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S10.E18: Book Of The Damned

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Not surprised that Sam didn't burn the book.  I don't get why he went to Rowena.  It's like he forgot that he has someone with all the time in the world and knowledge with dealing with weird languages.  ghost!Kevin would've been my first choice.  He's not a witch who might decipher it and get some really nasty spells in the process. 

  • Love 3

Um. Yes. This was good. This was very good.

I wasn't expecting to like it because of Charlie, but even she didn't annoy me that much.

SAM HAD ACTUAL POINT OF VIEW. He talked about his feelings! It was amazing and awesome.

Sam's keeping secrets, but whatevs. He's getting to do something interesting and I'm pumped.

Dean was kickass. Loved the whole conveinence store scene.

The whole Stein family thing is super interesting. I hope they don't drop that. I could see that carrying into next season.

Yay Supernatural!!

Edit: I keep remebering things I loved! Like continuity! And discussing previous episodes! Sam talking about school and Jess! Sam being a total ass-hat to Dean last season! Dean remembering he turns into a demon again if he dies! ALL OF THE BROTHERLY FEELS. SO MANY BROTHERLY FEELS.

Edited by kimrey
  • Love 10

Three Dogma references in the episode:


1.  Alanis Morrisette

2.  Metatron

3.  Hoodies


Kripke often said he was influenced by Dogma, but I don't know if anyone else was.


In other news, Dean is so dead.  The sheer fact that Sam said he can't/won't live without Dean seals it for me.  I smell the stench of self-sacrifice.  Meanwhile, poor Dean.  Haven't you learned that the Winchesters never get a win?  Even when you think you do?  


And poor Sam.  He hasn't learned that the Winchesters shouldn't dance with the devil -- or his mom.

  • Love 5

Well I already know I'll be watching this again as soon as iTunes loads (I''m away from my DVR on travel).  Immediate joygasms that come to mind:


- Charlie carries a sword on her back. I don't give a shit if it's Mary Sue or anything at all people. This is who Charlie is.  She's playing the role of Arwyn (or Aragorn) with that LOTR-looking vibe there.  And I'm perfectly fine with it.  It'd be her approach.  And she wasn't all that fantastic.  She's be shot and beatup quite a bit.  She wasn't the wimpy one from S7 but that makes sense to me.  She learned swordfighting for Moondar stuff (this is my headcanon, just TRY and take it away).  And now that she's hunting, she's upped her game on hand to hand. Charlie would DO that.  She would have learned more and practiced a lot in Oz (with Dorothy...again, my headcanon, not gonna budge from it).  She wasn't super-ninja but merely competent. And I liked it.

- Dean you sassy sasspants you.  I loved his scene in the grocery store.  And WTH! You're telling the truth these days.  Who are you and what did you do with Dean???  You fessed up on Rowena and the draw of the book. I'm so very proud of you.  And then, of course, you put a dig into Sam about last year (yes, some things never change...because it's not like your brother is suffering or anything while he watches you spiral in).  And yes, GOOD DECISION on the book (although the chances of Sam following that order was precisely slim and none).

- Cas you adorable BadAss you.  I'm so glad you aren't going to die of non-grace. And THANKYOU for those awesome scenes with punching Metatron. I'm so disappointed he lied to Dean. Did anyone else hear the anvil drop on the parallel with Dean and Cas?  What is the purpose of your life? Are you going to wander the earth like Caine (as in Kung-Fu).  Hahahahahahahahahaha. Robbie, that's shipper bait.  You know it is.  If you get yelled at you deserve it.

- But Sam. Oh my darling Sam.  His face during the song montage was NOT OKAY.  I'm not okay because of it.  And although I KNEW who he was talking to (based on the preview pictures), it was still nicely played.  You had better have a good plan Sam the man.  Because this right here?  Is playing with fire. Hellfire.

  • Love 5

That was an interesting episode and the first time in a while I haven't fast-forwarded through the Metatron/Cas scenes.


If Dean can feel the book calling to the Mark, wouldn't he have realized that Sam didn't burn it? Maybe the magic box is hiding it?


Loved Sam's honesty with Charley and Dean's openness with everyone. The scene in the convenience store was awesome.


The thing is, I just can't with Charley when she's being whatever it is she's supposed to be being with calling everyone "bitches." Just stop, please. I completely don't mind her and even like her and then she throws that out there and it's like the whole scene comes to a screeching halt for me. It's just too cutsey and it gets on my last nerve.

  • Love 9

*looks on ledge for AwesomeO* 


It'll be okay.  Sam's got something up his sleeve. I just BELIEVE.

Yes there is the stink of Sam lying once again...but I'm not even mad at him.  I get he is on the ledge and he doesn't think he can let Dean go but I loved the scene with Sam and Charlie.


All the points everyone is bringing up.  I liked Sam giving up why he can't let his brother go and trying to get Dean to understand he gets it now.  The boys need to go out together.  I just wish for once they could unite to find the answer instead of the I've got a secret.  But  I like Sam again and that's been a long time coming.  :)


Adding Dean having fun banging on the steering wheel while listening to the boys are back in town. 


Loved how Cass found his grace,  but I so want to see Metatron die.  That mess up not a good one.


but I will definitely watch this one again.  Yeah and next week looks interesting.

  • Love 4

That was excellent. After all that, I'm not even that mad that Sam has a stupid plan dealing with the  devil's mother. After letting Lucifer out, maybe this doesn't seem too bad compared to not having Dean around.


First scene with Cas and Metatron, all I could think was: put him in the trunk! put him in the trunk!


What on earth can Sam offer Rowena? That Dean will be mortal and she can kill him? Even she can't assume that he wants that.


Sneaky Sam is sneaky. And smart.

  • Love 3


What on earth can Sam offer Rowena? That Dean will be mortal and she can kill him? Even she can't assume that he wants that.


Sneaky Sam is sneaky. And smart.

Maybe Rowena has learned trying to kill the Winchesters is a very bad idea to one's health.  Of course the promo gives a clue...


But one reason I'm not mad at Sam, is that they showed all the little things that reminded Sam why he can't let his brother go.  Plus the downer of you must kill Demon Dean if you don't succeed and of course he can't rest in heaven if he knows that Dean is evil.  So this ep is laying down so many possibilities...now fingers crossed that they can keep it up.

  • Love 1

So Charlie hugs both the Winchesters then hugs Cas, who doesn't even seem to want a hug. Then she gets healed and assumes they are best friends.  Yeesh.  The man who should hug him for getting his grace back punches him manfully hard on the arm and walks right on by.  Dammit.  The Cas line about Dean earlier had me reminiscing about the destial of old.  Then of course when they are in the same room there is no hint of it.  I didn't hate Charlie until she got to the bunker.  That's an improvement.  Kudos to whomever upthread doesn't appreciate her "bitches" remarks.  It just sounds insulting to me, not cute. I can take her when she's being serious but the moment she tries to be funny/charming/lighthearted the hater in me comes out.


I am very pleased that Cas got his grace back, but I knew Meta was messing with him.  If only Cas could have continued to keep him in cuffs.  I was also pleased about trying to fix the mess of last season - the rift between the brothers that made little sense anyway - but why can't Sam and Cas tell Dean what's going on?  The stupid is just there for contrived plot purposes.  Me no likey.


I was pretty pleased when I connected the Alanis Morrisette references to Dogma.  Alan Rickman played Metatron in that movie, which, IMO, was horrible.  At least I understood the reference for once.

  • Love 2

Well, I liked the episode for the most part... and I'll likely enjoy it more after the season is over, because for the most part now, I just can't relax and go with the flow just yet, because...


*looks on ledge for AwesomeO* 


It'll be okay.  Sam's got something up his sleeve. I just BELIEVE.


Oh, I'm on the ledge, but I've got my rotten eggs... in case I need to vent any frustrations. They won't see it coming, and they'll deserve it, too.


Oh, and Sam's got something up his sleeve alright, I just hope it's not as batshit crazy as some of the other crap he's had up his sleeve - like his wanting to turn Dean into an immortal zombie plan for example. Or idiotic - like trusting Ruby... oh wait it's probably both.


- Dean you sassy sasspants you.  I loved his scene in the grocery store.  And WTH! You're telling the truth these days.  Who are you and what did you do with Dean???  You fessed up on Rowena and the draw of the book. I'm so very proud of you.  And then, of course, you put a dig into Sam about last year (yes, some things never change...because it's not like your brother is suffering or anything while he watches you spiral in).  And yes, GOOD DECISION on the book (although the chances of Sam following that order was precisely slim and none).


Of course Dean told Sam the truth, because that way Sam knows the score, and he's still probably going to make a stupid decision. Now Dean's off the hook for anything dumb Sam does, because there's no doubt that Sam knows who Rowena is. ::Le sigh:: And Dean told him to burn the book ::Le sigh, part deux::


SAM HAD ACTUAL POINT OF VIEW. He talked about his feelings! It was amazing and awesome.


That was pretty nice.


Sam's keeping secrets, but whatevs. He's getting to do something interesting and I'm pumped.


Please don't let it be something stupid. Please don't let it be something stupid...


Edit: I keep remebering things I loved! Like continuity! And discussing previous episodes! Sam talking about school and Jess! Sam being a total ass-hat to Dean last season! Dean remembering he turns into a demon again if he dies! ALL OF THE BROTHERLY FEELS. SO MANY BROTHERLY FEELS.


I'm not surprised they remembered last season. They don't usually forget bad stuff Sam does on this show. Earlier this season we had "Sam hit a dog." I think they like making Sam do crappy stuff and then reminding the audience about it.


The whole Stein family thing is super interesting. I hope they don't drop that. I could see that carrying into next season.


Please don't let the Stein family do something awful to Dean because of it... and then that's how Dean finds out Sam didn't burn the book. I'll be so pissed. And then they'll remind us about it in season 12.


I had a suspicion that they wouldn't have been able to burn that book if they tried. There's all kinds of legendry about accursed books of black magic. I bet it's one of the ones that can't be destroyed, only neutralized by giving it a Christian burial.


I agree, this is probably why the book was buried to begin with when Charlie found it. Maybe the evil book likes fire even.


What on earth can Sam offer Rowena? That Dean will be mortal and she can kill him? Even she can't assume that he wants that.
Sneaky Sam is sneaky. And smart.


Oh, I so hope so. Please let your optimism rub off on me, because I can't help but think that Tippi Blevins is right, and that Sam's plan likely ranks pretty high on the list of "The Winchester's Terrible Ideas."


As for what can Sam offer, I'm just afraid that it's Sam himself, doing awful, awful things... or allowing Rowena to use his essence or power or something. Oh, I hope she doesn't want him to drink demon blood again, so he can kill Crowley, but I could see that happening.

  • Love 4

I wonder if I got my spec backwards:  I thought Rowena would want Dean to kill Crowley (since she knows where his bones are), but now it's looking like it's going to be Sam.  In exchange for the knowledge of how to remove the Mark.


I also speculated that it would be a con on her part, that she might just be saying that she knows how to cure Dean....

  • Love 1

Yay!  That was good!  I had a craptacular day and I really wanted a good SPN.  I felt like there was quite a bit of meat and potatoes in this one.  We had our main cast behaving in character, an interesting plot line, good fight scenes, and we're moving the season's mega plot forward.  I liked that there is a much clearer picture about how the guys feel. 


I was also pleased that Cas got his grace back, though smacking the smirk off Metatron's face would have been nice too. 


I continue to not love the lying to Dean.  I feel like after this much story, we know better than to do this. It always ends in tears.

  • Love 3

I wonder if Lucifer was whispering sweet nothings from the cage to that nun who wrote the book for all those years...


That scene with the cupid was pointless. Just so Cas could belly ache again and Metatron can make fun of him again.


EAT: I liked the irony that the reason Cas found his grace was because Metatron filled him with fiction at some point.

Edited by supposebly
  • Love 4

I had a suspicion that they wouldn't have been able to burn that book if they tried. There's all kinds of legendry about accursed books of black magic. I bet it's one of the ones that can't be destroyed, only neutralized by giving it a Christian burial.


Dean did dump holy oil in the fire so he had least had an inkling that regular fire wouldn't work.  That being said, he should have been a little surprised that it worked.  And has Dean never met Sam?  Of course Sam didn't burn the book!  How about you tell Charlie, who might actually do what you say, to burn the book and let Sam take on the supernaturally-ramped-up bad guy?


Yay!  That was good!  I had a craptacular day and I really wanted a good SPN.  I felt like there was quite a bit of meat and potatoes in this one.  We had our main cast behaving in character, an interesting plot line, good fight scenes, and we're moving the season's mega plot forward.  I liked that there is a much clearer picture about how the guys feel. 


I had a super crappy day too but for some reason my bad day made me get all weepy when Dean was arguing about not using the book :)


All in all I really liked this episode--and if I had one complaint (and I do love to complain) it's that the camera work/editing was jarring.  I liked it for the flashback 'Behind Blue Eyes' bit (and why has it taken this long for them to use that song?) but the rest of the time it felt like film stuck in a projector or something.  I'm not crazy about fancy camera moves/special effects when it takes you out of the moment and makes you realize you're watching a TV show.

Edited by cassandle
  • Love 1

Oh Sam. Why show....why are you making him do this :(....


BAMF Castiel is back and it's awesome and I'm so excited and terrified.


I am officially tired of Charlie.  All I could think was how much I wished that had been Jo was still around because she wasn't a Mary Sue and Charlie has become that for me. :( . "Sup, bitches" is not really funny anymore. It was cute the first time and it bugs me because it's kind of diminishing the impact of that word when it is used. And yes I do think that word has a place in this show.


But Dean....oh my poor Dean. He's so screwed. He knows he's screwed.  It was so lovely to see him listening to classic rock in the car.  And I loved that he was so snarky and a BAMF with the Stein guys.  That was old skool Dean and it was glorious.


But man....I am not really sure I'm digging what they are doing with Sam. Like it was nice to hear his viewpoint, it feels ......weird, Like his desperation and saying he can't live without Dean, essentially....felt....odd. 


So much for Dean being the co-dependent one in that relationship. LOL . Oh show

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 4

As Cas once said about hamburgers, "This makes me very happy."


There wasn't one wrong note in the entire episode. I was totally caught up and by the end, I was wriggling with joy and I can't wait until next week.


Cas was *awesome*!


Dean was *awesome* and gorgeous and badass and happy -- he looked happy for entire minutes! I know he's doing his best to repress, but still...he appeared happy.


Metatron and Charlie were both watchable, though I still want to kill Metatron in many horribly painful ways.


Sam, oh sweet, sweet Sammy. The brotherly feels were off the charts in this episode and I completely understand why he's done what he's done...and whatever he's going to do. I would do anything for my husband, I couldn't live without him, I wouldn't *let* him die even if he wanted me to let him go -- I would go with him. I don't care if whatever Sam comes up with is "stupid" because I understand the desperation.


And, yeah, those two OOC moments like Amelia and the Purge speech should be brought up because they weren't right and they weren't Sam and Sam and everyone else knows it. They were worse than Season 4, IMHO, and I see the reminders as promises that that kind of crap will never happen again. Tonight was proof that the real Sam is back.


I'm still so excited about the episode, the direction the story is going, and I'm sure I'll be in tears by the finale. God this show is kick-ass.

Oh. and another thing....I was shocked that they had Dean even bring up that purge thing. I thought that issue was dead and buried after Dean was dead...and demon'd.  Seemed weird and unnecessary.....and reductive.


I wish I could say I was surprised, but I wasn't. As said above, they had Dean bring up "Sam hit a dog" earlier this year. And there was also the season 8 finale, where they had Dean drag a bunch of old stuff up from even before Dean's "clean slate" speech. I guess it's a thing with Dean the new regime decided to keep from before, though I had hoped it was a Dean character trait he would've grown out of eventually. Not that I don't appreciate Dean having a few flaws, but that one just also sadly seems to be a way for the writers to take pot shots at Sam for behavior that they somewhat unnecessarily - in my opinion - gave him in the first place.


And weirdly, each time it happens it is sort of reductive - so good observation there.


But man....I am not really sure I'm digging what they are doing with Sam. Like it was nice to hear his viewpoint, it feels ......weird, Like his desperation and saying he can't live with Dean, essentially....felt....odd.


So much for Dean being the co-dependent one in that relationship. LOL . Oh show


I'm thinking you meant to say he can't live "without" Dean, and for me this is only odd in reference to the Carver years. Maybe this is an attempt to bring Sam back to his season 7 self and course correct? The views on hunting and Dean are very much how I thought Sam was in season 7.


As for Sam being the codependent one - pre-season 8, I generally thought Sam was the co-dependent one. For me it was a process that started after John died, furthered by the deal, and thrown over the cliff into unhealthy with "Mystery Spot" (remember Hamburger Dean?). I actually think part of Sam's behavior in season 4 was an attempt to deny, recover from, and/or actively fight that codependency since it wrecked him so bad when Dean died. However after that didn't work out so well, he actively seemed to slide back into it from season 5 on. And by season 7, Sam was pretty heavily back into the codependency (how scared and desperate Sam was at the end of "Slice Girls" was a good indication)... and coincidentally hunting being his raison d'etre was also a theme for Sam in that season. I can't say as I object to going back to a Sam more like season 7 Sam, myself. I much preferred him to the season 8 version which was an abrupt and shocking change in his character for me.


Oh and another another thing...Dean was working out? In a hoodie and workout pants and ne had water bottle.  WTF is that about?


That terrifies me more than anything else!


Oh, yeah. That's not a good thing. ; ) Remember crazy running Sam? Is Dean jogging in an attempt to stave off the crazy?


They were worse than Season 4, IMHO, and I see the reminders as promises that that kind of crap will never happen again.


I hope you are right about that Rammfan.


And I too understand Sam's desperation. I'll likely be okay with it, too, as long as Dean doesn't get hurt or bear awful consequences having to save Sam from what he does. Mostly because that will be somewhat redundant, and I'm tired of seeing Sam fail awfully at trying to save Dean.

  • Love 1

Nice refreshing change that it was an *evil* family guarding the book

Cas wanting to kill Metatron while Metatron kept saying "I'm right here " was funny.

How did Sam get hold of Rowena?

Oh Dean. Never trust Sam in situations like this. His obsessiveness is as bad as yours.

Campbell River was the town name I guess.

Why not just meet up with Charlie and head out of there?

Edited by mertensia
  • Love 1

I'm thinking Rowena telling Sam her price for finding the cure for Dean is to kill Crowley is a ruse.  She knows he's a Man of Letters and Sam doesn't know she knows, correct?  So access to the bunker would be higher on her list of wants, I believe.  Rowena is power hungry.  If she gains possession of all those delicious spells that have been locked away for a century, she can take on Crowley and make herself Queen of Hell.

  • Love 1

Gah, this ep was so very, very good. I mean, any time they want to have annoyed Cas punching Metatron, I'll be the first in line for tickets. And I liked how Metatron used his now-human blood (that he got because of Cas) to write the angel-be-gone/writhe in pain symbols, and Cas used his book learning (that he got from Metatron) to figure out the quote clue and find his grace. And I really liked the power shot of Cas returning to be Castiel again, with his glowing eyes and ragged wings.

And I didn't hate Charlie, this time. She wasn't a perfect princess for once, and had an actual purpose. As a possible way to save Dean, the book is far less of a last minute pull from their ass save then usual near the end of the season, because at least they set up Charlie going off looking for it early on.

And get a load of Sam, actually letting us hear what he's thinking and feeling. Love it. Love Sneaky Sam with a plan to save his brother. I know it can't end well, because this is Supernatural, but still points for the try. Now just get a decent fucking hair cut, Sammy.

And how about Dean, being all kickass in the store. And we get happy Dean in the car, hoodie Dean in the bunker and honest Dean about Rowena and the evil book calling to him.

But my favourite thing about this ep may very well be the music. I mean, they had me already with "The Boys Are Back In Town", but got me totally fist pumping with that classic Who song at the end. Supernatural, I now forgive you for every ep that had nothing but "generic guitar riff" for music, as you were clearly just saving up your pennies to buy "Behind Blue Eyes". And you can consider that money well spent, because that montage fucking rocked.

  • Love 7

Guys, I'm just worried about something. Why did Cas lie to Dean? I don't understand the point of that. 


And oh BTW, guess which character has blue eyes.  Cas. 


Something feels really wrong about Cas. And why did Metatron say that Cas was like Cain, out wandering alone looking for a mision? That's some hardcore foreshadowing


Seriously though about Behind Blue Eyes...how in the hell did they get that. This gives me hope they may get Led Zeppelin after all. 

  • Love 1


Guys, I'm just worried about something. Why did Cas lie to Dean? I don't understand the point of that.

Dean wasn't to know that they had gone back to Metatron. But it still doesn't make much sense. At least they got Cas' grace back that way. Although now we have a Metatron with a demon tablet on the loose. I'm sure Dean won't be happy about that. It does feel a bit like hiding your plans from daddy because he'd be mad about it.

I do wish Sam had tried a little longer figuring out that code.


Things that took me out of the episode:

Cas' line about the book needing to be burned was clunky. Yes, we know it's a bad thing but he didn't know anything about it until Sam told him about. It felt like just to hammer home how bad it is what Sam does. As if we needed that.


The warding box thing wasn't terribly consistent. Dean kept talking about how it calls to him even when it was in the box. Sam did only take it out when that Stein guy was coming for him, right? So, I wonder if Sam had it in the trunk on the way home? Or he left it in the safe house?


Dean lead the bad guys right to them. At the time, that didn't seem terribly smart to me.

That episode rocked! Happy Dean singing to classic rock!

I don't know why Cas's wings were ragged--Metadouche made him human and dumped him on Earth before The Fall, so shouldn't they be okay?

Cas was lying because Dean doesn't know (and really wouldn't like) that they broke Metadouche out of prison. More secrets, goodie.

Metadouche free and having the demon tablet. Ugh, that's not good.

Stupid, STUPID Sam. "Why would you keep this whole thing a secret unless you knew it was wrong?" Good lord, it's an ongoing theme for ten years: keep a secret from your brother/best friends and it ends up going horribly, horribly wrong. My only consolation is that there was a flicker for Sam when Charlie brought out the book, just a little out-of-focus jiggle of the camera, from Sam's POV, similar to what was going on with Dean having the book call out to him. Maybe the book has its hooks in Sam?

I didn't like the weird camera effects; the semi-fisheye lens they used on a few of the close ups was distracting.

*Very* satisfying episode.

  • Love 1
The warding box thing wasn't terribly consistent. Dean kept talking about how it calls to him even when it was in the box. Sam did only take it out when that Stein guy was coming for him, right? So, I wonder if Sam had it in the trunk on the way home? Or he left it in the safe house?


I think it was usually out with Sam or Charlie working on it when it was bothering Dean. That's why Sam made the excuse that the book was "hurting his eyes" in front of Charlie to have an excuse to put it away. He was covering for Dean. I'll have to rewatch, but I think when it was in the box, Dean wasn't getting the effects. I know the box hid the book's call from the Stein guys.


Cas' line about the book needing to be burned was clunky. Yes, we know it's a bad thing but he didn't know anything about it until Sam told him about. It felt like just to hammer home how bad it is what Sam does. As if we needed that.


Similar to having Dean tell Sam the truth in detail about Rowena. Yeah, I get it. Sam isn't listening to anyone's advice, and it'll be all his fault when something bad happens.


Dean lead the bad guys right to them. At the time, that didn't seem terribly smart to me.


Good point. I think Dean's phone didn't get service so he couldn't warn Sam and Charlie? And if either of them was working on the book and it was out of the box, maybe he thought the Steins could track it now that they knew they were in the right area? Otherwise yeah, you're right. It wouldn't seem like the best idea.

SAMMY!!!!  All the feels, y'all, all the feels!  I cried for him during his talk with Charlie.  Damn Jared...


Isn't Metatron the scribe of God?  Why would he need to take the demon tablet that he transcribed?  Has it been established that the tablet is powerful even if no one can read it?  I thought that is why he got rid of all the prophets...


The music was on point, and I could easily have watched an entire episode of Cas punching Metatron.  I clapped when he did it, both times. :)


Dean's phone was destroyed during the fight at the gas station so he couldn't call...he tried.

  • Love 1

I liked this episode a lot. Well, I have been starved of Sam's POV for most of the run of this show, so that was lovely and I'm easy when I get this.


However, I do get uncomfortable season 4 flashbacks here. Especially with the repeated "this book is really bad and now Sam is keeping secrets not only from Dean but also from Cas." At least, we get his POV directly this time. Which makes a huge difference to me. It feels a bit more like season 3 in that respect where he was allowed to express what Dean dying will do to him.


And if they have Dean pull Sam out of the fire for this, I will be very very frustrated. This plan of Sam better work. Whatever the hell it is. Although maybe he will become King of Hell for a time.....They did sort of promise that in season 2....I think I'm being silly.

  • Love 2
What on earth can Sam offer Rowena? That Dean will be mortal and she can kill him? Even she can't assume that he wants that.


I think Frost is right, and Sam can offer Rowena access to the Bunker. She wouldn't have any problem finding uses for all those artifacts, I bet. And it would be a good bolt-hole for her if she really gets antagonistic with Crowley.


I don't actually think that she'd kill Crowley, though, just isolate him. If she isolates him and nudges him into being dependent on her somehow/again, he could still be useful to her. She seems like a "waste not, want not" type to me, so I don't think that she'd give up on using Crowley so easily, but YMMV.


She might also enjoy messing with him by getting cozier with the Winchesters than he is. :P


I am officially tired of Charlie.  All I could think was how much I wished that had been Jo was still around because she wasn't a Mary Sue and Charlie has become that for me. :( .


Oh man, that's a great idea! I really wish that Jo were the "kid sister, all grown up!" who was helping them with this.


I don't hate Charlie, but she's too delicate somehow. She always seems so nervous, and she's got that thin, tremble-y voice.


When she comes on the show, imo it's sort of like when you're hanging out with a friend and the friend brings their kid along. Like, I like kids! And I like my friends' kids! But I...just don't always have the patience. For young kids, or for Charlie.


Oh. and another thing....I was shocked that they had Dean even bring up that purge thing. I thought that issue was dead and buried after Dean was dead...and demon'd.  Seemed weird and unnecessary.....and reductive.


I actually really liked that Dean got his dig in! Because I like that he's got the memory of an elephant when it comes to stuff Sam says or does. That sort of thing makes me really feel like Dean and Sam are brothers, and care about each other *a lot* (and that their opinions carry a lot of weight with each other), and that they've cared about each other a lot for a *long* time. That kind of history and old scar tissue makes the relationship feel more real and deeper to me. YMMV.


The conversation between Charlie and Sam, when Sam was trying to explain what Dean was talking about, was hands-down the best explanation for that fight that I've heard on the show, and I really liked hearing it. And thank goodness Dean finally said that the Mark isn't going to let him die, he's just holding out until he becomes a demon again. And he brought up the idea of imprisoning him in the bunker.


I think that Sam was smart not to burn the book. Why would they so hastily destroy the ONE solid lead they've got? It's a lot easier to burn the book than to un-burn it. But I don't really know why he couldn't just openly disagree with Dean about burning it and come to a compromise with him (and Charlie). Just because Dean wants to burn it doesn't mean it HAS to get burned, even if Dean gets kind of yell-y about it! Dean isn't in charge of everything.


Anyway, there were lots of nice moments imo. I liked seeing Dean in his sweatshirt and coming from a workout! My meathead self would LOVE to see Sam and Dean working out! And I don't mean because it would be hot (though it would be hot to see them in skimpy workout gear and all), I just seriously would love if the show got a trainer or someone to put together a workout that could be plausible for them given the skills/strengths that they need to have in order to do their job (and maybe the show could make it a little online featurette or something?!) because I want to nerd out about it. I cannot be the only one! Well anyway.


I also loved Dean teasing Charlie and Sam by saying, "and you call yourself nerds!" and how that actually did goad Charlie into working harder. And I continued to love grumpy!Castiel. The tattered wing shots are also always fantastic (I guess the wings were tattered because Cas isn't doing so great health-wise, having been apart from his grace for so long?). When Metatron was talking about "another angel" helping him put together the little scavenger hunt, I was crossing my fingers that he'd say it was Gadreel and they'd bring Gadreel back. Ah well.



This is probably a sign of how good the episode was overall, but my only real WTF?! moment was when they were talking about "Jacob Stein" being the scion of some Nazi-sympathizer-now-Southern family. "Jacob Stein"? Sheesh. Who else, "Benjamin Horowitz"? "Hadassah Ginsberg"? I mean, it's not ~impossible~, but...pretty improbable LOL. YMMV, I just thought that was funny/weird.

Edited by rue721
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I think that Sam was smart not to burn the book. Why would they so hastily destroy the ONE solid lead they've got? It's a lot easier to burn the book than to un-burn it. But I don't really know why he couldn't just openly disagree with Dean about burning it and come to a compromise with him (and Charlie). Just because Dean wants to burn it doesn't mean it HAS to get burned, even if Dean gets kind of yell-y about it! Dean isn't in charge of everything.


Earlier, he offered up the option to bury it. Which would keep it in play as an alternative. It was only when the bad guys were upon them that burying the book was no longer an option and Dean said to destroy it.


Now Sam didn`t. He could have said so afterwards and then they could have talked again about possibly burying it or doing whatever.


Since the Stein family was said to have been involved in major evil due to their use of the book, I`m thinking it corrupts a person through its use. No matter what goal you initially set out to do with it. And while logistically I know why Sam went to Rowena with it, it is book of super dark spells, basically this show`s Grand Grimoire. Bringing it to anyone would be risky but an experienced spellcaster? Rowena can probably do more harm with the book in a shorter time than many others could.


Not to mention the book seems to actively be zoning in on people with the potential to do the most harm with it. Neither Charlie nor Sam displayed or voiced experiencing a similarly siren call from the book as Dean did. So basically, the book what? Scanned them and saw "cool, Mark of Cain, I can work with that, lets get cracking". In the same vein it may get a glimpse of Rowena and go "cool, old and powerful dark witch, looks promising" as well. 


On one level, I like that Dean has held it together so well because IMO it shows a tremendous strength of will/character. But on another level, the entire storyline hinges on him losing it so much, the desperation of the others to save him becomes palpable. And well, he may have it together the best at this point. Sure, there are flashes and nightmares and little bits here and there but if everyone else is looking into the abyss until the abyss looks back, it would work better naratively if they showed more on why that is absolutely necessary.


Even Dean being re-demonized is a negative consequences only for their little circle mostly. He didn`t burn down the world last time, he probably wouldn`t do it in the future either. Cain said he slaughtered hundreds of thousands and single-handedly created the worst demonic order ever. Last we saw him he wanted to kill off what a quarter of the human population? 20%? 10%? Demon!Dean just wanted freedom, nihilism and hedonism. Even Crowley soon learned that he didn`t have a shred of control over him and never did.

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Just because Dean wants to burn it doesn't mean it HAS to get burned, even if Dean gets kind of yell-y about it! Dean isn't in charge of everything.


I got a little shade of Dean thinking this is all his decision though. We aren't at end of season 9 levels of "my way or the highway" yet, but his "This is my cross to bear" for me is kind of heading down the road towards that.


"Jacob Stein"?


I had my caption on during my rewatch of one section - I just couldn't quite get what Dean said in one place for some reason - and my captioning had "Styne" as the name. Not sure what that means.

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"This is my cross to bear" for me is kind of heading down the road towards that.

I agree. I think it's one of those issues that probably will never be resolved between them. Sam doesn't trust Dean not to take matters into his own hands if he tells him that he didn't burn the book. And Dean really should know better than to put down the law with Sam.

Shades of early season 3, "you can't save me, Sammy, no welshing out of this deal, it will kill you, Sam....


I can't believe I rewatched this one right away. Haven't done that in a while.

I'm confused why noone wanted Dean to know Metatron was free and has the demon tablet. Of all people, isn't this relevant to Dean, the guy Metatron personally killed recently, and the guy who is on his way to being a demon and likely to be susceptible to the tablet in some way? Also, oh Sam, whyyyyy. Why didn't he at least ask Cas for input? Why did he make such a quick decision to seek her out, and make this deal on Dean's behalf, without at least trying to find an alternative? It's different from a lot of the other bad choices that get made, it's not like if he doesn't decide this second, Dean dies on the spot. I just don't get the urgency here? They didn't have to make an immediate decision, he had time to think things through and consult with Cas? And even Crowley? Or just, find a slightly less evil witch who isn't personally invested in killing Dean? I get it from a storyline perspective that they are going for the full role reversal with Sam in Dean's shoes from last season... But this is just SUCH an illogical solution to me in terms of likely outcome. 


I'm also confused about Sam's change of heart. He loves to hunt now? And can't live without Dean? When did this happen again? I guess I can fanwank about his realization that he couldn't lose Dean after all, but when did he develop this love for hunting?? At some point between not completing the trials, being possessed, and his brother being cursed, he decided "hey this is an awesome gig after all"? Are we just going to reset him to Season 7, and pretend the 8-9 didn't happen? I'm glad we got some POV, but I found it reeeally jarring. 


I like that they (slightly) addressed The Purge conversation, that Dean stood up for himself with the, "That's not what you said last time", and I liked Charlie discussing it in terms of Sophie's Choice, that there were no good options. I also really liked the ensemble format, that they all get to interact with each other instead of having eight separate storylines, seven of which I'm uninterested in. Cas being so pissed off at Metatron about Dean, the threatening to kill him within earshot, the repeated punching... this was hilarious. :D I still wish Cas is actually allowed to interact with Dean again at some point though.


Robbie tweeted about them having pizza and beer together as being like the Last Supper, which was very ominous. Upcoming episodes should be pretty exciting. 

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I'm confused why noone wanted Dean to know Metatron was free and has the demon tablet.



Dean certainly needs to know. But I suppose it would lead to a lot of questions about how he got out in the first place. And Sam and Cas have been doing quite a bit behind Dean's back, including the seance with Bobby, who is now probably in Heaven's jail because of it. Although they could have fudged on the answers and just said Cas was trying to get his grace back.


I do wonder how Metatron disappeared so fast. He was standing in front of Cas as Cas was unbottling his grace and seconds later he was gone. How far can a chubby middle aged human with a bad leg get in a few seconds? Cas may not be able to fly, but don't tell me he can't find a human hobbling down the road. Metatron isn't the kind of hitchhiker truckers are likely to pick up. He looks like a homeless psycho.

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