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Season 7 Preview: Premiere Date April 7, 2015

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Whew – so drama is steeping on Real Housewives Of New York – and by the sound of things, no one is getting along very well with Bethenny Frankel. In a new interview the cast is evasive, but seems to imply that Bethenny is not meshing well with the newer Housewives! With the 7th season premiering April 7th, the cast says the theme will be “true friendships,” while being very evasive about where Bethenny fits into that!




Okay, maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but the fact that they just finished filming a week or so ago and the tentative premiere date is just a few weeks away leads me to believe they got some good shit to work with.  


Unlike last season when it languished for a year or so before the season premiered.  


I'm really looking forward to this one.  After the dark and disturbing season of RHOBH, this one should be a lot of fun by comparison.  


ETA:  And apparently there is a new housewife, Dorinda Medley.  Here's an article with info about her:



Edited by Persnickety1
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There have been several stories in the last week in the Daily News & the NY Post hinting this season is a dull one.  Sure, Andy is gonna say it's great cuz he's got a lot invested.  He also thought Aviva's awful misogynist father was hilarious.  Well, it's pretty much do or die this season.  If ratings don't improve, that'll spell the end.




I suspect we'll know right away whether this is gonna be good or a snoozer.  I'm not holding out much hope.  I'm bored to death by the gal pals -- Heather, Carole & Kristen.  And I'm not sure how much I wanna see drunk cougar Sonja or whacked-out bug-eyed Moaner, but I guess we'll see if B can inject anything new into this dead horse of a series. 


OK, so I've heard absolutely nothing before about this woman-




She seems pretty impressed with herself & snooty enough.  Can she cause conflict & add anything to the show?  Guess we'll see.  I get the distinct impression from that article she's a rather unpleasant character.  A 2-legged Aviva?  Ugh.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Trailer for the upcoming season:




While I can't un-see how awful Bethenny probably is in real life, I enjoyed her a lot in these clips. She seems to be getting along with Carole but not so much with Heather. HW plays to Bethenny's quippy strengths, so I'm looking forward to her return. Although it would have been so much fun to see that snark turned on Aviva...


Dorinda is giving me Edie Falco in The Sopranos based on this footage. Could be fun.


The Heather/Luann fight looks contrived to me, like the producers are trying to recapture the magic of Pirategate.

Edited by KFC
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Trailer for the upcoming season:




While I can't un-see how awful Bethenny probably is in real life, I enjoyed her a lot in these clips. She seems to be getting along with Carole but not so much with Heather. HW plays to Bethenny's quippy strengths, so I'm looking forward to her return. Although it would have been so much fun to see that snark turned on Aviva...


Dorinda is giving me Edie Falco in The Sopranos based on this footage. Could be fun.


The Heather/Luann fight looks contrived to me, like the producers are trying to recapture the magic of Pirategate.


LOVED an apparently drunken Sonja telling Dorinda she parties with John John Kennedy all the time and Dorinda's reply.


This season of NYC looks like it might be a lot of snarkalicious fun.  

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I want to say Miami had the most. That cast was huge at one point and Marta was basically a friend for all intents and purposes. 


I'm looking forward to this season. NY is my second favorite of the franchises so I'm hoping for a turnaround when it comes to the ratings. 


Sonja certainly hasn't changed, has she?

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Loving all the witty snark in the preview. More of these and less of outright bitch fights, please.


Was that Kristen flashing the cameras from the water? Girlfriend be trying .......


I think I might like the new housewife. Her response to Sonya's claim of partying with JFK was classic.

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OMG…Sonja's "I don't swallow…unless they have a black card," could be emblazoned on a t-shirt. In Spencer's Gifts.

Didn't Sonja once say that what comes out of her mouth is money? 


Lol, why does that sound weirdly dirty to me in this case? ;-)

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I am soooo here for this! I've missed Luann's clever comments. I also want to see how Ramona is coping with the divorce.


By collapsing into Bethenny's arms and wailing-talking? ... Mario will have gotten the better end of that deal.  Cannot even imagine Ramona as a partner. 


Happy to see LuAnn back and looks like Carole is going to start milking her sad widowhood to the max this season.  Ugh.  They can all be bought and bought and bought it seems.

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I want to say Miami had the most. That cast was huge at one point and Marta was basically a friend for all intents and purposes. 


I'm looking forward to this season. NY is my second favorite of the franchises so I'm hoping for a turnaround when it comes to the ratings. 


Sonja certainly hasn't changed, has she?

I agree, I think Season Two of Miami had the most with:

Seven wives (eight if you count Alexia as a friend, which didn't make sense at all!),

and Marta, Mama Elsa and Elaine Lancaster (still lol at Lea trying to tell Elsa Elaine's really a dude) were all recurring roles.

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LOVED an apparently drunken Sonja telling Dorinda she parties with John John Kennedy all the time and Dorinda's reply.



Oh my!  Well, at least loony Sonja is keeping up with her delusions.  Yeah, Sonja, every woman (and gay man) over 50 has partied in their minds with John-John.  And no, to poor Sonja, John-John ain't dead.  After all, that's who she was picturing when she had to make happy with Old Man Morgan.


Dorinda looks promising!  Same old B.  She's even bringing back that creepy New-Age-y TV therapist with her, eh?  Er, for such a painfully thin woman she sure has a jelly, shaky ass, doesn't she?  Not a bad thing cuz men like that, but just surprised.


Wowza, anyone catch Lu's toned bod?  No wonder she can get all the young dudes.  You go, Lu!  Be slutty & get it while ya still can, hun!


Hmmm, it looks like the theme this season is horny middle-aged women on the hunt for dick -- especially young, young, young dick?  Er, where does that leave Kristen & Heather as the only married ones?  Hopefully, Dickhead will be out of the picture this season.  Please, please, please?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Watching the trailer gave me a little RHNY woody. Hee hee. I can't wait for it to start. I only watch OC and NY and I'm ready for some HW fun.

Oh Scoobie I hope those reports are wrong about the season being dull. The new gal looks interesting. Like someone posted up thread, she seems to have that Carmelia Soprano feel. I can't wait.

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Luanne went from being so insufferable to being my favorite.  And I definitely noticed her bod.  Besides Joanna Krupa, I think Lu is probably the most beautiful housewife.  "Wouldn't you be scared to wake up to a strange man?" "Not really."


I think I'd probably like a boring season.  Too much fighting, especially when it is so clearly forced, gets on my nerves.  

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I'm excited!

From the quick-cut clips, it looks like Bethenny and Heather clash. Not surprising, as I can see two headstrong, outspoken, always right gals not meshing. I'm a little surprised to see Bethenny and Carole get along, but we'll see if that's true.

And no Aviva! (or George). Yea!

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I'm happy NY is coming back!

I wonder if all the ladies feel they can't really go against Beth?

Andy has always had his favorites but this is right in their face. I'll be watching to see what kind of edit BF gets.

I am excited to see NY back.

Edited by imjagain
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This season looks exciting. I love it when the cast is full. It's more interesting to me when we have more personalities in the mix.

I'm not sure about the newbie. I also agree about Edie Falco/Sopranos comment. I think she's rough around the edges impersonating royalty in her own mind. It will be interesting seeing her interact with Sonja.

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Hmmm this looks promising. 


From day one I could not stand Bethenny Frankel as a person and I don't see that changing, but gotta give her credit, she got my attention in the trailer and I hope she delivers throughout.


In past seasons, LuAnn is somone that I can take or leave, but she got my attention as well with her comebacks/one liners, as did new Housewife Dorinda. 


Ramona and her histrionics do nothing for me.


Heather [sigh], I used to like her but she's lost me with her sanctimony and confrontational-ness.


Who does that leave, Sonja, Kristen and Carole - they did nothing for me in the trailer, well maybe Sonja and her delusions, but those three are on my, "I can take them or leave them" list.

Edited by quinn
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"Be cool....don't be all like, uncool" said in Lu's morning after voice ...that is gold.

Lol, I love it. I love me some Luann.

I just saw the preview! It looks great.

Edited by imjagain
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All of the Ho Shows have so much more screaming, crying and insults than ever before.  I'm a little surprised that NYC is going there to the extent that I saw in the trailer above.  What are they giving all of these women besides alcohol???  They can't be that drunk all of the time!!   

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50% less crying and squealing would be good.  100% less touching or talking about or showing US their boobs and vaginas would also be good.


But Luann in the dark shades and the admonishment to Heather about being, like, uncool?  I'm not kidding when I say that might be my very favorite line, delivered in the funniest way not meant to be funny, ever.  Across all the franchises.

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The trailer, for the non US residents ;)

Thank you. Re watched and I see BF still thinks she is so clever.

"Did we go downtown Julie Brown?"

"Get off my jock!"

Oh that Bethenny bringing all the old, too cool for school phrases back. She never changes.

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But Luann in the dark shades and the admonishment to Heather about being, like, uncool?  I'm not kidding when I say that might be my very favorite line, delivered in the funniest way not meant to be funny, ever.  Across all the franchises.

After last season I really thought that was it for me and the housewives, but I am suddenly giddy about RHONY again. The season hasn't even aired and I already have a line I've repeated more times than I can remember!! With that lingo, it seems the young guy is rubbing off on Luann. In more ways than one.


Was Heather telling Kristin to get her shit together?

Edited by comatoast
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Thank you. Re watched and I see BF still thinks she is so clever.

"Did we go downtown Julie Brown?"

"Get off my jock!"

Oh that Bethenny bringing all the old, too cool for school phrases back. She never changes.

LOL.  When she said 'Downtown Julie Brown', my first thought was, "Oh, Beth.  You haven't changed.  Oh no you di'int change."  Then I wondered, how many people even remember who Downtown Julie Brown is? 


For me, this season will be interesting beause I so genuinely disliked Beth in her final season.  And I've never really liked Heather.  I'm curious which one I'll better relate to now.  Gut instinct tells me Beth.  Because she literally shut Heather's mouth after Heather went all sanctimonious on her about not inviting someone somewhere.  And then when Heather called her a Know it All and Beth took over from there, I squee'd a little.  If Heather had said that to anyone after being called a know it all, I'd think she was just awful. LOL

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For me, this season will be interesting beause I so genuinely disliked Beth in her final season.  And I've never really liked Heather.  I'm curious which one I'll better relate to now.  Gut instinct tells me Beth.  Because she literally shut Heather's mouth after Heather went all sanctimonious on her about not inviting someone somewhere.  And then when Heather called her a Know it All and Beth took over from there, I squee'd a little.  If Heather had said that to anyone after being called a know it all, I'd think she was just awful. LOL

I thought her response to Heather calling her a Know-it-all was great! Pots, Kettles, all the good stuff.

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By collapsing into Bethenny's arms and wailing-talking? ... Mario will have gotten the better end of that deal.  Cannot even imagine Ramona as a partner. 


Happy to see LuAnn back and looks like Carole is going to start milking her sad widowhood to the max this season.  Ugh.  They can all be bought and bought and bought it seems.

Carole is going to start milking her sad widowhood?  That's all she's been talking about and alluding to since she came on the show.  She never misses an opportunity to reference her late, Kennedy clan husband.  She needs to get something else going on.  Her schtick is tired. 


This season looks great.  If boring = no knockdown, drag out fights, then I am all in.  I hate watching true hostility and fighting on these shows -- that's how Jersey lost me.  I like snark, I like light-hearted delusions (Season 3 Sonja).  Can't wait.

Edited by LilaFowler
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I'm hoping this season is better. Well, it has to be because it was terrible last season.


I don't really like Bethenny and her rich victim orphan complex but hey, at least she has ties to some other cast members.


It doesn't look like Ramona has been demoted. For some reason this makes me happy. I want her to get her stuff together and triumph over Mario.


The new lady gave me Kim G from NJ vibes. Maybe the hair?

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Was Heather telling Kristin to get her shit together?


Perhaps, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a misdirect and she was really talking to one of the vet housewives. Ramona? LuAnn? 

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Perhaps, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a misdirect and she was really talking to one of the vet housewives. Ramona? LuAnn? 

I think it was towards Beth or Sonja. The other 4 women were in frame and it looks like she was yelling at someone beyond them.  My money's on Sonja.  But I wish it were Bethenny because she'll not stand down to Heather. 


"My shit?  Oh, it's together. So if you need to get your shit together, come to me.  I'll help you get your shit together."

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It doesn't look like Ramona has been demoted. For some reason this makes me happy. I want her to get her stuff together and triumph over Mario.



I'm happy to see that once again, the Ramonacoaster brings the whole spectrum of emotions, regardless of whether she's a full cast member or no. And the new addition, Dorinda, looks like she can definitely hold her own with the grande dames of RHoNY, so count me in on the excitement!


I love that after the first few seasons of trying to be proper and Countess-like, LuAnn has taken on a "I'm getting my freak on and won't apologize for it" tone.

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i actually really like Bethany. Always have through all of her crazy. I don't know. I guess I like a sarcastic girl with some hustle.

From the sneak peak Heather may not get the best edit this season. It's hard to tell without context. The clips could be "Heather is unfairly picked on" or it could be "everybody is sick of Heather being a bossy nag". Can't wait to find out.

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i actually really like Bethany. Always have through all of her crazy. I don't know. I guess I like a sarcastic girl with some hustle.

From the sneak peak Heather may not get the best edit this season. It's hard to tell without context. The clips could be "Heather is unfairly picked on" or it could be "everybody is sick of Heather being a bossy nag". Can't wait to find out.


I liked her, too for exactly the same reasons as you.  But then I realized that she has a cruel streak.  I can take a lot of bullshit in a person, I can't take cruelty.  Even when I liked her, I knew she was a blatant and often obnoxious self-promoter, but hey, it earned her millions.  I couldn't be that person, but I never made myself a millionaire, either, so good on her for that.


The lost at sea story was the nail that made her lost for me, once and for all.


I'm anxious to see if parenting a toddler, and failing at her marriage and talk show have humbled/mellowed her a bit.  I have to say, in the clip, I think that's the first time I can remember ever seeing her laugh genuinely.  And not because she thought she was hilarious or at someone else's expense.


ETA:  I vote:  everybody is sick of Heather being a bossy nag.

Edited by ryebread
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I liked her, too for exactly the same reasons as you. But then I realized that she has a cruel streak. I can take a lot of bullshit in a person, I can't take cruelty. Even when I liked her, I knew she was a blatant and often obnoxious self-promoter, but hey, it earned her millions. I couldn't be that person, but I never made myself a millionaire, either, so good on her for that.


When I first read this, I thought you were talking about Heather...

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When I first read this, I thought you were talking about Heather...


Well if the shoe fits.  Mirror images. 


Bethenny is very different, personality wise than Heather's BBBBBFF.  I think in order for Heather to accept you as a good friend, you'd have to be like Carole.


This is why I was surprised to see Carole so friendly with B in the clip.  I'm not convinced she wasn't acting as Heather's private dick on a fact finding mission.  (She forgot the scarf and dark glasses this time.)  Based on social media, though, it appears at some point Carole and Bethenny have a falling out.

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Well if the shoe fits. Mirror images.

Bethenny is very different, personality wise than Heather's BBBBBFF. I think in order for Heather to accept you as a good friend, you'd have to be like Carole.

So like a lap dog?

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Trailer for the upcoming season:




While I can't un-see how awful Bethenny probably is in real life, I enjoyed her a lot in these clips. She seems to be getting along with Carole but not so much with Heather. HW plays to Bethenny's quippy strengths, so I'm looking forward to her return. Although it would have been so much fun to see that snark turned on Aviva...


Dorinda is giving me Edie Falco in The Sopranos based on this footage. Could be fun.


The Heather/Luann fight looks contrived to me, like the producers are trying to recapture the magic of Pirategate.

I saw the first (for me)  previews of this last night while watching Real Housewives of Melbourne. I was never a Bethenny hater, she actually has a personality much like one of my best friends so I sort of like it although I never watched her spin offs. I would be amazed though if she and Heather did not clash. They are both, IMO, bossy know it all's, and bound to clash. My only thought,  based on what I saw in the short commercial, was a lot of concentration on the two divorces. I hope it is not just really depressing. After watching RHOBH interpreting "Intervention" this season, I would like a bit more mindless fun.


I am disappointed they brought Kristen back, I thought she was a whiny, complaining idiot and, of course, could not stand her douche bag husband. I am also so over watching that  delusional con artist Sonja try to BS everyone constantly.   I hope the new girl brings something, cuz this franchise needs it.  

LOVED an apparently drunken Sonja telling Dorinda she parties with John John Kennedy all the time and Dorinda's reply.


This season of NYC looks like it might be a lot of snarkalicious fun.  

I couldn't get the clip, but John F Kennedy Jr. has been tragically dead for 15 years.  Sounds like Sonja. Also someone should tell her anyone that knew him well, and many of who didn't but read a lot, that no one close to him, including his parents, ever called him John-John.   

Didn't Sonja once say that what comes out of her mouth is money? 


Lol, why does that sound weirdly dirty to me in this case? ;-)

Because it's Sonja?

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All of the Ho Shows have so much more screaming, crying and insults than ever before.  I'm a little surprised that NYC is going there to the extent that I saw in the trailer above.  What are they giving all of these women besides alcohol???  They can't be that drunk all of the time!!   

Well, except for Brandi.

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In thinking about it, I am seriously surprised Jill Zarin never arranged to "accidentally" run into the women while they were filming. It seems like the exact kind of strategic thing she would do to create a tabloid-worthy encounter with Bethenny and get her name back into the ring.

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