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S02.E08: Unaware in Delaware

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Seeing Craig's family and his history of doing well in school and everything, I feel sympathy for him now. Maybe he really just needed to chill after the long years of education. But then the "fun" of partying became so seductive/addictive that he's going out every night, and yes, he wants to hang with the rich guys who regularly go to "$1,000 dinners". The thing is, those guys not only can afford it, but they are 10 and 20 years older than Craig. He's young and must get his life in order so he can get jobs and the career that will allow him to live that life, if he wants it. Maybe in 10 years he'll find out that what really matters isn't going out and drinking (drugging?) every night. Whitney was wrong to bring that up in front of Craig's parents and yet it does seem to have forced Craig to look at his behavior through his parents' eyes. He's got enough decency to feel shame after what he admits was a great childhood and upbringing. He simply KNOWS better.


He tweeted that he did not take the bar exam in February after all and will take it in July. Good luck, Craig. I mean that sincerely.

  • Love 18

Yeesh Whitney. After his blow up with TRav and spilling the beans, I'm thinking Whitney has no clue how to be a human let alone a friend.

Whitney is an epic douche, but did Larissa give the impression that she's only with Whitney to make inroads on American TV. She looked like she was repulsed by his touch or the thought of moving in with him and she seemed to have no issue with moving.

  • Love 14

Drunkie-O with her sunglasses on inside her house in the middle of the day? Whitless and Carelessa, never going to happen.

The boys golf day was nice to see them open up to each other. Sometimes I feel sorry for men that they can't open up as much as women seem to be able.

Craig's parents seem like nice down to earth people and they made me mad hungry for crab!

  • Love 12

Drunkie-O with her sunglasses on inside her house in the middle of the day? Whitless and Carelessa, never going to happen.

The boys golf day was nice to see them open up to each other. Sometimes I feel sorry for men that they can't open up as much as women seem to be able.

Craig's parents seem like nice down to earth people and they made me mad hungry for crab!


Every.single.thing.about.this.and.then.some.   Whitless and his "GF" smacked of "Uber-Gay Guy pretending to be straight"  whining to "Shill/Pretend" Foreign GF (who wants air-time in the U.S./American exposure) to move in with him to gain some semblance of legitimacy?   Uggh, Jesus Christo, if Whitney's not gay ....


I feel sorry for Craig's parents.  They are good, solid stock and love Craig to death.  Craig's out of control.  He needs to come clean and fess up.  His parents will support him IMHO no matter what.  I know Whitney's being an ass "outing" Craig and Whitney's and Executive Producer on this show but Craig needs to be reeled in.  It's early in the game for Craig.  Not too late to turn everything around!

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 4

Whitney seems to relish doing things like this. There's a slight smile on his face when he delivers the bombs. "It's all out of love and concern."

If that's his idea of love, I don't want to know what he does when he hates you.


It's funny, I've been thinking the same thing about Whitney prior to this episode.  I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that he's one of the reasons behind the creation of the show.  Perhaps he thinks he needs to be the one to purposely provoke people and cause drama.  Not only is he outing Craig for his fuck ups, but he did it with Thomas and Kathryn at the Senate race announcement dinner where he said that Kathryn is waiting for an engagement ring.  Who the hell says that to a couple (that's already struggling to stay together) in front of several other people?  A douchebag looking for drama, that's who.  So, I think his actions are part Doucheferatu and part playing the antagonist on purpose.


He tweeted that he did not take the bar exam in February after all and will take it in July.


I hate to be pessimistic, but I don't think that's a good sign that he has turned things around and has been getting his shit together.  What was his excuse for not studying for the February exam since he had no job?  Giving himself more time lessens the pressure.  Plus, summer is now upon us; he's not going to want to stay indoors studying non-stop when everyone is out having a great time and enjoying the warm weather.  But who knows.


I couldn't help but shake my head at all of Craig's twisting the truth about being fired.  "It was time to part ways."  You were FIRED.  "My boss and I have been disagreeing a lot about my job responsibilities."  Yeah, you thought you had none and he disagreed, so he FIRED your ass.  "I'm transitioning out of my job."  Yeah, you transitioned your way into being FIRED.  As if no one would have seen this when it aired!  I'm so happy they got his boss firing him on camera.  He couldn't lie his way out of that forever.


Not too much Kathryn and Thomas drama tonight, thank God.

Edited by LIGirl
  • Love 9

Craig's parents were just the sweetest, right? And Whitney can take several seats. I loved it when Shep told him he wasn't always punctual, lol.

I feel for Craig, I struggled in some of the same ways when I finished undergrad. There's a bottom that drops out and you can feel a bit untethered without the structure of classwork. He's got a great family, I'm sure he'll turn out okay. He's already turned out better than Whitney, so...

Thomas "assigned" tasks and responsibilities to Kathryn? Fuck you, TRav.

  • Love 10

1) Good heavens....

Patricia wants grandkids.....but it's the BUTLER who can't wait to make easter eggs and cookies with them.


"Will that be all madam?" Really?


2) Germany must have some awfully bad actresses, because in the scene with Whitney and Larissa on the park bench talking about moving in.....her emoting was THE worst. It just looked so fake. Oh yeah that's right this is reality TV...

Edited by selhars
  • Love 4

Oh Whitney, Whitney, Whitney, give up the ghost, will ya?  You don't really think anyone out there actually believes that woman is your girlfriend, do you?  Deluded much?  She kinda looked disgusted just sitting somewhat close to him.  Yikers!  Eh, I'm pretty sure even Mommy Dearest knows the score bout Whit.  Er, how could she not?  If she wants grandkids so badly, she can take in Kathryn.  I get the very distinct impression she's gonna be lookin' for another place for her & the kid to plant new roots.

  • Love 4

Wow, Whitney made me fuckin' cringe countless times in this ep.  First with that beard . . . er, I mean "girlfriend" & then with Craig's nice parents.  Man, if I were his parents I'd have been asking Whit, "Um, so why are you taking such an interest, Mr. 50-year-old, in our handsome 26 year old son?"


I think there's a lot of over-dramatizing going on here with Craig.  I was in exactly the same position as him at his age.  I went to a top law school. didn't take the bar exam right away, and then failed it twice & partied a ton.  But I straightened myself out & passed the bar in several states & got into a good career path.  But it took me a few years.  


Craig is still very young & has plenty of time to get his life together.  Also, he's got other options.  He doesn't have to take the bar.  Lots of people I went to law school with never took the bar & became very successful in business anyway.  I just think neither Shep or Whitney offer him much (or any) credibility with their "advice" cuz they're trust-funders.  And they're clearly a really shitty influence on him.  Best thing Craig could do is get far, far, far away from both of these 2.


Kathryn's extensions were out of control in that scene she had with Dani.



Oh my goodness, it looked like she had a red hair mattress attached to either side of her head.  Think Thomas has had enough of her ass by this point?  Ya think?


So glad not much Landon in this ep.  That chick is just bugging the absolute fuck outta me lately.  Not sure why, but she just is.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 6


I feel sorry for Craig's parents.  They are good, solid stock and love Craig to death.  Craig's out of control.  He needs to come clean and fess up.  His parents will support him IMHO no matter what.  I know Whitney's being an ass "outing" Craig and Whitney's and Executive Producer on this show but Craig needs to be reeled in.


It is kind of ridiculous how idyllic his childhood was. He really is a shining example of the Trophy Kid Generation.


Fenwick Island is really beautiful, at least according to the pictures I've seen. It hasn't been turned into Beach Outlet Shops/Ten-story condos like other places on the Delaware coast like Rehoboth, and what's happening to Dewey and Lewes. I really would have loved spending a week there.


Craig's boss deserves a high-five. I got "fired" from an unpaid internship (I'm putting the quotations marks because I was never an employee to begin with) last year in a way that was incredibly cruel, and all over the phone. That is how it should have been done. Craig's obliviousness did remind me a little of myself as well.

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 2

I tend to lean on the side of Whitney being asexual. I just can't see him being attracted to men or women. Even though he had something with Kathryn? And, he's 'dating' this German actress. I think they are both using each other. She gets some kind of exposure on American television. He gets to be the elder playboy with a famous foreign girlfriend, that conveniently lives in another country. It's easy to be in a relationship when you don't have to see you partner. Hey, if he is gay, just come out I bet he'd be a heck of a lot more fun, and perhaps even win a few people over. 

  • Love 1

I take exception to Akim's remark that  many people in Charleston don't have jobs, they have trust-funds. If it wasn't obvious before that I don't live in the same Charleston as these folks, it is now.



How many vehicles does Shep have? Is the black truck the 3rd or 4th I've seen him drive this season alone?


Craig's parents are incredibly sweet and down to earth. He's really strayed so far from his upbringing....or as my grandma would say he's "got above his raising".


Whitney just sounded so insincere when he was talking to...well, everybody. I wonder if he's jealous Craig has such a lovely family? And while I can't really defend Craig's actions, Whitney really needs to STFU about Craig's private affairs. Where the hell does he get off?  Craig will tell his parents when he's ready....he probably didn't want to tell them on camera. Whitney's doucheness was strong in this episode.


Also, if one of Craig's worries was his sky-high rent he could have easily halved it by moving a few miles away.....he just wouldn't have been on the peninsula and close to the party anymore. I hope he gets it together but if the previews are any indication Shep is getting real tired of Craig's crap.

Edited by SweetCaroline
  • Love 5

Maybe after all that education, Craig has come to the realization that he really doesn't want to be a lawyer, so now he's left wondering what in the hell he  is supposed to do with his life. That would suck. 

Hey, Miss High Society Patricia, you raised a real douchbag for a son with no discernible manners what so ever. Congrats.

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 7

I tend to lean on the side of Whitney being asexual. I just can't see him being attracted to men or women. Even though he had something with Kathryn? And, he's 'dating' this German actress. I think they are both using each other. She gets some kind of exposure on American television. He gets to be the elder playboy with a famous foreign girlfriend, that conveniently lives in another country. It's easy to be in a relationship when you don't have to see you partner. Hey, if he is gay, just come out I bet he'd be a heck of a lot more fun, and perhaps even win a few people over. 

I agree.  He seems a little disgusted by most women and doesn't seem to know how to interact with them.  But I'm not getting a gay vibe either.  He seems to have a boyish hero worship of Thomas.  I looked up Larissa's wikipedia page, and she appears to be the definition of a famewhore.  It is hard to understand how someone who is 22 could have been on as many reality shows as she has been.  Looks like she is trying to break into the US market, and this is another step for her.  

Edited by balshureen
  • Love 6

I did love the scene with the guys on the golf course. And, I really like how Shep and Whitney embrace their wealth and openly admit how easy their lives are. It's nice to see people not apologizing for their wealth or otherwise trying to hide it. I'm not in their position, but I've run into a fair amount of people who are, and try to hide it, or try to tell me how hard they have to work, etc. That being said, there is nothing wrong with being born wealthy and still working for it, see: Thomas Ravenal. For all of his faults, and, let's face it, there are too many to list, he has made his own money despite the silver spoon in his mouth.

  • Love 4

OK, so Craig doesn't have a job, but he does have a driver?


Craig's nice childhood made me realize that he probably has never really struggled, which is saying something when you're 26. Time to figure out what to do when you aren't living on Easy Street anymore.


Jackie, with a cold sore on her lip, didn't look very convincing when she was telling Shep that he had too many girlfriends. And Shep just has a way with people, as he demonstrates time and time again. Asking Mrs. Conover "How was school today?" was absolutely the cutest.


Being so much older than all of these kids must make Whitney feel paternal. I know I would feel maternal around them. Or maybe Whitney's just a meddler.

  • Love 2
Craig's parents are incredibly sweet and down to earth. He's really strayed so far from his upbringing....or as my grandma would say he's "got above his raising



I suppose becoming semi-famous on a Reality TV show will do that do you.  Of course they can't break the "4th wall" and come out and say that.   







OK, so Craig doesn't have a job, but he does have a driver?



I just assumed it was Uber or a friend.  Or perhaps something that Bravo provided.  Not a "driver" like Patricia or Lisa VanderPump has. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 3

Craig was actually very endearing this episode. His family is darling.

Kathryn's wigs/squirrel pelts will never not be funny to me. Her Cousin Itt look she sported whilst chatting with Danni is one of my favorites. It looked really, really heavy.

Speaking of Danni, I haven't heard her say much more than "I'm sorry" or "good Lord" this season. Just realized as well that she's never had a talking head. I know that she's not a main cast member but neither are J.D., Cooper, nor Patricia and they have all had talking heads. As sweet as she is, she's probably too boring for Bravo.

  • Love 2
Jackie, with a cold sore on her lip, didn't look very convincing when she was telling Shep that he had too many girlfriends.


A cold sore is not an STD. And I was glad to see a young woman tell Shep that his reputation preceded him and she didn't want to date him because he isn't into commitment. At 35 he needs to start thinking seriously about his behavior if he really does want a wife and kids. I'm fine with him being a playboy if that's what he wants. He will always find many willing women [raising my hand] to go to bed with for a night or a 2-week fling. Yet the kind of woman who will make a good, serious companion to him is going to expect exclusivity to begin at some point in the dating relationship. She seems to be saying that she wants to be treated as more than a fling, and if he was really interested in her, then he would assure her that he's willing to "date" her and be exclusive when it's appropriate.


We've already seen him tell Cameran that he's not into "dating". He acted like he didn't even know what the word meant. 

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5

Kathryn's wigs/squirrel pelts will never not be funny to me. Her Cousin Itt look she sported whilst chatting with Danni is one of my favorites. It looked really, really heavy.



And she was complaining about how hot it was. Imagine the humidity and all the product she had in those pelts to keep them smoothed/weighed down. All I could think was, if you're so overheated, then get rid of about 8 inches of that fake hair.

  • Love 3

Craig was actually very endearing this episode. His family is darling.

Kathryn's wigs/squirrel pelts will never not be funny to me. Her Cousin Itt look she sported whilst chatting with Danni is one of my favorites. It looked really, really heavy.

Speaking of Danni, I haven't heard her say much more than "I'm sorry" or "good Lord" this season. Just realized as well that she's never had a talking head. I know that she's not a main cast member but neither are J.D., Cooper, nor Patricia and they have all had talking heads. As sweet as she is, she's probably too boring for Bravo.


Squirrel pelts! Bwahahahaha!! We have those red squirrels around here, called boomers. Kathryn's new nickname from me is "Boomchickalacka."


Danni may not be getting many talking heads, but the side eye with that weird thing she did with her mouth is gif-worthy. I've never seen anything say "OMG" quite like that.

  • Love 2

I don't feel sorry for Craig getting fired. He had it coming.  And yes, he got kick to the curb.  Not the parting of the ways or transitioning b.s.


Whitney is such a jerk.  He wasn't trying to help Craig.  All he wanted to do was to cause trouble.   And what's up with his "girl friend"?   Everything appeared so force - as if she was hired for the show.


BTW, Craig's bro, Chris is hot!

Edited by escape
  • Love 4

I agree.  He seems a little disgusted by most women and doesn't seem to know how to interact with them.  But I'm not getting a gay vibe either.  He seems to have a boyish hero worship of Thomas.  I looked up Larissa's wikipedia page, and she appears to be the definition of a famewhore.  It is hard to understand how someone who is 22 could have been on as many reality shows as she has been.  Looks like she is trying to break into the US market, and this is another step for her.  



I think Whitney is just a true misogynist.  With a Mother like his, who could blame him?!  It must have been a life of humilation with his Mother moving from one rich "mark" to the next and him being totally dependent on her.  Whitney is not a Trust Funder, he is a Momma's Boy (I doubt any stepfather would have bankrolled him) and the resentment of his Mother shows in all of his interactions with women.  Almost can't blame him for thinking all women are for sale - it is all he knows - that was definitely the vibe I was getting from the Fraulein he purchased.  It also explains his hostility to Katherine who isn't giving Thomas his money's worth.


Of course he sees his relationship with the German Famewhore as transactional (all he knows) and I've always suspected the "hook up" with Katherine was a casting couch session that did not include what Whitney so maturely shows with a hand/finger gesture but the other act with maximum submission and humiliation.


I always get the sense of deep seated resentment and hate in Whitney's interactions with Patty and almost suspect he's trying to embarass (or expose) her with the spotlight of this show.

  • Love 15

I'm frustrated wtith Craig.  This is the third episode in which he whined that Shep and Whitney party all the time and don't work, so why can't he?  He's not stupid so it has to be willful stubbornness, like a little kid.


Ugh, Whitney gets more snotty and unlikeable with each episode.  "Doucheferatu" exactly.  Can't wait to see him and Kathryn go at it next week - as if it's any of his business how she spends her time.

Edited by DeepRed
  • Love 7

Maybe after all that education, Craig has come to the realization that he really doesn't want to be a lawyer, so now he's left wondering what in the hell he  is supposed to do with his life. That would suck. 

Hey, Miss High Society Patricia, you raised a real douchbag for a son with no discernible manners what so ever. Congrats.

We have a few "Esquire's" here at my company, that is not a law firm, and the positions they hold do not require a law degree. Granted, I don't doubt it looked good on their resume's its not the reason they were hired. In my conversations with a couple I know well, it's because they say there is no way for them to make decent livings practicing law. One was a prosecutor for a while, but it didn't pay enough so she is working at our company in Corporate Compliance.


So, the law degree should not limit Craig from doing something else, although it sounds like he really wants  to practice law. While I see that he is acting really immature right now, I am not sure that means his life and career are doomed. I know some men that did not get it together I their twenties,, but did so later. I think seeing he came from such a solid family was encouraging. What wasn't was the reminder of the "trophy generation" We have started to get more of those in our work force, of course, and they can be easily identified even without knowing the age range.  They are the ones that often show up late, if at all, have to leave early, have tons of texts that apparently cannot wait until their  break. If they actually show up a full 40 hours in a work week I swear they are expecting  trophy.

Unfortunately, we don't hand them out-only paychecks. 


Whitney is truly ill mannered for someone supposedly born to wealth in the South. Shep has so much better manners. Not to mention he is way cuter. Than just about anyone I can think of. actually.


Whitney is gay, IMO. In fact, I suspect he is in love with Thomas. No wonder he and Kathryn detest each other so much. Bitch fights are the worst!     

I don't feel sorry for Craig getting fired. He had it coming.  And yes, he got kick to the curb.  Not the parting of the ways or transitioning b.s.


Whitney is such a jerk.  He wasn't trying to help Craig.  All he wanted to do was to cause trouble.   And what's up with his "girl friend"?   Everything appeared so force - as if she was hired for the show.


BTW, Craig's bro, Chris is hot!

Craig absolutely deserved to be fired and the boss was more than patient. However, he is young enough it's hardly the end of the world and may well teach him a lesson. Or not. But I am hoping so.

Edited by chlban
  • Love 4

Kathryn's wigs/squirrel pelts will never not be funny to me. Her Cousin Itt look she sported whilst chatting with Danni is one of my favorites. It looked really, really heavy.


Oh my god, this is hilarious.  I'm not actually sure what her hair actually looks like at t his point.  She may be starting to head into Lady Gaga territory.  I mean, I have nothing against wigs/extensions etc., but I think the natural look will win every time, especially when you are as pretty as Kathryn.  I have no idea who told her that was a good look.  I've never been to Charleston, but I have to imagine the humidity is awful, and just looking at her with all of that fake hair made me feel hot and sticky.  

  • Love 3

Oh my god, this is hilarious.  I'm not actually sure what her hair actually looks like at t his point.  She may be starting to head into Lady Gaga territory.  I mean, I have nothing against wigs/extensions etc., but I think the natural look will win every time, especially when you are as pretty as Kathryn.  I have no idea who told her that was a good look.  I've never been to Charleston, but I have to imagine the humidity is awful, and just looking at her with all of that fake hair made me feel hot and sticky.  

You are correct...the humidity here is stupid and will give you big, frizzy hair. Ponytails and smoothing balm are de rigueur in the summer. Honestly, Kathryn is an oddball in the style department around here. Most girls, from ages 16-45, have more of the Cameron look....longer straight hair, Lilly P and Jack Rogers, very sorority.

I loved how Craig got fired on TV and even though it's really mean, but he kind of deserved it because of the way he so disrespected his job and boss that even his friends were like the boss is a chump. Nice that he served him a glass of good wine while doing it. That said, Craig probably seriously needed a year off or so to unwind and regroup after law school but went way too far. Regarding his ride to and from humiliation, it was probably an Uber.


I love Shep more each episode. His "How was school today?" was too adorbs. 


This is my favorite reality show.

  • Love 4

-- Whitney is a jerk, and has some personality issues.

-- Shep and the ladies. He says he eventually wants to settle down. But if he's not ready so what. He has plenty of time. He's 35. HE is not on a clock. We don't know what -- if anything more -- went on between Shep and Jackie?....but that whole scene with her seems forced or fake or whatever. WHY even show that...Why not just have him say in a talking head...it didn't work out...oh well, and chuckle. I dont' understand why their scene on the sofa was even shown..or TAPED for that matter.

-- I like Cameron a LOT (SHE could probably tame Shep)..... and I like Landon, too.

-- I look forward to Kathryn getting in Whitney's face. But once again she does it when it seems as if she may have been drinking. And she can't REALLY dress him down like he needs to be. She's not his match in the wit and retort department. Oddly enough, HE needs to be shown up by someone ....who can condescend with a sharp tongue, and smile, while embarrassing you through the floor, and leave him silent with his tail between his legs. THAT I'd pay to see.

-- I like Thomas -- when he's NOT being immature.

-- And now to Craig. Craig has plenty of time to get his act together. He should concentrate on the the modeling. Go for endorsements and make his money there.

His agent will get the gigs. All he has to do is show up and work seriously at the assignments. I do think he'd do that for the modeling. He doesn't want a 9-5 office gig. Nothing wrong with that.


I always, always have thought that Craig's drinking and partying weren't just the normal "drinking and partying" He seems not to be able to drink and NOT get drunk. He calls that just having fun but it's not. If a person has to get DRUNK every time they drink -- that's not just having a good time, that's not just "I've graduated from law school and don't know what to do with myself"...and it's not "I just don't want to work" --  that's a problem.  For obvious reasons Craig's parents didn't get into intimate detail about the (apparent alcohol?) issues that run in their families. But given what they said, Craig COULD POSSIBLY just be an alcoholic.


As for his money issues. His parents must be supporting him to some extent, Which is fine by me. It's not like they're broke. If I looked up the right company that his father owns. they have over a million dollars (1.5 to 2 mill) in revenue (I know that's not profit), and the mom has her teaching salary. Craig is letting the fact that he doesn't have HIS OWN money get to him. Which is good in a certain way because it should bother him to live off of his parents. And because their money isn't as old as Shep's or Thomas' HE doesn't have any of his own family money. Thomas and Shep -- likely got money from GRAND parents, let alone parents. And Craig didn't have that 'skip a generation, inherited from grandparents" money to get him started. So, yes. he's behind them in the money department -- but as long as THEY don't see him as "less than"...HE shouldn't either. Which -- I get -- can be easier said than done when you see it and are around it every day. And it's in your face like, "Wow. These people really don't have to work." That's why I think the modeling would be good for Craig. It's not 9-5...he can make millions...AND have time to goof off if he wants.

  • Love 1

Awww Jackie dumped Shep.  I liked her at the Founder's Ball.  


I like that there are actually women on this show that are not so desperate for a guy that they'll date someone who is clearly not good partner potential.  Jackie knows Shep by reputation, a womanizer who goes through women constantly.  She knows better than to be just one more in the string, and wants more than that for herself. 


Good on her, and good on Dani for not wanting to date a felon 30 years older than her last season, although she wasn't smart enough to stay away from Shep.  I like Shep, but he's a bad risk.

  • Love 5

I tend to lean on the side of Whitney being asexual. I just can't see him being attracted to men or women. Even though he had something with Kathryn? And, he's 'dating' this German actress. I think they are both using each other. She gets some kind of exposure on American television. He gets to be the elder playboy with a famous foreign girlfriend, that conveniently lives in another country. It's easy to be in a relationship when you don't have to see you partner. Hey, if he is gay, just come out I bet he'd be a heck of a lot more fun, and perhaps even win a few people over. 


I agree with this.  I can't picture anybody, male or female having sex with Whitney.  I know Kathryn did but...exactly how drunk was she when that happened.  Something about him just grosses me out, he's like a live Ken doll to me.

  • Love 2
I like Shep, but he's a bad risk.


Idk about being any kind of risk, but I can certainly see him as NOT being boyfriend material -- at all.  He's aimless, he strikes me as cheap, he's got a rotten history with women & doesn't seem like he'd be especially attentive either.  Ladies, please get past the cuteness (not so much to me cuz I can't stand his bug eyes & big fake teeth) & please see him for what he is.  I'm just not seeing what would be appealing about him as a boyfriend.  Not much -- as smart gal Jackie saw right away & didn't wanna waste her time.  


Now, just relax Shep-crushers.  I'm only saying he'd make for a shit boyfriend.  But as a friend. he seems like a lot of fun.  Not especially dependable, but fun to party with.  Which is nice if you're 20-something -- or see yourself as 20-something in your head -- like ole Whit or Carole from NYC Housewives.


Whitney really needs to STFU about Craig's private affairs. Where the hell does he get off?  Craig will tell his parents when he's ready....he probably didn't want to tell them on camera. Whitney's doucheness was strong in this episode.



I'm still giving ole Whit a side-eye about his concern over Craig.  WTF?  Over-stepping much?  Asexual, eh?  Um, no.  He's just hiding his gay side pretty good.  And just what is his "friendly" interest in Craig about?  Hmmmmm.


I don't know what he is but let's not forget he had sex with Kathryn before Thomas hit it.....



Who knows what actually happened there, but a one-time attempt at straight sex does not exactly make him straight.


So Patricia was so offended that a woman who wore Ann Taylor clothing was with her son, but accepts with open arms a buck-toothed, German, reality show famewhore?  Color me confused.  Where's all the talk of pedigree now, Patsy?


At this point, maybe she's merely happy he's in of front her with a female -- any female.  If he came by her house with a gal fresh outta the local jail, she'd be thrilled.  Oh, Pats knows the deal on sonny-boy (well, actually sonny-middle-aged-man).  Oh, I'm only surprised she hasn't bought him a mail order bride by now & shoved her at him in front of us.


That's why I think the modeling would be good for Craig. It's not 9-5...he can make millions...AND have time to goof off if he wants.


Oh yeah, there are tons of guys like that here in NYC.  They're called waiters.  Me thinks Craig is gonna have to scale his hoity-toidy attitude way the fuck down & face reality.  Er, I mean REAL reality.  Sure, he can gulp down the cocktails, but he's also gonna have to serve 'em too.

  • Love 7

-- I like Cameron a LOT (SHE could probably tame Shep)..... 

I think the best thing about Cameron is that she was smart enough not to even try.  She obviously likes and enjoys being friends with Shep, but definitely doesn't think he is relationship material, for any woman looking for a serious thing.


Back in the day, on Sex and the City, Charlotte (or someone) said that men are like taxi cabs.  They are constantly driving around with their lights off, not looking for a relationship.  And then one day, they decide they want to get serious, turn on their lights, and boom, the next woman that gets into their cab is the one they end up with.


Shep hasn't turned on his light, and may never turn on his light.  

  • Love 9

Can I get some basic education here, please -- because I must be as dumb as a box of rocks.  How do you know when someone is wearing extensions? What do you see that I just don't? How do you know that it's a wig, or a piece or clip ons? I so don't get it. Obviously I trust y'all that Kathryn's not flaunting her own hair (or is some of it hers?) Signed, Wakeen (whose haircare routine is 'wash, comb, ignore')



Edited because an apostrophe does not mean "look out, here comes an S"

Edited by TeapotWakeen
  • Love 7

-- And now to Craig. Craig has plenty of time to get his act together. He should concentrate on the the modeling. Go for endorsements and make his money there.

His agent will get the gigs. All he has to do is show up and work seriously at the assignments. I do think he'd do that for the modeling. He doesn't want a 9-5 office gig. Nothing wrong with that.

The career span of a model is very short.  It is a known fact that male models get paid a lot less than the females.  I would not expect any million dollar pay day.  Also at 26, Craig is too old to start modeling - and will be competing with those that are much younger. 


I doubt he would throw away graduating from law school to become a fleeting model.

Edited by escape
  • Love 1

I don't feel sorry for Craig getting fired. He had it coming.  And yes, he got kick to the curb.  Not the parting of the ways or transitioning b.s.


Whitney is such a jerk.  He wasn't trying to help Craig.  All he wanted to do was to cause trouble.   And what's up with his "girl friend"?   Everything appeared so force - as if she was hired for the show.


BTW, Craig's bro, Chris is hot!


I concur.  Craig's brother is SUPER hot.  I'd totally hit that.


Idk about being any kind of risk, but I can certainly see him as NOT being boyfriend material -- at all.  He's aimless, he strikes me as cheap, he's got a rotten history with women & doesn't seem like he'd be especially attentive either.  Ladies, please get past the cuteness (not so much to me cuz I can't stand his bug eyes & big fake teeth) & please see him for what he is.  I'm just not seeing what would be appealing about him as a boyfriend.  Not much -- as smart gal Jackie saw right away & didn't wanna waste her time.  


Now, just relax Shep-crushers.  I'm only saying he'd make for a shit boyfriend.  But as a friend. he seems like a lot of fun.  Not especially dependable, but fun to party with.  Which is nice if you're 20-something -- or see yourself as 20-something in your head -- like ole Whit or Carole from NYC Housewives.


I think Shep and Danni dated seriously and then broke up.  I think he's the kind of guy that's monogamous when he's in a monogamous relationship-meaning I don't think he's the cheating type, but at the moment, he's not wanting anything serious.  And I agree, good for Jackie for sussing out the situation and communicating her feelings clearly and articulately.  The fact that Shep and Danni are still friends makes me think he doesn't have a "rotten" history with women.  I would consider a "rotten history with women" to include disrespecting/humiliating women he sleeps with (which we don't know), making false promises to get women into bed (he mentioned to Cameran that one particular girl wouldn't sleep with him unless they were in a monogamous relationship, so it's not like he was willing to lie or be disingenuous just to get some tail), and cheating repeatedly.  Not having a lot of long term significant relationships do not denote a "rotten history."  I say this as both a fan of Shep (yes, I think he's adorable, but I also think he's funny, kind, and hella smart), and as someone that has a similar track record with the opposite sex.  Shep also had that girl that met up with them in Delaware.  If he's some kind of giant asshole, why is she showing up?  


I hate the idea that someone has to be in a relationship to be a respected, responsible adult.  Not having a significant other, unless you're a horrible and mean human being, means absolutely zero.

  • Love 10

I think the best thing about Cameron is that she was smart enough not to even try.  She obviously likes and enjoys being friends with Shep, but definitely doesn't think he is relationship material, for any woman looking for a serious thing.


Back in the day, on Sex and the City, Charlotte (or someone) said that men are like taxi cabs.  They are constantly driving around with their lights off, not looking for a relationship.  And then one day, they decide they want to get serious, turn on their lights, and boom, the next woman that gets into their cab is the one they end up with.


Shep hasn't turned on his light, and may never turn on his light.  

Or he may be like George Clooney and finally get tamed. You never know. It certainly seemed to happen to the 60's version of George, Warren Beatty. 


With his charisma, perhaps he should be the one pursuing politics instead of poor delusional Thomas.

  • Love 6

I concur.  Craig's brother is SUPER hot.  I'd totally hit that.



I think Shep and Danni dated seriously and then broke up.  I think he's the kind of guy that's monogamous when he's in a monogamous relationship-meaning I don't think he's the cheating type, but at the moment, he's not wanting anything serious.  And I agree, good for Jackie for sussing out the situation and communicating her feelings clearly and articulately.  The fact that Shep and Danni are still friends makes me think he doesn't have a "rotten" history with women.  I would consider a "rotten history with women" to include disrespecting/humiliating women he sleeps with (which we don't know), making false promises to get women into bed (he mentioned to Cameran that one particular girl wouldn't sleep with him unless they were in a monogamous relationship, so it's not like he was willing to lie or be disingenuous just to get some tail), and cheating repeatedly.  Not having a lot of long term significant relationships do not denote a "rotten history."  I say this as both a fan of Shep (yes, I think he's adorable, but I also think he's funny, kind, and hella smart), and as someone that has a similar track record with the opposite sex.  Shep also had that girl that met up with them in Delaware.  If he's some kind of giant asshole, why is she showing up?  


I hate the idea that someone has to be in a relationship to be a respected, responsible adult.  Not having a significant other, unless you're a horrible and mean human being, means absolutely zero.

Couldn't agree more, especially since I have zero interest in a long term (or short term for that matter) relationship. I like being single. Go figure. Of course I was married, so I can say been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Or ring as it were. Shep is still quite young and professes to want children, so I suspect at some point he will meet the one. If not, I am pretty sure he'll have a great life and I bet he is a super fun and awesome Uncle to his sister and brothers kids..   

  • Love 4

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