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S03.E05: The Usurper

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Ugh Ragnar. Dude just manages to get more and more insufferable. Just when I think he's reached his peak of dickishness, he manages to get even worse. Lagertha should just gut him and make herself queen!


I love King Ecbert. Machiavellian bastard he may be, but that just makes me love him more. Linus Roache is just spectacular. I know this'll probably get me blackballed ;), but I'm rooting for Ecbert & Aethelwulf. Why, I don't know, but I am. So there.


There's something massively wrong when I'm enjoying Floki more than Athelstan. What has happened to my Athelstan?


I don't care what anyone else thinks. This is the best damn show on TV!

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Great episode!  Things are looking grim for the Vikings this season.


Yeah, Ragnar was dick for not helping Lagertha.  But Ragnar is ultimately concerned with Ragnar in the end.


Enjoyed the Bjorn/Rollo throwdown.  The scene where he learns of Siggy's death was well-done.


Floki handled things impressively in this one.


Loved the long-shot of Ragnar standing on the sail, looking out at the mountains.

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I'd be pissed if I was Lagertha too. She helped Ragnar when he needed her and now he don't help her get her earldom back.

Those poor settlers. And those poor little boys. I hope Ragnar gets revenge on King Eckbert and his son.

Ragnar is over Aslaug. Great episode. I love this show.

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I really don't know what Porunn is so mopey about.  She lived and presumably her baby lived too, is she just worried about her looks?  If so, then she was definitely in the wrong business.


Floki was annoying!  I loved Rollo's little sigh when Floki was ranting about Athelstan and Ragnar in the boat.  I also loved Ragnar back flipping off the sail to get away from him.


I kind of agree with Ragnar's thinking about his people's legacy by attempting to raid Paris.  Getting bogged down with worrying about his ex-wife's title is small stuff.  Lagertha should gain her own supporters and take back her land herself.

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I kind of agree with Ragnar's thinking about his people's legacy by attempting to raid Paris.  Getting bogged down with worrying about his ex-wife's title is small stuff.  Lagertha should gain her own supporters and take back her land herself.

If not for Lagertha and her men/support, Ragnar would've never gotten to the position he's in in the first place. That jerkoff owes her. He's probably happy that she was usurped though. He clearly had major issues with her having that kind of power.

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Those poor settlers. And those poor little boys. I hope Ragnar gets revenge on King Eckbert and his son.


Seeing the complexity of the way King Eckbert plotted to carry out the slaughter of the the Viking settlement, it's obvious that, much like a Chess Master, he thinks several moves ahead and plans accordingly.  One thing's for sure - I would never want to play poker with the dude.


As much as I would love for Ragnar to kick the ever-lovin' shit out of Eckbert, Athelwulf, and anyone that crosses his path, there is no way King Eckbert doesn't have something in store for Ragnar.  He has to know that as soon as word reaches Kattegat, Ragnar will return to Wessex to seek revenge, and Eckbert will be waiting for him.


Also, don't forget that King Fat Ass of Northumbria vowed to destroy Ragnar, so I imagine he and Eckbert have something "special" in store for him.

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The next time Ragnar needs Lagertha's help I hope she tells him to take a hike off a very tall cliff.


I am sure Ragnar will soon be looking for his next ex-wife.

Edited by magdalene
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Also, don't forget that King Fat Ass of Northumbria vowed to destroy Ragnar, so I imagine he and Eckbert have something "special" in store for him.


I don't know. If Judith is punished for her adultery, Aelle might not be so amenable to helping out Wessex.

I know what happens in the sagas regarding Ragnar and Aelle, but who knows if the show is actually gonna stick to that or not.


I know I'm like a broken record, but I'm looking forward to Ragnar's death (preferably, at Lagertha's hand). I wish it would come sooner rather than later, but I'm not that lucky.

Edited by Gumdrops
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What the... damn!  Ecbert, you Magnificent Bastard!  That was so cold, but you couldn't have planned that any better.  Set up the Viking camp for a slaughtering (even the kids!), but make it look like it was treason by all the guys who consistently questioned you.  Again, damn!  I want to hate you, but I have to respect you for pulling that off.  I really can't wait to see what else he has in-store.  I'm sure he has to have something else planned, once Ragnar finds out.


Should have known Ragnar/Lagertha teaming up to take out Kalf, would have been too good to be true.  Ragnar just doesn't give a shit about Lagertha anymore, and is willing to just work with Kalf to help with his new Paris raid.  Yep, Ragnar's an asshole.  No surprises there.  But, one of these days, his luck his going to run out and he'll piss someone off who will actually hurt him.  Until then, I'm sure he'll get even smuger.  I just hope Lagertha plays it safe, and regains power without putting herself in danger.  Remember what The Seer said!


Glad that Rollo was upset over what happened to Siggy.  The fight between him and Bjorn was brutal; and his scene with The Seer was intense.  But, it sounds like the Seer sees big things for Rollo still, so that could be fun.


Yep, Ragnar is officially done with Aslaug, I think.


Floki and Athlestan are already at each other's throats again (well, it's mainly Floki.)  Some things will never changes.  One of them will always be Floki's hate/jealously of Ragnar's favorite preacher.

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Perhaps Ragnar is planning on Kalf having an "accident" while in Frankia? I'm glad Aslaug gets to experience being castoff by Ragnar.

The Seer takes me out of the moment, as usual, by looking like an Orc.Who did he say would marry a princess?

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I have no sympathy for Ragnar in regards to Aslaug's stepping out. It's not like he wasn't off diddling with Kwenthrith and whoever else. I'm not saying what Aslaug did was right, but she shouldn't be getting all this gleeful hatred thrown at her when Ragnar isn't innocent by any means. I realize a lot of it is residual dislike over breaking up Lagertha/Ragnar though. Clearly, she did Lagertha a favor. They both deserve better than douchnar imo.

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Ragnar's position concerning Lagertha seems completely sensible to me. He gave Kalf the option of joining them in the sack of Paris, or dealing with Lagertha on his own. If the Paris invasion is going to succeed, they need as much force as they can muster. Why waste time on civil war when he can recruit Kalf, enrich everyone, and then deal with him later? Lagertha was given an equal voice in everything as far as the England trip was concerned; she was never treated as being subordinate to anyone. If she can't hold her own earldom and go off raiding, she probably doesn't deserve to.

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One thing I sort of admire about this show is that they aren't afraid of making their characters look harsh. The sense I get is that they have to be harsh because the stakes are high and the world is harsh. Ragnar basically has to out asshole everyone. 


He was certainly an asshole to his women folk this week. Not so sad about Aslaug, though. 


I have trouble hating the character because Fimmel is just so fascinating to watch. Kalf is not at all scary....cute, but not intimidating at all. "I really wanted your earldom, but you're such a babe, that it distracted me." 


"That is between you and my ex wife....and good luck with that." HA HA


I say this every week, but the costumes were great. That corset belt Lagertha was wearing...I want it. 

Edited by Pogojoco
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Wow, I did not see King Ecbert's betrayal coming. I really thought his son went rogue. Remember how much Ecbert tried to convince Athelstan and Lagertha to stay in Wessex? When I think back on that I am chilled, because now I think he was actually planning to use Lagertha as a hostage as leverage against Ragnar, and possibly Athelstan as well though I think he probably had a much nastier fate in store for him. Ecbert knows about Judith's infidelity (which is treason for her) and though at first he seemed strangely tolerant of it, I wonder if he was encouraging it to compromise her to gain some sort of leverage against King Aelle. I don't know, but he's so conniving I no longer trust him at all. He is a magnificent bastard, but I am sad to see the budding bromance with Ragnar come to an end.

It sticks in my craw, and I kinda hate him for it, but I understand why Ragnar didn't fight for Lagertha's Earldom. He owes her hugely, it's doubtful he could have defeated Earl Borg without her help. But in their world a female Earl was probably an aberration, and others would have kept challenging her even once Kalf was dealt with -- it would have been a constant civil war in which many of their own people would have been killed, including possibly Bjorn. If Lagertha were victorious with Ragnar's help, people still wouldn't respect her and would see her as his pet-- it just wouldn't work. I feel bad for her though, she's awesome and a good leader.

Loved Ragnar's backflip to get away from Floki.

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I love that I'm never sure what's going to happen, like when the camera lingered on some kids or when King E & A-wulf were alone or when Ragnar and Lagertha visited Earl Pretty. It's full of tension because you know it could go anywhere.


Ragnar was a dick. It's like someone you know/love (say a family member), and you keep wanting them to be better, but they're not.  Ragnar's always going to disappoint me.  His hubris will be his undoing. But I guess not many kings are good people.


I love that Lagertha just left.  I hope she's not gone too long.  I didn't like the show as much when she was off-screen in season 2.



Lagertha should just gut him and make herself queen!


I love that she doesn't need a man.


I wonder why Ragnar was already dirty with Aslaug. Could he sense it?  I'm glad she said the Wanderer was 'a good man'.


Athelstan/Judith/Bjorn/Porunn  *yawn*


Loved Linus Roache on L&O. It's great to have him back on TV.  I agree he's a chess player. He could have killed Ragnar, but he hasn't.


It will be interesting to see what happens with Rollo's character.  I wish they hadn't shown him raping that slave girl early on. I feel as though I've got no right to like him (like Jamie Lannister), but they keep positioning him as the underdog.  I've had enough of Rollo being all over the shop. I hope they develop his character into somebody stronger like they are hinting.

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I would have loved to see Lagertha and Ragnar immediately team up to take the smarmy Kalf as much as anyone, but I could see why he didn't.  Ragnar's always thinking bigger picture and long game.  They had just come back from Wessex with not a lot concrete to show for it aside from the doomed settlement amid what appeared to be a fair amount of grumbling about going off to fight and die for the Christians and the first thing he's going to do is march them off to get into a fight for his ex-wife?  Ragnar's already got his sights set on raiding Paris next and getting into a civil war RIGHT NOW is going to only weaken the forces he's going to need to do that.


I don't think it means that he's not planning to take care of it eventually if Lagertha doesn't figure out a way to on her own first.  "That is between you and my ex-wife.  Good luck with that."  Hee.  He knows exactly how capable she is and that she took it the first time without his help.  And if not, he's already made Kalf the offer he can't refuse to go on the Paris raid or have all his resources go without him.  One way or another it's going to get handled.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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What the... damn!  Ecbert, you Magnificent Bastard!  That was so cold, but you couldn't have planned that any better.  Set up the Viking camp for a slaughtering (even the kids!), but make it look like it was treason by all the guys who consistently questioned you.  Again, damn!  I want to hate you, but I have to respect you for pulling that off.  I really can't wait to see what else he has in-store.  I'm sure he has to have something else planned, once Ragnar finds out.


I didn't see the slaughter coming at all, then when it did happen, I totally didn't think Ecbert had planned it and was wondering how he was going to punish his son.



The Seer takes me out of the moment, as usual, by looking like an Orc.Who did he say would marry a princess?


IIRC, he said the bear would marry the princess.


I concur with upthread -best show on TV. 

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Wow, I did not see King Ecbert's betrayal coming. I really thought his son went rogue. Remember how much Ecbert tried to convince Athelstan and Lagertha to stay in Wessex? When I think back on that I am chilled, because now I think he was actually planning to use Lagertha as a hostage as leverage against Ragnar, and possibly Athelstan as well though I think he probably had a much nastier fate in store for him. Ecbert knows about Judith's infidelity (which is treason for her) and though at first he seemed strangely tolerant of it, I wonder if he was encouraging it to compromise her to gain some sort of leverage against King Aelle. I don't know, but he's so conniving I no longer trust him at all. He is a magnificent bastard, but I am sad to see the budding bromance with Ragnar come to an end.


I assumed Ecbert would do something to doublecross Ragnar as soon as the opportunity presented itself, but wow, I didn't see that coming either.  Although in retrospect, I realize I should have.  I bought the cuckolded son slaughtering the settlers out of rage because he's always been kind of a douche where the Vikings are concerned.  I didn't give him credit for at least being smart enough to play along in his father's schemes.


And it never occurred to me WHY he might almost be encouraging Judith's infidelity with Athelstan (which I still hate and now of course she's pregnant) but that makes sense now too.  He's already got Mercia under his thumb thanks to his backing of Princess Crazypants.  Now he can bring Aella to heel too if he doesn't want his daughter to pay the penalty for what amounts to treason.  Here all along I was thinking he knew his son was kind of a dolt and he was using Athelstan's attraction to Judith to try to get him to defect back to his side.  Now I find it really chilling to consider what might have happened had he succeeded in getting Athelstan or Lagertha to stay.

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When Ragnar is kicking ass and taking names, I forget how big of an ass he can be. I get that he has his sights set on Paris and is not interested in fighting his own people. Lagertha took the earldom the first time without him she can do it again, especially since Kalf doesn't seem to be that bright. What happened to his ace in hole with Horik's son and Jorg's wife. He looked shocked that Lagertha brought King Ragnar. I guess he didn't know the exes are still somewhat friendly even thought they go raiding together. 


I was another that was surprised that Ecbert was in on the kill the Vikings plan. Although I think he set everything up knowing his hot headed son would go on a rage kill once he found out his wife cheated on him with Athelstan. 


Know you know how Lagertha felt Princess Aslaug, once a cheater always a cheater. She's not a warrior so she is no use to him now, whereas Lagertha still is. He won't help her get her earldom back but if she asked to go to Paris he'd take her with. 

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I love this show and yes, Ragnar has done some shitty things, but few people become powerful without stepping on toes, as it were. Fimmel does such a great job of making this asshole likeable.

So the bear will marry the princess. Who (or what) are the bear and princess? Is he referring to the Northlands as the bear taking over Paris as the princess?

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Rollo wears a bear skin cloak, and I think he's supposed to represent berserker -- and he'll be at the ceremony. I think he's the bear. Not sure if the princess is literally a princess though.

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I do believe that Ragnar still has a great deal of love and respect for Lagertha, and that he does want her to get her earldom back--eventually.  I believe (hope) he is playing the long con on Kalf (much like Ecbert played the long con on Ragnar).


Oops.  I missed the post above, but basically, what nodorothyparker said.

Edited by Ohwell
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Fimmel does such a great job of making this asshole likeable.


Ragnar is likeable? News to me. ;)


I assume 'the bear' is Rollo, because TPTB has confirmed that he is the historical Rollo who was all involved with Paris and stuff, but doesn't real Bjorn end up married to some kind of princess as well?

Edited by Gumdrops
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I love this show and yes, Ragnar has done some shitty things, but few people become powerful without stepping on toes, as it were. Fimmel does such a great job of making this asshole likeable.

So the bear will marry the princess. Who (or what) are the bear and princess? Is he referring to the Northlands as the bear taking over Paris as the princess?

Bjorn means "bear." I recall something about Bjorn being destined to marry a princess from awhile back.

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I think the bear is Rollo too, though I had trouble making out everything the seer was saying because he mumbles. He also said that Rollo would be dancing naked on the beach if he knew his fate. 


Of course the real Rollo had a great-great grand child named William the Bastard, aka  William the Conqueror. If you knew your bloodline was that important and would influence Europe and European culture for centuries....

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I just hope Lagertha plays it safe, and regains power without putting herself in danger.  Remember what The Seer said!

Can someone remind me please? For the life of me I can't remember more than 'the harvest in blood' part.

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Wonder if the massacre of the viking settlement in Wessex could be the "harvest celebrated in blood"?  It's seems like they'd just planted recently, but I find the passage of time sometimes hard to track in this show.


Someone upthread mentioned the seer being hard to understand at times because he mumbles, and I concur.  Damn - a seer with a speech impediment!  Next thing we'll learn is, he has no sense of rhythm either.

Edited by mcjen
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He said "I see a harvest celebrated in blood, I see a trickster whose weapon cleaves you, I see a city made of marble and a burning broiling ocean"


The harvest could be the cow Lagertha sacrificed to bless the new farm land, Ecbert getting the nobles to massacre the farmers makes him a trickster or maybe Earl Pretty is the trickster (I'm hoping it's a metaphorical weapon that cleaves her not an actual one). Paris is probably the marble city but I'm drawing a blank about the ocean.   


Okay as annoying as Ragnar's heel turn is I can understand why he made that move as the king, civil war is not in his country's best interests right now. That said Lagertha is by far my favourite character on the show so I hope it really bites him in the ass and she makes him crawl before helping him out or not help at all which ever works for Lagertha. 

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I thought the "harvest celebrated in blood" was the pagan harvest celebration we saw when the cow was sacrificed and Lagertha covered herself in blood.  I'm also hoping that the "trickster whose weapon cleaves you" meant trickster Ecbert having sex with her with his "weapon." 

Edited by Ohwell
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I always have to watch this show twice with close captions in order to take it all in and understand the accents. Floki with his sing-song inflections and the seer with his mumbling are the most difficult to understand to me. My Great-grandpa Ivar didn't seem to be comfortable with GG-pa Ragnar, did he?

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I would have loved to see Lagertha and Ragnar immediately team up to take the smarmy Kalf as much as anyone, but I could see why he didn't.  Ragnar's always thinking bigger picture and long game.  They had just come back from Wessex with not a lot concrete to show for it aside from the doomed settlement amid what appeared to be a fair amount of grumbling about going off to fight and die for the Christians and the first thing he's going to do is march them off to get into a fight for his ex-wife?  Ragnar's already got his sights set on raiding Paris next and getting into a civil war RIGHT NOW is going to only weaken the forces he's going to need to do that.


I don't think it means that he's not planning to take care of it eventually if Lagertha doesn't figure out a way to on her own first.  "That is between you and my ex-wife.  Good luck with that."  Hee.  He knows exactly how capable she is and that she took it the first time without his help.  And if not, he's already made Kalf the offer he can't refuse to go on the Paris raid or have all his resources go without him.  One way or another it's going to get handled.


I concur completely.  The worst thing possible for the fate of the Norse would be to have a bloody civil war.  I could see Ragnar thinking that it is best for the future of the Norse people to have the numbers and war on the Franks.  And in battles people get slain.  Even usurpers who might not get slain by an enemy soldier necessarily.  His followers would have a Valhalla-ending for their leader without needing to find out the truth and Lagertha could re-unite the kingdom with no ill will.  Always better to look for a win-win solution then fly off the handle into a silly revenge game.


I loved the scene btw where Bjorn was upset when Lagertha was going to ride off.  "But Mom, remember, the family was always gonna go to Paris together!"


He said "I see a harvest celebrated in blood, I see a trickster whose weapon cleaves you, I see a city made of marble and a burning broiling ocean"


The harvest could be the cow Lagertha sacrificed to bless the new farm land, Ecbert getting the nobles to massacre the farmers makes him a trickster or maybe Earl Pretty is the trickster (I'm hoping it's a metaphorical weapon that cleaves her not an actual one). Paris is probably the marble city but I'm drawing a blank about the ocean.   


I agree with that.  And I think the "a burning broiling ocean" is a good sign that Lagertha will live long and prosper (cough). 


Remember Season 1 where the seer mentions Bjorn and an inland sea?  Historically that inland sea is the Mediterranean and Bjorn's last great battle before he retires to rule in peace in Scandinavia is one where his giant fleet is ambushed by an equally big Moorish one.  The Moors used "Greek fire" against the Viking ships causing the very sea to seem to be on fire.  This was after a lot of other Bjorn adventures leading up to that so if Lagertha is tied in with this battle in Michael Hirst's "melded" timeline, she could last a long time.

Edited by green
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I was completely caught off guard by King Eckbert, Oscar worthy performance on his part.  I kept thinking his son was going to have hell to pay.  It was hard to watch them attack and kill kids, my boys are the same age/size.  


If Lagertha or Althestan had stayed they would be in horribly precarious positions now.  Thank goodness they did not.  I don't think Judith will get off lightly... at all. 


Lagertha looked gorgeous in that red dress with the corset belt.  I'm sorry but Auslag continues to be strange looking to me.  She may be skinny, but she's too angular or something.  Like she is half dragon or snake. 


This show makes me so tense watching it, they are always in danger it seems.  I still absolutely love it.  I binge watched the first two seasons in less than a week.  


Sigh.... Floki was right it would seem. 

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Meanwhile in Wessex, a soon-to-be member of the royal lineage by the name Alfred the Great unites England and the throne of England stays with them until King Harold loses it to William at Hastings.  Circle of life, European history style.

Ironic too that the line that exterminates the first large Viking settlement in England loses England to a king come from Viking ancestors.

Oh yes. It really is the ultimate irony. A Viking descendant responsible for such incredible cultural change. Language. Government. So many things.

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But Rollo should "dance naked on the beach" ... if that is how Vikings celebrate becoming famous that is.  And he sure wants the fame all Vikings crave.  He starts a little kingdom of Northmen in the north of France.  After a couple of centuries the Northmen name has been truncated into the Normans.  And yes, like mentioned above, William the Conqueror is of his bloodline. 


Meanwhile in Wessex, a soon-to-be member of the royal lineage by the name Alfred the Great unites England and the throne of England stays with them until King Harold loses it to William at Hastings.  Circle of life, European history style.


Ironic too that the line that exterminates the first large Viking settlement in England loses England to a king come from Viking ancestors.


Also ironic for poor Floki had he known this future because Team Viking wins but by that time Team Viking has become totally Team Christian as well.


Finally, I wonder if Michael Hirst will diddle with history a little to make Athelstan's child by Judith to be that same Alfred.  (The only king in English history to ever get "the Great" added to his name btw).


I'm not at all anxious to lose our current crop of characters because I enjoy them all a lot.  Well, okay, maybe not Floki so much lately, but I really love this cast and hope they stick around for at least a while longer yet.


Still, the history geek in me can't help but salivate at the thought of what they could do with the next generation if they decided to go there.  I love some of the stories about the exploits of Ragnar's sons.  And making Alfred the son of Athelstan would at least make the entire stupid storyline of romancing the princess not feel like such an OOC waste of time.  Alfred was the youngest son of Aethelwulf and grandson of Ecbert, a great scholar king who ruled after the short reigns of a couple of mostly unremarkable older brothers and faced off against Ivar the Boneless and the Great Heathen Army.  The dramatic possibilities are there.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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Ragnar not supporting Lagertha is pretty shitty with all she's done for him, but it makes a certain amount of sense.  Why waste his forces when a female earl is seen as an abberation and there will be others to challenge her.  He needs those ships int he spring to raid Paris.  I think it might be possible that after meeting Kalf, Ragnar can see he's a calculating type who would not usurp her power withing being sure he can keep it, so Ragnar may be playing it smart to wait and see who is with Kalf, although maybe not to the level Ecbert is willing to go to determine that.


Speaking of Ecbert, he is the most magnificent of all Magnificent Bastards I've seen on TV.  Well played, sir.  Totally did not see that coming.  Of course it may come back to haunt him when Ragnar comes back, but I get the feeling that Ecbert will be ready.


It is possible that Athelstan and Judith's child could be Alfred the Great.  Ecbert did mention Athelwulf's son, so he has one already and the medieval view of royal sons was "like a litter of puppies, keep one and drown the rest."  So as far as Ecbert is concerned, Athelwulf has his heir and the other sons are inconsequential, of course history played one up on him there, with Alfred being the youngest.


As for the 'Bear marrying the Princess', it could be either Rollo or Bjorn, since Bjorn means bear.  I think Bjorn and Rollo both ended up marrying princesses.  Of course the whole 'Rollo being overshadowed by Ragnar' is funny when you think that every royal alive in Europe today is descended from Rollo.

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The bloody harvest is the slaughter of the viking settlement. Lagertha was there for the sacrifice and bloody ceremony to bless the planting, and judging the size change in Torsten's baby mamas it could easily be fall time now. 


Eckbert wanted Lagertha and Athelstan to stay so that they could be at the show where he hauls the nobles off for treason. He wanted those two to have been able to tell Ragnar just how 'betrayed' Eckbert was. Eckbert still got rid of his dissenters, but the true audience for that drama was absent.


Yeah, it's a shame Ragnar can't help Lagertha get her throne back, but Ragnar is the king. A king with a vision for the future for his people. A man who wants to accomplish great deeds. Getting bogged down in petty internal political machinations stunts a culture and saps away resources necessary for outward growth. Ragnar said as much, he doesn't want to get tied up and lose men fighting a civil war. The desires of the king come before anyone, even an extremely loyal ex.

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I'm not sure about Athelstan/Judith's unholy spawn being Alfred the Great. At least I'm hoping that's not the case. From the previews it looks like Judith is going to the execution block for her infidelity. If she's being publicly tried for her treason, I don't see any reason why Aethelwulf would claim that child as his own. If he was trying to save face it would be one thing, but then if that were the case, then wouldn't Judith be dealt with in a more secretive manner?


Who knows though? This show always manages to surprise me.

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Speaking of Ecbert, he is the most magnificent of all Magnificent Bastards I've seen on TV.  Well played, sir.  Totally did not see that coming.  Of course it may come back to haunt him when Ragnar comes back, but I get the feeling that Ecbert will be ready.


The entire thing makes me reconsider the scene in the first episode after the Vikings have returned to Wessex and Ragnar asks what happened to their warriors who stayed at the end of last season to fight as mercenaries for Princess Crazypants.  Ecbert kind of handwaves the question away, saying that the war has gone badly for their side and it's unfortunate how they've had such heavy losses.  Everyone just accepts this without questioning it further.  I remember at the time thinking it a bit curious that apparently every single Viking had died when they were supposed to be such vaunted warriors, but I admit I didn't give it much thought then either.  Now I wonder.


Even in light of the massacre, I'm still inclined to think that Ecbert mostly considered the pagan Northmen a quaint curiosity to be used as he saw fit up until the point of the blood sacrifice.  But maybe I'm still underestimating him and any mercenaries who survived the battles never made it off the field.

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I'm not sure about Athelstan/Judith's unholy spawn being Alfred the Great. At least I'm hoping that's not the case. From the previews it looks like Judith is going to the execution block for her infidelity. If she's being publicly tried for her treason, I don't see any reason why Aethelwulf would claim that child as his own. If he was trying to save face it would be one thing, but then if that were the case, then wouldn't Judith be dealt with in a more secretive manner?


Who knows though? This show always manages to surprise me

Historicaly Athelwulf did have a son named Athelstan who never came to the throne.  It's been my personal theory this could be the child of Judith/Athelstan.

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Ecbert did mention Athelwulf's son, so he has one already and the medieval view of royal sons was "like a litter of puppies, keep one and drown the rest."  So as far as Ecbert is concerned, Athelwulf has his heir and the other sons are inconsequential, of course history played one up on him there, with Alfred being the youngest.


Given the rate of infant mortality an heir and a spare are necessary...

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I'm not sure about Athelstan/Judith's unholy spawn being Alfred the Great. At least I'm hoping that's not the case. From the previews it looks like Judith is going to the execution block for her infidelity. If she's being publicly tried for her treason, I don't see any reason why Aethelwulf would claim that child as his own. If he was trying to save face it would be one thing, but then if that were the case, then wouldn't Judith be dealt with in a more secretive manner?


My honest hunch is that this is going to go a lot like Athelstan's crucifixion.  Cuckolded son will probably want her put to death and we'll be led to believe that's what's happening but Ecbert will see the usefulness in keeping Aella's daughter and Athelstan's offspring around as leverage and swoop in at the last minute to stop it.  The man does love his theatrics.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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I did not figure it out until they were alone together And king E paused with his back turned. Well played with the rabid spittle and everything! I totally bought it. Can't wait for the fallout.

I agree with the guy who told Rollo that we are all suffering in some way, what makes you so special? I took the Seer's words about Rollo dancing on the beach to mean that if he knew how horrible his fate was he would be dancing on the beach relishing how good he has it now by comparison.

Loved the look Lagertha gave Bjorn when he said that Porrunn would ask for him if he needed her.

Aslaug getting all pissed at the cock blocking and shouting about him being ALL SEXED UP *gestures wildly at nether region* over in England was kind of funny. pot meet kettle...

Floki sure was gleeful in his getting to tell Ragnar about Aslaug cheating. Awesome backflip.

I'm on board with the trickster being either Eckbert and his "weapon" or Kalf and hiS love scepter. Snort!

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The entire thing makes me reconsider the scene in the first episode after the Vikings have returned to Wessex and Ragnar asks what happened to their warriors who stayed at the end of last season to fight as mercenaries for Princess Crazypants.  Ecbert kind of handwaves the question away, saying that the war has gone badly for their side and it's unfortunate how they've had such heavy losses.  Everyone just accepts this without questioning it further.  I remember at the time thinking it a bit curious that apparently every single Viking had died when they were supposed to be such vaunted warriors, but I admit I didn't give it much thought then either.  Now I wonder.


Even in light of the massacre, I'm still inclined to think that Ecbert mostly considered the pagan Northmen a quaint curiosity to be used as he saw fit up until the point of the blood sacrifice.  But maybe I'm still underestimating him and any mercenaries who survived the battles never made it off the field.


Yeah, I thought the question of what happened to the mercenaries was hand-waved away pretty quickly.  Though I tend to think too that Ecbert was fine with the Vikings until recently.

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Ecbert you sly dog! I'm not sure what to make of this though. My initial thought was - why settle the Northmen there if he never wanted them in the first place? I can only assume that a) he changed his mind after seeing the blood festival, or b) he doesn't really want the Norsemen there, he just wants the Norsemen fighting for him. Presumably when Ragnar turns up again, he can blame it all on his jumped-up nobles and send him trotting away to Paris.


It's a bit of a shame, and I'd like to think that he does have SOME genuine regard for Ragnar, Lagertha and Athelstan, but it seems Lagertha had his number right away. 


I felt oddly sorry for Athelwulf this episode - perhaps the nature of this show has made me somewhat immune to the slaughter of peaceful villagers, but he seemed genuinely cut up about Judith's infidelity (which is still the most boring plot of the season. Of all the things they COULD be doing with Athelstan, why this?)


I grudgingly concede that Ragnar getting mixed up in Lagertha's Earldom would not only be detrimental to his people but also the show, and I feel a bit guilty that I'm not hugely invested in this particular subplot. I agree with Lagertha's desire to keep her newfound status, but I'm with Bjorn really - I want to see the family in Paris!


Looked Floki's reactions when Ragnar approaches him during his speech on Paris ("yay, he's paying attention to me!") only to turn sour when Ragnar points across the room to Athelstan ("grr, stupid priest!") Still Ragnar, perhaps it's best not to alienate your best ship-builder. 


Finally, I'm not sure what Porunn is so upset about - when she turned around with that star-shaped scar across her face I thought she looked fantastic! 

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Finally, I'm not sure what Porunn is so upset about - when she turned around with that star-shaped scar across her face I thought she looked fantastic!

I didn't think she looked so bad either. Must be a good plastic surgeon in Kattegat. Like a poster upstream said, she's in the wrong business if she's worried about her looks. Her of the silly looped braids.

I did NOT see Ecberts betrayal coming. I'm sure he's the "trickster".

Wow. The slaughter of the Viking settlement was awful, I could barely watch.

Lagertha continues to rock a beautiful wardrobe.

I think Aslaug looks like she could be a contestant on SNTM. Very unique looking woman.

More yummy cinematography... Loved the opening shot of the ships coming home.

Edited by jnymph
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