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S30.E09: Living On The Edge

Tara Ariano

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Dan is an ass.  Perfect day for an article to come out with him doing damage control, only for him to be made to look like an even bigger ass tonight.  Will he top himself next week?  Probably.  Keep digging that hole Dan.  Hopefully Shirin is the one to fill it up.  Rodney is my #3 right now.  He's getting a better edit, which is making me really nervous.  I can't possibly see him winning, but maybe the final 3.  They may not want a bunch of anti-fan favorites sitting in the potential winner's circle.  Besides, it is really hard to look bad anymore on a season with Dan.  His impersonations of all his tribe mates were spot on.  Now I see what Joaquin and Hali were talking about.

  • Love 7

I freaking loved the TC voting confessionals from Tyler and Rodney: "I have no idea what is going on" Where did Tyler come from? MIA all season and now he's suddenly front and center.


Well that was a boring episode.  And predictable. I hate that smug look on Mike's face.  Kudos to Joe, that was an impressive and realistic looking idol.  I can't say I care much for Jenn after this episode.  I want the funny, sarcastic, witty, quirky Jenn from the first half of the season back.  I wish she had quit, because Joe wanted to be there, and no one could seem to play the game because they obsessed over him.  So next week, same old, same old with the red herrings thrown in to make it look like the obvious isn't happening?


I'll miss you and your locks Joe.  Glad you at least made it to the jury.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 19

When did Jenn become the goat of the season, even more so than Shirin (who I do like)?


Rodney's impersonation of Mike was dead-on. I was impressed!


Dan just gets worse with every episode, doesn't he? I did love him blanching at his getting a vote at tribal council and him just assuming that Shirin would be on the jury, when the votes had not yet been cast.


I wonder why Sierra has been MIA since the merge or why Tyler, despite winning immunity, and Carolyn barely got airtime this episode.

  • Love 10
Save Will? Why? WTF? I thought Shirrin's speech would have sunk Jenn.


I don't think it was about saving Will, necessarily.  I think anyone would have done, because Mike was suspicious of Joe's immunity idol.  He was right to be suspicious.  I have to admit that Mike is a smart player.  That's why I hope someone engineers his blindside.  Could that be...Rodney?

  • Love 9

The show tried oh so hard to create some tension and drama but this vote was obvious the minute Joe lost Immunity. His fake immunity play was okay in that I have to give him props for making that thing look very, very real (I mean it was way better than that nonsense Ozzy did that that idiot guy fell for) but he showed his hands the minute he gave it to Mike. Who, when they are so clearly on the chopping block, who everyone wants out so much, would give away an immunity idol? Mike probably knew that thing was a fake at that point. Joe may have loved Survivor and he was a strong physical player but I did not see much evidence of a strong strategic player at all. 


I almost wonder if Jenn was playing up wanting to leave because she figures it now makes her seem very appealing to drag along and then she can make a move later. Still, I think she might have been honest because as she said, they all knew the vote was going to go Joe's way the second he lost immunity so she knew she was mostly safe for at least that vote. The editors are trying valiantly but I really can't see this group breaking until Jenn and Shirin are gone. And yeah Mike is definitely getting the winner's edit. I guess it could be worse if he wins - it could be Dan or Rodney (though as much as I hate to say it, his Mike impression was pretty funny and spot on).

  • Love 11

Surprised Sierra voted for Dan.


Me too.  Seriously, where did that come from?  Since we don't see much of voting discussion, did she throw that in there just to cause a tie, or what?  Also, if Jenn hadn't voted for Joe, she would have gone home, right?  I wonder if Shirin hit the nail on the head with Jenn's talk about quitting.


ETA: I thought it was Sierra, too.  I guess I'm in shock still over losing the boy wonder that I wasn't paying attention.  Too bad, I though maybe Sierra was finally going to do something in this game.

Edited by LadyChatts
Why didn't Joe just show Mike a flash of the idol, say he found it when they were back at the No Collar camp, and let it ride? It was dumb of him to hand it over. What did he think Mike would do... save him?


Yeah, that was really dumb.  I was shouting at my TV "Don't do it!"  Unfortunately, Joe didn't hear me. He was pretty to look at but not a good strategic player.


 I'm rooting for Shirin but don't see how she will escape her doom.

  • Love 4

Yeah I never would have shown Mike the idol before TC.  Still, it wouldn't have done any good, because Mike still voted for Joe, and would have taken the chance.  Jenn still would have gone home if it was real and Joe played it.


Joe is the 2nd jury member, 9 people left, and I'd wager a bet he's far more popular than anyone left, let alone whoever the eventual winner is.  And there are more people left that I'm rooting against than for.  

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 6

Well, that was lame.


So the underdogs need 5 votes to get someone obnoxious out and seize control.  They have three obvious ones.  Unless the other seven all think they're F3 somehow, you should be able to pull two of them and make a move.  But either Jenn sucks and wouldn't allow it or they're all dumb.  I'm getting frustrated.


Genuinely Cool People

Now impossible for anyone to break into


Not Actively Annoying, Sometimes Say Things

1. Sierra - That she was in the Mike/Shirin conversation indicates maybe her spot is better with him than I thought.  In which case her play thus far makes more sense.  So meh.

2. Carolyn?


Not Actively Annoying, Actively Invisible

3. Tyler - I understand his votes more than

4. Will - Still not actually playing


Annoying, Possibly Dumb, But a Scrappy Underdog

5. Shirin - I don't like her, but she's an underdog so is more appealing than the hateful



6. Jenn - Dammit, Jenn.  Though at least if you're going to check out you still kicked ass at the challenges.  That was kind of cool of you.


Cocky Asshole, But He's Obviously Going to Win and Is Not a Bigot

7. Mike - Still don't like you


Truly Hateful

8. Rodney - Kudos for your voicework though.  You still suck, but that was funny.

9. Dan - Going to take a truly legendary performance to upset you, but I said that about Rodney earlier and you managed to come through, so it's always possible


Transparently Winning the Game

1. Mike - Meh


His Lame Goats

2. Dan - Seemingly his right hand man and just fantastically stupid in every way.  Just gonna leave Joe to go look for things.

3. Rodney - Maybe that he kind of hates the other two means he'll make a move and let someone else win


Cirie Fields Memorial 4th Place Finisher/Nice Person

4. Sierra - Maybe closer to Mike than I thought, but still out at 4 edit.



5. Carolyn - Seriously

6. Tyler - Way to stand still like some kind of wooden log, dude.


Borrowed Harry Potter's Cloak

7. Will -


Nobody Likes a Quitter

8. Jenn - Unless you're playing a ridiculously elaborate bluff



9. Shirin - Don't think I need to explain this.

  • Love 7

Yes, boring.  And yet, I can't believe that Carolyn, Tyler, and Shirin want to watch a BC member waltz to the end without a fight.  I think Jenn will fight.  Will?  Maybe he's still lying low, planning a surprise.  And it looks like Rodney does not like Mike.  Although poor Jeffy would be disappointed, I would hate for the season to end with Captain Merica Mike's coronation.

  • Love 4

Something exciting has to happen next week.  It seriously has to.  


I hope Jeff's speech at TC about taking out threats implies Mike gets his blindside that is desperately coming next week.  Once Mike is gone, maybe that can be the real game changer.  Dan and Sierra, what will they do?  I think we have far more wastes of space in terms of game players than I can remember.  I feel like clueless Keith had more going on for him last season than this group has.  Right now, I'm pegging a final 3 of Mike/Shirin/Tyler.

Something exciting has to happen next week.  It seriously has to.  


I hope Jeff's speech at TC about taking out threats implies Mike gets his blindside that is desperately coming next week.  Once Mike is gone, maybe that can be the real game changer.  Dan and Sierra, what will they do?  I think we have far more wastes of space in terms of game players than I can remember.  I feel like clueless Keith had more going on for him last season than this group has.  Right now, I'm pegging a final 3 of Mike/Shirin/Tyler. 

Edited by LadyChatts

I didn't know what was going on the whole episode. I was especially confused when I found myself liking Rodney for about two minutes.

That was a pretty long, brutal reward challenge, all for some fucking candy. I would think that scarfing so much processed sugar when you're starving would just make you sick. And I never liked Snickers, so none of it really looked appealing.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 20

Tyler's, "I have no idea what's going on," made it worth putting up with the rest of the episode. For a while it looked like it was going to be a sixty-minute Snickers infomercial.


I'm surprised no one lost a tooth with that reward challenge, the way they were face-planting so close to the slide and beams.


But kudos to Tyler and Jenn for lasting over a half-hour in that immunity challenge.  


So sorry to see Joe go.  I know it's the better strategy to get rid of him while they can, but I hate seeing someone who wants to be there booted while someone who doesn't care half the time gets to stay.  At least he made an effort to save himself rather than just accepting his fate.


Out of everyone that's left in the game, I dislike two of them and I'm indifferent to the rest.


Rodney wants a bunch of zeroes for his bank account, and I hope that's all he gets.  But I'll admit his impersonation of Mike was pretty funny.  

  • Love 4

Nobody to root for now. Joe is gone and nobody is left. The rest suck. There was Tyler but he's proven that he'll just hand over the money by telling Mike the clue. Joe may have had a chance if he took Tyler or maybe Carolyn to the side and spoke to them. I would say Sierra but she's proven that she can't stick to her word.


Mike is just too complacent and starting to really get on my nerves. Joe shouldn't have even much tried to make a deal with him.


Dan is just a flat out asshole, which is why I fear people will want to take him to the end because he's just coasting and not doing much of anything. Unless Rodney sticks to his word and get Mike, Dan, and Sierra out. Numbers dwindling down so he might want to make a move next week or he can just sitdown and shut up. Y'all saw how he inhaled that M&M like a vacuum. I can only imagine what he'll do with a whole turkey. I was hoping the M&M would get lodged in his throat for 3 seconds. 


That reward challenge really wasn't worth playing for, there was no protein, just straight up sweets and not enough to really sustain. People at camp had more to eat. Also why didn't some of them run across the net crawl, it was much faster than diving in there. SMDH.


Jenn, "Nobody asked me if they could kill the chickens." I didn't know they had to ask permission. You're out in the middle of nowhere with barely any food around, so one day someone is gonna want to eat chicken if it's available. She got on my nerves this episode in the beginning, I don't wanna be here, nothing but despair then she almost wins at immunity challenge and she sings a different tune. If I was Joe and she had won, I still wouldn't have trusted her to hand over the necklace.


I don't know what Shirin is doing to make everyone dislike her but from the editing I don't see anything.


I agree if they do an All Stars Joe should come back and Spencer from two seasons ago as well. 

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 6

If fairness, I think the 3 left that were in Joe's alliance tried to get people to flip.  And tried.  Last week they thought they had flippers.  Obviously everyone in the other 7 must think they are floating to the final 3.  Which is one small consolations when 4 of them realize that maybe they should have flipped earlier when they had the chance.

  • Love 3

It was Jenn's irreverence that was so entertaining and refreshing. But sometimes irreverence can lead to apathy when something doesn't go your way. Not always - but it can be be an easy shift. OTOH, if you're really invested into an experience, irreverence can be harder to come by.


I think that's what happened to Jenn. It's too bad. Apathy is much less entertaining than irreverence.


This is going to be a "hold your nose and vote" FTC. Such fascinating social game-play, so few good people.

  • Love 9

I don't know what Shirin is doing to make everyone dislike her but from the editing I don't see anything.

That's one of the things that drives me crazy about this show. Knowing what I've been told by people who have been there, the editing is what it is, based on who they want the audience to root for. What goes on at camp, we never really see. And this season, it seems we're seeing even less of the usual scrambling and discussion of who to vote for.

  • Love 9

Maybe I was wrong about Shirin. From the opening, she seems to have a decent plan.  Dan is such an idiot.


So is Rodney, but his impressions were amazing.  Who knew??  I like how he wants to whack other blues.  Now so does Mike.  Good.


This is a strange season.  The only one I really despise now is Dan, but I can't say I like any of them.


Mmmm chocolate.  I hope Dan got himself sick on it.


No.  Not the fake idol ploy.   It was very nicely crafted though! 


Sad to see Joe go, but if not this week, then he would have been gone soon.


Dull episode overall.  

  • Love 6

Motherfuck. Jen and I said "damn it" at the exact same time.

Joe's half smile and wink at Jen was incredibly sexy. Now who do I have to look at? Dan? The worst conversationalist in the history of ever? Fuck no. Dan sucks, and he wrestled the Supreme Douchebag crown from Rodney, which is quite the impressive feat.

The M&M's all separated out by color pleased me to no end.

Sierra's ratty-ass headbands with the giant knot are stupid.

  • Love 9
Mike is just too complacent and starting to really get on my nerves. Joe shouldn't have even much tried to make a deal with him.



Mike can be annoying but he doesn't seem complacent to me.  He's too suspicious to be complacent, and he's been thinking things through.  Playing the fake idol Joe gave him was pretty clever, and demanding the idol before tribal was smart, too.  Even if Mike hadn't had a HII of his own, he had to have considered that if it was a real idol, Joe would simply play it for himself.   But he still took the steps to verify what he suspected by playing the idol.  



Obviously everyone in the other 7 must think they are floating to the final 3.  Which is one small consolations when 4 of them realize that maybe they should have flipped earlier when they had the chance.



And watching four of them realize that, is the main reason I have left for watching this season.  With no one to really root for, the schadenfreude factor is all that's left unless one of them pulls something surprising.

  • Love 6

I was actually impressed Probst didn't practically carry Jenn out of TC himself, at the first mention of her wanting to quit, since he knew it would cost Joe.  But maybe his bigger man crush really is Mike.  I really don't get this season.  Or why TPTB would call it a great cast.  We've got a mixture of bullies, assholes, whiners, hot heads, invisible's, and a guy named Tyler that I don't know what to make of.  My love for Shirin and Jenn is fading, but I'm blaming that on the craptastic season.  Even that camp looks gloomy.  Never liked their camp, wish they could have merged at the old Nagarote.

Edited by LadyChatts
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