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S05.E17: Amster-Damn Slap

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At some point I wish Yolanda had stood up and told the group to straighten up and fly right or go home.  While it was incredibly rude of the gals to fight constantly, it was also rude of Yolanda to sit there and allow Brandi to behave the way she did.  Her "friend" should respect her more than that, be mindful of the strain this puts on Yolanda, and want to make things right.  Yolanda should not let her guests be attacked and be silent about it.

  • Love 20

Eileen is my hero. I want to grow up and be her some day. Finally, FINALLY someone on these stupid shows knows how to have an argument. There was no raising of her voice, there was no pointing fingers, there was no obnoxious "yeah, well you suck THIS way!" comebacks. Just calm, rational, logical arguments. The way she handled Brandi was masterful. She should teach a class in it.

She never got flustered when Brandi tried her go-to tactic of taking something the other person said, ramping it up to 11, and hoping it sticks. Eileen calmly replied that she never said Brandi was an alcoholic, that she felt Brandi got mean when she got drunk. Based on Eileen witnessing Brandi getting mean when she got drunk. Boy, Brandi didn't know wtf to do at that point. Brandi then went to her "well, you saying these things (which you already said you didn't say, but we'll ignore that for now) could ruin my life" tactic. Again, Eileen did not take the bait. Simply asked for examples, which of course Brandi could not give. Just brilliant. I like Kyle, but she would be yelling, ranting, finger pointing, off the rails by this point. Poor Eileen simply had shiny eyes over the fact that she even had to do this at all with Brandi.

Give it up to Kim. She had everyone showing her love, had Brandi fighting her battles, and all without giving one apology. Not one. Forget Eileen, Kim's the fucking master at this. If only she didn't suck so much.

The game had me laughing. Apparently these women all have big hearts. Huge. Secretariat levels of big hearts. "You have a big heart" is the yearbook equivalent of "you're so great, see you next year!" But Brandi obviously knew she was screwed, and can never, ever take what she dishes out. She really is just the worst.

Loved Kyle and LisaV in the pancake house. Although Mexican pancakes? I don't know about that...


I think Brandi was worried that no one was going to say that about her, because she knows that her heart is only as small as the Grinch Who Stole Christmas--BEFORE he heard Whoville singing about Christmas!!  

  • Love 6

Hell, me too.

She doesn't like Brandi and she doesn't have to.  She's comfortable with her decision and doesn't apologize for it.  Kyle cries and Lisa justifies but Eileen gives no fucks.  She doesn't like Brandi, deal with it.  

It's a thing of beauty.  And makes me respect her.


Yes and this is how Brandi needs to be handled.  While I agree with Lisa V's "do not react" method, Brandi obviously needs a more direct, stern approach.  She doesn't get subtly and she doesn't care about personal boundaries.  I recommend a shock collar. 

  • Love 22

Brandi's been trying everything she can to be Lisa's victim. She's wanted Lisa to be mean to her all season but she hasn't. She always been cordial, she went to her house rental party and has invited her to events. This is frustrating to Brandi because she desperately wants to cry about how awful Lisa is treating her but Lisa won't take the bait. She now has resorted to slapping her. Lisa still wouldn't stoop to her level and slap her back, curse or scream at her. Don't give her that validation. Don't fight with her.


It's been a thing of beauty to watch. I couldn't do it but that's my Pinky!

Absolutely agree.  Her punishment is even more horrible knowing that Lisa just doesn't care about her anymore.  at all.  That's even worse than being mad at her.

  • Love 23

Eileen handles these HW like a boss.  I love her WTF faces and clear disgust towards Brandi.  Makes me giddy with joy. 



Hell, me too.

She doesn't like Brandi and she doesn't have to.  She's comfortable with her decision and doesn't apologize for it.  Kyle cries and Lisa justifies but Eileen gives no fucks.  She doesn't like Brandi, deal with it.  

It's a thing of beauty.  And makes me respect her.


I cannot wait to see Eileen during the Reunion....I only hope that she will have an opportunity to make her points as succinctly as she has done on the shows, without Brandi or Kim screaming or over-talking her.

  • Love 14

I am really enjoying seeing Kyle and Yolanda's burgeoning friendship. Too bad that Yolanda seems to be checking out of RHOBH.


I would travel with Eileen anytime, anywhere. Museums, chocolate, cafe au laits, mental stability. Hip Hip Hooray!


Something tells me Kim absolutely needs no "charitable offerings" when it comes to vibrators....

Edited by grittypearl
  • Love 12

At some point I wish Yolanda had stood up and told the group to straighten up and fly right or go home.  While it was incredibly rude of the gals to fight constantly, it was also rude of Yolanda to sit there and allow Brandi to behave the way she did.  Her "friend" should respect her more than that, be mindful of the strain this puts on Yolanda, and want to make things right.  Yolanda should not let her guests be attacked and be silent about it.


This was one time when I really thought that Yolanda did not feel well.  She was exceptionally quiet, and did not interrupt anyone with any words of wisdom, according to "Yo's Rules for the World".  She looked very tired and as pretty as she looked, she also looked drawn and exhausted.


I thought that she was the smartest one of all - I think she figured she had no dog in the fight, why interfere - just let the others implode.  She was the smart one to go to the table and have her dinner - at least she was able to eat dinner while it was hot!!  :-)

  • Love 17

So true, but even more than her being so intelligent & rational, I'm floored by how calm she is -- always.  The woman is fucking amazing!  I mean, she really is the punching bag now for asshole Brandi & junkie Kim.  It's pretty awful.  And yet she never loses it.  Wow!


Eileen does get emotional though...you could see her eyes well up with tears several times.  I am very much like her, it takes a whole lot to make me lose my cool - however, once I do, people will run for cover.  I would imagine Eileen could be the same way.

  • Love 13

Brandi's been trying everything she can to be Lisa's victim. She's wanted Lisa to be mean to her all season but she hasn't. She always been cordial, she went to her house rental party and has invited her to events. This is frustrating to Brandi because she desperately wants to cry about how awful Lisa is treating her but Lisa won't take the bait. She now has resorted to slapping her. Lisa still wouldn't stoop to her level and slap her back, curse or scream at her. Don't give her that validation. Don't fight with her.


It's been a thing of beauty to watch. I couldn't do it but that's my Pinky!

Not only did Brandi grab Lisa, push her, slap her she also said she slept with many young hot guys through Europe these last 20 some years first! She tried to say that Lisa cheated on Ken! That was when Lisa got up and joined Yolanda at the dinner table. She was almost crying when she said to Yolanda that she has been married for 32 years and has never cheated on Ken. IMO, Brandi was trying to get LisaV to fight with her from the start of the boat trip.


Just saw this, Pandora is pissed off!  https://twitter.com/PandoraVT/status/575483696918102017

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 12

I'm glad I didn't hold my breath waiting for Kim to apologize to Eileen and Kyle.



Kim somehow even got Eileen to apologize to *her* - repeatedly! It's like her superpower.


njbchlover, I agree that Yolanda was really sick that night. Unlike the other dinner, she wasn't trying to mediate or be the hostess. She wasn't even looking at the others when they were speaking. She was just staring off into space. Chronic illness is like that; I think she hit the wall and wasn't able to interact anymore.

  • Love 12

I wish Yo was well enough to write a blog.  Not having her feedback for most of the season makes me wonder what her opinion is of everything that's gone down besides the THs.  Guess I'm going to have to wait for the reunion which she apparently struggled through due to her health to find out where she stands with these "friends".  I really hope she will be back next season.


Or maybe we should have a Househusbands show.  Vince himself would be a riot and the Ken-Maurice bromance would also be better than a lot of what the women dish out.  David can continue inviting us to his big house parties and charity events. Harry can take us to the Glee set or whatever else he's upto.  And we would finally have no reason to hang out with Kim and Brandi.


I'm really bummed Amsterdam is over and most of it was not enjoyable.

  • Love 9

I wish all of the 'ladies' would have said something nice to Brandi like this...

You really know how to polish off a bottle!

Your hair extensions barely look like they're hanging on by their last threads tonight!

You're tall!

I can't even smell the skank on you tonight!

You haven't fallen down yet tonight!

You have boobs!



I'm so glad you switched to o.b. with the shorter string!

Edited by film noire
  • Love 4
That's fine, I know criminal law as well as an attorney (in Philadelphia) and yes...it may not result in Brandi bring thrown in jail (which I don't think that ANYONE even said tonight), but Lisa would be able to press charges. I have witnessed it time and time in criminal hearings. So, no...I don't believe that it is as clear cut as no it wouldn't happen AT ALL.

Remind me never to get assaulted in NYC.



I know more than just the law.  I know the judicial system.  That's why I said confidently this particular case would go nowhere.  And while your comment did give me a chuckle, the sad thing is it's no different as laws pertain to this & how it goes in courts, whether in NYC or anywhere else in the US.  


But what I kinda forgot about is this happened in Amsterdam -- not here in the US.  Hmmm, wonder what the legal ramifications over there would be.  Sheesh, as much as I thought Brandi was idiot (and an asshole) for doing this at all, she's an even bigger idiot for doing it abroad.


I do agree with those who said it's a good idea to call cops no matter what & file a report & have it on record if you do indeed feel threatened.  I just don't think it applies here.  I was watching Lisa's behavior before & after the slap.  She never looked threatened.  But she did look very uncomfortable.  Can't blame her.


I just don't believe Brandi calling Eileen a homewrecker.  Ah, an asshole is an asshole is an asshole.  And Kim saying all cutesy, "Oh, can't you take a joke?"  WTF?  How bout I call you a junkie, Kim?  Ha, ha, ha, big joke, eh, hun?  I don't blame Yo for moving to another table.


Um, wait a minute -- did Rinna say "I luv you" to junkie Kim?  What the what?  Bullshit crap.

  • Love 9

There is no question a difference how Ms Eileen Davidson calls people out compared to Kim!  Kim is more in your face, aggressive, mean, nasty, and disrespectful.  Eileen handled Brandi/Kim/Lisa R like a champ, like a true grown woman!  She didn't rise her voice or throw insults.  She actually kept it 100%.  You could tell it riled Brandi hardcore that Eileen was ballsy to say something to her.  And Kim got checked when Eileen said, "Don't you roll your eyes Kim."  Both Brandi and Kim looked like like their moms came in and read them their rights.  Eileen was truly young and restless!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 21

Just saw Brandi deliver "the slap" ( isn't there a NBC show with that name?). Lisa was definitely taken aback and then Brandi just stood there with a weird grin on her face. Mostly, I thought she was feeling the effects of a xanax. Her behavior and demeanor changed after she came out of the bathroom ( running away from the compliment game). She makes the game up, say something nice, knowing, the only nice things she thought about the others would be superficial and that was her point. In addition, calling it a game, rather than say an exercise , just seemed to me like she wanted to show everyone who said something nice to be a hypocrite.The slap was just weird. As if in her altered state she thought she and Lisa V were back where they once were.  

  • Love 10

Not only did Brandi grab Lisa, push her, slap her she also said she slept with many young hot guys through Europe these last 20 some years first! She tried to say that Lisa cheated on Ken! That was when Lisa got up and joined Yolanda at the dinner table. She was almost crying when she said to Yolanda that she has been married for 32 years and has never cheated on Ken. IMO, Brandi was trying to get LisaV to fight with her from the start of the boat trip.


Just saw this, Pandora is pissed off!  https://twitter.com/PandoraVT/status/575483696918102017


I'd forgotten about that.  Brandi keeps trying to accuse/shame people with infidelity.  One would think that she would be compassionate towards women in that regard but she seems to get off on seeing other women upset about rumors/insinuation of a cheating spouse -- particularly when she can be the one to deliver the news.  Lisa and Ken seem to love each other very much, imo.  I have no idea what Brandi's end game is here.  Is all of this supposed to endear her to Lisa?

  • Love 9

This was one time when I really thought that Yolanda did not feel well.  She was exceptionally quiet, and did not interrupt anyone with any words of wisdom, according to "Yo's Rules for the World".  She looked very tired and as pretty as she looked, she also looked drawn and exhausted.


I thought that she was the smartest one of all - I think she figured she had no dog in the fight, why interfere - just let the others implode.  She was the smart one to go to the table and have her dinner - at least she was able to eat dinner while it was hot!!  :-)

I agree. These women are hard to take under normal circumstances.

The other thing I loved about Yolanda tonight was the way she was dressed. That grey and white leather was an an awesome combination and it fit her like a fine leather glove. I just can't understand why these women wore killer heels on a boat. They looked ridiculous coming onboard.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 4

I'd forgotten about that.  Brandi keeps trying to accuse/shame people with infidelity.  One would think that she would be compassionate towards women in that regard but she seems to get off on seeing other women upset about rumors/insinuation of a cheating spouse -- particularly when she can be the one to deliver the news.  Lisa and Ken seem to love each other very much, imo.  I have no idea what Brandi's end game is here.  Is all of this supposed to endear her to Lisa?

IMO, she is trying to set Lisa off much like Kim did LisaR!  Then she will scream victim all over the place!

  • Love 7

I'm not defending Brandi's actions.  She should not have slapped LissV and I still believe tonight's "slap" was very different from a slap intended to cause harm.  If someone assaults you with a weapon - that's a more serious charge, even if the weapon didn't hit you.


We were discussing the slap on here when it was part of the season trailer before the show aired this year. In the original footage, several of us thought it looked fake, it was such a dinky slap it didn't even make a sound... it was more like a pat. They added the sound in later.


I'm not condoning it either, I just think the whole thing is hard to get worked up over, because Bravo basically let it slip that the slip was either completely staged or the force of Brandi's drunken claw was so minute that it might as well have been a feather hitting Lisa's cheek.

Edited by KFC
  • Love 5

Not only did Brandi grab Lisa, push her, slap her she also said she slept with many young hot guys through Europe these last 20 some years first! She tried to say that Lisa cheated on Ken! That was when Lisa got up and joined Yolanda at the dinner table. She was almost crying when she said to Yolanda that she has been married for 32 years and has never cheated on Ken. IMO, Brandi was trying to get LisaV to fight with her from the start of the boat trip.


Just saw this, Pandora is pissed off!  https://twitter.com/PandoraVT/status/575483696918102017


I don't blame Pandora!  That's her mom.  If someone thought it would be fun and games to corner and smack my mom I would have some words and maybe more than that.  After all what Lisa/Ken did for her back in season 3 even sticking their necks out for her, she repays them with digging into their business ventures and now slapping Lisa V.  Brandi just has lost her ever natural mind. 

  • Love 13

I guess I'll have to watch next week*, because I want to know what Brandi is enthusiastically typing on her air typewriter.  Can't say I'm surprised that she hunts and pecks. 


*OMG, it's tomorrow night, not next week.  I better start drinking now. 



Supposedly, she is mocking Kyle, but I feel like we are seeing the essence of Brandi here. Frenetic, foul mouthed, and utterly lacking in finesse. She makes me wish I drank so that I wouldn't have to sit through this completely sober. Bah.


In addition, she's always the truth cannon, until someone tells the truth on her, and then it's, "just drop it!"



  • Love 9

Um, wait a minute -- did Rinna say "I luv you" to junkie Kim? What the what? Bullshit crap.

Yes she did and Kim had a smug look on her face - like the cat who just ate the canary.

I applaud Eileen for putting LisaR on the spot the way she did. LisaR was clearly uncomfortable and struggling for words and Eileen wasn't buying it.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 11

IMO, she is trying to set Lisa off much like Kim did LisaR!  Then she will scream victim all over the place!


Like this was planned by her?  I hadn't thought of that.  Her behavior seems so erratic and bizarre, that I'm not even sure if she actually likes Lisa or is just trying to get revenge.  She's coming off as a jealous, pathetic ex-lover. 

  • Love 7

Not only did Brandi grab Lisa, push her, slap her she also said she slept with many young hot guys through Europe these last 20 some years first! She tried to say that Lisa cheated on Ken! That was when Lisa got up and joined Yolanda at the dinner table. She was almost crying when she said to Yolanda that she has been married for 32 years and has never cheated on Ken. IMO, Brandi was trying to get LisaV to fight with her from the start of the boat trip.


Just saw this, Pandora is pissed off!  https://twitter.com/PandoraVT/status/575483696918102017

It is the same ol' shit that Brandi has pulled many times. It is what she pulled on Kyle at the pot shop. Brandi was hoping to get Kyle to fight with her. It didn't work. That is why Brandi then had to yell in the streets.


Pandy isn't having it. You are done, Brandi!

  • Love 12

How strange was Brandi when playing the game that she had recommended? Only wanting to compliment the others mostly on the physical, and not wanting for anyone to take a turn at her. What was she so afraid of? That someone would say something kind or insightful and she would have to reconsider that they are all heinous assholes at their core?


I actually think that moment was very telling.  I don't know why Brandi started the game, but most of them seemed to really be moved by it.  I really think Brandi cares for Kim.  Kim was the only one who got more than a superficial compliment, and Brandi choked up when giving it to her.  Brandi jumped up and left the room because she knows these women don't like her, and she thinks there's nothing honest they could tell her that wasn't cruel.  She thought any compliment would be a lie, and Lisa V. recognized this and acknowledged it.  I'm not defending Brandi, she's a real piece of work.  But I get her a lot of the time, even though I dislike her and I dislike what she does.


I want to add that I think Brandi likes Kim because she feels sorry for her.  The women she resents on this show are the women who have what she wants.  Kim is pretty pitiful, and Brandi clearly doesn't envy her or wish she had her life.  I think that's why Brandi isn't lashing out at Kim the way she goes after everyone else.  I think Kim's just too pathetic to go full throttle on.  Even Carlton sheathed her claws when it came to Kim.


The incident two night before was horrific as Eileen put it, it probably was just one of many nights for drunk Brandi and addict Kim but for Eileen is was an absolutely horrible experience and she can't just pretend that it never happened and act like everything is normal.


But you see, no one is giving Eileen a hard time about it.  Unlike Eileen, Lisa R. isn't telling Eileen that her reaction is wrong.  But Eileen thought that because she wasn't ready to move on, Lisa R. shouldn't either.  And therefore, Lisa didn't have her back.


Kim thinks being called a homewrecker is a joke and everyone needs to lighten up? Hope she feels the same way when her BFF Brandi is talking about her business. Next week- You're lying! You're lying! Hahahaha. Hahahaha. I don't even care. Nobody deserves this betrayal more than this spoiled child woman. I can't wait!


I think in this particular case, Kim was being genuine.  When Brandi was naming each person's sins, she said Kim was "taking every pill in the world", and Kim did laugh it off.  I was actually surprised.  She threw her arms up and said, "right'.

  • Love 4

We were discussing the slap on here when it was part of the season trailer before the show aired this year. In the original footage, several of us thought it looked fake, it was such a dinky slap it didn't even make a sound... it was more like a pat. They added the sound in later.


I'm not condoning it either, I just think the whole thing is hard to get worked up over, because Bravo basically let it slip that the slip was either completely staged or the force of Brandi's drunken claw was so minute that it might as well have been a feather hitting Lisa's cheek.

The slap itself is only a part of Brandi getting physical/nasty with Lisa tonight after saying she slept around with young hot guys in Europe the last 20 years. First she "jokes" that Lisa cheats on Ken, then she grabs Lisa to prevent her from leaving the boat, then she pushes her backward finalizing with the slap to Lisa's face after being told "NO, I don't want to slap you", several times. It was a bigger deal than a "pat" on the face IMO. Lisa dealt with it correctly though, she gave her, Brandi, NOTHING!

  • Love 16

It is the same ol' shit that Brandi has pulled many times. It is what she pulled on Kyle at the pot shop. Brandi was hoping to get Kyle to fight with her. It didn't work. That is why Brandi then had to yell in the streets.


Pandy isn't having it. You are done, Brandi!


I hear the clock just ticking and ticking on Brandi.  This cast doesnt like her (other than Kim and somewhat YodaLemons).  But I won't toot my own horn.



Can't wait for next week and Kyle telling Kim what her "friend" Brandi has been saying behind her back. Kim gets all itchy & twitchy.



Talk about trying to pull an Oscar out your ass by Kim Richards!  "You're lying!"  LMAO!  Kyle please reveal how much of a truth cannon you can be to your idiot sister.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 10

We were discussing the slap on here when it was part of the season trailer before the show aired this year. In the original footage, several of us thought it looked fake, it was such a dinky slap it didn't even make a sound... it was more like a pat. They added the sound in later.

I'm not condoning it either, I just think the whole thing is hard to get worked up over, because Bravo basically let it slip that the slip was either completely staged or the force of Brandi's drunken claw was so minute that it might as well have been a feather hitting Lisa's cheek.

That's good to know. I can't get worked up over it either. It was definitely wrong but it wasn't done out of anger or with malice like when LisaR threw the glass.

I found the most disturbing scene to be LisaR trying to BS Eileen. I can't help but wonder if she's playing nice to keep Kim quiet.

ETA: LisaR is far more interesting to analyze than Kim or Brandi. I'm tired of discussing their bad behavior.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 5

Supposedly, she is mocking Kyle, but I feel like we are seeing the essence of Brandi here. Frenetic, foul mouthed, and utterly lacking in finesse. She makes me wish I drank so that I wouldn't have to sit through this completely sober. Bah.


In addition, she's always the truth cannon, until someone tells the truth on her, and then it's, "just drop it!"




I'm not even sure what her point was with this tirade.  I seriously wonder if she did take something (someone mentioned Xanax, for anxiety) when she went into the bathroom because there are times, like on the boat, where she's just so fidgety and hyperactive and she works herself up into a frenzy.  If that's the case, then she should take the benzo before she arrives somewhere, so she's calmer from the beginning.  Brandi made Kim seem downright serene on the boat. 

  • Love 5

Can't wait for next week and Kyle telling Kim what her "friend" Brandi has been saying behind her back. Kim gets all itchy & twitchy.


Neither can I!


I so desperately want a GIF of Kim during that scene in the previews.





Truth hurts, doesn't it, Kim, you vacuous black hole of a human being.  

  • Love 20

These women are exhausting to watch.

Brandi does things she secretly has been planning to do all along -- slap someone, throw wine at someone, point a finger in someone's eye -- with the thought she can say "just joking!" and everything will be OK. She is a scary woman with a penchant for violence. She is a mean drunk, whether she wants to admit it or not.

Kim loves playing the victim. At any cost. Crying because poor widdle Kimmie isn't the most popular girl at the table.

Eileen is the only one with any sense.

Lisa R. may fall into the dark vortex of Housewife Hell if she isn't careful.

Kyle needs to step away from the table and go home. Since that's where her heart and happiness is.

Lisa V. should have spit at Brandi when slapped. Stiff upper lip and all that. Spit downward, look disdainfully at Brandi, put her nose up and walk away.

Yolonda...... please leave this show and take care of yourself. This isn't the way to health and happiness.

  • Love 6

Neither can I!


I so desperately want a GIF of Kim during that scene in the previews.





Truth hurts, doesn't it, Kim, you vacuous black hole of a human being.  


If Andy continues with those RH Awards I might vote for this as my favorite line.  Because it's so over the top, delusional and insane.  LMAO!

  • Love 4

LOL...it's on tape. There are simple rules in life, you can't slap other people without repercussions. Stalking has nothing to do with it. 



I didn't say to do it with the intent of prosecution or arrest.  But a cop will take a report and there will be a record of it for the next time.  Eventually there's a pattern.  This is why you constantly hear prosecutors ask people who are victims of domestic violence if they ever called the cops and got a complaint on record.  There is rarely, if ever, a witness.....but there is always a report filed.


And I disagree, there was threat.  Brandi blocked her from leaving a few times.  And a few more times after she did it.

So will we be prosecuting under Netherlands Law or Admiralty Law were they still on the boat when it happened?  Lucky Brandi and Lisa they get to go back to Amsterdam for the trial.  I have posted the contracts for the RH three times this week and in the contract there is a specific clause about being in physical contact and being uncomfortable. 

  • Love 1

Have to say - Kyle looked great in that red dress - and taller than usual...

I came to say the same thing. I love Kyle unapologetically but I have been known to roll my eyes at her closet full of strapless muumuus. But it's hard to look bad in Hervé Léger and I have to admit she killed it in that little red number.


I think we're going to be in the minority with our opinion of "the slap."  It was a really bad joke.  Brandi wanted LisaV to slap her first (Why? I don't know).  The promo made it seem like it was done in anger.  It wasn't. Was it wrong?  Yes.  Was it stupid?  Yes.  Was it funny?  No.........Brandi just does not know how to behave even when she's trying to be funny.

I think, even from the promo, it was obviously done in jest. But that doesn't make it okay. Lisa was obviously uncomfortable and Brandi kept escalating it. How do you go from everyone leaving graciously to a kiss to a slap? It's disgusting behaviour and she should be ashamed. That said, I wanted to kiss Lisa (yes, I get the irony) when she told her off. It really shouldn't have to come to that but Brandi needs a lecture like the one she got from LVP, as opposed to Yolanda who just keeps repeating "well, joo know joo shouldn't do dose dings."


Tonight I am just team pancake! Yum, I know what I am having for breakfast tomorrow.


Yupp! Dutch pancakes are delicious and surprisingly easy to make! 


I might be alone here, but after the filler we've gotten this season, I really liked this episode. It was nice to see Brandi on the other end of the truth canon. Plus, I was glad to see how the other women supported and complimented each other, for once. The dichotomy between their compliments and Brandi's, alongside their TH commentary, will hopefully be a wake up call for this nutcase. Or not, I don't really care anymore. But it was certainly eye-opening for the other ladies and that's enough for me.

Edited by rho
  • Love 13

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