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S05.E19: The Party's Over

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I'm sure she was fuming mad with Bravo editing after seeing this episode. 


I agree.  But not mad enough to turn down a job if offered next season.  Bravo knew that we'd love Kathy's line and that we'd think it was hilarious that the other Ho's missed Adrienne's magic trick.  If Adrienne wants back bad enough - and I think she does - she'll be willing to be Bravo's monkey.  I don't think she has a lot of shame anymore. 

  • Love 4

Loved Lisa V getting once again getting some digs in about the businesses of uncouth, loudmouth Adrienne.

The hoof comment resurfaced, and Lisa's comment that Adrienne wasn't at the party because she had a hangover were hilarious.


I think the hangover comment was related to the hangover product Adrienne was selling.  Or was Hangover the name of the club?

  • Love 4

So love each other from a far and at this point Kim's giving Kyle the opportunity have freedom from her misery.



The thing is, when it's your family member, you never have freedom from the misery because every time the phone rings you have that sickening feeling that it could be someone calling to tell you that your loved one has overdosed or worse, killed themselves and other innocent victims in a drunk driving accident.  It's a sad position to be in because you are totally helpless to change it.

  • Love 19

The thing is, when it's your family member, you never have freedom from the misery because every time the phone rings you have that sickening feeling that it could be someone calling to tell you that your loved one has overdosed or worse, killed themselves and other innocent victims in a drunk driving accident. It's a sad position to be in because you are totally helpless to change it.

It ain't easy to change your life. From the outside looking in, it seems so simple. But when you're in the thick of it, not so simple. I finally learned this, but only after living 60 years or so.

  • Love 19

I think she was promoting a drink, Never Hungover? I got a real kick out of what a non-entity Adrienne was, despite being hostess. The women couldn't even be bothered to notice her grand entrance and magic debut. I'm sure she was fuming mad with Bravo editing after seeing this episode. 


LOL  Oh my.  What is it with HoWives and their liquids?


Why would Adrienne even want to come back to the show, to film anything?  I mean, I know she's just another famewhore and all, but well, I guess I just answered my own question, didn't I?  Of course she wanted to come back! 


Glad Taylor wasn't at the party. Heebie-jeebies.  There's only one spot for Blown Up Lips on this show and Lisa R's already claimed it. 

  • Love 7

Could it be that Lisar is afraid of Kim revealing something about Harry or her? That's the only thing that makes sense after she was so gung ho about Kim needing an intervention then so completely switching gears after Amsterdam.


I would love Eileen to come back. She would be unprecedented in Housewives history in that she is a real grown up and a honest to goodness truth cannon.


Back away from the scalpel Adrienne my gosh.


I love Camille's fashions.

  • Love 12

LisaR totally folded tonight. She has been leading the charge all season about Kim's "situation". I felt her behavior tonight was cowardly and very fake.  Wasn't  she the one a few episodes ago boldy saying in her TH "Why the hell is everyone scared of Kim Richards?" Hmmm...funny she turned into a double talking wimp as soon as Kim Richards asked her a direct question.  All the talk of her being scared of Kim is BS to me. What was Kim going to do besides make an ass of herself in public again?? Or does Kim really know something about Harry and Lisa doesn't want to take the risk???   Either way her behavior was WEAK and annoying after her beating the Kim issue over the head most of the season. WEAK WEAK WEAK.


I have been side eyeing LisaR since Amsterdam when Eileen called her out about making up with Kim so easily after the blowup. Then LisaR had the nerve to tell Eileen she needed to confront KIm. What???  After proclaiming she'd never speak to Kim again then the next day goes shopping like nothing happened...but "Eileen you really need to confront her...."  Really??


Brandi is so tiresome. Please Bravo...Get her off this show, she's toxic. LisaV should have walked away as soon as Brandi started her rant. She can take her BFF Kim with her. I have always found Kim uncomfortable to watch. She is so spastic, awkward, weird, doofy...just off. Kim never takes responsibility for anything and I don't believe her "I've been sober for 3 years.." routine. I'm also tired of her pretending her only issue was/is alcohol. 


Love Eileen. Thankful Kyle didn't do her croaky frog cry. 


  • Love 14

Adrienne's parties are so horrifying, but in keeping with her tinsel hair extension personality.


I kinda want all the Hiltons on the show, at least Paris lives an interesting lifestyle while she makes bank overseas.  But instead we'll just get another retread of this year with two new housewives that won't stick.  At the least Hiltons would be fucked up to watch!




Yes, but isn't "effed up" what we're already getting? And at least most of the cast isn't vapid like Paris, et.al., IMO

  • Love 3

Kim didn't want to know and doesn't even care what Brandi really said (she absolutely knows that when Brandi drinks she's more "loose cannon" than "truth cannon"). She just wanted Kyle to feel stupid and she succeeded. Watching Lisar trying to rationalize her reasons for not having Kyle's back was just more proof that sober or not, Kim is THE master manipulator of the group (addicts usually are).


I just can't with Kim's talking head. Delusion, party of one! There's nothing Lisar could ever say or do to damage Kim's reputation any more than she's already done herself. Note to Kim: Revisionist history only works when there's no tangible evidence of the truth but unfortunately for you, there's PLENTY of film footage from the last five years to support the impression that you're an addict and an asshole.



Yes, all that, "I don't want to talk to you right now, go away, I want to talk to my sister" nonsense was her way of making sure Kyle wasn't going to be vindicated by anything LisaR had to say. "You're dismissed!" when just moments earlier she was professing to want to know the "truth." She certainly seems to know how to read people very well. She seemed to know that when she cornered LisaR, Lisa would deflect, but when Lisa decided to back Kyle up, she wouldn't let her get a word in edgewise. What a self-centered bully.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 20

And she and Mauricio should financially cut her off. Cut off everything and anything that has to do with enabling and supporting her, including that house that Kim rents. I bet Mauricio helped Kim with that house. If they want to help her kids, then do so, but cut Kim off.


The latest news that Kim needs this job because it is her only income. Whose fault is that? What has she done with all of her RHoBH money?

This just made me realize that Kim must be the only HW on this franchise who hasn't really tried to use her time on the show to launch some viable project. I mean, dammit, even Brandi has managed to parlay her shit into lucrative income. Yolanda has made efforts, and though they haven't panned out (I don't think anyway), she's at least not dependent on a check from Bravo the way that Kim seems dependent on this check.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 6



I sincerely don't know who to hate first.


Ok, one asshole at a time.


UGH, Kim Richards - does it get more pathetic?  I loved the hired compliments as her empty head floated into the club.  Kim is just one failed delusion away from a dark ending. Watching her have a conversation with anyone was painful.  THIS IS WHAT FRIENZ DOO BRANDZI, RITE?


And that group confrontation during Ade's magic act?  Dear lord.  Nobody survived that.

LIsaR, maybe.  Like, I totally get that Rinna opened up the whole Kim's Effing Recovery door by continuing to chat with Kyle about it BUT COME ON!


Kyle - We know you are an asshole.  And you know what else, Ladies? I'm talking to YOU Eileen and LisaV - Telling on Brandi IS SO NOT THE ISSUE.  The issue is clearly, CLEARLY, that the Richards sisters' alcoholic co-dependent drama is dark and toxic enough to suck the rest of you traumatized and/or opportunistic mental patient h-wives into a fake conversation about who is telling some non- truth. WHAT? NO!


No.  The Richards sisters need help.  Brandi is so emotionally underdeveloped, she can't tell the difference between carrying a vanderpump torch, being Kim's OMGBFF or her dad's open heart surgery.  Just get out of the way. And KYLE stop using Brandi as the obnoxious filler for the empty space between you are your addict sister (Also, ladies, stop with the filler). And Eileen and LisaV?  Really?  You really think that lisaR owes Kim more conversation about her fucking recovery? Yeah, I'm not buying it.  This was the brandi blow-out they wanted.  It's just pathetic.


Kim Richards is vile.

And I hope Kyle is getting some legitimate help.


eta - dial back swearing, etc.

Edited by runforcover
  • Love 9

And you know what else, Ladies? I'm talking to YOU Eileen and LisaV - Telling on Brandi IS SO NOT THE ISSUE.  The issue is clearly, CLEARLY, that the Richards sisters' alcoholic co-dependent drama is dark and toxic enough to suck the rest of you traumatized and/or opportunistic mental patient h-wives into a fake conversation about who is telling some non- truth. WHAT? NO!


One more time because it felt so good.  "....the Richards sisters' alcoholic co-dependent drama is dark and toxic enough to suck the rest of you traumatized and/or opportunistic mental patient h-wives into a fake conversation about who is telling some non- truth."

  • Love 12

I am so, so sick of the Brandi/Kim storyline.  I hope BRAVO finally wakes up and realizes that they are killing the show - and give them both a long over due boot.  Bye Felicia!!!


The MVPs this season were easily Lisa V and Eileen.  Yo probably won't be coming back because of her health.  Most disappointing was 2 face Lipsa.  She can go.

Edited by twilightzone
  • Love 8

I am so, so sick of the Brandi/Kim storyline. I hope BRAVO finally wakes up and realizes that they are killing the show - and give both of them a long over due boot.

The MVPs this season were easily Lisa V and Eileen. Yo probably won't be coming back because of her health. Most disappointing was Lipsa.

I agree. LisaR was a disappointment in the end once you told Kyle that information after you told Kim you were done discussing it you reopened the door. You can't then act like you can't say anything. She's just as scared of Kim as everyone else. I get it but then she should have kept her mouth shut. I like Lisa but that was foolishness.

  • Love 5

Brandi's father is dying...yet she's all dolled up for a party by a woman she swore up and down was suing her. Girl, bye!


Also, a question that I didn't even know that I had was answered when J.R. said to Kim that he was having fun with her husband drinking. What in all the fuck?! No wonder Kim's out here popping someone else's hardcore medication. The man taking the hardcore medication is also apparently knocking back some drinks, too. Good fucking grief.

Monty is allowed; he's literally dying.  He can have dessert first too,


Good point about Brandi choosing to go to Adrienne's party over seeing her dad.  I forgot how Adrienne had "wronged" Brandi. 

  • Love 9

If this is Kim sober, maybe she needs to go back to being drunk.  She's is one vicious and rude brat and Kyle just needs to stay away from her.  I get that Kim is her sister and "blah, blah, blah," but best thing that could happen to Kim is for her to fall and realize there is no one to pick her back up. Brandi won't be around for much longer.


I can't with Brandi.  My father was in and out of the hospital the last year of his life and I was there when I could.  The rest of the time I was with my cancer ridden mother.  No golden facials, "fabulous" parties, etc.  Her meltdown with LVP was ridiculous.  Clearly Brandi still thinks you can treat people like dirt, assault them and they will come when you boo hoo.  Might work with some, but fortunately, Lisa isn't gong to be sucked in.


Eileen Davidson has made a new fan.  I found her insightful and witty and hope she sticks around.

  • Love 20

What a letdown!  We're always saying "Don't poke the crazy"  but when LisaR actually follows that advice, it doesn't make for good TV.  I was disappointed that she didn't throw any shade Brandi's way.  Way to leave Kyle twisting in the wind.


I vote for Lisa V for winning the night for her talk with Brandi.  She held her ground despite the myriad ways that Brandi tried to reel her in.  Eileen comes a close second just because she wasn't on that much.

  • Love 8

I am so, so sick of the Brandi/Kim storyline.  I hope BRAVO finally wakes up and realizes that they are killing the show - and give both of them a long over due boot. 


The MVPs this season were easily Lisa V and Eileen.  Yo probably won't be coming back because of her health.  Most disappointing was Lipsa.



Never thought I would say this.  Bring back Joyce and Carlton. Ha ha ha ha!   Anyone, really.  I would like to  see Taylor, Camille and Adrienne back, too!   Just change it up please.  


I am looking forward to the reunion.  Pig pile on Lipsa, please.  ***big grin***   

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Loved Lisa V getting once again getting some digs in about the businesses of uncouth, loudmouth Adrienne.

The hoof comment resurfaced, and Lisa's comment that Adrienne wasn't at the party because she had a hangover were hilarious.


I'd much rather see the Adrienne-LisaV feud and Adrienne trying to one up LisaV, than the Brandi and Kim show

Could it be that Lisar is afraid of Kim revealing something about Harry or her? That's the only thing that makes sense after she was so gung ho about Kim needing an intervention then so completely switching gears after Amsterdam.


I would love Eileen to come back. She would be unprecedented in Housewives history in that she is a real grown up and a honest to goodness truth cannon.


Back away from the scalpel Adrienne my gosh.


I love Camille's fashions.


I do fault LisaR for not backing Kyle up on what LisaR told her. HOWEVER, she was not "so gung ho" about an intervention with Kim. She decidely said that they shouldn't


Edited bc then and than are not the same

Edited by snowblossom2
  • Love 4

Didn't Brandi kind of start it too though since that lunch was about HER and she turned it to talking about Kim?

Lisa R turned it into a conversation about Kim by bringing "I've seen the aftermath with the Richards sisters" as a point so of course Brandi is going to try and challenge that by validating her friendship with Kim. Lisa R brought up the mess and continued to contribute to that course of conversation. Everything that Brandi said I believe came out earnestly and in no way was she trying to through Kim under the bus. She wasn't even deflecting. Lisa brought up "the carnage in Brandi's wake" <eyeroll> and Brandi addressed it. The flash backs of what Brandi said about Kim does show that she was trying to express how SHE felt about how fragile Kim was in her sobriety and she listed the reasons why she felt Kim was in a very risky place with everything that was going on. Brandi also asked LisaR to talk to Kyle about it. And I love how everyone is going Brandi's been telling people.... Huh, what? Brandi talked about the issue with LisaR because LisaR brought it up and Brandi was speaking on her experiences with Kim and that she was concerned that her role in Kim's life may not be the best. She was acknowledging what others were obviously going to try and use against their friendship and against Kim which is that Brandi may not be the best companion for Kim because Brandi's not sober etc. etc. I see nothing bad with the way that conversation went down aside from the fact that LisaR was pushing that conversation to go in that direction.

  • Love 6

I knew they would show the clip of LisaR and Brandi at lunch.

LisaR conveniently "forgot" that she was the one who used the intervention word first. I don't know how Kyle could say that she knows the truth. She wasn't there. I wonder if she still thinks she knows the truth after seeing the lunch episode.

I hope it is discussed at the reunion that the "truth" was not what Kyle was hoping for.

Kyle is a bitch, and she spews bullshit ("remember how Mom would always say...") - so annoying!

  • Love 6

I'm totally on Team Rinna. Not only does Lisa have to worry about what fucking nutso Kim is gonna do in public if she gets mad, she has to worry about her own reaction, and how it is going to affect her family. I don't blame her one bit for backing down. She basically tried to tell Kim oh hell no, you told me not to talk to you about it so I'm not. Kim just wouldn't shut the fuck up long enough to hear it. I also don't blame her for the talk with Kyle. This is twice now Lisa sits down to discuss Brandi and the convo gets turned to Kim. That's not Lisa's fault. I mean she has to talk about something. I don't get why everyone else can discuss these two idiots but when Lisa does it she's the worst gossip spreader that ever lived.

  • Love 18

 I hate to be nasty, but [brandi] was like someone begging for a mercy fuck.....

Even though it does not make sense, a few times when Brandi was acting out so pathetically towards Lisa V, I felt like it is a matter of time before Brandi goes up to Lisa V and opens her hand revealing a palm full of condoms like the scene from Saturday Night Fever.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 13

Lisa R turned it into a conversation about Kim by bringing "I've seen the aftermath with the Richards sisters" as a point so of course Brandi is going to try and challenge that by validating her friendship with Kim. Lisa R brought up the mess and continued to contribute to that course of conversation. Everything that Brandi said I believe came out earnestly and in no way was she trying to through Kim under the bus. She wasn't even deflecting. Lisa brought up "the carnage in Brandi's wake" <eyeroll> and Brandi addressed it. The flash backs of what Brandi said about Kim does show that she was trying to express how SHE felt about how fragile Kim was in her sobriety and she listed the reasons why she felt Kim was in a very risky place with everything that was going on. Brandi also asked LisaR to talk to Kyle about it. And I love how everyone is going Brandi's been telling people.... Huh, what? Brandi talked about the issue with LisaR because LisaR brought it up and Brandi was speaking on her experiences with Kim and that she was concerned that her role in Kim's life may not be the best. She was acknowledging what others were obviously going to try and use against their friendship and against Kim which is that Brandi may not be the best companion for Kim because Brandi's not sober etc. etc. I see nothing bad with the way that conversation went down aside from the fact that LisaR was pushing that conversation to go in that direction.

That's not how I saw that convo at all. Lisa was clearly there to discuss Brandi and only spoke about Brandi until Brandi turned the tables and brought up K&K. Brandi sat there all shifty eyed revealing Kim's secrets little by little. She could have easily not talked at all like Lisa did last night. She was more than happy they were no longer discussing her bad actions. As for the intervention, Lisa said they could NOT do something like that. Brandi was the one all gung ho for it, make the therapist the bad person. Again, not Lisa. Lisa's response was for Brandi to talk to Kyle.

  • Love 19

Well, that was anti-climactic.


Strangely, Kim had the two funniest lines of the night:


TH: "I just want Kyle to treat me like the healthy older sister that I am." Bwah ha ha ha!


To Brandi (obvs): "Before you say anything, your nipple's hanging out."


Yeah, she was surprising lucid at Adrienne's party. I can't remember the last time I could understand every word that came out of her mouth.

  • Love 10

Huh, I don't think I've ever seen one of these shows end with a cliff-hanger, but to me that is exactly what this was. Usually the girls pretty much know all of the secrets and lies by the end of the season. It has all been hashed out and can be debated endlessly at the reunion.  Not this time. Kim has no idea what Brandi has been saying. Lisar really protected Brandi by not expressing how dire Brandi had made it all seem, and of course Kim has no idea that Brandi was crying to Jennifer. To me, this is a bad sign for Kim and Brandi's return next season, and I mean "bad" if you don't want them to be back. Bravo just ended this in a way that makes them have a ready made story line for next season. 


When the camera was on Lisar and Brandi, my thoughts were that this would be the team next year. I have been saying that for weeks, but I am convinced now. Lisar really protected Brandi all the way, right up to the end when she very kindly went to let her know that she had told Kyle what they had talked about. I know they are not getting along now, and have been brutal on social media, but I just think they will be a force next year. Lisar will try to kiss up to Kyle, but I am not sure if that is going to work. Kyle might play nice in front of the cameras, but I think she is livid at Lisar for a lot of things. And if Lisar does go bat-shit crazy at the reunion as I have heard, Lisa V will take a big long look at her. Lisa V is not going to play with anyone that appears unstable or destined for fan hate. 

  • Love 6
Oh Lisar got tuned up after the broken glass from Production or HH or lawyers or both. She got squirrely the AM after, then as time went on more inconsistent. Someone or something was pressuring her.

This! Her whole demeanor has changed since that night. Something was up with her, it wasn't just an epiphany she had overnight. She was covering her own ass and taking cues from someone.

Edited by Lisin
fixed broken quote
  • Love 19

I'm sure I'll be in the minority with this post but despite everything we know about Kim, she was making sense tonight.  She cut right to the chase and straight out asked LisaR what she said..........that's when the BS started to roll.

And had the others been like that instead of the hemming and hawing and group meetings  and frog crying, the side eyes and hand wringing and mumbling and rude lead ins and all the body language then maybe the issue of Kim's "situation" could have been over and done with within one to two episodes. Whether satisfied or not at least it could have been dealt with DIRECTLY (and not after a million and one discussions, and speculations, and rumors etc.) and then these women would have gotten their answer whether they liked it or not but would have spoke their piece got whatever answer they would have gotten, and to be honest the way she responded on the plane and at the dinner about wanting to put it to bed seemed rather poignant, clear and not at all disrespectful. She explained her position, how she felt about it although Eileen kept wanting to challenge Kim's words. I mean I get it you're not 100% accepting it but there you go. Kim expressed herself rather clearly in that talk with LisaR as well. I mean I get that it's wasn't all warm and fuzzy but shit not for nothing I thought it was all kinds of fucked up that these people were crossing these lines so I'm not hating on Kim for it at all. The only time I saw her be sort of dismissing was when LisaR was going on about support. I mean I would have been offended too. Like really Lisa? She was spewing such elementary, generic crap. Yolanda's offer was personal, to the point and heartfelt. LisaR sounded like she was reading off an Alcohol Abuse pamphlet from the free clinic. Sheeessshhh! Which makes sense since she's got no real personal investment in this woman so of course that little "talk" was going to be stilted and awkward. Duh!


Happy to see Kim assert herself and take control of something that everyone else felt they had the right to take make it their own this whole season. I truly can't believe that all this rides on her slipping during Poker night. Not for nothing but if this is the hellfire addicts are expected to go through because they have a slip then fuck it. I would just stay off the wagon. It's ridiculous. Good on Kim for fighting back this whole season. I for one what her to stay strong even if she does have slip ups. Yaaayyyyy Kim!!

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 8

Monty is allowed; he's literally dying.  He can have dessert first too,


Good point about Brandi choosing to go to Adrienne's party over seeing her dad.  I forgot how Adrienne had "wronged" Brandi. 


He can have dessert, too?! 


Look, I'm reacting to the combination of heavy duty medication and alcohol. It just seems too much to me. 

  • Love 2

This! Her whole demeanor has changed since that night. Something was up with her, it wasn't just an epiphany she had overnight. She was covering her own ass and taking cues from someone.

I think Lisa got a reality check on how vile Kim really is. I think the reason she changed so drastically the next day is because she realized Kim will go after you in the most despicable ways and in order for her not to go to jail she had to let it go.

  • Love 10

That's not how I saw that convo at all. Lisa was clearly there to discuss Brandi and only spoke about Brandi until Brandi turned the tables and brought up K&K. Brandi sat there all shifty eyed revealing Kim's secrets little by little. She could have easily not talked at all like Lisa did last night. She was more than happy they were no longer discussing her bad actions. As for the intervention, Lisa said they could NOT do something like that. Brandi was the one all gung ho for it, make the therapist the bad person. Again, not Lisa. Lisa's response was for Brandi to talk to Kyle.

Lisa R brought up the Richards sisters and how Brandi was involved or the cause of their discord. It was a quick reference no doubt but LisaR pretty much said Brandi was a big cause of all that and viola the door was opened to talk more on that topic.

  • Love 5

I couldn't help but notice Kim wearing one of those awful fur vests as she came to the book signing with Nicky and Kathy.  I think she was surprised when the photographer told her to get out of the middle spot in the picture so Nicky could be in the middle.  Sorry, Kim.  The caption will be Nicky with her mother and aunt, not Kim with her sister and niece.


I really liked the scene of the Hamlins tearing down their swingset.  That felt authentic, despite it being filmed.


I liked that scene a lot, too, but I wondered if it was really sparkling cider, or champagne, as Harry first said.  Did anyone notice whether he had a glass or not, when they showed the actual toast?  

What a letdown!  We're always saying "Don't poke the crazy"  but when LisaR actually follows that advice, it doesn't make for good TV.  I was disappointed that she didn't throw any shade Brandi's way.  Way to leave Kyle twisting in the wind.


I vote for Lisa V for winning the night for her talk with Brandi.  She held her ground despite the myriad ways that Brandi tried to reel her in.  Eileen comes a close second just because she wasn't on that much.



I agree.  I think the gloves come off at that reunion, though.  Well, I hope so.   Clearly Lipsa got some advice to back it down.  Very disappointing.  


Kudos LisaVP, you handle things very well, always have.  Now just get some good food in your restaurants.  

  • Love 3

Was Kim's stylist not observing how different the shade of make up was to Kim's skin tone?  It looked like she was applying the make-up with a trowel.


My head is about to explode with the 'What did you say about what Brandi said about what Kyle said.....'  I don't care anymore.  This sobriety story is like a raving infection and it's impacting the entire show.  Tired of it.  Why can't the viewer take the same tack that Mauricio did and just leave.  They are all painting LisaR into a corner - either she can talk about Kim or she can't.  You can't have it both ways.  Kim is a viper and everyone should be scared of her.


Specifically, this whole discussion should not have ruined Adrienne's party for the girls.  This whole thing should've been shelved and done elsewhere, but not here.  If I knew, as Adrienne, that this went on, I'd never invited them to anything ever again.

  • Love 6

Why does Kim call Mauricio, Maurice?

Mauricio's given name is Mauricio but he anglicized it to Maurice and that was the name he was going by when he met Kyle and was introduced to her family. I remember a scene in season one where Kyle referred to him as Maurice as well.


That Prince may be a prince but he is a phony. He is not the nephew of the queen of Denmark, a cousin perhaps but most major and minor royals and aristocrats are related in some way.  Queen Margarethe of Denmark has two sisters, one of whom married the King of Greece, so if he was one of her children surely he would have said he was the son of the (exiled) king and queen.  The other sister married a German royal/aristocrat, and at first I thought he must be her son and then remembered that she must only have one son because her bigoted father-in-law stipulated in his will that to inherit the title and assets, the heir apparent had to marry what amounted to an WASP/Aryan aristocrat, and the heir apparent is living with an American who does not meet the criteria and it is expected that the title and inheritance will go to a cousin.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 3

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