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Craig Conover: Work Hard(ly), Party Harder

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omg, this is awesome!  Season 1, Episode 8, Craig on a date with "Karen".  He really likes Karen, "because she's as career-driven as I am."

I fell off my chair.


Same episode -  Patricia touring Whitney's new loft says, "All of the furniture is so brown.  Dirty brown furniture bough at Home Depot, on sale.  It's so declasse'".

Oh goodness Patricia.

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I was rewatching the first season of the awesome Trial and Error and at one point the receptionist who has a ton of made up syndromes gets a flu shot and gets “backward cheerleader syndrome” where she can only walk backwards and said you can see it’s true because their is video on the internet and I laughed even harder remembering that Craig is that stupid.

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Most of the people who make money by touting products on Instagram are women, aren't they?

Can't blame him or Austen for trying I guess.

Who buys pillow covers, never would have guessed that was a thing.

More original though than private label beer, which I think is like an author who can't get published turning to vanity publishing.  Unless you're a huge celebrity and can slap your name on anything and sell it, like Trump steaks and wine.

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43 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Original Art by someone else and he obviously is not hand sewing the shams for Patricia so what exactly did Craig do?

Well, Miss Patricia did say he worked on the color and style in the video above. 

And printed on velvet! OMG! She sounded so excited, not. 

Edited by AntAnn
More brain cells firing after watching that drivel.
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I’ve been sewing for the past 50 years and have made hundreds of pillow covers for myself, family members and friends. I have never made one without some kind of complimentary trim, ruffle, piping or decoration. That pillow cover looked cheap and something you’d find at a flea market. Sorry, Craig. If the law isn’t your future, neither is sewing pillow covers. Move on, sweetie.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

I’ve been sewing for the past 50 years and have made hundreds of pillow covers for myself, family members and friends. I have never made one without some kind of complimentary trim, ruffle, piping or decoration. That pillow cover looked cheap and something you’d find at a flea market. Sorry, Craig. If the law isn’t your future, neither is sewing pillow covers. Move on, sweetie.

Yeah, welt cord and a welt presser foot would go a long way.

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I don’t like the logo at all, too simplistic and not very creative. Same with the totes. Although I did like the lobsters and lemons pattern on that one pillow. [ETA: I wonder if the same artist for the Altschul collection is providing original artwork for SDS, too? The one thing I like about his line may not even be to his credit, LOL.]

This is a lot farther that I thought he’d ever get with his sewing so props to him for that.

Edited by link417
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I recently caught up with this show. Did anyone else notice the way Craig's face just fell when Andy said at the reunion that it was kind of of nice to know that he has a physical flaw now? I mean, this is a guy who thought he could start a modeling career at 27 and standing about 5'9". LOL.

I also concurred with Cameran when she said that she didn't think Craig is actually making these pillows. LOL.

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 7/5/2019 at 7:19 AM, chlban said:

Yes, he is handsome, but he is lazy and appears to have a hair trigger temper.

I maintain that temper is due to his being in a deep depression, as so many fall into, when life doesn't go the way the person has envisioned.  I think he's just so frustrated and, honestly, this show has been a huge contributor to this frustration.  He would do well to get some kind of therapy - serious therapy, not that nonsense he was in last season - to get his life back on track.

Whatever he's doing now, he needs to stop it and get back to work.

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12 hours ago, chlban said:

Craig doesn't have a job, he doesn't have a goal, of course he is depressed. None of them volunteer for anything.  Shep and Austen are just as bad. They could use their BRAVO fame to do some good. 

That’s so true, @chlban; working regularly at some sort of job is better for some people—a lot of us simply *need* that daily structure and routine or we’ll flounder and get to feeling quite aimless and/or depressed.

Craig isn’t the type who seems to be able to healthily manage working at his own pace like Shep or Austen. Austen likely worked on a varied schedule and managed his own work hours back when he was still a beer rep. Shep in particular is used to a life of traveling and pursuing his hobbies like golf, surfing and partying, and he seems content doing just that in between filming/promoting this show and doing what he needs to do for his mailbox money(checking on his bars and rentals, ShepGear, etc). Craig was always seemingly a go-getter who was used to working hard until this show suddenly fell into his lap and introduced him to the 24/7 partyboy lifestyle.

I do remember Craig doing some volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity and doing various charity pursuits here and there, even participating in races back when he was still with Naomi. Seems like she was the one responsible for his whole “Craig 2.0” persona—-too bad his pillow-making pursuits aren’t keeping him on his toes in the meantime.

Good luck on your job search, btw; I’ve been there myself and know how tough it is to suddenly shift gears and get back on a random job hunt. I was let go from my last gig over something completely frivolous and am still convinced that part of the reason I had a target on my back is because of my age(I’m a young 42 yet I was one of the oldest folks on their main staff, go figure). Maybe consult your local career service as well so they can help you find some leads and dust off your resume—-that helped me so much and I was back on my feet in no time thanks to them. And I’m happier and better paid than ever at my new workplace, so just remember that most doors close so even better ones can open!

Edited by Sun-Bun
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I wasn't team Naomi until now but honestly I'm glad she got away from Craig because he has serious issues IMO and she is NOT the problem as I see it.  Craig seems to suffer from feelings of abandonment as he repeatedly yells at Austen - you left me....He projects that it is sad Naomi left the one thing that could make her happy when in fact this is how HE feels, it's his loss that HE caused.  He is NOT over her by any means and she IS over him.  He can't seem to listen to anyone and speaks at people yelling: speak the truth, stop deflecting, etc.  He also suffers from a dangerous level of laziness which could be rooted in a fear of success- sabotaging everything he does.   He seems to have a very immature mind in terms of his relationships and perhaps Naomi is really the first woman he loved.  No on seems to know how to deal with him which is understandable.  He is like a child. 

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1 hour ago, Sun-Bun said:

Craig was always seemingly a go-getter who was used to working hard until this show suddenly fell into his lap and introduced him to the 24/7 partyboy lifestyle.

When? Literally the first season of the show was him getting fired because he refused to go in to the office of the sleazy lawyer he was working for during normal business hours because he couldn’t be bothered to get up at a normal time and not stay out all hours. This was also when he was lying to everyone that he had graduated from law school. That’s who Craig is not a symptom of the show. 

Edited by biakbiak
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10 hours ago, biakbiak said:

When? Literally the first season of the show was him getting fired because he refused to go in to the office of the sleazy lawyer he was working for during normal business hours because he couldn’t be bothered to get up at a normal time and not stay out all hours. This was also when he was lying to everyone that he had graduated from law school. That’s who Craig is not a symptom of the show. 

Correction: that was Season 2 Craig. He was still at least *somewhat* keeping up appearances and coming into the office for the gig enough to just get a stern warning for his social life affecting his professional life in Season 1. He finally was 100% allll out of fucks by S2 and got fired in spectacularly deserving fashion by that sleazy lawyer.

And when it became abundantly clear that he was lying about his law school status—-I don’t even think it was fully revealed that he didn’t graduate from law school until S3 with Naomi, but there was already speculation that he hadn’t fully graduated by the time S2 was halfway through(remembering the disastrous visit to Craig’s parents’ house via a very tattletailish Whit). 

Edited by Sun-Bun
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On 7/5/2019 at 4:08 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

I've said before that this show has morphed into Vanderpump Rules Southeast.  I stand by it.

I never thought of it that way, but I agree. 

I've supported Craig since the beginning, but this season, he has lost me.  He hasn't progressed a single smidge in any direction and he is completely delusional about Naomi....and himself in general.

He reminds me of Cheers' Cliff's shock treatment when he said something inappropriate.

Craig needs a kick-ass therapist to walk him through every scene he's in to explain how his view of things - and how he speaks - is off. 

Or maybe just hand the buzzer over to Shep. 

I like Craig and am rooting for him, but it's not looking good so far this season.

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On 7/5/2019 at 10:46 AM, Stan39 said:

I think Craig has been on this show too long and still not in the right head space. I agree, I'd be "annoyed" with Austen, but I wouldn't use my friend's 35th birthday party to start yelling at him from across the room. For christ's sake, it was ONE night. These guys go out and drink EVERY night. There's no reason to turn that incident into a shitshow. Craig really has lost it. He's still hung up on Naomi, and at his age thinks that having a date for weddings and such is more a sign of a successful relationship than being able to provide for your family or take your work responsibilities seriously?

Somebody needs to pull him aside and tell him to get his act together. All these boys need to get real jobs (not just dumb "investments" or "businesses" they create to sound important but they don't actually do anything.) All the men on this show could do with a reality check. I doubt anyone outside this circle (and whatever girls he meets at bars) care about Shep's family money. And if he actually tried to get a job I think it would be good for him to be humbled that real work doesn't care who your family is.

Speaking of which, why is Shep such an asshole this season? He's done this show enough to know how the public will perceive him for calling people low-class or white trash. Maybe he just doesn't care anymore. 

The combination of this show and being friends with Shep has been Craig's worst enemy. He was committed to his academic career and his next phase as a lawyer until he saw the easy money this show brought him, the public platform it came with and the glamorous lifestyle he could be a part of. Craig is lost because he's too far down the rabbit hole to see that the show is only a short-term experience. I'm almost certain that in his mind, he's thinking he's going to live it up and when it's all over, then he can easily fall back on his law degree if he has to but I think he's severely underestimating how hard that transition may likely be given how far removed he's made himself from that life.

When Craig was pointing out that Naiomi's boyfriend had to work all of the time and they couldn't really do anything together, on the surface it sounded like Naiomi was stupid for being with someone who had a career and was committed to that career and not her but what I think he was trying to allude to is that he doesn't need the money right now, therefore, he can afford to have those life experiences with her just as they had when they were together and she can't have that now. What totally goes over his head is that Naiomi wants someone who is career driven, not someone who can make money waking up at 2pm and sitting on their ass all day casually sewing pillows. He wants something different out of life because of the circumstances that the show has brought him and his thick head can't understand why Naiomi wouldn't want a life of exploring the world together and being with someone who can always have time for her. Naiomi has figured out what Craig hasn't...the fame and show money isn't going to last forever and she's not waiting until it's all over before she figures out what her next move is in life.

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2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Craig's worst enemy. He was committed to his academic career and his next phase.

 He met Shep a few days before filming and was already partying extremely hard and the first scene we have with Craig is his boss reprimanding him because he isn’t coming in on time.  In the early seasons it was Shep who was trying to get Craig to slowdown a little and take the bar while Craig was lying to him about even being eligible. Blaming the show or Shep for Craig’s slide is ridiculous. He is a 30 year old man and was 24 when the show started. 

Edited by biakbiak
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3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

 He met Shep a few days before filming and was already partying extremely hard and the first scene we have with Craig is his boss reprimanding him because he isn’t coming in on time.  In the early seasons it was Shep who was trying to get Craig to slowdown a little and take the bar while Craig was lying to him about even being eligible. Blaming the show or Shep for Craig’s slide is ridiculous. He is a 30 year old man and was 24 when the show started. 

I didn't blame the show or say that Shep or the show was to blame. People can have bad influences in their life that directly or indirectly lead to them making bad decisions, it doesn't mean that their decisions aren't their own nor does it mean they aren't accountable for them. The two are not mutually exclusive.

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4 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I didn't blame the show or say that Shep or the show was to blame. People can have bad influences in their life that directly or indirectly lead to them making bad decisions, it doesn't mean that their decisions aren't their own nor does it mean they aren't accountable for them. The two are not mutually exclusive.

But he was already on this path before these influences which is why he was probably chosen for the show. Even his choice to be on the show when he was finishing up law school and write his thesis indicates he wasn’t super focused on his academics and he clearly want focused on his job.

Edited by biakbiak
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5 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

But he was already on this path before these influences which is why he was probably chosen for the show. Even his choice to be on the show when he was finishing up law school and write his thesis indicates he wasn’t super focused on his academics and he clearly want focused on his job.

You're countering my comments as though I've said Shep and the show are to blame for Craig's behaviour or as if I've said that Craig was the model student before the show opportunity came along and before he met Shep Rose. I've said neither of those things and I believe neither of those things. Unless you think that the show and Shep are good influences or non-factors in Craig's life, then I guess that's where the conversation lay but I suspect we'd have to agree to disagree on that front.

Craig had put in enough work and dedication to make it close to the finish line before this show began filming. Whatever may have tempted him stray, I don't think was helped at all by being on this show and hanging out with Shep. To be completely clear, I don't think that the show or Shep is actively making Craig do bad or stupid things. I think that Craig enjoys the spotlight and enjoys the social scene but his association with Shep (which in turn is because of the show) makes that lifestyle far more accessible to him and now it's hard to see outside of it. He thinks he can live like Shep and then fall back on his law degree at some point. None of this makes Craig any less impressionable and stupid.

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2 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

You're countering my comments as though I've said Shep and the show are to blame for Craig's behaviour or as if I've said that Craig was the model student before the show opportunity came along and before he met Shep Rose. I've said neither of those things and I believe neither of those things. Unless you think that the show and Shep are good influences or non-factors in Craig's life, then I guess that's where the conversation lay but I suspect we'd have to agree to disagree on that front.

Craig had put in enough work and dedication to make it close to the finish line before this show began filming. Whatever may have tempted him stray, I don't think was helped at all by being on this show and hanging out with Shep. To be completely clear, I don't think that the show or Shep is actively making Craig do bad or stupid things. I think that Craig enjoys the spotlight and enjoys the social scene but his association with Shep (which in turn is because of the show) makes that lifestyle far more accessible to him and now it's hard to see outside of it. He thinks he can live like Shep and then fall back on his law degree at some point. None of this makes Craig any less impressionable and stupid.

I think you’re giving Craig too much credit when you say he’s thinking about falling back on his law degree. Lol. I agree with your points, just the law is waaaay in Craig’s rearview mirror at this point. I don’t think he’s thinking rationally at all at this point. To me, he seems stuck in that adolescent mentality that he’s so talented and skilled that he’ll become rich and famous at whatever he does. He thinks just being a straight male is enough to make him successful with these damn pillows, without even having to come up with a business plan or anything. It happens to a lot of would-be’s (actors, models, comedians). They usually crash and burn and then get real jobs. Craig is still crashing, just as you said though this show is providing a cushion (pun intended). 

I am surprised his family isn’t more involved in getting him help. They seem like honest, reasonable people, though Craig has argued with them in the past about his choices. I’d think his real friends in Charleston might intercede (the ones not on this show that I imagine he actually spends more time with). But maybe everybody in Charleston is just as lazy and unmotivated as they claim. 

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10 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

You're countering my comments as though I've said Shep and the show are to blame for Craig's behaviour or as if I've said that Craig was the model student before the show opportunity came along and before he met Shep Rose. I've said neither of those things and I believe neither of those things. Unless you think that the show and Shep are good influences or non-factors in Craig's life, then I guess that's where the conversation lay but I suspect we'd have to agree to disagree on that front.

No I am just suggesting that you are making a ton of assumptions about how Craig was before this show when there is no indication that any of that is true. He was barely getting by at a barely accredited unranked law school not some hard charging go getter.

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7 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

I think you’re giving Craig too much credit when you say he’s thinking about falling back on his law degree. Lol. I agree with your points, just the law is waaaay in Craig’s rearview mirror at this point. I don’t think he’s thinking rationally at all at this point. To me, he seems stuck in that adolescent mentality that he’s so talented and skilled that he’ll become rich and famous at whatever he does. He thinks just being a straight male is enough to make him successful with these damn pillows, without even having to come up with a business plan or anything. It happens to a lot of would-be’s (actors, models, comedians). They usually crash and burn and then get real jobs. Craig is still crashing, just as you said though this show is providing a cushion (pun intended). 

I am surprised his family isn’t more involved in getting him help. They seem like honest, reasonable people, though Craig has argued with them in the past about his choices. I’d think his real friends in Charleston might intercede (the ones not on this show that I imagine he actually spends more time with). But maybe everybody in Charleston is just as lazy and unmotivated as they claim. 


No, I think that's what Craig says to himself and everyone else to rationalize why he's not still pursuing law and instead is sewing pillows and waking up at 2 in the afternoon, lol. I agree that I don't see the likelihood of him resuming a law career but I think he uses it as an excuse for people to get off his back when they point out to him that he isn't really thinking much about his present or his future for that matter. I've said from a previous episode, Craig is that idiot that thinks that he can take a hobby and turn it into a business/career so that it feels like he never has to work. Sometimes a hobby is fun because it's simply that - a hobby. Already seeing him try to parlay his pillows into an actual thing and we're not really seeing 'him' do much of any of the work. I look forward to randomly googling him one day after this show airs to find an update on him in a Where Are They Now article. At this rate, he's going to have to move back home with his parents or live on Shep's couch, lol.

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45 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

I am surprised his family isn’t more involved in getting him help. They seem like honest, reasonable people, though Craig has argued with them in the past about his choices. I’d think his real friends in Charleston might intercede (the ones not on this show that I imagine he actually spends more time with). But maybe everybody in Charleston is just as lazy and unmotivated as they claim. 

Its probably hard for his family to make him understand this when Craig is legit making six-figures doing this crap. I have no doubt that he's not putting his money into an IRA, planning for his next move post-reality tv, or buying gold or precious metals on the open market, so you're right that someone needs to intervene. And he's probably supplementing with a couple of thousand here or there as an "influencer". But he's definitely that guy who pulls out a stack of hundred and waves them around saying "I don't need any help, I'm fine." He's going to be like a former NFL player who blows out his knee before his rookie contract is over - living on the couch in Mom's house and reliving his glory days. 

Edited by Rlb8031
didn't finish my thought
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Moving from the episode thread:


think he was a high achiever in school but that doesn't make him confident about going out into the world / workforce (and he hates change).  So he picked law school to extend school not because he wanted to be a lawyer, but because it was his comfort zone.

I keep seeing this idea that Craig was a high achiever in school repeated and I don’t understand where it comes from. The College of Charleston is an okay school with a high acceptance  rate of about 80%, and he got in even though he applied what had to be late unless he took a year off because he had a cool senior week partying in Charleston, he doesn’t appear to have graduated with honors or any accolades. Charleston School of Law is unranked, about a decade old when he went there, and has had issues with its accreditation and we all know about his issues there. It appears he was as mediocre in school as he is in life.

Edited by biakbiak
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9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I keep seeing this idea that Craig was a high achiever in school repeated and I don’t understand where it comes from. The College of Charleston is an okay school with a high expectance rate of about 80%, and he got in even though he applied what had to be late unless he took a year off because he had a cool senior week partying in Charleston, he doesn’t appear to have graduated with honors or any accolades. Charleston School of Law is unranked, about a decade old when he went there, and has had issues with its accreditation and we all know about his issues there. It appears he was as mediocre in school as he is in life.

I agree. I don't think Craig was any kind of great student. I think he got by with a lot of help and support. As for his drive (or lack thereof), Naomie was right, he doesn't have a lot of ambition. This is Craig in his own words:


I didn’t want to be wealthy to have cool stuff, I wanted to use that money to be a philanthropist and help people. Southern Charm allows me a lot of free time to put into Habitat in Humanity or go to Haiti. I can make someone’s day by taking a picture. I get to put smiles on so many faces. It really opens your eyes. Anything that puts you into a position to help people is good

He's a guy who wanted enough money so that he could give money away and "help" people by taking their picture or making them smile. Its the life goals of a twelve-year old.

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2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I will never get over how basic and ugly his pillows are.

Is pillow an euphemism for Shep?

I kid, I kid..................................sort of.

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9 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Is pillow an euphemism for Shep?

I kid, I kid..................................sort of.

Shep is an asshole and a horrible human but Craig is the very definition of basic. 

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3 minutes ago, scrb said:

Lets see if the store is still around by the time next season rolls around.

He may just keep paying rent just so they could film there.

It’s not his store he just was selling some pillows (he doesn’t mention how many he sold) at an existing store. Given his output it could literally be the two in his hand!

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I just watched Cam’s birthday party. Craig is a horrible drunk who insults his friends, uses terrible language, cannot accept the reality that Naomie is over him and has moved on, has fixated on Chelsea asking Austin to be home by 11:00 (?!). That man needs serious rehab and I can’t believe his parents haven’t hauled his ass off out west to one of those rehab ranches. His future is doomed if he doesn’t stop drinking. 

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On 7/13/2019 at 4:29 PM, Gam2 said:

I can’t believe his parents haven’t hauled his ass off out west to one of those rehab ranches. His future is doomed if 

He is 30 years old they can’t do anything. I can only imagine how he would react to someone telling him he needs to go to rehab.

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4 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

But aren't most pillows basic?? 

Basic in the slang since of the word. Though some of what we have seen have also been basic in terms of construction and literal squares that weren’t tailored well to the pillow.

Edited by biakbiak
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Craig and Austin on WWHL last night. Gosh, these guys are disgusting. They did a drinking game and admitted to, among other things--having threesomes, having sex with more than one girl in the same night (apart from the threesomes) etc. Craig said he blew up at Austin at Cam's birthday party because Austin left the bar early and Craig was stuck with two girls. He wanted to sleep with one of the girls, but Austin wasn't there for the other girl so Austin ruined his plans. Poor Craig. It is just so gross how these guys are Shep clones now and appear to sleep with any woman who is willing. They seem like directionless frat bros. Craig is 31 now. I imagine Austin is about the same. What a waste.

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