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S02.E11: Dysfunction Junction

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Landon and her Mom - wow!!  Landon is annoying and now we know why!!  I'm sorry - her Mom looked to be around my age, and I don't know of anyone my age who just stayed in an marriage that was as bad as Landon makes hers sound!! 


I came away from that scene wondering what the real story is behind Landon's divorce.  Landon said she thought her husband was someone that would wander around with her?  Did she not realize that he had a job and would need to work at that job instead of wandering around life like a dilettante playing at pop-up interior decorating and planning fashion shows?


It sounds to me like Landon was over-indulged as a child and grew up thinking that life would be all fun and games and everyone would just adore her like her momma did.

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As a mother of two, I actually didn't think it was shallow of her at all.  At least she has the self-awareness to know that pregnancy isn't going to be a picnic for her.  And that being a SAHM to an infant/toddler is not always sunshine and roses.  I hated being pregnant, both times.  It sucked.  I didn't especially like spending all day alone with babies either.



I admired her for saying it. I have to confess that I thought being a SAHM would be wonderful! and oh, my, gosh, was the reality of it all an eye opener. In fact I envy Cameran's eyes-wide-open attitude. I am extremely grateful for the fact that I was able to be the primary caregiver for my children and they have added so much joy to my life but I wish I had half of the awareness that Cameran displayed beforehand. I might have done a few things differently for myself and I will certainly be honest with my daughter who is already making comments about wanting to be a SAHM.  The few times I told her it was hard work she seemed to bristle at the notion!   Also, Cameran's husband is a doctor who may not be able to compromise easily between work and home life.


I remember thinking of it as a parasite, not an alien, but the sentiment is the same in not wanting my body taken over and out of my control.



I always referred to it as a live chicken living inside my uterus.

Edited by TheFinalRose
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It's not a problem if Cameran doesn't want children. I have chosen not to have kids.  The problem is that her husband clearly does. This should have been sorted out before the marriage, not after. This is what pisses me off about people getting married and not discussing what they want out of life. She's 30 yrs. old., not in her 20's. She may be ready in a year or two or she may not ever be ready. I'm sure her husband isn't happy with her portraying how disgusted she is by the thought of pregnancy. Unless of course this is all played up for the camera's and her husband is so easy going it doesn't bother him. 

  • Love 9

The problem is that her husband clearly does. This should have been sorted out before the marriage, not after.



They did discuss it before marriage. Bravo's "Daily Dish" has an article on Cameran's wedding and this quote:


" Before we got engaged, I sat down with him and said, ‘I have no desire to have a child right now, there might be a big possibility I might never want to have a child, I just want to make sure you’re not going to leave me if I don’t give you a kid.’ And he told me he would not, so let’s hope he sticks to that!" "


I honestly don't believe a modern woman who has such a strong opinion would not reveal it to her husband-to-be. I take the things Cameran says on this show with a huge spoonful of salt, because she's quite good at managing her story line and image on the show. Heck, even Drunk Cameran got a pass from most people who watched the extended clip. She's playing the "ugh, pregnancy is gross" talk up to have something that seems sort of controversial to make a story for her character. Ohh, her marriage may be in trouble because she doesn't want to get fat! She probably does feel that way, and may or may not have a baby in the future. I (a childfree woman) laughed at the things she was saying to her friend. Sometimes I get tired of the Miracle of Motherhood chat from so many around me.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 15

It's not a problem if Cameran doesn't want children. I have chosen not to have kids.  The problem is that her husband clearly does. This should have been sorted out before the marriage, not after. This is what pisses me off about people getting married and not discussing what they want out of life. She's 30 yrs. old., not in her 20's. She may be ready in a year or two or she may not ever be ready. I'm sure her husband isn't happy with her portraying how disgusted she is by the thought of pregnancy. Unless of course this is all played up for the camera's and her husband is so easy going it doesn't bother him.

Yea. That was my main issue with Cameron's story line but if the quoted conversation is true than it seems like her husband and her are on the same page. The way she presented this story line on the show however makes it seems like her husband is older and ready for a baby, yesterday.

She's right and honest with herself that having a baby changes your life and your waistline (at least for most people) so it's better to be honest about it from the get go. I definitely don't have the figure I had before I started having babies and I've accepted that. I'll wait until I'm done popping them out to worry much more about it though.

Thanks to the poster that labeled Kathryn Cruella D'Ville in her mink coat get up. It must have been winter when they had the Wounded Warrior event. Running after Thomas like she did was just too embarrassing to watch. What a loser. Suck it up, realize you were a dumb ass to get knocked up by such a loser, lawyer up, get child support and custody agreements handled and move the fuck on with your life.

I too thought Shep showed his ugly side last night and as a side by side comparison between him and Craig well, I thought Shep looked waaaaaay older than his 35 years last night. Homeboy was looking rough.

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You know, watching how Camaryn, et al, were bemoaning Kathryn's mental state, I thought as to how not a single one of them took her under their wings and tried to help. They gave half-hearted support and talked about her behind her back.

I know Kathryn didn't help herself, but in my opinion, she was striking out against no one, no one, having her back in all of this.

Any one of those women could have stepped in to the breach and helped her, but all they did was shut her down to her face and insult her behind her back.

Edited by b2H
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But they're not all real friends, just cast members on the same show.


They get together for events that Bravo films for the show and off camera, they probably don't hang that much as a large group.  Maybe a few of them get together regularly.


When the show first started, there was a lot of doubt about whether these people all were in the same circle, especially given the differences in ages and social backgrounds.  That was even before they started featuring Kathryn a lot.

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Anyone else notice how Kathryn's bangs magically appear and disappear? She "cut" her bangs before the trip to Jekyll Island but by the time she got there they had "grown out." This episode she had bangs for the cooking lesson but they had once again miraculously grown out in time for the Wounded Warrior benefit. It's an unweavable miracle! The Bravo editing monkeys sort of just said fuck it to continuity this season.

  • Love 3

Dani tried to be a friend to Kathryn. Cameran tried to be a friend. So did Jennifer. I think Jennifer is the only one who can still stand to be around this whiney girl, because Jennifer wants her own place on the show. Kathryn strikes me as very immature, whiney, bemoaning her sad state of affairs all the time to the point it would drive me nuts. If you think back to that scene out by the pool when Dani was trying very hard not to lose it, but was giving Kathryn the side-eye when she talked incessantly about her problems with Thomas.

I think Kathryn has worn out her welcome card with the women on this show, except for Jennifer.

I think Kathryn's bangs are part of her weave. When she has the big thick hair, she has the bangs.

  • Love 5

I'm glad Craig took the much needed road home to regroup and get his shit together.  I hope he makes his way to the success that he had worked so hard to reach before he fell into the Charleston party life.  Well, what I really hope is that he gets his shit together, then comes back to Charleston ready to live like a responsible adult, but still does the show because I enjoy looking at him.  He pretty.


Indeed. This episode showed Craig that he is at the bottom of the "friendship" totem pole. That even in this instance where Shep was jealous and clearly in the wrong, all his "friends" sided with Shep. Even his "big sister" Cameran, after admitting Shep was at fault, still joined in the Craig bashing, in order to placate Shep.


Shep embarrassed himself this episode. He feels he is better than Craig and they are not equal footing friends. The way he reacted to the auction was so over-the-top, and he can't hide behind alcohol either. No one bid on him, except Cameran, maybe he should have tried better with his appearance, and not dressed like an over-grown frat boy.


Thomas is sexually attracted to Kathryn, but she over-played her hands, by not knowing when to stop nagging. Thomas didn't even react to her staying out with Craig bombshell that Whitney dropped; he was seriously considering working things out with her, after his conversation with Whitney, but then Kathryn talked herself right out of what she wanted.


  • Love 8

I thought TRav's use of "physicality" with regard to Kathryn was a polite, possibly Southern gentleman's, way of saying she's good in the sack.


I think it just means he finds her hot.  Physically.  Intellectually and every other way? Not so much.  Like, I think this quote from The Mindy Project (Sk8er Man) sums up how Thomas feels about K:


“My body is very attracted to your body, but when you speak my brain gets angry.”



(as a side note, whose body wouldn't be attracted to Timothy Olyphant's??  But I digress.... )

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 9

Duke2801 I think you nailed it. She might be good in the sack also, but I think Thomas just likes looking at her red hair and long legs, which he said last night. As soon as she opens her mouth she ruins it. You can only put up with someone like that for so long before regardless of their good looks you want to choke them for being annoying and dumb. Kathryn is very much all those things. Doesn't surprise me that nobody really wants to be around her. Even Craig, who still thinks she's pretty, talks about what could have been....not what could be. Even he knows she's a lost cause. Or Thomas passes around a case of the herp. Who knows?

  • Love 1

I hope Kathryn has taken note that whenever Thomas has expressed his attraction to her on the show, he only talks about physical attraction.  He likes that she is hot, and he likes the baby she gave birth to.  She should stop wanting to be with someone who doesn't care about her in the ways that one must care about the person they are going to marry.  If he's not taken by your personality, your wit, your humor, your grace (such as it is, but she is young and will surely become more gracious) and the way you carry yourself in various types of situations, then you will never truly have him. 

  • Love 2

Timothy Olyphant...yummy!


I didn't make my point exactly right about Cameran. I myself am a stay at home mom and no, it is certainly NOT all sunshine and roses! although I am intoxicatingly in- love with my kids. That doesn't mean I sometimes don't want to run off to a desert island alone. It is hard, hard work being with kids 24/7. And I agree that some people shouldn't be moms and also that some women should just be able to choose not to have kids. Of course! I was more thinking of how Cameran said her husband really wanted kids and she doesn't....that is a major problem in a marriage (I know-I had an old neighbor who divorced his wife because she wouldn't have kids. He then went on to have one with a new wife). But now it has been revealed that Cameran's husband won't mind if she doesn't have any children. So my prediction is...she won't. She seemed highly opposed to the idea.


I love that Mindy Show quote. Ha ha, that rings very true in many situations and esp. Thomas and Kathryn, sadly enough. Kathryn and Craig would have been a better, shallow match. But they aren't a match now. Craig is too immature to become an insta-dad to Kensie. I would love to see where Kathryn ends up in the future.


Landon's parents are not divorced. That is the whole point-that her mom is willing to put up with anything because that's what you "do". Landon made reference earlier this season to Powell that their mom may be secretly jealous that Landon had the guts to go through with a divorce, wishing she could have done the same. I like Landon. Yes, she's a bit annoying but I found her story interesting and it tied in well with the Kathryn/Thomas story in a way.

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But, but, she's wearing Target pants!  Oops, guess she left those at home when she put on the fur.


I think she could have bought a better looking faux fur coat at Target...that rug she was wearing looked like she pulled it up off the floor of Thomas' hunting cabin (if he even has such a thing)....that was one ratty looking fur, imo!!  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 1

Dani tried to be a friend to Kathryn. Cameran tried to be a friend. So did Jennifer. I think Jennifer is the only one who can still stand to be around this whiney girl, because Jennifer wants her own place on the show. Kathryn strikes me as very immature, whiney, bemoaning her sad state of affairs all the time to the point it would drive me nuts. If you think back to that scene out by the pool when Dani was trying very hard not to lose it, but was giving Kathryn the side-eye when she talked incessantly about her problems with Thomas.

I think Kathryn has worn out her welcome card with the women on this show, except for Jennifer.

I think Kathryn's bangs are part of her weave. When she has the big thick hair, she has the bangs.


Well, there is this:




If the link doesn't work (because I am woefully tech-challenged), it is a link for "clip on bangs"....  :-)

Edited by njbchlover
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Holy moly, Shep! That was an awful display of the green-eyed monster coming out last night! I do not enjoy jealous Shep.  If there is a reunion, I'm sure Andy will ask Shep about this unusual display.  I looking forward to hear Shep's reasoning. 


Really, Thomas?  You think that Craig can have anyone he wants so why would he fool around with Kathryn?  Is that Thomas' ego at play again?  As in, why would Kathryn choose Craig over Thomas.  Speaking of Kathryn, she always talks about material things before she brings up love or having a family with Thomas. 

  • Love 2

Bingo!!! She isn't in love with him, she's in love with what Thomas can provide for her. And I think he knows this now, after the fact.

Could be, but he's only in love with her appearance...not the full package. I'd say they're even.


I'm sure he loves Kensie too, but I am betting if he could go back he'd do things differently. I have a feeling being tethered to Kathryn forever is going to eventually become...difficult. Especially if he marries another woman.

  • Love 3

Duke2801 I think you nailed it. She might be good in the sack also, but I think Thomas just likes looking at her red hair and long legs, which he said last night. As soon as she opens her mouth she ruins it. You can only put up with someone like that for so long before regardless of their good looks you want to choke them for being annoying and dumb. Kathryn is very much all those things. Doesn't surprise me that nobody really wants to be around her. Even Craig, who still thinks she's pretty, talks about what could have been....not what could be. Even he knows she's a lost cause. Or Thomas passes around a case of the herp. Who knows?


I agree - I have to wonder, if Thomas is as enamored with having her give him the finger with that long middle finger, as she seems very adept at giving it to anyone who pisses her off.  


I think she could have bought a better looking faux fur coat at Target...that rug she was wearing looked like she pulled it up off the floor of Thomas' hunting cabin (if he even has such a thing)....that was one ratty looking fur, imo!!

I thought wtf are these people talking about, when they kept saying she looked fantastic. Now, Kathryn is very attractive, she'd be even more attractive if she ever cheered the hell up!

But that coat no. It looked awful!

I think it's great that Cameron knows herself. Good on her. Not everyone should have kids.

I always wanted 2 kids and I had them. Then after years of not thinking of babies and my 2 where in high school. Hubby and I got a big surprise! We struggled with the idea of adding new child but we did. In the end we love our children and this was our child. He is now 5 and can't imagine life without him.

People should only have children when they know they want them and will love them. Children deserve that.

Edited by imjagain
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I thought wtf are these people talking about, when they kept saying she looked fantastic. Now, Kathryn is very attractive, she'd be even more attractive if she ever cheered the hell up!

But that coat no. It looked awful!



Totally.  And I don't think they ever showed a full-frontal view of her dress, but it looked kinda ill-fitting and "school marm"-ish from the views I was getting of it.  NOT her best look! 

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the only one to be shown in a good light was j.d.



He and his wife came off very well this season. They seemed like mature, reasonable adult human beings. JD told Thomas "Liz and I are here for you" and he was sincere in his advice to Thomas. I think they'd like to see Thomas and Kathryn come to some sort of agreement to separate but raise Kensie amicably. (I sure would!) 


Thomas did light up with lust when he saw Kathryn. And Whitney was green with jealousy! Honestly, if Thomas and Kathryn really wanted to work out a mature relationship, they'd take all their crap to a therapist/counselor and hash it out there instead of on camera. They're both addicted to drama.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 3

Thomas did light up with lust when he saw Kathryn. And Whitney was green with jealousy! Honestly, if Thomas and Kathryn really wanted to work out a mature relationship, they'd take all their crap to a therapist/counselor and hash it out there instead of on camera. They're both addicted to drama.

Ole' T just came off a grueling campaign, you know winning that 4% and all. He obviously didn't have time for sexing it up, he could barely keep his hands off Kathryn. Horny as hell he was. Then, like others have said, she opened her mouth and ruined it for him. I kind of like that he didn't get what he wanted. 

  • Love 4

I kind of hate that Cameron's OB friend told her that she was a "textbook C section" case. Based off of what? Way to needlessly scare someone, Geesh!

And Landon's mom is something else. Do you know what she went through when Landon got a divorce? Way to make it all about you, mom. I could see my mom pulling the same shit on me. It's always about what she went through when something happened to me.

Awesome venue for the party. I can't imagine the cost for a private party on the ship though.

  • Love 1

I'm still guffawing every time Thomas mentions "trying to win this election" as he did when he and Kathryn were having yet another discussion about their relationship woes. When did he ever imagine he had the slightest chance of winning? The polls clearly showed he barely got into double digits at his best. He was such a long shot that Vegas probably wouldn't have made odds on him. It seemed like he had to be serious about "winning" mainly for the show. If Thomas wants to blame anything or anyone for the failure of his relationship with Kathryn, he needs to blame himself for getting into a campaign he had no possibility of winning.


I realize that a respectable finish would have made him look serious and set him up for the next run. Because of that, he had to use the term "win" rather than say, "I hope to get a lot of votes". However, as soon as his child was born he should have concentrated on Kathryn and Kensie and his overall reputation, and then, once he had a solid family life established, set himself to run in the next Senate election. He'd be in his late 50s but that's fine for a Senate seat. Not that I think he could win, but if it's what he wanted to do then he'd have given himself about 5 years to rebuild him image and re-establish himself in SC political circles. By then all the scandal of coke, prison, and "Southern Charm" might have faded. Now I think he's totally screwed himself out of any political future. But I guess now that he's single and free the ladies will flock to T-Rav the celebrity Charmer.

Edited by RedHawk
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In an interview Kathryn did she said she got the fur coat at a consignment store, so it's probably really really really old. 




I don't see how Thomas can blame Kathryn for his losing the campaign given he ignored her the whole time. He should be happy to be on the ballot period.

If I remember right Thomas only got 3% of votes. That's hardly close to double digits. Even if he had gotten 10-15% I could think of that as kinda respectable, considering his past. But he didn't even clear 5%. That's baaaaaaad. And like I said before, I thought he was paying people (Amy?) to keep an eye on the polls, so I don't get how they were all so shocked at how terribly he lost. If he were smart he'd have realized he had no shot in hell at winning and gracefully bowed out of the running....although I did enjoy his comment about flushing $100's down the toilet til he regained sanity. Maybe he'd send me a few instead? Haha.


Shep was a monster. Green is not his color, and I really don't get why he was so pissed. So Craig raised more money for his "date". It was for charity!! I'm sure Craig's not involved with the country singer just cos she paid $5000 to go out with him. Although I do wonder how Craig paid for said date, cos he never seemed to have money for anything else.


I really wish Whitney would come out of the closet already. It's obvious he's got a renob for Thomas and his German reality show girlfriend is his beard. It's like those kids who would always tell stories about what happened while they were at summer camp. Yep. Sure. Toooooootally believing it. He must be paying her well cos she can hardly hide her disgust when they're on camera together. That park bench conversation about living together was brutal!!!

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