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S01.E23: Fast Enough

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One thing that surprised me -- Barrie's non-reaction that he will still be alive in 136 years.  Or the fact that nearly everyone else in Central City knows that Barrie is the Flash, but Eobard Thawne seems to have had trouble discovering this info on his own.

I didn't see it that. That's Eobard talking about when he was born, and Eobard is a time traveller.

Iris and Eddie again?  Why does the Iris story continue to be the worse one on the show?  "We'll see Barry," then "Eddie is the man I love!", then "Then it ends," and now, "screw the future?"  Iris and Eddie have ZERO chemistry, and Eddie is the weakest part of the show, followed closely by Caitlyn.  


Is this Tommy and Laurel and Oliver all over again? 

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Once again, smart people doing dumb things. Yes, let's listen to Wells whom has manipulated us all the whole season.  What is the writer's obsession with Iris and Eddie?  If you want to keep them apart, at least give her an INTERESTING boyfriend, and why take away Barry's girlfriend?  


I see The Flash is going the way of Arrow with this unnecessary relationship drama.  I have been underwhelmed with this finale.....where is all the promised action? What is so gut wrenching?  

What a big build up for this! 


Damn, Barry is The Man. Talk about making the hard, but right decision, letting the past stay as it is. The Joe/Barry father relationship was beyond over done, but it was well acted.


Oh Eddie, he is equally The Man, sacrificing himself to save everyone. Eobard Thawne is such an ass. I am sure that he and Eddie will return somehow. I hope one day Cisco gets to kill Eobard. I hope that real Wells will return.


I knew that Iris would go back to Eddie. She is not ready to face her feelings for Barry yet.

Edited by SimoneS
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Eddie is the biggest damn hero ever. The only way to destroy Eobard Thawne was so make sure he was never born. That was such a shock. It also made my allergies act up like crazy.


Holy cliffhangers! Run, Barry, Run! As fast as you can.


I don't even want to process the farewell scene to his mother. Future Flash told Now Flash to hold back. That goodbye scene got to me.


This show with the feels. I want my lighthearted fun.

  • Love 10

I was distracted by a few real life things this ep, so I'm a little confused. Did Barry really risk everything to go back in time and save his mom and then decide not to do it, or did he go back in time to come back and thwart Eobard's plan, not realizing how messed up things would get? Honestly, it baffles me that he'd consider either option knowing the risks. 

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So, the big payoff is Eddie, who was ALWAYS irrelevant and boring to me, killing himself, so that Iris, can be Laurel and blame, Oliver, I mean Barry, for Tommy, I mean Eddie's death?  


Our cliffhanger is if The Flash, (the star of the show) will survive?   We get Barry's last look before going to meet his fate being Iris and Eddie reunited?  


The professor had to make Eddie realize that Reverse Flash could have shown him anything?  For that matter, once the gang knew that he'd been watching them, what made them think that the headline they saw on Gideon was real and not just a plant? 


I was disappointed in this finale similar to the Arrow finale.  Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed most of the season, when they were fighting criminals  


Hopefully the new season will show them more mature. It does not have to be as dark as Arrow for the characters to be more mature.  


So the whole Iris realizing she really had feelings for Barry is just over? I mean, I know it saved Captain Singh, but that whole episode was a waste. 


The fight was also boring, and did I miss the Killer Frost reference?  

Eddie, you're a hero! Nice job saving the day. It was badass.


Barry, you made the right choice! Yay for smart heroes!


Cisco, you've got powers!


Eobard, I'm gonna miss you. But my hatred of you will soothe the pain.


Ronnie, you're not dead! I'm so happy to be wrong!


Caitlin, you looked great in that dress! I hope you get to keep your happy ending!

  • Love 7

I cannot believe the Team Flash trusted Wells/RF. Did I miss a scene where they questioned his motives for wanting Barry to go back in time? Or were they just complete idiots in believing everything he said? Thank goodness Barry came to his senses in the end, but still it was for the wrong reasons. He still hasn't learned not to trust a villain. Now that's out the way...


Wow that had to be the most boring season finale ever. Even the "exciting" last five minutes couldn't save it.


Didn't see Eddie dying coming. I should've known though when he suddenly had an epiphany about choosing his own path and got back together with Iris  that it was all for plot. Just like almost everything that happens in Eddie and Iris' relationship.


Speaking of Iris, I guess she's totally back to wallpaper with barely a POV.


I hope Tom Cavanaugh is not gone for good.


Looks like Dr. Stein will be the new Wells at StarLabs.Still don't understand how they're able to continue working there.


This was a forgettable finale, almost so much so that it leaves almost nothing to look forward to next season.

  • Love 1

Oh, my, God. That had more twists than a pretzel. I didn'T expect them to get rid of Wells. Sorry Tom, you were amazing.

I didn't expect Eddie. The hot always die young. :(

I figured Cisco for a meta but I thought that it would end with Barry changing things and having it affect Caitlyn instead.

Loved the wedding.

I actually cried when Barry spoke to his Mom. I take what I said in the LoT trailer, Grant totally sold that, my heart broke.

Much better than the Arrow finale.

Eta: yay, Cisco likes The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!

Edited by Delphi
  • Love 3

Barry didn't do it.  He listened to his future self, and didn't unleash hell on a global scale.  Thank goodness Barry didn't say "Screw what my future self says, I'm saving my mom."


Eddie better get a wing at the Flash Museum.


Loved seeing the Flash Museum as Barry was running, Jay's helmet come flying through the wormhole, and seeing Hawkgirl.  There was so much to love about this episode.

  • Love 6

I'm gonna bring back an old Everwood  tradition in my feelings about the last 5 minutes tonight: Damn you, Berlanti!!


After seeing that helmet with wings come through the wormhole they better be introducing Jay Garrick next season as well as Cisco becoming Vibe.


Bravo to Grant, I was tearing up when he went back and just listened when his mom got stabbed. He didn't get his mom back, but he did get to show her the legend that he's going to become.

  • Love 9

Apparently the helmet is also supposed to be seen in the Legends of Tomorrow promo. Also first glimpse of the actress playing Hawkgirl sans costume. Also mention of Rip Hunter


I hadn't realized that was Killer Frost on first viewing just thought it was some villain that hadn't shown up yet. But then on Twitter the writers mentioned that was her. Went back and watched it again and got a better look and could tell it was DP with blonde hair.


As soon as they brought up Eddie being important I knew he was going to sacrifice himself.


Liked the episode though not fond of the to be continued ending. Gives bad Smallville flashbacks.

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