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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I would think JB would have a better handle on watching 2 or 3 littles than Michelle would. Michelle appears so checked out and unaware. Its like she wakes up when a camera is around to spew a Gothard quote and then to goes into pause mode. The only time I have ever really noticed her being real was when she was defending her family during the Fox scandal interview. JB at least seems aware of his children.

  • Love 1

Has the show ever shown Jim Bob in charge of the kids without an older girl, Michelle, Mary, or helper around?

Yup. At least one episode had Boob taking care of his own children while the wimmenfolk were away and by 'taking care' I mean uselessly bumbling around. IIRC he didn't know how to brush his daughter's hair or put it up in a simple ponytail and he didn't know how to cook anything except some disgusting BBQ tuna concotion consisting of canned tuna and BBQ-sauce (that's it, that was the whole dish). I don't know how much of it was producer-driven or played up for the cameras, but considering how clumsy and uncomfortable Boob looked I don't think he's used to handling the daily care of his own kids. I doubt any of the younger kids look to Mechelle or Boob as their caretakers tbh, that's all on the sister moms.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Vaysh said:

Yup. At least one episode had Boob taking care of his own children while the wimmenfolk were away and by 'taking care' I mean uselessly bumbling around. IIRC he didn't know how to brush his daughter's hair or put it up in a simple ponytail and he didn't know how to cook anything except some disgusting BBQ tuna concotion consisting of canned tuna and BBQ-sauce (that's it, that was the whole dish). I don't know how much of it was producer-driven or played up for the cameras, but considering how clumsy and uncomfortable Boob looked I don't think he's used to handling the daily care of his own kids. I doubt any of the younger kids look to Mechelle or Boob as their caretakers tbh, that's all on the sister moms.

yep, I remember that episode.  I dont' think Jim Bob does the physical care well for the littles. He was uncomfortable and didn't seem to have the hang of things.  But I do think he can wrangle a good sized group of 8 year olds and up. 

Jim Bob does look more aware of his kids and he is usually the one doing the head count when in a large group or the one who is organizing the food order at the restaurant or the one who is organizing an activity.  We often have seen him handling the kids on his dangerous house flipping renovations or trying to do some sort of project.  I don't like Jim Bob at all but he does have better parenting skills than Michelle. 

Michelle is very checked out of most tasks.  She has clearly been the "pregnant woman" for how many years and has no clue how to do anything other than gestate.  Or breastfeed with that ridiculous pillow strapped to her with the baby's feet sticking out of her side like a freakish Halloween costume. 

Jim Bob is just a regular old jerk that you meet in life.  Michelle has mental health issues. She would benefit from counseling and medication or some sort of support for her issues.  Jim Bob is just a jerk...

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 8

Sew Sumi says:

Brown shirt with manboobs IS Smuggar. He's holding the hands of one of his littles in Picture 3 (walking aside a plane). None of his brothers have ever looked like that, plus you can see JD in Picture 1, and he's not in a brown shirt. Joe is in shape. The other boys are skinny, most still growing. 

Sorry quoting thing was messed up.  He got seriously chunky!  Hadn't he slimmed down at Jesus Jail?  Guess now that he can get Chik Fil A on the regular he is eating his feelings.  I was really shocked when I saw his girth.  Maybe he is TRYING to have a heart attack to release him from the earthly shackles of living the Duggar way.

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

I had my gallbladder out ten years ago. The athroscopic (be sure and correct me if I'm not using the correct term, I'm looking for "surgeon is guided via teeny cameras and makes incisions that are closed with glorified Band-Aids") is a piece of cake. In other words, it was done on a Tuesday morning, I had a day or so of complete rest, and I was back at my normal routine (and off prescription painkillers) by Saturday of the same week.

Michelle Duggar will do ANYTHING for attention, won't she?

I had mine out in 09 the same way.  For ME it was not a piece of cake so I am not going to snark on Michelle about THIS (I am not a wimpy person and have a high tolerance for pain usually).  I will however snark about just about anything else re Michelle.  I wasn't allowed to eat real food for several days and couldn't walk well for a week.  Serious pain.  Going back to work on day 7 was a nightmare but I had a concert to manage so I did it.  Altho it stank at the time on day 8 I felt better.  Moving around helped.  But I was in serious pain until day 7.

1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Sorry quoting thing was messed up.  He got seriously chunky!  Hadn't he slimmed down at Jesus Jail?  Guess now that he can get Chik Fil A on the regular he is eating his feelings.  I was really shocked when I saw his girth.  Maybe he is TRYING to have a heart attack to release him from the earthly shackles of living the Duggar way.

Lots of people struggle with emotional eating, food addiction, sugar addiction, thyroid imbalances, wonky metabolisms for whatever reason (stress, medication, illness....). And then some people know that their wives will never leave them, even if they publicly humiliate them continuously, and that Satan created nutritional biology to trick us into not supporting Chik Fil A. 

  • Love 5

Given the speed that he gained, I'm guessing both high fats/high (bad) carbs. Probably a lot of lunchtime trips with his assigned JBoy buddy of the day (wanna bet JB has a rotating list taped to the fridge at the TTH?) to Chick-fil-A or Sonic or (if they have them there) In and Out. All Christian-friendly establishments.  

I've wondered why JB and Michelle chose Andy Griffith as the only show to watch on TV and not Little House on the Prairie or The Waltons and I think I've finally figured it out.  Both fathers worked on those shows - and the girls were allowed out of the house by themselves.  Not that Andy didn't work but there was no manual labor and the only women on the show were Aunt Bea or a non-defrauding Andy gf.

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Defrauder said:

I've wondered why JB and Michelle chose Andy Griffith as the only show to watch on TV and not Little House on the Prairie or The Waltons and I think I've finally figured it out.  Both fathers worked on those shows - and the girls were allowed out of the house by themselves.  Not that Andy didn't work but there was no manual labor and the only women on the show were Aunt Bea or a non-defrauding Andy gf.

There was Helen, Andy's girlfriend, who was a teacher.  And I'm pretty sure Barney's girlfriend, Thelma (?), worked as well.  But I can't think of any defrauding teenage girls.  The Ingalls girls were pretty independent thinkers, not good for any Duggar to see!

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Defrauder said:

I've wondered why JB and Michelle chose Andy Griffith as the only show to watch on TV and not Little House on the Prairie or The Waltons and I think I've finally figured it out.  Both fathers worked on those shows - and the girls were allowed out of the house by themselves.  Not that Andy didn't work but there was no manual labor and the only women on the show were Aunt Bea or a non-defrauding Andy gf.

Not only that, but both shows dealt with some pretty heavy things from time to time.  On Little House, one of the boys (can't remember which) became a drug addict.  And there was the loss of a baby.  And Mary went on to overcome her blindness to become a teacher.  God forbid a woman should rely upon her strengths to better herself instead of relying on  a man!  Not to mention she moved away from home (and her family) to do so!  The girls were educated well and encouraged to be and do more than their parents.  A no no in Duggardom!

And the same with the Waltons.  The kids were not married off young and were, instead, encouraged to forge their own paths.  And some adventures happened along the way.  Adventures that go against the Duggar beliefs.  There was an episode that springs to mind where one of the girls (Elizabeth) turned 13 and all  sorts of freaky things start happening.  They believed it was a poltergeist.  Can't have that!

I agree with the question "Why Andy Griffith?"  Andy and Barney DATED their girlfriends, who were professionals.  Andy dated the town pharmacist, who had a Ph.D., a nurse and a teacher.  All educated women.  Another girlfriend moved to Chicago on a quest to become bigger than she was in Mayberry.  And Barney dated women who worked, too.  Andy had only one child and Barney none. They worked in a jail and had frequent interactions with Otis, the town drunk, who was a beloved character.  And I don't remember any sort of religious teachings, either.  And Aunt Bea ruled that roost.  She had no qualms about telling Andy when he did something wrong or displeased her.  She certainly did not see Andy as the headship in that family.  

I don't get it.

  • Love 1

Laura Ingalls was holding hands and crushing on boys by the time she was 10 years old. The family was encouraged to read and dream.

Erin Walton kissed any boy that smiled at her and Mary Ellen Walton wanted to be a doctor.

John Boy went off to college, participated in a 24 hour dance-a-thon with a stranger and dated a single mother. Pa Walton didn't attend church and Grandpa Walton drank moonshine.

What most would consider family friendly TV, the Duggars would only see sin in.

  • Love 6

Re: Andy Griffith Show - I'm just a few years older than KJB and MEchelle, and I fell in love with The Andy Griffith Show as a kid. It was already in re-runs even then and so was probably on every day. Maybe they, or just KJB, had a similar experience and it reminds him of his innocent childhood. It was funny, sweet, and quite tame. However, Andy's girlfriend, Helen (the school teacher), was pretty outspoken and bossy. She was Andy's last gf on the show, so maybe by then they were trying to keep up with the times a little more. I was a sucker for all those idealistic shows - Leave It to Beaver, Father Knows Best, and TAGS. I suspect KJB was too.

  • Love 4

If you watch the early Andy Griffith Show especially (which we do twice a day because we don't change the channel between the midday news and the evening news), you will see lots of old-timey views on women.  Two that stick out for  me was Barbara Eden's manicurist (Andy was quite vile), and the friend or cousin who was visiting Thelma and arranged as a blind date for Andy.  He decided to take her to a skeet shooting contest to show off his manly skill, not knowing until she entered the competition that she was a champion skeet shooter.  He felt humiliated, and she naturally apologized to him.

So AGS is not as warm and fuzzy as I remember, but the early shows have lots that would appeal to that crowd.

  • Love 4

Yeah, no defrauding daughters and Richie never got into puberty, so they never had to worry about dating, like they did with even Leave it to Beaver and My Three Sons. 

Dating also removes family-friendly shows such as The Brady Bunch and Family Affair from Duggar approved watch lists. They really need to start watching The Courtship of Eddie's Father. I mean, how sexist was the Japanese housekeeper in her address of "Mr. Eddie's Father." Yikes. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Defrauder said:

Do the Duggars ever donate to charity?  I don't mean volunteering their time passing out free donuts they grifted by dressing up as pirates, or the scam missions they vacation on, but actual monetary donations to a charity other than themselves?  

Do "prayer partners" ask for money?

I would hazard to guess the Duggars do not donate money. That would not be a secret they would want to keep. Unless of course they're smart enough now not to let their very conservative donations known to the public.

2 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

If they're donating to political campaigns, wouldn't people be able to see that? I thought candidates had to disclose donor lists, or was that done away with after Citizen's United?

I remember reading campaign disclosures - they donated to republican candidates, thousands of dollars. At least a junior college education for a couple of the kids.

  • Love 2

But as Smuggar said on the first radio show he ever did for the FRC to a caller (a gay male friend of mine), Aunt Evelyn doesn't believe in gay marriage (this was before the Supremes overturned it, of course). At that time, Ohio was back and forth with the issue, and Evelyn had been with her partner for over 20 years. I'm sure they are married now, and if they are, Mechelle has likely cut all ties. Not that she had strong ones - or any - to begin with. 

She was only on the Ruark family reunion episode they shot in Ohio with Grandpa Ruark in his decline. Other than that, I've only seen her with Michelle in two pictures; one with all the siblings, and one at the funeral of the sister who died of cancer a few years ago. 

11 hours ago, JayInChicago said:

That story about the gay crew member sounds so fake. Not so much that they had a gay crewmember (though his reportedly campy behavior is a little too on the nose), but like doesn't Michelle have a gay sister?  These days, we really are everywhere, as the old saying goes. Even in Arkansas.

I believe it. Just because Michelle has a sister who is gay doesn't mean she associates and/or socializes with gay people knowingly. I think Michelle is essentially estranged from most of her bio family. Also gay men are seen as much more threatening than gay women. (Sexism and patriarchy at its finest)

Edited by Scarlett45
Typos on iPhone
  • Love 7
10 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

They had a big BBQ at the TTH. At least 100 people and I'm thinking more like 300. I'm pretty sure that's what they did for both the girls. Even that weird Rodriques family was at Jill's & posted pix.


10 minutes ago, louannems said:

Oh yea, wasn't that the episode where Michelle scolds 4 yr old Baby Josie for removing her shoulder -covering Modesty jacket?


6 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

If you are ever around men that would be defrauded and tempted by a 4 year old's shoulder, you need to re-consider your choices.  Seriously.  It isn't normal, Duggars!!  It really isn't!

OMG. When Joshgate hit, I remembered this scene, and felt almost sick about it.

Sure, MEchelle, you googly-eyed idiot. Take another Xanax, and keep nagging nagging nagging your tiny little daughters to keep themselves "modestly" covered up at all times. So that the sight of their shoulders or legs or arms, doesn't tempt any male into molesting them. Like their older sisters must have done to cause Prince Joshley to molest them when they were tiny little girls. And then, Poor Josh had to go away for a summer to play carpenter for Mr. Gothard, and then had to sit through a talk with a dear family friend in law enforcement guy who is now in prison for sexual crimes. You sure wouldn't want "that to happen" to any of your other sons. So keep the girls covered up. Because it's all on them.

That is so. fucked. up.

  • Love 18
20 hours ago, larfs said:


I went on the federal election commision website and theres an individual contribution search. I just put Duggar in and Boob, Michelle and Smuggar come up alot, one as recent as June this year. As expected they donate to the worst anti woman, anti lgbt bigots.

Thanks for the info.  Not surprised Duggars want to make America backwards and bigoted.  

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, ozziemom said:

Went on the federal election commission website and KJB has a different occupation for almost every contribution listed. Most recent, in June 2016, he is a Minister, lol.

Oh, really? One has to wonder if those are spot-audited.

I'd love to hear KJB's explanation of his "minister" career. I'm sure it'll be dazzling.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Jeeves said:

You sure wouldn't want "that to happen" to any of your other sons. So keep the girls covered up. Because it's all on them.

That is so. fucked. up.

I'd like to think I could control myself if I ever saw J-Chelle Duggar in my daily life, but I'm not sure. Mostly, I wish I had just one minute to tell her exactly what I think of her and her bullshit "parenting". Face to face.

Choosing one's eldest son over her daughters is beyond fucked up and it's horrific she still has any place in her daughters' lives.

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, ozziemom said:

Went on the federal election commission website and KJB has a different occupation for almost every contribution listed. Most recent, in June 2016, he is a Minister, lol.

JB a Minister.  lol.  Maybe he misspelled it and meant a 'Mister'.


They just give themselves titles, Ben's 'a writer', Jana's a concert pianist-house flipper-gardener-, Jill's a 'certified' midwife, the Dillard's are sos missionaries, Jinger restores cars, ..... I think we should all just self proclaim whatever it is we want at this point in Duggarland.  

  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

And what are some of the other "occupations?"

I have some ideas since he just makes them up anyway.  Royal headship of a house full of J'slaves, Arrogant Misogynist father of sex-offender, Never takes too long man in bedroom, Husband who expects wife to be joyfully available to my needs that don't take long, Man who expects 15 children under age 18 to build him a large house from do it yourself kit, Man who housed 14 children in 2 bedrooms while not having to pay rent due to charity, Man who lived off food drops at doorstep for years. 

  • Love 12
44 minutes ago, Defrauder said:

JB a Minister.  lol.  Maybe he misspelled it and meant a 'Mister'.


They just give themselves titles, Ben's 'a writer', Jana's a concert pianist-house flipper-gardener-, Jill's a 'certified' midwife, the Dillard's are sos missionaries, Jinger restores cars, ..... I think we should all just self proclaim whatever it is we want at this point in Duggarland.  

That minister thing is strange, because these people usually do not want to be considered clergy in any way. Clergy have responsibilities. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

And what are some of the other "occupations?"

@Defrauder's are almost too apt to be funny!

Random samples from the list of Jim Bob's self-described occupations in that list: 

  • Builder (2012)
  • Real Estate (2004, 2014)
  • TV Personality (2009)
  • Businessman (1998)
  • Commercial Real Estate (2012)
  • Business Owner/Legislator (2002)
  • State Legislator (2010 - I double-checked and that's the date shown)
  • Self-employed Minister (2016)

Michelle appears on the list. Her occupations, all listed as self-employed, include:

  • Homemaker (2014)
  • Real Estate TV (2010)
  • Real Estate (2012 and 2014)
  • Various - whatever that means (2010)

The only reason I did this post is that I kind of had the time this afternoon while waiting for something at work. Anyway, as I was cross-checking the lists, @ozziemom posted a succinct summary with which I agree.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

That minister thing is strange, because these people usually do not want to be considered clergy in any way. Clergy have responsibilities. 

But they also get some sweet tax  deductions for household expenses.  I wonder whether the Duggars have a Good Christian Accountant who assists them in inventing financially advantageous  job descriptions for each new tax year. Or do they find themselves a new Good  Christian  Accountant every year?

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Missy Vixen said:


Choosing one's eldest son over her daughters is beyond fucked up and it's horrific she still has any place in her daughters' lives.

The Dugg parents have gone out of their way to make sure their kids think they have no options but being tied to the parental apron strings.

Apparently they dimly apprehend that anybody who saw an alternative would run, not walk, to the nearest exit. heh

  • Love 5

Right. They have never used their home as a tax deduction as a church, at least not the TTH. I don't know if anyone has gone back as far in the records to look up the Johnson Rd. home, which an early special showed them "fellowshipping" in. But even then, IIRC, they said that the congregants rotated houses. So again, I don't think they could have gotten away with it without major scrutiny by the IRS, especially since they profess no official denomination aside from loosely being associated with Baptists. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

That minister thing is strange, because these people usually do not want to be considered clergy in any way. Clergy have responsibilities. 

Clergy also typically have a college degree, which KJB does not possess.

:clears throat: Clergy are also mandatory reporters, aren't they?

  • Love 16
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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