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S07.E17: Fix It Therapy

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She unraveled so quickly over what I thought were modest comments.  All her aggression seems to be a cover for how really emotionally underdeveloped  and insecure she is


This is what I really don't like about Nene being the self appointed group sage.  If you don't have the ability to be quiet sometimes like a big girl and insist that anyone airing their grievances with you, whatever their source is, is "attacking" you, you should get off the playground.  It's flat out ridiculous that the only way she feels she can defend herself is by using her physical stature to intimidate but when it comes to words, as fast as she is with quips, they fail her in standard conversation.  No one was being combative, confrontational, snarky, none of that, they were telling her what their problems with her stemmed from and she couldn't breathe through 40 seconds of it without huffery, puffery or that trademark hostility that passes as sarcasm.  Nene, take the acting lessons babe, that was silly.


She can't because then she'd have to admit to her fire Cynthia campaign that she did after the filming of the season. I loved how she threw it back to Cynthia with her "tell me what I did to you", knowing that Cynthia wouldn't be able to verbalize it. Glad that Kandi brought up, you know, after she finished her chicken strips.

It certainly stemmed from all Nene's pontificating, because everyone was having clear reaction to the nonsense she was spewing. The therapist was trying to get at the reasons for those reactions before moving forward and jumping into the actual problems. He just wasn't counting on Nene's combative responses, or her complete rudeness to him. What did she say to him, something along the lines of he doesn't represent her and he doesn't know her like that? It was just so out of line and immature.

I agree with whoever said up thread that what the ladies where saying to Nene was very modest. And she took it all like the "grown woman" she is. Did she really expect that she would be the only one to speak and to tell the other women how wrong they all are? I think she got a rude awakening. Unfortunately, she won't change anything, because she knows it all (just like she doesn't need acting lessons).


This right here was worth the price of admission.  I SCREAMED laughing.  This is exactly what a child would say in response to not liking being disciplined.  I know he can't say this but one of the other ladies could've - um, he does know you like that girl, as you pointed out, this was your therapist.  Hilarious, considering Dr. Jeff began by telling her he was there to represent everyone.  


I'm ready to give Kandi a bit of a pass on not being there for Phaedra. Phaedra likes to keep that bullshit smile on her face and speak in platitudes when folks try to connect with her. If you wanna act as if everything is everything and all is well, I'm going to treat you as if all is well. Sip on your mint juleps, fan yourself and be well. I can't imagine Phaedra is any different off camera and that's cool. If you want to keep your business private, fine but don't look for people to be mind readers and know when you need extra attention.

And if Phaedra did have a problem with Kandi's lack of phone calls during her tie of need, why would she take that complaint to the one person Kandi doesn't even pretend to gel with? Maybe Kandi should have dropped the"Head Doctor" as a reminder.


So my second outburst at the tv was Kandi's comment:  If there's a problem between you and me and you haven't told me? We don't have a problem, you do.  Now twirl.  The woman who speaks on behalf of other people for a living, can't call up her bestie and say girl I need you right now but can nod her head in agreement at how bad a friend Kandi is being?  I hope the fact that Phaedra questioning Kandi's loyalty and friendship in these THs over them being out of touch with each other for a week wakes Kandi up about the type of friend Phaedra is to her.  Yes to whomever upthread said that Nene seems to be getting a kick out of it.  I also think that's what Kandi was alluding to in therapy, not so much out of concern for the way Nene treated Cynthia but how she discards anyone she was "this tight" with but isn't anymore.  Implication being when you're done cozying up to Phaedra is that how you're gonna do her too?


I have a hard time seeing the therapy session as an attack.  I don't know how that round robin thing works in counseling but it seemed logical that the women were airing their grievances with each other starting with Nene.   The thing is they need to find a more concise way to let her know that each of them have the same issue with her.  Accountability for the hypocrisy of her behavior.  I don't think they give one shit about the specifics of what she does, but rather, the inconsistencies with which she calibrates what she says to what she does.  Friends, not friends, who cares? But whichever it is, act accordingly.  And for somebody who constantly says I'm not gonna go back and forth with you on this, she doesn't ever miss an opportunity to go back and forth on this.   She would've absolutely won that therapy session, had she not said one word until they were all done then politely said that she disagreed with each of them but raging narcissists don't have enough self awareness to understand that silence doesn't necessarily equal agreement.  That was Dr. Jeff's fault.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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My favorite part was:

Nene: Really, really? Really! Really, Cynthia?

Dr. Jeff: Let's try not to have a sarcastic tone.

Nene: I'm not being sarcastic, I'm just saying really.

Also, I wish they'd break the damn fourth wall or just have Cynthia say 'you publicly called me irrelevant knowing it could have cost me my job'. I'm reading here Kandi mentioned something post-chicken wing? Can someone fill me in? I might have switched to AMC for The Walking Dead prematurely.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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There was no Nene pile up.

Dr. Jeff asked Kenya a question; Kenya responded.  Nene butted in and talked over Kenya.  Kenya responded some more to Dr. Jeff.  Nene kept talking over Kenya.  Somehow Cynthia got involved.  Kandi didn't say anything until Dr. Jeff called her out for making faces.  Porsha & Claudia were just sitting there making eyes and faces.


When Kandi called Nene out, that's when Nene decided to pack her bags and leave.


The elephant in the room is that all of the tension between the group stems from Nene v. Kenya.  Until that situation gets resolved all of the little underlying tension will remain.  Even Nene v Cynthia is an offshoot of Nene v Kenya because Nene distrusts Cynthia for not giving Kenya the cold shoulder.  All of Nene's disrespect of Cynthia, Noelle & Peter stems from Nene distrusting Cynthia for not Mean Girling Kenya.  Cynthia knows when she's being iced out because she's seen Nene do it to other people and that's why it's so hurtful now that it's being done to her.


The Phaedra v Kandi situation is just like Nene v Kenya, with Kandi playing the role of Nene, Phaedra playing the role of Cynthia and Nene playing the role of Kenya....we're supposed to be such good friends but you are cozying up to this person that openly does not like me.  I can't truss it.


So if Nene is right to distrust Cynthia for friendly'ing up to Kenya, Kandi is right to distrust Phaedra for friendly'ing up to Nene.


Claudia needs to charge Nene & Porsha to the game.  If both Nene & Porsha have told her straight up IDFWU from the beginning, keep it moving.  Let it go.  She's like a dog with a bone over Nene's apology and Porsha ignoring her & it just makes her look pressed.

Edited by drivethroo
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Peanut, Kandi asked Nene if her usual course of business is to trash somebody with whom you formerly claimed to be *this tight*  (crosses her fingers).  I think she was indicating that that's where Nene might be going with Phaedra but not sure.


I see ya'll shading that girl for eating lol!  Let her get her grub on, Kandi's curvy as hell but not even a little fat.  I only wanna tell her to eat a vegetable sometime lol.

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breaking it down to the bare minimals


Nene was wrong to overtalk at the session

Nene was wrong to walk out

Claudia was wrong to keep harping on the apology and "why can't you be my friend?"

Kandi was wrong not to at least drop a text to Phaedra to see what's what

Phaedra was wrong to internalize her trauma and not reach out to her friend

Cynthia was just wrong, period

Kenya was wrong to always play the victim.  She had no intention to be anyone's friend, she just wanted to test the waters

Demetria who?

Porsha just want to stay out of it but was wrong to question another's loyalty to their friend.

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This, to me, is Nene's main problem.  She doesn't understand how to just be cordial and polite.  You don't like someone, fine, but that doesn't mean you need to give them the stink eye or say something rude to them every time you see them, especially when you're at events.  Say, "good afternoon" and keep it moving.  You don't even need a "nice to see you" if you don't feel like it. 


This is very true.  This is what being an adult means, but a lot of people seriously think that if you're just cordial with someone, you're being fake, you're not being real.  To me, it's childish.  You will never like everybody; sometimes you can't stand people you work with, but for the sake of civility and maintaining your job, you suck it up and just be cordial.  

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The elephant in the room is that all of the tension between the group stems from Nene v. Kenya.


I think the elephant in the room, and source of all tension, is that Nene thinks this is her show and she won't tolerate anything that challenges that.  For now this is her main claim to fame, and the publicity she generates from it has driven her career.  I also think there's something extra-personal about it because it was built in part around her, and much of its success is directly attributable to her.  So, I think she's understandably territorial over/protective of it.  


I think she has a semi-rational fear of new people being brought in simply to stir shit up with her, though that's mostly her own fault because she's at her best as an entertainer when she's battling someone.  Kenya/Claudia are irrelevant, imho, and I think she'd battle with anyone who didn't bow down and acknowledge her as the driving force behind the show.  


Until they get at that- which I don't think they could do in group therapy- I don't think they'll get anywhere in resolving the tensions.  Unless she really does leave the show, and then someone else's ego will fill the void (probably Kenya's).


The more comments I read about this, and the more I avoid work by thinking about it, the more I enjoy it.  It's kind of a study in what happens when you place someone in a contrived situation for a long period of time.  How paranoia can set it...and be somewhat justified.  And how they can never quite talk about it.  It's interesting, imho. 

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I guess what happens next week will tell the tale, but I found myself wondering if this was NeNe's fully planned out swan song -- remember how Kim went out, with the camera following her, the hurried getaway... followed by her own tv show?


Wouldn't surprise me if the way the "therapy session" was pitched to NeNe was that it would be her version of Kim's exit -- only she'd bring the ladies to the therapist, they'd air out their various dramas, especially Kandi and Phaedra, or Phaedra and Kenya, while NeNe looked on, saying "I didn't bring you all here for this!  I have a CAREER!  I have a LIFE!" and then storm off.


I didn't watch NeNe's wedding show, but if the clip they showed (of Greg on the hot seat while NeNe gazed beatifically around the room) is any indication, NeNe did not see it coming.  She thought she could get everybody to melt down by poking them, then march out as the Housewife who got away.


A few minutes into it, she realized that she had fallen for what the others had fallen for in the past.  She was a willing pawn in Pajama Couples Game Night, ostensibly to heal relationships but obviously working closely with production with questions carefully crafted by production to ramp up hostility between housewives.  This time the therapist would be taking the lead, but she was still in on it.  


Until the point she realized she wasn't.  Not at all.  


Bye, wig.

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think the elephant in the room, and source of all tension, is that Nene thinks this is her show and she won't tolerate anything that challenges that.

This all day long! Nene believes she is owed a certain level of respect as one of the originals and, as such, new people should seek her out.  She is under no obligation to be friendly or even cordial. I hope this episode is the one that finally opens the eyes of the remaining Nene apologists. It's not that the other women aren't also hard to like, but her ego makes her especially unlikeable.  

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I don't see that. After the tavern meet up all the ladies were willing to move on with Nene. At the next meet up with everyone Nene was acting stank like the previous conversation didn't happen. None of these ladies are innocent but Nene always refuses to own her shit.

Claudia did say she acknowledged Nene's apology. At therapy she just wanted to know where all the venom came from. I felt it was a reasonable question. Nene can't just say because I'm a hateful bitch so she tried again to act unbothered when she is clearly always bothered.

Nene clearly doesn't like new people, especially expressive new people who are friends with Kenya.  It's so disingenuous, this wide eyed confusion she and Kenya like to have.  The venom came from a new girl trying to chastise her, when Nene clearly don't wanna hear it from anybody, let alone a stranger.

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Claudia trying comedy is like Porsha winning the nobel prize in educational excellence.

Aging Goth you win the Internet for the day with that one!

But I do disagree that Kandi cannot relate to what Phaedra is going through. Her fiance A.J. was murdered in the parking lot of a nightclub a couple of seasons ago, during the series, so she knows what hell feels like.

At least Apollo is still alive. Not that he's any prize.

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This all day long! Nene believes she is owed a certain level of respect as one of the originals and, as such, new people should seek her out.  She is under no obligation to be friendly or even cordial. I hope this episode is the one that finally opens the eyes of the remaining Nene apologists. It's not that the other women aren't also hard to like, but her ego makes her especially unlikeable.  

I think my issue is, once you know how people are, meet them there. Nene is a hateful bad wigged woman who only occasionally is down to be fun. It's annoying sure, but if you sit in interviews calling the chick a moose, why all the fake shock she doesn't really want be cool with you?  

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I'm not sure what NeNe wanted Cynthia to say when the question arose of why NeNe threw her under the bus...."Well, NeNe, you went to Andy on national TV and basically said I should be fired." NeNe too quickly forgets all of the things she's said behind people's back, until it comes back to bite her, as it's now done.

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The thing is, unless they fire everybody and recast the show, with Nene gone, there is no show.  Kenya/Cynthia/Claudia are a trio of mean girls whose looks are leaving them and they're angry about it.  Phaedra and Kandi are dealing with some real life shit, so they're not as fun as they once were, Porsha is a dumb as a pile of rocks and I don't even remember Demetria.  Who else is there?  

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Ho-hum... Just more of the same old, same old, imho.  NeNe acts like she's the queen and everyone should just shut up and take whatever she feels like dishing out. Dumbass.  And that wig!! OMG!!! WHAT WAS THAT???

Just like they did on RHONYC with Jill Zarin, they can do the same with NeNe Leakes.  Just give her the old heave-ho and be done with it.  Find someone INTERESTING to take her place.

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I'd rather have Marlo and Sheree than the Heathers(Kenya, Cynthia, and Claudia).

While Nene rarely(never, maybe?) takes accountability for what she says and does, I don't think Cynthia or Kenya do either. They might say they do, but they don't. They harp in things until it's tiresome and then play victims. I don't like that behavior in Nene or those women.

I think one of the reasons Kandi is so irritable is because she was probably trying to lose weight to get pregnant and she couldn't have the food she wanted. She ate chicken like it was her last meal.

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Kandi's blog about this episode is up. According to her, she's finding out about what's been said behind her back as she's watching it all play out.

The other women's blogs are up also. I am just dumbfounded at how clueless NeNe continues to be. She says very little, but what she does say isn't much. Now, it's all Gregg's idea that they have the group session.

Feel free to discuss any of their blogs as long as it pertains to what happened last night. Have fun!


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Ho-hum... Just more of the same old, same old, imho.  NeNe acts like she's the queen and everyone should just shut up and take whatever she feels like dishing out. Dumbass.  And that wig!! OMG!!! WHAT WAS THAT???


Just like they did on RHONYC with Jill Zarin, they can do the same with NeNe Leakes.  Just give her the old heave-ho and be done with it.  Find someone INTERESTING to take her place.


That's the problem. If they could find interesting women they wouldn't have hired Demetria and Claudia.


The group therapy was a waste of time. It's just an excuse for the same tired arguments. I don't care who doesn't like who because of what was said 2 years ago.

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Kandi's blog about this episode is up. According to her, she's finding out about what's been said behind her back as she's watching it all play out.

The other women's blogs are up also. I am just dumbfounded at how clueless NeNe continues to be. She says very little, but what she does say isn't much. Now, it's all Gregg's idea that they have the group session.

Feel free to discuss any of their blogs as long as it pertains to what happened last night. Have fun!


Kandi's irritated about everything, barring her mother's shitty attitude.

It's not like Phaedra ran to Nene & Porsha to tell them Kandi was shitty. They saw apparent shittiness & indifference in Kandi and asked about it.

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I'd rather have Marlo and Sheree than the Heathers(Kenya, Cynthia, and Claudia).

While Nene rarely(never, maybe?) takes accountability for what she says and does, I don't think Cynthia or Kenya do either. They might say they do, but they don't. They harp in things until it's tiresome and then play victims. I don't like that behavior in Nene or those women.

I think one of the reasons Kandi is so irritable is because she was probably trying to lose weight to get pregnant and she couldn't have the food she wanted. She ate chicken like it was her last meal.

She must of pissed someone off, cause they kept cutting away to show her chomping away.

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Kandi went right for the food, didn't she? And she had a plateful later on.

Yep. You know Kandi gets testy if she doesn't eat; remember Late-Gate in Beverly Hills from a couple seasons back? Kandi ain't playin' when it comes to getting her eat on.

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Kandi's blog about this episode is up. According to her, she's finding out about what's been said behind her back as she's watching it all play out.

The other women's blogs are up also. I am just dumbfounded at how clueless NeNe continues to be. She says very little, but what she does say isn't much. Now, it's all Gregg's idea that they have the group session.

Feel free to discuss any of their blogs as long as it pertains to what happened last night. Have fun!


As much as I agree that Nene is self centered, mean, and a bully, I also agree that these broads come off like they are obsessed with her. Who cares if she doesn't like them? Why is she always the topic of conversation? IIRC, she's apologized and moved on from everything that's happened in the past so why are they so stuck on it unless they're using her for a storyline?

As awful as the show is right now, I think it would be even worse without Nene holding it together.

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As much as I agree that Nene is self centered, mean, and a bully, I also agree that these broads come off like they are obsessed with her. Who cares if she doesn't like them? Why is she always the topic of conversation? IIRC, she's apologized and moved on from everything that's happened in the past so why are they so stuck on it unless they're using her for a storyline?

As awful as the show is right now, I think it would be even worse without Nene holding it together.

And I think the show would be so much better without Nene and her negativity. I'm truly hoping we'll get to find out next season!!!!

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I think the reason they stayed focused on NeNe is because she gives them no other choice. SHE called the therapy meeting. She has called other get-togethers, so they expect her to lay her agenda out for them. She does, but then she can't stop talking and it snowballs from there.

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And I think the show would be so much better without Nene and her negativity. I'm truly hoping we'll get to find out next season!!!!

I think they're all negative. With her gone, that still leaves Kenya and Claudia whose storylines consist of rehashing the same drama over and over and Cynthia who has "found her voice" and insists on being a bitch every episode. Phaedra and Kandi are the only ones with storylines and those are both negative too. The show is really dark now and a lot of that has nothing to do with Nene.

For the therapy, I think Nene was probably expecting the others to hash things out, assuming they had moved past the stuff with her given her apologies.

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Did NeNe apologize to Cynthia for saying she should be fired?

Don't know. But since Cynthia wanted to be friends and they hugged it out and agreed to move past their issues, I can only assume it was squashed or that Nene thought it was. If not, Cynthia once again has flip flopped.

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I think they're all negative. With her gone, that still leaves Kenya and Claudia whose storylines consist of rehashing the same drama over and over and Cynthia who has "found her voice" and insists on being a bitch every episode. Phaedra and Kandi are the only ones with storylines and those are both negative too. The show is really dark now and a lot of that has nothing to do with Nene.

For the therapy, I think Nene was probably expecting the others to hash things out, assuming they had moved past the stuff with her given her apologies.

I think with Nene gone and everyone else stays the show will progress. The ladies will still bicker but move past things much faster. I think the therapy session next week without Nene will be the tell. I honestly think they are setting it up for Nene to exit.

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These women see the stuff others say about them when we do. That's part of the biggest problem, all the things said behind someone's back. It is the fuel for the fire. I have no idea what goes on in the downtime between seasons, but I'd love to be a fly on the wall.

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I think with Nene gone and everyone else stays the show will progress. The ladies will still bicker but move past things much faster. I think the therapy session next week without Nene will be the tell. I honestly think they are setting it up for Nene to exit.


LOL, that's funny.  To include Claudia in this makes it even moreso.  Claudia who still cannot shutup about the fact that Porsha didn't say hello to her when they first met.  Every time she enters a room Porsha is in "Hey, I don't care about what happened when we first met.  If she can be an adult, so can I."  Cut to the next scene where she's making some snide remark or whining about it.  

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I also think her and Todd have had plenty of arguments about the Nida's and Kandi still stuck by Phadrea's side.



Aw hell, Kandi would never take Todd's side on any issue anyway no matter what it was.  LOL!


It's definitely not an apology when you go on an active tour to get your "friend" fired.



If I remember correctly, when Nene went on WWHL and started the "Fire Cynthia" campaign, Peter and Cynthia had already started going to various tabloids and media outlets expressing how they had a problem with Nene for calling Peter a bitch (after they had accepted her apology).  They were basically being raked over the coals by message boards, twitter and the like for taking flack from Nene and not fighting back.  Peter was more butthurt than Cynthia and I think that is why he made her start stepping to Nene on his behalf in order to save face.  Once they did that, Nene became enraged that they would do that after they had basically put bitch-gate behind them.  That's why she's always saying she doesn't know why Cynthia thinks she hasn't been a good friend to her, etc.


Claudia did say she acknowledged Nene's apology. At therapy she just wanted to know where all the venom came from. I felt it was a reasonable question. Nene can't just say because I'm a hateful bitch so she tried again to act unbothered when she is clearly always bothered.



When Claudia initially confronted Nene about why she blew Claudia off at their initial introduction, Nene told her it was because Claudia hangs out with people Nene doesn't like.  Namely Kenya.  Portia has basically said the same thing to Claudia.  Claudia just WILL NOT LET IT GO!!!  She seems to think everyone has to like her no matter what.  Is it a little immature to not want to be friends with her because of the company she keeps.  Some people may think so but I don't.  If I have someone I'm having major problems with I'm definitely not going to trust or be around their bff or anyone else in their posse.  Claudia needs to realize that people have a right to not like her.  Get over it!

Edited by swankie
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1) To me. a sure sign of her delusional point of view, was the way she turned on the therapist.


a) He was a professional that she'd had some experience with.

b) IF she was upset and felt that the ladies and ganged up on her, WHY turn on the one person in the room  who was indeed trying to get everyone to express themselves respectfully. I can see her not being please with how the session was going but the utter way she verbally attacked HIM -- from the initial "you don't speak for me. I don't know you like that"....to the "if you want to keep your license" -- uh REALLY?


As a believer in karma, I'm not supposed to WISH for bad things for her....so I should HOPE she never works again, goes broke, and loses everything she has. BUT IF that were to happen I wouldn't feel bad about it. 


2) As for Kandi and Phaedra....I think they just each had tough times, disappointments, and personal challenges that hit them at the same time. And that can make it seem as if a friendship has fallen by the wayside, when it really hasn't. Each one was busy with their on very involved issues. True, even so you'd think they each could make SOME time for each other. But MATURE ADULTS also:

a) understand that the other person is going through hell right now

b) TELL the other person I need to talk to you, can we make SOME time, even if only a lunch date to catch up, and fill each other in one what's going on with each other. ASK for what you need.


While I thought their confab in Phaedra's office was "OK" -- from what we saw, the "I thought you said"...and "Why didn't you do this" ..."I would have expected you to do that" -- just highlighted how inept they BOTH are at communication.


3) I think Claudia got a bad edit. I LOVED her jokes. They were 10 times funnier than anything Chelsey Handler or Whitney Cummings come up with. I though pu$$y ate the mouse was very creative.

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This is very true.  This is what being an adult means, but a lot of people seriously think that if you're just cordial with someone, you're being fake, you're not being real.  To me, it's childish.  You will never like everybody; sometimes you can't stand people you work with, but for the sake of civility and maintaining your job, you suck it up and just be cordial.



This is the whole problem I have with Kenya.  She went in on Nene and tried to do the two-faced-kiss and hug.  That's a little more than being cordial.  You can greet someone with a "Hello, how are you?" and it is being cordial.  That is what Nene meant.  I don't blame her either.  If I clearly don't like you, I'm certainly not going to kiss and hug you.  Stop expecting it.  And Nene did say hi to Kenya.  She just didn't let Kenya put her lips on her.

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I think with Nene gone and everyone else stays the show will progress. The ladies will still bicker but move past things much faster. I think the therapy session next week without Nene will be the tell. I honestly think they are setting it up for Nene to exit.


I'm wondering if next week without Nene and (I can only assume) the resolution between the ladies will segue into

the trip to Asia without Nene?

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If I remember correctly, when Nene went on WWHL and started the "Fire Cynthia" campaign, Peter and Cynthia had already started going to various tabloids and media outlets expressing how they had a problem with Nene for calling Peter a bitch (after they had accepted her apology).  They were basically being raked over the coals by message boards, twitter and the like for taking flack from Nene and not fighting back.  Peter was more butthurt than Cynthia and I think that is why he made her start stepping to Nene on his behalf in order to save face.  Once they did that, Nene became enraged that they would do that after they had basically put bitch-gate behind them.  That's why she's always saying she doesn't know why Cynthia thinks she hasn't been a good friend to her, etc.

Yeah, that's how I remember it. I surely can't recall who started it first, but "Nene was so outrageous" blogs and interviews were absolutely the same time Nene started saying Cynthia should be fired it.  Nene's a self righteous sort, so I imagine Cynthia/Peter started their whole Unforgiven campaign first and that was Nene's way of calling Cynthia boring(which she is) and desperate to be interesting(also true).

Edited by Watermelon
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Phaedra needs to quit. She knows damned well her mama can't fit nothing that's sold in any catalog that Cynthia is modeling for ... I peeped you on the beach in Puerto Rico, boo ... you know you're the one buying those plus sizes!


I hate those people who think whatever they are going through is so much more important than anyone else's problems. If Phaedra was as good a friend as she wants someone to be to her, why wasn't she calling Kandi and asking what was up with her? She had to know things were tough with the play and even tougher with Todd. I mean, just how many times can she ask about you and Apollo or the kids without getting the brush off?


Here's my issue with Phaedra on this. If you are so tight with someone, then come straight with them - not in a talking head then say something different to their face. If Kandi was worried about telling who knows how many people they out a job - money they were expecting that they turned down jobs for (if I remember it may have been Don Juan said that), I'd be worried too. Maybe it was something else going on too. I get Phaedra dealing with some jacked up mess, but call your 'real friend' out on it if you care so much. To go to others you've had big issues with about me - I'd give you side eye too.


IMO this is perfectly stated.


 "The Barely Agency and Bar None".


Remind us again Nene the name of Gregg business? Mmm hmmm, I thought so.  These people are so delusional in the shit they sling, like none will ever get on them.

I wasn't really paying attention to this part, but I do remember Kandi telling Phaedra that she had to then break the news about the show being cancelled to the staff and actors - all the people who were depending on her. I think that's implied that they're losing money by not getting paid for the work they thought they were going to be doing. It sucks, and Phaedra was cold as ice.


Phaedra was one cold bitch to her BFF, wasn't she? Kandi straight said she had to leave that drama to go tell a bunch of people they were out of work, and all you can do is snark if all it took was money to sleep at night, you'd be good? Damn. And to sit there in such a haughty manner while your good best friend is crying ... ice cold. All I can say is, if all it took was a few missed calls and someone who formerly paid you dirt now texting or calling to commiserate (aka line up new storyline friends) to change your mind? Girl, bye. Let me be fair, though. Nene does love an underdog. Your bad fortune is her gain! If you're down, she's up! Right, Porsha, Teresa, Phaedra?

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Surprised there is so very little about Phaedra and Porsha sitting there just completely accusing Peter of sleeping around town. Whether he is, or isn't, after assaulting a woman for accusing you of cheating (Porsha) or while sitting in the midst of your own set of accusations (Phaedra) you'd think at least you two would be less reckless. I am well on record for a raging case of "can't-stand-Peterism" but this strikes me as completely hypocritical and not at all conducive to knocking this kind of shit down. Nope, keep perpetuating it while bitching at the nerve, the absolute NERVE! of Kenya and Cynthia carrying your ex's tale without fact checking. Unless it was a threesome, neither of YOU know for a "fact" that Peter is fucking someone else. Or haven't you heard, people lie about shit like that? For such good Christian folks, instead of tossing out nonsensical babble like fix it, Jesus you'd actually try to do just that, by working with another quote - Do Unto Others, etc. That might help more than gossip. Stop the madness.


I cannot with the Nene is so misunderstood. She's the absolute worst. She's the meanest mean girl that ever meaned. She's vicious with almost no provocation. The answer to that cannot be 'Well they know how she is, leave her alone." Fuck Nene's fee-fees. Other people have them too, which she cannot ever be bothered with so why should anyone with her?


If ever there was a question that the Dr. Jeff stuff was production-driven, the speed with which Lineathea (don't care) Leakes turned on him made it clear he wasn't her guy. Just absolute disrespect. Which would bother me more if the good Dr. were not the professional TV famewhore that he is. You got what you came for, Doc. It was almost funny how stunned he was.


Freebie analysis: I think Nene is so very angry (see: hurt) at Cynthia because she exposed her as someone who couldn't get along with even the "nicest" person. Like, damn, if you can't even get along with CYNTHIA, a person who doesn't challenge you in the least, who can you get along with?? She hated that she was going to look like the bad guy in all of it and felt betrayed (not that she was, she earned everything that came her way.)  She started out giving her shade and shit when Cynthia refused to carry her grudge with Kenya, but it really came to a head when their friendship "broke."

Edited by SnarkKitty
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Surprised there is so very little about Phaedra and Porsha sitting there just completely accusing Peter of sleeping around town. Whether he is, or isn't, after assaulting a woman for accusing you of cheating (Porsha) or while sitting in the midst of your own set of accusations (Phaedra) you'd think at least you two would be less reckless. I am well on record for a raging case of "can't-stand-Peterism" but this strikes me as completely hypocritical and not at all conducive to knocking this kind of shit down. Nope, keep perpetuating it while bitching at the nerve, the absolute NERVE! of Kenya and Cynthia carrying your ex's tale without fact checking. Unless it was a threesome, neither of YOU know for a "fact" that Peter is fucking someone else. Or haven't you heard, people lie about shit like that? For such good Christian folks, instead of tossing out nonsensical babble like fix it, Jesus you'd actually try to do just that, by working with another quote - Do Unto Others, etc. That might help more than gossip. Stop the madness.

I cannot with the Nene is so misunderstood. She's the absolute worst. She's the meanest mean girl that ever meaned. She's vicious with almost no provocation. The answer to that cannot be 'Well they know how she is, leave her alone." Fuck Nene's fee-fees. Other people have them too, which she cannot ever be bothered with so why should anyone with her?

If ever there was a question that the Dr. Jeff stuff was production-driven, the speed with which Lineathea (don't care) Leakes turned on him made it clear he wasn't her guy. Just absolute disrespect. Which would bother me more if the good Dr. were not the professional TV famewhore that he is. You got what you came for, Doc. It was almost funny how stunned he was.

Freebie analysis: I think Nene is so very angry (see: hurt) at Cynthia because she exposed her as someone who couldn't get along with even the "nicest" person. Like, damn, if you can't even get along with CYNTHIA, a person who doesn't challenge you in the least, who can you get along with?? She hated that she was going to look like the bad guy in all of it and felt betrayed (not that she was, she earned everything that came her way.) She started out giving her shade and shit when Cynthia refused to carry her grudge with Kenya, but it really came to a head when their friendship "broke."

Excellent point regarding Peter, but the fact that Phadrea shaded Cynthia for an illness she had no control of speaks volumes to who she is. Her and Nene should really be friends since they have no limits of what they'll say. Nene the same one who told Kim to close her legs to married men ( but was fine with the affair while they were friends) but is cool with Porsha screwing married men for cars (allegedly not in her name) and purses. Don't get me wrong Porsha can do whatever she wants with her body, but the hypocrisy of these women is just ludicrous. I can't blame any of the women for not being able to receive anything from Nene.

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If nothing else, that was super entertaining. I can't wait for next week to see Nene continue to attack the therapist she hired herself to fix other people. Nene started out with an interview saying she and Kenya would never be friends. Then she dissed Kenya. Then in therapy, she says she will never be Cynthia's friend either. And we know she and Kandi aren't friends, so why was Nene even there? I did find it interesting that Porsha never spoke up to defend Nene. I would love to have heard Nene's family sessions. I wonder if she acts the same way with Gregg and her kids, always right and always telling everyone else what their problem is.


I noticed that Kenya acted very professional and composed during the therapy. I think she knew Nene would hang herself if Kenya just gave her enough rope.


Kandi wanders the earth crying, oblivious to how many people are annoyed with her and why. I was embarrassed for her when her own husband couldn't think of positives in their relationship. I almost felt like Todd did that to her on purpose to stick it to her on camera.

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If nothing else, that was super entertaining. I can't wait for next week to see Nene continue to attack the therapist she hired herself to fix other people. Nene started out with an interview saying she and Kenya would never be friends. Then she dissed Kenya. Then in therapy, she says she will never be Cynthia's friend either. And we know she and Kandi aren't friends, so why was Nene even there? I did find it interesting that Porsha never spoke up to defend Nene. I would love to have heard Nene's family sessions. I wonder if she acts the same way with Gregg and her kids, always right and always telling everyone else what their problem is.

I noticed that Kenya acted very professional and composed during the therapy. I think she knew Nene would hang herself if Kenya just gave her enough rope.

Kandi wanders the earth crying, oblivious to how many people are annoyed with her and why. I was embarrassed for her when her own husband couldn't think of positives in their relationship. I almost felt like Todd did that to her on purpose to stick it to her on camera.

I think Porsha will defend Nene next week. I don't really blame her for some odd reason she thinks Nene is her friend. I think all the women except Nene handled themselves well in the therapy session. They weren't screaming and malicious they stated how they felt and let Nene do her usual shtick.

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