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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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Lmfaooo. I can just picture Terrified Maxwell's schedule:

6:00 am: wake up

6:02: brush teeth

6:04-6:06 contemplate frumper and turtleneck combo

6:07-6:09 ration out current Xanax stash

I think obsessive scheduling is Terrified's way of issuing a modicum of control over her crappy life.

  • Love 7

Lmfaooo. I can just picture Terrified Maxwell's schedule:

6:00 am: wake up

6:02: brush teeth

6:04-6:06 contemplate frumper and turtleneck combo

6:07-6:09 ration out current Xanax stash

I think obsessive scheduling is Terrified's way of issuing a modicum of control over her crappy life.

Control. Pretty sure Michelle has lost it. I can't imagine how 'Duggar time' would work with any type of scheduling. It's hard y'all. I believe the Duggs are feral. They are barely giving a nod to the cult at this point. 


I don't want phony moderates in this tv slot. No Bates or Duggs or Willis families. I want the crazies, Max, Rods, and don't hold back on the reality of it. Then bump them off tv as soon as the money starts to change them. There are lots to choose from. Get that Voddie person centre stage. Hell have them all on, give them segments with low pay and specials whatever it takes so that one family doesn't get a monopoly on this crap. (trust funds for the kid of course) 

  • Love 7

Control. Pretty sure Michelle has lost it. I can't imagine how 'Duggar time' would work with any type of scheduling. It's hard y'all. I believe the Duggs are feral. They are barely giving a nod to the cult at this point. 


I don't want phony moderates in this tv slot. No Bates or Duggs or Willis families. I want the crazies, Max, Rods, and don't hold back on the reality of it. Then bump them off tv as soon as the money starts to change them. There are lots to choose from. Get that Voddie person centre stage. Hell have them all on, give them segments with low pay and specials whatever it takes so that one family doesn't get a monopoly on this crap. (trust funds for the kid of course) 

This time, it was Nancy Daniels herself knocking over the paperclip holder to get to the phone.

  • Love 1

It seems that these lady fundies actually get off their asses and do stuff. Does that mean the Jill and Jessa laziness isn't cult specific, but Duggar specific? Their entire role isn't just as functional uterus?

It's Duggar specific. These other ladies definitely do stuff.

  • Love 2

On Voddie Baucham (from The Seewalds)


h, Voddie B is worth knowing about when you're observing fundie homeschooling world. He's another who's extremely influential in some horrifying ways. To wit: https://homeschoolersanonymous.org/2015/01/16/the-child-as-viper-how-voddie-bauchams-theology-of-children-promotes-abuse/

'Due to his engaging communication style and rhetorical prowess, he has become one of the most sought-after speakers for Christian homeschool conferences. Over the last decade, Baucham has presented at an increasingly large number of such conferences all over the United States,[x] often keynoting alongside other national homeschool leaders such as HSLDA’s Michael Farris.[xi] He has received national visiblity beyond the Christian homeschooling movement due to his association with the Gospel Coalition and his controversial declaration that Michael Brown, a young black teenager shot multiple times by a white policeman, “reaped what he sowed.”[xii]

'The Child as Viper

'there are many aspects of Voddie Baucham’s worldview that deserve attention and introspection, this paper will focus on one specific aspect of his worldview: the image of the child as viper. Baucham frequently employs the image of the child as viper in his speeches and writings. It first appeared in Baucham’s 2007 sermon on “Child Training” at Hardin Baptist Church, and later appeared in writing in his 2011 book Family Shepherds.

'image of the child as viper is intended to invoke the Calvinist doctrine of total depravity in relation to children. It is meant to transform the way we think about children’s so-called “innocence” or “purity” and consequently transform the way we think about raising and disciplining children. Notably, it is meant as a criticism of modern child development experts and gentle parenting advocates who eschew authoritarian methods of parenting and harsh, punitive forms of corporal punishment. The child as viper is the foundation of Baucham’s defense of spanking.

'This image is also invoked in an attempt by Baucham to separate his ideas about child training from the ideas of people who (allegedly) deny total depravity, most notably Michael and Debi Pearl. In Baucham’s worldview, children are inherently broken and comparable to serial killers in their desire to shed blood. Thus the iconography of the child as viper is not simply intended to be humorous or poetic. It is intended to be concrete and applicable: just as one must restrain and control a viper from following its own, potentially murderous, nature, so too must one restrain and control a child from following their own, potentially murderous, nature.'

And more:


'And, they desperately need to be spanked and they need to be spanked often, they do. I meet people all the time ya’ know and they say, oh yeah, “There have only been maybe 4 or 5 times I’ve ever had to spank Junior.” “Really?” ‘That’s unfortunate, because unless you raised Jesus II, there were days when Junior needed to be spanked 5 times before breakfast.” If you only spanked your child 5 times, then that means almost every time they disobeyed you, you let it go.

Why do your toddlers throw fits? Because you’ve taught them that’s the way that they can control you. When instead you just need to have an all-day session where you just wear them out and they finally decide “you know what, things get worse when I do that.”


'Let me give you an example, a prime example. The so-called shy kid, who doesn’t shake hands at church, okay? Usually what happens is you come up, ya’ know and here I am, I’m the guest and I walk up and I’m saying hi to somebody and they say to their kid “Hey, ya’ know, say Good-morning to Dr. Baucham,” and the kid hides and runs behind the leg and here’s what’s supposed to happen. This is what we have agreed upon, silently in our culture. What’s supposed to happen is that, I’m supposed to look at their child and say, “Hey, that’s okay.” But I can’t do that. Because if I do that, then what has happened is that number one, the child has sinned by not doing what they were told to do, it’s in direct disobedience. Secondly, the parent is in sin for not correcting it, and thirdly, I am in sin because I have just told a child it’s okay to disobey and dishonor their parent in direct violation of scripture. I can’t do that, I won’t do that. I’m gonna stand there until you make ’em do what you said.'

I'm sure Oxford is proud.

Please excuse my language, but holy fucking shit. These people are whacked beyond belief. Wrong is not a strong enough word.

  • Love 13

According to the Maxwells, the Duggars do have a daily schedule. It isn't just a free-for-all of neglected children.


Yes, the Duggars USED to have the color-coded wall schedule...TEN YEARS AGO. I haven't seen one in evidence since the Johnson Rd. house days. They could have gone the spreadsheet route since then, but given the level of disorganization that is FILMED, I somehow doubt the last of the Howlers and all the Lost Girls have anything resembling a set schedule.

  • Love 4

Voddie or Baucham? Since the introduction of this freak brought to us by

The Seewald Family...I'm wondering which of his terrible awful no good very bad names will be given to the next of the seewaldii. Finally not one, but two names quite possibly worse than Spurgeon!

Is it just me or does Bauchum sound like debauch? Off to the prayer closet....

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 1

I find myself being kept up at night worrying about the younger Rodriguii generation. They literally look like they are starving.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out where that food went....right to the gut of their corpulent father...poor hungry little Rodriguii!

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 4

Voddie Baucham according to his posts is going to relocate to Africa?  Zambia, specifically.  Is he is danger of linking up with the nutcase Schrader, husband to one of Priscilla Waller's sisters?  Or did he leave America yet for yet another trip yet?  He was fundraising at his dad's over Christmas I think.  Scrader's father is the one who strong-arms the funds for the mission and the plane and refrigerator.  What a total community of nut cases.  Yeah, let's see the real crazies on TV.  Now there's a documentary to die for.  Well, maybe not die, but sure would be a change from all the do gooder docs out there.  Kind of like the docs of behaviorists filming animals but not helping them in any way even if they are starving, lack of water, which they could provide, or either minimal medical care or shooting the poor creature with festering wounds from being half eaten.

  • Love 1

Since you read through the blog, did you see the "schedule cake"? They really do schedule every minute of every day.

I did not, but will check it out in a minute. I WILL regret this, right?

Fuck me, but this Baucham guy is pure mad.


Why do his ilk hate children so much? Is it driven by fear? And what's up with those spanking fantasies?? Go and read 50 fucking shade of grey if that's what you're into, but don't take it out on defenceless children.


It could be argued if kids are innocent pure wee souls, but still, no child should be raised in fear. Heaven forbid they should be allowed to go at their own pace.


For someone who "studied at Oxford", he doesn't seem to have a particularly great grasp of English either.


Hold on while I go and puke mightily

  • Love 10

Riiiiiight..........I saw something that was an actual "schedule cake" - is that how they run their day? Seriously???


Just browsing through some stuff, they were flogging a TWO WEEK iphone course? If you need 2 weeks to know how to use an iphone, then perhaps you're not quite ready for that kind of technology. It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that its their business now, would it?

And yes, backup your stuff, it's called common sense.


Much of their older blog entries are just shameless plugs for whatever business they were into at that time.


They pretend to be all holy, but this doesn't quite match up really

  • Love 5

Please excuse my language, but holy fucking shit. These people are whacked beyond belief. Wrong is not a strong enough word.


In her book "Quiet", Susan Cain devotes an interesting chapter towards the concept that it's difficult to be a shy introvert in a Christian church.  Baucham certainly makes you see why.  The unspoken explanation being, I guess, that because you're supposed to proselytize any situation you have the chance to, it's ebil to be shy and retiring.


I mean, I do agree that kids should be pushed forward a little to shake hands even if they're hiders because interacting with adults is good for kids, but that's the adult's jobs - to draw out the kid from behind the leg.

  • Love 3
Voddie or Baucham? Since the introduction of this freak brought to us by

The Seewald Family...I'm wondering which of his terrible awful no good very bad names will be given to the next of the seewaldii. Finally not one, but two names quite possibly worse than Spurgeon!


I first read that as Voldie as in Voldemort.  After reading that clip about children as vipers, I don't think it's that far off.  Since when has shyness been counted as a sin? I agree with queenanne, that children should be pushed forward a little to shake hands, but it's the parents decision not some jackass standing there. There may be a reason the kid doesn't want to shake hands with you, Voldie, he senses what kind of evil, mean-spirited creep you are.

  • Love 9

I did not, but will check it out in a minute. I WILL regret this, right?

Fuck me, but this Baucham guy is pure mad.


Why do his ilk hate children so much? Is it driven by fear? And what's up with those spanking fantasies?? Go and read 50 fucking shade of grey if that's what you're into, but don't take it out on defenceless children.


It could be argued if kids are innocent pure wee souls, but still, no child should be raised in fear. Heaven forbid they should be allowed to go at their own pace.


For someone who "studied at Oxford", he doesn't seem to have a particularly great grasp of English either.


Hold on while I go and puke mightily

He is totally vile. And any idiot with money can do coursework at Oxford. How about a reality show following Voddiemort earning a degree from Oxford? That would be hilarious. 

  • Love 3

I find myself being kept up at night worrying about the younger Rodriguii generation. They literally look like they are starving.

A good start for Bin would be to start a food ministry just for them. I think ministering to people in his own fundie community might get him somewhere vs. nowhere in the intercity.

  • Love 3

He is totally vile. And any idiot with money can do coursework at Oxford. How about a reality show following Voddiemort earning a degree from Oxford? That would be hilarious.

That would be very funny. Of course it's also hllarious that he brags about his "Oxford education" because he strongly advocates against going to college.

  • Love 5

Isn't it rather immodest to brag about it? Whatever happened to humility?


I shall let it be known henceforth that I am, in fact, an Oxford graduate (and it's perfectly true), so I do expect you lot to bow down in total amazement.....right?


He is vile alright. Along with that one, Michael Pearl? How can you possibly beat an innocent wee child? How?? Wouldn't it break your heart to do so?


I was a very shy child and no amount of pushing would have persuaded me to be anything else. It's a combination of perhaps personal inclination, coupled with upbringing. Why on earth would I need to be "punished" because of that? That's not being loving.

  • Love 11

Isn't it rather immodest to brag about it? Whatever happened to humility?


I shall let it be known henceforth that I am, in fact, an Oxford graduate (and it's perfectly true), so I do expect you lot to bow down in total amazement.....right?


He is vile alright. Along with that one, Michael Pearl? How can you possibly beat an innocent wee child? How?? Wouldn't it break your heart to do so?


I was a very shy child and no amount of pushing would have persuaded me to be anything else. It's a combination of perhaps personal inclination, coupled with upbringing. Why on earth would I need to be "punished" because of that? That's not being loving.

Which college, Munich? :D I used to live there so I get all excited whenever the subject comes up in life. 


I guess when you've equated children to serial killers in your own head, beating them for being shy seems perfectly justified. Like when they train soldiers to think of the other side as "the enemy" and not human beings. 


What I continue to find appalling is that someone can basically go on the internet and say "Children are essentially serial killers and should have the holy crap beaten out of them for being shy"... present this entire philosophy in which children not only need to be beaten, but beaten often and severely (for the most minor infractions)...he has an open following that support his philosophy and give him money...and he isn't sitting behind bars somewhere. Why? Because Jesus. SERIOUSLY. Only because Jesus. Think about it. If you can stand it.

  • Love 12

In her book "Quiet", Susan Cain devotes an interesting chapter towards the concept that it's difficult to be a shy introvert in a Christian church.  Baucham certainly makes you see why.  The unspoken explanation being, I guess, that because you're supposed to proselytize any situation you have the chance to, it's ebil to be shy and retiring.

Because one thing we have seen is these folks cannot understand leading by example.  That is, be good people.  Be people that others are drawn to because you treat others well.  Instead they choose to be sanctimonious asshats. 


From this page on the schedule:   http://www.titus2.com/duggar-family.html 

"What is the key to Mrs. Duggar being a joyful mother to nineteen children? Is it the schedule or chore system? No. The key is her relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the strength that He gives. While the schedule and chore system have been invaluable aids along the way, they are simply tools!"


Um, a joyful mother?  Seriously?  How about a zoned out zombie? 

  • Love 9

Voddie Baucham according to his posts is going to relocate to Africa?  Zambia, specifically.  Is he is danger of linking up with the nutcase Schrader, husband to one of Priscilla Waller's sisters? 


Ah. Shrader. Another stellar pick by Pa Keller. Hard to tell who would actually win the bad-son-in-law sweepstakes in that family. Joshie truly has rivals. No wonder Anna's so confused. She can look at her sister married to John Shrader and her other sis married to David Waller and honestly wonder whether she may have gotten the best deal of the three.


This is what comes of handing your future over to your dad, the Bill Gothard acolyte.

  • Love 10

In her book "Quiet", Susan Cain devotes an interesting chapter towards the concept that it's difficult to be a shy introvert in a Christian church.  Baucham certainly makes you see why.  The unspoken explanation being, I guess, that because you're supposed to proselytize any situation you have the chance to, it's ebil to be shy and retiring.


I mean, I do agree that kids should be pushed forward a little to shake hands even if they're hiders because interacting with adults is goo

d for kids, but that's the adult's jobs - to draw out the kid from behind the leg.

The more I read about other churches, the gladder I feel that I was raised Catholic. No,need to speak much or socialize if you don't want to. Just show up for mass and leave when it's over. No one will,bother you.

  • Love 8

In her book "Quiet", Susan Cain devotes an interesting chapter towards the concept that it's difficult to be a shy introvert in a Christian church.  Baucham certainly makes you see why.  The unspoken explanation being, I guess, that because you're supposed to proselytize any situation you have the chance to, it's ebil to be shy and retiring.


I mean, I do agree that kids should be pushed forward a little to shake hands even if they're hiders because interacting with adults is good for kids, but that's the adult's jobs - to draw out the kid from behind the leg.

Their whole concept is so wrong. IMO there is nothing more innocent than a baby. And they do have to be guided and taught right from wrong and manners as well. But no one needs to be cruel while doing it. It seems they beat the curiosity out of kids and they beat the shyness out of kids, what's left? I cringe at thinking of the discomfort and fear these children live through. Emotional & physical terrorism, it what it is.

  • Love 6

Their whole concept is so wrong. IMO there is nothing more innocent than a baby. And they do have to be guided and taught right from wrong and manners as well. But no one needs to be cruel while doing it. It seems they beat the curiosity out of kids and they beat the shyness out of kids, what's left? I cringe at thinking of the discomfort and fear these children live through. Emotional & physical terrorism, it what it is.


No kidding.  If he had said "you know, because my grand/father took me around doing errands and introduced me to the regular shopkeepers/my parents made me dress up and pass around a platter of pigs in the blanket when they had parties.  I think that's the kind of things people ought to have their kids do, to teach them how to socialize with adults and a little bland experience with how grownups interact, so it doesn't seem a weird mystery as they start to grow; and then they wouldn't be cowering behind legs" (as many older folks did), that's one thing.  He's clearly not concerned about any pleasurable aspects of education for the kids, because it's good for the kids.  He's irritated because the kids aren't prepared to understand they need to provide him deference and kneel/curtsy.  

Edited by queenanne
  • Love 6

Voddie Baucham according to his posts is going to relocate to Africa?  Zambia, specifically.  Is he is danger of linking up with the nutcase Schrader, husband to one of Priscilla Waller's sisters?  Or did he leave America yet for yet another trip yet?  He was fundraising at his dad's over Christmas I think.  Scrader's father is the one who strong-arms the funds for the mission and the plane and refrigerator.  What a total community of nut cases.  Yeah, let's see the real crazies on TV.  Now there's a documentary to die for.  Well, maybe not die, but sure would be a change from all the do gooder docs out there.  Kind of like the docs of behaviorists filming animals but not helping them in any way even if they are starving, lack of water, which they could provide, or either minimal medical care or shooting the poor creature with festering wounds from being half eaten.

Small wonder some missionaries ended up in stewpots! I'm wondering why none of this lot have...perhaps cannibals have learned to be more discriminating in their tastes rather than eat something likely both tough and slimy.

  • Love 5

Well, as we all know, Jesus hated the little children and wanted to keep their grubby little serial killer viper paws as far away from his Holy self as possible. After all, is it not written, "To enter the kingdom thou must be as a middle-aged megalomaniac with an S&M streak."?



Edited by satrunrose
  • Love 23

Well, as we all know, Jesus hated the little children and wanted to keep their grubby little serial killer viper paws as far away from his Holy self as possible. After all, is it not written, "To enter the kingdom thou must be as a middle-aged megalomaniac with an S&M streak."?




Well, the kingdom may not use this criterion, but the upper echelons of Gothard's ATI, Dougie's Vision Forum and the other patriarchal cult groups definitely do.

  • Love 4

  My partner has Aspberger's syndrome and I shudder to think what would happen if someone like him got into Bauchman's sights.  Or anyone that has mental health issues.  He is a monster that shouldn't be allowed near anyone, especially children.


As a mother to a child with social anxiety disorder, I heartily concur!!

  • Love 4

Which college, Munich? :D I used to live there so I get all excited whenever the subject comes up in life. 


You did? How exciting! I'll send you a wee message, since this is off topic.


I don't want to think about the horrendous fact tbh. It seriously breaks my heart to know that there are children in this world that are raised in fear. Every child deserves a loving upbringing.


For some weird reason, I was wondering earlier whilst still in bed (don't ask..........and it is only half eight in the morning here) if the Maxhells spank? They made no mention of it as far as I can see. It'd be interesting to know in a way.


I always think that people who have such an unholy fascination with spanking are closet Masochists or SM inclined......

  • Love 2

I just watched an episode of the Bates. Nathan popped the courting question. His intended is a bi-racial Christian girl from the Bronx. There was full on frontal hugs, hand holding and laughter and joy. His courting gifts were awkwardly cute, as was the moment he asked. It felt so less contrived and much more heartfelt and real than the stilted and flat interactions of the Duggar dating relationships. 

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 2

Voddie Baucham is creepy. His ideas are disturbing and scary. I think it's hilarious that he exaggerates his education from Oxford


I once arrived in Oxford via the railways, and while there spent some time adjusting the decorative fastener on my shirt.


Guess I've trained AND studied in Oxford.

Edited by Gweilo
  • Love 11

The Rodriguii have a new precious moments/prayer letter combo up, and it includes a request that we all pray for the printing press and for Dave to be blessed with a new "folder" for his shop.  I'm serious.  Apparently war, crime, world hunger etc are far less urgent concerns to Dave Rodrigues and that crap can wait.  He needs a new folder, dammit!!!!  Those bible tracts don't fold themselves, you know.  


I expect everyone here to remember Dave and his printing press in their prayers tonight.  We can't let him down! 


He lists his cell phone and the family phone number in his prayer letter, and also the address of their family home is prominently featured.  That (especially the home address) just seems so unwise to me.  From the look of that home tour video, their house looks kind of isolated and advertising when they are out of town the way they do ... it just seems like a robbery waiting to happen.  You just never know when some 75 year old grandma is going to back up her minivan to the front door and steal all of Jill's most treasured tchotchkes and inspirational wall plaques.   Although from the look of the place, it might take the Rodriquii weeks to notice anything is even missing.



Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 5

Just read the latest Rodriguii blog entry and both of them are off the rails.  It isn't enough to ask for prayers for a printer part, he feels the need to specify the part??  Might as well just say that if anyone has an extra laying around, please send.  And Jill's entry (notably on the back) was a hot mess.  She signed it  "Longing to hear Well Done".... Prideful much?  Assholes

Edited by tabloidlover
  • Love 1

Just read the latest Rodriguii blog entry and both of them are off the rails.  It isn't enough to ask for prayers for a printer part, he feels the need to specify the part??  Might as well just say that if anyone has an extra laying around, please send.  And Jill's entry (notably on the back) was a hot mess.  She signed it  "Longing to hear Well Done".... Prideful much?  Assholes

Maybe someone should tell them that back in the days of the very first printing presses, it wasn't sales of the bible that were keeping Johannes Gutenberg afloat, but the side business he had selling printed pornographic material. That was where his money was coming from.

  • Love 7

Methinks Michelle has confused her 'relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ' with the power of a Xanax or two.

Also, all that 'the Lord, Jesus Christ' seems similar to me to what another poster astutely pointed out about Ma Duggar's constant reference to #19, ('the one with lots of adjectives') as 'Our Newest Tiny Miracle, Josie'. What's with having to refer to another with a long string of titles? This seems the opposite of all that intimacy they proclaim is theirs via their allegedly oh-so-close relationship with their God. I call bullshit.

Change of venue for this total whacko: I vote he relocates himself on a direct, nonstop flight straight to Hades. He is one sick dude.

And being reserved, introverted, shy is neither selfish nor sinful. And to deign the parents, the child, and anyone who does not SHAME and PUNISH the child for being true to his/her nature as SINFUL is nothing short of insane.

And this guy's book is being promoted by the Seewalds?

  • Love 1

On one hand I appreciate these crazed control freaks being upfront about considering personality types to be signs of sin.  I've left several churches immediately upon hearing certain key phrases.  The shy being sin is near the top of the list being I was a shy child and one of my children was shy. 

  • Love 2

When you have a rounded back and your chest collapses, it's a posture of meekness and submission. Opening your heart does the exact opposite, telegraphing confidence and authority.

I copied that sentence from an "about yoga" website. I find it quite telling that meek, submissive Princilla Waller, among other Fundie females, stand with such poor posture.

Mama Rodriguez is certainly THRILLED about this fetus with a birth defect which made it incompatible with life. So wait, she gets to decide who is a "true parent" and who is not? That's some serious judgeiness right there.


  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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