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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

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Ma Keilen's hair is indeed the mystery.  Who would think that was appealing and how on earth did she get it into that shape?  I think it looked a little better at the wedding.

My husband happened by the TV when Ma Keilen was on. Even he noticed her hair. And this is a man who doesn't notice when I cut or color my hair.


Chalkboard erasers.

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Why do all the fundie women have such bad posture? They all seem very round shouldered and slouchy.

Being confident with your shoulders straight might intimidate or defraud any male. Those big piles of hair weigh down your neck. Bad nutrition and perpetual pregnancy then baby carrying destroys our bone density and posture.
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Didn't Fred's Wilma have those bangs?!? I like the way Mrs and Mr Keilen are wearing matching gingham shirts! So very Fundie!


Thank you. I just kept thinking "cartoon character, cartoon character," but I couldn't remember which one.

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I'll eat my hat if he's even 5'7". Zach is the same. Lawson isn't much taller, 5'9", tops. Trace is the only one who looks like he's hit 6', and he's noticeably taller than all of his brothers, although Nathan is not that much shorter. At any rate, aside from Zach, when you see them together, you can see how short Gil is. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Have mercy on me, when the poster said Gill Bates was short, I read Bill Gates and thought, really, I never noticed.  If you all had never mentioned it I probably wouldn't have read it that way.  But once I make a mistake, I repeat it endlessly.

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Because this is a snark board, I'm gonna say it. Gil has put on some weight. He is looking chubby. How old is he? Like 50 to 53? Guess the sons do all the tree cutting work and he is the boss now...sitting around.

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Because this is a snark board, I'm gonna say it. Gil has put on some weight. He is looking chubby. How old is he? Like 50 to 53? Guess the sons do all the tree cutting work and he is the boss now...sitting around.

Way back on the TWoP boards posters were talking about Gil as the hot fundy. Yes, really. I wanted to see want all the fuss was about since I don't watch 19&C in real time and the morning re-runs weren't up to the Bates participation yet. So I googled and found a promising link and clicked on it. Wham, bam and bad things went down on my screen. Gil gave me a fundy bug and he wasn't even that hot. NOT sweet fellowship...

Edited by Almost 3000
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I never watched a United Bates of America episode. We had a snow day today so I decided what the hell. I've seen the Bates on the Duggar's show, but WOW…I'm not praising the Bates' by any means, ensconced as they are in an idiotic cult, but purely just in terms of watchability, TLC really missed the boat. I have no idea why they thought the Duggars were a better score…Gil and Kelly have just as many kids and they spout the same stupid modesty crap and all that, but they are INFINITELY more likeable than the robotic, creepy Duggars. The kids are brighter, the parents more natural, Kelly speaks to her children with authority and not in some weird Xanax baby-voice slur, I'm three episodes in and I still don't know Kelly's menstrual cycle, and Gil is totally lacking that eu de used car salesman, oily energy that Boob has. 

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I just watched Michaela Bates wedding. I thought it was lovely and touching. Gil and Kelly behaved how normal people should when their daughter gets married. No talk of sex or procreation. All three Duggar weddings gave me the creeps because of Jim Bob's constant sex references on the day of the weddings. There is something very wrong in the Duggar family that goes beyond Josh's issues.



I completely forgot to watch Michael's wedding and am kicking myself. 

I watched. The editors are more talented the the Duggar editors. The Bates appear more heartfelt than scripted. And Michael seemed super calm, yet sweetly eager to get married. Brandon seems one step ahead of his brothers-in-law, in a low key way, and appears to really love Michael. During the ceremony he can be seen rubbing Michael's fingers and other subtle things.


I know they're all Gothards, yet the Bates' sons-in-law all seem to be caring and hard working men.

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Watching the Bates family makes me happy, and I am about as far from a fundie as one can get. They just come off as a fun and loving family. And the older kids seem to have their own lives. Alyssa wears pants and she's not shunned.

The wedding episode was beautiful. They mentioned Jana specifically and even used her last name. She was also in the episode before. You could see Joy and other Duggar kids during the episode too.

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Da fuq am I looking at? How does one even make that hair happen?

 That hair is Lily Tomlin as Ernestine, the phone operator on Laugh-In.


You would have to time-travel back to 1970 to recreate that look.

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Chad needs to be cloned. I would leave my husband for him in a heartbeat!!! How sweet and loving is he!!

As for Michael looking for a wedding dress she has ugly taste. I watched the very ending of the wedding but have the full wedding beingtaped later on. I liked everything but her dress and her hair. I wish she would have cut a goot 6 inches off and had it styled differently.

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I have to comment about Jana helping fix Michael's dress during the ceremony. After watching episode again, it looked more of a logistic thing rather than whose job it was, even tho it is usually the maid of honor's. Jana was standing on the step that was aligned with the train of Michael's dress so it looked like she just stepped over to fix the dress. Erin & Kelly were at the top of the steps. They would have had to turn, go down a few steps, fix dress then go back up. They probably didn't give any thought to who would do it & Jana was closer & nice to do it.

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The modifications have all been so obvious and ruined the fit, lie, and form of the dresses so no wonder people don't like them.  They really need to look at modest dresses from the beginning. 

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Can we talk about the Maxwell Family in this thread!? So much snark after a poster mentioned them then I spent a good hour reading their blog. (nice layout) Over controlling parents and SAHD that will never leave because daddy must have his exotic "Mexican" food.



At least they make real food from scratch vs. opening a bunch of packages and dumping them into a pan and baking.

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Can we talk about the Maxwell Family in this thread!? So much snark after a poster mentioned them then I spent a good hour reading their blog. (nice layout) Over controlling parents and SAHD that will never leave because daddy must have his exotic "Mexican" food.



At least they make real food from scratch vs. opening a bunch of packages and dumping them into a pan and baking.

Wow, like magic, close your eyes and it appears here.

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Can we talk about the Maxwell Family in this thread!? So much snark after a poster mentioned them then I spent a good hour reading their blog. (nice layout) Over controlling parents and SAHD that will never leave because daddy must have his exotic "Mexican" food.



At least they make real food from scratch vs. opening a bunch of packages and dumping them into a pan and baking.


Nutty as they are, a lot of the other nutty families of this ilk that I know of do seem to display some sorts of competence and energy. Picture MEEEchelle writing an article like Teri's here on why homeschoolers should give the kids report cards, for example.     http://articles.titus2.com/seven-important-reasons-why-homeschoolers-should-give-report-cards/?utm_source=155&utm_medium=288&utm_campaign=423


Yet again I wonder what is wrong with people who view the Duggars as role models for this mode of life. If you want a role model for nutso living, there are many who have way more to offer, nutty or not.

Edited by Churchhoney
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The Maxwell's have done a bang up job of marketing their businesses, heavy on print, books, report cards, whatever.  Recipe books too.  They really market the dickens out of themselves.  And yes, all these big families seem to have a SAHD.  Large families who are not fundy also often have one, and most families have a daughter who is particularly attentive to the parents and keeps up well with all the nieces and nephews.  I'll never forget my Auntie Bert.

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I agree, Mick Picks, their blog is nice and clean not slapped together looking. 


The daughters while being SAHD do make an effort to actually help others by cooking and baking and delivering (nursing home for Christmas). We never have seen the Duggars visit a nursing home and bring any home baked treats. Hell they expect people to bring them food.


While they are batshit crazy with their "training" of their children at least they know how to cook. MEChelle would be shocked that their food is fresh and not processed. Does she even know where to buy fresh food?


IDK I find the Maxwells kinda creepy that they have to do everything together. Are they never allowed to be alone? I would die if I had my life scheduled all day long. 

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I agree, Mick Picks, their blog is nice and clean not slapped together looking.

The daughters while being SAHD do make an effort to actually help others by cooking and baking and delivering (nursing home for Christmas). We never have seen the Duggars visit a nursing home and bring any home baked treats. Hell they expect people to bring them food.

While they are batshit crazy with their "training" of their children at least they know how to cook. MEChelle would be shocked that their food is fresh and not processed. Does she even know where to buy fresh food?

IDK I find the Maxwells kinda creepy that they have to do everything together. Are they never allowed to be alone? I would die if I had my life scheduled all day long.

The Maxwell girls have to work out together... IN THE BASEMENT with skirts on, no less.

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They also do church at the nursing home with Stevehovah as the pastor. I guess it guarantees a captive audience for his particular brand of lunacy.

I don't know of a man with any self respect who would marry into Maxhell. No way Steve lets a daughter actually leave and cleave, especially a money-maker like Poor Sarah.

Sarah just got a puppy. IF she is ever allowed to leave (and at 34 it's less and less likely), will she be allowed to take Ellie with her? Because like the Duggars, even the SAHs of both genders (all Maxwells now that Mary is 18), don't have anything they can call their own. Well, except the one who wears glasses.

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