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I just finished watching Series 3. It was great with some obvious holes- pretty big leap for the anti Luther squad to arrest him for Justin's murder and Mary's attack. There was really zero evidence to support that. A lawyer would've been all over that. Not to mention their superiors. It was a bit much.

Still fun to watch and what stays with me the most is - I would totally watch a show that was just Luther and Alice, zany sidekicks on a world tour.

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Looking forward to the new "season" although I having having some serious doubts.  I want more Luther but not if its going to be "oh, maybe they should have quit while they were ahead". 

I read a lot of cop procedural, murder mystery etc. but don't read the ones where its a race to the bottom of the most depraved nasty gruesome whatever someone can think of.

So already I'm sort of put off by the cannibal thing.  Plenty of nasty out there for inspiration without Hannibal. 


And of course I'll miss Alice terribly.  Are they going to ignore that relationship entirely? 

Not sure where episode 1 ended and episode 2 began so I am just posting here. It was a great series 4 of Luther, but the commercials were out of fucking control. I hung in there though. 


That killer was scary as hell. Luther was right. He was never going to stop. I was glad to see the team back together, but I really miss Justin. Luther's new partner, Ygritte was pretty good. I liked that she killed the guy and saved Luther.  


I don't believe for one second that Alice is dead. Maybe Ruth Wilson will be back one day in the future, especially if the movie ever happens. Megan might have been right about Luther and Alice, but I don't want to think that one of them would kill the other. I like to think that John and Alice balance out each other. He would stop her from reigning destruction on everyone she encounters and she would do the same for him. 

Edited by SimoneS

It took me two watchings (with closed-captioning) to finally figure out what happened.   Luther almost bought himself a bad day by roughing up the mob boss, but I don't feel sorry for the little squib of a son that brought his 3 Iron out. 


I agree about the commercials. Fast Forward, I bow to you.


With the exception of some bad editing around the motorcycle attack, the show was excellent.  What a bleak atmosphere in London.  At least it wasn't raining 24 hours a day (Hello, The Killing S1).    Megan did look appropriately disturbed/fearful after Luther delivered his "promise" at the end.

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I think it is very hard to fake a death these days.  They had the body, they had fingerprints, dental.  Its not like her head was chopped off or face obliterated by a shotgun. It would be hard to fake that.   Megan had the diamonds and the only way that happens is if Alice gave them to her, she managed to get them from a live Alice or Alice is dead.

I think Alice has to be dead. 


The only way I can think of Alice is not dead is if (1) Megan is in on it and (2) several people in the police/coroner office are in on it.  And that would start to get very conspiracy/cheesy to my mind. 

I suppose Luther could be in on it with friends helping.  In order to shut down the search for her forever. 

I would love it if she were alive but only if they can do it in a way that's not too out there.

That said - does it matter?  Will there be another "season"? 


I did find a nugget online that at least some point either the writer or producer of the show was discussing the idea of Alice having her own mini-series.  Since it was a little online article that came up when I was searching Ruth Wilson there wasn't a date so I don't know if preceeded the writing for season 4 or not. 


I have to say that while I know Luther had a sort of bond with Alice I was surprised about running off to South America with her using stolen diamonds.  I mean, that's quite leap for the character isn't it?  Didn't really get delved into at all. 

I thought what Megan said about them killing the other could happen.  It would just depend on the circumstances.  Luther is a cop after all. Basically on the side of good.  Alice is decidedly not.   Even if he falls off the rails into the dark, that part of him could resurrect anytime. 


I was sort of concerned when I read about the cannibal plot as I dread the whole race to the bottom of depraved criminal character plots but actually it wasn't bad (thank you BBC for not showing all the gore) and I liked it better than I did that obsessed weird cop after Luther plot arc in S3.  I found that all unbelievable and unsat. 


Thought the GoT actress playing Emma did well (sorry I can't remember her name) but it was a bit hard as I just keep thinking "You know nothing John Luther!" 


Meanwhile I somehow got a free few months of Shotime and have started watching Ruth Wilson in The Affair. 

  • Love 2

It's funny... I watched these two episodes not knowing that's all we're getting and found it to be satisfyingly entertaining, but upon learning that's all there is, now feel there needed to be more to the story if it's supposed to stand on its own. I'd love for Idris Elba to get his wish of getting a feature film Luther made... that would necessitate crafting a story with enough stakes to stand alone. These episodes leave you feeling like there's a lot more to go.


The way the Alice story was handled smacks of uncertainty regarding Ruth Wilson's availability to reprise the role. If they can get her back: Viola! -- Fake death! If they can't -- well she bit it and there's kind of this surrogate femme fatale to take her place. Also, I'm not one to "ship" characters in fictional stories, but something about Luther and Emma is making me consider an exception.

Edited by Ronin Jackson

Are we supposed to assume, or at least wonder about - Megan killing Alice?


I miss Alice. I always liked the actress, and now, seeing her regularly on "The Affair" I still like her a lot. But do I remember correctly from the first series, that she killed her parents? Bad Alice!!!


I'm watching The Affair too--and I keep thinking that Alice would kick Alison's ass (Ruth Wilson's character on The Affair--with a very similar name!).  The two women are worlds apart in personality and in whether they feel any agency in their own lives.  But occasionally I will catch an expression or something that will remind me it's the same actress.

  • Love 2
I think it is very hard to fake a death these days.  They had the body, they had fingerprints, dental.  Its not like her head was chopped off or face obliterated by a shotgun. It would be hard to fake that.   Megan had the diamonds and the only way that happens is if Alice gave them to her, she managed to get them from a live Alice or Alice is dead.

I think Alice has to be dead.


That is all true if you presume Alice was trying to make a body match her records.  But if instead, she found someone who looks a lot like her, especially after spending a few days in the water, so her face (and body) would be bloated and distended, and changed THAT PERSON'S records to say they were Alice's, then it's not so hard.  Fingerprints actually can't be lifted after too long in water, and dental records...  How do they always know who a person goes to for dental work?  I haven't been in more years than I should admit--dental records wouldn't help identify my body.


The other thing that kept driving me crazy was that the first time they tried to pick up Stephen, at his place, they were basically begging him to destroy evidence and run before they got there.  They use audible sirens, pull up and wait a LOOOOOONG time with blue lights flashing, and loudly argue about waiting for the bomb squad.  Helen Keller could have figured out they were out there, for Pete's sake!  That really bothered me, since they should have all mounted up together, or at least approached quietly and parked a ways away, so the freaking police lights weren't reflecting all over the guy's apartment.  No wonder he had time to try to destroy the hard drives and climb out into the bus depot!

  • Love 4

Except the one cop said they had dental and fingerprints.  But yes, changing the paperwork to match a different body would be easier.  Except she wasn't in the water that long, at least not that we were shown. 


Yes to smacking of Ruth Wilson's availability.  If they did kill her off, and we don't get any more Luther seasons, any Alice show would almost have to be a pre to her killing her parents which doesn't seem too likely. 

Well I enjoyed it. So glad Emma(?) killed that psycho. I think he was one of the scariest villains Luther has faced. But it seemed to be wrapped up a little too fast, does that make sense?


I really missed Alice, and it looks like I'm not the only one.


Also missed the last words "now what" from the final episode.  That's always been the final words spoken in the last episode of the season, loved that.


Agree with poster above about missing Justin.

  • Love 3

Are you speaking metaphorically? Because he did not say "Now what?" to her.


Megan reminded me of Angelina Jolie for some reason.


I loved that Emma was gay so no hint of future romance there...just let them be partners please. 


Agree that the writers gave themselves an out with Alice.


Did Katie's daughter survive? I watched the scenes in the hospital between my fingers....

I missed the now what to Megan too, I'll have to go back and check that out.


I thought Katie's daughter survived because Emma took her place. I figured Emma got her out of there and then slipped under the sheet. But that whole end in the hospital was so tense I'll have to watch again.


And just what was Megan's deal? What exactly did she blame Luther for?

Are we supposed to assume, or at least wonder about - Megan killing Alice?


I miss Alice. I always liked the actress, and now, seeing her regularly on "The Affair" I still like her a lot. But do I remember correctly from the first series, that she killed her parents? Bad Alice!!!

Oh yeah, she definitely did. She also shot the family dog, which upset me. Bad, bad Alice!!!

I missed the now what to Megan too, I'll have to go back and check that out.


I thought Katie's daughter survived because Emma took her place. I figured Emma got her out of there and then slipped under the sheet. But that whole end in the hospital was so tense I'll have to watch again.


And just what was Megan's deal? What exactly did she blame Luther for?

The Megan thing- Luther was a young cop dealing with a case of a young girl named Stacey killing a kid with Down Syndrome (I think). Stacey had originally blamed a pedophile and then killed that guy, too.  Despite Luther`s best efforts, the higher ups believed the pedophile was guilty and he killed himself. 


The sister of that kid said that they had released Stacey (serving time for manslaughter for shoving her Nan down the stairs) recently and she had moved back into the council estate the sister lives in and they had a confrontation in which Stacey laughed about her brother. 


Megan was their classmate and had witnessed the murder. She wouldn`t tell anyone because she was afraid of Stacey but Luther convinced her he`d protect her and she told Luther what happened. 


Because Stacey was never charged, Megan thinks Luther is a big fat liar and has always been afraid that Stacey was going to come after her. She has basically gone nuts and is obsessed with our hero. 

Edited by Pogojoco
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So what the hell happened to Jenny - the teen that was lodging with Luther at the end of series 2? They didn't even address that! I mean, I understand them just sort of dropping Paul McGann's character after Zoe died (in fact, I was pleasantly surprised that they included him at all in the Jenny arc!). So it seems strange to me that they wouldn't have at least addressed it with a line or two.


I loved every second of this... until they killed Ripley. After that, it seemed to lose its luster to me. And now without Alice? They better not kill off Benny or Imma cut a bitch.

  • Love 2
So what the hell happened to Jenny - the teen that was lodging with Luther at the end of series 2? They didn't even address that! 

Didn't Jenny eventually go back to her mom?


I've just binged the first three seasons.  I enjoyed the Luther-Alice and Luther-Justin relationships, and I have a small bit of hope that eventually I will like DCI Erin.  As usual, I'm finding the depth of talent on a BBC show very enjoyable.  


The glaring exception to this rule is that I pretty much hate everything about the character of DSU George Stark, and I think it is the actor.  I just don't buy anything he is selling here, at all.  I hope he is gone, soon.

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Of course I enjoyed this - Idris Elba is always a treat.  I wasn't a fan of Ygrette/Emma, but I think that''s just because I don't think she's all that great as a actress.  I liked the red shirt fake out for her, though, where I thought she was going to bite the bullet after her tender phone call.

I thought there were some big plot holes (ie, John and Emma agreeing to do it "the right way" and then rushing into the hospital by themselves without letting anyone know, that huge pool of blood helpfully directing John and Emma at the hospital although it didn't seem that any of the folks taken by the killer were stabbed or injured, etc), but it was still enjoyable. 

On December 18, 2015 at 9:12 PM, AimingforYoko said:

I'm sorry, but there's no bleeping way Megan got the drop on Alice. Girl would eat her for lunch.

I finally watched this (thanks Netflix) and for a second, I thought Emma actually WAS Alice, after some serious plastic surgery.  The actresses looked a bit similar to me.  I mean TWO cute psycho chicks pining after Luther.  

I think they probably couldn't get Ruth Wilson at all and Alice's character is SO connected to Luther, to watch a Luther series without Alice seems incomplete.

5 hours ago, NumberCruncher said:

I demand to see Alice again.  Yeah, I know she's "dead" but S4 greatly suffered without her so I'm sure they could work something out, right?

Right there with ya. I still haven't finished that last ep, but I was NOT happy Alice wasn't a part of it...I don't even know if she's "officially" dead.

Very happy for a fifth series, wasn't not expecting that since for some reason thought Idris wasn't interested in doing anymore.

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