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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I find it interesting that the same article has been posted on various sites and the comments are all negative toward's MEchelle. With that being said any normal person would just retreat into their hidey hole and never come out but not MEchelle so convinced of her convictions that she keeps on posting the most vile crap. She needs a day or a whole week working in a woman's shelter so she can hear stories of abusive situations and how her convictions are not right because men take those convictions and feel that it's a pass to rape their SO.

Yes, yes, yes! Do they even acknowledge the concept of spousal rape? Ugh! I never fully thought about that before but I am a little sick to my stomach right now.

  • Love 4

When I first saw that, I believed he was giving marital advice as he understands it. "Ben, this is what you can do when you are married." There is nothing remotely subtle about JimBob as -- I think -- we all agree.

"Hey, you guys, watch this! Don't try this at home!" Hyuk hyuk hyuk. Pump, pump, pump as Michelle pretends to find it hilarious with her crazy hair flopping all over. Yeah, I have no idea how Josh got any inappropriate ideas about boundaries.

  • Love 10
I don't know how Anna or the other kids keep from slugging them in the face at times when they persist in arrogantly spouting their same old lines, even when those "ideas" have been repeatedly proven to fail. And yet you see pretty much no visible rebellion or questioning. Evidence doesn't seem to have any effect on Duggarling (or Duggarling-in-law) brains. I don't get it.

It's called brainwashing.

  • Love 2

It's called brainwashing.


I know. It may also be -- specifically -- the brainwashing of the stupid or the weak or the fearful, though. I experienced very very heavy attempts at brainwashing myself, and they worked for others, but not for me -- not enough to keep me on the ranch spouting uncritical praise, at least --  and I've seen this happen in other families, too. So it still makes me wonder what's wrong with the Duggar kids that nobody so far seems to show any signs of rejecting the brainwashing. Something has to account for having no noticeable dissenting voices in the top eight, who are all of an age to leave or make noises opposing the regime if they wanted to. I honestly think that you can only account for this by concluding that most of the Duggar kids are naturally weak-willed, fear-driven and dumb as stumps. I hate to conclude that about a bunch of young people. But to the degree that they are weak, fearful and dull, they may actually be happy living eternally in the world that JB and M have envisioned for them, because it's definitely a world made for the incurious and the fearful.


Not a world that should be held up as an ideal in the media, though.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

Maybe it has to do with the fact that it's been happening literally since the moment they were born? If these kids are all susceptible (because they have no critical thinking skills, curiosity, don't question authority, whatever?), it's because their parents made sure they were that way. Although apparently similar families (like the Kellers) have had children break away. But maybe they were a different sort of parents, or those kids were born with a sort of innate intelligence the Duggars just don't have?

  • Love 4

Yes, yes, yes! Do they even acknowledge the concept of spousal rape? Ugh! I never fully thought about that before but I am a little sick to my stomach right now.

If the women are taught to willingly submit at moment's notice, would they consider it rape?  I'm talking, them, not us.  And maybe I am being naive, but some of those men look like they would be considerate.  I'm thinking Chad Paine and Zach Bates.

  • Love 2

Maybe it has to do with the fact that it's been happening literally since the moment they were born? If these kids are all susceptible (because they have no critical thinking skills, curiosity, don't question authority, whatever?), it's because their parents made sure they were that way. Although apparently similar families (like the Kellers) have had children break away. But maybe they were a different sort of parents, or those kids were born with a sort of innate intelligence the Duggars just don't have?


My family did this, too. And, yes, it does warp your brain. Unavoidably, because they're busy wiring your brain to survive and prosper in their world, and that inevitably involves having some of their thoughts very deep among your thoughts. But from what I've seen of my own family -- who are every bit the brainwashers that the Duggars are -- and some other families I know, it's still pretty unusual to go through eight kids and not produce one who's noticeably uttered anything in opposition to them.


Even the one noticeable behavioral outlier -- Josh -- nevertheless not only clings to their skirts but continues to spout all their crap. I know for a fact that not everybody is so easy to brainwash.


You can't avoid being seriously seriously warped by it -- but it clearly is possible for them to fail at shutting down, for some people at least, the parts of you that question what's going on, object to what's going on, and run away.


Now, some people who believe the stuff the Duggars do may well not be as talented at or, mostly, as committed to brainwashing as the Duggars. The Kellers may fall into this category. The Duggs brainwash, I believe, for the same reason most brainwashers do -- because they're sick, power-mad, ethics-free control freaks, not because they embrace some particular ideology or theology. Nevertheless, even in families every bit as sick and evil and fully committed to brainwashing as the Duggars -- and I guarantee that mine was, as are a couple of others I know of -- somebody here and there sees the light, often at a pretty early age, and runs when the chance arises -- at least by late teens, mid-twenties. That's why I think it has to be something in the nature of these particular kids that makes them so placid. Brainwashing babies always utterly warps and cripples them, I expect. Messes up the impulses and the deep unconscious feelings and so on. But it doesn't make every single one go along with the brainwashing on a conscious level. And if the Duggars have yet produced somebody who isn't swallowing their crap whole, we don't seem to have any evidence of it.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 2

If the women are taught to willingly submit at moment's notice, would they consider it rape? I'm talking, them, not us. And maybe I am being naive, but some of those men look like they would be considerate. I'm thinking Chad Paine and Zach Bates.

Oh, I didn't mean to imply that all marital sex among these folks was rape - sorry. I was wondering whether they could encounter someone who was, for example, violently assaulted by a spouse and think of it as rape. I don't believe they would condone the violence, but would they think some variant of, "She must not have made herself appropriately available." Do they recognize any line at all that a husband has no right to cross? If so, what is it? And if they recognize any situation in which a wife can say No, shouldn't that mean she can say No whenever she wishes? Or only in circs that some

male authority defines for her? And does the husband still get some kind of pass because Satan unfortunately got hold of him?

  • Love 2

Churchhoney, if you don't mind sharing - did your family practice blanket training or similar? I am wondering if severely controlling babies right from the get-go would result in a fundamental terror of straying at all. Surely babies experience that as a withdrawal of affection, which is one of the most effective and cruel ways you can control a child.

I think I recall that Josh and maybe a few others were born before JB and M went totally nutso, and Josh seems to me to be rebelling all over the place, while being too chicken to be open about it. Maybe the subsequent kids, who we think were blanket-trained, etc., are much more firmly in harness. Totally speculation, of course. But no matter how they did it, the Duggars have shamefully raised 19 humans to be blind to their own potential, and to the full wonders of being alive.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 4

These people are deeply disturbed. How can Michelle think it's a good idea to give sex advice on the internet? Her son, that she raised is in a "rehab" being "treated" for sex addiction. Four of her daughters were molested by him on her watch.


This! The last thing that any of them need to talk about publicly is sex. But they are the double-down/dig the hole deeper Duggars.

  • Love 8

Blanket training per se hadn't been invented, I don't think. But the same will-breaking principles, reign of terror, belief that babies cry because they're evil and greedy and that they should shut up because it's bothering the people in charge, etc. etc., yeah. All that in spades. The message from birth is -- you are worthless and your will must be extinguished, so anything that you feel or desire will be used as a weapon against you. Even the deliberate tempting of kids to do things that they are being trained not to do. .... It all predates "blanket training." I think it's been part of will-breakers' arsenals for as long as humans have existed, probably. ... And it's all "blanket training" without the name. 


What it really does is get you to fully internalize the authorities' demands, and when they aren't around, you make those demands on yourself. I still do it. I've mentioned my inability to even look at any piece of clothing in a store that isn't a turtleneck. And as soon as something comes up in my life that I really want to do, it sets off the voices in my head that tell me I do not  want to do it. And this is what happens many decades later with someone who actually recognized that it was all wrong and evil at about age three, was furious about it, and walked away as soon as she had the ability. .... THe effects are obviously even more insidious for others, I know.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 13

Once again, another reminder to get off the rape speculation off topic discussion. We have absolutely no proof rape has happened between married Duggar couples. You have been ask to end the discussion more than once. Talk about what Michelle said in her blog, but leave the rape speculation out of it.


Also take the brainwashing off topic discussion some where else also. This is the Michelle and Jim Bob thread not the Duggar children have been "dumbed up by Ma and Pa Duggar" thread or my life story about being brainwashed.


Posts talking about these two beat the dead horse until your arms are ready to fall out speculation discussion will be deleted or hidden by the mods without explanation. Thank you.

I think we are all ignoring the fact that subconsciously by continuing to seek out publicly, Michelle and perhaps some other Duggars want it all to implode. They want it all to come tumbling down, maybe that's the only way they can see of getting any peace.

Hmmmmmm. Screaming for help in the only way they can, i.e., subconsciously? Because they can never, ever come out and say, "We were completely wrong." We saw that with Joshgate I.

  • Love 4

Ignoring the scandals and general ickiness, Jim Bob did tell Josh before he got married that it was the husband's responsibility to make sure the wife enjoyed sex too. Plus he gave Josh some sort of book.


Yeah, in the actual religious belief system they supposedly embrace, this is definitely stated. I think Michelle is speaking much more out of her and Jim Bob's mental sickness than out of anything else. I believe that the particular book that Jim Bob passed on doesn't illustrate the clitoris, though, if I recall correctly. So there may be some problem with actually accomplishing that enjoyment! But still. ..... The Cross Church sermon that everybody's always bitching about, too. ... I actually listened to the whole thing, and it really didn't say what is being attributed to it. In a very very long listing of all kinds of sexual issues, it devoted about a sentence or two to saying that spouses have a duty to be sensitive to their spouses' sexual needs and desires and that doing so improves a marriage. But it did not make that statement gender-specific (i.e., put this entirely on the wife), it never said that a spouse must always be available or that not being available can lead the other person to use porn, and it did specifically say that husbands should do their best to make wives feel loved and desired. 


So the message from most people, even ones in the Duggar environs, is at least not always expressed in the crazy-ass terms that Michelle uses. She's on the fringe end, even among their group, and it seems that the Duggars also have passed on some of the less nutso messages to the kids themselves, at least sometimes.

Thank you, Churchhoney.

Utterly horrifying. Seems to completely go against normal human urges to nurture and comfort an infant, and to take pleasure in watching them discover the world. I guess it's the urge to protect, gone criminally awry.


I think it's exactly that kind of fear-based thing. Yeah.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 1

I still believe that Josh is too scared to tell what he really wants.  Hopefully he is doing that in counseling.  If he says he doesn't want any more kids that is translated as not honoring your parents (a commandment), hating kids, and going against God.  He needs someone to tell him flat out that none of that is true.  To rock his world and tell him that his parents are wrong.  I don't think he is free to saying and believe as he sees fit.

  • Love 3

I don't think Michelle has any idea of what Josh apparently wanted and wasn't getting.


Yeah, I don't think any of them know anything that's been going on inside Josh at all, at least since he turned 12 or so and most likely before. Yet another thing that they completely deny as they pontificate about their children and their childraising methods.


But, in keeping with their usual simplistic nonsense, I think they believe that all people are quite easy to understand and behave according to principles that the Duggars have well in hand. I would bet that they really are that clueless -- still.

  • Love 2

I find it interesting that the same article has been posted on various sites and the comments are all negative toward's MEchelle. With that being said any normal person would just retreat into their hidey hole and never come out but not MEchelle so convinced of her convictions that she keeps on posting the most vile crap. She needs a day or a whole week working in a woman's shelter so she can hear stories of abusive situations and how her convictions are not right because men take those convictions and feel that it's a pass to rape their SO.

The most telling statement from any of them to date is when Josh said that there are circumstances in which rape is okay. That, above all else, proves just how sick and twisted their thought process really is.
  • Love 9

Yeah, I don't think any of them know anything that's been going on inside Josh at all, at least since he turned 12 or so and most likely before. Yet another thing that they completely deny as they pontificate about their children and their childraising methods.

But, in keeping with their usual simplistic nonsense, I think they believe that all people are quite easy to understand and behave according to principles that the Duggars have well in hand. I would bet that they really are that clueless -- still.

And they also seem to believe that the kids totally share their hearts and minds with them on demand. I wonder if they ever question this. Or if try think the kids are withholding, do they send them to the prayer closet to get right with The Lord? That is my impression but I hope I am wrong.

  • Love 4

And they also seem to believe that the kids totally share their hearts and minds with them on demand. I wonder if they ever question this. Or if try think the kids are withholding, do they send them to the prayer closet to get right with The Lord? That is my impression but I hope I am wrong.

I think that is what they do. It's really just gross. I mean, I pay the monthly co-pays for my daughters' birth control pills, and that's already a little more thought than I'd ideally want to give to their sex lives.

  • Love 10

Thank you, Churchhoney.

Utterly horrifying. Seems to completely go against normal human urges to nurture and comfort an infant, and to take pleasure in watching them discover the world. I guess it's the urge to protect, gone criminally awry.

I wonder if it is jealousy of the time/attention an infant gets from a normal mother, that purpose the controlling father/husband to insist on minimizing the baby's impact. Many of us know first hand how a healthy baby will keep us darting after it, rather than doting on the headship.

  • Love 5

I wonder if it is jealousy of the time/attention an infant gets from a normal mother, that purpose the controlling father/husband to insist on minimizing the baby's impact. Many of us know first hand how a healthy baby will keep us darting after it, rather than doting on the headship.

That, unfortunately, makes sense to me.

  • Love 3

These people are deeply disturbed. How can Michelle think it's a good idea to give sex advice on the internet? Her son, that she raised is in a "rehab" being "treated" for sex addiction. Four of her daughters were molested by him on her watch.

This family insists on publicly displaying how very, very sick they are. I can't imagine how this whole thing is going to end. The dysfunction is hitting unbelievable proportions and keeps getting worse.

I don't think that this family is going to stop, be quiet, and get out of the public eye until they have completely destroyed themselves.

It's as if they are blind to their own self destruction.  In Michelle's mind she's still 'Mother of the Year' and the best role model for wives and mothers. LOL.  JB insists she's the woman of proverbs whose children (are forced to) rise up and call her blessed.  It's just all their delusion and they're not letting go of it no matter what.  Molestation, adultery with porn stars, blanket training, sister moms and the buddy system, sleeping adults with children, hitting with a rod, Gothard, you name it, it's all good to them and they are the best at it.

  • Love 6

It's as if they are blind to their own self destruction.  In Michelle's mind she's still 'Mother of the Year' and the best role model for wives and mothers. LOL.  JB insists she's the woman of proverbs whose children (are forced to) rise up and call her blessed.  It's just all their delusion and they're not letting go of it no matter what.  Molestation, adultery with porn stars, blanket training, sister moms and the buddy system, sleeping adults with children, hitting with a rod, Gothard, you name it, it's all good to them and they are the best at it.

Well said. They keep cutting off their nose to spite their face, as my grandpa used to say.

  • Love 4

I wonder if it is jealousy of the time/attention an infant gets from a normal mother, that purpose the controlling father/husband to insist on minimizing the baby's impact. Many of us know first hand how a healthy baby will keep us darting after it, rather than doting on the headship.


Yeah, I think that's certainly a factor, in some cases anyway. Women do it all too, though, so with them it's something else.

  • Love 2

I still believe that Josh is too scared to tell what he really wants.  Hopefully he is doing that in counseling.

If I understood the materials from their counseling center, not only is that not happening, but he's not actually allowed to talk about any of that. Their MOA is to teach the person to love Gothard Jesus more and all their problems will go away.

  • Love 12

Oh, look. JB and M are sharing their wisdom at ALERT "family camp" this week. Here's what they'll talk about:   'Learning to rely on God’s grace through the trials of the past few months, Jim Bob and Michelle will share their family experiences of standing for the Gospel on the front lines of social media. Filled with the knowledge of God’s goodness despite hardships, Jim Bob and Michelle will encourage our families to “run with endurance the race that is set before us.”'




All this, and Louie Gohmert will be there too! Who could ask for more?


Had no idea that this is what Louie's doing:  ' Serving his sixth term in the United States House of Representatives, Congressman Louie Gohmert courageously defends our constitution through his Biblical perspective, on the front lines of our nation. Join us as Congressman Gohmert inspires us to be involved in our constitutional republic and stand up for our faith.'


With Jim Bob and Louie as leading lights of the same organization, I don't think "Alert" is a very good name for it.


Oops, missed another leading light. Mr. S.O.S. is there, too:


'Family Camp 2015 Theme: On the Front Lines, Standing for your Faith

Join us October 10-17, 2015 as we encourage each other to “stand fast in the faith” and enjoy an unforgettable time of fellowship.

This year’s confirmed speakers include:
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar – 19 Kids & Counting & DuggarFamily.com
Mike Schadt – S.O.S. Ministries
Lew Sterrett – Sermon on the Mount'




Family Camp 2015 Schedule of Events

The Lakefront will be open from 7:30 AM–6:00 PM daily. No swimming please.
Also, please note that the Camp Office, Retail Sales and Concessions will be closed during every prayer time and camp meeting.
Saturday, October 10

8:00 AM–6:30 PM Check-in/Activity Sign-Up
Camp Store Open
3:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)
5:00–5:30 PM Dinner
5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude
6:30 PM Family Prayer Time
7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker
8:30–10:00 PM Family Time, Gym Open
10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time/Taps
Sunday, October 11

7:15–8:00 AM Archery Demonstration & Devotional (Archery Area)
8:00–8:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude
9:30 AM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker
12:00–12:30 PM Lunch
12:30–5:00 PM Family Time
3:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)
5:00–5:30 PM Dinner
5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude
6:30 PM Family Prayer Time
7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker
8:30 PM Outdoor Movie Night & Popcorn at the Corral
10:00 PM–6:00 PM Quiet Time

(Retail Sales & Concessions closed, ice is available for purchase on Sunday)
Monday, October 12

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast
9:30–11:00 AM Lew at the Corral
11:00 AM Volleyball Captain’s Meeting
11:30 AM Bicycle Safety Course (In front of the Convention Center)
12:00–12:30 PM Lunch
1:00–4:30 PM Activities
3:00–4:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)
5:00–5:30 PM Dinner
5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude
6:30 PM Family Prayer Time
7:00 PM Camp Meeting – “The Legend of El Ricoh”
8:00–9:00 PM Campfire Sing-Alongs (South Chapel Field)
10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time
Tuesday, October 13

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Sword Fighting Demonstration
12:00–12:30 PM Lunch
1:30–4:30 PM Family Heritage Day
5:00 PM Dinner on the Grounds
7:00 PM Special Community Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker
8:00–10:00 PM Family time
10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet time
Wednesday, October 14

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast
9:00–10:30 AM Bike Wagon and Fire Engine Decorating (Convention Center)
10:45–12:00 PM First Annual Bicycle Parade
12:00–12:30 PM Lunch
1:00–4:30 PM Activities
3:00–4:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)
5:00–5:30 PM Dinner
5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude
6:30 PM Family Prayer Time
7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker
8:00–10:00 PM Family Time, Gym Open
10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time
Thursday, October 15

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast
8:00–9:00 AM Family Camp 5K
8:00 AM–12:00 PM Basketball Tournament (Gymnasium)
9:00 AM–12:00 PM Trade Days
12:00–12:30 PM Lunch
1:00-4:30 PM Activities
1:30 PM–4:30 PM Disc Golf Tournament
3:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)
5:00-5:30 PM Dinner
5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude
6:30 PM Family Prayer Time
7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker
8:00 PM Johnson Family Special Concert
9:00–10:00 PM Family Time
10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time
Friday, October 16

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Volleyball Tournament Semi-finals and Finals
9:00–11:30 AM Activities
9:30 AM Horseshoe Tournament – Campground
12:00–12:30 PM Lunch
1:00–4:30 PM Lakefront Activities and Family Canoe Races
5:00–5:30 PM Dinner
5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude
6:30 PM Family Prayer Time
7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker
8:00–11:00 PM Family Time, Gym Open
10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time
Saturday, October 17

8:00–11:00 AM Checkout, Camp Office Open
10:30–11:00 AM Brunch

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4

Oh, look. JB and M are sharing their wisdom at ALERT "family camp" this week. Here's what they'll talk about: 'Learning to rely on God’s grace through the trials of the past few months, Jim Bob and Michelle will share their family experiences of standing for the Gospel on the front lines of social media. Filled with the knowledge of God’s goodness despite hardships, Jim Bob and Michelle will encourage our families to “run with endurance the race that is set before us.”'


All this, and Louie Gohmert will be there too! Who could ask for more?

Had no idea that this is what Louie's doing: ' Serving his sixth term in the United States House of Representatives, Congressman Louie Gohmert courageously defends our constitution through his Biblical perspective, on the front lines of our nation. Join us as Congressman Gohmert inspires us to be involved in our constitutional republic and stand up for our faith.'

With Jim Bob and Louie as leading lights of the same organization, I don't think "Alert" is a very good name for it.

Oops, missed another leading light. Mr. S.O.S. is there, too:

'Family Camp 2015 Theme: On the Front Lines, Standing for your Faith

Join us October 10-17, 2015 as we encourage each other to “stand fast in the faith” and enjoy an unforgettable time of fellowship.

This year’s confirmed speakers include:

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar – 19 Kids & Counting & DuggarFamily.com

Mike Schadt – S.O.S. Ministries

Lew Sterrett – Sermon on the Mount'


Family Camp 2015 Schedule of Events

The Lakefront will be open from 7:30 AM–6:00 PM daily. No swimming please.

Also, please note that the Camp Office, Retail Sales and Concessions will be closed during every prayer time and camp meeting.

Saturday, October 10

8:00 AM–6:30 PM Check-in/Activity Sign-Up

Camp Store Open

3:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)

5:00–5:30 PM Dinner

5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude

6:30 PM Family Prayer Time

7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker

8:30–10:00 PM Family Time, Gym Open

10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time/Taps

Sunday, October 11

7:15–8:00 AM Archery Demonstration & Devotional (Archery Area)

8:00–8:30 AM Breakfast

8:45 AM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude

9:30 AM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker

12:00–12:30 PM Lunch

12:30–5:00 PM Family Time

3:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)

5:00–5:30 PM Dinner

5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude

6:30 PM Family Prayer Time

7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker

8:30 PM Outdoor Movie Night & Popcorn at the Corral

10:00 PM–6:00 PM Quiet Time

(Retail Sales & Concessions closed, ice is available for purchase on Sunday)

Monday, October 12

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast

9:30–11:00 AM Lew at the Corral

11:00 AM Volleyball Captain’s Meeting

11:30 AM Bicycle Safety Course (In front of the Convention Center)

12:00–12:30 PM Lunch

1:00–4:30 PM Activities

3:00–4:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)

5:00–5:30 PM Dinner

5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude

6:30 PM Family Prayer Time

7:00 PM Camp Meeting – “The Legend of El Ricoh”

8:00–9:00 PM Campfire Sing-Alongs (South Chapel Field)

10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time

Tuesday, October 13

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast

9:00 AM Sword Fighting Demonstration

12:00–12:30 PM Lunch

1:30–4:30 PM Family Heritage Day

5:00 PM Dinner on the Grounds

7:00 PM Special Community Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker

8:00–10:00 PM Family time

10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet time

Wednesday, October 14

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast

9:00–10:30 AM Bike Wagon and Fire Engine Decorating (Convention Center)

10:45–12:00 PM First Annual Bicycle Parade

12:00–12:30 PM Lunch

1:00–4:30 PM Activities

3:00–4:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)

5:00–5:30 PM Dinner

5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude

6:30 PM Family Prayer Time

7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker

8:00–10:00 PM Family Time, Gym Open

10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time

Thursday, October 15

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast

8:00–9:00 AM Family Camp 5K

8:00 AM–12:00 PM Basketball Tournament (Gymnasium)

9:00 AM–12:00 PM Trade Days

12:00–12:30 PM Lunch

1:00-4:30 PM Activities

1:30 PM–4:30 PM Disc Golf Tournament

3:00 PM Children’s Bible Story Hour (Chapel)

5:00-5:30 PM Dinner

5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude

6:30 PM Family Prayer Time

7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker

8:00 PM Johnson Family Special Concert

9:00–10:00 PM Family Time

10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time

Friday, October 16

7:30–8:00 AM Breakfast

8:00 AM Volleyball Tournament Semi-finals and Finals

9:00–11:30 AM Activities

9:30 AM Horseshoe Tournament – Campground

12:00–12:30 PM Lunch

1:00–4:30 PM Lakefront Activities and Family Canoe Races

5:00–5:30 PM Dinner

5:45 PM Orchestra Rehearsal & Prelude

6:30 PM Family Prayer Time

7:00 PM Camp Meeting–Guest Speaker

8:00–11:00 PM Family Time, Gym Open

10:00 PM–6:00 AM Quiet Time

Saturday, October 17

8:00–11:00 AM Checkout, Camp Office Open

10:30–11:00 AM Brunch

All I took away from this is "sword-fighting demonstration." Hahahahaha!! Josh will be sorry to miss that.

More seriously, this seems like a whole lotta BS that all refers back to Josh and his bad behavior. (Sword fight!) I kind of feel sorry for him. Constant shaming, yet no real help in changing his life - if in fact he wants to. Josh, figure out what you want in life and inform everyone involved. You have been an ass, but you don't deserve to be the perpetual whipping boy for these self-appointed martyrs. "Woe is us. God has foisted all these travails on us via our son, and Satan is all over social media talking about it." Bull. Don't let them all keep profiting from your turmoil; I have to think their very restrictive parenting caused at least some of your issues.

Yeah, so Josh doesn't read here. Oh well. I had to reach out. LOL.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 5

Because 'Sleep' is too worldly? Or does everyone listen to make sure no one's fulfilling that special need?


Edited to mention: this is basically boot camp for 18-25 year old men, paramilitary style. Quiet Time. What beta males.

Heh, this is a "family camp" thing. Still, do they really have to have "bedtime?" And only half an hour for breakfast with all those little kids running around? Or do the families have to feed themselves during that time? As usual, this sounds mindnumbingly awful, and Gothardtime continues to confuse the shit out of me. 

  • Love 6

I think the money that JimBob & Michelle control/have is what largely has kept any of them from breaking away. Had they not had TV fame and money, I think one or more would have already broken away. It's not just brainwashing, but money. But as time goes on and more spouses/kids are added to the mix, the money will become less. Eventually one will break away then...my guess is it will be one who doesn't remember how hard things were before TLC came into the picture (I think that may be a large part of why the older ones don't break away). My money is on Josh or an in-law to break away and write a tell-all first, but if not, it will be one of the younger ones once the money and fame dips while the family size continues to increase.

  • Love 13

I think the money that JimBob & Michelle control/have is what largely has kept any of them from breaking away. Had they not had TV fame and money, I think one or more would have already broken away. It's not just brainwashing, but money. But as time goes on and more spouses/kids are added to the mix, the money will become less. Eventually one will break away then...my guess is it will be one who doesn't remember how hard things were before TLC came into the picture (I think that may be a large part of why the older ones don't break away). My money is on Josh or an in-law to break away and write a tell-all first, but if not, it will be one of the younger ones once the money and fame dips while the family size continues to increase.


Yeah, I agree. It's definitely harder for people to break away when they've got something cushy. Not only do they get accustomed to the cushiness, but it's even harder to be critical of the situation as well.

Heh, this is a "family camp" thing. Still, do they really have to have "bedtime?" And only half an hour for breakfast with all those little kids running around? Or do the families have to feed themselves during that time? As usual, this sounds mindnumbingly awful, and Gothardtime continues to confuse the shit out of me. 


All the meal times are slated for half an hour only. I'd love to know why. .... Maybe that tradition kind of explains the extreme ad hoc and haphazard nature of the Duggars' eating schedules? .... It's just a grab-and-go culture? (which seems really odd for a group so heavy on "family time")

  • Love 5

Oh my Lord, that schedule!!! My eyes were crossing trying to make sense of it. Do all these families have crazy ADHD or something? That's a pretty frenetic pace for a family camp.


I had the opposite thought -- it looks super-boring to me. There is a whole lot of time devoted to "Family Bible Time" and other similar things that are just "we couldn't be bothered to plan any activities, so figure something out."


If it were me, and I was paying good money for this -- and none of the Gothard activities are cheap -- I would expect a lot more. I would expect my "blessings" to be kept very busy so that I would have some time to myself for "prayer."

  • Love 4

The lakefront is "open" all day, but NO swimming please!!! I forgot, Gotharites cannot swim. Can't wear swimsuits! None of the Duggars can even swim! They all plug their noses with their fingers before jumping into a lake, horse trough, and dunking tank!

(Bolding is mine)


My dear, dear late father, a high school/college swimmer/diver, life guard, Eagle Scout, and eight year Navy veteran from the Korean Conflict with mucho experience in open seas - both friendly and warm and hostile and cold, so I MORE than trusted his opinion - always told me that anyone who needs to plug their nose before jumping into a body of water does not know how to swim properly and should not be jumping into ANYTHING...


It's a great way to break your fingers and/or your nose. Oh, and drown. And ANY of the Duggar kids, supervised or unsupervised, could just as easily drown in a lake at camp as in that Godforsaken water trough. 


I'm actually HAPPY that the lake was closed to all of them - thinking of all of those fragile, untrained, pasty-white children/young adults bobbing about in their heavy, Victorian bathing costumes, jeans and Polos just makes me overly worried and stabby !


It's horrible - HORRIBLE - that I have these thoughts. Praise the Lord and pass the Pinot, please.

  • Love 8
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