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S30.E10: Bring The Popcorn

Tara Ariano

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I was so distracted by the women's eyebrows, particularly Sierra's.  What's going on there?  Why do the women have over-manicured eyebrows while the guys have full-on neck beards?


So here's a somewhat dissenting opinion about the Shirin/Will fight.  Will went way too far but I can clearly see what set him off.  Shirin was throwing shade on Will, that he kept food for himself, he was lying.  And when he confronted her with that, she went all passive aggressive and denied she'd said anything negative.  All she had to say was "Sorry, I was obviously wrong, you did share everything you got" and that would have been the end of it.  But Shirin believes she's never wrong.  Will is right about her victim mentality and I sympathize with his aversion to passive aggression -- I totally hate passive aggressiveness too.  I see where she pulled his trigger and I see why he's infuriated when she denied doing it.  And now, that said, his tirade was way over the top.  

  • Love 4

I wonder what I would have done if I were one of the other people sitting around the camp watching Will attack Shirin.  When someone is behaving as irrationally as Will was, it usually makes things worse if you try to stop them.  People rarely calm down when you tell them to calm down, they usually get more incensed.  It may be different if someone was really close to Will and could say "Hey, buddy, don't ruin your game here, let's go for a walk." But I don't think Will has anyone like that on the island.  So, I wouldn't have said anything during the altercation.  And I would not have walked away because that would leave Shirin more vulnerable. I certainly would not have smiled and laughed - Shirin said the others did this, but I didn't see any shots of anyone enjoying that, just people trying hard not to make eye contact. 


I am pretty sure that I would have been sitting there formulating a plan to vote Will off, even if he was part of my alliance (5 still beats 3 next tribal).  I would have pointed out to my other allies that Will has flipped before and he might suddenly blow up at our alliance and flip again, and that the way he was ranting it seemed obvious that he was trying to take the focus off of what else might have been in the box and that he may have some other advantage we don't know about.  And, of course, I would have told Shirin, Jenn, and Mike to vote for Will.


This show badly needs to change things.  Everything is expected.  When there is an auction, there will be an advantage auctioned off.  HII are a given and they are usually hidden in a certain place.  Clue will be hidden in the food at the reward.  There will be a merge etc. etc.  When everyone can prepare for what is going to happen, there is no surprise or game play anymore.


They tried to change things this time, twice -


First - having Will lose his chance to auction, but instead get a secret "reward" but he misplayed it by thinking that sharing with everyone would get him a million dollars.  Others have thought they would win or be kept around because they are "providers" but it never works out that way.


Second - having Dan's advantage be something we have never seen before - a second vote.  People were probably expecting an idol clue or an advantage in a the next challenge.  However, I don't have much faith that Dan will use this advantage wisely.  I can see him splitting his two votes while saying "It is good strategy to split the vote in case someone has an idol."

Edited by needschocolate
  • Love 9

There is a secret scene with Shirin where she says that she was happy Will got sent back to camp because he had gone off on her and it was karma for his bad behavior. So this is the first time we have seen Will go off on Shirin but it has apparently happened before.


Look, Will was fine being angry about the food and the suggestion that he lied about it. His comments regarding that were fine. Crossing over into the "No body loves you, you have no soul" territory has nothing to do with food. It has nothing to do with the game. That is simply one human being being an asshole to another human being. Race, gender, sexuality whatever. Who gives a shit. One human thought that it was ok to spend the time yelling at another human being and tearing them down and telling that person that they had no soul. Screw that. Will does not get a pass from me for those comments for any reason.


And all the people who sat there and said nothing are simply accomplices in his bad act. Mike has tried to back people off in the past. He tried to stop the Rodney and Dan attack on Sierra earlier in the season and he stood up for Shirin. I give Mike props for that. I did not like his initial response to work and who was working. I did not like his words when he was talking to Dan about apologizing to Sierra. I do like that he has tried to stop the bullying when he has seen it. His actions have been good and I think come from as much a genuine place as a game place.


So I will be cool with Shirin or Mike winning but I won't be watching the show. I'll follow the threads and podcasts but I'll be damned if I watch another episode this season.

  • Love 22
Khaleesi was legitimately crying during the Shirin campfire attack and tribal.  I wanted to shut it off, and she told me "Just because we shut it off doesn't mean it didn't happen.  Shutting it off is like ignoring that it's happening."  She was right (of course) so we kept watching- in a way, we watched so as not to leave Shirin alone with him.


Your daughter gives me life. What an insightful little girl she is. I love that perspective. Shirin did seem horribly alone in that moment, until Mike returned to camp and took her out of there. 

  • Love 14


And all the people who sat there and said nothing are simply accomplices in his bad act.


I found this gif of Will's popularity:



The spectators are just as bad.  INTERJECT.  Physically, verbally, pull her away from there, anything.  And if you're too chickenshit to do anything, at the very least walk away... but don't stand there and smirk in a giant circle of shame. 


Tyler and Dan are both married.  To women.  I don't know what kind of woman wants the type of grown man who can stand by and smirk while watching another dude attack a woman for having no family/friends/redeeming qualities. 

  • Love 16

I'm glad Shirin didn't agree to let Will have his letters, but not because he was so mean to her and he deserved it. Rather, he was asking for a special privilege, and in this game, I think it only makes sense to do a favor like that for someone in certain situations: they're in your alliance; you're trying to sway them to join your alliance or at least vote with you; you want another favor from them; you need to reassure them; etc. For Shirin, doing a favor for Will accomplishes nothing because all of those bridges were burned (and then swept downriver), and it might even benefit her to keep him on edge as a happy Survivor could be a harder-to-beat Survivor. I'm not saying I think that's why she did it, I think she was just (rightfully) pissed, but that's why I support the decision.

I don't mind Tyler, but I also don't really have a sense for who he is. Being a quiet shit-stirrer is a valid strategy, and he seems to be doing a good job of it all while otherwise staying completely under the wire. If he gets to the finals and can weave a good story out of it, he could have a chance. Other than that, I think Shirin is the only other person left who I don't actively dislike.

I frequently hate on Jeff for being a jerk, but I don't fault him for his reaction to Shirin tonight. He really shouldn't have shown an emotional reaction to her story, especially if it could be seen as him taking her side, and I'm guessing he wasn't prepared for her to share all of that and so was caught a bit off guard. Honestly, I wish he could manage to keep his reactions more neutral more often. That said, I'm sure it's tough to direct tribal council without letting some of your own thoughts coming through.

This is definitely not the best season ever.

  • Love 9

I also don't like Carolyn's smug assumption that she could just do what she wanted without question.

Yeah, she was so annoying with that. Okay, more annoying than she usually is. I got the immediate impression that she operates on that assumption in going through her normal daily life as well, she just did that with such naturalness. She must be a nightmare to work with/for. Pissed me off that Jeff didn't immeidately tell her to turn around and go sit her self-satisfied ass down. Can't stand her.


It was all Will's.   If he chose to share it with them, it was his choice.  But MIke and Jenn had no right to it whatsoever.  Yet there they were, acting like a couple of jealous assholes, fuming that Will may have kept some food for himself.    Was the sheer hypocrisy of this lost on them?


Worse, Mike persisted in this fantasy that they had a stake in Will's rightfully-owned food and ultimately triggered the whole ugly emotional scene we witnessed.

I get where you're coming from with this, but I think Jenn was actually the only one being butthurt about not getting more of Will's food and she was the one complaining that Will kept all the good food for himself and gave them what he didn't want. It seemed to me like Mike didn't care about the food at all, he was more concerned that Will was hiding a strategic advantage from them -- I think Mike suspected that there was also some sort of information or clue to another HII and he wanted to flush that out but without looking like he was overeager for it himself so he started saying stuff about Will maybe hiding some food from them.


I think it's been shown that the only thing that truly matters to Mike is a strategic advantage in the form of clues to HIIs or a benefit in an IC. I really don't think he would've raised such a stink if it was just about food to him, I think he wanted to put Will under the glare of the spotlight and see if he could find out whether Will got another kind of advantage and he wanted to drag some allies in the form of Jenn and Shirin with him to do this so that when the doody hit the fan he could melt into the background and let one of them take the blame (most likely Shirin because Will already dislikes her and Will is a wimp so he's not going to go straight for Jenn and Mike, he's going to go for the person he thinks is more disliked around camp). And that's exactly what happened and once again, Mike popped up to play the good guy and defend Shirin just like he did for Sierra with Dan & Rodney's verbal dressing-down of her. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I seem to recall that Mike said some stuff that helped plant or at least solidify the idea in Dan's puny misogynistic mind (maybe Rodney's as well) that Sierra wasn't always stepping up to the plate like she should, and then Dan took that and ran with it after TC and of course took the blame for it (which he deserved).


In short, I think Mike's even more of a shit-stirrer than Tattletale Tyler.

Edited by pamplemousse
  • Love 6

I'll take any further thoughts on how this plays out to the Speculation Thread.  But as it relates to this episode . . . . 


It's possible that once Dan got the extra-vote-advantage he realized that he still had time to form a majority alliance with Sierra, Mike and Shirin.  It would be those 4 against Rodney, Carolyn, Tyler and Will, with Dan's extra-vote to break the tie.  That way he gets to brag about a "big move", and would have a majority to ensure he wouldn't need the extra-vote before F4 (where it probably couldn't be used, anyway).


We don't know whether he shared this fact with Sierra.  I am also curious that no one got suspicious when Dan's advantage didn't come into play in the Immunity Challenge.  I would expect at least Carolyn and Tyler to be suspicious about that.  I'd think that knowledge of that advantage would've put a target on Dan, but then again Rodney/Tyler/Carolyn wouldn't have had the votes to get him out anyway.

  • Love 2
So here's a somewhat dissenting opinion about the Shirin/Will fight.  Will went way too far but I can clearly see what set him off.  Shirin was throwing shade on Will, that he kept food for himself, he was lying.  And when he confronted her with that, she went all passive aggressive and denied she'd said anything negative.  All she had to say was "Sorry, I was obviously wrong, you did share everything you got" and that would have been the end of it.  But Shirin believes she's never wrong.  Will is right about her victim mentality and I sympathize with his aversion to passive aggression -- I totally hate passive aggressiveness too.  I see where she pulled his trigger and I see why he's infuriated when she denied doing it.  And now, that said, his tirade was way over the top.


The thing, for me, is - Shirin wasn't the only one speculating about his food. But he only attacked her. Granted she was the first one he saw. But why not wait until everyone is there, and call them all out? No, I think he was just looking for an excuse to blast Shirin because he doesn't like her. 


Also, I didn't think Shirin was even given a chance to respond. It seemed like she was starting to say, "That's not how it went down", but he kept leaping in and yelling at her. And once you're getting personally attacked ("no one at home is missing you!"), you kind of mentally shut down. 

  • Love 13


Worse, Mike persisted in this fantasy that they had a stake in Will's rightfully-owned food and ultimately triggered the whole ugly emotional scene we witnessed.


If a recently-fired man kills two people while robbing a 7-11, I guess the employer triggered the ugly scene.  But the criminal is the employee. 



The thing, for me, is - Shirin wasn't the only one speculating about his food. But he only attacked her. Granted she was the first one he saw. But why not wait until everyone is there, and call them all out? No, I think he was just looking for an excuse to blast Shirin because he doesn't like her.


Shirin was the easiest target.  It's a popular choice for out-of-shape cowards who want to feel big and bad, but don't want to be called on to back it up. 

  • Love 15
Yeah, she was so annoying with that. Okay, more annoying than she usually is. I got the immediate impression that she operates on that assumption in going through her normal daily life as well, she just did that with such naturalness. She must be a nightmare to work with/for. Pissed me off that Jeff didn't immeidately tell her to turn around and go sit her self-satisfied ass down. Can't stand her.



Carolyn really is a nasty piece of work, imo.  I find nothing appealing about her whatsoever.


And as for Will, I think there needs to be a new label for someone like him.  IMO, he has ZERO chance of getting any votes at FTC.  But, he's not a goat, because goats are players who generally repulse other players to the extent that they'd never get any votes under any circumstances.  IMO, Will could get votes if he actually did anything in the game.  However, he hasn't.  And there is no realistic probability that he can or will from this point on.  If Will makes FTC, he'll just sort of be there.  Completely irrelevant, other than a seat warmer.  A complete non-factor.  


And, as I type that, I realize that that asshole was doing alot of projecting onto Shirin!

  • Love 5

But to see people complain about Will's personal attacks by making personal attacks about him (I've seen him called stupid, fat, lazy, and worthless) seems really hypocritical to me. Shirin has been called a victim, fragile, and unstable. Are we really any better than these people we've deemed to be vile?

Your observations about meanness in this game (and society) certainly gives food for thought. However to compare commenters to contestants does't seem fair to me. These folks signed up for this experience knowing they'd be pushed to the edge and might be not able to hide the worst aspects of their personality AND absolutely knowing that their behavior/performance would be scrutinized by millions of people.

This group can't even seem to fathom that the jury will be judging them and voting, let alone consider the feedbavk on their vile behavior from the audience. They volunteered for the ridicule they are getting.

  • Love 12

i just dont know what carolyn is thinking. she's too quite. anyway, the quite ones, tyler and carolyn r sitting pretty now. mike shouldnt just oust the sub-alliance like that. thats not very survivor like. he's just making it more difficult to find opportunities later on. even if there's a slim chance u could work with somebody, keep the door open, if he just shut his mouth. now, its close to 0%. i wouldnt give mike the million. i'll probably give the million to either rodney, tyler, or carolyn. when i saw dan's quivering lips, i just had this impulse to punch his face. rodney did a good job staying silent in the tribal. but when he talks, its the speed of light. boy needs anger management.


fuck will, he'll never win the million dollars.

Edited by hyukx3
  • Love 1

Please. No one "lied" about Will. They speculated he was lying. It's Survivor. People aren't always going to trust everything that comes out of one's mouth. White Collar didn't believe Joaquin and that other woman when they turned up to the camp on the first day lying about which bag they chose; it was the exact same logic employed by Mike, Shirin and Jenn that made them start doubting Will. Just because they were wrong about it does not mean they were lying. As it turns out, I just rewatched the episode and it was MIKE who brought up the fact he thought Will was hiding something, which then in turn convinced Jenn and Shirin. When Tyler went to report the speculation to Will, Will interrupted Tyler and guessed it was Shirin responsible for the gossip. Tyler even said "And Mike, and Jenn" but Will ignored that and went on his tangent anyway. Because he's a hateful, horrible human being. And yes, that's right, it should come as no surprise that most people here will recognise Will's disgusting, cruel rant as being far worse than Shirin having the audacity to... not entirely trust him? Jesus. Will had every right to call them out on being unnecessarily skeptical and paranoid; he had NO right to say the despicable things he did. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised people are more outraged by the infinitely more disgusting offense.

*applauds* Sorrynotsorry that I quoted the whole thing because it was awesome. And how could they ever have thought he lied? Other than the fact you pointed out that it's Survivor and that's what people do on Survivor, Flip-Floppin' Will has lied a whole bunch of times, so I think their speculation was pretty warranted given that there's ample precedent. But let's be real, if anything they actually paid him a compliment by suspecting him of doing so and being a much smarter player than he is. He's like basically hello Dumb please meet Ass and now set up house together. Had he not decided to stroke his own ego and get 'brownie points' by sharing his trail mix, jerky, and electrolyte powder, none of them would've ever thought he got an advantage and he'd maybe have some actual brownie points in the form of people feeling sorry for him for getting sent back to camp with nothing. I can't remember the last time I rolled my eyes so hard as when Will came walking up to camp all puffed up and self-righteous and self-aggrandizing telling everyone to close their eyes and then grandly revealing his reward to them. Then with a great deal of smug self-satisfaction saying to Jenn that she should pick first like he was some god coming down from the mountain to bestow some fishes and loaves. Bet he was already cranky when they didn't promptly fall to their knees and kiss his feet.

  • Love 13

Is there anyone more repulsive than Dan?  After eating that hair (OMG!) I fully expect him to pick goodies out of his anus and devour them in a future episode.


Now, don't hate me for this, but I want Tyler to win.  I pretty much have from the beginning.  He reminds me of a smart, sneaky sociopath -- kind of like Dexter.  He's playing the game by staying under the radar and occassionally stirring the pot when necessary.  If someone takes offense to something he says, he backs off immediately and becomes invisible again.  This way, he avoids being targeted.  Plus, I like mysterious silent types.  His quiet omnipresence may enable him to surreptitiously defeat the rest of this revolting crew of insane dumbasses.


I wasn't upset that nobody stood up for Shireen.  Will was a total shit, but every Survivor fan knows that if you get involved in a batlle between players, there's a possibility that you can offend someone enough to become the next Ponderosa inhabitant.  Bystanders to bullying are the same whether they're kids or adults.  Non-involvement means no trouble in the future.  This is a game, and I think they were playing it smart.

  • Love 3

I didn't go back to watch, because sitting through it once was bad enough and I wanted that shit off my DVR before it infected my saved up episodes of Amazing Race.


But, did we actually see Shirin stirring shit about Will hiding food?  (it seems from Dalton's recap at ew that he didn't see it).  And my recollection conforms with Dalton's that Mike was the one who brought up the idea to Jenn, and then we saw Mike and Jenn trying to stir the pot.  But I couldn't recall Shirin saying anything.


Oh, and how about Peachy still trying to breath life into the "collar" stererotype at the TC.  That was just a little sad.

  • Love 5

Shirin, Mike, and Jenn outright spread rumours of Will stealing, lying, hiding things based on zero evidence.  They jumped to this conclusion based on nothing and held firm to it.  Why is that just completely forgotten here?  Shirin did play the victim, yet Will was the victim of their shit in the first place.  Will purposely made a decision to NOT act like a victim.  He wanted to fight back.  


What Will said was mean, but he was angry.  I don't blame him for angry feelings.  I thought a lot of the episode was entertaining, until Shirin made everything about her.  I'm sorry but in no way does Shirin's domestic abuse justify lying about Will.  Not seeing the connection there.  Never saw her once apologize or even try to.  I really, really hate those people who attack someone and then when they're called out on it, cry and make everyone pity them.  I've seen that act before.  And yet so many people can't seem to see through it.


I don't see how Shirin, Jenn, or Mike are good people at all.  No thank you.  How is what they did not "mean" yet Will somehow is?  Does everyone forget how this all started?  At least Rodney gave Will the benefit of the doubt and didn't believe any of it at all.  It didn't seem like Sierra believed it either.   And, Shirin was petty and childish.  But I guess it's okay, because she cries when she's confronted.


If you'd never seen an episode of this show before, Dan didn't come out too badly.  Mike is looking worse and worse with every episode.

Amen to this entire post! I thought I was in some alternate universe for a moment, where people can accuse you without evidence of being a liar and thief and no one thought that was mean or wrong in any way. What stinks the most is Will didn't need to lie. He could havd hid the food and they'd be none the wiser. But let's just say he held some back, so what? He lost out on a letter and still shared.

Edited by The Crazed Spruce
removed unneccesary duplication
  • Love 1
Is this the most unpleasant group of Survivor contestants ever? I'm thinking so. There may have been a group equally as bad, but I'm having a hard time thinking of it. I do not want any of these people to win so much as a plastic ring from a Cracker Jack box



With all Jeff's gushing about what a great season/cast this is, I was wondering who is tone deaf? Us or Peachy? What is being said on other sites? Are other viewers as disgusted as we are?



Hi! I usually don't post on the Survivor forum, but, well I felt it was my duty as a citizen to speak against the atrocity that is this cast. I'm sure Peachy trolls this and EW comments to gauge reactions. Mark Burnett is probably now too wrapped up with his Bible dramas to notice the nasty turn this show has taken.  Over at EW people are similarly turned off by these guys.


As for a winner, I guess Shirin is emerging as most deserving, in an underdog sort of way. Tyler and Sierra I just can't--they sin by being the proverbial "good men who do nothing," aligning themselves with the nasty majority when there were other options to go with, thereby allowing evil to succeed.  Dan, Rodney, Will better not show up on any future seasons. Carolyn is evil, but stealth, can't root for her. Mike allowed this nasty group to flourish, and while I have moments of rooting for him it's only because everyone else is so much more awful.


Meanwhile, Jenn, Hali and Joe must be having a blast together at Loser Lodge and they deserve it!

  • Love 14

This episode riled me up more than usual - leading to a lot more posting.  So, short rankings this time through.


1. Tyler (4)  Tattlin’ Tyler seems to be playing an under-the-radar shit-stirring game.  He’s in the majority alliance, hasn’t been an obvious ass, and can probably state a good FTC case.  (And, I can see him winning a timely IC to keep himself in the game.)


2. Rodney (3) You’re the one who appears to be driving the boat, but your enemies aren’t targeting you.  Good work if you can get it; but can you make an intelligent case at FTC?


3. Carolyn (5)
4. Will (7)  Both of you may appear goat-like to the players above.  And Will, go back to being invisible, please.


5. Sierra (6)  I guess.
6. Dan (2)  You switched alliances, going from #2 out of 4/5, to #5/6 out of six.  How’s that an improvement?


7. Shirin (8)  They’re willing to keep you around longer to torture you.  I sincerely hope that there is a final three of you, Rodney, and Tyler.  I think you get four votes and they split the rest.


8. Mike (1)  Worst auction play ever.  Plus, by doing it, you killed any goodwill Shirin might have generated by calling out the $20 strategy.  [You were worried about the target moving to you after Joe’s boot, and you decided to hang it around your neck yourself.  And we haven’t even gotten to the part where you play ‘Buzz Kill Bob’ once everyone gets back to camp to read their letters.]


OUT Jenn (9)  Your group figured it would be a 3-3 (-3) vote, so you took control and voted out the person who was over the game.  Plus, you’ll have three good days at Ponderosa.

I don't quite understand how and when Mike is overhearing all the conversations that other people (Rodney, Will, Carolyn, Tyler) are having.  Is he sneaking around and hiding in the bushes?   Why don't they see him hiding?  Or ... is someone in that group feeding him the information?   


Mike is a threat in challenges but so is Tyler.  And Tyler's the only one who knows that Carolyn has a HII.    And, I've forgotten ... does anyone know about Mike's HII?

  • Love 2

They should call this season Survivor: Domestic Abuse Version.  I agree with whoever said Burnett and Probst are sadists.


The way that Shirin reacted to Will's tirade (or Dan's condescending smackdown a few episodes ago) is entirely consistent with having been the victim of domestic violence or having grown up in a violent home.  Often the defense mechanism is to shut down, do nothing to make it worse, and hope it ends soon.  Sometimes, also, there is a dissociation from the event.


Will is the most cowardly and despicable of bullies.  The very worst thing he said (IMO) is [paraphrased]: "God hates ugliness and he would want ugliness to be called out."  I'm an atheist, and even I heard Jesus weeping.


If I was Will's wife, I would not just be ashamed and repulsed, I would be scared. Dude has a rage problem.  And I am basing that not just on the actual incident -- which was bad enough.  His anger just kept mounting and mounting like a wildfire, and the only fuel was coming from himself (ie, no one was fighting back).  But I'm also basing that on the rage and mockery he had ready and waiting, hours later at TC.


Newsflash:  Having endured violence as a child is not someone's fault.


Finally, it cannot be said enough:  stop with the histrionics about the letters from home!  Have none of these people had family members in the service, go to college, camp etc.  Get a grip people.

Edited by Special K
  • Love 21


Sierra and Dan are complete and utter dumb fucks. Dan has been with Mike since Day 1, has always had reason to trust Mike and yet he's completely ignoring Mike saying to him that he overheard Rodney and company scheming against him. Like why would Mike just make that up?


Well, Mike made up the idea that Will was hoarding food.  Mike isn't above lying, he's done it before.


I was annoyed at the auction when Jeff didn't immediately tell Carolyn that she couldn't get her money back for the letters. All sales should be final. I kind of liked that Mike held back... until his hand was forced by Carolyn demanding her money back.


I thought the others should have seen Mike was hedging, it was pretty obvious.  And I agree that all sales should be final, end of story.  No buyer's remorse allowed.  Mike initially backing out of the deal did all the damage Carolyn needed.


Shirin having to put up with that assholes ad hom attack bought her a free pass from me. I have never really warmed to her but to he'll with the rest of these people for the remainder of the game.

And, I can't believe here on this board a few people are saying that they have a small bit of sympathy for Will because he shared his food or that Shirin made a mistake not letting him get his letter. Fuck Will. And Peaches really looked lost during that TC when Shirin said she was a victim of domestic violence. The right thing there would have been for him to stick up for her because none of the other soulless cast did when she was being verbally beat down by Will except for Mike.

Someone should start a Twitter campaign to stack the audience during the reunion show with people to hiss at Will when he's introduced.


I don't have sympathy for Will at all, but I don't give Shirin (and Mike and Jenn) a pass for making up a claim that Will was hoarding food either.  They were wrong, Will was wrong.  And Will was far more wrong, IMO, because he didn't drop it, he hid behind the "I'm just keeping it real" line of BS, he was intentionally hurtful in his remarks, etc.  But making up a story about Will hoarding food can have negative repercussions.


Let's just talk about this for a moment. I know it's Survivor and a game and all that shit but how MEAN was it of the producers to START the auction with..."you have to leave and go back to camp".


I guess it just follows along with this season and what a shitfest it has been...


Actually, I thought that was great.  You're in a bidding war over a blind item.  Sometimes they turn out to be crappy.  Deal with it.


So you would have been okay with Will (or anyone) walking up to someone who bought food at the auction and demanding a portion of it for himself, and even after he got some, to villify the person who purchased the food for not giving it all to him?


Food bought directly at the auction could not be shared, that was stated up front.  Will was explicitly given the option to share or not share the food he got.  He chose to share.  I thought Mike randomly speculating that he was hoarding and trying to convince others he was was wrong.

  • Love 2

I don't quite understand how and when Mike is overhearing all the conversations that other people (Rodney, Will, Carolyn, Tyler) are having. Is he sneaking around and hiding in the bushes? Why don't they see him hiding? Or ... is someone in that group feeding him the information?

He's running around following people, from the little we've been shown. He followed Joe every chance he got, and I suspect when he sees a group go off together, he follows to hear whatever he can pick up.

Sort of like Tony did, only without the green leaf teepee. And Phillip, "The Specialist" without all the covert CIA crap thrown in. :)

  • Love 5

Yeah, I don't get why some of these people are freaking out over being outted as having a secondary alliance, or being questioned about if they are hiding something? It's part of the game of Survivor. I know people hate it when their gameplay is blown to smithereens once someone overhears a conversation or wonders out loud if they might have a clue to an idol. But that's part of the game they signed up for.

  • Love 4

This is the angriest cast ever. Will buys himself out of the auction and stomps off screaming bullshit. Mike doesn't buy his letter and Carolyn stomps back up to Jeff with her letter screaming bullshit. Mike outs Rodney's alliance and Rodney starts screaming bullshit. I wish we could fast-forward to the part of their lives where they all have strokes.


When Dan said he loved his wife with the kind of love you see in books, I was thinking he might mean true crime books. Anyone with as much disdain for women as Dan clearly has should be on Ann Rule's speed dial. And I didn't think anyone could be worse than Dan, but then here comes the cowardly little shit Will defending his integrity by yelling personal insults at the biggest outcast on the tribe. Way to take a stand, dickless.


Sierra continues to be superfluous. She somehow managed to switch alliances without actually doing anything herself. That's not even a flip. It's more like sediment shifting position.


I want to root for Shirin, but I just don't see how she can win. I wish she could though because it would serve these garbage people right. If the winner is anyone other than Shirin, Mike, or Rodney (I know!), then this season is a dead loss.

  • Love 24

I cannot abide Mike and his nails-on-a-chalkboard voice. His speech to Dan about how they built their tree fort with blood and sweat...I found myself saying out loud, "Please STOP. TALKING. JUST SHUT UP." And what was up with saying he is not the kind of person to dupe everyone into not taking his letter from home, when 5 seconds before, that is exactly what he was planning to do? It was only the reactions from the rest of the tribe, and possibly Probst, that made him change his mind.

I have watched Survivor, every single episode, since season 1. I will continue to watch this season until the end, even though I could not give less of a crap who wins. Between Tyler the Shady, Carolyn the Smug, Mike the Patrick-From-Spongebob, Rodney the Psycho, Dan the Misogynistic Creep....the players that are currently left are collectively disgusting.

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My recollections may be hazy, but I don't recall anyone claiming outright that Mike was hoarding food. There was plenty of speculation, which is to be expected, but did anyone say they knew he was hiding food for sure? Will's anger was justified, but there's no excuse for some of the things he said. I've never come close to speaking to anyone like that in my 33 years of life. I don't see how you can have absolutely no respect or empathy for another human being, no matter how annoying they may be. And he continued in this same way hours later at trial council. It was malicious and disgusting.

Edited by Mabdul Doobakus
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