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Stupid Movies We Watch Over and Over and Over...

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Pearl Harbor.  Seriously.  When we were on vacation a couple of weeks ago, the treadmills in the hotel gym had personal televisions attached to them and I happened to hop on just as Pearl Harbor was starting.  I stayed with it for an hour and a half (normally, I can only stand the treadmill for about an hour), then ran upstairs, showered quickly and found it on tv to watch the rest (it was evening, we were done going out for the day and no one else was watching anything).


The only thing that can explain it is my crush on Ben Affleck (even though I can admit that it's not his best movie) and my interest in US history starting from WWII.  I know movies aren't usually historically accurate, but I'm still interested in them anyway.


I'm going to go crawl under a rock now :)


The middle 45 minutes of that movie, featuring the actual attack, is really good. Excellent period action, and probably some of Michael Bay's best work. The rest of the movie, with the awful, schlocky dialogue, terrible direction and tedious love triangle? I think that shows why Michael Bay is really only asked to blow things up and fill the screen with CGI when making movies. Anything involving humans, he sucks at.

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Shannon L, I echo the What About Bob love. That movie is one of my favorites. It makes me laugh hysterically every time I see it.


Two movies I love despite how ridiculously stupid they are are Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison. Adam Sandler movies have been awful ever since (except for Punch Drunk Love, though that doesn't count as stupid) but those two are freaking hilarious. Perhaps some of the love is because I saw them first as a kid and I still remember them fondly because of that, but I love those movies. Especially Steve Buscemi's character in Billy Madison, when he is listening to ELO's "Telephone Line" and putting on lipstick after wiping Billy's name off of his list of people to kill. Those two movies were deliciously weird and stupid.

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Johnny Dangerously, totally spaced on that one, good pick!  My mother grabbed me once.  Just once.  And who could forget you fargin iceholes!  ::giggle::

Do you know how often, when I'm out in the city (any city), I'll mutter "The lower east side....this really sucks!"  And, of course, your testicles and you!  Putting price tags on puppies, [singing] "I want to eat dangerously, I want to love dangerously, I want live...dangerously!"



The middle 45 minutes of that movie, featuring the actual attack, is really good. Excellent period action, and probably some of Michael Bay's best work. The rest of the movie, with the awful, schlocky dialogue, terrible direction and tedious love triangle?

Agreed.  I usually only really tune in for the moments before the attack and then through the rest, but I got caught on the treadmill because never seem to remember how long it takes to get to that part (especially with commercials!) and I didn't want to miss the good stuff.  Ben Affleck helps ease the pain a little in the beginning and ending.


Yup. Do they program these movies because they know we'll watch them or do we watch them so often because they keep airing them?

Good question. 

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Johnny Dangerously, totally spaced on that one, good pick!  My mother grabbed me once.  Just once.  And who could forget you fargin iceholes!  ::giggle::





<paraphrasing>  "Ma, I want you to stop taking in other people's laundry!"  "And give up me career, Johnny?"  Just the way Maureen Stapleton delivers that line kills me.


This is not a stupid movie, and I will fight anyone who says it is, but I am obsessed with Pitch Perfect and I watch it every single time it's on.  I am waiting patiently for it to come back into the HBO rotation.  I kind of wish they weren't making a sequel because it could never be as good.

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Two movies I love despite how ridiculously stupid they are are Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison. 


I love Billy Madison so much.  I haven't enjoyed an Adam Sandler comedy since Big Daddy, but Billy Madison will always hold a place in my heart.  It's easily one of the most irreverent, bizarrely hilarious movies I've ever seen.  There's a slew of insane characters, (Steve Buscemi with the lipstick, Juanita the maid, Chris Farley as the bus driver, the O'Doyles...) the plot is thin and ridiculous, random mutterings ("Stop looking at me, swan!") but I love every second of it.  Sandler's never attempted that type of humor since, and I wonder if it was because BM was a box office bomb.


This one is more of a guilty pleasure: Hush.  That awful movie with Gwyneth Paltrow and Jessica Lange.  Make no mistake, it is a piece of crap.  But Jessica Lange chews the scenery so well in this movie.  This puts her American Horror Story characters to shame.  The last fifteen minutes are pure schlocky gold.

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OMG, you guys. Titanic is on right now on Oxygen. It will be over at 10:20 BUT IT IS RESTARTING right after. And then, I just saw a commercial--tomorrow night is a a 13 going on 30/He's Just Not That Into You sandwich! 5:35--He's Just Not That Into You, followed by 13 going on 30, followed by HJNTIY and then 13 going on 30 AGAIN. It's like they are reading this thread...

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I guess "if you asked me too" belongs in that songs were embarrassed to have on our mo3 player thread...

That reminds me. I really like Biography specials and celebrity biopics. Generally not the ones with wide releases or the ones people think of as sort of good. I like the bad ones that are usually made for television. I don't know why. Maybe I find them more inoffensive when the actors do a bad job of portraying the people they're supposed to be. (I still haven't watched My Week With Marilyn because I know I'm going to hate it so much.) Anyway, this is less a movie I watched over and over and more a movie that I kept seeing in bits and pieces before I finally managed to watch the whole. Does anyone else remember watching that TV movie on Celine Dion's life? Oh, it was so terrible. But also so watchable. And it got "If You Asked Me To" and all those early Celine songs stuck in my head for the longest time.

Hell yes, I saw that one multiple times!  I even loved the song by Andy Taylor because, well, I was your typical Duran Duran fan  :)  I really miss movies with great (or even cheesy) soundtracks.  They don't do that for movies anymore.  Where's Kenny Loggins these days?  Some movie producer needs to work with him again  :)


Does Speed belong here or the good movie thread?  I'd say good movie, but, that's probably just me.  Anyway, I love it.


I don't recall if I mentioned Space Camp.  That one was good, cheesy fun with quite a few actors who went on to do great things. 


This is a tv movie, but I'll put it here anyway--my kids were just the right age for the High School Musical series and I really liked the first two--even the soundtracks.  I never got tired of hearing it on tv.


I present to you this tasty slice of eighties cheese: American Anthem

Don't even pretend like you don't want to watch it.

I love that one! I was a huge fan of gymnastics back in the 80s, and I thought Mitch Gaylord was the dreamiest of the dreamy, so you know this movie is high on my list! Oh and I'm not at all embarrassed to admit that I tried really hard to make my bangs look like hers. No small feat considering I had super curly hair! 

Edited by lottiedottie

I'm with @Shannon L. on the High School Musical love. I've seen those movies more times than is worth admitting. Another Disney TV movie that I have watched over & over with my youngest is Teen Beach Movie. It is so cheesy that it makes me feel warm & gooey on the inside. Musical beach movie alternate universe teen love story with rival gangs an over the top bad guy & a touching parental sideline? It's oddly awesome.

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Remember, we have a thread that you can post movies you watch over and over that aren't stupid!  ::giggle::

I'm going to have to visit that thread too. I think my list of stupid movies could go in that thread. Except Road House. Road House is definitely a stupid movie.


 I love That Thing You Do--it's one of my all time favorites! Such a fun movie. And my husband appreciates that they got the period details right with the instruments/amps. He's always annoyed when he can pick out anachronistic musical equipment.

Along with Independence Day, I would also include Armageddon.


I call these my bang and go boom! movies.  And I cannot pass them by.


The stupid movies I stop for:


Monster-In-Law.  This one fascinates me.  I mean, it's the movie that brought Jane Fonda out of retirement after disappearing from the screen in 1990; after 15 years of nothing she stars in Monster-In-Law.  The part where she blasts off the air horn cracks me up every time.


Another one here for Miss Congeniality, but then I seem to have developed a thing for Sandra Bullock movies.  I stop and watch for The Proposal, Practical Magic, While You Were Sleeping, Two Weeks Notice and Hope Floats. How did this happen!?!  Though I still haven't seen The Blind Side or Gravity.


Others include:

My Super Ex Girlfriend

So I Married an Axe Murderer

The Whole Nine Yards


Also on the What About Bob train.  "I'm sailing!"


I love That Thing You Do!


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See I never thought That Thing You Do was a stupid movie but everyone else I know thinks it is so I figured just my taste. Well now I know they have no taste.


Okay here are two that I am pretty sure are considered stupid movies but I can't help but love to watch. MacGruber and Balls of Fury.


Another that just came to mind was The Comebacks.


Half Baked is definitely a stupid movie. I don't watch the whole thing over and over, but when I see that it's on, I make it a point to turn to it towards the end just for this scene. It really is my favorite part of the entire movie...


Anything I've seen Guillermo Diaz in since then, I always refer to him as "Cuban B"

Edited by spaceytraci1208
Half Baked is definitely a stupid movie. I don't watch the whole thing over and over, but when I see that it's on, I make it a point to turn to it towards the end just for this scene. It really is my favorite part of the entire movie...



My dream is to some day quit a job like Scarface: 

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you.  I'M OUT!"

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With the news that Eli Wallach passed away, I have to throw in a movie I watched a million times when I was younger: The Moonspinners. It's an old Hayley Mills movie that takes place in Greece, and Eli Wallach is the bad guy, with Pola Negri coming out of retirement for a brief role.

I'll also throw out another live-action Disney movie I watched a lot as a kid: Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken. I floved that movie.

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^^ Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken is great! I don't think it's stupid, I mean it is based on someone's real life (if you're thinking the premise is dumb). 


This gem right here has to take the prize in both stupidity and it's ability to entertain my younger self:

I love how the trailer made an attempt to take it seriously.


And considering that was a Conan ripoff. I would also like to submit Conan the Destroyer and Red Sonja to the mix, but I will stand by my opinion that Conan the Barbarian is quality stuff. Now I'm thinking about '80s action stars, and I'm reminded that there's a new Expendables film opening soon. It already belongs here with the previous two. It will be entertaining. It will be stupid as hell.

I read this entire thread and didn't see it mentioned once: Mannequin. MANNEQUIN, people! Can't not watch it, though. Family Guy did a spoof of The Ring once but had a clip from Mannequin instead, which put me into hysterics. My brother was confused by this and all, "But you LOVE Mannequin." Which yes, but I will readily admit that it's a terrible movie.


Much love for the original, but I was obsessed with the sequel Mannequin 2: On The Move. The cheese was outstanding! 


Empire Records, anyone? I love it to pieces, but I do feel like it belongs here.

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Empire Records is a gem.  How it hasn't received its due given the young starlets is beyond me.  


So many fun moments.  It also captured a particular time in the youth culture as well as any film has.  I need to see it again super soon.


Yeah, I wouldn't call Empire Records a stupid movie, really. It's a lot of fun, and the characters behave in stupid ways, but it is one of those movies (along with Dazed & Confused and Reality Bites) that capture the essence of that period in the early 90s.


Plus, Empire Records has a killer soundtrack, and so many great, quotable moments.

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Money Pit with Shelley Long and Tom Hanks. I don't how many times I've watched it.


When that came out, I was prepared to hate it as a knock-off of my beloved Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, but it wound up being enough of its own film that I enjoyed it.  I just watched it again recently for the first time in many years, and found myself thinking it should air more often.

For two and a half pages of this thread, I was terrified that I was going to have open a trap door, whisper the name of the stupid movie on my list, and dive back into my hiding place.  Fortunately, I am not alone in being trapped whenever Grease 2 appears.  *whew*


Add me to the list of people who can watch Drop Dead Gorgeous over and over again.  I don't think I could hate anything Allison Janney does, and she's in top form here.


Center Stage, in spite of clunky dialogue and bad acting and everything else, has amazing dancing.  And it's so cheese-tastic that I love it.


And also, erm...Jawbreaker.  *runs for cover*

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If anyone's listed Starship Troopers already, I totally agree. I'm not one for gore or giant insects or military films, and this had all three, but it's still enjoyable in a low brain-power way. It used to scare me and make me sick to my stomach as a kid, but now I find it so ridiculous that it's hilarious and watch it when I see it on.

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If anyone's listed Starship Troopers already, I totally agree. I'm not one for gore or giant insects or military films, and this had all three, but it's still enjoyable in a low brain-power way. It used to scare me and make me sick to my stomach as a kid, but now I find it so ridiculous that it's hilarious and watch it when I see it on.


I thought of listing Starship Troopers, because I do love it, but I hesitate to label it completely stupid, due to the satirical nature of so much of it. The fascist society of pretty, dumb people, fighting the evil alien bugs to earn their right to be citizens (Neil Patrick Harris is even dressed like an SS officer for most of the movie), the completely one-sided presentation of the war and all the propaganda. All the daft war movie clichés. And with the ultraviolence you'd expect of Verhoeven at his best.


The action scenes are pretty damned good, though. And it makes a fun, dumb action movie, without all the undertones.


^^ The Lost Boys is a classic.


Rocky IV. I will watch it every time it is on. I was just informed that there is going to be a marathon of Rocky movies tomorrow, but I only care about IV.


Dolph Lundgren as Ivan Drago is irresistible.


Just Friends. The "OH NO!" at the 3:40 mark kills me.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes

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