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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

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36 minutes ago, beckie said:

Jonathan probably doesn't know how to cook and may or may not know how to prepare the most basic food, so only eats when someone else makes it so ends up not eating a lot.

Who knows?

Most of us learn when faced with that situation, lol.

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7 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

Most of us learn when faced with that situation, lol.

But he is a MAN. And men in their world are FED. Maybe he stops by the Rod barndo for dinner, but I imagine that's slim pickings. I have no clue what he eats for breakfast or lunch. Does he even have a fridge at his basement studio? A hotplate? It doesn't look like there are lots of options for getting an egg mcmuffin or a sandwich somewhere. Their area seems very rural, and we don't even know what he does. If he works in town, then he has some options. But I think he's working on a farm or doing manual labor in a rural setting. I hope he's getting enough to eat. 

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25 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

That widened doorway looks like garbage.

Agreed.   Now there are big gaps around it so it will be drafty.   "Hi Amy and Mom, we cut up Mom's house and made it look terrible, but your wheelchairs can go through, aren't we great?"   

Plus I see Jill is tackifying her parents' house.   I hope Dad went through when she left and took everything down.

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8 hours ago, Future Cat Lady said:

I think that people who commented on Jill's FB page and the ones giving them money probably see nothing wrong with Jill's actions. They think she's a godly woman. They probably think she deserves her vacations. This lot seems to forgive and justify anything as long as you believe in the right Jesus.

Look at all the people who followed the Pearls. You would think that Jesus was against beating children, but apparently not.

Speaking of the Pearls, was the woman, (I think her name was Hannah) who left the awesome, fuck-you-Jill comment on the newest post about Ma, the Pearls daughter?

5 hours ago, beckie said:

Jonathan probably doesn't know how to cook and may or may not know how to prepare the most basic food, so only eats when someone else makes it so ends up not eating a lot.

Who knows?

If Kaylee cooks no better than her POS mother, he won’t be putting on any pounds after the wedding either.

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5 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Speaking of the Pearls, was the woman, (I think her name was Hannah) who left the awesome, fuck-you-Jill comment on the newest post about Ma, the Pearls daughter?

The Pearls don't have a daughter named Hannah.  One is Shoshanna, but that's as close as they get.  Their kids have a ton of kids, though, Debi and Michael have upwards of 20 grandkids.  Some of them would be young adults, but I don't know any of their names.

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I'm not sure whether to be sad that the girls worked while staying with their grandparents while their parents' were off on another vacation to a place they'll never get to go. Or point out that her daughters' did something nice for their grandfather while Jill was off on another vacation who never does anything for their parents. 

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56 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

and why does it have a cold air return vent cover on the bottom of an exterior door?

His half-assed way of blocking up the bottom gap.   If that is a vent cover, how are wheelchairs getting over it?   You need a smooth rolling service too, not just a wider door.  But you can't expect DBD to think of everything.   

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Do you suppose Jill and David paid for the new door? No. Jill would have to brag about something like that. 

Jill's contribution is to decorate 'cause it's "her thing"? Just what Ma's care team needs--dust collectors and tripping hazards.  

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2 hours ago, crazy8s said:

and why does it have a cold air return vent cover on the bottom of an exterior door?

I wondered the same thing. 🤔

56 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

The vent at the bottom of the door is for air flow. I assume they have forced air heating, and perhaps central air. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It looks like it’s probably a manufactured home.

Yes, they live in a trailer (that’s what we call them).

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I misread jill's post - I thought she said david widened an exterior door and a bedroom door. The vent looks weird, but maybe the old door also had such a thing.

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12 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

He didn’t even bother to put a frame around it.

I had kind of assumed that the trim was going to go up, and that Jill just couldn't wait to brag on her wonderful, handy hunk. I suppose that might be an overly generous assumption, though. I will give him minor props for actually doing the job, though...I'm sure it will be of some help.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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19 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

Jon looks like poo because he has been saving $ for a house, probably buying groceries weekly for Rodrigues moochers, bills etc. I doubt he is making six figures. 
His parents should have stopped him from getting married.

I don’t think his parents could stop him from getting married, however I wish his parents insisted that he lived nearer to them, than the rods. 

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I'm sure they could have incentivized living closer to them.  Maybe, just maybe, they'll wake up and still do that after the wedding.  

I'm normally opposed to interfering or trying to encourage adults one way or another in their decisions.  I make an exception for anything to with Jill though.

Edited by Absolom
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24 minutes ago, FizzyPuff said:

I don’t think his parents could stop him from getting married, however I wish his parents insisted that he lived nearer to them, than the rods. 

1 minute ago, Absolom said:

I'm sure they could have incentivized living closer to them.  Maybe, just maybe, they'll wake up and still do that after the wedding.  

I'm normally opposed to interfering or tying to encourage adults one way or another in their decisions.  I make an exception for anything to with Jill though.

When Jon first popped up in JillR's social media, I looked up his family online. At that time his father's church had a lot of information about the Hills on its website. IIRC not long afterwards, the site was scrubbed of almost all info on the Hill family. My impression, mostly from the info then available, is that Dad Hill is IMO quite the fundie authoritarian headship, underpinned by a better than average education and a past career as an executive (with that company that produces the crap ACE "educational" curriculum used by fundies at home and maybe also at fundie schools). There are several children, and IIRC at that time both Jon and one of his brothers were regularly speaking/preaching at their dad's church Sunday night (and maybe Wednesday night?) services. Maybe there was some tension between Jon and his dad or brother and he wanted some space to be his own man. That's 101% pure speculation on my part. I also suspect that although the Hills and Rods share the same theology, the Hills probably consider themselves several cuts above the Rods as to education, life skills, etc.

Ma Hill, IIRC, runs a small farm raising some kind of critter that I can't remember, and looks like she spends a lot of time outdoors in the fresh air and wears little to no makeup. Kind of the anti-JillR, LOL. The Hills give me the creeps, just in a slightly different way than the Rods do. Doesn't surprise me if Jon in fact fits right in with Not-Nurie's clan.

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13 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

I'm not sure whether to be sad that the girls worked while staying with their grandparents while their parents' were off on another vacation to a place they'll never get to go. Or point out that her daughters' did something nice for their grandfather while Jill was off on another vacation who never does anything for their parents. 

I’m sad that none of these kids are receiving any kind of education at all at this point. 

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David seems to be smiling (or at least looking conscious) in a lot of recent photos. I bet Jill, in her sweetest baby voice , impressed upon him the need to show how much he enjoys serving the lord and being married to her. 

I hope every grin makes his face hurt. 

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18 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

I’m sad that none of these kids are receiving any kind of education at all at this point. 

Now you've done it! Jilldo is probably working on making faking a video of a day of her teaching her brood at this very moment! (jk - I agree with you!)

Edited by BetyBee
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So far JillR hasn’t posted anything about the kids and school even though the lack of homeschooling was noted by us and Reddit and probably other snark sites too. In her world we want/need to see most of all, her vacations and her godly marriage. Then how hard Shrek works and finally, how much she helped out her poor parents. No time for silly homeschooling. Next will be the wedding, then Nurthan #2. By the time we get through the holidays, it will be time for her southern grifting tour. The girls will really have to step it up once Kaylee is gone so there is absolutely no chance much homeschooling will be done. 

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We already know Jill is excellent at writing fiction, even if her grammar and spelling are terrible.  I can just imagine those homeschooling reports she has to file every year.  Does anyone actually review them or do they just go "reports received, mom says all the kids passed, all good."

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“I finished unpacking all of their decor and finished the decorating and hanging up the wall hangings.”

This is so rude. Not only is it totally inappropriate to “decorate” someone else’s home while they are ill, but she’s wording this as if her parents bought all that tacky stuff and she’s doing them a favor by “unpacking.” I don’t know what her parents walls looked like before, but they’re now cluttered with photos of Jill and her siblings and a bunch of Hobby Lobby “wall art” with those stupid inspirational sayings on them like “Life made us sisters, love made us friends.”  

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46 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

We already know Jill is excellent at writing fiction, even if her grammar and spelling are terrible.  I can just imagine those homeschooling reports she has to file every year.  Does anyone actually review them or do they just go "reports received, mom says all the kids passed, all good."

I firmly believe Jill and David bought the barndo where they did because they knew Wayne Co. Ohio was not as strict as other counties in the state.  It appears that someone with the county school system does review the reports for each Rodling at the end of the school year.  Here's the text of what is required for each child by the state--

(A) The parent(s) shall send to the superintendent an academic assessment report of the child for the previous school year at the time of supplying subsequent notification.

(B) The academic assessment report shall include one of the following:

(1) Results of a nationally normed, standardized achievement test.

(a) Such test shall be administered by:

(i) A licensed or certified teacher; or

(ii) Another person mutually agreed upon by the parent(s) and the superintendent; or

(iii) A person duly authorized by the publisher of the test.

(b) Results should demonstrate reasonable proficiency as compared to other children in the district at the same grade level. Any child that has a composite score at or above the twenty-fifth percentile shall be deemed to be performing at a level of reasonable proficiency.

(2) A written narrative indicating that a portfolio of samples of the child's work has been reviewed and that the child's academic progress for the year is in accordance with the child's abilities.

(a) The written narrative shall be prepared by:

(i) A licensed or certified teacher; or

(ii) Other person mutually agreed upon by the parent(s) and the superintendent.

(b) The parent(s) shall be responsible for the payment of fees charged for preparation of the narrative.

(3) An alternative academic assessment of the child's proficiency mutually agreed upon by the parent and the superintendent.

(C) If the parent(s) chooses to have the standardized testing conducted as part of the school district scheduled testing program, there shall be no cost to the parent(s). The time and location for testing shall be established by the school district.

(D) If the parent(s) chooses to have the standardized testing conducted privately, the parent(s) shall pay for the testing. The time and location for testing shall be established by the parent(s).

We know Jill is not paying anyone for the standardized tests and assessments.  I bolded the part that makes me believe Jill has worked out some arrangement with the superintendent.  

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53 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Hobby Lobby “wall art” with those stupid inspirational sayings on them like “Life made us sisters, love made us friends.”  

When will this trend DIE already?

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18 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I firmly believe Jill and David bought the barndo where they did because they knew Wayne Co. Ohio was not as strict as other counties in the state.  It appears that someone with the county school system does review the reports for each Rodling at the end of the school year.  Here's the text of what is required for each child by the state--

(A) The parent(s) shall send to the superintendent an academic assessment report of the child for the previous school year at the time of supplying subsequent notification.

(B) The academic assessment report shall include one of the following:

(1) Results of a nationally normed, standardized achievement test.

(a) Such test shall be administered by:

(i) A licensed or certified teacher; or

(ii) Another person mutually agreed upon by the parent(s) and the superintendent; or

(iii) A person duly authorized by the publisher of the test.

(b) Results should demonstrate reasonable proficiency as compared to other children in the district at the same grade level. Any child that has a composite score at or above the twenty-fifth percentile shall be deemed to be performing at a level of reasonable proficiency.

(2) A written narrative indicating that a portfolio of samples of the child's work has been reviewed and that the child's academic progress for the year is in accordance with the child's abilities.

(a) The written narrative shall be prepared by:

(i) A licensed or certified teacher; or

(ii) Other person mutually agreed upon by the parent(s) and the superintendent.

(b) The parent(s) shall be responsible for the payment of fees charged for preparation of the narrative.

(3) An alternative academic assessment of the child's proficiency mutually agreed upon by the parent and the superintendent.

(C) If the parent(s) chooses to have the standardized testing conducted as part of the school district scheduled testing program, there shall be no cost to the parent(s). The time and location for testing shall be established by the school district.

(D) If the parent(s) chooses to have the standardized testing conducted privately, the parent(s) shall pay for the testing. The time and location for testing shall be established by the parent(s).

We know Jill is not paying anyone for the standardized tests and assessments.  I bolded the part that makes me believe Jill has worked out some arrangement with the superintendent.  

I came to the same conclusions when I looked up the standards about a year ago. I predictably looked them up when Jill did her annual LOOK AT WHAT A RESPONSIBLE HOMESCHOOLER I AM!!!!11 post. I do wonder who the person mutually agreed upon to look at the kids' portfolios is. They never give us an end of year assessment, which isn't surprising since the kids are likely all deficient. 

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I may be confusing the Rods with some other kids, but weren't they found to be cheating on their "standardized" tests a couple of years ago?  If it as I remember it, then how can Jill continue "schooling" and testing as before?  Wouldn't cheating require extra supervision during testing?

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29 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

I may be confusing the Rods with some other kids, but weren't they found to be cheating on their "standardized" tests a couple of years ago?  If it as I remember it, then how can Jill continue "schooling" and testing as before?  Wouldn't cheating require extra supervision during testing?

If it was the Rods, that would have been when they were living in West Virginia.  They moved to Ohio to escape something or somethings in WV.  Being caught cheating with state required tests could have been one of their reasons for moving. 

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There was something that went down with two of the Rod kids, their first year in Ohio, IIRC. I don't remember if it was cheating, but it was definitely along those lines. I forget how the news got out, but it was credible. It might have even come from Jill. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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I think Jill did post it herself on fb that they found out some of their children cheat on their year end evaluations.  I thought it was 4 of them.

I have always suspected Phillip was one of them.

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4 hours ago, charmed1 said:

This is so rude. Not only is it totally inappropriate to “decorate” someone else’s home while they are ill, but she’s wording this as if her parents bought all that tacky stuff and she’s doing them a favor by “unpacking.” I don’t know what her parents walls looked like before, but they’re now cluttered with photos of Jill and her siblings and a bunch of Hobby Lobby “wall art” with those stupid inspirational sayings on them like “Life made us sisters, love made us friends.”  

It makes me think that Jill, the total narcissist, is marking the territory of her parents, daughters, etc. as her territory.  Her decor is her scent and droppings.

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Just now, sagittarius sue said:

It makes me think that Jill, the total narcissist, is marking the territory of her parents, daughters, etc. as her territory.  Her decor is her scent and droppings.

She might as well pee in the corners. 

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18 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

There was something that went down with two of the Rod kids, their first year in Ohio, IIRC. I don't remember if it was cheating, but it was definitely along those lines. I forget how the news got out, but it was credible. It might have even come from Jill. 

I think that was the school year before Covid hit.  I think the shutdowns threw the monitoring into chaos, and Jill also learned how the finesse the evaluations.

Edited by sagittarius sue
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6 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

David seems to be smiling (or at least looking conscious) in a lot of recent photos. I bet Jill, in her sweetest baby voice , impressed upon him the need to show how much he enjoys serving the lord and being married to her. 

I hope every grin makes his face hurt. 

One less kid to feed soon perhaps perked him up

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