bentley March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 FWIW, there are psychiatrists who recommend soldiers with PTSD play video games such as Call of Duty as part of their therapy. I was hoping Alicia would lose because I prefer her in a courtroom. This new position is inevitably going to make the stories more political in nature, which is my least favorite part of the show. I like Steven Pasquale, but I'm relieved to see his character is a one and done as far as romance. I love Matthew Goode and I was beginning to think he was wasting his time on the show if his only role is an occasional 2 minute walk-on as the friendly sidekick. 3 Link to comment
kwnyc March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Halo must have a helluva product placement team: they were also featured in "Madam Secretary" last night, as Bess battled PTSD. 3 Link to comment
tinderbox March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 I wish Alicia would have lost the race. I'm glad the campaign manager is outta there. I didn't like much about this episode except for seeing Finn for a few minutes. I love him! In fact, I was looking forward to some sort of romance between he and Alicia. Now, not so much. She has really turned into a complete ass. Wow! It seems every former main character has taken a back seat to Alicia. This show has gone from an A+ to a D- in the last couple of seasons. Very sad! 3 Link to comment
TVHappy9463 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Not surprised Alicia won, it moved the show forward. I was surprised that Finn and Alicia played Halo, they got over the shooting of Will pretty fast. Diane's story line was lame, she liked killing, the rare meat, and she blew getting one client, but maybe picked up another, bigger fish. Silver lining, Oliver Platt. I guess Kalinda is going on the run with Dylan. Lamonde gets killed or ends up in jail ( as foreshadowed in his speech last night), so Kalinda hits the road with the boy. So, the firm is going to argue cases against the SA's office now run by their former partner. Show killer. How I miss the Good Wife of seasons 1-3, part of 4 and part of 5. Finding out that JM pretty much pushed AP off the show makes me wonder if that is why JC left. He strikes me as a no time for BS person. I find it hard to like Alicia anymore, and if it wasn't for Cary, Diane, Eli, Marissa and Peter, I would stop watching. What does it say when you fast forward thru the man characters scenes to get to the B and C plots. 3 Link to comment
OptimisticCynic March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 I was surprised Alicia was so forthcoming over a console, which is different than a private phone call. Wonder if that was an oversight of the show or if it might come back later. 3 Link to comment
CleoCaesar March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Memo to The Good Wife: Repeated references to The West Wing remind me how much you suck as a political show. I loathed this campaign storyline like I did Peter's, mostly due to the utter reverence this show treats state's attorney campaigns. The West Wing treated the effing presidential campaign with less fuss than the Kings do a race in Chicago. It's not for mayor, it's not for governor, it's not for senator. And yet we're asked to believe in all these viral videos and nonsense. People simply don't care THAT much on THAT level. Also, Oliver Platt was on The West Wing, adding to the general West Wing nostalgia. The abortion talk just made my blood boil. The garbage Oliver Platt's character was spewing and the dumb replies from Diane were NOT fun TV. Don't give a shit about Kalinda or Lamond Bishop. I love Matthew Goode but I was never sure what his purpose on the show was. I'm not sure the Kings were either. 9 Link to comment
MYOS March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 I can't believe Alicia won and that made me realize how much I wanted her to lose and be back at Agos&Lockhart. So now it's going to be Alicia the SA with Geneva vs. Kalinda, Cary, and Diane? I so wished Prady won and became SA, and butted heads with Alicia/Cary/Diane... that would have been interesting. I wanted Alicia to fight for a cause she believed in (an actual issue, like Kurt with anti-gun-control, or Diane and liberal causes*...) but this, this "victory" she doesn't deserve and doesn't want? Seriously? Glad to see some snow in Chicago in the Winter!! There's a country (perhaps more) in Europe where it's forbidden for politicians to speak to the media for 48h before the results are given, and no polls can be published, so that "people can think it through in peace" and/or read the little pamphlets that are handed out or put into mailboxes a week before the vote. It always seemed overkill to me but after the stunt Peter pulled - blocking access to polling stations by making a political speech downtown - I realize the intent of that law isn't so far-fetched. I was disgusted and I hope it comes back to bite both of them in the (backside). Anything that impedes democracy or goes against values like the American Dream and all that crap I believe in, makes me incredibly ..angry. Gosh, I'm actually angry :s because of this show, at this show, and at Alicia. I liked Finn's present though. And I liked how Alicia admitted to herself she didn't really deserve to win. I did think Peter would tamper with the ballots again to make her win. Finn is a good friend; I guess he got tired of waiting around for Alicia to figure out she might have feelings for him, or not. Too bad though, I thought Finn would have "redeemed" Alicia. Loved all the Diane stuff, SAVE FOR the discussion about abortion. There were quite a few retorts she should have given - the writers were clearly not very cognizant about the issue. *I mean, RD is absolutely entitled to his view, but why should everyone be forced to conform to his vision? Including Jews, Muslims, and Atheists, who are a not insignificant group in the US, and whose conscience would be violated by following RD's religious beliefs about fetuses over mothers or conception of what life is? (Not to mention the million Christians who may or may not agree with RD, but don't want to make their belief into law to be followed by others. I was once explained that "pro choice" only means that you, personally, may not have an abortion, but don't believe you can choose for others. I did notice they consistently said "anti-choice" in the episode.) It's so strange that some parts of the US still think abortion is a big deal, this discussion reminded me of that, but at the same time how widespread is it among the real 1%? I know the Pizza Hut Boss is like that. I also wonder why the religious communities whose beliefs are opposite of those expressed by RD aren't ever given a voice in these mini-"debates". That red meat was left very "blue" bloody and seemed to be less cooked in each scene. By the time Diane returned to eat, it'd have been cold to boot... Glad Diane didn't have to try and court that radical/conservative antisemitic tech guy, although I was under the impression Austin was the liberal part of Texas (to the point it's mocked in an MTV show, although parts of what they describe could be real-life in many college towns, not just Austin - LGBTQ tolerance in high school, vegetarian dishes in the cafeteria, Hindu holidays mentioned...) Did they say "No deer was harmed in the making of this episode"? (jk) Anyone bet that there never was a deer anywhere :D and it was just random footage? 3 Link to comment
Zaffy March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 (edited) And Alicia won.And once more, in the last 1 and half seasons, the show goes through a dramatic change: leaving LG to form FA, loss of Will, Diane coming to FA(L) and Alicia campaigning. I find season 5 one of the best seasons of TV I have ever watched. And season 6 one of the most frustrating.The only thing I didnt enjoy in S5, was the short period after the split of LG when characters and stories were also developing in parallel universes. Which is why I was TVilly happy when Diane joined FA, we would have them back together again. How little did I know.... And then came S6. And it took away most of the things that made me love this show.Basically it seems that in S6, The Good Wife is suffering from a mutated version of the "Khalinda Syndrome".For a few seasons now, Khalinda and Alicia dont have scenes together. Now this has expanded to the rest of the bloody show. It's like if Julianna Margulies has put a term in her contract, not to interact with the rest of the cast, not more than 2-4 mins per episode. We had the campaign story, the Cary story, sometimes FAL stories, Khalinda and Bishop story, but all this mostly separated from eachother in their own parallel universes. Boom! The show has been ruined....And what happens next? Now that Alicia is the new SA? We will go back to have her against AL (Agos/Lockhard)? This will be the new form? a deja vu of rivalry between ex-partners? Or even worse, Alicia will have her own story trying to be a SA and in another galaxy far away AL will have their own legal battles?Is it arrogance that ruined a great show? is loss of balance? is it ambition? sigh.... Edited March 23, 2015 by Zaffy 5 Link to comment
dargosmydaddy March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 So no more David Hyde Pierce or Steven Pasquale? Bummer. 2 Link to comment
spiritof76 March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 So Alicia won? Just came to check and see if I should bother watching this On Demand and if that's the outcome, then it's a no for me. I did not want her to win. 3 Link to comment
MakeMeLaugh March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 Furthermore: why did Eli use Peter's phone to call Alicia instead of his own? Who is paying Kalina to babysit/bodyguard Dylan (if Bishop is no longer a client, she can't bill against his account, right?)? Why didn't Alicia just make the stupid robocall herself? Why wasn't there a racy set of "lucky" lacy unmentionables in the little bag Finn gave Alicia (oh wait that was my fantasy....)? 3 Link to comment
TigerLynx March 23, 2015 Share March 23, 2015 I covet that purple blouse Alicia was wearing. Alicia needs to have a threesome with Finn and John, and divorce Peter. Kalinda can't win. She is so screwed. 3 Link to comment
FuriousStyles March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 (edited) Besides, Alicia doesn't hate Kalinda's guts. People are extrapolating that from the behind the scenes gossip but onscreen we've seen that they are colleagues who get along. I don't know. I think Alicia is still pretty pissed with Kalinda. A couple of episodes ago, when Alicia was having all those daydreams, when Kalinda and Peter came up the look on Alicia's face was somewhere between complete disgust and annoyance. I know Alicia has a right to be mad, but I can't believe the show took what IMO was the cornerstone relationship of the show and turned it into what it is now....nothing. Alicia and Kalinda barely talk, and there is no end in sight. Its been like how many SEASONS since that betrayal was revealed? Its time for Alicia to move the eff on. Furthermore: why did Eli use Peter's phone to call Alicia instead of his own? Who is paying Kalina to babysit/bodyguard Dylan (if Bishop is no longer a client, she can't bill against his account, right?)? Why didn't Alicia just make the stupid robocall herself? Why wasn't there a racy set of "lucky" lacy unmentionables in the little bag Finn gave Alicia (oh wait that was my fantasy....)? I think the only reason Eli used Peter's phone was to show us how happy Alicia was with what Peter did (causing all that commotion to jam up traffic at the polls). No other reason I can think of. He never even said "hey my phone died, so I'm using Peter's phone to congratulate you..." From what I remember, Kalinda babysitting Dylan is payment for a favor she asked of Lemond. I can't remember exactly what the favor was, but I think it had something to do with Cary's trial. Lemond said she only had to do it for 2 weeks, so I think this is the last week we'll be see her doing the school drop off/pick up. Edited March 24, 2015 by FuriousStyles 1 Link to comment
merylinkid March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Why wasn't there a racy set of "lucky" lacy unmentionables in the little bag Finn gave Alicia (oh wait that was my fantasy....)? I was hoping for that too. Sadly, nope, the sleazy politician stays married to the sleazy cheating politician. 1 Link to comment
Shelby March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 I have never played Halo, so I'm unclear on this, but from what I saw when Alicia and Finn were speaking into their headsets it seemed all of the other players could hear them. Is the election really something they should have been discussing. Not to mention Alicia asking him out. Can any Halo players comment? Hated all the hunting/hunting lodge scenes and FFd through all of them. On top of making Alicia the most unlikeable character ever, after this ep they have completely ruined the Kalinda we once knew as well. 4 Link to comment
milkyaqua March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 (edited) I'm at least glad the election part of this story is over. I don't know how I feel about Alicia winning though. I have a feeling that between Geneva investigating Kalinda and some other dangling past threads (the PAC, Peter's ballot box which the King's have said is supposed to rear it's head at some point) that Alicia's time as SA is not going to be a bed of roses. I get that Matthew Goode and I'm guessing Steven Pasquale have other comittments because talk about dangling threads. Also, yes, count me in with those who want to throttle Alicia. First she's mad at Peter and then when she wins she can't wait to talk to him with this dumb look on her face. Pick a side woman; you can't have it both ways. He's either a dog or he's not. Frankly, you're both full of it and as someone upthread said, you both deserve each other. I didn't mind Diane at the hunting lodge but I did find her women's right to choose talk with Oliver Platt's character odd in that I figured even I could make a more compelling argument against his talking points. I don't like it when a show dumbs down a character. Although I just blame bad writing all around so Diane's character isn't immune to that. I know they are setting up Kalinda and Bishop's departure from the show but I do hope it's at least an interesting payoff and not some throw away stuff pulled from the King's butts. Edited March 24, 2015 by milkyaqua 7 Link to comment
meisje March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Also, anyone else think it was weird for the show to remind us about Ramona? I don't know. I think Alicia is still pretty pissed with Kalinda. A couple of episodes ago, when Alicia was having all those daydreams, when Kalinda and Peter came up the look on Alicia's face was somewhere between complete disgust and annoyance. I know Alicia has a right to be mad, but I can't believe the show took what IMO was the cornerstone relationship of the show and turned it into what it is now....nothing. Alicia and Kalinda barely talk, and there is no end in sight. Its been like how many SEASONS since that betrayal was revealed? Its time for Alicia to move the eff on. The show is doing such a poor job in bringing up these real -- or imagined -- indiscretions. There really was nothing wrong with Ramona, other than that she was working with/for Peter. She wasn't for hire, in her 20s, stupid, etc. It appeared like they had an actual relationship that started well after Alicia had decided that she was completely done with Peter and the "...but I won't divorce you" stuff, which is a peculiar position for anyone to be in year after year, where there is barely civility but no chance at beginning a new life either. I mean, Manipulator Heal Thyself already. The initial plot about betrayal was interesting and sympathetic, but since then, all we get is Alicia playing "come here..., smack!/you can't be near my children/I'll never speak to you again/you're dead to me!..." over and over again, whether it was Cary or Diane as competition way back, or Peter, Jackie, Eli, Kalinda, or Will. Peter has been written as a dog in many respects, but he also appears to have a deep desire to be connected to his kids, a partner, and a job. Alicia is supposed to fiercely love her children and it was implied Will was the great love, but she only had interest in controlling Will and requiring that he need and love her. And, other than threatening to cut Grace's teacher and occasionally crying at Grace before or after she takes her to task over whether she believes in God or not that week (has Grace ever been allowed to have another trait??), the show has given me nothing as far as Alicia ever putting anyone in her life ahead of her, even for a moment in a time of real need. There never was some big love for Will that was halted due to her marriage; Alicia herself said she was never in love with Will, and it has always been Alicia who has led the major decisions in her life and it was clearly her choice to never divorce, out of self interest. What is so weirdly obvious now to me is that Will was the loving, generous, concerned "half" to Alicia's character. I'm not sure she became more insufferable as a character at all, there was just always this big Will/someone-with-a-heart presence on TGW that made her tolerable and not completely oppressive. Speaking of storms, I wonder if one would brew up on the local scene after Peter's obvious ploy to block traffic at a critical place and time. I can't believe it didn't even occur to me that this might have been a wave to Christie's "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" bs. 7 Link to comment
Ursula Parrott March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 If you live downtown, why would you need a car to get to your polling place? Would most people living downtown even own cars? Wouldn't you either walk or take the El? Also, couldn't Geneva Pine be following Kalinda because she's on to the tampering Kalinda did to save Cary? I would think that makes Kalinda a huge liability to Lemond Bishop. 5 Link to comment
CleoCaesar March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Also, couldn't Geneva Pine be following Kalinda because she's on to the tampering Kalinda did to save Cary? Goes to show how memorable this season has been that until I read your post, I had no idea why Geneva was gunning for Kalinda. 3 Link to comment
Klapaucius March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Goes to show how memorable this season has been that until I read your post, I had no idea why Geneva was gunning for Kalinda. It happened almost 3 months ago and they didn't bother to give to it any follow through until now. It's not suprising that now people don't even remember what the hell they're talking about. 1 Link to comment
Noreaster March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Finding out that JM pretty much pushed AP off the show makes me wonder if that is why JC left. He strikes me as a no time for BS person. I find it hard to like Alicia anymore, and if it wasn't for Cary, Diane, Eli, Marissa and Peter, I would stop watching. What does it say when you fast forward thru the man characters scenes to get to the B and C plots. The JM/AP stuff is rumor and speculation. Regarding Josh Charles, he was going to leave at the end of season 4. By all accounts (the Kings, JM, JC), JM was the one who convinced him to stick around for much of season 5. It says you don't enjoy the Alicia Florrick character? Doesn't necessarily mean anything about the actress herself. 4 Link to comment
Kel Varnsen March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 The West Wing treated the effing presidential campaign with less fuss than the Kings do a race in Chicago. It's not for mayor, it's not for governor, it's not for senator. And yet we're asked to believe in all these viral videos and nonsense. People simply don't care THAT much on THAT level. That has really bugged me about this season. I mean even when Peter was running it seems like the state's attorney race wasn't getting the kind of coverage it was this time. Between the amount of money being spent and the amount of coverage it just seemed insane to me. Plus in the US when they have election day isn't it usually for multiple things? So wouldn't there be other offices where people are running (mayor, councilors, head of sanitation, congress people). Would the local news spend that much time talking about the SA. And the fact that they wanted me to believe that some small time local political operative could get Martin Sheen on the phone the same day made me laugh. I liked Diane's storyline better. But only on TV it seems to people identify that much with their political affiliation that, that is all they can ever talk about. Diane and that rich dude in the hunting blind: can't talk about movies or their favourite book, have to talk about abortion. And the fact that this rich dude was so private that Cary couldn't find his picture, but was able to find the guest list for a super rich guy hunting retreat seemed a bit much. 6 Link to comment
marny March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 (edited) Oh well. Hopefully once Alicia is SA she'll become such an unethical nightmare that the show will end with her in jail like Peter. Then the show will have come full circle. Edited March 24, 2015 by marny 9 Link to comment
kwnyc March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Oh well. Hopefully once Alicia is SA she'll become such an unethical nightmare that the show will end with her in jail like Peter. Then the show will have come full circle. SHH! Don't blow the show finale! ;-) 5 Link to comment
dinkysquid March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 I think that the show has lost it's way this season with this SA race. I didn't want Alicia to run and I certainly didn't want her to win. I wonder how the dynamics of the show will change now? I wish the show would go back to what it was, an engrossing legal drama. Getting hijacked with this political story line has really disappointed me. I'm also disappointed that Alicia and Finn didn't get together. Oh well....there's always Lady Mary but that's ten months away! 3 Link to comment
maraleia March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 If you live downtown, why would you need a car to get to your polling place? Would most people living downtown even own cars? Wouldn't you either walk or take the El? Did the show actually say downtown because I can't remember? If they did it would be one more thing they get wrong about Chicago. It's the loop not downtown and yes you would walk to your polling place if you lived anywhere in the loop or in the adjacent neighborhoods. This election story makes me stabby because as it's been said before in these threads, no one cares that much about this particular race in real life. I hate that this show keeps getting Chicago wrong. The Kings suck. 5 Link to comment
MBJ March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 (edited) It says you don't enjoy the Alicia Florrick character? Doesn't necessarily mean anything about the actress herself. I think it could, if the actress has become an executive producer and has more say in her character. Thanks Noreaster. I didn't mean to derail. I will check out that thread for this discussion. Edited March 24, 2015 by Ms Blue Jay 1 Link to comment
Noreaster March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 (edited) I don't remember if the show said downtown or the loop. But downtown is more meaningful to the average viewer who is not familiar with Chicago. I kind of accepted long ago that the show will get things wrong with Chicago, courtroom stuff, election stuff, etc. Accuracy and realism are not the show's strong points. If I let this stuff bother me, I wouldn't have made it past season 1. I think it could, if the actress has become an executive producer and has more say in her character. Nevermind. I'm rehashing the behind the scenes thread. Edited March 24, 2015 by Noreaster 1 Link to comment
ennui March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 That red meat was left very "blue" bloody and seemed to be less cooked in each scene. By the time Diane returned to eat, it'd have been cold to boot... I was thinking that, as well. Besides, I think fresh meat is actually tough, and needs to be aged for tenderness. It's that way for beef, anyway. Pheasants. Any meat experts here? 1 Link to comment
Kel Varnsen March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 I kind of accepted long ago that the show will get things wrong with Chicago, courtroom stuff, election stuff, etc. Accuracy and realism are not the show's strong points. If I let this stuff bother me, I wouldn't have made it past season 1. Yea even when the show was really good there was still a lot of weird logical stuff with cases that never made any sense. But I think it bugs me more now because at least back then the plotlines where good, and the characters had really good interactions. But now the plotlines aren't as good, and the main characters at best talk over the phone with each other most of the time. Link to comment
photo fox March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 I was thinking that, as well. Besides, I think fresh meat is actually tough, and needs to be aged for tenderness. It's that way for beef, anyway. Pheasants. Any meat experts here? There were tons of inaccuracies with the hunting stuff, and this is absolutely one of them. Not to get too graphic, but a deer is field dressed (i.e. the body cavity emptied) to start cooling immediately. Then it is hung for at least a couple of days to get it down to butcher temperature before the hide is removed and the meat processed. There's no way you could immediately carve out steaks and eat them the same day, as was implied. Don't even get me started on the lack of safety and sportsmanship exhibited by deliberately setting the deer off and shooting it on the run... 3 Link to comment
Tetraneutron March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 I'm also disappointed that Alicia and Finn didn't get together. Oh well....there's always Lady Mary but that's ten months away! I'm curious - do you think there's any way the show COULD have written Alicia and Finn getting together in a satisfying way? Assume Alicia embraces the concept of the open marriage, and assume Finn is cool with it. Not just with entering into a serious relationship with a married woman, but one who lives in the public eye, has a fake marriage in the public eye, and has children who believe their parents are married for real, and you will basically be part of lying to them whenever you see their mother. Even if you have no ethical qualms with the open marriage, that's a pretty extreme situation to put yourself in, give Finn just met Alicia and they'd have to get to know each other for awhile before he could even know if he wanted to be in a relationship with her. And take it from Alicia's side: assuming she's OK with the open marriage, how does she know she can trust Finn with something like this? This isn't a normal dating situation. Alicia has been consistently written as (a) cautious and (b) someone who wants to protect her kids. Plus, how fast is she getting over Will for her to even want to attempt this. In her situation, I can see how Alicia has a casual sexual relationship, or a serious one with all the attendant risks, but nothing in between. Ie/ nothing that would resemble how an Alicia/Finn relationship would play out. All this applies to Johnny too, except as a political operative he'd at least be more comfortable and familiar with the idea of a public marriage. I think the show really shot itself in the foot with the romance stuff. They can't have relationships develop in the normal way. And if they're going to have Alicia be so angry about Peter cheating (yes, they framed Alicia's anger over Ramona in terms of Peter getting caught, but still) they can't have her be a hypocrite. I completely get why Matthew Goode will be leaving. Playing the love interest to the main character (male or female) has to be the most thankless job in all of television. 1 Link to comment
Noreaster March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Yea even when the show was really good there was still a lot of weird logical stuff with cases that never made any sense. But I think it bugs me more now because at least back then the plotlines where good, and the characters had really good interactions. But now the plotlines aren't as good, and the main characters at best talk over the phone with each other most of the time. Yeah, I've gotten the sense that general disappointment with the show's direction is driving a lot of the nitpicking here. Which I do understand. I also nitpick shows more when I'm getting bored. I think this viewer frustration might also be driving some of the increased speculation here about JM. All this odd stuff about how she, as one of the producers, must be wielding all this power and be the cause of bad storytelling and separate storylines with other cast members. Even though she's been a producer since the beginning of season 3, and all long-running series have their ups and downs. I completely get why Matthew Goode will be leaving. Playing the love interest to the main character (male or female) has to be the most thankless job in all of television. I don't think this has anything to do with playing the love interest of a main character. Some are written well, some are not. It varies. For The Good Wife, I think the show generally underdevelops a lot of characters because it's so focused on utilizing a lot of the high-quality talent available. It rotates actors/characters all the time. What other show allows this many actors to do other projects at the same time? Writing around these schedules must be a pain. 2 Link to comment
kwnyc March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 Playing the love interest to the main character (male or female) has to be the most thankless job in all of television. Not if you're Dr. Professor ArmCandy (USMC-RET), husband of the Secretary of State on Madam Secretary...but Tim Daly is a good actor and has always been easy on the eyes! ;-) 4 Link to comment
ennui March 24, 2015 Share March 24, 2015 It rotates actors/characters all the time.I thought this episode felt like it was close to the end of the season. We had, what, three? four? characters leave or seem to leave? I looked it up, and there are still two months to go. 1 Link to comment
Kiddvideo March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 . I can't believe it didn't even occur to me that this might have been a wave to Christie's "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" bs. I thought it was another West Wing (pardon me...The West Wing) reference where the president's staff sent the motorcade to delay a republican candidate from attending the same play as the president (to avoid a photo op between the two). It was the same episode when Mark Harmon's character was killed. 1 Link to comment
panthergirl13 March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 That was more Diane than we've had in a long time and I like it! If we're going to debate abortion on TV and make women look like wanton sluts instead of sentient beings able to decide what happens to them, can we just not talk about it. What sexist asshole conservative wrote Oliver Platt's monologue about 5 month old fetuses? Diane is more than capable of debating this topic sensibly so why not give her the opportunity? Obviously because TPTB wanted to make a bullshit point. Law &Order lost me when they "tackled" abortion and I think TGW just lost me as well. TGW has been going downhill since they started this SA campaign storyline so since she actually won I'm gone. Thanks Good Wife..for a peek into Fox News world, typically I only see this when arguments as they are being decimated on TDS. Not to mention the heavy-handed "'s ok to kill a BAYBAY but you hesitate to kill a BAMBAY and then EAT it?? You hypocrite!" I also could not stand the whole "Peter loses Alicia the election! Peter wins Alicia the election!" stuff. I don't recognize this show anymore. 1 Link to comment
whatsatool March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 (edited) Yes its hard to imagine a governor tying up loop traffic. I once said hello to an Illinois guv on Madison and Wabash Edited March 25, 2015 by whatsatool 2 Link to comment
Eugenie March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 And what happened to Lana? What happened to the white card Bishop told Kalinda to put in Lana's wallet? Kalinda broke it, but doesn't Bishop care about that anymore? They ended that episode with a Kalinda cliffhanger. Will Bishop ever bring it up again? 4 Link to comment
Ursula Parrott March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 I'm hoping it gets out that Lemond Bishop funded Alicia's PAC and she withdraws before she's sworn in. The first day she returns to FAL, the elevator fritzes a la LA Law, leaving us all blissfully free to enjoy CB as the lead and MC as the second. And too bad so sad, Louis Canning was also on board the elevator. Cue the irony and season 7. 6 Link to comment
Kel Varnsen March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 I'm hoping it gets out that Lemond Bishop funded Alicia's PAC and she withdraws before she's sworn in. The first day she returns to FAL, the elevator fritzes a la LA Law, leaving us all blissfully free to enjoy CB as the lead and MC as the second. And too bad so sad, Louis Canning was also on board the elevator. Cue the irony and season 7. Based on what we have seen I am not even sure people would care. Everytime the fact that she used to have Bishop as a client came up her standard answer was "he is no longer a client". But no one ever followed-up with "But he used to be a client". She didn't fire him until after she decided to run for SA and no one seems to have a problem with that. 1 Link to comment
needschocolate March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 Also, couldn't Geneva Pine be following Kalinda because she's on to the tampering Kalinda did to save Cary? I would think that makes Kalinda a huge liability to Lemond Bishop. I figured Geneva was following Kalinda becuase she wanted to use Kalinda the same way she used Cary - try to get Kalinda to give them evidence on Bishop. I thought it was ridiculous that Bishop's attitude seemed to be "Hey, Kalinda, they are after you , not me. You. I've got nothing to worry about, this is your problem." Not to mention the heavy-handed "'s ok to kill a BAYBAY but you hesitate to kill a BAMBAY and then EAT it?? You hypocrite!" And the not-quite-as-heavy handed " have trouble with women having abortions but you think it is okay to kill a deer for your own enjoyment?" 3 Link to comment
TigerLynx March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 I wonder if Bishop is going to be killed, and that sets off a chain of events that exposes so many secrets. Then Kalinda takes Bishop's money and Dylan, and leaves the country after falling on her sword for Alicia, Cary, etc. 1 Link to comment
Tetraneutron March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 It wouldn't make sense for Kalinda to run away and raise Dylan. She doesn't have maternal feelings to him. That's not who she is AT ALL. And this show isn't a fairy tale. His parents are dead. That's a devastating end for Dylan, not a happy one. I don't see any plot machinations that result in a happy ending for Dylan. I assume (because Archie Panjabi is leaving and Mike Colter is starring in a Netflix series, and because of all the attention on the Bishop/Kalinda dynamic) that the series ends with Bishop dead and Kalinda leaving the country. I assume this because killing off two main characters is too depressing, so since Will was killed, Kalinda lives. And Bishop (assuming the actor can't come back: I have no idea how the Netflix model works, if they'll let him do guest appearances) has to die, or go to prison and only appear very rarely. And there's no way a drug kingpin gets to live out a quiet retirement. That just doesn't happen. What I don't understand is why Bishop is still relying on Kalinda now that he knows Geneva is targeting her. That should make Kalinda toxic to Bishop, especially since Kalinda is inadvertently responsible for getting Dylan kicked out of school. And I suppose we'll learn WHY Geneva's doing this. Because she thinks Kalinda's corrupt (she would be correct in thinking that)? As revenge for screwing up their prosecution of Cary? Some kind of personal vendetta? As a second backdoor way to get to Bishop since they couldn't get him through Cary? Based on what we have seen I am not even sure people would care. Everytime the fact that she used to have Bishop as a client came up her standard answer was "he is no longer a client". But no one ever followed-up with "But he used to be a client". She didn't fire him until after she decided to run for SA and no one seems to have a problem with that. What I have a far bigger problem with, is Alicia representing Bishop has never been a problem for Peter. It would be a much, much, bigger liability for the damn governor, who represents one of the biggest states in the Union, to have his wife's law firm represent the most notorious dealer in Chicago. You would think Eli, who's so concerned about Peter's public image he makes his teenage son dump his girlfriend, is OK with it. It's one thing for a crappy little local race most people don't pay attention to, but governor? Come on. 5 Link to comment
TimWil March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 Good God, watching grown adults playing video games is annoying as hell. 5 Link to comment
Kiddvideo March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 Kalinda also revealed she doesn't have the kind of relationship with Alicia that LeMond thought she did. What value is she to Bishop if she's under investigation by the SA's office plus she can't help him with the new SA? 1 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 Wait, did I miss something? Mike Colter was never part of the cast. He's always been a guest star. Unless, they added him to the cast in the last three episodes that I have not watched? So even if his new show is a hit, I don't see why he couldn't return to make appearances. 1 Link to comment
WearyTraveler March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 (edited) So even if his new show is a hit, I don't see why he couldn't return to make appearances. There are some contract rules in TV Land that might not allow him to do that. It's my understanding he will be a regular in his new show; generally, actors billed as regulars have an exclusivity clause in their contract and in order to do other shows (even guest appearances), they must clear it with their bosses and get their permission. Also, if there are scheduling conflicts (the two shows shoot at the same time), then Colter's new show would have dibs. A regular gets paid for every episode of the season, regardless of the number of lines they have. They even get paid if they are not in the episode at all. In exchange for this paycheck security, the actor commits to the show, exclusively, for the duration. That said, the new show is on Netflix and they don't follow the same model as traditional TV, so, there might be room for guest appearances. Edited March 25, 2015 by WearyTraveler 1 Link to comment
Kel Varnsen March 25, 2015 Share March 25, 2015 That said, the new show is on Netflix and they don't follow the same model as traditional TV, so, there might be room for guest appearances. Plus his new series is part of the Marvel Universe. That has to be a pretty big deal and Marvel has made it pretty clear they don't mind recasting people who are difficult. Probably don't want to jeopardize something like that for a guest role on a show that is in its decline. I mean he could end up in an Avengers movie at some point. 1 Link to comment
luvly March 26, 2015 Share March 26, 2015 If you live downtown, why would you need a car to get to your polling place? Would most people living downtown even own cars? Wouldn't you either walk or take the El? They were specifically targeting the after-work crowd, the people that wouldn't be at home but on their way home (or to the polls) at that time. 1 Link to comment
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