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Interestingly, I'm watching the ALCS right now, and in the corner of the screen, TBS has the box with the score, count, outs, etc.  For the scores, they have a large red C for Cleveland, and the Blue Jay logo for Toronto.

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12 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

Interestingly, I'm watching the ALCS right now, and in the corner of the screen, TBS has the box with the score, count, outs, etc.  For the scores, they have a large red C for Cleveland, and the Blue Jay logo for Toronto.

The block C is Cleveland's primary logo. They changed it from Chief Wahoo in 2014, who remains as a secondary logo.

I think it's supposed to be a compromise. The people who are offended by Chief Wahoo get to not see it all the time and can still be Cleveland fans and buy Cleveland merch without having to endorse Wahoo directly. The people who like Chief Wahoo still get to have him on some of the caps and shoulder patches and whatnot.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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18 minutes ago, mojoween said:


Well, I worked late again- was following on radio a bit driving home but - did Pete Rose and ARod talk about this in tonight's pre-game? Sorry if it's been mentioned a whole bunch tonight. But ya know, you mentioned the magic "coming back from 0h-3" and that's like a beacon in the night. Condolences, 12 years later.

eta: baseball players need to be taught to just sprawl out all over a base until they can ask for 'time.'  Getting sick of these "kept the tag on him while he was standing up" out calls.  Booo!

Edited by King of Birds
more baseball insight needed
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You know it's rare that I have to put on my moderator hat in this forum (in fact I think this may be the first time ever) but PTV has one main rule and that is to be civil.  The mascot name discussion started to get just a wee bit out of hand and I actually had to hide some posts.

Back to baseball.

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12 hours ago, King of Birds said:

Well, I worked late again- was following on radio a bit driving home but - did Pete Rose and ARod talk about this in tonight's pre-game? Sorry if it's been mentioned a whole bunch tonight. But ya know, you mentioned the magic "coming back from 0h-3" and that's like a beacon in the night. Condolences, 12 years later.

eta: baseball players need to be taught to just sprawl out all over a base until they can ask for 'time.'  Getting sick of these "kept the tag on him while he was standing up" out calls.  Booo!

They need to change the rule entirely. I'd suggest something like the following.

After touching the base the runner is understood to have "possession" of the base if any part of his body remains directly above the base even without physical contact. The runner shall maintain "possession" of the base until such a time as he vacates the space above the base. To reacquire "possession" of the base the runner will then need to physically touch the base again.

This way we won't have annoying outs because someone pops up or takes his freaking fingertips off the bag after beating the tag out. But if someone overslides the base he can still be tagged out, and it allows for pick off plays to remain unchanged.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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9 minutes ago, Maximum Taco said:

What do we say to the god of death Blue Jays? Not today.

One down. Three to go.

Very unlikely.  Indians haven't lost 4 in a row all year.

But I'm ok that we lost.  We have to lose some time.  Better now than in the Series (if we don't blow it).

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I realized that with the exception of today the Indians are skating through the postseason because the sports gods can only concentrate on one downtrodden, long-suffering fan base at a time and right now the Cubs are squarely in their sights.  Once Chicago is dispatched, look out Cleveland.

I mean, last week's Sports Illustrated basically guaranteed the Cubs are not winning this thing.

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On 10/17/2016 at 8:36 PM, Crs97 said:

So Trevor Bauer leaves with blood gushing from his finger and the Toronto fans cheer?!?  Stay classy, guys.  I assume beer cans are being lined up now.

It's not like Bauer got hurt on the field, and then Blue Jays fans cheered or something.  My perspective is:

1)   I find it disgusting that Bauer was allowed to openly gush blood near "my" beloved players.  It went on far longer than it should have.  So unhygenic and downright nasty.

2)  I assume he's paid millions to do his job and couldn't show up to work when expected - IN THE POSTSEASON - because he hurt himself playing with a toy.

The epitome of class that Canada could learn from, I guess.
I don't like Bauer, and I am far from alone, because on Canada Day, he tweeted out a bunch of American flags and fire emojis to taunt Canadians.  It was unneeded.
Since then he has spent his "free time" tweeting at and trolling Canadians.  Did you know that?
He likes it almost as much as playing with drones.  We originally thought he had hurt his finger tweeting too much.  Maybe he did.

For example I like players like Lindor, Coco Crisp, ex-Blue Jay Rajai, Kipnis, almost the whole team, actually.  But not Trevor Bauer.  Sorry.  I don't think he's the best counterexample to the class of my country.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It's not like Bauer got hurt on the field, and then Blue Jays fans cheered or something.  My perspective is:

1)   I find it disgusting that Bauer was allowed to openly gush blood near "my" beloved players.  It went on far longer than it should have.  So unhygenic and downright nasty.

2)  I assume he's paid millions to do his job and couldn't show up to work when expected - IN THE POSTSEASON - because he hurt himself playing with a toy.

The epitome of class that Canada could learn from, I guess.
I don't like Bauer, and I am far from alone, because on Canada Day, he tweeted out a bunch of American flags and fire emojis to taunt Canadians.  It was unneeded.
Since then he has spent his "free time" tweeting at and trolling Canadians.  Did you know that?
He likes it almost as much as playing with drones.  We originally thought he had hurt his finger tweeting too much.  Maybe he did.

For example I like players like Lindor, Coco Crisp, ex-Blue Jay Rajai, Kipnis, almost the whole team, actually.  But not Trevor Bauer.  Sorry.  I don't think he's the best counterexample to the class of my country.

Agree with all of this Ms. Blue Jay. I am really getting annoyed at Toronto Blue Jay fans being portrayed as classless. Some are, most aren't. Just like all other cities.

Also I didn't see the fans cheering for Bauer because they were glad he was injured. I saw it as the cheers a player gets when the crowd realizes that he is okay and not hurt too badly, as I've seen in other sports. A cheer to say we're glad he's okay. I'm sure most people down at the Rogers Centre hadn't heard about him getting hurt playing with his drone, and just thought he got hurt in the game. But I'm not going to say that all were cheering for the right reasons, I'm sure there were some douches cheering because he was hurt. Just like the idiot who threw the beer can, they don't represent the majority of the fans.

On another note, I really wish we got our Canadian broadcasters to call the games for the Canadian broadcast. 

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Ah, yes, this is a Cubs team I can recognize....sigh.  The offense needs to show up soon or it's going to be a quick exit.  I never really felt like this was the year (although I do feel like the core of this team can win it all some year) but I did expect a bit more in this series.  With Kershaw perhaps on deck for game 5, the offense needs to show up tomorrow. 

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I, too, have to agree, Ms. Blue Jay.

I also thought Bauer classless & tempting fate when he stepped out of the dugout right aft Monday's game and taunted the fans with his 3-0 signs. 

We're not 5 yrs old.    Oh wait, I guess you are, since you jeopardized the Indians chances to get to the WS.

Edited by roamyn
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7 hours ago, dkb said:

Also I didn't see the fans cheering for Bauer because they were glad he was injured. I saw it as the cheers a player gets when the crowd realizes that he is okay and not hurt too badly, as I've seen in other sports

That's exactly what I saw.

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10 hours ago, pennben said:

Ah, yes, this is a Cubs team I can recognize....sigh.  The offense needs to show up soon or it's going to be a quick exit.  I never really felt like this was the year (although I do feel like the core of this team can win it all some year) but I did expect a bit more in this series.  With Kershaw perhaps on deck for game 5, the offense needs to show up tomorrow. 

I was hoping this would be the year that the curse is broken. 

Still holding onto some hope, though the Cubs' offense is making me panic. The pitching, too, for that matter. And the one of the Cubs' biggest strengths is their dominant bullpen!

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To think the Red Sox couldn't use Rich Hill in their rotation. Maybe if they had they wouldn't have been swept by the Indians. The Cubs had better start hitting or the Dodgers will get to the WS with that outrageous payroll of theirs.

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I have a dilemma:  I am rooting for the Dodgers (only because the 3rd base coach cheered me up doing the same stupid thing Bob Henley did for the Nationals.)  but I want Urias to be called for a million balks tonight when he attempts that one move he got Bryce Harper on (it was a balk).  But I don't want the Cubs to score.  So do I root for the Dodgers w/ hope that Urias balks but doesn't mess with the score.  Or do I root for the Cubs.

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Sad to see the Jays eliminated, but still very proud of the team for making it back to the post season again. Hopefully we'll be back again next year and get over the hump. I really don't want that to be Bautista's last at bat for the Jays, I like him , but I guess we need a change.

Congrats to Cleveland.

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I'll be happy for whoever wins a Cleveland/Chicago WS. Tito, Nap, Miller, Lester, Ross, Theo all deserve to be there.

If the Dodgers get in, no contest, Cleveland all the way.

I forgot Coco!

Edited by rcc
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Well that's the end of that. 

Obviously disappointed in my Jays, they just didn't have anything left in the bats. Pitchers did their jobs, and we have all those guys next year too. We'll be back if they are even half as good as they were this year. 

Congrats to Cleveland, man am I getting tired of saying that. Thank God there's no Cleveland hockey team. 

And that is a perfect segway into the NHL season. Go Leafs. 

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9 minutes ago, Maximum Taco said:

Well that's the end of that. 

Obviously disappointed in my Jays, they just didn't have anything left in the bats. Pitchers did their jobs, and we have all those guys next year too. We'll be back if they are even half as good as they were this year. 

Congrats to Cleveland, man am I getting tired of saying that. Thank God there's no Cleveland hockey team. 


Actually there is.

And they won the Minor League Calder Cup this year!

Good things happen in threes!

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Well that's that.

Aside from Bauer I think the Cleveland team seems very classy and I like the players so good for them.  Congratulations to Rajai, we remember him so fondly and he is very dangerous.  I'm always surprised when he's not used more.

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Game 1 of the World Series is Tuesday in Cleveland. 

The same night the Champion Cleveland Cavaliers open at home, get their rings and raise the banner!

Right across the street!

I sense a good omen!

Edited by roamyn
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I was rooting for the Blue Jays but congratulations to Cleveland for winning the AL pennant in impressive fashion.

Does anyone know if Frank Robinson has health issues?  Perhaps it's just due to age but while presenting the post game trophies he seemed very confused and it made me sad.

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34 minutes ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

Does anyone know if Frank Robinson has health issues?  Perhaps it's just due to age but while presenting the post game trophies he seemed very confused and it made me sad.

Not that I'm aware, but he in his 80s, so it could be age related.

I kept grumbling to "get Frank a chair!"  He was swaying and shuffling.  Someone of his age and respect shouldn't be treated like that.

I read a tweet that said the Monsters, Cavs & Indians traded the Browns' soul for championships.

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3 hours ago, basiltherat said:

The TV refused to show a fan (idiot) running onto the Rodgers field and yet they focused lovingly on multiple close-ups of that (idiot) pitcher's dripping. bloody finger!  

Which is more offensive?

They never show idiots running on the field, regardless of the sport - since most people who do that are looking for attention, not showing them robs them of that attention, and hopefully dissuades others from doing the same.  I don't think any pitchers will be encouraged to cut their hands because they showed his bloody finger, and it certainly was a big story in the game.

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6 hours ago, xaxat said:

Back when he was still a player, was there anyone who would have predicted Gary Sheffield would eventually be doing MLB commentary?

That is the old Howard Stern ratings breakdown, people that hate him are tuning in to hear what he is going to say.



I want some birria and fresh pico de gallo, I hope the cubs have their fill during their stay in el lay.

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Re:  People running onto the field

They're definitely not going to encourage or advertise that behaviour when they fear those drunken people who run on the field could potentially hinder or injure their million dollar athletes.  

TBS had to show Bauer's drone idiocy because they had almost never seen anything like it before ;)  I tease.

I was really sad when Edwin Encarnacion got his hat trick in 2015 and the cameras wouldn't show all the hats raining down upon him.  That had to be one of the most magical things to happen at the Rogers Centre.  The way the commentators and people who were there described it, it sounded incredible.  I would have been crying for sure.   Obviously the hats were a sign of goodwill and happiness for Edwin and could not hurt him.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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