farrah creating a clone of herself... a woman who has no parenting skills and one who has zero know-how in handling relationships. The big no-no was her trying to make Simon have a meaningful relationship with Sophia in the first 10 seconds of his meeting the child. 

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