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S05.E06: The F Bomb

Tara Ariano

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Farrah goes to the neighbor because she wants someone to feel sorry for her.  Wait until she treats that woman like crap, like she does everyone else.  I have decided to fast forward through all of her scenes because I just can't stand to watch her.


MTV totally suckered the other girls by signing them first and then bringing Farrah back.  I understand Maci not wanting to film the show with her (not WITH her, but be on the same show).  Maci may not be the pilar of good decision making but she wasn't selling porn of herself either.


Amber's new boyfriend gives me the creeps.



I would have more respect for Maci's argument against Farrah if she had shown as much venom against Amber.  Like it or nor Farrah turning her ass up on camera is legal. Very legal.  If Maci wanted to go all high moral ground, she should have had the same hesitation about convicted felon Amber being shown with her precious Bentley.


All her huffing and puffing goes right out the window when she's yuk yuking with Cell Block 4.  She looks really dumb on that one.  Walk off the show because Amber may relapse at any moment and that's not the message you want to send to your fans.  Say you dont want to film w Amber because she might beat the bag out of somebody at any moment.  Say you dont want to be on a show with Tyler because he's mean to animals.  But dont claim moral superiority over a girl who did a very legal thing and then go whisper about her in the corner with the inmate.


Maci should tell the truth and say she doesn't want Farrah on the show because she doesnt like her.  Farrah certainly doesn't kiss her ass and tell Maci how pretty and skinny she is.  Maci needs that and Farrah won't follow that script.

  • Love 12

How about if Maci really gave a fuck, put her money where her mouth was, and distanced herself from MTV as soon as Farrah got involved with adult entertainment, instead of waiting for the show to do a bait and switch on her.

In other words, way back when Farrah's porn happened was the time for Maci to focus on her sex education "brand" and make the decision to detach from the TM franchise. Now it just looks like sour grapes. Timing matters.

  • Love 5

How about if Maci really gave a fuck, put her money where her mouth was, and distanced herself from MTV as soon as Farrah got involved with adult entertainment, instead of waiting for the show to do a bait and switch on her.

In other words, way back when Farrah's porn happened was the time for Maci to focus on her sex education "brand" and make the decision to detach from the TM franchise. Now it just looks like sour grapes. Timing matters.


Well said. Although I think it doesn't just "look" like sour grapes, I think it IS sour grapes.


And really,how does porn conflict with sex education? I would think that those in the adult entertainment industry would actually be MORE proactive about safe sex and getting tested and properly using contraception than some 23 year old hick who managed to  "accidentally"  get pregnant twice.Really, if anyone is destroying Maci's credibility when it comes to her brand, it's Maci.

Edited by Tatum
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I don't know what I'm more shocked by - Amber's mature and rational response to Farrah coming back or that I feel the tiniest bit sorry for Farrah.  I think that she probably already paid for her mom's facelift but wanted it out there how generous she is so she made Deb call and reenact asking for the money. Probably so she could show of how easily she throws around $8,000.  I feel sorry for her because I think her parents are only around for her money. They want to reap the benefits of her "success" and Farrah has turned to porn to keep the money train rolling.  I had to laugh at Maci's attitude. I agree with whoever said she is angry that she is NO ONE to this show. She isn't enough on her own to keep the show going. Farrah is the bigger "star" and she hates that!  its laughable that a girl who speaks about preventing pregnancy is giving talks while knocked up by her boyfriend of the moment.  Nothing has changed since she was 16 except for age. I don't consider living with a guy for a whole month a stable relationship and ready to have  a baby with him.  The look on Taylor's face when Maci said she was done with the whole thing was totally "oh shit what the hell is she thinking, I don't want to get a job and she's quitting hers we are so screwed!"   I wish the producers had said ok. well we have Farrah back and were going to do the show with only three of you before so now we have enough. Bye  bye and good luck with everything. 


Amber's guy is shady as hell. No way he is really into her. He was probably some guy living in his mom's basement or just got fired from Radio Shack or Mcdonalds and decided to try to hook up with one of the teen moms. Didn't Janelle say that Amber's boyfriend had been trying to get with her (Janelle) forever?   Whats even more creepy is that Gary has NO problem letting his 6 year old daughter stay overnight at a home with two addicts, one of whom has only been in the picture maybe a month?  And it was on a school night. So much for Gary and Kristina's strict schedule for Leah. While I don't think Gary's reasoning was a good call (punishing her because she was rude to him) I breathed a sigh of relief that he changed his mind and didn't allow Leah to stay there with the 40 year old creeper.  Just a few episodes ago Amber was crying about how she's afraid to date because guys will just want her for her money. Well guess what sweetie, the guy you were so afraid of? He's living with you!!!  No 40 something man moves across the country and oops I gave up my apartment guess I have nowhere to go. Something is VERY off with him.  And as much as I don't like Amber, I want someone to step in and protect her. 


Don't care about Cate and Tyler.  Glad their daughter was born healthy. 

I felt like I need to sit down and catch my breath or take a nap after Farrah's part. My head is spinning. So much drama and yelling in such a short time. I guess that's why the producers needed to bring her back.  Maci does nothing and is boring. Cate and Tyler are boring and annoying. Amber is a train wreck waiting to happen. But basically none of them are interesting. While Farrah is seriously disturbed, its as though you can't look away.  If Maci and Cate weren't pregnant what the heck would they fill up their screen time with? Maci and her lame radio show or giving boring talks to college kids? Cate and Tyler talking aimlessly about someday going to school or Cate crying over how Tyler wont' marry her? Amber sitting on the couch? These girls have NOTHING going on in their lives. And they have been given so many resources that other teen moms don't have access to and still they have accomplished NOTHING!

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Finally watched this last night.   A few of my thoughts:


Catelynn: I agree the whole "diagnosed with gestational diabetes" plot was fabricated this late in the pregnancy.  No doubt she was diagnosed, but likely at 25 weeks like normal people.  Hence why they "couldn't go in to film the appointment".  I also agree that Catelynn needs to eat healthier.  But I don't think people should be slamming her like crazy for seeing two scenes of her eating crap.  Maybe (unlikely, but maybe) she was eating healthy most times and just gave in during her baby shower.  Everyone needs a cheat sometimes.  The scene with April and Tyler's mom in the hospital hallway was touching, and sort of weird.  These two women married the same man and their kids are having a baby.  Weird, but touching.  Baby Nova was adorable and made me want to start trying for Baby Sloth #2 immediately.


Maci:  Someone hit the nail on the head with "mean girl".  It's obvious that Maci's tantrum about Farrah coming back had everything to do with her dislike of Farrah and feeling "rejected" by MTV, not Farrah's lifestyle choices.  Is it hypocritical considering her like of Amber?  Yup.  But everyone acts like a baby sometimes.


Amber: Oh goodness her new boyfriend skeeves me out.  Not the age difference.  Not that they met on Twitter.  Okay, all of that is a little weird but to each their own.  He's just creepy and seems like he's putting on a show.  Sort of like Nathan first did when dating Jenelle.  I'm sure his true colors will come out soon and I just hope Leah comes out unscathed.


Farrah:  First things first, Debra looks HORRIBLE.  Her face looks like someone slammed it with a frying pan and then threw grease on top.  Surprisingly, even with all the surgery Farrah has had I don't think she looks "bad".  Completely fake and plastic-y (which modern society promotes), but not bad.  In fact, I was really shocked when Farrah was putting on makeup in the mirror and it looked nothing like her at all without 15 lbs of makeup.  She's still a class A B*tch though, which explains why she has no friends. 

Edited by SlothLoveChunk
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And they have been given so many resources that other teen moms don't have access to and still they have accomplished NOTHING!


I know. I think Farrah is a delusional, unlikeable person, but at least she has used her resources to get her foot in the door for multiple endeavors, from porn to publishing to whatever else she has going on. I don't think she'll ever be really successful because she is mostly uneducated, unwilling to learn, and can't take even the most constructive of criticism, but at least she's trying. All Maci uses her "fame" for is a few free drinks and comp'd vacations. She seems to have truly zero ambition to do anything other than post on her twitter and go on vacations with her friends or boyfriend. And Amber and Cate are even less inclined than that.


I think Maci is of average intelligence, but incredibly undisciplined. I would bet that in high school, her classes were super structured and she was graded based on attendance, daily assignments, and quizzes and tests on which the teacher created a study guide and the students were graded by the completion. I bet she has never developed any kind of study habits, has no time management skills, and for college classes where your entire grade may be determined by 2-3 tests, can't manage to keep up, because her attendance and studying is so spotty. Cate and Amber, on the other hand, just seem like they maybe fall below average on basic intelligence.  I mean, they're both lazy, but maybe they also have either a learning disability or are just not very bright.


Can't figure Farrah out. I think she seemed of average intelligence during her 16 and Pregnant episode, and actually seemed to be the only one of any of these girls who could handle an unstructured learning environment, but maybe she's just not that interested in school. Her "I'm always right" attitude will do her no favors down the road.


Think Teen Mom seriously emotionally and intellectually stunted all these girls.

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Did I really hear that producer say on the closer look show that he met his wife at Bentley's delivery? That she was at his wedding? Now we get the good girl edit. I would really like to know more about this. Was she a friend of the family, a practitioner attending the birth?


Another thing I would really like to know more about: some other site (okay, TMJ. The crazy over there is too good to miss) someone said that Debra is broke because she had been catfished. 


Farrah really could have been more gracious on the closer look re: Amber and Cate's reactions to hearing she would be back. Well, she can always be more gracious, but for some reason I can not understand, I keep hoping for that bolt of lightening hitting and slapping some sense into her. I know exactly how hard a toxic upbringing is to overcome.


Catelynn and Tyler making that sign...did they really throw themselves a shower??????


I googled around and there are several articles about her being bilked out of money by her boyfriend/business partner. I guess Farrah talked about it on Couples Therapy. 


It's crazy town! Farrah really had no chance at being remotely normal or well adjusted. I don't like her but she didn't start off on an even playing field. 

  • Love 1


All Maci uses her "fame" for is a few free drinks and comp'd vacations. She seems to have truly zero ambition to do anything other than post on her twitter and go on vacations with her friends or boyfriend. And Amber and Cate are even less inclined than that.


Maci is the only one who appears to be close to finishing college. I have to give her that. Her high horse about Farrah and porn lasts just long enough for her to realize she needs the money though. It was entertaining to watch MTV reduced to following Ryan around and trying to get him to speak in complete sentences. He must have a separate contract and payment from Maci.


My biggest concern about Amber's elderly boyfriend is picking up and leaving Boston on a whim means that at 40, he had no career worth hanging on to. And I suspect he may be broke and letting Amber pay for him. And he's too close with Leah, considering this is a new relationship.

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I just want to say that just because something is legal, that doesn't mean it complies with everyone's own personal moral standards. Male circumcision is legal, but I am vehemently opposed to it. So I don't think I could ever say Maci can't object to what Farrah did simply because it's legal. 


But on all other points, I agree. Because Maci is not filming with Farrah. They are both attached to the show either way. And, legalities aside, physically attacking your partner and taking care of your kid while intoxicated are not cool either. No. It's a pride thing with Maci, pure and simple. 

  • Love 4


Maci is the only one who appears to be close to finishing college. I have to give her that.


OK, if we are going off lowered standards (since none of the other girls have completed any level of post secondary education), then yes, Maci being on the cusp of receiving her Associates degree in Media Technology (that it took her 6+ years to earn, assuming she graduates this semester, which is never a sure thing) IS an item of note.



I just want to say that just because something is legal, that doesn't mean it complies with everyone's own personal moral standards.


I get what you're saying. Plenty of people (especially women) feel like porn is degrading to women, and the existence of porn sets women back decades and promotes a general disrespect. I don't happen to agree with that, but I have heard some well articulated speeches from those that do. However, it is still a bit unseemly to me if one were to speak out against porn but not say boo about domestic violence, drug abuse, absentee parenting, drunk driving, etc. That said, I don't at all agree that Maci has an issue with porn itself anyways- I think this is about Farrah personally and the porn is a convenient thing to hide behind because the views on it are so polarizing. It also makes Maci look good- all those that are against porn as a rule will immediately appreciate her speaking out against it.

  • Love 4

I would have more respect for Maci's argument against Farrah if she had shown as much venom against Amber. Like it or nor Farrah turning her ass up on camera is legal. Very legal. If Maci wanted to go all high moral ground, she should have had the same hesitation about convicted felon Amber being shown with her precious Bentley.

All her huffing and puffing goes right out the window when she's yuk yuking with Cell Block 4. She looks really dumb on that one. Walk off the show because Amber may relapse at any moment and that's not the message you want to send to your fans. Say you dont want to film w Amber because she might beat the bag out of somebody at any moment. Say you dont want to be on a show with Tyler because he's mean to animals. But dont claim moral superiority over a girl who did a very legal thing and then go whisper about her in the corner with the inmate.

Maci should tell the truth and say she doesn't want Farrah on the show because she doesnt like her. Farrah certainly doesn't kiss her ass and tell Maci how pretty and skinny she is. Maci needs that and Farrah won't follow that script.

Yeah, that's my problem too. I can't wrap my head around being so offended by Farrah's porn career, but ok with Amber's assault conviction. I don't like porn at all (personally I don't find it sexy and socially I think it has unpleasant ramifications), but when you get right down to it, it is just two adults having consensual sex. That's it. Yeah, it's being filmed and they get paid, but Amber was high and violent multiple times while being filmed for money. She got high and beat her partner in front of her child multiple times and was paid for the footage! Amber wins for worst role model. Larry had it right when he said they all made mistakes that's why they're on the show. None of their glass houses should be throwing dirty slut rocks at Farrah.

Speaking of, I laughed my ass off when Ryan was complaining about the producers always asking him about Maci. That's why they're filming you, dumb-ass! They aren't following you around because of your insightful political commentary. Idiot.

Edited by FozzyBear
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Gary is really fat. Like ridiculously fat. I hate to fat shame but it's shameful how fat he is with such a young daughter.

Didn't he go thru a slimmer phase one season? Or maybe I'm thinking of Fit Doug.

That would be season one... or probably rather Amber's originally 16 & pregnant episode.  ;)


So does anyone know what happen to Farrah baby daddy family? I feel sorry for them

I think one of her specials we saw her catching up with derek's sister? They're probably still in Iowa and as much as a selfish biatch that farrah is I don't think she'd cut them off. 


I thought Ryan's dad said "his head's as hard as his tail".


He said "his head's as hard as this table"


I think one of her specials we saw her catching up with derek's sister? They're probably still in Iowa and as much as a selfish biatch that farrah is I don't think she'd cut them off.


Derek's sister did agree to take a DNA test on one of the seasons of Teen Mom when Farrah was applying for social security benefits for Sophia and needed to prove paternity. I think it was ruled that it was 99% certain that Farrah's ex was the biological father, but SS denied the claim because there was no child support in order (the SS benefit exists only to replace a child support order that will go unfulfilled after the death of the non custodial partner).


However, I think after that went down, the mother of Farrah's ex sued Farrah or threatened to sue Farrah and went to any media outlet that would listen to complain about Farrah, so I imagine that bridge is burned. Sophia's paternal grandmother is named Stormie Clark if you want to google her. I think the possible lawsuit might have also been an episode of Teen Mom, but I don't remember what season.

OK, if we are going off lowered standards (since none of the other girls have completed any level of post secondary education), then yes, Maci being on the cusp of receiving her Associates degree in Media Technology (that it took her 6+ years to earn, assuming she graduates this semester, which is never a sure thing) IS an item of note.



Didn't Farrah earn her associates? And I thought (but could truly be wrong) Maci was working on a bachelors, not associates. 

I thought Farrah had earned her associates too. But then I heard on here it was actually a certification, not an AA. As for Maci, I could be wrong, but the impression that I got was that her graduation date of Spring 2015 was for her Associates of Science in Media Technology, and her next step would be getting her bachelors.So technically, you could argue she IS working on her bachelors now, but the degree she is said to be earning this year will be a 2 year degree.


But I'm getting all of this off Wet Paint and Ashley Roundup and other fan sites so I could be wrong. I would be shocked though if Maci was set to get her bachelors this spring given all the classes she's missed or dropped and entire semesters she's taken off, and I don't think she was ever a full time student (at least, not by the end of her semester). Anyone with better information feel free to chime in.

I'm not one to fat shame as I have had weight issues myself, I just can't with Catelynn and her weight.  I can't defend her on it.  It's clear she didn't just start eating shitty the day of the shower, she gained 20 lbs when she was supposed to have only gained 10....that's a problem, no matter how you look at it.  And why is it Tyler's responsibility to cook or look up ways for her to eat healthier?  That's HER issue to deal with. Tyler obviously doesn't have a weight problem, Catelynn does.  She's been repeatedly told she's putting herself and her child in danger by eating the way she's eating and what was her response to it?  "It's my baby shower, I don't give a fuck today."

That is not someone who has a healthy handle on how they're eating.  Tyler did tell her that whether or not she lost the weight she'd still be beautiful, but I notice that isn't mentioned when discussing his dealings with her.  


You don't just happen to get Gestational Diabetes or gain 20 lbs in a week.  She's been doing this for awhile.


I don't get Farrah.  She confounds me.  She seems to be so irritated and pissed off by everyone and everything around her all the time.  The slightest annoyance and she's gone from zero to bitch in 2 seconds.  The first scene and she's sniping at a producer for asking her a damn question.  No wonder she doesn't have any friends.  Good God.

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I'm not one to fat shame as I have had weight issues myself, I just can't with Catelynn and her weight.  I can't defend her on it.  It's clear she didn't just start eating shitty the day of the shower, she gained 20 lbs when she was supposed to have only gained 10....that's a problem, no matter how you look at it.  And why is it Tyler's responsibility to cook or look up ways for her to eat healthier?  That's HER issue to deal with. Tyler obviously doesn't have a weight problem, Catelynn does.  She's been repeatedly told she's putting herself and her child in danger by eating the way she's eating and what was her response to it?  "It's my baby shower, I don't give a fuck today."

That is not someone who has a healthy handle on how they're eating.  Tyler did tell her that whether or not she lost the weight she'd still be beautiful, but I notice that isn't mentioned when discussing his dealings with her.


Actually, I do remember another poster commenting that the way Tyler said that was very dry, not emotional, almost if he felt he HAD to say it. I agreed. 


And no, Cate's health definitely isn't his responsibility, and I agree that she has pretty much always shown poor eating habits, you'd think if someone you loved had a health problem, you'd want to be supportive. If my husband had a heart attack and was told he needed to change his diet, I would try to make the entire house healthier. I wouldn't sit there eating pizza and chips and say, "You're on your own, bucko!" 


I feel that the general way Tyler behaves towards her (controlling, judgmental, passive aggressive) is not conducive towards her getting to the mental place she needs to be in in order to live a healthy life. Obviously the best solution would be for her to break from him and build a life of her own, gain some confidence. But I highly doubt that will ever happen. 

  • Love 8

Actually, I do remember another poster commenting that the way Tyler said that was very dry, not emotional, almost if he felt he HAD to say it. I agreed. 


And no, Cate's health definitely isn't his responsibility, and I agree that she has pretty much always shown poor eating habits, you'd think if someone you loved had a health problem, you'd want to be supportive. If my husband had a heart attack and was told he needed to change his diet, I would try to make the entire house healthier. I wouldn't sit there eating pizza and chips and say, "You're on your own, bucko!"


I feel that the general way Tyler behaves towards her (controlling, judgmental, passive aggressive) is not conducive towards her getting to the mental place she needs to be in in order to live a healthy life. Obviously the best solution would be for her to break from him and build a life of her own, gain some confidence. But I highly doubt that will ever happen. 


When did Tyler ever do this?  I haven't seen him eating crappy in front of her.  As I stated before it seems that he has a handle on how he eats and even if he doesn't, still not his responsibility to look things up for her or curb his eating habits.  I don't think the kid is some paragon of perfect boyfriends but I feel like people are blaming him for how SHE eats and that's unfair.  I lost weight in a house where my mother cooked fried food every night and my parents routinely ate fast food.  At some point it's your choice to make.  If Catelynn tried to use the fact that Tyler's not supportive for why she packed on the weight....I'd call bullshit.


He makes the slightest comment about it and people lose their shit about it.  If your husband's heart attack was brought on because of obesity and eating habits would you continue to be supportive when/if he started going down the path of unhealthy eating habits again?  No, you'd probably say something.  I haven't seen him say anything that was totally out of line, just remind her that she's gaining a lot of weight.  I don't think that's a problem or out of line.  When/if he starts telling her she's a fat fatty and he won't sleep with her until she loses the weight, then he can earn his douchebag of the year award.  There's far more that Tyler does that earns him that title, what he's said/done with her regarding her weight is on the bottom of that list.

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My problem is Tyler comments on her weight a lot (he knows to the lb how much she weight before Carly and how much she lost!). So I feel if he's going to have an opinion about it, he should be more encouraging - take her on walks, cook healthy meals, etc. Is her weight his responsibility or his fault? Absolutely not. But if you love someone, you try and help them out. 


I think he makes a lot of passive aggressive comments ("Are you more stressed about your weight because of the upcoming wedding?" - "You lost weight after Carly with Weight Watchers") and those are just not helpful. I've called Catelynn out on her behavior as well. But her bad habits don't negate that I think Tyler is a prick. 

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My problem is Tyler comments on her weight a lot (he knows to the lb how much she weight before Carly and how much she lost!). So I feel if he's going to have an opinion about it, he should be more encouraging - take her on walks, cook healthy meals, etc. Is her weight his responsibility or his fault? Absolutely not. But if you love someone, you try and help them out.

I think he makes a lot of passive aggressive comments ("Are you more stressed about your weight because of the upcoming wedding?" - "You lost weight after Carly with Weight Watchers") and those are just not helpful. I've called Catelynn out on her behavior as well. But her bad habits don't negate that I think Tyler is a prick.

Co-sign. Probably just me, but unless I am willing to put my money where my mouth is and offer more than a lecture I honestly do keep my mouth shut about other people's health/lifestyle habits. Because 1) I'm not a doctor and I'm not going to pretend I actually do know stuff. 2) there has not been a single instance in my entire life when a smug lecture actually led to me changing jack-shit about my life. Now the time my friend gave me six months of yoga classes for us to do together for Christmas? That actually helped. I think Tyler can help or shut the fuck up. Either is a legitimate option.

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I think Catelyn is definitely the only one to blame for her terrible eating habits but I also think it's totally bizarre that Tyler knows her weight down to the pound and what she weighed 5 years ago and what she weighed a year before that. That's crazy times. I don't even know what I weighed 5 years ago and so would be totally bananas if my husband could rattle off my weight history from the last five years.

They both obviously eat like shit and are morons on top of that because Tyler had to google "how to eat healthy" or whatever it was he was searching for in the car on the way home from their appointment a few episodes ago. What adult needs to google that? Is it that hard to place a chicken breast in the oven and a bag of vegetables in the microwave? Their poor poor daughter is being raised by complete idiots.

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Yeah, it would be nice that if instead of Tyler just announcing Catelynn has gained so much weight, it's not healthy, and so on...that he do other, more encouraging things, like suggest they go on daily walks, or say something like "I could eat healthier, too...how about we switch off on making healthy meals every night?"


I think his current approach just stresses Catelynn out.

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Tyler is just letting Catelynn know in advance that this is the next hurdle she'll have to overcome before the golden ring of marrying him. Every time he mentions her weight he's just letting her know he won't marry her til she's x pounds. Certainly some unreasonable poundage for Cate's frame.

I think as the Justin Bieber of Minnesota, Tyler has an image in his head of how a woman he's with (if he's going to be w a woman) should look and Catelynn ain't it.

Edited by Brooklynista
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I've never seen Tyler give her a smug lecture.  And commenting that he knows she's gained weight doesn't equal a smug lecture.  Is it weird he knows her weight?  Kind of, I guess.  But she went on a self inflicted press tour when she lost weight spouting off about how much she'd lost and what she weighed now so I don't really see it as that bad for him to have some cognizance of what her weight fluctuations have been.  He was also mega excited about Nova and was at every doctor's appointment where he heard about it as well.   So in the end, I can understand why it is he knows these things.


Weight is a hot button issue with people and so the slightest suggestion that someone has put on some weight tends to come off as a smug lecture, I get that.  But if people remove their emotions from it and just focus on the fact that Catelynn has most definitely gained weight and that she has done next to nothing to fix that....then I don't find too much of a problem with how Tyler's handled it.  Catelynn apparently has no issues with what he's saying, I've yet to see any comment he's made send her into a crying fit or even phase her in the least.


Out of the two of them, Tyler is most definitely an asshole in a lot of other aspects, but the weight thing is all Catelynn.  If she didn't want to hear it from him, then tell him that.  He doesn't seem to be uncaring or smug in the least when he's commenting about it.  He seems to be very gentle with her about it, IMO.

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The issue is not that Tyler is wrong about his belief that Cate should lose some pounds. She knows that. The issue is that he is not saying it out of concern for her health but instead he's being cruel by using that as a this month's carrot: "I won't marry you because..." and if she loses weight and does whatever else, there will be some other "issue" to take its place. Cate will spend her life jumping through hoop after hoop and praying that "this time" everything will work out. It's very sad for me to see that happening. She deserves better. 


Farrah is seriously disturbed. I wonder if she takes some type of medication or something because she seriously goes from 0-60 in no time. It's scary. 


I don't particularly care about Amber and her drama but this guy has some type of agenda. If he is a former drug user trying to pull himself together then hitching his wagon to an extremely unstable angry person like Amber is just not a very good plan. If either of them begins using again they will blame the other for pushing them to relapse. Funny enough, my husband is 19 years older than I am. We got together when I was 25 and he was 44. Twenty three years later, still going strong but then again, we didn't start out with all the problems that Amber and her Boston Boy have.


If I was guessing, I'd say Maci thinks she "is" this show and Farrah coming back takes away some of her thunder and camera time. I do agree that telling them this news on camera to get reaction shots was a crappy thing to do but bitch please. Maci is not on the "same show" as Farrah. It is four different couples/people/whatever that are all shown on the same program. How Farrah's being in segments affects Maci is beyond me. 

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What is funny is that Maci has all these girls on social media congratulating her and praising her for sticking to her guns and standing up for her beliefs. Except.. she actually doesn't stick to her guns. She comes back, just like she and everyone else knew she would.

It's called $$ vs morals. MTV is her paycheck. She's not about to give up money just to make a point based on some faux, moral outrage. (especially when it's a pretty hypocritical point) Maci knew she wasn't going to leave. Please.... Lol .

The minute she started that talk, I laughed. She's not going to put her money where her mouth is, because then she'd have to find another way to make money. (Assuming she stops giving those "safe sex" talks since she's pregnant by daddy #2 --who is her , what? fourth boyfriend in a few years?--and after talking engagement with each of those four men, she is still not married.)

Maci is a big hypocrite, perhaps the biggest hypocrite of all the teen moms. (Farrah is a hateful psycho, but Maci need not look down her nose at anyone.) She's brought at least 3 or 4 men into Bentley's life (okay, 3-- Kyle, Kyle 2, Taylor), is pregnant with Baby #2 , by a different guy, umpteenth boyfriend, not married.... gives talks against doing everything that she herself is doing for the second time around, and has had just as much sex as Farrah--minus the money and the camera :p (I don't care about any of those things except in the context of showing Maci as a hypocrite)

All that talk about leaving was bull.

If she were really that upset over it and truly morally opposed, she wouldn't change her mind (and we know she does film again). She wants the paycheck from MTV , and she isn't outraged enough to give up $ over some hypocritical objection about sex.

I wonder if Maci thinks it's the money or the camera that makes Farrah's sex more immoral than hers?

  • Love 6

I've never seen Tyler give her a smug lecture.  And commenting that he knows she's gained weight doesn't equal a smug lecture.  Is it weird he knows her weight?  Kind of, I guess.  But she went on a self inflicted press tour when she lost weight spouting off about how much she'd lost and what she weighed now so I don't really see it as that bad for him to have some cognizance of what her weight fluctuations have been.  He was also mega excited about Nova and was at every doctor's appointment where he heard about it as well.   So in the end, I can understand why it is he knows these things.


Weight is a hot button issue with people and so the slightest suggestion that someone has put on some weight tends to come off as a smug lecture, I get that.  But if people remove their emotions from it and just focus on the fact that Catelynn has most definitely gained weight and that she has done next to nothing to fix that....then I don't find too much of a problem with how Tyler's handled it.  Catelynn apparently has no issues with what he's saying, I've yet to see any comment he's made send her into a crying fit or even phase her in the least.


Out of the two of them, Tyler is most definitely an asshole in a lot of other aspects, but the weight thing is all Catelynn.  If she didn't want to hear it from him, then tell him that.  He doesn't seem to be uncaring or smug in the least when he's commenting about it.  He seems to be very gentle with her about it, IMO.

Believe me, people who are overweight know they are overweight without someone/anyone pointing it out to them.  It's just not helpful and often hurtful.  I think it just makes Tyler look passive aggressive and controlling.  

  • Love 10

Maci is a big hypocrite, perhaps the biggest hypocrite of all the teen moms. (Farrah is a hateful psycho, but Maci need not look down her nose at anyone.) She's brought at least 3 or 4 men into Bentley's life (okay, 3-- Kyle, Kyle 2, Taylor), is pregnant with Baby #2 , by a different guy, umpteenth boyfriend, not married.... gives talks against doing everything that she herself is doing for the second time around, and has had just as much sex as Farrah--minus the money and the camera :p (I don't care about any of those things except in the context of showing Maci as a hypocrite)


I think this is what bugs me the most about Maci. I don't really care that the girls all went on to <gasp> have sex again. It's the fact that Maci is doing fake (IMO) speeches about safe sex, WHILE she's pregnant 'by accident' - AGAIN. I wonder if the show tests them for STDs... if the show is truly trying to be 'educational' they should do this testing. I really wonder if maybe she's just jealous Farrah got paid more for having sex.

  • Love 8

So does anyone know what happen to Farrah baby daddy family? I feel sorry for them


They were featured in Season 1 or 2 when Farrah needed them to provide DNA to prove that Sophia was Derek's child so Sophia could receive his SS benefits. Unfortunately, Sophia was unable to get those benefits because Derek's mom told the courts that he never acknowledged Sophia as his child and that was required in order for Sophia to be given the benefits. Frankly, the whole situation was catty on both sides. Even if Derek's family (his mother mostly) hate Farrah they shouldn't take it out on Sophia and deny her what is rightfully hers. Of course, Farrah didn't help the situation being a huge snot. A little kindness may have gone a long way if Farrah had agreed that whatever funds came in would be put aside in a trust for Sophia that only she could access on her 18th birthday. That way, she could have placated the family's fears that the money would be funneled to her and not Sophia. 


Other than that, we never saw Derek's family again. 

Tyler might say douchy things but Cate's weight is not on him, nor has he been mean about it. In fact the way cate has been piling on the pounds he's probably been nicer about it than 99% of men would be.


cate eats whatever she wants and sits around all day and doesn't care. she needs to take better care of herself, she's too young to be that big. Tyler is still there supporting her and the baby.

Edited by EDTV
  • Love 1

Tyler is very passive-aggressive about Catelynn's weight, and it is not normal for a guy to be that focused on his SO's weight history. I bet that some of the unspecified/vague changes that were supposed to occur before they could get married involved Catelynn's weight.

Here's the thing, IMO:

It's fine to be concerned about your partner's weight as it relates to their health, but I just don't think that's what it is with Tyler. I think it's about size and image. Here's why I say that-- Catelynn gains weight easier than Tyler. Tyler can most likely eat the same crap as Cate and not gain weight. I'm sure they have the exact same shitty diet. No, her weight isn't on him, but if he's truly concerned about health and not size, he'd be encouraging her and most likely he'd be eating healthy too. If it's about health, then he should be just as concerned about his own crappy diet. Just because he isn't gaining weight doesn't make their crapfood diet healthy. I bet if Catelynn could eat crap and not gain weight, Tyler wouldn't be as verbal about what she eats. How is he any better? Because he doesn't gain weight that makes it ok? Idk, it's just disgusting to me how he tries to come across as so sincere, when he really needs to step up those acting classes.

My thing is that I bet Tyler is much more controlled when the cameras are on; I think real Tyler is very different than what we see, but we are starting to get very small glimpses of the real Tyler (even going back to the last season w/ the dogs etc). He may not be the worst guy in the world or even a bad guy, but I don't think he's exact a good guy, either. I think Catelynn deserves better, deserves to be with someone who loves her for who she is, not who she was in 7th grade, someone who sees her as a person and not as a project or list of improvements. I also think she needs to assert herself more and be more firm with Tyler about certain things, but if she's too chicken to speak up because she doesn't want to lose him, that's on her.

I used to really like Cate and Tyler, but they are both lazy and ambitionless. Tyler is no better, but he really thinks he is way above Catelynn. It is painfully obvious.

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
  • Love 8

I used to really like Cate and Tyler, but they are both lazy and ambitionless. Tyler is no better, but he really thinks he is way above Catelynn. It is painfully obvious.


Same here, it really bothers me to not even like them anymore. I feel pity for Catelynn and anger towards Tyler.


Just for fun picture Cate saying to Tyler "I'll reconsider marrying you if you get a degree, a job, and put on 10 lbs. of muscle."  Yeah... never gonna happen. On the flip side I can completely see him saying "I'll set a new wedding date if you ______ " (for now we can throw in lose 20 lbs, but it seems like he's got all kinds of answers lined up). I don't follow their social media - did they finally actually get married?

  • Love 3

Same here, it really bothers me to not even like them anymore. I feel pity for Catelynn and anger towards Tyler.


Just for fun picture Cate saying to Tyler "I'll reconsider marrying you if you get a degree, a job, and put on 10 lbs. of muscle."  Yeah... never gonna happen. On the flip side I can completely see him saying "I'll set a new wedding date if you ______ " (for now we can throw in lose 20 lbs, but it seems like he's got all kinds of answers lined up). I don't follow their social media - did they finally actually get married?


(And I feel the same way toward each, and it bothers me, too! )

As far as I know they still haven't married.

  • Love 1

If anyone should have not been invited back, it should have been the two that were stupid enough to get knocked up again. That sends the opposite message from all the PSAs about safe sex and preventing pregnancy.


How come Farrah was allowed to refer to her professional porn video as a "sex tape scandal?"


I don't care about her choices either way, but I think she should own them as she claims to.

  • Love 5

How come Farrah was allowed to refer to her professional porn video as a "sex tape scandal?"


I think in her fantasy world it was still an accidentally leaked sex tape... that just happened to have a pro porn actor in it. I don't think she ever has admitted it was a porno, even when she came out with all her molded sex toys and blow up doll. (if she did I may have missed it)

  • Love 2

The whole thing that went down with Matt moving in with Amber confused me.

His collection of celebrity autographed pictures was hanging on her walls in the start of the episode; his two chihuahuas were also there. Amber even said something like "I have two dogs," NOT that the two dogs were visiting. It sounded like the chihuahuas and their tiny clothes collection had moved in right alongside Matt and his celebrity pictures. It seemed to me like he had already moved in by the beginning of the episode, so I was lost about that whole "surprise" that he had let his apartment go. I had already assumed he had pretty much already moved in at the start of the episode. I mean, I let friends bring their pets when they visit, but I don't let them completely redecorate my living room walls with tons of their pictures if they're just visiting.


Dear Maci,

A teen mom who makes bad life decisions & ends up working in the sex industry in some capacity seems like a much more realistic portrayal of the struggles of being a teen mom than one who can take 6 years to complete an ASSOCIATES DEGREE while not working & having lots of help from family, yet manages to foot the bill to move around and in with guys, has owned several new cars in the span of five years, and has gone on multiple spring breaks/trips with friends, to stalk Ryan & Dalis, etc. Farrah's constant hustle and work in what many would consider a less than ideal field seems far more realistic and cautionary to me than Maci's storyline.

And yes of course, Farrah is still clearly an awful human being and anyone who's watched any show she's been on knows it. Just come on out and say Farrah is mean and crazy and you just don't want to ever have to be in the same room with her. We understand.

I'm so done now.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

I think in her fantasy world it was still an accidentally leaked sex tape... that just happened to have a pro porn actor in it. I don't think she ever has admitted it was a porno, even when she came out with all her molded sex toys and blow up doll. (if she did I may have missed it)

Right? So MTV is still going to pretend that Farrah's sex tape was a leaked personal video (with a porn megastar, film crew, lighting, etc) just like they are pretending Maci is close to finishing a bachelor's degree rather than an associate's degree?

(I'm not knocking associate's degrees. My husband has one in a medical field and he makes more than I do with my master's degree. But it is usually a 2 year degree, not six. I could see how a bachelor's degree could take 6 years instead or the usual 4-5 due to Maci having a child, speaking engagements, filming for Teen Mom, etc. But an associate's degree in Media Arts or something similar taking that long? Come on, Maci. My bet is she won't pursue/get a bachelor's and will act like she never even intended to transfer to a 4 year college all while gloating that she "finished college." But whatever, at this point I will be happy for her to get her associate's degree...but don't think I don't see what you're trying to do there, MTV and Maci!)

  • Love 3

My opinion is Farrah is delusional in everything in her life. MTV is so wrong to play along with her fantasy that her porn video was a leaked sex tape. Is this the message they want to send to their viewers, particularly the younger viewers? It is okay to do something like porn, but then turn around and act as if it was a leaked sex tape? Way to go MTV. Go ahead and not take ownership of your choices.  I am so sick of this whole leaked sex tape business. Even when she was called out on it by Dr. Phil, she continued her lie. This is the person MTV wants to showcase to young people as an example of the struggles of young teen mothers? Look, I have nothing against porn. Nothing. My problem with Farrah is she won't admit she did porn. How can she do porn, then act as if it is some low-level career that she would never, ever do. As if it is so beneath her. Farrah in her own way, is judging people in the porn industry by denouncing what she did.


As for Maci, that girl needs to take her ignorant, pregnant, hillbilly ass and judgmental finger-pointing to her house and quit this show. I agree with the others who pointed out Maci had no problem with Amber, the addicted, domestic violence queen. Her argument makes no sense as she sits there next to a former Indiana prisoner who is on probation for drug abuse. Farrah's choices does not affect Bently. Maci's choices affect Bentley. I don't like Farrah back on this show, but I don't like another cast member acting so high and mighty as if she is so above-it all.



So, it wasn't like Maci could keep her reaction behind closed doors,

Yes she could have. Now that the fourth wall has been removed, we have seen Amber who was not in the mood to have the camera people in her home. We have seen her not allow the camera man to film as Amber talks to the producer in the privacy of her home. We have seen Farrah push that woman producer around, telling her what she will and won't do. We have watched doors being shut on the camera man. Maci wanted to put on a big show on camera. I think she really thought she could put down an ultimatum and the producers would give in to her.

  • Love 6

My opinion is Farrah is delusional in everything in her life. MTV is so wrong to play along with her fantasy that her porn video was a leaked sex tape. Is this the message they want to send to their viewers, particularly the younger viewers? It is okay to do something like porn, but then turn around and act as if it was a leaked sex tape? Way to go MTV. Go ahead and not take ownership of your choices. I am so sick of this whole leaked sex tape business. Even when she was called out on it by Dr. Phil, she continued her lie. This is the person MTV wants to showcase to young people as an example of the struggles of young teen mothers? Look, I have nothing against porn. Nothing. My problem with Farrah is she won't admit she did porn. How can she do porn, then act as if it is some low-level career that she would never, ever do. As if it is so beneath her. Farrah in her own way, is judging people in the porn industry by denouncing what she did.

As for Maci, that girl needs to take her ignorant, pregnant, hillbilly ass and judgmental finger-pointing to her house and quit this show. I agree with the others who pointed out Maci had no problem with Amber, the addicted, domestic violence queen. Her argument makes no sense as she sits there next to a former Indiana prisoner who is on probation for drug abuse. Farrah's choices does not affect Bently. Maci's choices affect Bentley. I don't like Farrah back on this show, but I don't like another cast member acting so high and mighty as if she is so above-it all.

Yes she could have. Now that the fourth wall has been removed, we have seen Amber who was not in the mood to have the camera people in her home. We have seen her not allow the camera man to film as Amber talks to the producer in the privacy of her home. We have seen Farrah push that woman producer around, telling her what she will and won't do. We have watched doors being shut on the camera man. Maci wanted to put on a big show on camera. I think she really thought she could put down an ultimatum and the producers would give in to her.

This x1000. Breaking the 4th wall has confirmed my long held suspicion that while MTV may try to attempt to edit film to a particular narrative, none of these girls are Katniss and this isn't the arena. Nobody is being forced to do anything. Not only do they have the ability not to sign on for additional seasons, the crew isn't exactly pulling some sort of hard core paparazzi moves to film the girls. They film what they are allowed to film so while the girls may not like how they are portrayed, for anyone on this show to try and claim MTV makes them do anything is BS. Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 3

There is no such thing as an EX addict.

The only reason Amber got clean was because of prison and she hasn't been clean that long.

Getting clean is the easy part, its staying clean that's a bitch.

Nobody is ever an ex addict. Once an addict always an addict.

I frankly haven't seen any change in Amber at all.

I know an addict will always be an addict. But what I mean by ex-addict is that she's not USING anymore.

As far as a change in Amber- I doubt any of us will see much of one. I like her, don't get me wrong. She is taking better care of Leah- so that's good & she's not using & that's even better. But as far as her attitude is concerned, I think a lot of it was just Amber- not the drugs.

  • Love 1

I don't know, I can see how Maci could make a moral distinction between Amber and Farrah pretty easily. Amber was convicted years ago and voluntarily chose the harder jail program instead of rehab because she knew it was the only way she'd get clean. She may have been a hot mess in the past but, as far as Maci knew, at the time of filming she had paid her debt to society, shown remorse for her actions and was presumably clean and sober. 


During this same time period, Farrah had been arrested for drunk driving and came up with a slew of lies as to why her multi-angled, professionally shot video with a well-known porn star who'd been dating another well-known porn star was a private sex tape with her boyfriend and not, you know, a porn. She gave interview after interview claiming to be the victim of a leaked sex tape while simultaneously attending porn conferences and the AVN Awards where her "leaked" sex tape was nominated for best celebrity sex tape. 


Personally, I think Maci's anger was 25% not wanting Bentley on the show when she knows how far Farrah is willing to go for fame and wondering what kind of things might be shown in her scenes, 25% being pissed at the producers for going back on their word (I honestly think at the time she thought they had always intended to bring Farrah back but purposely lied to them for the express purpose of roping them in and then catching their reactions on film) and 50% not wanting to deal with the headcase that is Farrah.

  • Love 6

Everything Tyler said was true. But if he really cares about Catelyn, then he should be supportive of her need to eat healthier. Googling how to eat healthy isn't enough, and frankly is really sad that it was even necessary. If it's not already knowledge to them, they should have at least asked the doctor for some meal plans or similar. I'm also sure they eat the same crap, Tyler just eats less. And that's all it would take for Catelyn to lose weight/not gain weight (not counting that they definitely need to change what they eat, just that weight wouldn't have been gained at that rate with smaller portions).

  • Love 1

I keep reading a lot of speculation about why Maci doesn't want Farrah to come back to the show. So I figured I'd give my opinion.

**Do I think that Maci is concerned about Bentley being on the same show as Farrah? Yes. A lot of people watch the show for a lot of reasons. The audience that Farrah could bring to the show since she did the porn may not want to be the type of audience you want watching your kid. I wouldn't like it either- but I don't think I would've walked away just because of that & I don't think Maci did either.

**With that being said, do I think MOST of it came from Maci's dislike of Farrah? Yes- and Maci feeling betrayed by MTV. I do think she felt like they chose Farrah over her- which isn't the case. There's a good chance that some of Maci's dislike of Farrah also comes from the fact that Maci has been in college and is working hard, doing things the "right" way to provide for her son. Then Farrah goes and does things the wrong way and treats everyone like they owe HER something and she still gets the money and the show. No one could say that they wouldn't feel a little bitter.

**I hate that Farrah is back too. I think she has every quality that I can't stand in a person. But Maci is going to need to realize that she's just hurting herself by walking away.

**I know Amber hasn't been the best person- she's done a lot of stupid crap on & off camera BUT Amber's situation is much different than Farrah's.

  • Love 1


Amber was convicted years ago

Amber went to prison in June of 2012. That is hardly years ago.


Amber has been abusive on camera during season 1 and 2. Season one aired back in 2009-2010. Season 2 began airing in July 2010.


In November of 2010, Amber was charged with three counts of domestic violence, two of those charges were felonies. She was also facing felony charges of child abuse because of the abuse that occurred in front of Leah. She had to have CPS monitor her for six months. 


In December of 2011, Amber was arrested for possession of drugs. That was a violation of her probation on the domestic violence charges.




voluntarily chose the harder jail program

That is not what went down. In March 2012, Amber failed to take a required drug test. That violated the condition of her suspended sentence. During the violation hearing, the judge in the case declined to reimpose any portion of the suspended sentence, instead requiring Amber to complete 30 days of daily drug tests. Amber subsequently dropped out of her rehabilitation program and was charged with a third violation of her probation; in June 2012, the court reimposed Amber's five-year sentence in its entirety. That is not going to prison voluntarily. Amber may have worded it to sound that is how it went down, but in actuality, she violated her probation a third time.




During this same time period, Farrah had been arrested for drunk driving

Maci never raised a stink about this. She even filmed that season with Farrah.


Maci had no qualms about anything or anyone on the show since February 2010 when the first season was over. It's been five years. Suddenly she takes umbrage at Farrah? Farrah made that porn tape back in 2013.


Maci should have been outraged when Amber was assaulting Gary on camera. She should have put her foot down then with the producers and told them she won't connect her child with a person who is abusive. If it were Gary who was abusing Amber, I still think Maci would have remained silent. As long as she got paid, that is all that mattered to her.


Farrah goes and does things the wrong way and treats everyone like they owe HER something and she still gets the money and the show

The wrong way? Frankly, Farrah is an adult and she can do what she wants, including porn since it is a legal career. If Maci is bitter, maybe she should get off her ass and commit herself to finishing college and getting a career. Maci earning six figures for doing this show is nothing to sneeze at. Maci has not made any comments about Farrah's money or her attitude. She is pointing at Farrah's career choices, nothing more.


All of these girls have made some very questionable choices and decisions. They all do the show for the easy money and they enjoy the fame and attention it brings them. It is not just Farrah who benefits from being on TM.


Fozzybear I agree with your post. The breaking of the fourth wall has allowed us to see exactly how this thing called reality show works. The girls are not bound to film as much as we thought. The girls are free to shut a door and not give a comment on camera. Amber shows that she can hide a boyfriend from the camera crew. These girls are not being forced to film scenes nor is it "bad editing" that they can claim. We are seeing exactly what they want us to see. Ryan doesn't want to talk about Maci, but then he did only because it gave him a chance to say shit about Farrah's morals. Maci chose to show her outrage about Farrah on camera. She wasn't forced.




Googling how to eat healthy isn't enough

It's a start. Considering Tyler loves to be on the computer counting how many "likes" he gets or who is following them on social media, he could at least take a peek online as to what are some healthy ways of eating, the difference between good carbs and bad carbs, and just some basic ideas on how to start eating healthier. It doesn't help that Cate and Tyler just seem to sit or lay around. I see nothing that looks like exercise such as walking around the block. Cate could learn to walk after each meal, but she'd rather sit and chew the fat, so to speak, with Tyler about Carly, their fans and a bunch of other nonsense.


Sorry for my lengthy post. I have been so busy in my personal life that I don't get a chance to come here and post as much as I'd like.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 5

Prince Larry outlined it the best. All of these people have made terrible choices. That's why they're on the show in the first place. While Maci is free to have her own opinion and say what she wants about why she doesn't want Farrah on the show, she should first look at her own transgressions. She is someone who has had a very nice edit. Maybe her producers like her better but she has done some extremely stupid things that have never even been mentioned on the show. Does she think that people won't associate Bentley with HER choices? Saying that she doesn't want Bentley associated with Farrah is a stretch because he's been associated with her since before he was born. It's just the nature of what they're dealing with.

Even if I give Maci a little bit of credit and believe that she doesn't want Bentley associated with someone who did porn, I also believe that Maci's ego was bruised. She thought that she would be enough to carry the show and she wasn't. She was probably a little hurt that they didn't flinch when she said she was done. Maci also strikes me as a bit of a control freak. She has this idea of what she wants the show to be portrayed as and what she wants her brand to be. She had to realize real quick that she's at the mercy of MTV, brand be damned.

  • Love 7

Amber went to prison in June of 2012. That is hardly years ago.

I didn't say a lot of years ago, just years ago. To people as young as the TM cast, 2-3 years can be long time. 


Amber may have worded it to sound that is how it went down, but in actuality, she violated her probation a third time.

I worded it more positively than it went down but when Amber went to court for her probation violation in 2012, she told the judge, to her lawyers dismay, that she couldn't stay clean in the rehab program (which they already knew) and asked to be placed in jail. She didn't have to ask, she was going anyway, but at a time when she could have continued the same victim behavior she took responsibility and showed some humility. Doing so is most likely what led to her receiving the purposeful incarceration sentence that got her placed in a therapeutic program instead of a regular sentence. I'm not going to take that away from her.


Maci never raised a stink about this. She even filmed that season with Farrah.

None of the girls filmed with Farrah after the DUI. Teen Mom's last season filmed and aired in 2012, Farrah's DUI was in March of 2013.


Although I agree that Maci should have taken issue which Amber's earlier actions (and I can't say she didn't) the point I'm trying to make is that at the time of filming this current season, all of Amber's bad acts were in the past. She was out of jail, remorseful and clean. As far as she knew, the chances of drug use and/or violence showing up in her segments would be low. Farrah, on the other hand, was actively promoting her sex toy line, making appearances at strip clubs and porn conventions and attending porn awards shows. The chances of these things showing up in her segments would be high. Maci's concerns didn't come out of nowhere, they're perfectly valid and I don't think not being upset about something bad that happened two years ago precludes you from getting upset about something now.

Edited by luvly
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