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S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap

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I think LisaV will leave the slap just where she left it - on the boat and move on and away from Brandi. I think LisaV's way of handling the situation will be to leave it for the reunion and her blog. Her way of handling Brandi this past season has been to not give her the time of day. Being cordial while keeping her distance from that trash, seems to have worked so far. If LisaV was offended and disgusted by that slap, that is what matters, not whether it is felt the slap was done in jest. The glass of wine Brandi threw in Eileen's face was also done in jest, according to Brandi. How many times does Brandi get to get away with that pathetic excuse?


As for Kim and next week, I think Kim won't believe what Kyle is telling her and stick with defending Brandi. If Kim were to doubt Brandi, it would make Kim look stupid because she was blindsided, and Kim can't handle being made a fool of on camera!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10

With that slap I don't think Ken will invite Tammy Tampon  to Lisa's next birthday party just because she is "one of the group". I should think that door has officially closed and is locked, dead bolted, barricaded, retina scaned closed



and another thing.  Each and every time Yolanda invited me to one of her functions I would ask if Brandi was coming, and if so, I would politely tell her I do not wish to be in her company and have to decline the invitation.  Sooner or later Yolanda would get the hint.


I've done that. It works.

  • Love 16

I agree. I think Lisa tried to be the matriarch of the series in the early days but after getting steam rolled by the kooky sisters so many times, I think she's learned to take the high road. She made that super clear when she warned Rinna about staging an intervention. I might be crazy, but I think she looks even younger in this season compared to the previous ones. Could be related?

  • Love 8

Brandi comes up with the "game," supposedly for good reasons, but I think she did it as a way to be snide with everyone by not saying anything good about their characters. I think she bolted from the table when it was her turn, not because she couldn't handle anyone saying anything nice about her, but rather because she thought they would repay her in kind. If she wanted everyone to think she was trying to bring people closer together, she shouldn't have sat there with that vinegar face when Kim and Kyle were making up.

  • Love 16

I love the Bravo editors airing what Eileen actually stated. Showing that she was telling the truth.


I appreciate it as well.  Also, it reminded me that Lisa was the one who started the whole confront Kim issue.  But to be fair, it didn't seem to take much coaxing for Eileen to take up the banner.  Even with Lisa V. warning Lisa R., and Kyle telling Eileen that it wouldn't end well.  So sitting on the boat, Eileen smoothly threw Lisa R. under the boat, by telling Kim that it was Lisa pushing the sobriety issue.  And that wasn't lost on Rinna.  I think Eileen and Lisa are making the rookie mistake of turning on each other.  Time will tell.


Sometimes Yolanda makes me laugh.  Sitting at the big table eating all by herself.  Yolanda tries too hard to be this forgiving, accepting person but her biggest issue is she really doesn't listen to how they others feelings are affected by some of the words and deeds of others.  Yolanda made the biggest deal over Lisa being a Hollywood friend last year.  What I see is Yolanda is the Hollywood friend.  She has been to way too few events this year and it isn't Lyme's Disease.  It is visiting her children or go overseas with her husband.  I don't think Yolanda is a particularly good girlfriend -travel host maybe.  What she did at the table was totally ignore how Eileen was feeling. 


Yolanda can be oblivious, but I felt she was spot on at the boat.  She pointed out that Eileen wasn't apologizing just to apologize, that it was truly heart felt.  She also pointed out that Kim wasn't acknowledging that fact, and told Kim she should.  Then Yolanda was frustrated and removed herself.  When Eileen joined her, Yolanda told her that she's seen her apologize so many times, and Kim doesn't take it to heart. 

  • Love 5

I agree. I think Lisa tried to be the matriarch of the series in the early days but after getting steam rolled by the kooky sisters so many times, I think she's learned to take the high road. She made that super clear when she warned Rinna about staging an intervention. I might be crazy, but I think she looks even younger in this season compared to the previous ones. Could be related?


I agree.  Stress really ages people.  lol    Aside from that awful red dress in that press photo, Lisa's been looking good this year. I actually liked the hat, and I'm not really a hat person.  White looks great on her.   

  • Love 10

I, too, think that in Brandi's twisted mind, the slap was meant as a joke, however, this is exactly what the other women were trying to tell her - she takes things too far!!  


Brandi doesn't know when to give up or stop.  The situation with slapping Lisa was the same type of situation as with Eileen.  Eileen kept telling Brandi that she didn't want to "play soap opera", and Brandi didn't listen and threw the wine.


Brandi wanted Lisa to hit for (for whatever stupid reason....), and Lisa kept saying "no" and so, Brandi slapped her.  


Brandi is an ass.....


Yes, and Brandi had the same look on her face both times - right after she threw the wine and right after she slapped Lisa.  She smiled as though she was quite amused and really proud of herself.  I think she finds her "playfulness" adorable.  And she thinks the others are too uptight because they don't appreciate just how much fun she is.  She is truly delusional and self-centered.  I couldn't believe when I saw the look on her face after the slap because I clearly remembered seeing that exact look when she threw the wine.  


The worst thing about Brandi (and yes, there are many things) is her complete lack of self-awareness.  She has zero interest in learning from her mistakes.  Or even acknowledging them.  Her social skills are pathetic, and she must realize that.  Yet she digs her heels in and continues to act like a bratty 5 year old.  How many actual tantrums do we have to witness?  I am so done with her.

  • Love 21

Yes, and Brandi had the same look on her face both times - right after she threw the wine and right after she slapped Lisa.  She smiled as though she was quite amused and really proud of herself.  I think she finds her "playfulness" adorable.  And she thinks the others are too uptight because they don't appreciate just how much fun she is.  She is truly delusional and self-centered.  I couldn't believe when I saw the look on her face after the slap because I clearly remembered seeing that exact look when she threw the wine.  


The worst thing about Brandi (and yes, there are many things) is her complete lack of self-awareness.  She has zero interest in learning from her mistakes.  Or even acknowledging them.  Her social skills are pathetic, and she must realize that.  Yet she digs her heels in and continues to act like a bratty 5 year old.  How many actual tantrums do we have to witness?  I am so done with her.


Right there with you, DebbieM.


Furthermore, just when does "keeping it real" or "speaking my mind" mean having a license to abandon all dignity, decorum, social mores, and good common sense?  


That preview of her blubbering on that facialist's table seriously left me shaking my head and rolling my eyes.  


Hey, I'm all for truth cannons.  I'm one myself in my social circles.'


'But a little shred of discretion and diplomacy go a very long way.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 18

Yes, and Brandi had the same look on her face both times - right after she threw the wine and right after she slapped Lisa.  She smiled as though she was quite amused and really proud of herself.  I think she finds her "playfulness" adorable.  And she thinks the others are too uptight because they don't appreciate just how much fun she is.  She is truly delusional and self-centered.  I couldn't believe when I saw the look on her face after the slap because I clearly remembered seeing that exact look when she threw the wine.  


The worst thing about Brandi (and yes, there are many things) is her complete lack of self-awareness.  She has zero interest in learning from her mistakes.  Or even acknowledging them.  Her social skills are pathetic, and she must realize that.  Yet she digs her heels in and continues to act like a bratty 5 year old.  How many actual tantrums do we have to witness?  I am so done with her.


She always has that same self-satisfied look when she tells Yo about her exploits, combined with a "Aren't I just so naughty?" laugh.  She's looking for a reaction but not just from whomever she did something to.  She gets off on "tattling" on herself. 


"Truth cannoning" only works if the first target is oneself.  Doesn't have the same impact if you're delusional and lying to yourself, while trying to tell others about themselves. 



I need a vacation after watching these women take a vacation!  Thoroughly exhausting.  

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 9

Regardless of whether or not Brandi meant the slap as a joke, she was told no by Lisa several times before she did it.  Lisa was trying to get by her and she was blocking her way, much like she did to Kyle on poker night.  Brandi uses her size as an intimidation factor.  She's a bully.  If I were Lisa, I would shout that shit from the rooftops.  Bitch slapped her.  I'll hash it and rehash it until I feel vindicated about it or I get an apology, which won't happen because this is Brandi we're talking about.  

If Brandi were a man and had done that, there would be NO question that what she did was wrong regardless of her intentions.  I see no reason why she should be absolved because she's female.


No means no, not just in cases of rape.


I do believe that in Brandi's first book, she said that "no doesn't always mean no", and she was referring to sex/rape.  A lovely message, isn't it?


So that's the mentality these women are being forced to work with.  And that's the mentality of someone who is raising two boys.  It makes me sick when I think of what else they've been learning from her.

  • Love 10

So here we are 17 episodes in and I still have the same question what is it that Brandi dislikes about Kyle so much?  She talks with her hands?  Has Brandi watched herself? Because when asked she sure doesn't come up with anything concrete.  Reminds me of Brandi's intense, illogical dislike of Joyce.  Brandi just seems so jealous.  The reality of the situation is Brandi continues to prove week after week she is the odd man out in this group.  She seems to be at her happiest when she is the "boss" of everyone, directing the conversation and just be so bloody disingenuous.  If what Brandi wants is to have is a honest to goodness conversation about how others view her drinking she needs to listen and stop minimizing or projecting her behavior on others.


She directed two conversations this first fell apart because Brandi once again used her examples as a way to hurt people-I was left wondering what she would have said about Kyle after the home wrecker comment she directed at Eileen.  The second say something nice was just a very clumsy, albeit successful way to bring out the phony in these women regarding the horrid creatures that are Kim and Brandi.  The Brandi drama of leaving the table just ridiculous.

  • Love 11
I applaud Eileen for putting LisaR on the spot the way she did. LisaR was clearly uncomfortable and struggling for words and Eileen wasn't buying it.



While I can't blame Lisa for being skeered of junkie Kim (I'd be too), it was a major cop-out.  Eileen did very nicely come to her defense when she was being attacked.  Eileen deserved better.  I cringe when I hear that "have your back" crapola, but it was worth mentioning here.  Fail, Rinna -- as a friend, you really suck, hun -- and you raise snotty kids.  Just sayin'.

How many more episodes are there until the reunion?


I'm tired of Kim and Brandi.


Me too.  Are there still a bunch of eps to go?  Where is this crummy season going?  Started so quiet & pleasant & now seems so tense & ick.  Kinda hate the vibe goin' on now.  Well, I do like how they all hate Brandi & I'm hoping Yo & Kim will finally turn on her too.

  • Love 4

So, I think Brandi is some atypical people-pleaser.  


Hear me out. 


Take Lisa V, by whom B wants to be loved the most; LisaV responds to a kind of boundary crossing - innuendos, light jabs, knowing glances.  Part of what makes LisaV attractive (especially to Brandi types) is that she gestures to a potential super-duper intimacy, a "secret" that she will only share with you. And she will use her relationships with her closest friends to taunt those women to whom she refuses that special treatment (so she uses Kyle to taunt Brandi, etc.).  This isn't because LisaV is cruel or deliberate.  This move is a classic among women. It's how many of us survive or "come out leading the pack blahblahblah."


Basically, LisaV seems to ask for a boundary-crossing in order to validate some sort of social exchange.  The slap/laugh game is a perfect example of this tease.  Now, anyone with healthy boundaries and less than four drinks in their system would be able to play this game, to meet LisaV half-way, and, in fact, refuse her the thing for which she is only passive-aggressively asking.


Brandi is not this person.

Brandi takes the bait because she's starving.  Brandi is starving because she treats most things like shit.  Brandi needs to grow up.


So when Brandi slaps LisaV, do I believe Lisa's outrage?  Yes.  I do.  But not because Brandi did something completely out of line.  Brandi does what is asked of her.  Brandi often does.  That's what is so bizarre about her, for me.  Brandi does not violate the rules; Brandi is the rule.  Rules are always foregrounded when Brandi is active.  Rules and Brandi share the same stage.  Almost every time.


Brandi is an ass but these women need to take responsibility for what they actually do demand.


(EILEEN, YOU WIN - I'M A FAN, which violates a basic RH principle of equally distributed hate-slinging.  And why are you so attractive?  What are you?  It's like you managed all the youth- enhancers without the shininess and the body dysmorphia.  You don't look like you totally hate yourself.  You prob woulda been just fine at that museum alone.  I like you so much that I am willing to question my recent Kyle-hating. WHAT ARE YOU? YOU ARE NOT A REAL HOUSEWIFE IF YOU DON'T INCITE VIEWER CONTEMPT!)


Oh Kim, you are still The Worst.

  • Love 7

In regards to the slap, it isn't the slap that has Lisa V bothered.. it's the fact that Brandi didn't respect her boundaries and violated them.  If the tables were turned, Brandi would have been claiming assault.  Brandi doesn't think she has to respect other people's boundaries, but that they better respect hers.


Eileen is a champ.  Kyle and Lisa R should watch Eileen and see how it's done.



  • Love 12

So, I think Brandi is some atypical people-pleaser.  


Hear me out. 


Take Lisa V, by whom B wants to be loved the most; LisaV responds to a kind of boundary crossing - innuendos, light jabs, knowing glances.  Part of what makes LisaV attractive (especially to Brandi types) is that she gestures to a potential super-duper intimacy, a "secret" that she will only share with you. And she will use her relationships with her closest friends to taunt those women to whom she refuses that special treatment (so she uses Kyle to taunt Brandi, etc.).  This isn't because LisaV is cruel or deliberate.  This move is a classic among women. It's how many of us survive or "come out leading the pack blahblahblah."


Basically, LisaV seems to ask for a boundary-crossing in order to validate some sort of social exchange.  The slap/laugh game is a perfect example of this tease.  Now, anyone with healthy boundaries and less than four drinks in their system would be able to play this game, to meet LisaV half-way, and, in fact, refuse her the thing for which she is only passive-aggressively asking.


Brandi is not this person.

Brandi takes the bait because she's starving.  Brandi is starving because she treats most things like shit.  Brandi needs to grow up.


So when Brandi slaps LisaV, do I believe Lisa's outrage?  Yes.  I do.  But not because Brandi did something completely out of line.  Brandi does what is asked of her.  Brandi often does.  That's what is so bizarre about her, for me.  Brandi does not violate the rules; Brandi is the rule.  Rules are always foregrounded when Brandi is active.  Rules and Brandi share the same stage.  Almost every time.


Brandi is an ass but these women need to take responsibility for what they actually do demand.


(EILEEN, YOU WIN - I'M A FAN, which violates a basic RH principle of equally distributed hate-slinging.  And why are you so attractive?  What are you?  It's like you managed all the youth- enhancers without the shininess and the body dysmorphia.  You don't look like you totally hate yourself.  You prob woulda been just fine at that museum alone.  I like you so much that I am willing to question my recent Kyle-hating. WHAT ARE YOU? YOU ARE NOT A REAL HOUSEWIFE IF YOU DON'T INCITE VIEWER CONTEMPT!)


Oh Kim, you are still The Worst.

Wait, What? Lisa did NOT start that "slap game" Brandi did. Brandi tried to force Lisa to kiss her and she refused after Brandi grabbed her, pulled her back from leaving the boat. Lisa did say at 1 point that "I should slap you" because Brandi grabbed then pushed her! Brandi then said that Lisa "should slap" her which Lisa declined, several times. Then Brandi slaps Lisa! Lisa did not ask to slap Brandi or to be slapped by her.

  • Love 14

So here we are 17 episodes in and I still have the same question what is it that Brandi dislikes about Kyle so much?  She talks with her hands?  Has Brandi watched herself? Because when asked she sure doesn't come up with anything concrete.  Reminds me of Brandi's intense, illogical dislike of Joyce.  Brandi just seems so jealous.  The reality of the situation is Brandi continues to prove week after week she is the odd man out in this group.  She seems to be at her happiest when she is the "boss" of everyone, directing the conversation and just be so bloody disingenuous.  If what Brandi wants is to have is a honest to goodness conversation about how others view her drinking she needs to listen and stop minimizing or projecting her behavior on others.


She directed two conversations this first fell apart because Brandi once again used her examples as a way to hurt people-I was left wondering what she would have said about Kyle after the home wrecker comment she directed at Eileen.  The second say something nice was just a very clumsy, albeit successful way to bring out the phony in these women regarding the horrid creatures that are Kim and Brandi.  The Brandi drama of leaving the table just ridiculous.


I started watching Season 4 several episodes in, so I missed Joyce's introduction.  I always thought that she and Joyce must have had a kerfuffle to ignite Brandi's petty hatred, but there was nothing?  Oof, I should have known better.  lol   


And because everything Brandi does is suspect, to me, I have a feeling that the "say something nice" game was her way of emphasizing not only the perceived fakeness of the HW (I think she was hoping for a blow up), but her own dislike for them.  It didn't go unnoticed that Brandi's compliments were all superficial and I thought that was a clumsy attempt at letting the HW know that she simply couldn't find anything nice to say to them, so she was focusing on the aesthetic as a backhanded dig.  I think what threw her was the other HW (mostly) genuine compliments, especially with what Lisa V, Yolanda and even Kim said to Kyle.  She's already lost Lisa V (to Kyle), she can't ever compete with the deep (dysfunctional) bond that Kim has with her sister, and then Yo makes a comment about how she has become closer to Kyle recently.  I think once it became her turn to receive compliments, she couldn't handle what she thought they'd say about her, especially after hearing how much they all cared about each other, and if they only threw out some superficial compliment, she'd know that they were being disingenuous, because she knew she had been fake with them.  She creates her own misery. 

  • Love 18

I was disappointed that LisaR went overboard in her "nice" comments to Kim/Brandi! Sad IMO.



I hated that she let Brandi and Kim feel validated in their bad behavior.  I hate when bad behavior is rewarded.  Ugh!


And I disagree, there was threat.  Brandi blocked her from leaving a few times.  And a few more times after she did it.



Brandi's treatment of Lisa was like a potential date rape.  Trying to force her to kiss her, restraining her and then slapping her.  If it was a guy doing this he would be arrested.  I hate it when Brandi's bad behavior goes unpunished time after time.  >8-(

  • Love 15

In regards to the slap, it isn't the slap that has Lisa V bothered.. it's the fact that Brandi didn't respect her boundaries and violated them.  If the tables were turned, Brandi would have been claiming assault.  Brandi doesn't think she has to respect other people's boundaries, but that they better respect hers.


Eileen is a champ.  Kyle and Lisa R should watch Eileen and see how it's done.



Kyle and LisaR speak with emotion and allow their emotions to rule them when trying to deal with selfish twits like Brandi/Kim who feed off others emotions. Eileen uses logic and stays distant and detached, cutting the soul suckers off at the knees.


Brandi respects no one but demands respect from everyone.

  • Love 11

I started watching Season 4 several episodes in, so I missed Joyce's introduction.  I always thought that she and Joyce must have had a kerfuffle to ignite Brandi's petty hatred, but there was nothing?  Oof, I should have known better.  lol   


And because everything Brandi does is suspect, to me, I have a feeling that the "say something nice" game was her way of emphasizing not only the perceived fakeness of the HW (I think she was hoping for a blow up), but her own dislike for them.  It didn't go unnoticed that Brandi's compliments were all superficial and I thought that was a clumsy attempt at letting the HW know that she simply couldn't find anything nice to say to them, so she was focusing on the aesthetic as a backhanded dig.  I think what threw her was the other HW (mostly) genuine compliments, especially with what Lisa V, Yolanda and even Kim said to Kyle.  She's already lost Lisa V (to Kyle), she can't ever compete with the deep (dysfunctional) bond that Kim has with her sister, and then Yo makes a comment about how she has become closer to Kyle recently.  I think once it became her turn to receive compliments, she couldn't handle what she thought they'd say about her, especially after hearing how much they all cared about each other, and if they only threw out some superficial compliment, she'd know that they were being disingenuous, because she knew she had been fake with them.  She creates her own misery. 

No, there was an incident that involved Brandi, LisaV and Yolanda. Joyce revealed that both Brandi and Yolanda called her to warn her about Lisa being "overly sensitive", they, of course, denied what Joyce said and sadly, Lisa believed them.


They did to Joyce what Brandi has done to LisaR, talk about another HW, Kim this time, behind their back then lie to their face.

  • Love 9

Kyle and LisaR speak with emotion and allow their emotions to rule them when trying to deal with selfish twits like Brandi/Kim who feed off others emotions. Eileen uses logic and stays distant and detached, cutting the soul suckers off at the knees.


Brandi respects no one but demands respect from everyone.

I get the impression Lisar doesn't know when to stop.  Often she goes too far and comes off insincere. 


Brandi keeps saying these women have no right to judge her (comment) on her drinking.  Once again tonight she was drunk and trying to force herself on Lisa.  I am glad Kim didn't see her girl crush going after Lisav.  We would have had yet another meltdown.

No, there was an incident that involved Brandi, LisaV and Yolanda. Joyce revealed that both Brandi and Yolanda called her to warn her about Lisa being "overly sensitive", they, of course, denied what Joyce said and sadly, Lisa believed them.


They did to Joyce what Brandi has done to LisaR, talk about another HW, Kim this time, behind their back then lie to their face.

The other thing Joyce claimed and said it was on camera was Brandi told her to stay away from Kim and Kyle because they only had each other and no one liked them.  Yolanda I believe was also caught on camera talking about Lisa.

  • Love 8

Wait, What? Lisa did NOT start that "slap game" Brandi did. Brandi tried to force Lisa to kiss her and she refused after Brandi grabbed her, pulled her back from leaving the boat. Lisa did say at 1 point that "I should slap you" because Brandi grabbed then pushed her! Brandi then said that Lisa "should slap" her which Lisa declined, several times. Then Brandi slaps Lisa! Lisa did not ask to slap Brandi or to be slapped by her.

Yes, Brandi started it and Lisa was fine with it until Brandi fulfilled Brandi's expected boundary-crossing.


You understand I am not condoning Brandi's stupidity, right?  Also I think the dynamics aren't always literal/verbal, particularly when we are dealing with people who are barely conscious.  


I just think the Lisa/Brandi pairing is as non-accidental as Brandi/Kim.  And I'm sure it's an old point.


Look, Brandi sucks. I get it.  I would probably rather hang out with Kyle.  At least, the cops won't be involved.  

I just don't buy that LisaV isn't asking for more than casual word-play.  I think LisaV is still hurt by Brandi.  And I think when LisaV is hurt, she is deeply hurt.  I would even dare to argue that LisaV is absolutely invested in a relationship with brandi.


Brandi is a child.

And many of the other women are looking to engage that.

  • Love 3

Kyle and LisaR speak with emotion and allow their emotions to rule them when trying to deal with selfish twits like Brandi/Kim who feed off others emotions. Eileen uses logic and stays distant and detached, cutting the soul suckers off at the knees.


Brandi respects no one but demands respect from everyone.


I agree, completely.  Sometimes emotion is necessary and helpful when dealing with people and, other times, logic and objectivity is better.  With people like Brandi and Kim, who feed on people's emotions and vulnerabilities, it's best to take the detached and rigid approach, as Eileen has done.  She has shown emotion, but knows that it's not only wasted on them, but that they will use it against her if she lets them. 


Lisa R. gets too invested and loses objectivity.  Then she feels hurt and blindsided when the person she's invested so much in doesn't care or appreciate her efforts. She needs to learn to take people at their word (and deed) about who they are and what they want.  I think her intentions were genuine (as much as any HW can be I guess) but her methods show that she's just a bit too obtuse and gets lost in her own need to be needed. 



And thanks for the info on last season.  I totally missed all of that and now some things in the later episodes make a little more sense.  Brandi's got this game down.

  • Love 7

I disagree.  It's still assault.  Lisa wasn't playing around  Only Brandi was.  You can't just do whatever you want to another human being (peer or not), and be excused for it because you claim you were only kidding around.  Or that it was fun for you.


My right to make a fist and thrust it forward ends when I make contact with another person's face.  We're not supposed to assault each other.  Whether the perpetrator is joking or not, and whether the victim is injured or not, it's still wrong in every way.  Lisa clearly was not a participant in Brandi's "game", and in fact she kept insisting that she was not interested in the whole kissing/slapping thing.  Brandi is an idiot.  Not only did she assault someone who was trying to get away from her, but she did it on camera.  


Worst crime in the world?  Of course not.  I don't know about "intent to harm",  but a slap is a very deliberate thing, and can be humiliating to a victim as well as painful.  Brandi did assault Lisa, and so I don't  see it as "no harm done".  I see it as further proof that Brandi is unstable, a danger to her co-workers, and should be off this show.


No idea what the laws would be on the waters near Amsterdamn. Just wanted to point out that occasionally here in the US (and not just in small towns) a slap can actually lead to legal trouble. I should know, I was in a similar situation, and the perp was arrested and there was a whole trial and assault conviction. In some places (and come cops) these things can be taken seriously. I am reminded as well of Porsha and Kenya, but perhaps some may see that as too serious of a situation to compare to this one.


I have NO idea what Brandi was thinking with the slap. I think she was just jealous/angry and had no other way to express her feelings than to act out physically, even if it was "joking" and a "light slap". Lisa didn't deserve that crap and was suitably embarrassed. Something must be going on with Brandi. Drinking, Xanax, and jealousy? Or something worse? She behaved strangely all night.


ANYWAYS. Totally agree with the posters who thought Kyle looked gorgeous on the boat. Stunning. Best I've seen her look to date.

  • Love 10

No idea what the laws would be on the waters near Amsterdamn. Just wanted to point out that occasionally here in the US (and not just in small towns) a slap can actually lead to legal trouble. I should know, I was in a similar situation, and the perp was arrested and there was a whole trial and assault conviction. In some places (and come cops) these things can be taken seriously. I am reminded as well of Porsha and Kenya, but perhaps some may see that as too serious of a situation to compare to this one.


I have NO idea what Brandi was thinking with the slap. I think she was just jealous/angry and had no other way to express her feelings than to act out physically, even if it was "joking" and a "light slap". Lisa didn't deserve that crap and was suitably embarrassed. Something must be going on with Brandi. Drinking, Xanax, and jealousy? Or something worse? She behaved strangely all night.


ANYWAYS. Totally agree with the posters who thought Kyle looked gorgeous on the boat. Stunning. Best I've seen her look to date.


I couldn't help but notice in the previews for next week, when she's on that "date"?


That bitch is lit brighter than a stadium's worth of Christmas trees.  


If I have to sit through that drunken waste of space "seducing" that dude next week for more than just a passing scene, I'm going to be pissed.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 11

No idea what the laws would be on the waters near Amsterdamn. Just wanted to point out that occasionally here in the US (and not just in small towns) a slap can actually lead to legal trouble. I should know, I was in a similar situation, and the perp was arrested and there was a whole trial and assault conviction. In some places (and come cops) these things can be taken seriously. I am reminded as well of Porsha and Kenya, but perhaps some may see that as too serious of a situation to compare to this one.


I have NO idea what Brandi was thinking with the slap. I think she was just jealous/angry and had no other way to express her feelings than to act out physically, even if it was "joking" and a "light slap". Lisa didn't deserve that crap and was suitably embarrassed. Something must be going on with Brandi. Drinking, Xanax, and jealousy? Or something worse? She behaved strangely all night.


ANYWAYS. Totally agree with the posters who thought Kyle looked gorgeous on the boat. Stunning. Best I've seen her look to date.

I think Brandi's intelligence is marginal and she cannot get it through her head that when she gets drunk, the other women have the right to comment on her behavior.  Brandi is so invested with the help of her number one enabler Kim, that all these women are living a lie in their marriages and Brandi (or Kim) cannot prattle on without consequences speaking her (or their) "truths".  When asked what she finds objectionable about someone it is usually beyond shallow.  Tonight she rattled off the list of her offenses to Eileen with no conviction and then had the balls to say she had only been drunk and misbehaved around Eileen once.  I was thinking there was the wine toss, Eileen's Poker Night and Yolanda's party and of course while objecting to being called a mean drunk or alcoholic Brandi proceeded to get drunk again and slap and try and molest Lisav.


Until Brandi stops minimizing her behavior and realizes there are consequences and so far the only ones to dish out real consequences are Eileen who no longer welcomes her to her home and Kyle who did not invite her to a party but she crashed anyway.  Yolanda's time out are without consequences.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 8

Until Brandi stops minimizing her behavior and realizes there are consequences and so far the only ones to dish out real consequences are Eileen who no longer welcomes her to her home and Kyle who did not invite her to a party but she crashed anyway.  Yolanda's time out are without consequences.


I honestly don't think she's going to ever get to that point.  This shit is so imprinted on her that I can't see her coming to any realizations about herself without a great deal of professional help and even then, I don't think there would be dramatic change.  I still can't even with her parents excusing and condoning her behavior to Lisa (Her mother commenting on how that is just the way Brandi is; getting hurt and angry, and lashing out and then being 'over it' a minute later and wanting to go on like nothing happened).  I think for anything to sink in with her, it's going to take being cut out of the show and cut off from the HW.  Her actions are being sanctioned by the show, in essence, and then seen as entertainment by the media (and us).  What she fails to understand is that she's the sideshow and not some respected and relevant social commentator. 


Kim is a similar character which is probably why they get along as they do (or did).  Very reactive, with little insight or comprehension. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 11

No idea what the laws would be on the waters near Amsterdamn. Just wanted to point out that occasionally here in the US (and not just in small towns) a slap can actually lead to legal trouble. I should know, I was in a similar situation, and the perp was arrested and there was a whole trial and assault conviction. In some places (and come cops) these things can be taken seriously. I am reminded as well of Porsha and Kenya, but perhaps some may see that as too serious of a situation to compare to this one.

I thought of the Porsha/Kenya fight as well. I wasn't surprised at all when Bravo told Porsha she had to leave the reunion taping right away. It wasn't just the right thing to do, it was the legal thing to do. You can't put people in a workplace setting where they don't feel safe. If Lisa V. tells Bravo she won't "hang out" or interact or do anything with Brandi next season, not only do I not blame her, but I think Bravo would be in legal trouble if they insisted. Which gives me hope that we might have seen the last of BG. Deuces, Brandi!

I have NO idea what Brandi was thinking with the slap. I think she was just jealous/angry and had no other way to express her feelings than to act out physically, even if it was "joking" and a "light slap". Lisa didn't deserve that crap and was suitably embarrassed. Something must be going on with Brandi. Drinking, Xanax, and jealousy? Or something worse? She behaved strangely all night.

As ridiculous as the slap was, I thought Brandi's discomfort and exit to the loo during the "say 3 things nice" game was even more incredible. Shrinks would have a field day with it. I thought the HW's, as well as so many here, have analyzed it to a T. She hates herself, she was afraid of what they'd say, or wouldn't have anything to say, she's shallow, etc... It really was fascinating. I would feel bad for her if I didn't hate her so much, because she is so fucked up and miserable.

  • Love 12

As ridiculous as the slap was, I thought Brandi's discomfort and exit to the loo during the "say 3 things nice" game was even more incredible. Shrinks would have a field day with it. I thought the HW's, as well as so many here, have analyzed it to a T. She hates herself, she was afraid of what they'd say, or wouldn't have anything to say, she's shallow, etc... It really was fascinating. I would feel bad for her if I didn't hate her so much, because she is so fucked up and miserable.


Actually, her refusal to participate in her own game struck me as her more childish move.  She has some "play" with demanding authenticity and only providing surface, using them as weapons, defences etc.  And the women are too dumb or tired to realize what they are engaging.  So everyone comes up with the partial insight that Brandi can't take a compliment, which isn't a real thing.


I think Brandi couldn't stand that the women were actually willing to take the game seriously (which if there was a compliment, that would be it) so that when it came time to "receive," it was an intolerable reflection of the others' willingness/refusal/boundaries, etc.


OH AND KIM RICHARDS Is The Worst.  I enjoyed her evil TH where she begged everyone to Not Take It All So seriously.

  • Love 7

I think Kyle got the memo about those big billowy tops she's been wearing for years. Because she has been bringing it this season fashion wise. I loved the cat suit, the red dress and the capelet.



I think it also has to do with the fact that Kyle has lost a little weight and feels more confident in showing her figure.  I never thought she was overweight, but as short as she is, any extra pounds picks up on tv more so than if say, Brandi was to gain a few pounds.  I agree that Kyle looks terrific this season.

  • Love 8

Brandi's "game" of going around the table scratched an itch in my diminishing memory banks.  Andy did a game on WWHL (I googled it, it was on 11/18/14 if any of you want to take a view).  He had Camille, Adrienne, and Taylor on and the game was to "pass the fake boob" and each say something nice about Brandi.  That "game" HAD to be inspired by this scene.  The boat ride had happened by that point, so he had to have seen it.


The Mexican Dutch pancake also got me a'googling.  I did not know, and now I have RHOBH to thank, that Dutch pancakes are a bit more like crepes (though maybe thicker?), and can be topped with either savory or sweet toppings.  I was thinking, when Kyle got the pancake with jalapenos and red sauce, that it was a sweet pancake.  But no, they're not, and don't have sugar in them at all and topping them with ham and bacon and cheese is pretty standard.  I now want to go to Amsterdam and get pancakes of the Dutch persuasion. 


And that's what I want from my RHs.  Teach me something weird (i.e. different b/c weird isn't necessarily bad to me), new, and wonderful.

  • Love 9

Count me in on being bored with this plot line.  It is shocking to see grown women fighting like this.  It stuns.   Yolanda remains above the fray, kudos. 


Lisa's pink hat is awful. 


I missed who started saying the positive things about one another around the table but great idea. Then Brandi leaves and won't participate!  LOL! The ITMs were hysterical.  No one really believed the sincerity.  Nor should they!  


I do not believe those women ate those pancakes!  They are clearly in the no gluten zone.  Rinna isn't even there; she is food phobic. 


We are seeing Adrianne next week.  YAY!  She reminds me of when this show was interesting.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

From past experience, a recovering addict who attacks and is defensive and deflective- usually means they've fallen off the wagon.  Kim REALLY needs to be off this show.  and BTW, she is LOVING that Brandi and Kyle are fighting over her.


Smacking someone across the face is NOT a joke.  Brandi can't just have a good time.  She has to take things so far above and beyond fun that it turns into a slap or a glass of wine thrown in someone's face.  She's white trash, plain and simple....and she's plain and simple.

  • Love 10

The preview for next week, with Brandi getting a facial or something, wow, she looks awful!  Too many fillers.

She really does. I was looking at older images of her and she was so much more attractive only five years ago.  Way too much collagen.  And do any of these monsters really believe their lips look good?  It seems the BD really kicks in hard around the mouth.


Also, did I see Adrienne?

  • Love 5

  She's white trash, plain and simple....and she's plain and simple.


LOL  I made some kind of Beavis and Butthead-esque laugh, while reading this.  



Poor dumb Kyle is always the recipient of the "simple" jokes, so it's good to spread it around some.   

Speaking of poor dumb Kyle, that capelet was my everything in this episode.  She's been unusually stylish, this season. 

  • Love 6

Such a beautiful boat ride wasted with BS. Why can't the RH shows be about the lifestyle instead of all this ridiculous cattiness? I would have liked to see what these rich women bought in Amsterdam (besides sex toys) and see the sights from the canal. At least Eileen took us to see some art and architecture. I don't make time in my real life to associate with childish bitchy fools, why would I want to see the same crap week after week on tv. And that whole positive make up game was a bunch of crock, I rolled my eyes at that, it was so fake. I actually liked Eileen's attempts to reason with Brandi, but of course it was a waste of time just like Lisa R told her it would be.

There used to be a show called life styles of the rich and famous which may have been what you would prefer to see. Imo, these bravo shows were always intended for the drama

Edited by tulip555
  • Love 3

I was pretty bewildered when Eileen and LisaR were cast, but I think they're such great additions to this show. Oh the irony of true soap opera divas acting the most real on this show! I really like their friendship, too. It reminds me of Carole and Heather's friendship on RHONY in its maturity. Case in point - their blogs this week. In regards to their talk at the bar about how LisaR did an about-face over the Kim fiasco, they both showed such compassion, and again, maturity, in trying to understand the other's point of view. Eileen was her usual smart and on-point self when she questioned LisaR, but I respect how open-minded she was in accepting LisaR's explanation of being kind of shell shocked, and needing more time to process everything at a time and place away from the ladies. I thought her blog was very forgiving.

LisaR struck me as kind of two-faced at the bar discussion, but I admire how she owned up to being confused and discombobulated about the whole mess in her blog, and how she talks about learning from Eileen and valuing their friendship. On more than one occasion, Eileen really stumped her with questions about Kim, and it's pretty refreshing to read someone admit this, instead of using their blog to spin some defense. Team Maturity!

  • Love 19

She really does. I was looking at older images of her and she was so much more attractive only five years ago.  Way too much collagen.  And do any of these monsters really believe their lips look good?  It seems the BD really kicks in hard around the mouth.


Also, did I see Adrienne?


Yes, that was Adrienne, she was talking to Kim.

Oh, Brandi.  Last week's tantrum, reminding Kyle DON'T TOUCH ME!, followed by drunkenly pushing and slapping the Queen of Pink, coupled with your 'gangsta' lingo replete with hand gestures... Don't ever change.  When you do finally get arrested for assaulting someone (or DUI, or public intox, or possession, or ...), you can totally be the Standup Commodian of Cellblock C.  Basic bint.

  • Love 8


Brandi's treatment of Lisa was like a potential date rape.  Trying to force her to kiss her, restraining her and then slapping her.  If it was a guy doing this he would be arrested.  I hate it when Brandi's bad behavior goes unpunished time after time.  >8-(


This is probably wishful thinking on my part, but I wonder if it is really going to go unpunished.  Brandi may have gone too far this time and may pay for it.  First of all, we have Andy saying at the Atlanta reunion that violence is unacceptable.  OK - I know it was Andy just spouting off, but at some point, Bravo is going to have to do something.  Wine glasses are broken, wine is thrown, now we're slapping people? 


Add to that the fact that she slapped Lisa Vanderpump, for the most part the fan favorite, and one of executive producer of Vanderpump Rules, which seems to be quite successful (I don't watch).  I think Lisa Vanderpump may have more pull and influence than the average housewife.  She also probably needs the show the least. And I'm guessing this doesn't sit well with Ken.


If it came down to a choice between Lisa and Brandi, I'm guessing Bravo would go with Lisa. Brandi is very close to running her course, fans are tired of her, and Bravo just may be looking for an excuse anyway. Can you imaging the outcry if it came down to Brandi or Lisa and they went with Brandi?


This could be why Brandi has been making some noise about not returning next season. She may see the handwriting on the wall.


Like I said, could be wishful thinking because Brandi (and Kim) ruin every scene they are in.  I am sick of both of them.

  • Love 7

I don't know if Brandi will ever realize that her out of control drinking is having some real life consequences for her. It was responsible for her falling out with Lisa V. As according to Brandi Lisa pulled away after tampon gate. And I beleive that because of the falling out this will be her last season. So yea girl, dig in your heels and don't let anyone tell you what to do! Drink some more vino, that will show them!

  • Love 10

I am so sick of this plot line.  Adrianne will be on next week!  YAY!   She reminds me of a time when I enjoyed this show.  I loved the relationship LisaV and Ken had with Brandi a couple of seasons back.  It was sweet.  There was much more going on back then that held my interest.  


Eileen and Rinna are not a good addition for me.  I don't like either of them.  Eileen's chilly personality grates and she has an air of superiority.  Rinna, is just annoying.  


Those pancakes looked delicious but I don't believe they were eaten; gluten and carbs are not part of the cast.  Rinna, was not even there to pretend.


LisaV knows how to handle Brandi and did well with the slap incident.  Everyone should take note.  Don't engage her when she has been drinking.  You are not going to change it or her, nor should you try.  Let it go.  


I will admit that I loved Brandi calling Eileen a home wrecker!  You deserved that Eileen, you were in her face.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

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