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S05.E19: The Party's Over

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Is it wrong that I still think Harry Hamlin is hot? I know he is on the thin side - he always has been. But something about that salt and pepper just does it for me. I love it when they lose the pretty and get distinguished. I think it's because it takes men so long to age gracefully. I don't know, but I just think he is really sexy and even sexier now than in his Clash of the Titans days.

Yes. Yes. Yes. 

(But his character in Veronica Mars scared me and on Mad Men he annoys me, so it's nice to see HIM.) 

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Those 1st 2 minutes of season in review were exhausting and I'm just watching a tv show, not living it.


Why does Kyle always bring up lessons from mom?  I've heard stories about Big Kathy ruling with an iron fist, but its creepy the way she keeps bringing it up, like she cant think for herself.


Yay to see Camille and her fab style.  I always liked Camille on the show and would be great if she came back next season.  Didn't like Adrienne in the past, but I'd be ok with her back too.


So far, this episode is not holding my attention and I find myself switching to 1st season reruns of "Chrisley Knows Best".

  • Love 7

Yes. Yes. Yes. 

(But his character in Veronica Mars scared me and on Mad Men he annoys me, so it's nice to see HIM.) 

Now I have to admit that I have never watched Mad Men. In my defense, I was waiting for the show to go off the air so that I  could simply enjoy it without commercials or any other interruptions - most of the shows I like go off the air too soon, so I wait.

  • Love 4

Those 1st 2 minutes of season in review were exhausting and I'm just watching a tv show, not living it.


Why does Kyle always bring up lessons from mom?  I've heard stories about Big Kathy ruling with an iron fist, but its creepy the way she keeps bringing it up, like she cant think for herself.


Yay to see Camille and her fab style.  I always liked Camille on the show and would be great if she came back next season.  Didn't like Adrienne in the past, but I'd be ok with her back too.


So far, this episode is not holding my attention and I find myself switching to 1st season reruns of "Chrisley Knows Best".


Yessss! Why can't Todd Chrisley be a damn housewife?! I love that man.

  • Love 4

Why would Michael Jackson be cleaning the Van Patten home in 1969?

Every time I see Camille, I wish she was back on the show. Please come back, Camille!

Ugh. No one has reached out because they don't like you, Brandi. The screechy cry-talking and dramatic hair flipping. Now who's acting like a soap opera character?!

Oh, Kim. Darling, it is impossible for Lisa R to besmirch your reputation anymore than you yourself did when you went completely around the bend in that SUV. Check the footage. You were terrifying.

Kathy looks like she is trying to levitate out of that situation between Kim and Kyle.

Love Yo's sexy pants with the mesh panels.

Also love the random puppy at this party.

Of course Brandi wouldn't notice her whole tit hanging out. Too drunk.

Me to the TV when Brandi skipped out-- "Bye, bitch!".

Edited by Lakewood27
  • Love 24

Lipsa calling someone else "aggressive" after her behavior is really rich.


I think Brandi came because it was the finale episode, and she needs her job, but her dad was apparently not doing well at that time.  I don't feel she "used" her dad as an excuse, I think that she really does love and miss Lisa, and seeing Lisa while worried about her dad, and doing yet another staged scene for Bravo was absolutely too much for her.


I do think Lipsa misrepresented the conversation she had with Brandi, not completely but enough.  Kyle wasn't really listening, her eyes were gleaming that she finally had information to hurt Kim, and to further eliminate Brandi from her life.  She could barely contain herself.  I was happy to see her be bitchy to someone else for a change though. 


Get used to that hotseat Lipsa, something tells me you will be in it a lot in the coming seasons!  *which is great for US, not so great for you.


I like Camille because she's smart.  I loved the way she made her comeback in season two, and then exited.  It was textbook, something all "hated" wives should learn by.  I appreciate smart housewives, so I really wouldn't mind having her back. 


Adrienne still bores me silly, what a tasteless woman, and such a waste of Grand-daddies money.


Eileen?  The jury is still out for me, she could be a great addition, but I'm not convinced of it yet.  I'll leaning toward, "yeah, once things get tough on HER, it might get good." 


I feel so sorry for Yolanda, I hope her KING doesn't dump her because she's sick now, but his track record isn't good. 


Lisa certainly got even. 


I loved Kim being there with Monty, and really loved that she didn't allow a gang up, and talked one on one with them.  She's getting smarter! 


Did Kathy say a word?  She looked a little tipsy to me.


Screw Kyle.  I can't stand that fake crap.  Interesting that they put the dog bite in the finale!  I wonder if that means it will be screamed about?

  • Love 7

I would totally watch a Bravo show about Queen Camille! Andrienne really knows how to throw a tacky party. Kyle totally screwed up Lisar's message. Perhaps innocently. And I think at this point Lisar doesn't even remember the conversation. Who has total recall? Course they have cameras following them around. The reunion should be interesting.

  • Love 5

I cannot believe we had another fight about Kim's sobriety!  That was like the only thing going on the entire season.  I like Eileen and Lisa R, but we barely got to see anything about their lives, just them reacting to the mess that is Kim.  Brandi remains the same, Lisa Vanderpump never wants to go anywhere with the group or to the parties, why is this show still on?  It seems like there are more and more housewives or friends of housewives, and yet the seasons are shrinking in storylines and episode count.

  • Love 7

Brandi's father is dying...yet she's all dolled up for a party by a woman she swore up and down was suing her. Girl, bye!


Also, a question that I didn't even know that I had was answered when J.R. said to Kim that he was having fun with her husband drinking. What in all the fuck?! No wonder Kim's out here popping someone else's hardcore medication. The man taking the hardcore medication is also apparently knocking back some drinks, too. Good fucking grief.

  • Love 22

Brandi's father is dying...yet she's all dolled up for a party by a woman she swore up and down was suing her. Girl, bye!


Also, a question that I didn't even know that I had was answered when J.R. said to Kim that he was having fun with her husband drinking. What in all the fuck?! No wonder Kim's out here popping someone else's hardcore medication. The man taking the hardcore medication is also apparently knocking back some drinks, too. Good fucking grief.

Does it really matter?

  • Love 3

The final blurb said Brandi's dad has had several heart surgeries.  I guess this last one was close.


On WWHL she said her dad is doing well now.


She needs this job, and this was the finale party, of course she was there.  She mentioned she was just going to talk with Kim and leave, so fill the BRAVO commitment and then probably head back to the hospital or home to cry.  I thought it was very real with Lisa, because they really were friends.  I get that, certain people can trigger you into crying, and the unreality of the filming, combined with the reality of her dad, and the former reality that once Lisa would have been there for her hit all at once.


Kim was really together tonight, which, of course, made Kyle nuts.  I'm glad Monty came with her.

  • Love 8

If Intervention had been a drinking word we'd all be passed out by now. Holy cow this episode was exhausting! I know it's too much to hope that Brandi would not be on the show anymore but she does bring on a buttload of drama. And I hate that this show revolves around her and her crazy ass behavior.

I wish we had seen the dog bite but they must have stopped filming before it happened. I hope they talk about it at the reunion because the end note for Kyle said her and Kim have not talked since the dog incident. So I think there's more to this sister rivalry than Kims addiction problems.

Bring on the reunion shows and then the New York Housewrecks!

  • Love 4

This season was exhausting.  I honestly can’t even tell if I enjoyed watching this shit or not, I just feel tired and in need of some 100% Xanax.


Random thoughts:

Whelp ... Brandi is quite unstable, isn’t she?

“Lisa, I’m sorry, I love you.  But my father is dying and everyone is a better person than you are. How dare you not call me after I assaulted you?!  I’m sorry, I love you.”  Her poor kids, man. 


 Was anyone surprised that Brandi started shit with Kyle when Kyle wasn’t even near her?  No?  Didn’t think so.  She just had to have a “problem” with Kyle (and Eileen) staring in their direction because Lisa R had gone over to her and Kim to talk.  She just had to get up, all dramatic-like, and stomp off in a huff.  LOL 


Oh and Brandi doesn't want to fit in?   You keep telling yourself that, babe, while you're standing out in the rain holding up a boom box in front of LVP's bedroom window.


OMGWTFBBQ Kim’s reputation is going to be ruined by Lisa R?   Because she hasn’t spent the last like 5+ years doing that herself?   Hee!  Check and mate, Kim, you are the craziest, nastiest bitch I ever have seen.  I wonder how that crow tastes, now. 


So Kathy was there and she didn't have anything to say to either Kim or Kyle (though she was wiping away Kyle's tears and seemed understanding)?  It's odd to me that we really have no idea where Kathy fits into all of this. 

It was good to see Camille. I miss her.  Now I feel unclean. 


Adrienne is always like a caricature of herself.  Like she’s just spoofing us.  And LOL that no one noticed her "entrance". 


Well...you would have been able to find them in Brandi's purse (unless she took them all herself)...she reminded her hair guy to make sure she had them.

  • Love 3

Brandi's father is dying...yet she's all dolled up for a party by a woman she swore up and down was suing her. Girl, bye!


Also, a question that I didn't even know that I had was answered when J.R. said to Kim that he was having fun with her husband drinking. What in all the fuck?! No wonder Kim's out here popping someone else's hardcore medication. The man taking the hardcore medication is also apparently knocking back some drinks, too. Good fucking grief.


Mozelle - that is almost verbatim what I said during her little pity party with Lisa.  I know it's been said many times over, in much wittier ways, but GreatDayInTheMorning! that woman has no class a'tall.  Hopefully Lisar can take over as the resident drama queen and Brandi can go kick rocks.


Re: your second paragraph; not to sound glib or anything, but the man is dying of cancer.  A few drinks at this point probably isn't going to really affect the remainder of his life all too much.  In fact, just by virtue of hanging out with Kim and someone who sleeps with DrunkOtis, I feel almost compelled to send him a drink myself.

  • Love 8

Is it wrong that I still think Harry Hamlin is hot? I know he is on the thin side - he always has been. But something about that salt and pepper just does it for me. I love it when they lose the pretty and get distinguished. I think it's because it takes men so long to age gracefully. I don't know, but I just think he is really sexy and even sexier now than in his Clash of the Titans days.

He had a recurring role on  Shameless.  He played the father of one of the characters and was one of those guys who screwed (physically) either sex.  He also seemed to have a drinking problem.  He did a great job with the role and was very convincing.  Yup.  He's still hot

  • Love 4

I would totally watch a Bravo show about Queen Camille! Andrienne really knows how to throw a tacky party. Kyle totally screwed up Lisar's message. Perhaps innocently. And I think at this point Lisar doesn't even remember the conversation. Who has total recall? Course they have cameras following them around. The reunion should be interesting.


I knew they would show the clip of LisaR and Brandi at lunch.  


LisaR conveniently "forgot" that she was the one who used the intervention word first.  I don't know how Kyle could say that she knows the truth.  She wasn't there.  I wonder if she still thinks she knows the truth after seeing the lunch episode.

Edited by AnnA
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