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S04.E01: Two Swords

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Welcome to season 4 ye veterans of ASoIaF and GoT. Valar dohaeris, y'all.


Episode Synopsis:


Tyrion welcomes a surprise guest to King’s Landing for the royal wedding, but fears he’s come to the Red Keep for something else. Meanwhile, Jon warns his skeptical Night’s Watch superiors about an impending attack. Jaime struggles to regain his status at home. Arya encounters a face from her past, and Daario Naharis discusses strategy with Daenerys on the journey to the slave city Meereen.



Reminder: There is open air book talk here. If you are just watching the TV show and you don't want to stumble into a potential spoiler you should leave now. Book Talk assumes you have read all the books to date. Any information from unpublished books, such as preview chapters should be in spoiler tags.

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SO many delicious easter eggs for Bookwalkers!  Daario handing a blue rose to Dany (out of context, but still...), the Kingsguard book with Duncan the Tall and Arthur Dayne the Sword of the Morning.  And especially, Oberyn saying that lovely wonderful Prince Rhaegar fell in love with another woman.  R+L=J, indeed!  Sansa saying they threw Catelyn's body in the river==Lady Stoneheart?  A Feast for Bookwalkers!


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Its going to be wonderful fun to watch the Amazing Unsullied here unravel what it means that Oberyn said that Rhaegar 'fell in love' with another woman.  It'll take some time, I think, there's a lot of other stuff to discuss re Ep. 1, but they're going to get there, no question, and I'm glad I'll get to read it.  They spent quite a few very insightful posts at TWoP doubting Robert's version of 'Rhaegar raped Lyanna.'  Oh, fun to come! 

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Yo book folks, someone is talking about "The Red Viper" in the No Spoiler thread and I was wondering if that was "Show knowledge" yet? Thanks. Can you quote this post so I'll get a notice for the answer?

Edited by David T. Cole
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Yo book folks, someone is talking about "The Red Viper" in the No Spoiler thread and I was wondering if that was "Show knowledge" yet? Thanks. Can you quote this post so I'll get a notice for the answer?

I caught that, too.  Don't think Red Viper was mentioned but I'm just not sure enough to accuse anyone.  Have to rewatch to be sure, sorry.

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Oberyn and Ellaria were spot on to what I imagined! Also, the end scene with Arya basically lifted from the book and all the more chilling. I can't wait for Braavos.

It was actually different than in the book, but the idea was the same.

I wonder how many Unsullied have caught on that Janos Slynt was at Castle Black now, after being sent there by Tyrion back in season 2.

Oberyn was awesome. I'm so pissed that he won't make it past this season :(

Edited by Attaboy000
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Also, the end scene with Arya basically lifted from the book and all the more chilling.

I don't know...this scene was great, but the original is one of the few that's stuck with me the strongest from the books. "Is there gold in the village?" just has a better ring to it than "Maybe I'll pick my teeth with it." (The main reason I was worried about them changing around Arya's lost-in-the-woods storyline from Clash of Kings to season 2 was that this scene would have to change too. This scene was still great, but....)


Also, damn was that cold open perfect. Mega-chills when the Rains of Castamere theme kicked in.

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Also, damn was that cold open perfect. Mega-chills when the Rains of Castamere theme kicked in.

Eerie you mention this.  For some reason, I never actually hear the music in a show, any show.  I'm always amazed when fans comment on the score, have to go back and really struggle to hear it.  BUT.  Rains of Castamere?  I hear it.  I heard bits and pieces of it in this episode, and it just...stops me.  Chills my blood.  Cripes.  Thank you, Seven Gods, Lord of Light, Old Gods, Red God, Whoever, that Tywin Lannister is not my father.  *meep* 

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I was disappointed by the Tickler's early death meaning Arya reclaiming Needle wouldn't have the same specialness to it, but they actually managed to keep the same spirit of the scene, which I imagine was fully the plan back when Lommy was killed. Well done.

Not so well done is all my fears about Shae coming true. Her hanging on to this paranoid delusion like a gila monster is utterly out of character, and I'm dreading where it goes.

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I feel more satisfied with this premier than in the past - maybe it's the reduction in locations at the moment without Robb and co. (although we didn't see Bran's party or some of the currently less prominent characters like Stannis and Theon), but it felt like it touched on everything I wanted to see the most.  Pedro Pascal seems great so far, so I'm excited to see more of him going forward, and I love that they kept the bit with Pod rattling off the Dornish houses from their sigils.  

It was funny how they seemed to mention Daario's name so many times at the start of the episode to establish that he was the same guy as before - I already like Huisman better than Ed Skrein, so I'll take the slight heavy-handedness of it.  Not crazy about them trying to create sexual tension between Grey Worm and Missandei, but I guess it's to be expected when they aged her up and got two attractive actors playing them - it's just not necessary to me, especially since I love both characters just the way they are.  

I'm wondering how things will play out with Loras this season.  There was that deleted scene already from season two I think of him and Margaery talking about Renly's death, and it just doesn't seem like they're going to play up his continuing issues with Brienne, from what we saw of her interactions with Margaery tonight.  I was disappointed with his portrayal last season, so I hope that they give him some material going forward more true to his character, especially regarding matters surrounding Renly and his assassination.  

I thought what they did with Arya and The Hound was very good - it would have been great to hear her deliver the Tickler-based lines from the book, but replaying the scene of Lommy's death was an appropriate substitute, and Maisie Williams did great with it.  Also The Hound being Omar Little for a second was amazing, "a man's got to have a code".  

Looking very forward to next week :)

ETA: Also, this Thenns being cannibals thing is new, right?  They're stealing all the Skaagosi thunder here!

Again ETA: Skaagosi Thunder is my new band name

Edited by Ffiferoo
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Pretty happy with everything except the lack of a Jaime / Tyrion scene.  The new Daario is charming & seems tougher.  I like.  

Oberyn is perfect.  Everything I wanted & he is funny.  

I felt for Jaime getting the smackdown from his son.  And he can't slap him like Tyrion did.  Joffrey' s brattiness just kills me.  I "love" it.  

Oh what does the blue rose mean?  

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Other than Jaime's continued character assassination, I loved every bit of this episode.  

Helloooooo Oberyn!  Now THAT is an entrance!  

Dontos is just a sweetie and his little speech broke my heart.  Makes me sad knowing what's going to happen to him.

Rory McCann described the Hound and Arya as Scooby and Scrappy + a trail of blood behind them.  Perfect.  Their scenes together made me wish she'd stay with him instead of running off to Braavos.

Daario - as douchebaggy as in the books.  He was just a touch too mean to make me wish for a Daario/Grey Worm buddy comedy.

ETA: Also, this Thenns being cannibals thing is new, right?  They're stealing all the Skaagosi thunder here!

Again ETA: Skaagosi Thunder is my new band name

I'd listen to that band.

Edited by GreyBunny
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Other than Jaime's continued character assassination, I loved every bit of this episode.


What do you mean?  Maybe he's a bit nicer, but not much from the books.  Yeah, he doesn't have sex with Cersei at their son's wake, but there's still time.  

I loved Nikolas' playing around with the gold hand.  Maybe it was a tad too funny for this show, but Bronn shouldn't get all the good lines.

And I agree that Oberyon made the perfect entrance.  In just two scenes you know A) He's got a bone to pick and he has the goods to back it up.  B) He knows how to wield power.  C) He can deliver major back story while looking good.  I think he sounds a bit like Antonio Banderas.  He is a Spanish actor, right?  Delicious.  

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Pretty happy with everything except the lack of a Jaime / Tyrion scene.  The new Daario is charming & seems tougher.  I like.  

Oberyn is perfect.  Everything I wanted & he is funny.  

I felt for Jaime getting the smackdown from his son.  And he can't slap him like Tyrion did.  Joffrey' s brattiness just kills me.  I "love" it.  

Oh what does the blue rose mean?  

In the show's context, nothing. But in the books the blue rose was the favourite flower of Lyanna Stark, and it was also the flower that Dany saw in her vision in the House of the Undying (again, in the books. In the show they completely changed the House of the Undying scenes).

It's one of the many many hints at who Jon Snow's real mother is

Edited by Attaboy000
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I was a little disappointed that they didn't come up with a better reason for Brienne not contacting Sansa in however much time they've been in King's Landing.  Like, I get that Jaime has a lot of valid reasons why they can't exactly take her out of King's Landing, but I'm not sure why they haven't even spoken with her.  Plus, it seemed a little out of character for her to just let it go because Jaime said she should.

I feel like they're setting up more of Dany's long-term plot (not really having control over her dragons, trying to rule Slaver's Bay as an outsider), which is especially nice after the way they left off with her last season.  I also liked that little moment of Grey Worm having a thing for Missandei.  I think it's nice to have something going on in that portion of the story that's a little bit lighter.

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I've always assumed it was Lyanna and Rhaegar.  Which means Jon Snow has an auntie and another half brother out in the world.  Option two would be Ned's older brother messing around with the Queen which seems risky but it would explain why the Mad King burned him.  Maybe he wasn't so much "mad" as mad but he wouldn't reveal what happened at large.  

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I'm worried about how they'll maintain Arya's momentum, she needed to build up to that inn scene and have the Hound wounded so that she could leave him for dead afterwards. So I suppose they're gonna play with her flirting with the Eyrie a bit.

Generally though, I liked it. I liked the Red Viper, I liked Rheagar and Lyanna reference (together with a Sword of the Morning mention, the pieces for the Tower of Joy are falling into place). Blue rose, the Thenns, Ser Dontos, ... they doing many things to bring this sceptic around!

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I'm glad they brought up the "Rhaegar loved another" plot - got to keep it at the forefront for the Unsullied so that when (presumably) it's someday revealed that Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna they aren't totally shocked.

Loved Pedro Pascal as the Red Viper - sexy and dangerous just as he should be. His intro was perfect.

The one good thing about the kid actors growing so fast is that at least Arya is more plausible as a killing machine. She's much stronger with her physical fights since she's bigger and can hold weapons more easily.

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I don't know...this scene was great, but the original is one of the few that's stuck with me the strongest from the books. "Is there gold in the village?" just has a better ring to it than "Maybe I'll pick my teeth with it." (The main reason I was worried about them changing around Arya's lost-in-the-woods storyline from Clash of Kings to season 2 was that this scene would have to change too. This scene was still great, but....)


Also, damn was that cold open perfect. Mega-chills when the Rains of Castamere theme kicked in.

Good start to the season, but yeah....while I'm relieved they aren't totally whitewashing Arya by not having her kill people, the scene didn't have near the impact without "is there gold in the village?"

However, the scene with Arya riding away with the hound makes me sad all over again that they couldn't just ride off into the sunset like some sort of really screwed up Butch & the Sundance Kid.

Loved the a Queen of Thorns tossing that necklace and her reaction to Brienne, along with Margaery's comment about the sparrow skull necklace. Show Margaery continues to be so much more fun than the book version.

Red Viper scenes were perfect. I teared up a bit when they melted down Ice :(

Seems like they are setting up the Shae jealousy storyline. Still curious to see if they change things given how differently they have portrayed that character so far.

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I don't know...this scene was great, but the original is one of the few that's stuck with me the strongest from the books. "Is there gold in the village?" just has a better ring to it than "Maybe I'll pick my teeth with it." (The main reason I was worried about them changing around Arya's lost-in-the-woods storyline from Clash of Kings to season 2 was that this scene would have to change too. This scene was still great, but....)

I'm confused about the Arya scene. Or rather it's placement. I remember there was a point in season 2 where I thought they'd changed her storyline and cut out what we saw tonight. Or I could be completely off base. I only read the books once and my memory is not that great. I looks like I'll have to re-read, because I don't recall the gold line.

As for shae, I cannot figure out what they're doing with her. She acts like a modern woman, not someone aware that she's in danger, and I can't figure out what she realistically thinks Tyrion can give her. I get so frustrated with her. So annoying. And so different from the mercenary Shae in the books.

Edited by Andromeda
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What do you mean?  Maybe he's a bit nicer, but not much from the books. 

Oh I know.  It's not that bad, it's pretty mild actually.  But having him kill his cousins to escape and then wonder to Brienne why bother to keep his oath (which I don't remember from the books) is a little annoying.  

Also:  loved the reference to Dunk!  


Loved the a Queen of Thorns tossing that necklace

She can steal a scene with a flick of the wrist.  Love her.

Edited by GreyBunny
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I thought Jaime actually made a lot of sense. Robb & Cat are dead. They think Bran & Arya are dead. If Sansa weren't married to Tyrian I suppose Jaime could try to send her to her aunt or the blackfish, but there really isn't a whole lot he can do for her at this point, other than try and protect her from Joffrey & we know that becomes a non-issue soon.

If they mess up the bit with him giving Brienne the sword & sending her off to fulfill his oath, then I'll be annoyed.

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Yea I agree with jeansheridan the weirdest thing about bringing Jamie back early is that (so far) there's been no Tyrion-Jamie bonding. Which is especially weird since Jamie has been complaining about other Lannisters AND Jamie has always been the only Lannister that has been kind to Tyrion. You'd think he'd be excited to see him back. Didn't he say he was back for weeks?

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He is a Spanish actor, right?  Delicious.

He's Chilean.

Loved the episode. I was wondering about Brienne  and Sansa too. I think we need at least to see a scene with them talking about Catelyn. Anyway, that moment between Brienne and Olenna was awesome. The Tyrell are always so  nice to everyone and I think it's usually a genuine feeling. They may be ambitious, but they like people.

Cersei is toxic, ugh. And I see  Joffrey hasn't changed, he's  still a psycho little shit.

Oberyn had a great introduction  XD He's a great character and I can't wait to see his scenes at King's Landing. 

Arya killing that guy was very satisfying. I hope we'll see dead Freys too, it's a long road.

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What a great start into this new season! Oberyn Martell is just as awesome as he was in the book. Also, Arya and the Hound continue to be amazing. Joffrey is still a cunt, Tywin is still terrifying and the Tyrrels are still great. I also continue to love the interactions between Jamie and Brienne.

So many reappearing characters this episode! Good to see the showrunners haven't forgotten them.

The scene where Ice was melted down and reforged was so amazing, Tywin looking on menacingly while the Rains of Castamere was playing... that's great television.

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I loved the epsiode. Oberyn and Ellaria were great, Tyrion is obviously affected by all the shit that's gone down, Sansa is doing her best to hold herslef together and Joffrey is a little psycho shit as usual.

Show!Cersei is much more nuanced and sympathetic than Book!Cersei but her logic here made no sense. Her darn coldness and hostility towards Jamie for "getting captured". It would be one thing if she were having qualms about their relationship given the incestous treason kind of lead to a WAR and she is realizing the consequences of her actions but I don't think that's it, I think she is pouting like a spoiled child because Jaime can't possibly understand her "stress".....I mean damn, he is still your brother lady.

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I too liked the reference by Oberon to Rheagar lleaving his sister for another woman.  It definitely helps reading the books to catch these little lines.  Same with the Janos Slynt re-introduction.

I see that the purple hairnet has turned into the blue necklace (at least the stones looked blue to me).  People are going to call it the blue wedding instead of the purple wedding (unless Joffrey turns purple).  Couldn't they have come up with purple stones?

Arya was definitely chilling and loved how they changed that scene up.  I also like how they are protraying Margarery . Most of the characters have really benefit from the aging up, although its still hard to see Sansa referred to as a child.

I was a bit surprised we didn't see Lady Stoneheart come into being, but I guess we'll get that next week.  Can't wait too too long, afterall.

So I always thought the opening sequence only showed places that were going to be in the night's show, but last night the opening showed both Dreadfort and Dragonstone, but we didn't see the Boltons or Stannis.

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Show!Cersei is much more nuanced and sympathetic than Book!Cersei but her logic here made no sense. Her darn coldness and hostility towards Jamie for "getting captured". It would be one thing if she were having qualms about their relationship given the incestous treason kind of lead to a WAR and she is realizing the consequences of her actions but I don't think that's it, I think she is pouting like a spoiled child because Jaime can't possibly understand her "stress".....I mean damn, he is still your brother lady.

I agree, especially when they have a really easy way for Cersei to refuse him: Stannis' letter. They're in King's Landing, surrounded by thousands of eyes watching over the royal family. Now that Stannis has made the accusation, Cersei would want to be very careful about appearances. Jaime, of course, couldn't care less, and start suggesting that they out themselves and marry openly (as he does in FFC).

Edited by Independent George
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I was a bit surprised we didn't see Lady Stoneheart come into being, but I guess we'll get that next week.  Can't wait too too long, afterall.

Well, mentioning that Cat's body was thrown into the river is one step to setting up Lady Stoneheart. However, if I was D&D I would also take the opportunity to show two more things: Nymeria's pack and Arya's warging. I know it's probably not wise, seeing that we won't use these two things for a while but I do think it's time Jon and Arya's warging became apparent, to us at least.

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I agree, especially when they have a really easy way for Cersei to refuse him: Stannis' letter. They're in King's Landing, surrounded by thousands of eyes watching over the royal family. Now that Stannis has made the accusation, Cersei would want to be very careful about appearances. Jaime, of course, couldn't care less, and start suggesting that they out themselves and marry openly (as he does in FFC).

I thought Jaime had lost his mind when he suggested that in AFFC. I don't think Show!Jamie is that unhinged. I always thought Jaime loved Cersei more than she loved him, and her total coldness to him for having "one hand" is ridiculous. If she had any sense she would be telling him she is so glad to have him back but their sexual relationship is no more given the war, court atmosphere and their FATHER being right under their noses. However if you human nature is any indication it's hard for people who have been sleeping together since their teen years to stop because they are "supposed to".

I noticed two references to Jaime being 40. Aging up everyone (not just the children) puts a new spin on Tywin's desire to have Cersei remarry, especially to Loras a young man with no children. Lady Olenna is correct, at 40 that's a bad prize for the heir of HighGarden. No doubt Cersei is a great beauty, wealthy and well bred but her prime baby making days are over. Not that she COULDNT have another child or two but why would you risk that for someone with no children. It would make more sense for Tywin to want to marry her to a widower for a military alliance.

Aging up Jaime means that physically he has hit his peak and now has an injury. Not that he's not a bad ass or that 40 is old (it's not, Ser Barristan is in his 60s and still kicking butt) but at 40 he needs to DO or DIE- the choices he makes now will dictate the rest of his life. I like that they brought it up.

P.S. Cersei I doubt Loras wants to be married to you either.

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Heh, for some reason I hadn't realized that Cersei, as Jaime's twin, would obviously also be 40, making the issue of Loras/Cersei kind of pronounced. Is Loras still not the firstborn son in the show? For some reason I seem to remember a mention of his brothers being removed for the sake of making the story easy to follow, but here it seems problematic. I do agree that Jaime wouldn't necessarily be slowing down at 40, but I got the impression in both the show and the book that even with 2 hands he wouldn't be able to touch someone in Barristan's class, so he is in a very difficult position here.

Oberyn Martell...totally perfect. For whatever reason I thought of him as having slightly longer hair, but his danger level is accurate. Also, he and Ellaria seem like they have so much fun living life, which I felt was brought across well in this episode.

Was the grove of corpses that Arya/Sandor passed supposed to be significant? I was wondering if that's a Schrodinger's Catelyn nod. I wasn't sure if they were just supposed to be the victims of the rougher Kingsguard people blowing through like brutes, or if that was foreshadowing something else.

EDIT: Moved from the other thread:

I was under the impression that Tywin had in fact disowned Jaime. Also, that cold open was powerful. Have we had a cold open before? I thought it usually went right from previouslies into the intro. Tywin's facial expression was telling, though. I feel like he was waiting to have finished Robb before melting down the sword. In his mind, Robb, Bran, Arya and Rickon are all dead, and Sansa is married to his son, so he has Castamere'd the Starks. It hurt to watch, once I realized which sword it was that was being melted.

Team Oberyn ftw.

Edited by DigitalCount
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Good start to the season, but yeah....while I'm relieved they aren't totally whitewashing Arya by not having her kill people, the scene didn't have near the impact without "is there gold in the village?"

I think the scene needed to be different, though, considering the earlier changes to Arya's storyline. We already saw her do the impulsive, blinded-by-rage kill at the end of last season, so having her do it again here, to a character who'd done something slightly less egregious than bragging about sewing a wolf's head to her brother's body, would've been repetitive. Better to show the progression from blind rage to something scarier and more deliberate.

However, if I was D&D I would also take the opportunity to show two more things: Nymeria's pack and Arya's warging. I know it's probably not wise, seeing that we won't use these two things for a while but I do think it's time Jon and Arya's warging became apparent, to us at least.

I suspect that the reason we haven't seen their warging powers is because they're not going to have any. I'd wager that what we're going to see instead is Bran reaching out to his siblings and using his own powers to aid them. That way, the writers avoid diluting the uniqueness of his abilities and give him stuff to do besides hanging around in a tree for several seasons waiting for everyone else's storylines to catch up with his.

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If someone can get a screengrab of that necklace Dontos handed to Sansa and bring it here, that'd be great, we can discuss it up one side and down the other.  It did look blue-ish, more than purple.  Which, if so, would be silly since the entire Bookwalker fandom refers to what's coming as the Purple Wedding.  (When Joffers is going to Drink the Purple).

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I suspect that the reason we haven't seen their warging powers is because they're not going to have any. I'd wager that what we're going to see instead is Bran reaching out to his siblings and using his own powers to aid them. That way, the writers avoid diluting the uniqueness of his abilities and give him stuff to do besides hanging around in a tree for several seasons waiting for everyone else's storylines to catch up with his.

I'm not sure that would work. If Jon Snow isn't dead at the end of ADwD, it's only because of his ability to warg into Ghost. And I can't imagine that Bran would help Arya in her assassin training (where warging into the cat helped her when she was blind).

I'm not sure what they have planned for Bran, but I don't think this is it.

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The Purple also refers to Joff's status as king, so I'm not too worked up about the stones being blue.  I'm anxious to see how obvious the deed will be.  I'd like for it to be so subtle that viewers are left wondering.

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I love love love the recasting of Daario. Fantastic decision. As well as the casting for Oberyn and Ellaria. 

Solid start to the season. The beginning with Ice being reforged was so sad. It's mentioned in the books that it happens, but seeing it was wrenching. It wasn't just Ned's sword, that sword had been in the Stark family for generations.

The internet is going to explode after next week's episode. I'll have the popcorn ready.

The Purple also refers to Joff's status as king, so I'm not too worked up about the stones being blue.

I think it will be much easier for the viewer to see a stone missing from a necklace than it will be from a hairnet. On the otherhand, it would be easier for someone to remove a stone from a hairnet than a necklace without the wearer noticing. We'll see what happens, I guess. I'm very interested to see how this scene will play out. Was it ever explained who was the one who actually put the poison in the drink? I'm hoping the episode is full of red herrings and ends on a major "whodunnit" cliffhanger (I wonder if Tyrion's arrest and/or Sansa's flight will occur in that episode, or be saved for the beginning of the next one).

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Re 'who actually poisoned Joffs' someone over at Westeros has seen the first 3 episodes and has been answering questions about various scenes.  This is her take on that scene.  Even though this is a spoiler thread, I'll put this in spoiler tags, in case someone here doesn't want to know about that scene until it actually airs.

She said the 'whodunit' scene is wonderfully ambiguous--cuts to various people's faces and expressions.  Tyrion's shocked, confused look, then a quick cut to Lady Olenna's no-expression, calm face (which we know is a hint, but Unsullied will have to wonder and speculate about that), and then all chaos and accusations break out, and Unsullied still won't know if the culprit really was Tyrion or not.  There will be much Unsullied discussion about it, I foretell!)

Edited by joliefaire
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That opening...just killed.  And killed me..one of the best cold openings ever. 

Oberyn - he's just as I imagined from reading, kudos to casting.  And very clever for Oberyn's reference to 'the other woman' and the blue rose that Daario gives to Danerys in the same episode. 

As far as Cersei goes - she's got no gray areas, it's all just Lannister gold.  If you aren't with her you are against her...I'm so going to enjoy the next episode.    

Edited by CherryMalotte
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