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S06.E17: Undisclosed Recipients

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The partners at Florrick/Agos/Lockhart argue over the future of the firm. Meanwhile, the firm becomes a victim of a cyber hack after it represents a movie producer whose work is pirated on a peer-to-peer sharing site.
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Pausing my television and being a very very good poster to you all


From:  A. Florrick

To:  W. Gardiner

Friday, October 4, 2013 at 11:53 PM

Subject:  Linguistics


I can't stand it.... phone sex isn't enough....

I wish I could have your tongue to chain around my hips so that I

could get those delicious linguistics whenever I want!


Thought you should know...


- A




"Relax, it was just a one night stand, albeit a great one." - That was from you (Alicia) to Elfman

From:  W. Gardner

To:  A. Florrick

Subject:  New York Conference


Let me tell you how you sent me to heaven this weekend.

The feel of your soft lips against mine, your inner thighs against my cheeks...

My only purpose?  To be a servant to your body

Thinking about kissing you..... Everywhere

You leave me exhausted, Baby


Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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It's not realistic that professionals, lawyers no less, whose training makes them incredibly careful about what they say, would be so dumb as to say any of that in e-mail. let alone a work email, dear God.


That said, I don't care, that was hilarious. I forgot how much I liked watching David and Julius fight. And a case of the week! With tech stuff handled like it's a normal part of everyday life, and not some evil wizardry that will ruin society (yes, I'm looking at you, every Law & Order). As usual, the show forgets Alicia is married to the governor. Redmayne makes threats to Alicia, but never hints that he can ruin Peter? Ditto Bishop. And there's an email going around where Saint Alicia banged her campaign manager and separate ones with sexual exchanges with her forner boss, and Eli isn't having a heart attack? Even if it wasn't hacked, Eli should be way madder about that than Alicia being snotty to Castro.

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I'm confused, how are Lockhart/Gardner's emails caught up in a hack of Florrick/Agos?    Surely FA didn't just inherit EVERYTHING from the former firm?   Those emails between Will and Alicia were when they were at LG together.    


As for Alicia, that's called the chickens coming home to roost.   You kissed up to everyone, lied and covered up to get elected.   Now those folks want what is owed.   


I clapped when Diane pointed out that Alicia seemed to use the firm for her launching pad to political office.   She could have done that from LG.   No need to go through starting her own firm, only to buy out 2 years later -- and demand lots of money from a firm she barely had anything to do with.

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I'm confused, how are Lockhart/Gardner's emails caught up in a hack of Florrick/Agos?    Surely FA didn't just inherit EVERYTHING from the former firm?   Those emails between Will and Alicia were when they were at LG together.    


Terrible writing, that's how. Doesn't L/G technically still exist? Even if Louis Canning is the only partner who didn't come over to F/A.

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I'm trying to figure out why the whole firm would need new phones and iPads because their email got hacked. It's likely the server was hacked, not their individual devices. I can maybe understand needing new computers in case they think there's some sort of spyware, but new phones?

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Was that statue amongst the gifts the one from How to Get Away with Murder?  If so, give it to the Kings because they've killed my interest in their lead character.

Edited by pennben
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Alicia is a freaking idiot.  This is probably the first time when I really hated her.  Now that she's in office, she's alienating everyone who helped her get there.  Don't bite the hands that feed you Alicia.


Screwing around with my guy Lemond was the last straw!  The lastt straw! 


I get her thing about getting money from the firm so that she can make sure she has enough for college (although I don't see why Peter wouldn't help contribute some of his salary as Governor which is probably around $175,000 per year or why either of her kids couldn't get scholarships, loans, or jobs like everybody else), but anyway, why couldn't Alicia work out some sort of payment plan with the firm (which is called what again?? Lockart/Agos?) Would she have to completely cut ties with them right away?    

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I get her thing about getting money from the firm so that she can make sure she has enough for college


What happened to the trust funds for the kids she was so adamant that David Lee set up a few years ago?   Wouldn't THAT go to college.   I know Jackie stole some of the money, but I doubt it is all gone.   Alicia would have been madder.

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The thing I liked the most was Christine Baranski's "Go To Hell"...as I swear I heard her Dr. Nora character in there..and hoping to hear one "God, bless honey" before the show's over(FRASIER reference)

CB is the ONLY thing I like about this show...and to think I'm going to enjoy whatever take down they do of St. Alicia..if there is one...Gah..what a smug woman..

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I'm confused, how are Lockhart/Gardner's emails caught up in a hack of Florrick/Agos?    Surely FA didn't just inherit EVERYTHING from the former firm?   Those emails between Will and Alicia were when they were at LG together.



Great point. I just assume that they've used the same server everywhere…although this gets silly.


My 77 year old attorney father is the least tech-proficient person on the planet. He starts swearing at his computer if he accidentally mutes the sound because he can't figure out how to fix it. However, back in 1999 he was savvy enough to say, "If you don't want to see it in the newspaper, don't write it in an email." Seriously, it doesn't take a law firm to know that email is not private. In fact, haven't the L/G folks dug up email dirt on clients during high powered divorces?  While it was pretty hilarious watching lawyer-on-lawyer beatings, this is just too far-fetched for the writers. 


Did Alicia just figure out that the SA's salary was lower than a private litigator's? I can imagine her thinking, "But when Peter was SA, he seemed to always have soooo much money! Why did the salary drop so much since then?" This lady is not built for Chicago.

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Watching the fallout from those exposed emails was the most I've been entertained by this show in years. I'm kicking myself for missing the last half because I forgot to set my DVR for the following show!

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Dear DIary,


I've taken to writing to you again because there was a tiny email hack where I work and I was a little oversharey, shall we say, on my work computer that could expose me of having sex outside my marriage (but it's ok, unlike when Peter does it, but still, others might think differently).  Whoopsie!


I won the election! And only fibbed a little bit! Remember, I am so new to this that I've felt bad at times.  But I'm just naive:) And no, me living through campaigns with a public official my entire adult life would not expose me to anything I am newly experience right now.  Period. Why would you suggest that?


Then, get this, diary, a gross racist, sexist homophobe who is creepy, but gave me seven figures in donations, actually thinks he should have a seat at my table.  I do not understand.  I am naive.  I said "No"!  Firmly.  Then I said "Maybe".  But I don't really mean the last one...teehee, I'm learning.


Then, and you aren't going to believe this one, a drug kingpin I knew was financing my campaign wanted a favor!  Why would he ever think he could have influence?  I said "No"!  Firmly.  Then I said "Maybe".  But I don't really mean the last one...teehee, I'm learning.


And I'm in a fight with my old firm over them buying me out.  Don't they know I took a massive paycut to get this new job (NOTE to self:  did I ever think about this at all? Potential Whoopsie here). However, little ole me got some gumption and scared them at the end!  Look at me go, being all corrupt, but not, but maybe.  Hee, this is fun!


Between you and me, I think I will be running the world soon.  I expect, because I am naive in this new world, between now and then I'll be reminded of how naive I really am for a bit here and there, but I think I'll always turn the tide in a rousing finale act (I don't even know what that means) of each, shall we say, lesson (would episode be a better word?) along my way.






PS:  Kalinda is still a poopyhead (but it fun seeing her trying to appease me!).

Nailed it.
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Did Alicia just figure out that the SA's salary was lower than a private litigator's? I can imagine her thinking, "But when Peter was SA, he seemed to always have soooo much money! Why did the salary drop so much since then?" This lady is not built for Chicago.

Of course not. None of that was her being surprised at her new salary or at the fact that her firm was negotiatingh and trying to get her off cheap. She expected it, just like Diane and Cary expected she would angle for more money. That's why she brought Finn in with her. To negotiate on her behalf. They were treating it like any other negotiation they do as lawyers. I don't get why people are confused at this plot; it seemed pretty straightforward.


Screwing around with my guy Lemond was the last straw!  The lastt straw! 


I get her thing about getting money from the firm so that she can make sure she has enough for college (although I don't see why Peter wouldn't help contribute some of his salary as Governor which is probably around $175,000 per year

Oh course Peter is going to "help". He's their FATHER. Zach and Grace's education is just as much Peter's responsibility as it is Alicia's. And they can afford it. The kids went to private school, they live in a luxury apartment and Peter and Alicia come from money. The point was never that without this money, Zach and Grace would have to work at McDonald's. It's that if you have a choice between X amount if money, and half a million more than X, you're picking the latter. Why should Alicia roll over and accept the lower offer when she could hold out for more? She has expenses in her life and you don't have to be poor to not throw away a big windfall like that.


And you get that Bishop is a drug dealer and murderer, right? I'm bored with Bishop. Every episode with him is the same. He's evil and kills people but loves his son, We get it.


And I was Grace to start raising ferrets or take up macrame or something. Writers: being Christian isn't actually a character trait.

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Notably, Kalinda was the only person who did not write anything that she had to worry about having exposed.


Eli didn't ever say what to do about the emails, did he? He just said not to apologize to get ahead of it. But he never said what he did recommend.


As for why Marissa is now Alicia's shadow, I think it's because the show wanted to have a woman in Alicia's scenes, and the only one they could get that wouldn't be considered a threat was a young assistant. No peers are allowed-- it's too much competition.


I admit that the power of hackers freaks me out a bit.

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It's not realistic that professionals, lawyers no less, whose training makes them incredibly careful about what they say, would be so dumb as to say any of that in e-mail. let alone a work email, dear God.


You'd think the same thing of the bigwigs at Sony, but no. 


And that story is obviously what tonight's episode was built around.

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I have never laughed so hard at this show as I did when Julius was going all What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? on David Lee. That one joke has earned this show a lot more goodwill from me, which it sorely needed. Seriously, I watched it at least four times and my stomach hurts from laughing so much. Thank you, Julius!


The original:

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Alicia is truly a disgusting individual. She wants to pretend she's so naive and her hands are so clean, but she had no qualms about threatening A/L about their criminal cases. I have no problem with her playing hardball, but screwing with people's guilt or innocence is revolting.

The email stuff cracked my shit up, especially because I work in a professional office, and people absolutely are that stupid. I'm going to encourage everyone in my team to watch this episode as a cautionary tale. lol

I've missed this Eli. "Absence of yes times time equals no. That's the law!"

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I admit that the power of hackers freaks me out a bit.

Dude, after watching citizenfour I was paranoid about everything!


Even though I don't like conflict in real life, watching Julius and David Lee at each other's throats was hilarious. I loved when Diane told Julius what he wrote and he couldn't believe it but then amended that to say that he knew he thought that about David but he didn't remember actually writing it.


Like Ms. Blue Jay, I paused the episode so I could read all of the emails that Eli was OMGing about and I laughed my ass off. What kind of person writes that stuff using their work email?! And it's not like it's 1994 and people only have their institutional email addresses. If you're going to talk about the affair you're having with your coworker, at least use your personal email account!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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How does this law firm have any clients?  They're like the Keystone Cops.  And that melee with the Wharfmaster guy was not a deposition but a negotiation.


I've been barely lukewarm on this show for some time, but I'm starting to actively hate-watch it.

As Mike Hale noted in his recap for the NY Times:


(Not that there’s ever any point in comparing a television drama to reality, but it’s interesting to note that the actual Cook County, Ill., state’s attorney’s office employs nearly 900 lawyers and 1,500 people over all. I’m going to guess that the actual state’s attorney, Anita Alvarez, spends most of her time in meetings and pushing paper, managing what amounts to a medium-size business. And that this is not what Alicia Florrick will be doing.)


If the show wants Alicia in a made-up position, I wish they'd give it a made-up name, too.

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Ridiculous episode re emails. We are supposed to believe EVERYBODY is stupid enough to toss off insulting emails about others in the firm, not just a couple of people a couple of times (which would have been enough to drive the point home and to pull in the techie being sued)? Really? It had to be the whole firm, about the whole firm? And the spitting on Diane's office window--really?--didn't get that employee fired?

Peter managed to support his kids and stay-at-home Alicia in a house on the North Shore on the same salary, right?

I have a headache.

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I'm also naive and I have NO political savvynes at all. In fact, I'm not a very diplomatic person. But even I would have handled what happened to Alicia better. I was screaming at her: "You don't just tell one of the most powerful guys 'NO' like that!; you don't insult the former SA to his face!; don't argue with the murderer and drug dealer!; just tell them you'll see what you can do!!" Ahhh!! Idiot. It's like she's becoming as dumb as Grace. I'm glad Eli called her on it and practically called her stupid as well. Granted, by telling them she's considering her options they'll still get angry with her later for not doing what they asked, but at least it doesn't seem like she's right down insulting them. Plus, there are always excuses to make up, like she didn't have much say in choosing the deputy; or finding some other ways to stay in good terms with them; considering some sort of deal for Bishop that is benefitial for all; trying to keep some of Castro's former employees, etc. After all, that's what politics is about, if not she'll never get anything done.


The email plot was funny, but stupid. If it had been the phones or the What'sApps that had been hacked I would have bought it. But who sends those kind of messages on their company's email nonetheless?? I mean, really? With today's zero privacy and constant hacking you're insulting clients and co workers on written just like that?

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Granted, by telling them she's considering her options they'll still get angry with her later for not doing what they asked, but at least it doesn't seem like she's right down insulting them.


And even when Alicia DID take Eli's advice, she made sure to deliver the lines in her vintage smug, I'm condescending down to you manner, not even attempting to act or be authentic in the least, so that the person she's delivering the lines to knows what she's really saying.


The two men she was rejecting may be flawed, but I assume that they are very much the type of men who know how to read between the lines.


God, I just really hate this character.


I have to say, I work in an office, and emails like that fly about like no tomorrow.  I'm always surprised when a new employee comes in and starts doing it, and I try to temper it down, but I can't really stop what people write.  I just assume it will bite them someday.  I learned the hard way in my first professional job, when I complained about a supervisor and forwarded the email to HER by mistake!


I think it's because it's the way we're communicating at our jobs all the time anyway, and it's the ease of it.  And in the heat of the moment people make dumb  mistakes.  And it's easy to forward a long-winded email to somebody else to laugh about.  I'm not saying it's right or it's smart, just that it does happen.


Another thing, I just assume the whole IT department reads all of our emails anyway.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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As for Alicia, that's called the chickens coming home to roost.   You kissed up to everyone, lied and covered up to get elected.   Now those folks want what is owed.

I get the feeling that Alicia's going to spend the rest of the season finding out just how hard it is to do this job she WANTED and was elected to do. It feels like payback time in another sense. And once again, this seems to be pointing to Alicia finding some kind of common ground with Peter. She is going to have to make similar choices and find out whether she will do the same things he did, or pay the price for doing it differently.

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"The whole email plot was obviously inspired by the Sony Hack which did have a lot of embarrassing emails surface. Problem is, lawyers know better!"

I'm a lawyer. No, we don't.

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I have never disliked Alicia more than when she insisted (quite smugly) that Marissa stay for her meeting with Bishop and didn't care about endangering a young woman who has been nothing but loyal to her.


Yes, it was the smugness that really kicked in my Alicia-hate right now.  She sailed triumphantly into the office, accepted congratulations for a victory she didn't deserve (or honestly earn), delighted in all the gifts, and then pretended as if she didn't have any debts to pay.  


When she won the election in last week's episode, I didn't think I could possibly watch this show again, but then I realized that I really, REALLY needed to see Alicia get what she had coming to her.  I loved Diane's speech to her about using the office to make her run for State's Attorney; I loved Eli telling her what an idiot she was, and I loved that Bishop and Lou Grant told her that they would deal with her.  


I still love Diane, Cary, and Kalinda, but Alicia better be taken down quickly before I am subjected to her smug face again.  As others have said, she is no better than Peter, and at least HE didn't try to pretend he was taking the moral high ground.  


Are we supposed to hate the title character like this?  Do the writers have a grand plan to redeem Alicia?  I hope so.

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I have to say, I work in an office, and emails like that fly about like no tomorrow.  I'm always surprised when a new employee comes in and starts doing it, and I try to temper it down, but I can't really stop what people write.  I just assume it will bite them someday.  I learned the hard way in my first professional job, when I complained about a supervisor and forwarded the email to HER by mistake!


I think it's because it's the way we're communicating at our jobs all the time anyway, and it's the ease of it.  And in the heat of the moment people make dumb  mistakes.  And it's easy to forward a long-winded email to somebody else to laugh about.  I'm not saying it's right or it's smart, just that it does happen.


Another thing, I just assume the whole IT department reads all of our emails anyway.

So much this. Even assuming IT reads the emails (or at least can), pretty much everybody in my office still sends what could be embarassing emails all the time. And people get caught up by it all the time. They change their behavior for a few days, and then go right back to it, for the most part. It's the ease of communication, married to the (mistaken) impression of privacy.

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I learned the hard way in my first professional job, when I complained about a supervisor and forwarded the email to HER by mistake!

This exact same thing happened to me in a past job. One of my subordinates sent me a scathing e-mail complaining about me. She, of course, meant to send it to one of her coworkers. You should have seen the look on her face when I pointed out her mistake to her, shortly before pointing her to the exit door.

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I'm surprised how arrogant and clueless they made Alicia in the first part of this one.  It was like she'd not only never worked in politics (which she's been around a long, long time) but she had no idea how to even be professional or tactful.  Kind of stupid writing.


This exact same thing happened to me in a past job. One of my subordinates sent me a scathing e-mail complaining about me. She, of course, meant to send it to one of her coworkers. You should have seen the look on her face when I pointed out her mistake to her, shortly before pointing her to the exit door.

Reminds me of this one-  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1206491/Woman-sacked-Facebook-boss-insult-forgetting-added-friend.html

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It kind of interests me that the show may actually be trying to make us hate Alicia. I have always thought they would send her into politics, but it would be the format of the triumphant character who rises from the ashes of her husband's scandal to find her own voice and surpass those who originally brought her down. She would distance from Peter and find her own way, etc. But more and more it's looking like the opposite: they are making her less and less likable, more and more like Peter, and almost seem to be apologists for his original behavior, showing that Alicia is just like him, maybe worse, and in a way may have deserved the shittiness she got at the beginning of the series. Remember how all her friends abandoned her after Peter's scandal broke? Now she's going around alienating and abandoning all the new friends she's made over the course of the show.


I did think that her dismissal of sleazy donor, sleazy predecessor and sleazy client was supposed to be inspired by her admiration for Prady's "campaign with integrity" and his chiding her about her cynicism. But even when she's trying to do the right thing, and I actually sympathize with her disgust for all three of the people who she was turning away, she comes off so smug! Prady can openly say someone disgusts him, without seeming as smug as Alicia seems when pretending to be polite-- it's uncanny! And it's hard to understand why she would be so bold as to actually SMIRK at Lemond Bishop; even Alicia has known to be afraid of him in the past. And he was clearly coming to her in an awkward and somewhat humiliating position. She could have handled it better-- and she WOULD HAVE handled it better, if she was thinking like a lawyer and not like Queen of the World. So I guess power corrupts? But it sure happened fast for her. It was almost out of character, for someone who has always been so cautious in the past.

Edited by possibilities
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Yeah, if they're trying to do a Breaking Bad type arc for Alicia, they're not doing it too well.  I too see them turning her into Peter by the end, but it'd be nice if they kept her someone you could sympathize with to some extent, not just an obnoxious, arrogant, impulse-driven fool.  I don't think Peter was even that bad.  

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When email was fairly new, a coworker and I sent jokes back and forth to each other.  One day my boss walked into my office trailing a single sheet of printer paper that was about fifteen feet long.


It was a relatively painless lesson, compared to what I just watched, and I learned it early.  Maybe everyone has to learn it firsthand.


I'm really looking forward to seeing Alicia go through the wringer next week.

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Yeah, if they're trying to do a Breaking Bad type arc for Alicia, they're not doing it too well.  I too see them turning her into Peter by the end, but it'd be nice if they kept her someone you could sympathize with to some extent, not just an obnoxious, arrogant, impulse-driven fool.  I don't think Peter was even that bad.  

I also think the Peter character isn't really bad.  We have seen that he has good intentions overall but does bad things at times.  Not unlike Will or Diane or Cary.  


The writing on this show is just frustratingly inconsistent lately.  The Alicia character is one step forward, one step back.  In some episodes, she's uneasy with the compromises that she has to make but accepts that they're necessary to get the job done.  In other episodes (like this one), she's completely naive and idealistic. The obstacles set up by the show have been one-dimensional.  The Redmayne character is such a caricature.  So were the evil Castro and do-good Prady characters. The writing is lacking much subtlety and nuance.  Eli is so over the top, Marissa is the wise-cracking sidekick, etc.  

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Are we supposed to hate the title character like this?


Interesting. I don't hate her at all--I think she's a terrific character. I don't get smugness. She's navigating the nutty game of getting elected and is learning how and when to correctly bullshit, and is able to maintain a mostly straight face while doing so.


I like Marissa being around, she's a comical voice of reason. A much more fun character than one-dimensional Grace.

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"This episode was like a parody or a SNL skit of The Good Wife."

I think that's why I liked this episode more than any episode this entire season. I didn't take it seriously and it was campy fun. Next week I'll be back to hating it...

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As a plot device, the email thing was dumb because who emails sexually explicit messages?  Isn't that what texting is for?  I've also never emailed my gyno, let alone done so from a work email.  I'm a teacher and I try to live by the social media rule of "If my principal printed this out and handed it to me over her desk, would I be able to explain it?".  However, it was still fun to watch all the fall out.


I missed the first bit so I didn't know that Alicia and Finn were negotiating her buy-out in that scene, but I did notice that I'd love to climb on Finn's lap.  I know he's a boring white dude so brings nothing to the table politically, but can we figure out a way to keep him around just as eye candy?

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I also think the Peter character isn't really bad.  We have seen that he has good intentions overall but does bad things at times.  Not unlike Will or Diane or Cary.  


The writing on this show is just frustratingly inconsistent lately.  The Alicia character is one step forward, one step back.  In some episodes, she's uneasy with the compromises that she has to make but accepts that they're necessary to get the job done.  In other episodes (like this one), she's completely naive and idealistic. The obstacles set up by the show have been one-dimensional.  The Redmayne character is such a caricature.  So were the evil Castro and do-good Prady characters. The writing is lacking much subtlety and nuance.  Eli is so over the top, Marissa is the wise-cracking sidekick, etc.  


I agree.  The ever-present Crystal Redmayne fiddling with her phone while her father spews bigotry is getting eye-roll-worthy.  We get it already.  


Does Alicia say "Marissa" funny?  I kept wondering why she was calling her MARR-za.  

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Yeah, if they're trying to do a Breaking Bad type arc for Alicia, they're not doing it too well.  I too see them turning her into Peter by the end, but it'd be nice if they kept her someone you could sympathize with to some extent, not just an obnoxious, arrogant, impulse-driven fool.  I don't think Peter was even that bad.  


I think this show has done well in the past when it comes to shaking things up, especially after Will's death, so I want to trust the writers,  but they are making it difficult for me to do so this season.  If Prady had been a weaselly, scheming politician, I can see where Alicia would have been the lesser of the two evils, but that didn't happen here.  SHE'S the one who is lying and looking the other way.  She's the one who has been absent from her firm most of the season and letting her partners do most of the work.  I felt sorry for them in this episode as they congratulated her so heartily, only to have her turn on them and bring in Finn to negotiate her buyout.  She won't even do her own dirty work.


Maybe the writers have to let her soar before they bring her back down to earth, but I think it's a risk to take with the title character over an extended period of time.  I'll always use "House" as an example of writers taking a great character and ruining him to the point where I couldn't stand to watch the show.  I don't want to see that happen to Alicia.  

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I think the message the Kings are going for is don't hate the player hate the game, aka it's power and politics it self that is corrupting, that our system is set up so that elected officials are more beholden to money than anything or anyone else, including their own ethics. 


I am anticipating her giving the deputy position to Geneva Pine with some kind of message about dropping the investigation of Bishop, and they might even have a good argument for that given the way the office and Pine herself twisted the law/ethics to go after him in the first place. 


I'm also thinking the hack is going to expose Kalinda's shenanagins with the detective's email.

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I'm getting impatient with the Bishop storyline. He makes a lot of threats but nothing happens. Even if Alicia tells Geneva Pine to stop going after him, the FBI has an independent investigation on him.


They made a big deal of Bishop asking Kalinda to put the blank white card in Lana's wallet. She defied his request and he is A-Okay with it? Has he forgotten all about it? Is it going to come back as a surprise? 


I have no problem with certain plot points being misdirections, but when they spent a good chunk of an episode ("Red Zone") planting a seed, even giving Kalinda the last scene of the episode ending in a cliffhanger, they had better explain it.

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