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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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The Duggars do not know how to talk about grief. Very few people do. I lost my 34 year old daughter 5 1/2 years ago and can attest that even those who have lost a child oftentimes do not know how to talk about grief.

In short, losing a child makes you an expert on the emotions but not an expert on conveying them.

I am so very sorry for the loss of your daughter. 

  • Love 3

The Duggars depend heavily on those Doctors and Nurses with REAL EDUCATIONS and REAL FREEDOM to pursue life-saving careers denied to their own children and fellow cultists.

What would have happened if everyone in medicine was a gothardite when MEchelle was pregnant with Josie and the only care she had access to was a midwife? No doctor, no sonogram, no NICU...

Uhm... have you heard about Jesus? He fixes ev-er-y thing. The duggars have no need for heathen medicine.

  • Love 3

The JCaleb incident many years ago was so early on, that Michelle didn't even realize she was "expecting". Not to minimize anyone's loss here, but she simply experienced a heavier flow and a Christian doctor told her that she "maybe conceived" and things went the way they did. That is how I remember the story. Being blessed with fraternal twins like she was with Jana and JD, should have put the matter to rest and she should have taken it as God's gift to her that "both were given after all". She went off the deep end IMO and put Jim Bob in the barrel over the falls with her.

  • Love 4

The JCaleb incident many years ago was so early on, that Michelle didn't even realize she was "expecting". Not to minimize anyone's loss here, but she simply experienced a heavier flow and a Christian doctor told her that she "maybe conceived" and things went the way they did. That is how I remember the story. Being blessed with fraternal twins like she was with Jana and JD, should have put the matter to rest and she should have taken it as God's gift to her that "both were given after all". She went off the deep end IMO and put Jim Bob in the barrel over the falls with her.

And is the Caleb incident why they think birth control can cause a miscarriage? Are they saying it can act like Plan B? Hope it's not offensive to ask that. I know it's not true; I'm just trying to understand what Michelle and JimBob think.

  • Love 1

And is the Caleb incident why they think birth control can cause a miscarriage? Are they saying it can act like Plan B? Hope it's not offensive to ask that. I know it's not true; I'm just trying to understand what Michelle and JimBob think.

It is my impression they think BC pills go beyond Plan B and affect carrying a baby to term indefinitely afterward. If I'm wrong, I'd be interested in hearing what others think. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 2

I wonder how the "life begins at conception" people deal with identical twins. It's a fertilized egg that splits in two, correct? So what does God do, shove two souls into one "body" or rip one "person" in half, soul and all, or what?

I assume though that Michelle wanted fraternal twin girls for the same reason she wanted Josie to be twin girls; for "balance," to even out the numbers, and to essentially make her children into a perfectly matched set of collectibles.

(I transferred this from the 19 questions thread)

I didn't realize MEchelle was that into having twins. But after reading the posts, it makes sense as to her way of thinking. Also if Josie would have been twins, they would have reached #20, bypassing the Bates in number of children. Everything is a competition with these people.

The JCaleb incident many years ago was so early on, that Michelle didn't even realize she was "expecting". Not to minimize anyone's loss here, but she simply experienced a heavier flow and a Christian doctor told her that she "maybe conceived" and things went the way they did. That is how I remember the story. Being blessed with fraternal twins like she was with Jana and JD, should have put the matter to rest and she should have taken it as God's gift to her that "both were given after all". She went off the deep end IMO and put Jim Bob in the barrel over the falls with her.


?????? What???? She didn't even know she was pregnant? I don't buy that for a minute. If she was pregnant, she knew. These people take pregnancy tests more often than they brush their teeth. If she didn't know, she wasn't pregnant. And you aren't minimizing anyone's loss. I have had 3 miscarriages. They are really awful. It's Michelle who is minimizing people's losses by calling this a miscarriage. if you don't know you are pregnant and your only 'maybe' think you might have been because you had a heavier flow, then you wen't pregnant and you didn't have a miscarriage. Even just one positive home test - something.... but if she didn't even take a test (or if she did it wasn't positive) - sorry. That's just not right. 

  • Love 2

?????? What???? She didn't even know she was pregnant? I don't buy that for a minute. If she was pregnant, she knew. These people take pregnancy tests more often than they brush their teeth. If she didn't know, she wasn't pregnant. And you aren't minimizing anyone's loss. I have had 3 miscarriages. They are really awful. It's Michelle who is minimizing people's losses by calling this a miscarriage. if you don't know you are pregnant and your only 'maybe' think you might have been because you had a heavier flow, then you wen't pregnant and you didn't have a miscarriage. Even just one positive home test - something.... but if she didn't even take a test (or if she did it wasn't positive) - sorry. That's just not right. 


This incident with "Caleb" occurred a long time ago - mid 80s. I'm not sure but home pregnancy tests may not have been available then. It was my understanding that Mechelle didn't go all nuts for pregnancy testing until much later.

This incident with "Caleb" occurred a long time ago - mid 80s. I'm not sure but home pregnancy tests may not have been available then. It was my understanding that Mechelle didn't go all nuts for pregnancy testing until much later.


That makes sense but I do still think it's pretty irresponsible or at least quite attention seeking to claim to have a miscarriage AND name the baby without even confirming you were actually pregnant. Not to be too graphic but of my 3 miscarriages I miscarried two naturally and had a D&C with the other. There was no mistaking the two natural miscarriages for a heavy period. It was excruciatingly painful and way more than a period "flow" wise. I guess it's wrong of me to judge but it is just annoying to hear that she's claiming to have lost a child when it might not even have happened. Honestly she should be hugely grateful she hasn't had more miscarriages (that I know of at least). Even if we assume there was a Caleb (wonder when the J thing happened) 19 kids with 21 pregnancies is an amazing rate. I'm 3 for 6. I'm sure it was very hard to lose Jubilee. 

  • Love 3

That makes sense but I do still think it's pretty irresponsible or at least quite attention seeking to claim to have a miscarriage AND name the baby without even confirming you were actually pregnant. Not to be too graphic but of my 3 miscarriages I miscarried two naturally and had a D&C with the other. There was no mistaking the two natural miscarriages for a heavy period. It was excruciatingly painful and way more than a period "flow" wise. I guess it's wrong of me to judge but it is just annoying to hear that she's claiming to have lost a child when it might not even have happened. Honestly she should be hugely grateful she hasn't had more miscarriages (that I know of at least). Even if we assume there was a Caleb (wonder when the J thing happened) 19 kids with 21 pregnancies is an amazing rate. I'm 3 for 6. I'm sure it was very hard to lose Jubilee. 


Totally agree with you on all counts. Just questioning how Mechelle could be sure she was pregnant at that time, especially since home tests MAY not have been available then. My condolences on your miscarriages too - very sorry.

J'Caleb was never named until the Jubilee incident. I guess they figured that the "heavy flow" miscarriage (I think she knew, but had pretty much JUST found out) deserved a name to give the story an even more pro-life stance than it already has. 


Jubilee was definitely a medical miscarriage. I remember someone saying ON THE SHOW that she only measured 16 weeks. I believe it was the technician during the ultrasound appointment. She was delivered at ~18 weeks, so even then, a couple weeks short of even a medical stillbirth. Another story padded for more sympathy to forward their agenda. I love when people blatantly abuse appeals to emotion to try to score points for their side of a hotly debated issue. Fallacies and blatant lies abound in the Duggar Story. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 5

Totally agree with you on all counts. Just questioning how Mechelle could be sure she was pregnant at that time, especially since home tests MAY not have been available then. My condolences on your miscarriages too - very sorry.

Awww... thanks. It was tough at the time but the reality is that so many have had losses that are so much more difficult. For years I was a member of an online forum, 15 years later many of them I still talk to, full of women experiencing pregnancy after loss. Sure it was difficult to lose a pregnancy but watching some of these women carry a baby to 25, 30 and in one case 38 weeks only to have the baby die... I can't fathom that. I felt blessed that I was able to conceive pretty easily and while I had an unfortunate record for successful pregnancies, I have 3 beautiful girls. 


As far as Jubilee goes, I really don't think the 'only measured 16 weeks' maybe was 18 etc really matters. She was past the time of seeing a heartbeat. She was into her 2nd trimester. She was born looking like a baby. I would have been devastated and I'm sure it was awful for them. I don't have a problem with them naming her and burying her. I will say that at this point they are milking it publicly so that brings a dimension of disgust but had that been me, I probably would have named her,  would still remember her and probably would do something like have an ornament on the tree with her name - something like that. 

  • Love 4

Wow. As someone going through a very similar situation, Michelle's words did nothing but raise my blood pressure. Michelle was 18 weeks, at most, with Jubilee. That's not a stillborn. Not medically, not physically, not even hypothetically! And, based on the media statement back in 2011, the fetus was without a heartbeat for at least a week before the "birth", meaning it was likely even less mature than 18 weeks. While it was, and is, a tragic, traumatic experience, she's devaluing the true trauma of having a viable child born still. And, she's doing it as a right to life publicity stunt. Caleb didn't get the same funeral or weepy video counselling session because they didn't have an audience, money, and a political bill of goods to sell. I understand I'm being a bit harsh, but I can honestly say I've been where she has been. Heck! I'm there right now. But, as painful and sad as it is, dwelling on that loss while staring at 19 other children, especially Josie, is just ridiculous. I'm not upset that she's sad when she remembers the experience. I'm upset because she's dipping into that well in front of cameras unnecessarily.

Michelle should focus on the 19 she has and be especially grateful for the one that only avoided being a true stillborn by the advances of modern medicine and a health care system to provide such life saving measures.

As much as the Duggars drive me nuts I think it is somewhat insensitive to say Michelle should focus on the 19 kids she has that lived.  I am not trying to offend  anyone or the original poster with this remark.  Whether you call it a miscarriage or a still birth she lost a child she wanted.  And this was a video specifically dealing that event in her life.  Were the Duggars approached for this video or did they set it up themselves for the television program?  If they did not initiate the counseling session then I give her a pass on this.

  • Love 1

When recounting the JCaleb incident, one has to remember that this occurred before Jim Bob and Michelle's "baby conversion". It was this event that put them over the edge with the baby obsession. At that time, they were still using artificial birth control and Michelle didn't pregnancy test like "brushing her teeth". She still wore pants, etc.

and lived a more "mainstream devout Christian life". She truly might have not realized she was expecting as her period was heavier and her Christian doctor suggested to her that she "might have conceived". If she knew she was pregnant for certain (back 1980s style),she would have discontinued the use of birth control pills; but she continued to take them. It is for this reason that her doctor suggested that in doing such, it could have caused her body to reject the new zygote. I don't think she missed a cycle. Once again, please posters, I am not intending to minimize anyone's loss of a child...I am simply recounting Michelle's own early on account of this that I heard on TV many years ago.

  • Love 4

As much as the Duggars drive me nuts I think it is somewhat insensitive to say Michelle should focus on the 19 kids she has that lived. I am not trying to offend anyone or the original poster with this remark. Whether you call it a miscarriage or a still birth she lost a child she wanted. And this was a video specifically dealing that event in her life. Were the Duggars approached for this video or did they set it up themselves for the television program? If they did not initiate the counseling session then I give her a pass on this.

I just think they're trying to stay relevant.

I am totally sick of looking at Michelle Duggar with her stringy, crispy hair and ugly skirts.  Every time I watch the Duggar's these days I end up turning the show off.  Just sick of them and their catch phrases.  I know Jim Bob is flying high with all the publicity he has gotten recently, but I really wonder if it will bring higher ratings.  I know I won't be watching.

  • Love 1

Speaking of Michelle's hair....  In the recent photos of her on the mission trip, she seems to be missing the hair pieces and her hair is much less thick.  It looks extremely dry and damaged in a couple of the photos and it isn't crispy.  That makes me think it's more her natural hair.  Does anyone know how she styles her hair for the super crispy look since it doesn't seem to be a perm.  Could the curls all be hair pieces?

Since its been 5 years the longest ever to not get pregnant, I wonder if JimChelle still has that nurse in their room

Thought she said she was going to keep up the baby changing station for all the grandbabies. Not sure if this includes the crib. I'm figuring she will want the crib to be left up as a shrine, possibly having it bronzed.

  • Love 6

Do you think MEchelle shares her family's Christmas traditions with her family? I'm thinking she did when the kids were younger, but as she has become more estranged from her family (or vice versa) I'm sure they aren't even mentioned. I'm not talking anything huge, just something like driving around looking at lights, baking cookies & cutting down the tree.

I wonder how much her family is even mentioned. Did they come to the weddings?

  • Love 1

Regarding MEchelle keeping the baby nursery - forgot she'll need it for all the adopted babies her & Boob are praying about (or has that prayer been filed away??)

I suspect god will lay it on Boob's heart that adoption isn't in his plan for them as soon as MEchelle can be talked off the "NO MORE BABIES?????" ledge she's on.

Anyone see that "throwback photo" of Jim Bob when he was a kid in school? He looks just like that actress Kristy McNichol to me. Looks like he had a serious dental accident as a kid. When did he veneer his front tooth?


Every time I see a photo of Boob in his younger days - especially the high school and early marriage years - one image pops into my head immediately - no kidding.  To me Boob is a dead ringer for Mad magazine's "Alfred E Newman." 

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 1

I do not like how Jim-Bob continues to call the shots after his children are married off. If it's a 'patriarch' style family, I could see jim-Bob insisting on having a say in his sons' decisions, even after marriage. But he also insists on calling the shots after his daughter's are paired off. There's no getting rid of this man.

This observation is off-topic, but I still need to make an observation. I was so incensed at the Duggars' flippant attitude about arriving late - or "Duggar-time" as they laughingly dismissed it - to help Josh and Anna get set up in their new home. When a young family is waiting on furniture. including children's beds, how dare Jim-Bob laugh it off and say they wanted to continue visiting the Bates? At least Anna is good at blindly smiling through all of her in-laws' insensitivity.

Any psychologist will tell you that people who insist on arriving late to functions are pointedly telling you that you are not important to their daily agenda.

  • Love 3

I just don't understand what J'chelle does all day, and why she doesn't at least appear to do anything. A woman who has no job, doesn't cook, or clean, or care for her own children should be able to find some time to address some Christmas cards.

I think Michelle does the tasks that she *chooses* to do (i.e., that she would enjoy doing) rather than the ones she *should* be doing. That's why she was painting signs instead of washing the dishes or sorting and replying to mail. Remember, in their culture, children are there to serve their parents. Add Michelle's apparent narcissism to the mix, and this is the result.

  • Love 1

I think Michelle does the tasks that she *chooses* to do (i.e., that she would enjoy doing) rather than the ones she *should* be doing. That's why she was painting signs instead of washing the dishes or sorting and replying to mail. Remember, in their culture, children are there to serve their parents. Add Michelle's apparent narcissism to the mix, and this is the result.


Isn't that what cheerleaders do?  Paint signs for the team?  More indication that Mechelle is permanently stuck [maturity-wise] at 17.

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 7

Isn't that what cheerleaders do?  Paint signs for the team?  More indication that Mechelle is permanently stuck [maturity-wise] at 17.

That is a brilliant thought. I searched my brian for what Michelle with the big paintbrush dripping red reminded me of. That's it. My 16-year-old cheerleading granddaughter. 

  • Love 2

I'll post this opinion again: The blatant hypocrisy of Jim Bob and Michelle to advertise the "children serve the parents" mentality is baloney. If that were really true and in their own "hearts" why then, aren't we seeing Michelle and Jim Bob serving Mary Duggar, HIS MOTHER? We constantly see the opposite going on there. That always bothers me, that these two live like their family begins and ends with them being on both of the receiving ends.

  • Love 14

The Duggars are NOT Fundy royalty. There are a lot of people who think they are too liberal, have sold out their ministry for money, are too hickish, too controlling, disrespectful of others (especially regarding time) and plenty of other things when you get down in the weeds. There was a LOT of weird stuff that fell out over JB's political career that caused a lot of dissent. Their ties to people like the Holts and the Huckabees have never been the same. (I've always wondered what, if any, role Mike Huckabee played in Josh's role at FRC and if it was positive or negative.)




GEML, at some point, if you have time, I'd love for you to write something about the "weird stuff that fell out over JB's political career..." sometimes.  I'm so curious about this...  Thanks.

  • Love 4

GEML, we're waiting to hear from you, please do tell. Thanks....

JB and Meechelle are going to have some splainin' to do at those pearly gates to St. Peter regarding the sins of taking their childrens' life choices away from them, stifeling growth opportunity into adulthood with them and indenturing their children into THEIR service. I wouldn't be so cocky if I were them. God doesn't give us children to control them, He gives us those childrens' lives and souls to nurture, teach, guide and usher into adulthood making good quality choices and to MATURE in to productive, God loving adults. I think the Duggars fall slightly short here.

  • Love 8

GEML, we're waiting to hear from you, please do tell. Thanks....

JB and Meechelle are going to have some splainin' to do at those pearly gates to St. Peter regarding the sins of taking their childrens' life choices away from them, stifeling growth opportunity into adulthood with them and indenturing their children into THEIR service. I wouldn't be so cocky if I were them. God doesn't give us children to control them, He gives us those childrens' lives and souls to nurture, teach, guide and usher into adulthood making good quality choices and to MATURE in to productive, God loving adults. I think the Duggars fall slightly short here.


Oh My Good Bog.  OH My Heck.  


I just had a mental image of J'chelle and the Boob arriving together at the Pearly Gates, and being greeted by St. Peter with bow, arrows, a green hood, and Stephen Amell's face.  "Michelle and Jim-Bob!  You have FAILED your family!"


I'd watch that crossover.  (Arrow, on the CW, for those who might not have time for scripted series.)

  • Love 1

I read an article today about adults who collect Cabbage Patch Dolls -- some have thousands of these dolls. As I was reading I couldn't help but think that this would be a much better obsession for the Duggars than the collection of human babies.


The dolls behave without blanket training; they don't grow up so J'chelle would never have to be without a "baby" and be forced to deal with her older children; she could "homeschool" them at her leisure without destroying their chances of ever obtaining a decent job; etc. etc.

  • Love 2

I used to work for a company that did surveys and we were doing a political survey in Arkansas and on my screen was the name John David Dugar and Mechell answered the phone and I asked for him and she said he was at camp and she answered the phone with a normal adult voice.


No kidding - that's interesting. How long ago was this?

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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