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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I wonder if Jubilee still comes up every other second of yhe day in the tth?

Maybe but not by JB and baby Mechelle.  Jubilee didn't even get her place on the retirement ring or JB's special counting for us Meredith is here announcement.  JB and baby Mechelle seem to have forgotten to count her and have forgotten baby Mechelle's public address letter to Jubilee declaring they have 21 children if you count J'Caleb along with her.

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I actually think she was technically a virgin when she married. If she wasn't, I honestly think we would know.

I wouldn't care if she had 60 lovers before JB and I don't care to know, I just don't like her for who she is right now.

I highly doubt that JB would be head of the kingdom if he told Mechelle - look these are your kids you raise them and leave our daughters out of it.  JB just backs up what Mechelle wants and in exchange Mechelle admires his every word.

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My point was I think if Michelle wasn't a virgin, that would be part of their "testimony."

I speculate that Michelle's "baggage" is code for a busted hymen. Either way, Jim Bob is so immature, jealous, and insecure he'd NEVER EVER want it getting out there the he wasn't the first man to walk up Michelle's trail to Jesus. So to speak.


Plus, it sounds like they talked more about sex in homechurch than on TV or anywhere else.

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The thing is, though, didn't TLC bring in actual professional tradesmen to finish it because the Duggars couldn't manage?


Yeah. After several years of Jim Bob imagining that completion was imminent when it was years out, I think. Such a firm grasp of reality, has Jim Bob.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8

Even the girls?  I don't think I saw that special.

Even the girls, yes. And I really don't have issues with the Dugg children (as they were then) doing construction. I think that kind of thing is good for kids. I did it when I was a kid. There weren't a zillion of us, so we weren't more "in the way" than helping. (Or maybe we WERE in the way (probably!!) and I just don't remember that part). I know it takes me twice as long to accomplish anything that involves my grands now, but I want them to be self sufficient, and so it goes.

Still, my snarky side knows we own ONE Dewalt drill - and I when I saw that they all had them, I was jealous.

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I actually didn't have a problem with the children learning skill sets, until you learn down the road that they weren't learning. And that the boys were having to take on responsibilities regarding the house that were way over their abilities and maturity level just as the daughters were raising the children and running the house from too young an age. That sort of childhood doesn't (in nine times out of ten) teach maturity and responsibility, it makes one anxiety ridden and shreds any independence and ability to make decisions because the stakes are too high.

  • Love 8

I'm the handyman in my house and learned from a young age too. But GEML is right that having that kind of responsibility, that young, can backfire.


When my then 12ish year old daughter and I were wallpapering, I had to make a quick jaunt up the street to pick up her brother. I would be gone less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately we timed the next strip poorly and she would need to hang it while I was gone. Well the poor thing, you would have thought that I asked her to hang a Tiffany chandelier. Disaster averted when I explained it was no biggie and we would just rip it down and put a new strip up if need be.(she did a great job & was very proud)


I wonder how often JB & M reassured their children that they would check their work and the TT house wouldn't fall down. 

  • Love 7

Now now. Jim Bob had every reason to feel that way. Michelle says completion usually takes him no time at all.

Maybe Jim Boob thinks finishing quickly is a bonus. He's INDUSTRIOUS. Those other guys who actually manage to please their wives are loafers. If she can't manage an orgasm inside of thirty seconds, well, that's on HER, isn't it?

  • Love 11

And this shows how much they've learned from their decade-plus on television. Compared to how much they think they know. Just hanging around a tv-production crew to the extent that they have ought to have imparted some sophistication about the process to anyone who was paying attention, seems to me. But these guys seem to come into everything assuming that they're the ones who know the score. The Dunning-Kruger effect again, I suppose.

This is from a week back but I'm behind catching up on all of these Duggar threads. Anyhow when I read that post I had no clue what the Dunning-Kruger effect was so I went to Wikipedia, and I had to share what I found. Enjoy (and learn something at the same time!):

The phenomenon was first tested in a series of experiments published in 1999 by David Dunning and Justin Kruger of the Department of Psychology, Cornell University.[1][2] The study was inspired by the case of McArthur Wheeler, a man who robbed two banks after covering his face with lemon juice in the mistaken belief that, because lemon juice is usable as invisible ink, it would prevent his face from being recorded on surveillance cameras

  • Love 9

The 'red dresses' pic brought me down a Duggar rabbit hole and I stumbled upon this: http://web.archive.org/web/20030207100851/http://www.jimbob.info/photos.html

If it pasted correctly it is JB's old campaign page.

"I laughed, I cried. It moved me man..."

What the heck kind of campaign slogan is that!?

Cannot willnot click on pix.

Too creeped out.

These people...

Edited by NewDigs
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The 'red dresses' pic brought me down a Duggar rabbit hole and I stumbled upon this: http://web.archive.org/web/20030207100851/http://www.jimbob.info/photos.html

If it pasted correctly it is JB's old campaign page.

Is it a big deal to seek the party nomination against the current elected member? I can't believe he spent $250,000 on something that amateurish.
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Q. Will you support the use of education vouchers?

A. Parents should have the right to choose the educational avenue for their children. I support the use of vouchers for funding each child’s education. This in no way undermines the public school system; it would benefit the public schools. The state is paying approximately $5000 each year to educate a child. What if the state would give a $1000 tax credit to any family that takes the responsibility for their own child’s education through private or home education. The state could then free up the other $4000 to lower student / teacher ratios and give public school teachers a much-needed and long-overdue raise.

Q. What would be your plans for the US Department of Education?

A. I support the downsizing and eventual elimination of the Department of Education. Why should we send our tax dollars to Washington and have them come back with strings attached? It should play no role in education policy. Local school boards, superintendents, and parents should formulate policy for a community’s schools.


I can not believe it but for the first time in history I have to agree with Boob over this statement.



The state is paying approximately $5000 each year to educate a child. What if the state would give a $1000 tax credit to any family that takes the responsibility for their own child’s education through private or home education. The state could then free up the other $4000 to lower student / teacher ratios and give public school teachers a much-needed and long-overdue raise.

This isn't a terrible idea- though it isn't exactly Jim Bob's original thought. But that is not how a voucher system typically works. Vouchers typically remove the money from a public school and hand it to a private school. This is a gain to the public school system; the typical system is a loss.


Totally disagree with getting rid of the national DOE. As is standards are woefully varied state to state. Everyone in the US should be guaranteed appropriate education; not just people in some areas.

  • Love 13


What if the state would give a $1000 tax credit to any family that takes the responsibility for their own child’s education through private or home education.

Sending your kids to public school IS taking responsibility for their education. Jim Bob and Michelle are living proof that just because you want to educate your kids yourself doesn't mean you should. I think it's very telling that Jim Bob got elected and did nothing in his platform, aside from abortion.



I noticed that one of JB's positions was advocacy for the elderly. I wonder if the treatment of Grandpa Duggar was advocacy in action.

Elderly Jim Bob will be in for a shock. He modeled that behavior, after all.

Edited by JoanArc
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Was that the red dress picture taken right around the time of Josh's 'confession'?  


Approximately. Jim Bob's political ambitions had to play a huge role in the way it was all handled, I think. Depressing scenario. Kids getting ground up between the wheels of an adult's (I use the term loosely) ambition. Even more sickening because it's the ambition of an adult who was proclaiming he'd bring morals back to politics and dedicate himself to the welfare of children and families. Right. Same way he dedicated himself to the welfare of the elderly. ....


Old familiar story, of course, and JB isn't the only one. But disgusting all the same, in my opinion.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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