ElectricBoogaloo May 4, 2015 Share May 4, 2015 SEASON FINALE! Alicia’s professional future hangs in the balance as she decides what’s next for her career. Meanwhile, when Alicia gets a suspicious call from a client, she discovers that he’s being held in a secret police facility where people are detained without being officially booked. Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M1YGcN63Vo 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/
readster May 4, 2015 Share May 4, 2015 Sounds like with the secret detaining is going right back to the season premiere with Cary. The corrupt police detective pretty much laughed at him, called him a moron and he was sick of people like him "hiding" behind the law. Refusing to give Cary his phone call, putting him in the mix in record time and Geneva could have cared less. I knew they weren't going to drop that. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1106053
Zaffy May 4, 2015 Share May 4, 2015 So who is behind the door? Will the izombie? Zach and a new and very pregnant girlfriend? David Lee asking her to join his new firm with the clients he stole from LAL? Michelle Obama asking her to run for president against Hillary? Khalinda ? (that would actually explain JM's expression, nobody told her she had to do a scene with Panjabi again after 51 episodes) 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1107636
Popular Post CleoCaesar May 4, 2015 Popular Post Share May 4, 2015 Alicia: "I don't have any friends and I don't know why." I have a few theories, Alicia. 28 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1107681
Black Knight May 4, 2015 Share May 4, 2015 Khalinda ? (that would actually explain JM's expression, nobody told her she had to do a scene with Panjabi again after 51 episodes) Ha! I've actually wondered if maybe that's why we have this extreme weirdness storytelling-wise where Kalinda/AP said "Goodbye" directly to viewers and then 2 weeks later she's back. Maybe once that scene was in the can, JM figured she could safely score some points for being reasonable by finally telling the network/Kings that she'll do a scene with AP to usher her off the show, figuring that since AP had already been written off the show she wouldn't actually have to follow through on that. And then surprise! The Kings get AP back for the finale and JM is stuck! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1107782
Zaffy May 5, 2015 Share May 5, 2015 (edited) my "who is behind door" list is really lame...I read it on twitter... of course Dr Doug Ross is the one behind the door... doh... Edited May 5, 2015 by Zaffy 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1109627
whatsatool May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 So far starting out very well and it looks like Chicago 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130295
Janimo May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) Are the writers making this up as they go along?? And just now, a certain person who said "goodbye" is now showing up next to the frozen food section of a grocery store??? WTF??? Is this a hallucination or what??? I gotta rant for a moment....ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME??? Like we're supposed to believe this, after 50 eps or so???I'll go back to delurking...sheesh..... Edited May 11, 2015 by Janimo 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130399
whatsatool May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Glad she has gas. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130563
dbell1 May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Um, that was underwhelming. A shot or two of tequila, and an "I'm sorry?" Alicia couldn't even acknowledge Kalinda. If the Kings seriously believe that half assed scene made up for all those episodes of no contact, they're the ones growing plants for medicinal purposes. No one wants to be near Alicia because she's a soul sucker. Figures she'd wind up with Canning. They deserve each other. Bye Archie. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130706
merylinkid May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Aaaand she ends where she did 2 years ago. Someone knocking on her door about a partnership. Great character development show. 2 years that meant nothing. Seriously no law firm in their right minds would keep the spouse of one of their common opposing counsel as a paralegal. No client would trust them. Diane clearly had a lobotomy when she saw no problem because Mrs. Canning pinky swore she could be trusted. Not even a mention of client confidentiality it was "I am very discreet." Discreet is not enough. Clearly everyone at AL wants to lose their law license just so she can have a job "on her own." Great, you want to be a paralegal and have your own income, go work for a firm that does NOT do the same thing your husband does. But if you go work for a firm that does the same work your husband does, don't whine to your husband and have him threaten said firm on your behalf. Then we have Peter running for President. Because he has NO skeletons in his closet that can be used by the opposition. Sure he's safe in Illinois because he is a Democrat. But the rest of the country is not run by the Chicago machine. Your sham of a marriage, your 18 hookers, every single ethical lapse would be used to run you and your family through the shredder. The only thing I liked was Alicia reminding Wallace Shawn she was the governor's wife. Because Bishop really is showing he wants to be legit by threatening the governor's wife. Which brings up another huge plothole I only noticed when Alicia mentioned it. Her husband has bodyguards why doesn't she? SHe and/or the kids could be kidnapped or harmed in order to influence the governor. But hey, she's the first lady when she wants to be, and when she doesn't she's just Alicia Florrick, humble attorney for the down trodden. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130714
stonehaven May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 That was the dullest season finale....the case was interesting but again, Alicia is seperate from most of the cast...contrivances abound..and a two minute scene where JM couldn't even look at AP more than 30 seconds does not make up for years of this... ..and with that, I am out...Christine Baranski, get thee to a Netflix drama where our talents will be used to their fullest! 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130727
Sims Addict May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 I have a soft spot for Michael J. Fox, but I won't (can't) sit through a full season of Florrick, Canning, and Associates. Wasn't he just on his deathbed like three eps ago? Kill him off, and have his wife join Alicia's new world order law firm. Peter as VP? I feel like this is another case of supporting characters telling us that the person in power is greater than they really are (hey, Olivia and Fitz!). In six seasons I have seen little to convince me that Peter is worthy of the national political scene. Two weeks in a row and we have had Black male defendants on trial. Now that Archie is gone (by the way, her sunglass-donned exit was stellar), I need the writers to actively diversify the cast. Taye Diggs and day player Michael Boatman not withstanding. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130741
MerBearHou May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 So many awful, BS parts of this episode that I can hardly list them all: Peter Florrick being approached to run for President -- YEAH, RIGHT Alicia and Kalinda's scene in the bar -- so clearly NOT filmed together for JM and AP -- the writers' efforts for a meaningful goodbye was flat and impersonal. Didn't buy it for one second. Finn and Alicia -- cannot stand their supposed romantic chemistry angle together -- hope he's gone. I'm a Matthew Goode fan but on this show, I think he's a mushmouth and I don't believe his character would be attracted to Alicia. Alicia in a bar -- my gosh, how often is that woman in a bar Kalinda in a grocery store (though the juxtaposition with Wallace Shawn and their conversation in the frozen food section was pretty funny) Alicia walking by herself (on very loud heels, I might add) to that hell-hole of a police station Louis Canning's wife as a paralegal at the firm her husband seems to most compete with and/or work with Diane's naive reaction to Mrs. Canning/paralegal working there Louis' fury at the paralegal wife being fired -- give me a break, there are TONS of law firms in Chicago The only good stuff IMO: I hate police abuse of power with a fiery passion so that storyline was compelling Kalinda's super-cool sunglasses and walking off -- perfect This show will miss Kalinda and so will I. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130829
kwnyc May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 So if Alicia partners with Canning, that kind of trashes her stirrings of only wanting to take the right cases for the right reasons. And, the moment I felt Alicia was the most like the character people actually like is when she saw Grace's face and knew she had to tell Peter he couldn't run. (I still think he'll find a way). Grace has (surprisingly) a rather sweet and likable character. And Alicia actually seems to know her well enough and care about the effect it would have on her if Peter ran. And really, the Illinois Democrats think PETER is a viable VP candidate? I don't buy it. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130860
MBJ May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) I don't usually do this, MerBearHou, but I'm applauding your post. Hell, keep going, why not!? I wanna hear more! Why am I watching? This episode tastes like sweet freedom. Time for me to go!! I think I've been held hostage ever since Will left. Found out that's when one of my friends quit the show and envied the *&$! out of her. I need the writers to actively diversify the cast. Diversify the cast? Risk putting interesting people in Juliana's way? Are you dreaming? This is like an entirely different show with a different cast now. What a joke. Edited May 11, 2015 by Ms Blue Jay 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130865
CMH1981 May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) I'm okay w/Alicia and Canning teaming up. I have a feeling he will kick it next season and leave the entire firm, client, lock, stock, and barrel to Alicia. I loved Canning bursting into AL&L and tearing into them all. I do think that he had his wife there as a mole, he just didn't expect her to be caught so soon. I do have to wonder about Diane's look after Canning confronted them all...she look pretty worried. So are we done w/Finn, b/c I wouldn't mind if he isn't back next season at all, he added nothing at all to this show character wise. I could see Peter being a viable VP candidate, I mean hell most VP are a non-entity during their terms. Just watch the show VEEP to see how true it is. So do we think Peter is going to spit in Alicia's face and run anyways? I could totally see him serving Alicia w/ divorce papers next season so he can justify her decision not counting anymore even though Eli would flip Wow, I never saw the Eli / ghostwriter connection and how it all tied into Peter running for a higher office. That is some underhanded masterful crafting there...kudos Eli. The Kalinda/Alicia scene was okay in my book, it was sad b/c if all this shit from JM hadn't happened we would have gotten this true scene years ago and the show would have been better for it. I'm guessing Kalinda had her email set up to automatically send that reply saying the account no longer exists but in fact it's still a open and viable account so she could get emails. That's pretty smart. I loved how Alicia and Kalinda weren't afraid of Bishop's lackey, loved how Kalinda called his bluff and how he begged her to actually disappear now so he can be telling the truth. Alicia and Kalinda's scene in the bar -- so clearly NOT filmed together for JM and AP -- the writers' efforts for a meaningful goodbye was flat and impersonal. Didn't buy it for one second. Wait i'm confused, I thought it was obvious that it was filmed w/ both actresses in the same room at the same time. I can buy the behind the head reaction shots might not include both actresses, but it seemed pretty much filmed w/both of them in the room at the same time. I'm sure they gave JM some extra money for having to endure AP one last time. Edited May 11, 2015 by CMH1981 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1130916
pennben May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) Alicia and Kalinda's scene in the bar -- so clearly NOT filmed together for JM and AP -- the writers' efforts for a meaningful goodbye was flat and impersonal. Didn't buy it for one second. Thank you for saying this. I was sitting and watching and thinking, am I crazy thinking that they meshed screens together to get it so they seemed to appear in the same scene? Focus on the line in the brick wall in the back...neither crossed over that line. Are you freaking kidding me!! Lame. Edited May 11, 2015 by pennben 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131103
Sims Addict May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) Thank you for saying this. I was sitting and watching and thinking, am I crazy thinking they they meshed screens together to get it so they seemed to appear in the same scene? Focus on the line in the brick wall in the back...neither crossed over that line. Are you freaking kidding me!! Lame. Yeah, I'm calling shenanigans on that, too. Plus, when they would block a head shot, the other actress' hair was never in line with how they showed it from the orienting shot. For example, if Kalinda was talking, they would show Alicia's hair flat back, not as if she was turned toward her. If they had even one of them reach out to touch or brush against the other I may buy they were in the same place, but I'm thinking it was clever editing. Whatever the beef, damn, it must have been a whopper for them to take the bad feelings down to the final scene like that. Maybe someone behind the scenes will leak to social media if the final Kalicia shot was real or not. Edited May 11, 2015 by Sims Addict 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131213
doodlebug May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) The Alicia/Kalinda bar scene looked to have been done with split screen to me, too. There was absolutely no physical contact between the two and the brick wall seemed to be the divider. The close up shots were obviously done with a double wearing a wig, but every time we saw both their faces, it was one camera, one angle, with the brick wall behind them dividing the screen. It also made no sense to the scene for them to not have touched at all; no hug goodbye, not even a warm handshake. They were not filmed at the same time. Shame on JM for being so selfish that she couldn't give fans real closure on the Alicia/Kalinda relationship. Edited May 11, 2015 by doodlebug 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131234
buttersister May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 That bar scene! I was dumbfounded by JM's choice of the bitch face profile rather than looking "at" Kalinda. Bitch, you have no friends because you're you: the most unlikeable series lead ever (and I watched House--and Andy Sipowicz from the beginning). Happy that Jason got rescued--bad police business there (trying to recall if there's been a story like that in Chicago, non-fiction division). I suggested Matthew run and off he went, taking his cute face and suits with him. I unselfishly support his decision to get the fuck away from Alicia before she ruined his life, too. Wallace Shawn! There's a Princess Bride dialog joke here somewhere! (Now we know why I watched, but hard to imagine what will attract next season.) 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131285
JessePinkman May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 I have to give props to the SFX department, that Alicia/Kalinda scene was almost flawless. And maybe some people will buy it but not me. And for that I'm out. That was a load of horse shit. I don't know what Marguiles' issues are with Panjabi but considering every other cast member could suck it up and do their jobs then they couldn't have been so astronomical that she couldn't get the fuck over it. Ridiculous. And what an underwhelming ending. The last time we saw Canning he was "dying" or whatever, now he wants to partner with Alicia? And she'll stupidly say yes. WHY is she so polite to disgusting older men who demand her attention? You're not a little girl, Alicia, you're a grown woman with a law degree and years of experience under your belt. Act like it. What the hell happened to this show? 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131359
CleoCaesar May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 What a weirdly paced episode. Kalinda had, what, FOUR exits. That is ridiculous. Each new exit robs the previous ones of any kind of emotional punch. Two episodes ago Kalinda poignantly makes eye contact with the camera and says, "Goodbye". That should have been it. Exit stage left, Archie Panjabi, thank you for your service. But then she shows up the following episode in flashback. Huh, well okay. Suddenly the "goodbye" becomes less poignant. Then THIS episode she's back in the flesh. The hell? Fine, all right, she and Alicia are at their iconic bar doing shots and finally reconnecting a little. Alicia utters the sad words "I'm never going to see you again" and you feel it, that this is really the end of the Kalinda era. BUT NO. She's back in another effing scene with Lester. And finally she puts on her wretched big sunglasses and saunters away to some techno music. FOUR EXITS IS THREE TOO MANY, you complete hacks. All of that being said, I did like the bar scene, pathetically, ludicrously late as it was. Those two actresses really had excellent chemistry back in the day, before Julianna Margulies went insane. 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131364
MBJ May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 And for that I'm out. Haha! Shark Tank/Dragon's Den reference? 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131374
JessePinkman May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) Haha! Shark Tank/Dragon's Den reference? Ha, no, I didn't even think about that but hey, it works! They probably saved AP's exit for this episode so they'd have more time to work on the special effects and get us to shut up about Alicia and Kalinda not sharing any more scenes. The thing is, I feel incredibly insulted by this whole thing. I don't know how the Kings or the other producers feel about their audience but to pretend that two of your lead actors are sharing a scene together, to not address the schism that clearly exists between the two is so mindboggling to me. Why did they not just release AP from her contract earlier? Why carry on this charade? It didn't help the show in anyway. The last show that I can recall using effects to make two feuding co-stars appear in a scene together was Martin in the 90s, Tisha Campbell was suing Martin Lawrence for sexual harassment, she left the show for a number of episodes but agreed to come back for what I believe was the finale, so we were treated to this odd scene of them interacting but never touching even though they were husband and wife. Edited May 11, 2015 by JessePinkman 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131400
Tetraneutron May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) So it looks like that's a wrap on Finn Polmar. I mean, they left ot open for him to come back but they also gave him a clean exit. Eh. The character was never that interesting and Matthew Goode's attempt to do an American accent was just sad. But that means no love interest for the star. That's pretty unusual for a TV show starring a woman, that she doesn't get to walk off in the sunset with the man who adores her. We all know Canning and Alicia won't be partners. No law firm in this show has the same name partners for more than an episode or two. Alicia dislikes and doesn't trust him. He's doing it out of revenge for her old firm which she's loyal to and works with on a regular basis, Michael J Fox probably isn't physically up to being a regular cast member of an hour long, 22 episode drama, So that's not going anywhere, And am I the only one rhat thoughtthe Kalinda stuff was dumb? First, purring on her sunglasses and smirking? What kind of CSI:Miami meets The Usual Suspects exit was that? Everything about this plot makes no sense if you think about it for a second. Why is tough, badass, dangerous, Kalinda falling on her sword, uprooting her whole life, and risking everything for Cary, Alicia, and Diane? Why would some signed confession conveniently produced by Alicia at some theoretical point in the future help anybody? For that matter, why is Alicia telling Lester about the note as she's burning it, knowing that he records things? Why go through all that rigmarole with Charles Lester (not that I'm complaining about seeing Wallace Shawn on my screen) when she could just threaten him with the stuff on Bishop's computer like she did at the end? It was all so perfunctory. Kalinda hasn't been an interesting character or been anything besides the deus ex machina for a few seasons now, Edited May 11, 2015 by Obviously 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131405
crashdown May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Here's an article in The Daily Beast that appears to agree that the A/K bar scene was shot as a clever split screen. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131415
Noreaster May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) Oh my god, I just watched the episode and cracked up at the Kalinda/Alicia scenes. You guys do realize that everything was shot to trigger exactly this type of fan reaction, right? Like it was purposely done so that no viewer could say for sure whether or not the two actresses were actually in the same scene. I really think the producers, writers, even the two actresses are having fun with this. The Kalinda/Alicia scenes have been so ridiculously out of place the past few eps. But hey, this is what some fans have been clamoring for. So the show gave them what they want! Edited May 11, 2015 by Noreaster 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131606
pennben May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) You guys do realize that everything was shot to trigger exactly this type of fan reaction, right? They wanted us to say 'fuck you' to the show? That's their master plan? Well, I guess they are, as they've always thought, smarter than us. Wait, what's that?..... But hey, this is what some fans have been clamoring for. So the show gave them what they want! Bullshit. We weren't clamoring, we've noticed how they've ruined the relationship. It is insulting that they tried to play this game in the end. I would have loved it forever if the only folks Kalinda said goodbye to were the audience a couple of episodes ago. Edited May 11, 2015 by pennben 23 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131611
Dowel Jones May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 ...every single ethical lapse... Really. This little episode of the ballot box manipulations that the statewide Party had sanctioned for its own purposes? Does no one think that won't become an issue? I wonder if Canning was actually leading into Alicia hiring his wife, singularly or in tandem with him? Yes, the off-site detention story is built on fact. I'm not sure in what city it took place, but I remember reading about it recently. Mixing tequila and red wine? Oooh, bad juju there. I think Dianne is the only one of the partners who realizes the gravity of Canning's threat. Hence, that look on her face. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131637
CocoaGoddess May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Oh my god, I just watched the episode and cracked up at the Kalinda/Alicia scenes. You guys do realize that everything was shot to trigger exactly this type of fan reaction, right? Like it was purposely done so that no viewer could say for sure whether or not the two actresses were actually in the same scene. I really think the producers, writers, even the two actresses are having fun with this. The Kalinda/Alicia scenes have been so ridiculously out of place the past few eps. But hey, this is what some fans have been clamoring for. So the show gave them what they want! I suppose fans hate watching is better than not watching it at all. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131656
Shelby May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Oh for the love. I am not wasting another second of my life on this show ever again, nor will I ever watch anything with JM in it ever. This entire season totally blows. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131711
Black Knight May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 I really think the producers, writers, even the two actresses are having fun with this. Yeah, I'm sure Archie Panjabi has had a blast, her character's arc being destroyed and her character becoming completely unanchored on this show due to her not being allowed to film scenes with the show's titular lead. It's a total coincidence that S4, when the ban started, is when she decided she wanted to leave the show. She said in a number of interviews over the past couple of years that she wanted Kalinda and Alicia to have scenes together, that the Kalinda character didn't have a place on the show without the relationship with Alicia. A poorly tacked-on ending is not what most fans of the Kalinda/Alicia relationship wanted to see. Really, we'd accepted quite a while ago that the relationship was dead and that it would make little sense for them to have something now after all this time. Like others, I would have been completely fine with Kalinda's "Goodbye" to viewers two episodes ago being her exit. I do agree with you that the Kings are purposely trolling the viewers, only for not quite the reason you think. JM took away their toy, and the end result of the last few episodes has been that the existence of backstage problems have become widely accepted, and since JM is the one who has power as a producer while AP had no power but is on record as wanting to have scenes, people know the ban came from JM. That'll hurt her when TGW ends and she tries to get another show, because a lot of showrunners will not want to run the risk of that kind of bullshit. (Someone hilariously tweeted that if JM had pulled that crap on a Shonda Rhimes show, Alicia would've been run over by a bus.) How many more firms and partners is Alicia going to go through? So much wheel-spinning for so little effect. The original shakeup was awesome. Going back on that was a little disappointing, albeit understandable. But the successive variations on that are much the same as Kalinda's multiple exits - each packs less punch in itself while robbing the previous of its original punch. It's a joke at this point. 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131720
Lnmop May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Wallace Shawn! There's a Princess Bride dialog joke here somewhere! (Now we know why I watched, but hard to imagine what will attract next season.) When Alicia burned Kalinda's letter, I was waiting for him to say "inconceivable"! 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131721
pennben May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 I assume, in a 'clever" twist, Monty Hall is going to be behind the "door number three", reveal when Alicia opens the door to a new partner for the third time. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131734
Klapaucius May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Their attemp to turn the show into the "Julianna Margulies show" just killed it. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131737
meisje May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) I have to give props to the SFX department, that Alicia/Kalinda scene was almost flawless. And maybe some people will buy it but not me. And for that I'm out. That was a load of horse shit. I don't know what Marguiles' issues are with Panjabi but considering every other cast member could suck it up and do their jobs then they couldn't have been so astronomical that she couldn't get the fuck over it. Ridiculous. What an embarrassment of riches CBS must have that they have the staff and shooting time to monkey that shit together taking a scene that would have been relatively sweet and short and practically turning it into Michael Jackson at the BIllboard awards! Everything was out of sync and the lighting was off throughout, not to mention the hilarious bits where they're simultaneously drinking shots and their elbows miss each other by no more than an eighth of an inch. I did enjoy Archie acting and smiling through the scene while old, poor, downtrodden, one-of-the-masses, eternal-victim-of-being-white-and-wealthy Alicia looked like a person put in the dryer and then left on a hanger overnight. Practically every show ever aired has had cast members who either don't like each other or who flat out hate each other, but I can't recall it ever driving a show's direction for years on end and where it's overshadowed everything. Christ, how many millions does Julianna have to make for her to be required to show up and simply work? As much as I detest Shonda R's one-trick-pony storytelling, I do wish TGW would trade showrunners for a week and let Shonda clear the asshole from the set, permanently. I'm sick as death right now and can barely get my ire up, but I did ask someone who's worked behind the scenes with Nathan Lane and a bunch of other Broadway actors if he had any insight into Julianna, but he didn't even know who she was. I don't recall her having the live acting credits of most other people on staff at TGW or the many guest stars. I feel so happy for Gary Cole every week now when I see him working with a cast of professionals, and a very talented and powerful actress, where everyone shares the great scripts, scenes and respect. He must cringe when CBS throws money at him to guest on TGW again. The Kings really don't seem to get that they are making some TV history, the type where you go from being a smart, multi-talented, sleeper of a hit to your devoted audience wishing someone would have dragged the show off with a hook after season 5. eta: word Black Knight, I was writing while you were posting but I sure hope this is the beautiful start of JM being dragged on twitter! Edited May 11, 2015 by meisje 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131743
dr pepper May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Just started watching this episode. Archie Punjabi just showed up in the credits. Probably some more flashbacks, but i am afraid she might be back just long enough to be murdered. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131789
pfk505 May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Boy, the subplot with the two actresses who obviously hate each other, and the producers who use 90's era CGI to troll the audience with respect to said actresses, is a million times more compelling and interesting (and funny!) than whatever is happening on the show itself. That bar scene was HIL-A-RIOUS. I don't even know what to say, I was laughing the entire time like a madman. Great tv, for all the wrong reasons. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131812
dr pepper May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 19 minutes in and i just realized how tired i am of american cops on tv acting like some third world despotic enforcement squad. It used to be a shocking novelty, now you can't keep up with what a lot of real life cops have been doing, i just can't get into the fictional ones. ============================================================ Hey, it's Kalinda! I was hoping she'd quietly strangle Bishop's soft spoken fixer, but no. Oh well. Hey, there she is again! Meeting with Alicia! And they're totally together! Not a flashback! It's as if the relationship between the two has been kept in some secret police holding cell with no access and total deniabliity, except some savvy lawyer just managed to obtain a brief appearance! ============================== Oh, they had a moment! They regretted the disruption in their friendship! They acknowledged deep feelings! And they said a final good bye. Good one, writers, that totally makes up for the lack of them together in the past few seasons :( =================================== And Kalinda does not break the goblin's nose. She extorts her way out of a conversation both are finding uncomfortable. Alicia does not get the partnership she was hoping for. But she does get an unexpected proposition. From a man who keeps forgetting to be terminal. ============ I think i'm done. If Alicia partners with Canning, or if Peter ends up eunning for prez anyway, i'll definitely be out. If Christine leaves, i'm definitely out. I hope wherever Archie goes next will be available on the website i watch my shows on. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131820
vibeology May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 For a season finale that was meh. I'm certainly not anticipating next season. My issue isn't even Alicia; I genuinely was on Alicia's side when she was dealing with Wallace Shawn, standing up to Peter or catching Eli manipulations. Plus, she was obviously in the right in court. The idea of a mostly good but cold female protagonist is intriguing. My issue is the isolation. Most of the show is Alicia and guest stars. She had a couple scenes with Peter and Eli, a one time only scene with Kalinda and a phone call with Cary. The rest are with nobody important. Alicia is obviously going to win, she's obviously going to be right because she's the star and no one else is developed enough to matter. Unlikable I can handle, uninteresting not so much. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1131984
riverheightsnancy May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Sing along with me everyone: La la la....vanity project, vaaaannniiitttyy project! The worst thing ever to happen to this show was allowing JM to become a producer. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1132008
Zaffy May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) the GOOD WIFE conspiracy theories. Theory No 1JM as the producer. started making the King's life miserable. So, in return, they decided to deconstruct their own show by writing rubbish. Theory No 2JM has fired the Kings and she is the one writing the show. Theory No 3JM has fired the Kings and it is her personal assistant the one writing the show. Theory No 4The Kings just discovered that being over-ambitious is not always a good counselor, especially in terms of tv-writing. Theory No 5Archie Panjabi knows some really good Voodoo Priests that can put one or two cursing spells on tv-shows. Sigh...what a waste of a good cast this season was.... Edited May 11, 2015 by Zaffy 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1132090
Gregg247 May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Florrick and Canning: "When You Absolutely, Positively Need to Decimate Your Opponent" I like this pairing; I think these two could really rule as a law firm and shake things up a bit. Will it last? No way, just like nothing seems to "last" anymore on this show. But just watching those 2 walk into a courtroom and leave a path of fire and destruction in their wake would be good fun while they do. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1132105
whatsatool May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 While I did give up on Revenge, I still am fascinated by TGW and will miss this show and y'alls fascinating commentary. I'll watch in the fall. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1132106
Popular Post JodhaBai May 11, 2015 Popular Post Share May 11, 2015 Hilarious comment i read on AVClub... I have more confidence that Emilia Clarke films her scenes with real life dragons on Game of Thrones than that Archie Panjabi was allowed to sit that close to Julianna Margulies. 40 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1132155
Julie23 May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 The Democratic Committee wants Peter to run for President so he can get his name out there for vice-president? As crazy as that sounds, this is U.S. politics, so I can see this happening. Am I the only one that liked the court case? I guess maybe I was just happy to see a courtroom on this show? There have been more scenes in bars that courtrooms lately. Since we only had moments of Lockhart, etc.. it makes me realize how much better this show is with Diane Cary, and yes. even freaking DAVID LEE than focusing on Alicia and her family. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1132190
Princess Lucky May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 (edited) What a mess. Let me add to all the "what a colossal waste of Matthew Goode" comments. He should leave (which I'm sure he has) and never look back. I still remember how excited I was when he joined the show, I was like "a gorgeous guy who can act and he'll be on a show as good as The Good Wife, how amazing will that be?". If only I had known. I do enjoy Chris Noth and I like the idea of Peter (as a shitty but compelling character, to be clear) and Eli is the best but I just hate the Alicia/Peter dynamic now. And, isn't it interesting that the only solid thing that happened in this finale was Peter's career possibly advanving? That's actually the one thing I'm curious about still (I guess he'll run, so we can get another election storyline, yay... Ugh). Meanwhile, Alicia is still stuck in her revolving door-style firm drama which has no impact whatsoever. She joins and leaves and forms and dissolves partnerships twice per episode, none of it matters. I agree that this Canning thing won't go anywhere (and I also agree that I hope it doesn't go anywhere because ugh it would be terrible for an extended period of time) so who even knows what'll happen with Alicia. Honestly, I would watch a show that was about a fabulous firm with Diane and Cary and David Lee. Forget the Florricks, I'd even lose Eli. I just feel that all the good characters have been underutilised and I agree that isolating JM in scenes with guest stars only has hurt every single character dynamic. Only Alicia/Peter still works (even though I hate it) because JM and Chris Noth actually share scenes together still. Sigh. Matthew Goode's face was a good reason to semi-watch, and I did think Steven Pasquale and David Krumholtz made for some hilarity this season, but I have just lost all interest in this show now. But, hey, maybe they'll get some more great guest stars and I'll get sucked in again until I realise the writers have wasted those actors as well. By the way, if next season is the last, doesn't that kind of indicate that Alicia will stay with Peter? Finn was the last real shot she has at something meaningful, no? Will she just meet someone random next season? Or will she and Peter finally get legit divorced and she'll be free to meet someone post-show? Eh, I guess I could live with that. Edited May 11, 2015 by Princess Lucky 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1132201
Morbs May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 Seriously, if the show wanted everyone to be wondering about green screens instead of actually watching the scene the got their wish. I thought they had filmed the shot of them together, and over relied on stand ins. But the theories that CGI was used also seem likely. The entire situation is as compelling of a mystery to me as the missing plane is. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1132213
Calvada May 11, 2015 Share May 11, 2015 I was too flummoxed by the judge failing to rule immediately that an individual placed in handcuffs by a police officer, even if claimed to "be for his own protection," was in custody and therefore should be Mirandized before questioning, to even pay attention to the rest of the episode, which was lame beyond belief. Lawyers out there, isn't there pretty clear case law that says if a person is not free to leave, e.g. handcuffed, they are under arrest? Why did they have to go to the bother of calling the other officer to prove he was under arrest? He was in handcuffs, in a law enforcement building, and was not free to walk out. Isn't that the very definition of arrest? How can Matan even bring that to a judge with a straight face? And what was the point of this super-secret holding facility? For a guy accused of trying to buy marijuana plants? What was the reason for denying this particular person his constitutional rights? The thought that Peter could seriously be considered as a viable candidate for President, or even Vice President, is ridiculous. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26337-s06e22-wanna-partner/#findComment-1132323
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