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S01.E22: Rogue Air

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As Wells once again gets the upper hand on the S.T.A.R. Labs team, Barry realizes he needs to make a big move and reaches out to an old foe, Captain Cold, for help. Joe and Caitlin warn Barry that Cold can't be trusted. True to form, Cold has his own agenda that involves the meta-humans trapped in the containment cells. As things seem to be going from bad to worse, The Flash gets reinforcements - Arrow and Firestorm.




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Oh, Barry, you utter fool (still luv you tho). This is why you cannot be trusted to think on your own lol. Why go to Cold when General Eiling basically offered an allience in the last episode?

It did make me laugh that Barry's all "you cannot fight all 3 of us". Um, yeah he can.

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Arrow would be a distraction in that fight unless he's the tactician for the others.  OTOH, if Firestorm realizes what he's actually capable of - transmuting elements - he's a really, really serious partner.

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So, does this mean, Ollie comes to help Barry, and then when his finale airs, he'll say Fuck You! to his team and go off with R'as?


Preaching to the choir.

Did any of the writers/producers clarify this?

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I have no idea how this crossover appearance is supposed to fit into the Arrow timeline. I'm guessing it was originally supposed to air after Arrow 321 (Flash 121 on Tuesday, Arrow 321 on Wednesday, followed by Flash 122 on Tuesday (tonight's episode) and Arrow 322 on Wednesday(last week's Arrow episode)), with the major problem that it makes very little sense for Oliver to pop over to Central City between 321 and 322 and even less sense for Ra's al Ghul to let him. So my current guess is that tonight's episode is supposed to be happening after Arrow 322 or after Arrow 323, with the strong caveat that I'm probably wrong.

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The confusion was giving me a headache :)


But Hollywood Reporter just quoted Guggenheim in saying that the Flash finale directly follows Arrow's finale.  (Here's the link - it's mostly about Arrow, not Flash.)  

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I'm confused as to where this week's Flash episode (122) fits.  I can handle tomorrow's Arrow finale leading into next week's Flash finale, but how Ollie gets into this week is beyond me.  Unless we're to view this week's as Part I and tomorrow's Arrow leads into tonight.

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Lol at Joe rushing into danger as if he werent Grodd's bitch last week. He like 'fuck a gorilla'



The whole prospect of eddie turning bad because of the prospect of a relationship not working out is pathetic tbh.


Cecil look like Iris

Edited by chelsie
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Oh Barry, you stupid stupid stupid idiot! He's giving me Harry Potter teas, only Harry wasn't as stupid. You havent contacted Eiling, Barry.


And if Cisco can create insane gadgets so why doent he create several universal weapons.


Lol Cold tricking Barry reminds me of when old Voldie tricked Harry to the department of mysteries.

Edited by chelsie
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It cannot be that easy capturing Wells. It all has to go wrong somehow. Iris in the know has improved this show a 1000 fold. I loved her saving Caitlin and whacking that bad ass chick. I don't buy that she and Eddie are over so easily. She is still in denial.


Why didn't Barry just ask Clancy Brown's General character to have the government take over detaining the metahumans? Under Patriot Act there is no one that the government legally cannot lock up under one pretext or the other. Why, because The Flash has to help launch Berlanti's new shows. 


I like Cecil, the tough DA. She rocks. Maybe she and Joe can hook up. 


Yeah, David and Rob got safely married. Too bad we did not get to see the wedding.


Cisco cracks me up. "Do you see a power button?" His reaction to Cold's sister was hilarious. Peyton List was a pretty ingenue when she was on As the World Turns. WTH, happened to her. She is nearly unrecognizable. 

Edited by SimoneS
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Well...Barry's stupid. The best part was Iris waking Peak A Boo and the end with The Arrow and Firestorm. 


I am BEYOND frustrated with this Iris/Eddie nonsense. 


I don't think Reverse Flash is dead by any means. 

Edited by venusnv80
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Joe and Cecil will be too weird she looks too simillar to Iris. And when you factor in Iris not only dated someone like her dad (cop), she dated her dad's partner. lol.


Damn Wells allowed himself to get mollywooped. Ronnie was a liability. If Arrow wasn't there...

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Holy crap, that was awesome.  You know what, I'm wrong, it was awesometastic.


Barry, Oliver, and Ronnie vs Reverse Flash was fantastic.  Now that's a live action superhero fight.  Arrow you have your work cut out for you to top that tomorrow.


On one hand I'm glad Wentworth Miller will be getting a big role on the spinoff, on the other I'm going to miss interactions with this cast.  The guy was clearly having fun in every scene he's been in.  Hopefully he shows up a few times next season.  Also loved that he called them The Rogues.


Loved the Hal Jordan reference, and about next week, don't even think about doing it Barry.

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So, did Arrow catch the Delta shuttle from Nando Parbat back to Starling City before or after got married to Nyssa ?


Peyton List is so much better here as the Golden Glider than on The Tomorrow People.


Seriously Team Flash, put some locks on the doors at Star Labs.  Please.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Ackk!!! Can someone tell me what happened in the last 5 minutes, please?

Flash and Reverse-Flash rush each other - commercial break - then smeggin' DirecTV disconnected!

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Wentworth is chomping on the scenery in all of its glory.  And the Amell cousins are ridiculous good looking apart as it is, I think I was on the floor when they were side by side. 

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Yeah, Team Flash really needs to start thinking on their own instead of rushing in. (Pun intended)


Peak-a-boo, Iris and that D.A. were pretty bad-ass for different reasons. 


Well, if last week was the birth and death of Thallen with that weird syntax :"Barry marries Iris, not you", this week was the birth of Westhallen with : "There's been three people in our relationship". 


Pretty solid episode, smiled a lot through it, but can't help but think it was really too easy capturing Wells.

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This episode was a huge let down after last week. Iris is back to wallpaper which was annoying. I really wasn't feeling the Wells/ particle accelerator storyline. It didn't help that Captain Cold, who I'm really not a fan of, was heavily involved with this story. Barry involving him in his plan was idiotic. Also why didn't they stop to think that this could all be a distraction by Wells. I did get excited though about the weather wizard (Spartacus), meeting up with Slade (Crixus) on the island. Btw, is Slade still on the island? I'm not completely caught up on Arrow. I've missed a few episodes this season.

I thought the episode should've focused more on Eddie’s return and how being kidnapped for two weeks by Wells changed him. He obviously decided to back off his proposal to Iris due to Wells, but why? Surely it wasn't just about seeing the future, at least I hope not. If he really loved Iris you'd think he'd fight to change the future he'd seen. Furthermore, why would Eddie believe Wells? Shouldn't he question the authenticity of the “future” he revealed, considering the man has an agenda he's trying to push.

Joe is right about one thing, Barry is not the Arrow. Oliver is not perfect by any means but I can say he is way smarter than Barry. I'm guessing mostly due to maturity and experience.

The Eddie/Iris breakup was disappointing. His speech would've made more sense if the writers had actually showed their relationship on screen and explored Iris putting Barry before her relationship with Eddie. But this was not the case. The last three months we've barely seen Iris much less her relationship with Eddie being affected by Barry.

Favorite moment, Iris decking Peek-a-boo and saving Caitlyn. After all that's happened I still don't see how Team Flash is able to continue their work at StarLabs without a second thought.

I'm disappointed that Iris appears to be completely over the lies. I'm hoping her breakup with Eddie will renew her disappointment and anger at Joe and Barry, but I'm not holding my breath. Speaking of her anger she didn't bother to confront Eddie about knowing Barry's secret?! I know he was trying to get over being kidnapped for two weeks, but I thought there would at least be a word or two about him keeping the secret. And Eddie didn't even blink an eye at Iris being at StarLabs and knowing the truth about the Flash. What!?

They really missed the boat with this episode. A lot of flash and dash, pun intended, with no substance.

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Well, I'm excited :)


Did Barry say when the pilot went missing? I'm just wondering if we may have had more specific clues to seeing Hal (or anyone else who ever held the GL identity. without us knowing).

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I`ll need to watch again, but I think I really liked it!


Love the team up at the end, but yeah, its a bit confusing, considering what`s going on in the Arrow verse. 


Loved Peak-a-boo being all "screw this crap, I`m outta here" during the big fire fight. She didn't seem like a particularly violent criminal, so I would have called bullshit if she started attacking Barry and Co. 


I don't even think we are supposed to think Reverse Flash is dead. Of course he`s not, and everyone knows it. 


Cold gives the best evil monologues. I love Cold as he is, but I hope he gets some more to do besides be evil and in control in the spin-off. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Why couldnt Barry have pretended to delete the files, and used it as insurance? i loved Colds monologuing


It would have been smart for Barry to save one copy of the files for himself/FlashMob.

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Since when is Barry some renowned ZeroCool level hacker even able to erase all evidence of captain cold. I seriously doubt he was able to back ARGUS and what not.

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Was Barry actually expecting Firestorm and Ollie to show up?  If not then that was incredibly convenient timing, especially since Firestorm was inexplicably unavailable earlier.


Nice to see they haven't fixed security after Iris waltzed in last week since Snart just moseyed on in. 


It was pretty funny when Ollie and Firestorm wandered off at the very end.  Don't you want to stick around for an extra five minutes and make sure Wells is actually locked up before grabbing a celebratory drink?  On the plus side Ollie is supposed to live until 86.

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Since when is Barry some renowned ZeroCool level hacker even able to erase all evidence of captain cold. I seriously doubt he was able to back ARGUS and what not.

It was a flash drive doing the hacking, probably designed by Cisco, with possibly some help from Gideon tech.


Was Barry actually expecting Firestorm and Ollie to show up?  If not then that was incredibly convenient timing, especially since Firestorm was inexplicably unavailable earlier.

Yeah, I'm guessing he was expecting that.

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Ya know, Cisco, there's a girl who wears black leather and blonde wigs and knows how to ask you for weapons nicely.


Too much time spent on the metas, not enough time with Wells/Ronnie/Oliver. But damn, that fight was good. No Martin Stein, though? Really? Although, I did like that Ray's nanites were involved. Not sure if Oliver stole them or not, but it makes sense that Felicity would have had him build a speedster-proof weapon since Barry told her about Wells. I think it's adorable that Barry still aspires to be like Oliver. It seems he would fallen off that pedestal a long time ago.


Bechdel test pass! It passed with violence, but it still passed. I take back what I said about Caitlin and Iris not making sense as friends. I like them together. Now they just need a scene with both of them and Felicity. But I really need Iris to not push for this relationship with Eddie. It feels like she's trying to prove something to herself about their relationship, and I don't like that it's making Joe right.


No one chews scenery like Wentworth Miller. He looks like he's having a blast in this role.


What did Caitlin say to Cisco when she went rage-y and attacked him?

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