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On 12/16/2018 at 8:33 PM, jackjill89 said:

I thought they put too much emphasis on Skade. She was a bore. Honestly, she looked so grubby to me, she must have really cast a spell to ensnare all those men. 

My thoughts exactly. All the Danes seemed to be enamored by her, and I was like, she looks like she hasn't bathed in years. But it must have been her powers that drew them to her. I was with Finan and baby monk, just kill her already!

I was really annoyed to see Haesten dining with King Alfred in the beginning. If Alfred had known he had tried to rape his daughter, I wonder if he would have still made an alliance with him. I can't remember if Haesten survived the battle at the end, but he's outworn his welcome. If it wasn't for him, maybe Erik and Aethelflaed would be living happily ever after! Sorry, I'm still not over Erik's death, but at least he gave Aethelflaed a little blonde-haired girl. :)

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Ok, one of my favorite shows is back.

Episode 1: I can't say I'll miss Bloodhair. After he killed that beautiful horse, I was already done. Just for his stupid nickname. I miss Siegfried and Erik.

I kept thinking better be cursed than being led around by your dick again, Uthred. Ah, another wife dead. That doesn't seem fair he will think that's how he got cursed. How many dead wifes/girlfriends does that make? I can't remember.

I agree, that Skade woman is terribly annoying. Shouldn't she have seen Blodhair's defeat coming? I guess she sees what she wants to see. Like everyone else. I loved Uthred's little flinch when she cursed him. All that superstition back then! I don't mind the man bun very much. Aethelflaed leading an army! You go girl!

Episode 2: Brida! Ragnar! Of course, things are awkward when you visit family after you've been slaying Danes for Alfred. Who, btw. really should know better by now not to push Uthred too far. Ghost Leofric! I miss him too. 

Aethelwold is his usual smarmy and scheming self  who amuses me greatly. And now he's meeting with Bloodhair. Who, I'm sorry to say is one of the less charming Danes. I always wonder what he think he will do as king. He doesn't seem to think any further other than his repeated "the throne is my right" mantra.

I really hope Aethelflaed is going to cut off a few things of her pretty but evil husband. Head would be good. Hands might be nice.

Poor Finan. All he wants is to rest and hunt and find himself a nice Danish woman. Too much to ask? Well, yes, in this show, it is. I wonder what he will choose to do if Uthred decides to really be DANE with all the consequences.

Edited by supposebly

Episode 3: Oh the children who dare to get married in secret! What disappointment! Alfred is really worried everything is going down the crapper. Heir who doesn't care and no Uthred. Raising Uthred's children and introducing them to God. Soo petty. Uthred, the viewer's voice to Aethelwold, you are here to amuse. Heh. And no they are not the same. Uthred is taller. Although he amuses me too.

It's like going home to visit family at Christmas and then everyone fights. This has become awkward and sad.

Episode 4: Cnut and Aethelwold. Kindred spirits. So Cnut wants Brida and Ragnar's army. Poor Ragnar. Aethelflaed releases Uthred from his oath and wonders why he came. Well, my dear, he had nowhere else to go, really. And we're having a bit of a crush now, are we? Is it just me who thinks the Alfreds are a creepy couple?

That little shit! Ragnar! Nooo!

Edited by supposebly
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I really enjoyed this season and I agree, Skade was an awful character. I was so happy when Uhtred drowned her. 

My heart broke for poor Beoca. Poor Thyrra. 

I was so disappointed in Sihtric when he left and freed those Danish prisoners and so happy when we realized it was a ruse. My favorite thing about this show is Uhtred and his guys. Especially Finan. 

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On 12/18/2018 at 7:24 AM, Captanne said:

I also found Skade took up way too much time and attention -- but the interesting thing for me is that the actor who plays Uhtred was really invested in the curse and, therefore, sold it to me.  Every time I thought, "Oh God, not her again" I remembered that she was driving every thing he did.  Which made his vengeance actually satisfying for me as a viewer.  (I'm not big on vengeance and usually find it repulsive.)  I credit the writing, but really the actor.  I never lost sight of the fact that, while Skade may be a difficult character to give to a modern audience, she mattered to Uhtred.  And Uhtred never let us forget it.


ETA:  He was vastly helped by the fact that his soulmate was in on the obsession with the curse.  Gida (and her performer) carried a lot of the burden of making Skade's threat credible.


Not me.  I'm all about the vengeance.  Bring it on.  I was screaming for Uhtred to kill skank Skade and Aethelwold every episode they appeared in.  When he finally did I was cheering.  Skade was just so over the top and unappealing, and Aethelwold was a weasel and a snake.  

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On 11/20/2018 at 5:04 PM, LGraves65 said:

I've only watched the first two episodes, but it's been good.  Would be better if the actress playing Skade could act.


Within the first minute of the first episode I pegged her as a favor owed to somebody.   One of the worst actors to be featured on this show, with Sigurd running a close second.    I have watched only the first episode but it feels like there's been a seismic shift in quality, almost as though The Last Kingdom has a different showrunner, director, etc.  Gisela's fate felt cheap and contrived.

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10 hours ago, millennium said:


Within the first minute of the first episode I pegged her as a favor owed to somebody.   One of the worst actors to be featured on this show, with Sigurd running a close second.    I have watched only the first episode but it feels like there's been a seismic shift in quality, almost as though The Last Kingdom has a different showrunner, director, etc.  Gisela's fate felt cheap and contrived.

I haven't read the Last Kingdom books but the author also wrote the Sharpe series and the hero in that churned through love interests, most of whom died to fuel his manly pain so I'm guessing Gisela's death is by the book. It was a crappy ending for her though. There doesn't seem any point in getting invested in Uhtred's love interests because they won't last long.

3 hours ago, snowwhyte said:

I haven't read the Last Kingdom books but the author also wrote the Sharpe series and the hero in that churned through love interests, most of whom died to fuel his manly pain so I'm guessing Gisela's death is by the book. It was a crappy ending for her though. There doesn't seem any point in getting invested in Uhtred's love interests because they won't last long.

Uthred's love interests  = Spinal Tap Drummers

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I've just finished marathoning all 3 seasons - great because I'm now a huge fan of this show, not so great because now I have to wait a year for the next season. As a Vikings watcher it's been really interesting to see such a different take on the same era/some of the same characters (since I loathe the Aelswith character in this show, it's sort of hilarious to see how she's portrayed in Vikings).

I agree with the general consensus about Skade, although I don't know that it's entirely the actress' fault. She certainly wasn't great, but the bigger problem to me was that the character was never half as interesting as the amount of screen time she got.  She more or less replayed the same scene every other time she appeared ("I'm your woman," "drink this blood," "blah blah blah curse blah blah").  Given the number of actually interesting female characters the show has had and not made nearly enough use of (Hild, Brida, Gisela, Hild, Hild, Hild) it's kind of baffling that it spent so much time on Skade.

I'm hoping that Uhtred finally gets to Bebbanburg next season because by my calculation of the passage of time (25-plus years, given the time jump from when Uhtred is a kid to when his Viking family is killed, the year or so that Uhtred is married to Mildrith, and the fact that Edward was an infant in season 1 and is now a teenager), by the time he finally gets there his uncle will be dead of the medieval equivalent of old age.

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On 1/7/2019 at 10:22 PM, Steph J said:

I'm hoping that Uhtred finally gets to Bebbanburg next season because by my calculation of the passage of time (25-plus years, given the time jump from when Uhtred is a kid to when his Viking family is killed, the year or so that Uhtred is married to Mildrith, and the fact that Edward was an infant in season 1 and is now a teenager), by the time he finally gets there his uncle will be dead of the medieval equivalent of old age.

The passage of time is weird on this show, mainly because most of the characters don't look to be any older. Uhtred knew Aethelflaed when she was a little girl, and now there appears to be a budding romance between them, but he looks the same age as he did when she was a child. I guess it'd be too much work to give the characters old age makeup, and that rarely looks believable anyway. They did a good job with Alfred's greying hair and bags under his eyes though. It's also funny how it seems to take them no time at all to traverse the country. But it keeps the story moving, so I'm ok with it.

I'm bummed this is one of the shows that had its main forum taken away. Maybe it'll be put back once season 4 starts.

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9 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

The passage of time is weird on this show, mainly because most of the characters don't look to be any older. Uhtred knew Aethelflaed when she was a little girl, and now there appears to be a budding romance between them, but he looks the same age as he did when she was a child.

I think the problem with Uhtred is that the age he looks in Season 3 is probably about right (the actor is 35) for how much time has passed, but that in Season 1 he looks much older than he should actually be, which is probably in his late teens.

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(Hopefully) finishing season 3 on this still awfully cold day.

Episode 5. Soo proud of Edward. Aand Haesten is running again. Dick move, Alfred. using this as a teaching moment with the slight hope that Uthred might get killed in the meantime. So very very petty. I loved the conversation between Alfred and Uthred, both pointing out each other's greatest dreams and failures at the same time. 

Episode 6. So much love for Brida. I guess the morale of this story is, don't stick a stick up anyone's arse, especially not a seer's. Uthred is right, Cnut is a weasel. Althelwold is however even more of a weasel. I do hope Brida gets to kill them both. She deserves it. That was rather harsh with Sihtric. Alfred really hates that he always needs Uthred, and now Edward will need him too.

Episode 8: Seriously, Aethelwold, he doesn't learn, does he? Does he want to loose another eye? Or something else? Ding dong the "seer" is dead! Finally! She was such a one-note character. Hi Hild! It's been a while! I missed her.

Final Episode: Excellent Ending! Although I think Brida should have finished the weasel. Feel so sad for Father Beocca, Thyra's death was horrifying.

Aethelwold has long outlived his amusement factor after he killed Ragnar.

The scene between Alfred and Uthred was beautiful. Some kind of closure. I liked that Alfred had enough honesty to admit that a lot of his actions were out of pettiness and fear. And proving by leaving Uthred out of the chronicles, kings and victors write history.

Haesten got away again?

Edited by supposebly
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Just finished the third series (I have been savoring it, watching just one episode every Saturday night).   It wasn't the best season but compared to almost everything else on TV it was pretty good.    Thank goodness Aethelwald got the skewering he deserved (so many Aethel names in this show -- Aethelwald, Aethelfled, AethelandFred ...).  I was especially grateful that Skade's death was final.  Had this been some other series, her witchiness would have somehow revived her to plague Uhtred another day.   It was also gratifying to see Aethelwald grovel and to know there was absolutely no chance Uhtred would show him mercy, even when Uhtred feigned changing his mind.   Because more than Uhtred's satisfaction was at stake in this instance.  In fact, whatever pleasure Uhtred got from the act was of almost no importance.   

I thought the ending was very good.  Uhtred and Brida fighting on different sides yet transcending that to honor their long Ragnarsson family history.   I imagine the final episode was filmed without any certainty the show would be renewed for a fourth season because those last minutes truly sounded like a series finale.   

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I binged watched season 3. I couldn't help myself. This show is so good. It amazes me that it doesn't get more attention from the media critics. I am happy that we are getting another season.

Good riddance to Alfred. He was so frustrating and I grew to despise him. His pettiness, vindictiveness, and pious cruelty. Alfred looked like an apparition when he appeared behind Uhtred as he read the scrolls. Edward promises to be a much better king for the moment anyway. Hopefully, he will banish his annoying petty vindictive mother to a nunnery where she belongs.

I had to smile when Beocca opened Aethelflaed's letter and resignedly said to the effect, of course "he" is the solution. Aethelflaed is far more deft than her father. She released Uhtred from his oath to protect her and her child and asks for his help, knowing he would be unable to refuse her when given the freewill to do so. I always thought Aldhelm was swarmy and repulsive as Aethelred, but he turned out to be a good man, loyal. Aethelflaed could do worse and already has. I am glad that Uhtred didn't give into their attraction and get romantically involved with her.

I am so sorry that Uhtred and Ragnar parted on such bad terms. I am sure that they would have patched things up in time, but now beautiful Ragnar is gone. Poor Brida. She is a hard one, but she loved him so much. I laughed when Beocca asked her if she had a wasp in her mouth. The scene where they watch Ragnar enter Valhalla was simple and poignant. Brida and Uhtred's final farewell was so sad. They love each other, but seem doomed to always be on the opposite side in these conflicts.

Poor Thyra. At least, she had some years of happiness with Beocca after that hard life as a captive. Poor Beocca. He never thought he would find love and he did. It is interesting to see how his association with the Ragnarssons has changed Beocca instead of the other way around. They are a force that bends the world around them.

I wasn't happy about Uhtred killing Skade. Yeah, she was annoying,  but they should have come up with another way to dispose of her. I did laugh when she cut down a cross. 

Good riddance to Aethelwold also. I was glad to see him finally get what he deserved. I was glad that the guy he tried to corrupt stayed loyal to Edward.

I was glad that the disagreement between Uhtred and Sihtric was staged. I love Uhtred's band of loyal merry men. Finan, especially, is the perfect Uhted whisperer. Osferth is adorable.

I wish we had gotten more Hild. I missed her badass self.

Edited by SimoneS
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On 5/8/2015 at 4:22 PM, catray said:

So basically what I can tell from the previews and Wikipedia, this is BBC's version of Vikings. Which... hmmm, I don't know. I am huge fan of Vikings and I feel like this may suffer in comparison. Trying to keep an open mind, as the time period is a fascinating one and this takes place slightly later historically than Vikings does (though, not by much). To be sure I'll watch it, but it's going to be hard to avoid comparisons.

Overall, the Last kingdom is far more respectful of history than the "Vikings".  It occurs at a definitive time in history and utilizes historical characters, although the protagonist is not one of them.  In addition, battles are more accurately presented, as do period costumes, hair styles and armor.  I do not want to overdo this, because there are many divergences from "reality" -at least as we know it- but it is a better version of events than "Vikings". 

On 5/9/2019 at 6:17 PM, SimoneS said:

I binged watched season 3. I couldn't help myself. This show is so good. It amazes me that it doesn't get more attention from the media critics. I am happy that we are getting another season.

Good riddance to Alfred. He was so frustrating and I grew to despise him. His pettiness, vindictiveness, and pious cruelty. Alfred looked like an apparition when he appeared behind Uhtred as he read the scrolls. Edward promises to be a much better king for the moment anyway. Hopefully, he will banish his annoying petty vindictive mother to a nunnery where she belongs.

I had to smile when Beocca opened Aethelflaed's letter and resignedly said to the effect, of course "he" is the solution. Aethelflaed is far more deft than her father. She released Uhtred from his oath to protect her and her child and asks for his help, knowing he would be unable to refuse her when given the freewill to do so. I always thought Aldhelm was swarmy and repulsive as Aethelred, but he turned out to be a good man, loyal. Aethelflaed could do worse and already has. I am glad that Uhtred didn't give into their attraction and get romantically involved with her.

I am so sorry that Uhtred and Ragnar parted on such bad terms. I am sure that they would have patched things up in time, but now beautiful Ragnar is gone. Poor Brida. She is a hard one, but she loved him so much. I laughed when Beocca asked her if she had a wasp in her mouth. The scene where they watch Ragnar enter Valhalla was simple and poignant. Brida and Uhtred's final farewell was so sad. They love each other, but seem doomed to always be on the opposite side in these conflicts.

Poor Thyra. At least, she had some years of happiness with Beocca after that hard life as a captive. Poor Beocca. He never thought he would find love and he did. It is interesting to see how his association with the Ragnarssons has changed Beocca instead of the other way around. They are a force that bends the world around them.

I wasn't happy about Uhtred killing Skade. Yeah, she was annoying,  but they should have come up with another way to dispose of her. I did laugh when she cut down a cross. 

Good riddance to Aethelwold also. I was glad to see him finally get what he deserved. I was glad that the guy he tried to corrupt stayed loyal to Edward.

I was glad that the disagreement between Uhtred and Sihtric was staged. I love Uhtred's band of loyal merry men. Finan, especially, is the perfect Uhted whisperer. Osferth is adorable.

I wish we had gotten more Hild. I missed her badass self.

A number of things did not work for me in Season 3.  The conflict between Uthred and Alfred does not make sense at all.  Uthred loses virtually everything in his dispute with Alfred but when he is given the chance to walk away he becomes an enthusiastic supporter of Edward, for no reason that I can tell and against all logic.  Why all the "strum and drag", I wonder. 

Alfred's portrayal in the show is a very bad departure from the real Alfred.  In many ways, it was him that laid the foundations of the Anglosaxon kingdom.  His reforms were many and effective.  Again, the script had to create a conflict between Alfred and Uthred.  It was not convincing, and, at the end, both these characters suffered. 

The totally fictional part of the story that of Ragnar's interaction with Uthred, was totally unconvincing.  In the first place, considering that Uthred was somewhat invested in the maintenance of Wessex, what was he doing joining Ragnar?  This hardly computes.  This is another conflict that did not really work very well in the script.  It would have been far more plausible for Uthred to stay out of the conflict in a remote area of Mercia than to decide to join a band of Vikings planning to attack Wessex.  This was all  so weird.

Well I loved Season 3. It showed Alfred as getting back to his Ruthless Bastard self, after a rather weak last season. The way he was prepared to see Uhtred's men get cut down by Haesten, just to prove his son could lead an army (and prove a worthy heir) was worthy of Alfred and I really loved the shot where Uhtred sneaks into the Palace when Edward is getting married and Alfred just appears behind him like a ghost (also, great make up - he really did look like death warmed up all season). It's not going to be the same without him.

On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 8:15 PM, pezgirl7 said:

I can't remember if Haesten survived the battle at the end, but he's outworn his welcome

He did. From the Books:


He's actually something of a reoccurring antagonist for Uhtred: never the Big Bad, but always managing to worm his into the favour of whichever Dane leader was causing trouble. Uhtred does get him eventually, but I can't remember when.

Other characters: I felt really sorry for Thyra (and by extention, Father Beocca) for proving that racist jerks have always been with us (I did initially wonder if she might survive - smoke rises, so you want to be low), though at least she got him, too. Aethelwold has gone from lovable scamp (remember Season 1 when he saved Uhtred by screaming about tits?) to outright villain - again, good make up job on his eye, which I found it hard to look at - I have to wonder if Alfred didn't let him go to the Danes in the hope that he might cause dissension in their ranks (which he did!) - obviously he wouldn't be that bothered if they killed him either. And - I liked Skaed. It's easy to look at their world with 21st century eyes, but they believe she has power (even the highly rational Alfred), so everyone treating her as highly dangerous was the right choice, IMO. That said, even though we had Brida telling Uhtred he needed to kill her (and without spilling her blood), I was still surprised Uhtred drowned her like that. And Aethelred showed how unfit he is to rule by trying to do a deal with the Danes (weren't you frustrated at chafing under Alfred's rule? It'd be worse under the Danes as they have less need for the fig leaf that Mercia is anything but a satellite state). The fact that his wife (Go Aethelflaed, leading her troops into battle!) and chief adviser proved their loyalty to Mercia against his orders showed exactly why he isn't fit to rule. Also from the Books:


He never takes the throne of Mercia: Aethelflaed does, and on her death Edward inherits it to unite the Kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia.


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I finished binging season 3 last night and can say I really enjoyed it.  David Dawson was outstanding and will be missed in season 4.  It surprises me there will be a season 4.  It seems to me 3 ended with closure of a sort (of course Uhtred is still wandering around without claiming his birthright), but with Alfred dead and Edward on his way to a crown it was a fitting ending.  I really don't see where another season wouldn't be more of the same battles and Uhtred being torn between cultures.  I will watch anyway, of course.

I had to give up Vikings.  The focus on the brothers Ragnarson, especially crazy Ivar was just not entertaining anymore.  TLK is a better show.

Poor Thyra.  Poor Beocca.  That was horrible.

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On 1/22/2020 at 7:01 AM, John Potts said:

Well I loved Season 3. It showed Alfred as getting back to his Ruthless Bastard self, after a rather weak last season. The way he was prepared to see Uhtred's men get cut down by Haesten, just to prove his son could lead an army (and prove a worthy heir) was worthy of Alfred and I really loved the shot where Uhtred sneaks into the Palace when Edward is getting married and Alfred just appears behind him like a ghost (also, great make up - he really did look like death warmed up all season). It's not going to be the same without him.

This was one of the best moments in the entire series.


Alfred truly did look like a ghost here and kudos to the makeup and lighting teams as well as DD himself. I will miss his Alfred greatly even if I sometimes felt like Uhtred here where Alfred was concerned:


I only recently discovered this show and am so glad I did. As a GoT fan (except for the 2nd half of S8), I was having some serious withdrawal.

I dare say that I enjoy this show far more. The fact that this series is loosely based on history and British history at that makes it all the more compelling.

I have the S3 finale yet to watch as I've been trying not to binge too much with S4 yet to be released. 

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On 2/25/2020 at 11:05 AM, CountryGirl said:

This was one of the best moments in the entire series.


Alfred truly did look like a ghost here and kudos to the makeup and lighting teams as well as DD himself. I will miss his Alfred greatly even if I sometimes felt like Uhtred here where Alfred was concerned:


I only recently discovered this show and am so glad I did. As a GoT fan (except for the 2nd half of S8), I was having some serious withdrawal.

I dare say that I enjoy this show far more. The fact that this series is loosely based on history and British history at that makes it all the more compelling.

I have the S3 finale yet to watch as I've been trying not to binge too much with S4 yet to be released. 

CountryGirl, I’ve been looking forward to your pic posts in the new Outlander season. I too spent the Droughtlander  watching The Last Kingdom, but did not look for it on here ( Now will go see what everyone had to say about it!)

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I  (we) enjoyed all 3 seasons of this show! My husband has read all the books & so he helped me with details, & characters (seriously do 1/2 the names have to sound the same??). I prefer to read after the fact, & fill in what is missing, instead of reading first & then having to complain about what is missing from the show. Plus I have the Tv actors in my head as a visual. My husband says BookUhtred is much bigger & uglier, but he is perfectly pretty for my Tv taste! I very much like all the strong women characters, which might not be historically accurate, but necessary for today's viewing, imo.

Razzberry-very much enjoyed your photo recaps with snark & humour.

Looking forward to season 4! 

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How exactly does this work with the whole season being released at once?  I will only give my thoughts on episode 1 since it is the first day it has been released.

Not shocked at all that Uhtred eventually succumbs to Aethelflaed's advances.  Quite the way to open the seasom.

Alfred's last petty act of baptizing Uhtred's children is still haunting him years later.

Beocca and Pryling telling off Aelswith was all sorts of awesome. lol

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Great to be back in the "kingdom" again.

One serious question: 


Have they "eliminated" Uhtred's younger son for this series? He is a very important character in the books, but here Uhtred only mentions that he has two children, not three. (Or is he ignoring him at this point because his mother died in childbirth?) Does anyone know the answer to this? Thanks.


Have they eliminated Uhtred's younger son for this series? In the books he is a very important character, but here Uhtred says he has only two children, not three. (Or is he ignoring him at this point because his mother died in childbirth?) This is an enormous  factor in the books and would really change the flavor of the story if they leave it out. Does anyone know?


Thanks for any info on this. 😉

Sorry for the double spoilers above; confusion on what to press.

I am not as fast in watching so yes, these threads always are a bit strange. Three episodes in, I kinda like the season, especially Uthreds son seems interesting. Otherwise, there is much repeating of tropes, situations, discussions. The world is apparently always ending. 

But I like that the show makes me go on wikipedia tangents still.

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1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:


with all the Ethels in the show,I wouldn't be surprised if Ethel Mertz showed  up!

  Hide contents

I have finished 5 episodes and it feels darker than the past 3 years

  Reveal spoiler



Well we are lucky that the show didn't include Alfred's other children:  Aethelweard, Aelfthryth and Aethelgifu

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On 4/26/2020 at 10:46 PM, LanceM said:

How exactly does this work with the whole season being released at once?  I will only give my thoughts on episode 1 since it is the first day it has been released.

Not shocked at all that Uhtred eventually succumbs to Aethelflaed's advances.  Quite the way to open the seasom.

Alfred's last petty act of baptizing Uhtred's children is still haunting him years later.

Beocca and Pryling telling off Aelswith was all sorts of awesome. lol

I noted a ramping up of the sex & humour in epi 401- hope that continues! I like Uhtred & Aethelflaed together! I hope that doesn’t mean she will die? No, my hubby assured me she an actual historical figure of that time, & quite successful for a woman! 

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2 hours ago, Stallion12 said:

For those who read the books, does three reunite with his daughter? I found the ending sad, especially since it was clear Winchester was going to be retaken.  Very well written season though, I finished it in 2 days.

I assume you mean Uhtred and his daughter?  


In the books? Yes. So I assume that will be the case in the show. 


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with all the Ethels in the show,I wouldn't be surprised if Ethel Mertz showed  up!


I have finished 5 episodes and it feels darker than the past 3 years



sorry for the spoiler glitches.

I binged thru to episode 8 and


The Scots, whom I don't remember being players in the first 3 make Walder Fay and family look like they read the Emily Post Book of Etiquette.




I just finished it and am looking forward to everyone's reaction.  Al I'm gonna say is




Edited by One Tough Cookie
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On 5/1/2020 at 7:05 PM, skyways said:

Can someone off Brigida please? And is it just me but the ultra enunciated way Alfred's wife talks this season, rings so false in my ear. Also her face is too smooth.

Did Ultred and his men run all the way to Winchester? Wow.. Edward's charge towards the citadel of Winchester was just......😣

I assume you mean Brida?  She was  making pregnancy look badass, but then it unfortunately turned to crazy with rage- Eek! 

Alfred’s wife in real life is in her 20’s, which explains the youthful look.

They all get all over the country pretty quick! 

Aethelflaed just chose chastity- couldn’t she have figured out a way to have her cake & eat it too?......


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Exactly! I was thinking, 'but she's not chaste, she's had a kid'!! Even expected she and Ulthred to chuckle over that later about how the Witan was taken in so quickly but that. It will be quite disappointing if this is the end for them.

3 hours ago, Cdh20 said:

assume you mean Brida

Yes for some reason I call her Brigida because she irks me so much. Really enjoyed the character Sitryggr.( apologies for poor spelling) I liked his mix of gentleness and suppressed violence...lol

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I've only watched the first two episodes and I'm confused.  There are a lot of new characters and a whole lot going on that I haven't sorted out yet.  Who are the brother and sister helping  Aethelred?  What's going on with the Danes other than the usual pillaging and murdering?  Where did cousin Witgar and his band of mercenaries come from?  Is this the first we've ever heard of him?

I never thought I'd feel sorry for Aelswith.  It was kind of her to hide her older grandson away, but of course it's also self serving.

I miss David Dawson.

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8 hours ago, Haleth said:

I've only watched the first two episodes and I'm confused.  There are a lot of new characters and a whole lot going on that I haven't sorted out yet.  Who are the brother and sister helping  Aethelred?  What's going on with the Danes other than the usual pillaging and murdering?  Where did cousin Witgar and his band of mercenaries come from?  Is this the first we've ever heard of him?

I never thought I'd feel sorry for Aelswith.  It was kind of her to hide her older grandson away, but of course it's also self serving.

I miss David Dawson.

A whole lot of new characters, & they just threw them at us without much explanation, but you get to know them as the epis go along. 

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