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S31: Voting

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I voted for:


Kelly W: the original RUP, a challenge dominater who defied her alliance and semi-quit voting with them mid way through the merge, had to sit and take the first rat & snake speech, and the only person to ever know ahead of time that she ended up losing the million dollars.  Gotta have one of the originals on there.

Kimmi: the vegetarian who almost cost her tribe an IC by sticking to her beliefs by not eating a cow brain, got into with Alicia "I will always wave my finger in your face", refused to take a bath and stunk her tribe's camp, and who annoyed everyone night one by talking about masturbating.  The original annoying loud mouth who really just got unlucky by having no allies in her tribe that had been dominating.  But I liked Kimmi, and would like to see her get a second chance.

Teresa: T-Bird!  Not as big of a fan as most people, but we need her type out there.  And, she's another old school.  She cast the second vote against Lex that caused him to turn on Kelly, also helped get Lindsey voted out from the other side.  I thought under different circumstances she might have been much better at the game in a more stategic season.  Plus, she's from the first official "young vs old" tribal split.

Peih-Gee: unlucky with numbers, definitely think she had potential, loved that she openly and hilariously threw a challenge to take out a more strategic threat and didn't cave to James wanting to get voted out (though I was sorry it ended up costing Aaron).  Always been one of my all time faves.

Sabrina: for talking back to a juror and still getting their vote.  Underrated.

Tasha: just loved her!  Glad it was her and not crazy J'Tia.  Plus, she was a little bit of a challenge beast.

Shirin: I love Shirin, but I have a feeling she will become the new Sugar of the AS season and get taken out sooner rather than later.  And, any fan favoritism she has going in will evaporate.  I doubt anyone will put up with her sob stories and feeling offended.  I wonder if she'll still insist on talking about Survivor now that she's getting the full experience on an AS season.


Jeff: just to get another one of the originals back, and an original instigator.  Also fell victim to the twist of having previous votes cast against him and that was his downfall.  Would have liked to have seen what he could have done had he made it further.  Loved his little video, and it's why I've always been a Varner fan.  Still the same old Jeff.

Andrew: screwed by one of the dumbest twists ever, by one of the most worthless players ever

Shane: crazy Shane!  With the blackberry, obsessing over smoking (and bumming a smoke off a villager during a RC), and the family visit with his son is one of my all time favorite moments.

Vytas: just liked the guy, would like to see him in a non-relative playing season where RI isn't a factor.  I actually like him a bit better than Aras.

Spencer: an underdog that even Probst thought had no chance.  The idol hunt the ensued when Woo stole his clue, on top of his confessionals.

Jeremy: another that I have no reason other than I just liked him and would like to see what he could do with a second shot.

Joe: The hair!  The manbuns!  The pretty!  I want to see another fake idol.  I do worry that Joe will be a huge target going in because of his popularity, atheticism, and being fresh in everyone's minds.  But please Survivor gods let him get with people that will strategize and go the distance.  Hopefully there will be others this season that can share having a bulls eye on their back and not just him.


Because I had to vote for 10: Monica (who I don't even remember, but given the alternatives...), Kelley Wentworth, Carolyn, Woo, Keith, Mike

Edited by LadyChatts
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I voted for Kelly Wigglesworth, that was the one I was most excited to vote for. Shirin Oskooi, I've really enjoyed her, and would like to see her again. Kimmi Kappenberg, she was a lot of fun. Abi Maria Gomes, she was nuts on her season, but an absolute sweetheart in her exit interviews, so I would like to see how she plays on a second chance. Kelly Wentworth, I really liked her and would like to see if she could make it farther without her dad screwing up her game. Those were the only ones I really cared about, so I just picked some others to fill out the ten, Tasha Fox was one, Monica Padilla, the rest I just picked randomly, I made sure not to vote for Carolyn, don't hate her or anything, but I don't really need to see her play again.


For the men, Terry Dietz was the main one I wanted to vote for, it would be fun to see if he's still good at challenges. That's about the only one I cared about, I voted for Stephen Fischback, because he's Rob C's pal, wish I could have voted for Rob C. himself. I voted for Woo and Spencer, other than that, I just padded out the rest, but made sure not to vote for Max Dawson, not an impressive player, and not enjoyable to watch.

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I voted for Kelly W, Teresa, Kimmi, and Jeff never thought I would see them play again plus I'm interested how they would play again with the different life experiences they have gained. Peih-Gee I felt like she missed so many opportunities to return that we wouldn't see her play again. Abi-Maria and Shane because they bring the crazy. Sabrina and Cierra I think are interesting people who don't normally get cast. Tasha really impressed me during Miss Survivor. Kelly and Jeremy both are big fans of the show. The males are tougher because Savage and Terry are two of my least favorite players ever and I have no desire to see them return.

Because I had too: Carolyn, Joe, Troyzan, Keith, Stephen, Vytas, Mike,  and Jim.

I voted for Abi Maria because she's a personal friend and nothing like the editors portrayed her last time. They took her 10 times of flipping out on people and never showed that fact she cooked every meal her tribe ate. Gathered firewood, water, etc. She is a sweetheart and I told her to just be herself and hope they edited her better this time. And hope Jeff doesn't single her out if she's injured, without telling people she's hurting.

I voted for Kelly Wigglesworth, T-Bird, the rest are a blur.... I swear, a lot of the women look alike and I hate saying that, but if they aren't in their tribe gear looking dirty and grimy, it's hard to remember them.

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A large collection of losers for the men.  I struggled to find 10 to vote for.  The only ones I really wanted to see back are Jeff Varner, Spencer, Jeremy, and Mike.  I liked Andrew Savage during his season but then I remembered the episode where the men on his team (except for Skinny Ryan) all dropped their underwear for a challenge because Osten's fell off and they didn't want him to be the only one naked.  I thought that was a good show of solidarity, but was completely turned off by an interview where his wife bragged about his huge penis and how the size of the blur was accurate.  Yuck.


For the women, I most want to see the two oldies Kimmi and Kelly Wigglesworth, Peih-Gee and Tasha.

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This vote is weird. I don't remember most of these people at all, and I don't remember more than a name and a face for most of those I haven't forgotten. And then there's a few from this season who will be back for sure just because they're still on people's minds, I guess.


So ... I'm going for eye-candy and affirmative action.


Women: Peih-Gee Law, Monica Padilla, Natalie Tenerelli, Stephanie Valencia, Sabrina Thompson, Abi-Maria Gomes, Tasha Fox, Kass McQuillen, Shirin Oskooi, and ugh ... Carolyn Rivera.


Men: Jeff Varner, Stephen Fishbach, Jim Rice, Vytas Baskasskasauce, Woo Hwang, Spencer Bledsoe, Jeremy Collins, Joe Anglim, Max Dawson, and Mike Holloway.

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I'm moving an exchangefrom the latest episode thread to here because I think it is more appropriate here:



Why do I have to vote for ten people when there are only a few on each page that I care about?


my response:



I think because it prevents "vote stacking" that would allow someone that is not high on CBS's list to runaway with the vote.  They definitely have an idea of who they want and have thrown in a few who they think might be fodder.  By making you vote for 10, unless folks always switch up the bottom votes that they don't care about, the top 10 or 11 vote getters are going to be roughly equal.  This allows the "CBS votes" referenced in terms and conditions to break ties.  Additionally, it allows them to talk about how close the votes were.


Just my cynical thoughts.


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Mikayla was the women that Brandon Hantz wanted voted off because she made him think impure thoughts.


Is it wrong I don't even remember Brandon Hantz had a season prior to Caramoan?  I guess I disliked SP more than I remembered.  But that vaguely rings a bell.  Although if you had just said "someone was voted off because they gave another impure thoughts" it still wouldn't have registered who you meant, just the situation.


Has Kelly Wiglesworth had some work done?  She doesn't even sound the same.  Our original no collar hippie girl.  It would be really interesting to see someone like her play the game.  She was on the season that invented the alliance for goodness sake!  Her season had no idols or any sort of twists, and I'd love to see how contestants that didn't have those advantages played with them.  Also, her season they actually starved the castaways and they got crappy rewards, like pieces of chocolate.  Now everyone gains weight.


Also, I know I'm supposed to remember who Jeff Varner is and I'm at a loss.



The Outback mischief maker who got screwed by the past votes counting against you rule.  He was sick the first days they were out there, pretended to gag during the gross food IC to make members of the opposing tribe throw up, and I believe caused the blow up between Alicia and Kimmi.  His video is what I love about him and what we are sorely missing this season.  He says he speaks llama too and asks if the llama girl is going to be out there (Kass).

Edited by LadyChatts
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If you've been watching the Ponderosa videos, you'll see that that isn't true.


That was more joking about the fact that they've barely lost weight.  Although Joe probably had more food rewards out there, and he lost more than Jenn and Hali (didn't see what Shirin lost) so I can't figure that one out.  But they certainly don't look as scrawny as they did back in the day.

Edited by LadyChatts
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hmm. this is one interesting list. 


I am very surprised that Kelly (Africa) is not on this list because of Lex's stupid gut. She deserved a second chance. I am also shocked that Michelle (Fiji) is not on this list because she got royally, and utterly screwed. Coby (Palau) would have been an intriguing person because he never got started. (Ian - but i don't think he ever wants to play again).... 



There are a lot of people on this list who just played, so I don't want to see them at all. 


If I could vote  -  I would be voting for T-Bird  and Wiglesworth (it would be interesting how she'd play this game again - simply for the fact that she is the "Turn Left" of this entire franchise. She  loathed alliances, she didn't want to be part, she wanted to do her own thing - how would she adapt 30 seasons later.

T-Bird gets my vote, because I loved her. And she was a very under-rated player in my opinion. 

I have  no  Idea who Monica is (I wanna say Samoa?) but she could have it too i suppose. Having to deal with Russel, you should get a new chance


for the men...


 Varner. Varner. Varner. Varner. Varner. 
oh And Savage. I liked him. I really don't know why. 

(come to think about it - why no John Carroll? This is one messed up ballot, almost everyone has played recently and I don't like them). 

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Kelly Goldsmith just had a baby.  Otherwise I feel safe to say she would have been included if she wanted to join.  She'd been approached for other AS installments before.


I didn't like Ian because he gave up immunity and his chance in the final 2.  Same reason why I never wanted to see Colby again, he had a chance between a million or $100,000, and he took the latter.  I've always wanted to see Neleh from Marquesas return.  I was disappointed by the lack of older season Survivors, but I know some people had made good points that they may be at stages in their lives where it'd be harder for them to play then the recently ousted 20 somethings from newer editions.

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Kelly Goldsmith just had a baby.  Otherwise I feel safe to say she would have been included if she wanted to join.  She'd been approached for other AS installments before.


I didn't like Ian because he gave up immunity and his chance in the final 2.  Same reason why I never wanted to see Colby again, he had a chance between a million or $100,000, and he took the latter.  I've always wanted to see Neleh from Marquesas return.  I was disappointed by the lack of older season Survivors, but I know some people had made good points that they may be at stages in their lives where it'd be harder for them to play then the recently ousted 20 somethings from newer editions.


Yes, that's true (on both Colby + Ian fronts)

And yes, Neleh! She (and John) desperately want to come back (So does Vee - but it looks like this is a winnerless go around, so). To me, it just feels like they just want to... ignore their past unless it really benefits them. Like. I would have Amy on this list. Brian. (both from Season 11). Tracy (Season 16). Twila (Season 9). love me Twila, but I don't think she'd be one of those who would come back.  

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I loved Tracy.  Way more than Natalie B.  Tracy's game really got screwed, first by the FvsF set up, and then who she was saddled with on her tribe.  I'd like to see what she can do without having to baby sit someone like Chet and Kathy, and without having to be outnumbered after a tribe swap.  I remember Ami had a plan to try and save Tracy and blindside Ozzy.  Love me some Ozzy, but I would have loved to have seen what Tracy would have been capable of down the road.  She's very underrated, imo.


Marquesas ranks as one of my all time favorite seasons.  Pre merge boots, I always loved Gina and Hunter and felt they got a really raw deal with their tribes losing streak.  I had read Hunter had been invited back but has always declined, and that Gina was considered for AS but cut at the last minute.  Vee didn't do much for me, though I'd say there are quite a few people I'd rather see her return over.  Neleh should have won, she just got the bitter end of the jury.  Neleh and Paschal are what turned the game around (with a little help from the coconut challenge).  When it was first announced that S31 was going to be an AS fan voting season, I heard rumors that someone from Marquesas might be included and that it was possibly Neleh or John.  John I wasn't a huge fan of, though he isn't someone I would object to seeing return.  But Neleh is in my top tier of Survivors that I'd like to see get a second shot.  There are so many from the first 15 seasons: Joel, Gretchen, Sean (Borneo), Kelly, Silas (Africa), Gina, Neleh, Hunter, Sean (Marquesas), Erin, Penny, Helen (Thailand), Deena, Alex, Matt (Amazon), Brady, Twila (Vanuatu), Katie, Angie, Jolanda (Palau), anyone from Guatemala, the forgotten season, Courtney, Bobby (Panama), Jenny (Cook Islands), Stacy, Michelle (Fiji), Aaron (China).  Yes, some of these people were extremely early outs or may not have had much game other than being a follower their first time.  But given a second shot, different circumstances, new elements they didn't have their original seasons, playing with people more strategic, I'd like to see what they had.  Some of these seasons, like Thailand, Outback, and Africa, were just some of the worse, strategy wise.  

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I voted for Kelly Wigglseworth, then I had to figure out nine other people to vote for. Kimmie from S2 was fun -- she loved those chickens so much.

I guess I'll have to wade through each season's web page or Google Images to try to figure out who they are.

I barely recognized any of them. There are little videos for each one, which should help, if/when I bother to take the time.

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Rob Has a Podcast initial take on folks. If you want a reminder as to who some of these folks are eligible.


People I am not voting for:






Kelly Wentworth









I fear that Kass, Vytas, Brad, Abi, Spenser will make it on due to Jeff love and Rob Has a Podcast Support

Edited by ProfCrash

Tasha was guaranteed to come back at some point. She won challenges, was on a tribe that was decimated and went far, and seemed to be playing a good, all be it quiet, game.


I wish we didn't have to vote for 10 people, I could easily limit my votes to six people for the women and four for the men. That said, I use the extra votes to not vote for specific people, like Kass.

I always thought or wondered why Rafe or Judd were never asked back. Rafe because he had made it so far & Judd because he's a scumbag. LOL!! Now, that I think about it no one from Guatemala made the cut, right? I guess Probst really didn't like the cast or season after all,

Bobby and Stephanie have played in multiple seasons. I looked at that list of cast members and none of them struck a cord with me. There is also the possibility that some were invited back and said no thanks

I always thought or wondered why Rafe or Judd were never asked back. Rafe because he had made it so far & Judd because he's a scumbag. LOL!! Now, that I think about it no one from Guatemala made the cut, right? I guess Probst really didn't like the cast or season after all,

Rafe is a screenwriter now and is working on Agents of Shield. Apparently production hated Judd because when he was on the jury he would get drunk and interrupt tribal.

I always thought or wondered why Rafe or Judd were never asked back. Rafe because he had made it so far & Judd because he's a scumbag. LOL!! Now, that I think about it no one from Guatemala made the cut, right? I guess Probst really didn't like the cast or season after all,



It is possible no one from that season wanted to sign up again.  I don't think Jeff makes these decisions alone, many are involved.  

Cribbed this from Survivor Sucks, it's from the Terms and Conditions:


A combination of votes from CBS and the public will decide who from amongst the nominees presented will become the Fall 2015 Survivor cast.



So producers will be picking some of the cast. I'm okay with it, I actually like some of the more non-obvious choices than I do the obvious ones. And this way you're guaranteed to get some of the players from the early seasons. 

What is "Miss Survivor"? Is it a fansite or was it an actual competition?

Rob C holds the competition on his site during the offseason. Jeff has been on his podcast and promoted his podcast during the survivor roundtable they did on cbs.com.

John Carroll said on Rhap he won't be asked back because he pissed of production/cbs shortly after his season because he wanted to use the survivor logo for a charity event. He said he was stupid and now that he's a lawyer he gets it. However, Varner also pissed off at Cbs for that TV guide article he wrote before All stars aired so who knows.

Okay, my votes and reasoning---


For the females:


  • Ciera- I liked her and thought she had good instincts. And I'm always interested in people who played on BvW's games without the burden/advantage of a loved one.
  • Monica- Couldn't really remember her, but remembered she was on a Russell season and was against him? So, deserves a second chance.
  • PG- Smart player.  Interested in what she can do with a second chance.
  • Sabrina- Tough cookie. Smart. Runner up to one of the best Survivor players/winners, imo. Was on a crappy season, but was part of a dominant women's alliance.
  • Tasha- Very competitive. Good at challenges.  I don't know how good her game is, but I liked her on her original season.
  • T-Bird- She wasn't a favorite of mine on her season, but I definitely want to see some old school players.
  • Kelly Wiglesworth- My number one, please be on this season person
  • Kimmi- I didn't like her one bit in her season, but I remember her and that says alot.  
  • Shirin- Just because of the Harry Potter word associations.
  • Abi-Maria-  I think she got a crap edit, and I'd like to see her try again.


For the males:


  • Shane- For just being absolutely friggin' nuts
  • Fishbach- I think he'll be a contender if he comes back
  • Jeff Varner- One of my all-time favorite contestants. Super funny. 
  • Joe- Because pretty
  • Spencer- Smart and scrappy
  • Troyzan- Shane and Troyzan on the same team would be hilarious.  
  • Terry- I hated him, but I want to see if he dominates challenges.
  • Savage- Seriously got screwed over.
  • Vytas- I liked him and again, want to see the BvW folks on their own.
  • Mike- Because if he doesn't win this season, he deserves to come back just for having to put up with those nimrods on his season.

I voted for almost all the women I couldn't remember who they were.  That meant to me that they were probably early boots, primarily because they happened to be women on the losing tribe and therefore considered "expendable".  I also voted for some that appeared to get "bad edits" but later learned were much nicer people (Abi for example).


Is this supposed to be a "no winners" return season?  I fear that identifying certain current cast members as votees makes it a spoiler, which worries me as to who is the actual winner.

I seem in line with a lot of you.  The most revelatory thing of this thread for me personally is that back in the day on TWOP I thought Kimmi S2 was almost universally hated and Alicia much admired, and I felt the opposite.  It is comforting to see there were other Kimmi fans!    

I didn't realize at first that you had to vote for 10 so I picked six women and was auto-chided into picking the final 4 before I could register my vote.  Those last 4 were hard to pick and it was mostly staying away from people I didn't want to see again (Carolyn, for example).  The men were even harder!  In the end I had to pick Woo just for the pretty, because he sure doesn't belong there on gameplay, but I needed not to vote for (for example) Terry.


Probst told EW that if Mike or Carolyn win, then they will be ineligible, and the person with the next highest vote total will take their place.

It is strange though. I feel that neither will win. I have no idea why Carolyn is on there, maybe she fits an age demographic they needed? Neither of them are so hugely popular that they had to be included. Of the two, only Mike has a solid edit and screen time.

I wonder how many people are voting for Mike or Carolyn. Does anyone really want to see them on their tv next season? I hope they don't make it. I've had enough of the remaining players from this season.

Woo wasn't a great game player but he was joyous to watch having fun on Survivor. I remember a scene of him in the torrentialrain, when all the girls were complaining, and he just had a huge smile and said "This is Survivor baby." We don't get enough of players like that.

Plus, he looks great. He and Joe together would greatly improve the season.

Edited by rose711

Tasha was guaranteed to come back at some point. She won challenges, was on a tribe that was decimated and went far, and seemed to be playing a good, all be it quiet, game.


I wish we didn't have to vote for 10 people, I could easily limit my votes to six people for the women and four for the men. That said, I use the extra votes to not vote for specific people, like Kass.

Bobby and Stephanie have played in multiple seasons. I looked at that list of cast members and none of them struck a cord with me. There is also the possibility that some were invited back and said no thanks

Bobby Jon and Steph were always labeled as being from Palau though.

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