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S14.E25: Top Six Perform

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I think great points and observations and insights have been made from all sides here (and I specifically loved Simon Bocanegra's take on it and think that was probably very much how it came down) ...


But I do want to add one observation that, if it has been made, I missed and I apologize ... and I say this as a member of Team Quentin (not taking sides, IMHO everyone was a little right and a little wrong except Seacrest who totally played playground bully and made this all explode ... and I can't say it's because the producers told him to, because isn't he one of the producers?)


Anyway, Dude has a MAJOR case of "resting bitch face" to start with.  He just does.  I think maybe that's why J-Lo even said she loved when he smiled -- it's because he practically never does. So I don't think that Ryan's pushing him and prodding him was necessarily because he looked so much more upset than he usually does. He just looked like Quentin. IMHO.


It will be interesting to see if he loses his regular voters (I'm sure there are people who would vote against him if they could but then I'd vote against JAX every week if that was possible). I bet there are Quentin fans who got a fire lit under their butts to go and vote for him because they know he's on shaky ground after that ... and I wouldn't be surprised if he's gone regardless of what the numbers are. Which would leave a tour of boring Nick, boring Clark, slightly less boring Rayvon (who really kinda won a little bit of my heart with his classiness), intolerably affected JAX and awesome Tyanna (who will nevertheless probably be the next one to go after Quentin).


I'll save my money until Tyanna is a solo headliner. Maybe 2-3 years from now.


I called a JAX win the first time I saw her audition. I hated her immediately and was convinced she'd win it all. I think she's really good at what she does but I just hate what she does.

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Quentin came across as a petulant, angry child who threw a temper tantrum because he didn't receive the praise he expected -

You expressed my thought completely. And if he is already getting pissed at Ryan pushing him for comments, what's going to happen if/when he gets interviewed by the press. And I thought Harry's critiques were spot on. Quentin LOOKS great. He has a great stage persona (most of the time). but he doesn't have the technique or chops to back it up. This may just blow up in his face big time next week. (and as a musician I really enjoy Harry's comments - I think they are more useful than the "special snowflake" type comments)


I finally figured out what Jax reminds me of - one of the strung out look people on Intervention. (not that she does drugs but she has that young-girl-rode-hard look). 

  • Love 3

When Harry mentioned all the money AI spends on Quentin/the contestants, he neglected to mention how much money AI makes off of Quentin and rest of the contestants.  Their songs are on Itunes every week.  At $1.29 a pop, they are easily selling several hundred thousand worth of songs each week.  The contestants don't get any of that money.  But Harry and AI in general treat this like college sports.  Where the colleges reap all the financial benefits of a hot industry by using cheap labor, and then act like the cheap labor should be grateful for the microscopic compensation they get. 

  • Love 4

In my opinion, the reason AI slots and top college athletic scholarships are competed for is because they are a prize in and of themselves-- for the exposure, the (free) education and the experience-- not the paycheck per se.  And if AI contestants think they can just go straight to being a successful recording artist on their own, or the college athlete to the pros, they should do that.  And if they can't, why bitch that they're not getting a pro salary?  They're getting a helluva lot.  


I don't think Quentin has RBF.  I think he has post-performance, 'vote for me or I'll kill your sorry ass' face.  

  On 4/17/2015 at 5:22 PM, After7Only said:

When Harry mentioned all the money AI spends on Quentin/the contestants, he neglected to mention how much money AI makes off of Quentin and rest of the contestants. Their songs are on Itunes every week. At $1.29 a pop, they are easily selling several hundred thousand worth of songs each week. The contestants don't get any of that money. But Harry and AI in general treat this like college sports. Where the colleges reap all the financial benefits of a hot industry by using cheap labor, and then act like the cheap labor should be grateful for the microscopic compensation they get.

I agree with you except I don't think any of the contestants are selling that much on iTunes. But I understand your point.

  On 4/17/2015 at 5:22 PM, After7Only said:

When Harry mentioned all the money AI spends on Quentin/the contestants, he neglected to mention how much money AI makes off of Quentin and rest of the contestants.  Their songs are on Itunes every week.  At $1.29 a pop, they are easily selling several hundred thousand worth of songs each week.  The contestants don't get any of that money.  But Harry and AI in general treat this like college sports.  Where the colleges reap all the financial benefits of a hot industry by using cheap labor, and then act like the cheap labor should be grateful for the microscopic compensation they get. 



But does Idol make more than they spend on the contestants?  I don't think so.


I am pretty sure that the contestants do make some money on each download (at least they used to).


Anyhow back to the show - I thought that Quentin was out of line, Jax was horrible, Joey has the loveliest disposition, Nick was the best of the night, and Superstition should be  permanently retired from the show.


Of the remaining contestants, I think Tyanna has the most potential and Clark and Nick have the most radio friendly voices if (IF) they pick the right songs.  I still think Nick needs to front a band.

  On 4/17/2015 at 5:34 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I don't think Quentin has RBF.  I think he has post-performance, 'vote for me or I'll kill your sorry ass' face.  



Dang, that made me snort my drink right up my nose --- I really have to learn to not take a sip while reading some of the comments on these boards.

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At the time, I thought Harry's "you could just go home" comment was rude but it was really a softball compared to what he could have or should have said: "Two People have to be in the bottom two each week.  Who do you think should be in Joey and Rayvon's places?"  There is no way he could answer that question without being universally condemned as an asshole.


Agree, Harry is confrontational and didn't let us down by telling Quentin he could go home but what he might asked Quentin is if he had the chance would he be willing to switch places with one of them?  Quentin would have to reply um er um no in a sheepish voice and then Harry could send him back to his GREEN chair and tell him to STFU!  I am sure Quentin will be leaving as a result and wonder how he will perform next week as each chair goes green and he is waiting waiting waiting.....his face will get more and more angry thinking he is screwed......OR he will be the first chair to go green and fool me!  LOL

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  On 4/17/2015 at 6:24 PM, OakGoblinFly said:

I am pretty sure that the contestants do make some money on each download (at least they used to).


They definitely used to, and I'm pretty sure they still do. Obviously AI takes a cut, which they wouldn't do if the singers were selling music themselves--but if they were able to earn significant money selling their own songs on iTunes, they wouldn't be trying out for AI.

I think the problem with Harry isn't that he gives "constructive" feedback so much as that he gives "selective" feedback. Some contestants get the hammer (Joey, Quentin, Rayvon) while others get the tonguebath (Jax, Clark), regardless of whether they're deserving or otherwise. He may not give out smiley-faced stickers like JLO, but I don't find him an incredibly interesting or intelligent judge. I believe Simon was right when he said at one time that "singers don't make good judges."


Overall, I don't really care for the mentality that the contestants should be grateful for any biased comment they may receive from the judges or else they have Special Snowflake Syndrome. Sometimes the judges are just assholes and any amount of experience in the industry doesn't earn them the right to be rude and arrogant.The whole experience is supposed to simulate singers vs. the critics, and, yes, it's better for publicity to ignore your critics, but sometimes they deserve to be addressed for being incredibly stupid.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
  • Love 8

I actually have enjoyed this group of AI performers and think they're pretty talented.  More importantly, they're varied enough that the broadcast is much more entertaining (for me) than in past years. That said, I always DVR it and start late so I can skip the ads, intro packages and judge blather.


I'm amazed by the varied reactions to these singers.  Like, I hated Clark's rendition of Moon River and thought he was failing to reach half the notes he attempted without bringing any emotion to it but then I read the write-up and everyone else's reactions and find I'm in a distinct minority. I find Rayvon connecting emotionally about as often as Tyanna but I prefer the tone of her voice ... Anyway, I have no idea who's gonna have a real career in music after this but I admire the hamsters more often than I make fun of them.


Now, onto brazen predictions. The twitter save advantages the competent singers over the people with specific fan-bases.  Rayvon may not be many people's first choice but there's also nobody who's rooting against  him.  I predict that he will again be in the bottom two next week and if he's against Quentin or Jax, he will win if he has his usual great performance on his last song. If it's against Nick, Tyanna or Clark, I predict he goes home.  I personally enjoy Jax' performances more and think she's a pretty good singer but I think I see some of what people hold against her.


Also, if that happens, the show the next week get's a little duller -- the fetus was terrible but he was different from the others, Qasim couldn't sing but he could perform; Joey always changed up the song in quirky ways -- without each of them, the group gets a little more homogenous.

  On 4/17/2015 at 6:51 PM, TheGreenKnight said:

I think the problem with Harry isn't that he gives "constructive" feedback so much as that he gives "selective" feedback. Some contestants get the hammer (Joey, Quentin, Rayvon) while others get the tonguebath (Jax, Clark), regardless of whether they're deserving or otherwise. He may not give out smiley-faced stickers like JLO, but I don't find him an incredibly interesting or intelligent judge. I believe Simon was right when he said at one time that "singers don't make good judges."

Overall, I don't really care for the mentality that the contestants should be grateful for any biased comment they may receive from the judges or else they have Special Snowflake Syndrome. Sometimes the judges are just assholes and any amount of experience in the industry doesn't earn them the right to be rude and arrogant.The whole experience is supposed to simulate singers vs. the critics, and, yes, it's better for publicity to ignore your critics, but sometimes they deserve to be addressed for being incredibly stupid.


Also, regardless of how people feel about the Quentin situation, nobody can deny the stupidity of Harry's musician comment to Clark. That was just a flat out dumb and disrespectful comment. The Quentin situation is based on feelings and opinions, but what Harry said about Clark is a blatant lie and can be proven false with facts. Joey, Jax, and Nick all play instruments, therefore they equal musicians. Fact.

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  On 4/17/2015 at 4:38 PM, Simon Boccanegra said:

I do like the current panel. I wouldn't mind keeping this group around for however long the show goes on. The big surprise to me is Urban. He was part of that awful season 12 panel, and that would have dragged anyone down, but he's grown into the job in better company. He and Jen are better with each other and with Harry than they were in prior seasons. 

I agree.  I was thinking last night (as I finally sat down to watch the last half) that we never hear them use "beautiful" anymore in critiques.  The Steven Tyler years, between him and Jen, that was practically all we heard... "That was beautiful!  Just beautiful!"  I think the producers banned it.  


I don't think Harry is selectively tough.  He seems to give everyone 1-2 nice compliments and then one item that needs work.  He just often spends more time on that last one, if there's time.  Though he does seem to have less to say overall to Jax, huh?  Maybe he has no idea what to do with a Punk Pop Princess.  

  On 4/17/2015 at 6:24 PM, OakGoblinFly said:

But does Idol make more than they spend on the contestants?  I don't think so.


I am pretty sure that the contestants do make some money on each download (at least they used to).



Fox would not renew AI every year, if it didn't make money.... A heck of a lot of money. Enough to pay it's 3 judges millions each year, and still make millions.     I just found Harry's be grateful because AI is paying you .... off putting. This is a business arrangement not a charity project.   AI chooses the contestants, not only for their talent, but probably more importantly on their ability to make money for the brand.  That's why we had contestants like the Seavy kid.  Why there's rarely an unattractive or grossly overweight person on the show. 


I stand corrected, from the interwebs it appears contestants probably make about 10% of every itunes song sold.  Leaving the remaining 90% split between AI, song writers/producers, and apple. 

I haven't used iTunes for years (tired of their forced "upgrades" with tons of bloatware). But isn't 10% of each song about a dime?  They'd have to sell 10,000 songs to get $1000.


Idol makes so much money from these kids and their performances. Yes, it's a good opportunity for the few who get far enough, but they aren't treated particularly well (Kelly C. says they nearly destroyed her voice--that should never happen), and compensation, if any, seems minimal. And it's a long haul with a lot of growing stress.


That said, the comments they get from these three judges are imo infinitely more useful and helpful than anything Simon, Randy or Paula ever told them.They have three stars sitting in front of them evaluating their performance and giving them advice (and these three ALWAYS say something positive along with the criticism).  It shouldn't be that difficult to accept when someone doesn't think you were all that good, especially if they're willing to tell you why.


If I thought I was a good singer and performed every week for J-Lo, Harry and Keith and they would critique either my vocal or performance technique, I would feel it was a great opportunity to hear things that might help me improve. . Being a singer's not like being an accountant--you need to know how you're coming across to your audience.  But maybe a lot of these guys are just on to win and get a contract and the actual "improvement as a singer" part doesn't figure in much.

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  On 4/17/2015 at 8:57 PM, After7Only said:

Fox would not renew AI every year, if it didn't make money.... A heck of a lot of money. Enough to pay it's 3 judges millions each year, and still make millions.     I just found Harry's be grateful because AI is paying you .... off putting. This is a business arrangement not a charity project.   AI chooses the contestants, not only for their talent, but probably more importantly on their ability to make money for the brand.  That's why we had contestants like the Seavy kid.  Why there's rarely an unattractive or grossly overweight person on the show. 


I stand corrected, from the interwebs it appears contestants probably make about 10% of every itunes song sold.  Leaving the remaining 90% split between AI, song writers/producers, and apple.

This post made me think of when Loren Lott said in Hollywood Week: "I can make American Idol a lot of money." Ironically she didn't make the top 12. But girl knew how to play the game I guess.

I like this panel very much. And I was actually thinking how much more I would like it if they actually were allowed to critique fully instead of the obvious sway that is put on them by the producers. I get the feeling they are told which areas to stay away from and which are the favourites. This is what accounts for the selective feedback someone up there mentioned. This was discussed last year I believe as well. The powers that be are definitely swaying them towards some.

Edited by MrsMoltisanti
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  On 4/17/2015 at 5:22 PM, After7Only said:

When Harry mentioned all the money AI spends on Quentin/the contestants, he neglected to mention how much money AI makes off of Quentin and rest of the contestants.  Their songs are on Itunes every week.  At $1.29 a pop, they are easily selling several hundred thousand worth of songs each week.  The contestants don't get any of that money.  But Harry and AI in general treat this like college sports.  Where the colleges reap all the financial benefits of a hot industry by using cheap labor, and then act like the cheap labor should be grateful for the microscopic compensation they get. 

The problem is hardly of any of the songs are selling on ITunes this season, just like how it's been last season and the season before.  For all the noise around Quentin vs Harry, the ratings didn't go up and Quentin's ITunes performances continue to be very weak.

I definitely agree the judges are being influenced behind the scenes by producers, but it's been that way since practically always. I don't think it's anything new, maybe just more obvious now than it was before. I really like JAX but her vocals last night were awful, especially on Beat It yet Mr. Intonation only mentioned he loved her running around the stage like an idiot.

I was thinking to myself earlier today that finally realized something: Freaking Lazaro made it further than Joey did. Joey left in 7th, Lazaro in 6th. That is effing sad.

I have zero empathy for Quentin and his "this sucks and it's whack" whine.

American Idol is, and always has been, first and foremost a television game show. It is a competition. The goal of the show is to outlast the other competitors. It's a good thing for Quentin when he's on the stage and not one of the two contestants in the bottom two. That's the goal.

Yes, it may be sad to outlast your friends and see them go home, but that's what you signed up for. And it's the price you have to pay in the music industry, and in many industries, to get ahead. You go forward and some of your friends do not.

As Harry said, he didn't seem to have any understanding of all that American Ido has given him, free weekly exposure to millions of TV viewers, produced songs that are iTunes ready, and endless promotion.

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  On 4/16/2015 at 12:42 PM, Ohwell said:

Ryan and Harry's further comments escalated it and made Quentin look more like the angry black man...


Quentin knew it too.  He saw the script being written out.  And his positively contemptual answer to Harry about being "given the opportunity to clear that up for you" was well deserved.  They treated him like he was some uppity young punk, and Quentin responded like a grown-ass man with some goddamn self-respect.  I sort of fell in love with him a little bit there to be honest.  

Edited by areca
  • Love 5
  On 4/18/2015 at 12:47 AM, escape said:

The problem is hardly of any of the songs are selling on ITunes this season, just like how it's been last season and the season before.  For all the noise around Quentin vs Harry, the ratings didn't go up and Quentin's ITunes performances continue to be very weak.

The itunes numbers this year are much, much worse than last year and the year before.  Last season Alex and Sam would occasionally at the least crack the Top 50 and even Caleb who was one of the worse selling when it came to iTunes would get as high as #300 some weeks. Back during season 11 the week we got the numbers leak Colton got all the way up to #25 and Phillip was in the 80's IIRC.  This season the only person who has even hit the 100's is Clark.  Jax got about as high as 450 one week and the others range barely crack #700.  Quentin this week with all buzz around the drama couldnt even get past 1200.  You would think the people who are so devastated at the prospect of him missing out on the tour could throw him a bone so he could at least make a few dollars off his track.

One thing I really love about Joey was that it seemed for all the world that she more wanted to gain HCJ's imprimatur of respect than to get a vote.  She certainly reacted that way after her first performance in this ep.  


To me, if I am serious about being musically excellent, I am giving mad respect to anything HCJ has to say, and the same for Keith when it comes to macro aspects of performance.


19E would be fools to not take up Harry's offer to mentor.  Get rid of the jidges save.  Once the Top X is decided, let Ameriker pare them down.  It would be literally thrilling to me, and I am quite sure, many, many other viewers to see the magic of music as it is formed by a near-genius.  Just what does 19E have to lose at this point?!

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Ohwell, on 16 Apr 2015 - 08:42 AM, said:


Ryan and Harry's further comments escalated it and made Quentin look more like the angry black man...



Quentin knew it too.  He saw the script being written out.  And his positively contemptual answer to Harry about being "given the opportunity to clear that up for you" was well deserved.  They treated him like he was some uppity young punk, and Quentin responded like a grown-ass man with some goddamn self-respect.  I sort of fell in love with him a little bit there to be honest. 

 Edited by areca, Yest. 10:45 pm.


I don't know what happened, but that wasn't my (Ohwell) quote. 

Edited by Ohwell
  On 4/17/2015 at 6:51 PM, TheGreenKnight said:

I think the problem with Harry isn't that he gives "constructive" feedback so much as that he gives "selective" feedback. Some contestants get the hammer (Joey, Quentin, Rayvon) while others get the tonguebath (Jax, Clark), regardless of whether they're deserving or otherwise. He may not give out smiley-faced stickers like JLO, but I don't find him an incredibly interesting or intelligent judge. I believe Simon was right when he said at one time that "singers don't make good judges."


My perspective was that Harry was pretty hard on all of them, especially Clark. Disclaimer: I'm a Clark fan, but i just remember thinking after some incredible performances and some "Ehhhh" critiques from Harry, "What the heck does this boy have to do to get any love from you, Harry!" Haha.


I think that the whole "Harsh Harry" nickname kind of went to his head a bit, but overall I am enjoying this panel well enough. They don't make it too about themselves like a certain other show... I did like that he was the one to speak up for the show when he believed Quentin was biting the hand that feeds them. That's the kind of stuff they don't teach you on the show so it was an important lesson to Quentin that your words can be taken a LOT of ways when you have the public spotlight on you.


And about the iTunes thing, I really don't see them being pushed as hard as they used to. I didn't even realize they were doing them until about a few weeks ago (half-watching the show, but there's less discussion of them overall.)

  On 4/18/2015 at 9:42 PM, Trooper York said:

Next week is Stadium Anthems. I don't really see what Quentin would pick. He doesn't seem like an Anthem kind of guy.


I would suggest "Stink Eye of the Tiger."

All of them will struggle with Anthems.  They all are lacking in power, range, and the ability to work the stage--all while staying "in tune". Judge's comments will sway the voters (unfortunately).

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  On 4/18/2015 at 9:42 PM, Trooper York said:

Next week is Stadium Anthems.

OMG. Two hours of them mass-murdering the Queen songbook.

I will apologize to Freddy in advance.


The only thing that could be positive out of this, is that Adam Lambert could be the mentor (anybody know who it might be ??).

Edited by drafan
  • Love 9
  On 4/19/2015 at 3:07 PM, drafan said:

OMG. Two hours of them mass-murdering the Queen songbook.

I will apologize to Freddy in advance.


The only thing that could be positive out of this, is that Adam Lambert could be the mentor (anybody know who it might be ??).

I don't think there will be a guest mentor this week or any guest performers.

  On 4/18/2015 at 8:15 PM, niklj said:
That's the kind of stuff they don't teach you on the show so it was an important lesson to Quentin that your words can be taken a LOT of ways when you have the public spotlight on you.


Such a good point. I'd rather not start any arguments by bringing up specific examples, but sometimes I see celebrities (at all levels) getting so much flack for things they say in interviews or on social media that aren't worse than things friends of mine say/post. But the more people are paying attention to you, the more diplomatic and circumspect you have to be. You also have to pick your battles. 

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I don't look at Quentin and see a RBF and especially not a "I'm gonna kill you" face.   He seems like a vulnerable, emotional person who is also trying to project a masculine allure.  I see him as someone with an artistic, creative soul.  I was horrified when Ryan said he thought he was going to hit Harry.  What?  That young man doesn't need to be defamed like that and I didn't care for what seemed to me to be like stereotyping -- angry young black man.   I admire Quentin as a person very much.   I do agree with Harry about his pitch.   Quentin is brilliant at creating an atmosphere and entertaining.  It's great to look at him singing, but hearing him singing isn't always that great.  Beautiful tone though.

  • Love 6

I am late to the party here.  Some random thoughts I was able to retain after reading 2 pages.


A SAG card is difficult to get. You cannot go out and just get one quickly. 




I don't like Moon River either and I can add many more oldies that should stay there.  Tony Bennett is the biggest offender.  I am sure he is still singing that cable car song that makes me run screaming.  


Audry Hepburn was the first to sing Moon River in Breakfast at Tiffanys but Andy Williams became famous for it. 



I am not a huge fan of anyone though I do prefer Tyanna above the others.  I find Clark boring and just don't care for Jax.  


Count me in for thinking Quentin is a surly, arrogant kid whose behavior will hurt him if he keeps it up.  He may have already burned some bridges.  He is just not good enough for someone to want to put up with that.  You are in the baby stage, young man, embrace that and be respectful to those who have the ability to feed you.    

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If Quentin is being stereotyped as the angry black man, then he brought it upon himself, because there was absolutely no reason for him to approach Harry.  Quentin could have/should have said what he had to say up on the stage.  You don't invade someone's space like that.  (Al Gore learned that lesson.)  He was definitely out of order. 

  • Love 3

I keep seeing things saying a producer told Quentin to respond to Harry. I don't know if, if that's true, that they also encouraged him to walk up to the judges table. It could have simply been a production choice.

At that point Quentin had given his mic to a stage hand and from what I remember wasn't wearing a mic on his clothes. Unless there's a stage mic, there's no way anyone would have heard him. He stood close enough to Harry's mic that we could hear him well enough. It also could have had to do with the cameras. Had Quentin stood on the stage they'd have had to get a shot of him and then shots of Harry. With Q standing right next to Harry it was easier to get them both in the same shot. But that's just an opinion from someone who does broadcasting for a living.

If production had nothing to do with it, I think Q should have addressed him from the stage. I admit I didn't know what he was going to do when I saw him stomp over to Harry.

  • Love 1

He was already off stage completely when Harry started talking, and they exit the stage at the audience/ judges level. Ryan was standing next to Harry. For Quentin to re-enter, mount the stage, and speak from there would have been a different kind of awkward ("Why is he speaking from above everyone? Does he think he's the star of the show?") and as BoboGog24 said, would have required some quick camera shuffling. If he was going to address Harry, whether of his own volition or because of producer prodding, doing it from the judges table is the only thing that made sense.

  • Love 2
I don't like Moon River either and I can add many more oldies that should stay there.  Tony Bennett is the biggest offender.  I am sure he is still singing that cable car song that makes me run screaming.


Hey, just last week I was playing 'I Left My Heart in San Francisco' on my piano because I love the tune.


I'm surprised posters here don't like oldies. I think they are lovely and should be revived. Remember 'Summertime', 'My Funny Valentine', and "Somewhere over the Rainbow' by various American Idol singers?


'Moon River' has a melancholy air which I've always liked and a good performer can tug at the heartstrings with that song like Andy Williams. However, I agreed with Harry when he pointed out bland Clark was barely mini steps away from sounding like a cocktail bar performer the diners would just ignore.


Rock anthems, I remember JD in Rock Star:INXS virtually murdering 'We are the Champions'. If he couldn't pull it off, who can?

  • Love 1

I would suggest "Stink Eye of the Tiger."


You owe me a new keyboard for that one!  lol


I'm surprised posters here don't like oldies. I think they are lovely and should be revived. Remember 'Summertime', 'My Funny Valentine', and "Somewhere over the Rainbow' by various American Idol singers?


I like a lot of oldies, just not Moon River or My Funny Valentine.

Heres the thing. If you a "real singer" you can handle tunes from the great American Song Book. Lady GaGa can. KD Laing can. Jennifer Hudson can. Annie Lennox can. Aretha Franklin can. Tons of people can. These are standards. Not oldies.


Singing a standard just exposes the lack of talent of most of the contestants. Sad but true. They are really just contestants on a game show not real singers. Sort of like the people on "Lets Make a Deal" without the costumes.

  • Love 5
  On 4/21/2015 at 6:10 PM, Trooper York said:

Heres the thing. If you a "real singer" you can handle tunes from the great American Song Book. Lady GaGa can. KD Laing can. Jennifer Hudson can. Annie Lennox can. Aretha Franklin can. Tons of people can. These are standards. Not oldies.


Singing a standard just exposes the lack of talent of most of the contestants. Sad but true. They are really just contestants on a game show not real singers. Sort of like the people on "Lets Make a Deal" without the costumes.


THANK YOU for clarifying the difference between a standard and an oldie!!  I am saddened to think some of the contestants may only be hearing a standard for the first time, how sad.    

  • Love 4

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